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1. What psychological methodology does NLP stand for?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming
2. David McLelland's motivational theory identified three principal motivational needs which he said each of us possesses to varying degrees,
and which characterise our motivational behaviour; what are these three motivational needs? Achievement (n-ach), the need to achieve
things; Authority/Power (n-pow), the need to have impact, influence and authority; and Affiliation (n-affil), the need for relationships,
interaction and acceptance among other people (or words to similar effect as these definitions)
3. Which organisation produces the UK's ABC1C2 (etc) Social Grade Classifications Statistics? NRS Ltd (National Readership Survey)
4. What does the selling acronym AIDA stand for? Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
5. Who developed the 'Equity Theory' of job motivation in the 1960's? J Stacey Adams
6. What does the financial abbreviation P&L stand for? Profit and Loss (Profit and Loss Account)
7. Who developed the ten stages of corporate life cycle, starting with Courtship and Infancy and ending in Bureaucracy and Death? Dr Ichak
8. The Ansoff matrix correlates what two aspects of business development from the 'new' and 'existing' perspectives? Products and Markets
9. In selling and communications, what do 'open questions' generally achieve? Open questions gather information, improve understanding,
and build rapport by encouraging the other person to talk and explain things, including how they feel about things.
10. Albert Mehrabian researched and published a now widely referenced set of statistics for the effectiveness of spoken communications; what
three types of communication did he identify and what percentages for each did he attach to each type in terms of the percentage of
meaning (or understanding) that each communication type conveyed from person to person in his study? Mehrabian's research stated that:
7% of meaning conveyed is in the words that are spoken; 38% of meaning conveyed is in the way that the words are said (paralinguistic);
and 55% of meaning conveyed is in facial expression.
11. In business accounts and financial reporting, expenses which change according to scale of performance or usage or demand are known as
what? Variable Costs
12. What is the name of Ingham and Luft's model and theory which deals with hidden and open areas of knowledge about a person? The Johari
13. The '360 degree' appraisal method collects feedback from whom, about whom? A '360 Degree' feedback appraisal collects the views from
people who work with the appraisee, about the appraisee, including subordinates, peers, upline managers; effectively anyone who comes
into contact with the appraisee and who is happy to provide constructive feedback about the appraisee's strengths and areas for
14. What are the four levels of learning evaluation defined in Donald Kirkpatrick's model? 1. Enjoyment; 2. Transfer of learning; 3.
Application of learning; 4. Effect of application (or words to the same effect as these four definitions)
15. What is the correct ascending order of these human needs according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Esteem, Safety, Belongingness and
Love, Self-Actualisation, Biological and Physiological? Biological and Physiological Needs (basic life needs - shelter, food, drink, sleep,
etc); Safety Needs (security, protection, law, etc); Belongingness and Love Needs (family, affection, relationships, etc); Esteem Needs
(achievement, status, responsibility, reputation, etc); Self-Actualisation (personal growth, self-fulfilment, etc)
16. What part of our brains typically handles process-type functions, according to brain theorists such as Katherine Benziger? Left Basal (left
17. What does the accounting acronym FIFO mean? First In First Out (a convention for writing down the balance sheet value of assets of the
same type - oldest are written-off first)
18. One of the most effective and efficient forms of marketing is abbreviated to the initials WOM; what is it? Word Of Mouth
19. Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains divides learning development into three main aspects: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor;
what might these three aspects of personal development more commonly be called? Knowledge, Attitude, Skills
20. Who wrote the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? Dr Stephen Covey
21. The 'Big Five' personality dimensions, by which modern day psychologists believe every person's personality and behaviour tendencies
can be measured are commonly abbreviated to the OCEAN acronym; what does OCEAN stand for? Openness to experience,
Conscientiousness, Extraversion/introversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism.
22. What are the four metaphorical terms used to describe products/services in Boston Matrix model according to market share and market
maturity? Dog, Cash Cow, Problem Child and Star (or Rising Star)
23. The financial ratio which divides a company's 'liquid assets' by 'current liabilities' is known by what popular term? Acid Test (or 'Quick
24. What three important things should be confirmed and understood before conducting a brainstorming ideas session? The purpose or aim of
