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Sintesis <2 Fase de nc Fase de Inglés Nivel Intermediate Fase Inicio, Estructuraci6n y Construcci6n Ings bs SintesisS2 Fase de nc, Fase de struturacin y Fa Fase de Inicio, Fase de Estructuraci6n y Fase de Construcci6én Introduction ‘There are many types of thesis in the academicworld, but not all the thesis formats are useful for all the degrees, We have thesis for humanistic degrees, for scientific degrees, for post degrees and soon. In this case, the degree you are studying is a scientific one, so your type of thesisis different, and now we are going to start learning how isa scientific thesis, all the components it has and how to develop them. As example, we are going to see an excellent thesis from last year. This thesis was created here by two CIISA’s students. In that way, you are going to see how to develop your own ‘thesis in anear future. ‘The objective for this week is to distinguish the different parts of a thesis. For accomplishing the objective, we are going to learn the “Fase de Inicio’, “Fase de Estructuracién” and “Fase de Construccién” and how to develop them. This is going to be useful for you when facing the final process of your degree. Fe Const Sintesis 2 Fase de nc, Fase de Inicio In the initiation phase, you define the context of your thesis. This includes, e.g,,the identification ofthe client, the target market, the necessity or problem and the solutionof the problem. What does the Initiation Phase do? ‘a. Youhave to avoid using contractions when writing. b. Itgives theintroduction of your thesis. c. Itcontextualizes the thesis. ,_Itgives the conclusion of the thesis. 1.1. Cliente or Target Market In some cases, you will have the opportunity of working with a real client and develop a solution ‘according to the specifications of the client. If this happens to you, in this point of your thesis you have to describe theclient, what is the area of specialization the client and what does he or she does in that area, If you don't have arealclient, you'll have todevelop a solution according to the market So, for this point of the thesis, you will have to describe the target market, that is to say, to whom goes the solution you are proposing (who the users of your solution are going to be). Take a look at the example: “EL cliente para este proyecto es la Sra, Carolina Andrea Berrios Calderén, Educadora Diferencial perteneciente Programa de Integracién Escolar de la Corporacién Municipal de Educacién Saludy Atencién de Menores de Puente Alto.” (Claudia Cabrera, 2018) Inthe case of the previous stated, the group hada real client, so they described everything related tothearea of development of the client. inglés Nivel Intermedia Sintesis 2 Fase de nc, C 1.2. Necessityor Problem Inthis part of your thesis, you have to define clearly which is thenecessity or the problem that you are going to solve. In here, you have to justify and through real studies formal petitions,staticsor the necessity of a real client. Your problem never can be a made up one, because it has to be justified. Take a look at the example: “Segtinel cliente en elambiente educativo actual de nuestro pais, el proceso deensefianza implica entregar un contenido en la sala de clases y luego enviar tareas al hogar, o bien realizar actividades para ejercitar los conocimientos adquiridos; esto supone un gasto de tiempo considerable por parte del profesor para confeccionar y posteriormente revisar cada una de estas actividades, con el fin de obtener como feedback el entendimiento logrado en clases por cada alumno a modo de notas. Porlo demés, las tareas 0 actividades ‘segeneran de forma esténdar para todos los alumnos por igual. El proceso tradicional utilizado hoy en dia no considera los diversos estilos de aprendizaje ‘que poseen los estudiantes, por ende, la creacién de curriculos, actividades y tareas estan enfocados a entregar los conocimientos de manera que la mayoria de los alumnos puedan entenderlos, pero esto no necesariamente los considera a todos por igual. Esta medida afectaa los escolares que no poseen la usual forma de aprendizaje, ya que por Una parte pone en desventaja a los alumnos que no logran entender de la misma manera que la mayoria al momento de ser calificados, o resulta un obstéculo para seguir creciendo en conocimientos para aquellos que logran entender facilmente estos temas y no ven ‘como un desafio las actividades que les son propuestas. Por otra parte, los profesoresen la actualidad no cuentan con herramientas concretas para poder calificar de forma diferente a los alumnos dependiendo de su modo de aprendizaje, ya que estos tendrian que disponer de més tiempo del que ya utilizan para poder crear un instrumento de