the exercise; a time limit; the fact that all ideas are welcome and to be respected (ie., sometimes the craziest-sounding ideas are the best
25. What does the SWOT stand for in SWOT analysis? Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
26. What are the 'Four Functional Types' within Carl Jung's theory? Thinking, Feeling, Sensation, Intuition
27. With what was the Kyoto Summit concerned? Global climate change (in other words, greenhouse gas emissions)
28. What are the four sequential stages of the 'conscious competence' learning model? 1. Unconscious Incompetence, 2. Conscious
Incompetence, 3. Conscious Competence, 4. Unconscious Competence
29. What is the '1st Law of Cybernetics' (aka the 'Law of Requisite Variety')? "The unit within the system with the most behavioural responses
available to it controls the system." (or words to that effect)
30. What are the four main 'Temperament' types called within David Keirsey's Temperaments personality theory? Artisan, Idealist, Guardian,
31. According to the Tannenbaum and Schmidt theory relating to delegation and team development, what must be reduced in order for the
team's area of freedom (and growth) to increase? The manager's use of authority
32. What does the financial term ROI stand for? Return On Investment
33. Whose experiential learning theory comprises the learning styles named: Concrete Experience (feeling); Abstract Conceptualization
(thinking); Active Experimentation (doing); and Reflective Observation (watching)? David Kolb
34. Daniel Goleman was responsible for popularising and defining what management and behavioural concept in his eponymously titled (ie.,
the title is also the subject) 1995 book? Emotional Intelligence
35. What is psychometrics? The science of measuring (or testing) personality type (or mental abilities)
36. What is the management technique that is commonly abbreviated to MBWA? Management By Walking About (or Wandering Around) -
the term is generally attributed to Tom Peters (In Search Of Excellence, 1982) although it was probably part of a new management
ideology first pioneered by a few bright American companies as far back as the 1940's
37. Large size hand-writing generally indicates what characteristics in the personality of the writer? Extraverted or out-going nature
38. Since October 2004, UK employers must follow a minimum process of three-stages for handling disputes with employees, including
disciplinary and grievance matters; what are the basic minimum three stages required? 1. Write a letter to the employee explaining the
issue; 2. Have a meeting with the employee to discuss the issue; 3. Hold or offer an appeal meeting with the employee if required.
39. Douglas McGregor defined two main styles of management; what did he call them and how are each of the two styles typified? X-Theory
(or Theory-X) which is authoritarian, autocratic and repressive; and Y-Theory (or Theory-Y) which is participative, delegating, and
developmental (or words to similar effect as these two descriptions)
40. Bruce Tuckman's theory about team development uses what four sequential rhyming words to describe the four stages of a group's
progression? Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
41. What are Howard Gardner's seven (original) Multiple Intelligences? Linguistic (words and language), Logical-Mathematical (logic and
numbers), Musical (music, sound, rhythm), Bodily-Kinesthetic (body movement control), Spatial-Visual (images and space), Interpersonal
(other people's feelings), Intrapersonal (self-awareness)
42. According to Herzberg's motivational theory, which of these are 'hygiene needs' (or 'maintenance factors') and which are true 'motivators':
work conditions, salary, achievement, advancement, work itself, responsibility, company car, status, recognition, and personal growth? Of
the examples listed, hygiene needs are: work conditions, salary, company car, status. True motivators in the list are achievement,
recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement, and personal growth.
43. What does VAK stand for in the learning styles theory? Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic/Kinaesthetic (three different learning styles or
methods - seeing, listening, doing)
44. What does the business acronym IPO stand for? Initial Public Offering, meaning the initial sale of privately owned equity (stock or shares)
in a company via the issue of shares to the public and other investing institutions
45. What does the PEST stand for in PEST analysis? Political, Economical, Social, Technological
46. What do 'open questions' typically begin with? Open questions typically begin with Who, What, How, When, Where, and Why, (or for
particularly capable or intelligent respondents, 'Tell me about...')
47. What visionary management thinker wrote The Age Of Unreason and The Empty Raincoat? Charles Handy
48. What are the names of the (nine) Belbin 'team roles'? Coordinator (was called 'Chairman'), Shaper, Plant, Monitor-Evaluator, Implementer
(was called 'Company Worker'), Resource Investigator, Team Worker, Completer-Finisher, Specialist
49. In marketing, what are the The Four P's? Product, Price, Promotion, Place.
50. A lot of the traditional 20th century sales theory and training was influenced by the 1937 book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People';
who wrote it? Dale Carnegie.