evaluacién que se ajuste a cada uno de ellos, y considerando la cantidad de labores que éstos deben realizar para hacer sus clases, ademas del ntimero de alunos. que estén a su cargo, no resulta viable para ellos realizar las actividades de esta manera. ings Nv Sintesis 2 Fase de nc, En resumen, el inconveniente del cliente trata del presente proceso con el que deben realizar las actividades, ya que éste se realiza de forma manual, y debido ala cantidad de ‘alumnos promedio en un curso, se planifica para todos por igual; es en esta parte donde nace lanecesidad de virtualizar o gamificar estas actividades con mecdnicas estructuradas que permitan auto adaptarse a cada individuo. Lo anteriormente sefialado se profundiza de mejor forma en el anexo 8.3 “Documento de Investigacién inicial’." (Claudia Cabrera, 2018) ‘As you can notice in the Problem of the thesis, it explains in a very detailed way which is the problem that the group wanted and they try to explain how this problem affects to the client. So, in this case, the group is justifying their problem and why they wanted to solve this situation. Whatis the necessity or Problem? ‘a. Itsthe requirement or problem that the teacher has during the thesis. b. It'sthe requirement or problem that the institute has during the thesis. c. It’swhat the group has to solve in the thesis though a solution. ,_ Theyre the requirements or problem the group has during the thesis. 1.3. Solution In this point of your thesis, you will have to explain the solution that your thesis presents, according to the problem stated in the previous points. This point is very important, as it is going to be the main point of your thesis. Remember that your thesis presents a solution toa problem, that's the reason why it's so important. The solution also will allow you to point out the elements, of communication (with the client if there is one), and the relevant technology that is going to be relevant for the development of your thesis work. Take a look at the example below: “La propuesta que se plantea en este documento, consiste en dos piezas de software que ayuden al proceso de mitigacion del problema planteado. Estas consisten enun sistemade actividades vitualizadas o gamificadas, que tendrén niveles de dificultad adaptables, a través de una aplicacién (app) que las concentrard y permitiré realizarlas. Por otro lado, un portal web que crearé una vista general del nivel del curso y de cada alumno individuaimente, con el in de poder entregar un feedback al profesor en tiempo real delas 5 ingles Teenie SintesisS2 Fase de nc, Fase de struturacin y Fa respuestas que entreguen los estudiantes y de esta forma, puedan identificar el nivel de comprensién que tienen los estudiantes de los temas trabajados en clases.” (Claudia Cabrera, 2018) ‘As you can notice, the solution is clearly explained and it includes all the elements that we are going to read through the thesis work. Also, the solution given by the investigators is coherent with the problem they stated before. you don’t have to explain how you and your group are going ‘towork for constructing the solution, but you have to explain whatit’s going to solve according to the problem youalready stated. Whatis the solution ina thesis work? a. It's what the group don't need to solve in a thesis work. b._It'swhat the group solves according to their own problems. c. It's what the institution solves according to its own problems. d._It'swhat students solve according to a determined problem. Inglés Sintesis 2 Fase de nc, Fase destructuracinyF Conclusion ‘The first part of a thesis work always has to explain to the reader what is the client or target, market, the necessity of the client or the problem that the group is going to solve and finally the solution the group gives to the necessity or the problem. In this part of the thesis, you have to explain as clear as you can the research problem, because this is going to be justification of the whole thesis work. Without a problem or necessity, itcan'texista solution. Also, youhave to come out witha solution, that is clear and coherent with the problem stated, otherwise, you will need ‘to change the whole thesis and that's something you don't want to happen to you. Remember that this and other concepts are going to be seen in a deeply way during the week, so we can achieve our weekly objective:to distinguish the different parts of a thesis. Inglés Ni Sintesis 2 Fase de no Fase de Estruturciony Fase de Constr graphy All the examples seen in this synthesis were extracted from a thesis work that belongs to the Instituto de Ciencias Tecnolégicas CISA. Claudia Cabrera, C. |. (2018). Math Level Up. Santiago: CIISA.

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