The Biz Quiz 2 March 2008 Questions

1. Sovereign Wealth Funds are in the news. What are they?
( )A new find of savings product launched this week by Northern Rock
( )State‐run investment funds from Asia and the Middle East
( )The money and property assets owned by the British royal family
( )Black market investors
2. Rank's profits in 2007 were hit by the smoking ban, declining consumer confidence
and rule changes. What is the main business activity of Rank
( )Taxi operator ( )Gambling ( )Pubs and night clubs ( )Franchised pizza outlets
3. New UK legislation introduced last week will punish business that..
( )employ illegal foreign workers ( )achieve poor levels of production quality
( )criticise the European Union ( )sell products as a loss‐leader
4. President George W Bush has said the US economy is not heading towards...
( )groundhog day ( )recovery ( )recession ( )remission
5. Why did Starbucks shut all 7,000 of its US branches for several hours last week?
( )Because it ran out of milk ( )For a deep clean ( )For a celebratory party
( )To train the staff6. Which business is planning to raise over $18bn from its stock market flotation in the
USA, making it the biggest flotation in history?
( )Dubai Investment Corp ( )Visa ( )Facebook ( )Starbucks
7. Tesco stopped taking them last week. Marks and Spencer won't accept them from this week. What?
( )Easter Eggs that are not made fromFairtrade chocolate ( )1p, 2p & 5p pieces
( )Cheques ( )Customers entering the store wearing ahoodie
8. Who, according to Interbrand, has been named the UK's most prestigious brand?
( )Guinness ( )BBC ( )Google ( )Virgin Media
9. What has just completed a journey using fuel derived from a mixture of Brazilian
babassu nuts and coconuts?
( )The Fairtrade Express ‐ a train traveling from New Delhi to St Pancras
( )The first commercial flight by a plane using biofuel
( )Virgin Train's new West Coast Line service
( )David Cameron's new parliamentary ecocar
10. The European Parliament has backed an outright ban on the sale of...
( )life assurance ( )human organs ( )patio heaters ( )ibuprofen
1 State‐run investment funds from Asia and the Middle East
2 Gambling
3 employ illegal foreign workers
4 recession
5 To train the staff
6 Visa
7 Cheques
8 Google
9 The first commercial flight by a plane using biofuel
10 patio heaters

The Biz Quiz 24 February 2008

1. Who have been jailed for 37 months each for their involvement in Enron-related fraud?
( )The Northern Rock Board ( )The NatWest Three ( )The LloydsTSB Four ( )The Barclay Brothers
2. Banks have moved to scrap so-called "high risk mortgages". What kind of a loan is a "high risk mortgage"?
( )Where the loan is made to finance a housepurchase in London
( )Where the loan is made to an unemployedperson
( )Where the loan must be repaid over a periodof less than 10 years
( )Where the value of the house is significantlyless than the value of the loan
3. Who voted "9-0 to cut rates"?
( )The Local Government Association ( )The new Northern Rock Board of Directors
( )Gordon Brown's Cabinet ( )The Monetary Policy Committee
4. The regulator of the energy industries is to launch an investigation into Britain's electricity and gas supply markets. What is the name of the
( )OffEnd ( )GasWatch ( )Consumers Association ( )Ofgem
5. Who is the new Executive Chairman of Northern Rock?
( )Ruth Saddler ( )Ron Howard ( )Reg Handler ( )Ron Sandler
6. Who announced that it would stop production of HD DVD players and recorders using its own technology?
( )Toshiba ( )Sony ( )Samsung ( )Dell
7. What will soon be new about Tate & Lyle sugar sold in shops?
( )It will be coloured light blue ( )It will carry the Fairtrade mark
( )The packet will carry a warning about obesity ( )It will no longer have a best‐by date
8. McDonald's has sold a 33% stake in a UK-owned business. Which one?
( )Burger King ( )Pret A Manger ( )Greggs ( )Costa Coffee
9. Which retailer announced plans to embark on large-scale expansion in 2008, aiming to create 9,000 new jobs and open 22 stores?
( )HMV ( )John Lewis ( )Ann Summers ( )Asda
10. Cadbury's is making changes to its Easter eggs in a bid to become more eco-friendly. What is changing?
( )Less packaging ( )Less chocolate ( )Energy for the production line will all comefrom renewable sources ( )Recyclable chocolate
1 The NatWest Three
2 Where the value of the house is significantly less than the value of the loan
3 The Monetary Policy Committee
4 Ofgem
5 Ron Sandler
6 Toshiba
7 It will carry the Fairtrade mark
8 Pret A Manger
9 Asda
10 Less packaging

The Biz Quiz - 17 February 2008

1. The Competition Commission has just published its long-awaited report into:
( )Why there is only one Competition Commission ( )Grocery retailing
( )Banking charges ( )Mobile phone charges
2. The right to publish the world's bestselling copyright book has just been sold for £60m. What is the book?
( )The Guinness Book of Records ( )The Anglican Bible ( )The Kama Sutra ( )The Highway Code
3. The first newsreader to earn a salary of £1m a year starts work this week. Who is he/she?
( )Natasha Kaplinsky ( )Kate Garraway ( )Andrew Castle ( )Trevor McDonald
4. Rupert Murdoch's News International has entered the battle to acquire:
( )MySpace ( )Bebo ( )Yahoo ( )FHM magazine
5. People who flew long-haul with British Airways or Virgin Atlantic between 11 August 2004 and 23 March 2006 will be eligible for:
( )10,000 free air miles ( )A refund of a price surcharge( )A free flight to Dubai ( )Free meals on their next flight
6. Which club has retained the title of the richest football club in the world?
( )Cheltenham Town ( )Real Madrid( )Manchester United ( )Chelsea
7. Why will low-cost airline Ryanair shut down its website for three days in late February 2008?
( )In protest against new European legislation ( )To test an experiment with telesales only
( )To upgrade its reservations systems ( )Because all of its flights in March 2008 are now full
8. The government is planning to impose more taxes on rich foreigners who are known as:
( )"Free-loaders" ( )"Tom-Toms" ( )"Non-doms" ( )"Russian Exiles"
9. Road haulage operators have urged the Chancellor of the Exchequer not to:
( )Fund a new runway at Heathrow ( )Raise fuel taxes( )Increase interest rates ( )Impose a congestion charge on vans and lorries in UK cities
10. Polaroid has announced that it is to stop producing...
( )television adverts; from now-on it will only advertise online ( )cameras for export to China( )the film for its instant cameras ( )photocopiers
1 Grocery retailing
2 The Guinness Book of Records
3 Natasha Kaplinsky
4 Yahoo
5 A refund of a price surcharge
6 Real Madrid
7 To upgrade its reservations systems
8 "Non-doms"
9 Raise fuel taxes
10 the film for its instant cameras

The Biz Quiz 11 February 2008 Questions

1. What has happened to digital radio stations The Jazz and Planet Rock?
( )They have been bought by the BBC ( )They have been closed down due to losses
( )The have been bought by Facebook ( )They have just launched
2. Campaigners have Tesco for cutting the retail price of a standard product to just £1.99. The price of what?
( )A four‐pack of lager ( )A chicken( )A pack of 20 ciggies ( )A 1lb tub of butter
3. The number of people whose homes were repossessed in 2007 rose by 21% compared with 2006. What is a repossession?
( )The lender takes ownership of the property from the householder
( )The local council takes ownership of the property from the lender
( )The householder takes a fixed rate mortgage from the lender
( )All personal belongings of the householder are passed to the lender
4. Quoted company Biffa has agreed to a £1.2bn takeover offer. What is the main business activity of Biffa?
( )Oil & gas exploration ( )Security services ( )Waste disposal ( )Recruitment of Teachers
5. Ebay has been heavily criticised for its decision to...
( )Require sellers to include genuine photos of all goods being sold
( )Ban sellers from leaving negative comments about buyers
( )Ban sellers from charging more than £3 P&P ( )Ban ticket touts from selling event tickets
6. What did investment fund Olivant pull out of last week?
( )Sponsoring the Indian cricket team ( )Bidding for Northern Rock
( )Building the main stadium for the 2012Olympics ( )Sponsoring the aborted Spice Girls tour
7. First Milk and Milk Link have called off a merger that would have created one of the UK's largest...
( )White elephant ( )Partnership ( )Co‐operatives ( )Nationalised companies
8. Brent Hoberman is returning to the internet with a furniture website that he hopes will capture
more than £400million of consumer spending within two years. What other famous online
business did he launch?
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
9. What major change did Facebook announce last week?
( )Users will be charged $1 for each time they "poke" someone
( )The site will be translated into Spanish, French & German
( )Old age pensioners will be allowed to participate
( )An online auction facility is being added to compete with Ebay
10. The name of the new business management simulation launched by tutor2u last week is:
( )Bized Bargain ( )BoreVenture ( )The Hot Seat ( )Unprofitable Pursuits
1 They have been closed down due to losses 9 The site will be translated into Spanish, French & German
2 A chicken
3 The lender takes ownership of the property from the householder 10 The Hot Seat
4 Waste disposal
5 Ban sellers from leaving negative comments about buyers
6 Bidding for Northern Rock
7 Co‐operatives
The Biz Quiz - 3 February 2008
1. Jerry Yang and David Filo founded a business that was in the news last week. Which business?
( )Société Générale ( )Yahoo( )Northern Rock ( )Facebook
2. Who is Jérôme Kerviel?
( )The new CEO of Starbucks ( )The new Governor of the Bank of England
( )The new Social Entrepreneur of the Year ( )The rogue trader who lost Société Générale £3.7bn
3. Retail chain The Works has been forced into administration. What products does this retailer sell?
( )Cooking equipment ( )Discount books and stationery( )Fast fashions ( )Mobile phones
4. The Government has ordered BSkyB to sell more than half of its stake in...
( )MySpace ( )ITV( )The Sun and The Times newspapers ( )Pearson
5. This man made a significant managerial appointment recently. Who is he?
( )Mark Jones ( )Juan Ramos( )Graham Dupont ( )Mike Ashley
6. Which business has written to 161,000 customers to let them know they don't want their business anymore?
( )NPower ( )Egg bank( )Waitrose ( )BT
7. Asda has recalled 300,000 units of a problem product named XB2316 (retail price £22.75). What kind of product is it?
( )Microwave oven ( )Leather jacket( )Pregnancy testing kit ( )Giant easter egg
8. Which business has been told to withdraw an advert featuring a scantily-clad model in schoolgirl-style clothes?
( )MTV ( )Cadbury( )Ryanair ( )Reveal magazine
9. Recruitment agency Office Angels has published a guide to new office jargon. According to their guide, what is 'boss-spasming"?
( )Leaving post-it notes on the boss's desk asking for a pay rise
( )Agreeing with everything a boss says to avoid any kind of argument
( )Writing critical comments about a boss on Facebook
( )Suddenly looking busy as a manager enters the room
10. Company founder Howard Schultz has returned to the chief executive role of a major US business whose share price has fallen by 40%. Which
( )Starbucks ( )McDonalds( )Coca Cola ( )Ford
2 The rogue trader who lost Société Générale £3.7bn
3 Discount books and stationery
5 Mike As hley
6 Egg bank
7 Microwave oven
8 Ryanair
9 Suddenly looking busy as a manager enters the room
10 Starbucks

1. US unemployment has fallen - the biggest one-month drop since April 1998 - to what rate: 10.4%, 9.4%, 8.4% or 7.4%?
2. Which French carmaker has suspended three senior managers following a lengthy investigation into the possible leaking of
trade secrets?
3. Which European carmaker has announced plans to start producing cars in Malaysia from 2012?
4. Which company owns Bugatti, Lamborghini, Suzuki, Porsche and Bentley?
5. Which city has overtaken Singapore as the world’s busiest container port?
6. Which country has become the top export market for French Bordeaux wine?
7. What is the name of Lenovo’s soon-to-be launched tablet computer?
8. Name the Chinese e-commerce business that declared 48,000 sales per minute throughout 2010.
9. Name China’s top internet company by market capitalization, (USD42bn) and 600 million users.
10. China and which other nation have sealed a major green energy deal, as Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang begins a four-day
state visit to the European country?
Lenovo’s new Android Tablet, to rival the iPad
1. 9.4%
2. Renault
3. Volkswagen
4. Volkswagen
5. Shanghai (HK is third)
6. China
7. LePad
8. Taobao (owned by
9. Tencent
10. Scotland
India's Top CEO's
Jaspal Bindra - Standard Chartered
Kiran Mazumdar Saw - Biocon
Anuradha Desai - Venkateshwara Hatcheries
NR Narayana Murthy - Infosys Technologies
Mukesh Ambani - Reliance Industries
Ratan Tata - Tata Group
KV Kamath - ICICI Bank
Azim Hasham Premji - Wipro
Nandan Nilekani - Infosys Technologies
Rahul Bajaj - Bajaj Auto
Vijay Mallya - UB Group
Kumar Mangalam Birla - AV Birla Group
Sunil Mittal - Bharti Enterprises
Deepak Parekh - HDFC
Anil Ambani - ADAE
Rajiv Bajaj - Bajaj Auto
Lalitha Gupte - ICICI Bank
S Ramadorai - TCS
Jagdish Khattar - Maruti Udyog
Subir Raha - ONGC
Adi Godrej - Godrej Group
GR Gopinath - Air Deccan
Subhash Chandra - Zee Telefilms
Venu Srinivasan - TVS Motors

Brij Mohal Lall Munjal - Hero Group

K Anji Reddy - Dr. Reddy's Labs
Naresh Goyal - Jet Airways
Shiv Nadar - HCL Technologies
Yogesh C Deveshwar - ITC
Anand Mahindra - Mahindra & Mahindra
Peter Mukerjea - Star TV India
Aditya Puri - HDFC Bank
Uday Kotak - Kotak Mahindra Bank
AM Naik - Larsen & Toubro
SB Mathur - UTI
Harish Manwani - Hindustan Lever
Renuka Ramnath - ICICI Ventures
AK Khandelwal - Bank of Baroda
AK Purwar - State Bank of India
Suresh Krishna - Sundaram Fasteners
Ashok Sinha - Bharat Petroleum
Kishore Biyani - Pantaloon Retail
B Ramalinga Raju - Satyam Computers
YV Reddy - Reserve Bank of India
M Damodaran - SEBI
AK Sinha - BSNL
Naina Lal Kidwai - HSBC India
Jeh & Ness Wadia - Bombay Dyeing
Asim Ghosh - Hutch
VK Mittal - Ispat Industries
RS Lodha - Birla Corp
VC Burman - Dabur
Venugopal Dhoot - Videocon Industries
Gautam Singhania - Raymond
Ravi Venkatesan - Microsoft India
BVR Subbu - Hyundai India
FV Vandrewala - Motorola India
Niall Booker - HSBC India
Shikha Sharma - ICICI Prudential
Ashwin Dani - Asian Paints
Rajeev Bakshi - Pepsi Co.
B Muthuraman - Tata Steel
SP Hinduja - Hinduja Group
Anil Agarwal - Vedanta Resources
YK Hamied - Cipla
AC Muthaiah - SPIC
Bharat Puri - Cadbury India
Sanjay Nayar - Citigroup India
Karsanbhai Patel - Nirma
Brian Tempest - Ranbaxy
NS Sekhsaria - Gujarat Ambuja Cement
Proshanto Banerjee - GAIL
R Seshasayee - Ashok Leyland
MB Lal - Hindustan Petroleum
BN Kalyani - Bharat Forge
Onkar S Kanwar - Apollo Tyres
Shashi Ruia - Essar Group
Vinita Bali - Britannia
Gautam Thapar - Cromptom Greaves
Ajay Piramal - Nicholas Piramal
BS Nagesh - Shoppers' Stop
VS Jain - SAIL
Shobana Bhartia - HT Media
KR Kim - LG India
Rana Kapoor - Yes Bank
Hemendra Kothari - DSP Merrill Lynch

K Ramachandran - Phillips India

Mallika Srinivasan - TAFE
Hans-Michael Huber - Diamler-Chrysler India
Nimesh Kampani - JM Morgan Stanley
Scott Bayman - GE India
Zia Mody - AZB Partners
Noel Tata - Trent
Sarthak Behuria - IOC
Harsh Goenka - RPG Group
Arun Maira - BCG India
Adil Zainulbhai - McKinsey India
MV Subbiah - EID Parry

Taglines and brands of major companies

ABN AMRO Bank - Making More Possible
Accenture - High Performance. Delivered
Adobe - Simplicity at work. Better by adobe.
AIG or American International Group Insurance Company - We know Money
Air Canada - A breath of Fresh Air
Allianz Group - The Power on your side
AMAZON.COM - Earth's Biggest BookStore
ANDHRA BANK - "Much more to do, with YOU in focus."
Apple Macintosh - Think Different.
ARCELOR - Steel solutions for a better world
AT&T - The World's Networking Company
Bank of America - Higher Standards
Bank of Baroda - India's International Bank
Barclays - Fluent in Finance; Its our business to know your business
Be Fearless. - SYMANTEC
BIG BAZAAR - Is se sasta aur Achcha kahee nahee milenga
BIOCON - The difference lies in our DNA
BLOGGER.COM - Push Button Publishing
BLOOMINGDALES - Like no other store in the world
BMW - The Ultimate Driving Machine
BOEING - Forever new Frontiers
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) - The Edge is Efficiency
BPCL - Pure for Sure
British airways - The Way to Fly.
British Petroleum - Beyond Petroleum
BUSINESS INDIA - The Magazine of the Corporate World
BUSINESS TODAY - For Managing Tomorrow
BUSINESS WORLD - Play the Game
Caring for life - CIPLA
CAST AWAY - "At the edge of the world, his journey begins "
CEAT - Born Tough
CENTRAL - Shop. Eat. Celebrate
CHEVROLET AVEO - When Good is not good enough.
Chevron Corporation - Human Energy
CHIP - Intelligent Computing
Choose Freedom - TOSHIBA
CITIGROUP or CITIBANK - The Citi Never Sleeps
CNBC - Profit from it
COMPTRON and GREAVES - Everyday Solutions
Dell - Easy as DELL.
Deutsche Bank - A Passion to Perform
DIGIT - Your Technology Navigator
DR. REDDY'S LABORATORIES - ÿLife. Research. Hope
DUPONT - The Miracles of Science
EBAY - The World's Online Market Place
EPSON - Exceed Your Vision
Ernst and Young - Quality in Everything we Do
Essar corp - A positive a++itude
Exxon Mobil - Taking on the World's Toughest Energy Challenges
FIAT - Driven by Passion. FIAT
FORD - Built for the Road Ahead
GAIL - Gas and Beyond
GM - Only GM.
HAIER - Inspired Living
HINDUSTAN TIMES - The Name India trusts for News
HOME DEPOT - You can do it. We can Help.
HONDA - The Power of Dreams
HP Invent - Everything is Possible
HSBC - The World's Local Bank
HYUNDAI - Drive Your Way
IBM - " I think, therefore IBM."
IBP - Pure bhi. Poora bhi
Infosys - " Powered by Intellect, Driven by Values; Improve your odds with Infosys Predictability"
Intel - Intel inside.
IOCL - Bringing Energy to Life
Jet Airways - The Joy of Flying
JVC - The Perfect Experience
Kingfisher Airlines - Fly the good times
KMART - The stuff of life.
Kotak - Think Investments. Think Kotak.
KROGER - Costs less to get more
LARSEN and TOUBRO - We make things which make India proud
LEE - The jeans that built America
Lehman Brothers - Where Vision Gets Built
LENOVO - We are building a new technology company.
Life's Good - LG
Lufthansa - There's no better to fly
Macromedia - What the web can be.
Malaysian Airlines - Going Beyond Expectations
Master card - There are some things money can't buy. For everything else there'sÿMASTERCARD.
Max NewYork Life Insurance - Your Partner for life
McDowells Signature - The New Sign of Success.
METRO - The spirit of Commerce
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company or Metlife. - Have You Met Life Today
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MRF - Tyres with Muscle
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NDTV Profit - News you can Use.
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ONGC - Making Tomorrow Brighter
PHILLIPS - Sense and Simplicity
Prudential Insurance Company - Growing and Protecting your wealth
Reliance industries Limited - Growth is Life
Sahara - Emotionally yours.
SAMSUNG - Everyone's Invited or Its hard to Imagine
SANSUI - Born in Japan Entertaining The World
SBI DEBIT CARD - Welcome to a Cashless World.
Servo - 100 % Performance. Everytime.
Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) - Tomorrow Market's Today.
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Speed - High Performance Petrol
Standard Chartered Bank - Your Right Partner
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Star Sports - We know your game
Sun Microsystems - The Network is the Computer
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TATA MOTORS - Even More Car per Car
TCS - Beyond the Obvious
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THE DAILY TELEGRAPH - Read a Bestseller everyday
THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW - Where will you be
THE ECONOMIC TIMES - The Power of Knowledge
The Indian EXPRESS - Journalism of Courage
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WALMART - Always low prices. Always.
Windows XP - Do More with Less
WIPRO - Applying Thought
(GK) India Business Quiz : Questions with Answers
India Business Quiz : Questions with Answers
1. “We have learned that if we provide people with an occasion & an excuse to shop, they will come” are the Golden words of whom?
Ans: Kishore Bayani (The Chairman of Future Group)
2. What is the Title of Auto Biography of JRD TATA? Ans: Beyond the Last Blue Mountain
3. What is the Title of Auto Biography of Krishna Kumar Birla? Ans: Brushes with History
4. “It happened in India” is the Auto Biography of whom? Ans: Kishore Bayani (The Chairman of Future Group)
5. “The End of Ecconomic Man” is the famous book written by whom? Ans: Peter F Drucker
6. “Imagining India” recently published book authored by? Ans: Nandan M Neelakeni
7. What is the Tag Line of Sony? Ans: Like No Other
8. “India’s Family Store” is the punchline of which brand? Ans: Pantaloon
9. Name of the Family Store owned by Kumar Mangalam Birla? Ans: More
10. “Net Safe Credit Card” is introduced by which Bank? Ans: HDFC Bank
11. “Ab Khulke Jeeyo India” is the advertisement slogan of which company? Ans: Samsung
12. What do you mean by ADAG? Ans: Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group
13. “Kingfisher Red” is the former name of which Airlines? Ans: Air Deccan (that was taken over by Vijay Malya Group)
14. Wha is the founder of Air Deccan? Ans: Captain Gopinath
15. “World’s Local Bank” is the punch line of which bank? Ans: HSBC Bank
16. What is the full form of HDFC? Ans: Housing Development Finance Corporation
17. NASDAQ is an acronym for? Ans: National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
18. Expand ICICI? Ans: Industrial Credit And Investment Corporation of India
19. “One Family One Bank” is the tagline of which Indian Bank? Ans: Bank of Maharashtra
20. “Express Yourself” is the punchline of Airtel then “Experience Yourself” is the tagline of whom? Ans: Tamil Nadu Tourism
21. “Celebrate Life” is the Tag line of which Company? Ans: Dabur
22. Who was the founder of Dabur India Ltd.? Ans: S.K.Burman
23. Babool Tooth paste is introduced by which company? Ans: Balsara
24. According to an Advertisement Slogan, who is “Best Employer in India 2007″? Ans: Aditya Birla Group
25. “Power of Simplicity” is the punch line of Tally, then “Sense & Simplicity” is the tagline of which company? Ans: Philips
26. Which Company brings CNBC Channel in India? Ans: TV 18
27. “Inspire The Next” is the punch line of which company? Ans: Hitachi

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