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23/3/2021 Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace (2021) - ¿Cuál es mejor?

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Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace (2021) -
¿Cuál es mejor?


Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace: ¿cuál es mejor? Esta es una pregunta que
muchas empresas, en particular las nuevas empresas, tienen muchos problemas
para responder.

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23/3/2021 Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace (2021) - ¿Cuál es mejor?

Entonces, en esta publicación, voy a poner las dos suites de productos cara a cara
en una revisión comparativa detallada.

Siga leyendo para ver cómo se comportan Google Workspace y Microsoft 365
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en las áreas clave de



facilidad de uso

…y más.

Exploraré todos los pros y los contras de cada producto en profundidad y

explicaré por qué y cuándo es posible que desee utilizar uno sobre el otro.

Si encuentra útil la revisión o tiene alguna pregunta sobre cualquiera de los

productos, deje un comentario; haremos todo lo posible para ayudarlo, y siempre
es realmente útil obtener las opiniones de otras personas sobre las aplicaciones
que revisamos.

Bien, entonces, ¿qué hacen realmente Microsoft 365 y Google Workspace?

¿Qué hacen Microsoft 365 y G Suite?

Microsoft 365 y Google Workspace son un conjunto de herramientas de

productividad que le permiten realizar tareas comerciales comunes "en la nube"
mediante un navegador web. saltar al contenido 2/124
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Éstos incluyen:

mandando correos electrónicos

Buscar …
gestionando calendarios

crear documentos, hojas de cálculo y presentaciones


gestión de archivos

Colaboración en equipo.

Microsoft 365 también proporciona una amplia gama de aplicaciones de

escritorio: programas que instala en su computadora, en lugar de usarlos en línea.

Ambos productos experimentaron recientemente un cambio de nombre: hasta hace

poco, Microsoft 365 se llamaba Of ce 365 y Google Workspace se llamaba G

Recuperación ante desastres

Única solución de respaldo de

datos con protección
automática contra
Servicios AIM

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Precios: ¿cómo se comparan Google Workspace y

Microsoft 365?

La estructura de precios de Google Workspace y Microsoft 365 di ere según el

Buscar … BUSCAR
territorio, pero es ampliamente comparable de un país a otro.

Para los propósitos de esta comparación, estoy viendo los planes con precios en

Precios de Google Workspace

Elegir un plan de Google Workspace es bastante sencillo. Hay cuatro planes

Business Starter : $ 6 por usuario al mes

Estándar comercial : $ 12 por usuario al mes

Business Plus : $ 18 por usuario al mes

Empresa : precios personalizados

Las diferencias clave a tener en cuenta entre estos planes son las siguientes:

Almacenamiento : está limitado a solo 30 GB por usuario en el plan

'Business Starter'; en contraste, los planes 'Business Standard', 'Business Plus' y
'Enterprise' le brindan 2 TB, 5 TB y almacenamiento ilimitado por usuario.

Videollamadas: puede tener 100 participantes en una llamada utilizando el

plan 'Business Starter', 150 con 'Business Standard' y 250 con 'Business Plus' y
'Enterprise'. Es importante tener en cuenta que el plan 'Business Starter' no
facilita la grabación de llamadas de videoconferencia.
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Funciones de seguridad : en los planes 'Business Plus' y 'Enterprise', obtiene

muchas más funciones de seguridad. Estos incluyen 'Vault', una herramienta
para retener y buscar los datos de sus usuarios, y la administración de puntos
nales, que leBuscar
más control sobre cómo los
B U usuarios
SCAR pueden acceder a
las funciones y datos de Google Workspace en diferentes dispositivos.

Funciones de búsqueda : todos los planes, excepto el plan "Business

Starter", le dan acceso a una herramienta de "búsqueda inteligente" llamada
búsqueda en la nube de Google. Esta funcionalidad facilita la localización de
archivos dentro del almacenamiento de Google Workspace de una

Creación de aplicaciones : si está en el plan 'Enterprise', obtiene acceso a

la herramienta 'Appsheet' de Google. Esta es una herramienta 'sin código' que
tiene como objetivo permitirle crear aplicaciones móviles y web sin
codi cación.

Echemos un vistazo a los precios de Microsoft 365 ahora.

Precios de Microsoft 365

Las opciones de precios para Microsoft 365 son considerablemente más
complicadas, porque hay disponibles versiones para el hogar, negocios,
empresas, gobiernos, organizaciones sin nes de lucro y educación, y dentro de
estas, muchas sub-versiones.

Hay dos formas de considerar esta amplia gama de opciones de precios. En el

lado positivo, hay mucha exibilidad, pero en el lado negativo, es bastante
confuso revisar todos los planes para determinar cuál se adapta mejor a sus
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A los efectos de esta revisión, me centraré en los planes de Microsoft 365 que
están dirigidos a usuarios de pequeñas empresas y empresas. Estos son los
Buscar … BUSCAR
Pequeñas empresas / PYMES

Microsoft 365 Business Basic: $ 5 por usuario al mes

Aplicaciones de Microsoft 365: $ 8.25 por usuario por mes

Microsoft 365 Business Standard: $ 12,50 por usuario al mes

Microsoft 365 Business Premium: $ 20,00 por usuario al mes

Puedes comparar todos los planes de negocio aquí .


Microsoft 365 E1: $ 8 por usuario al mes

Microsoft 365 E3: $ 32 por usuario al mes

Microsoft 365 E5: $ 57 por usuario al mes

Puede comparar todos los planes empresariales aquí .

Los principales aspectos a tener en cuenta sobre estas opciones son los siguientes:

Todos los planes de Microsoft 365 requieren un compromiso anual .

Por el contrario, los planes de Google Workspace se pueden comprar
mensualmente, lo que puede adaptarse un poco mejor a algunas
organizaciones, por ejemplo, aquellas con cambios regulares en la cantidad
saltar alcontratistas.
de personal o aquellas que utilizan contenido 6/124
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El almacenamiento varía según el plan . Todos los planes comerciales

proporcionan 1 TB de almacenamiento por usuario, y los planes empresariales
le brindan de 1,5 TB a 2 TB.
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El plan de aplicaciones 'Microsoft 365', como su nombre indica, solo
le proporciona las aplicaciones de escritorio ; no obtendrá funciones de
colaboración en este plan.

Todos los planes Microsoft 365 'Business' limitan el número máximo

de usuarios a 300 ; por el contrario, puede tener un número ilimitado de
usuarios en los planes "Enterprise" de Microsoft.

Todos los planes le brindan versiones instalables del paquete de productos de

Microsoft Of ce (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.), pero los planes 'Business
Basic' y 'E1' solo le brindan acceso a las versiones móviles . Entonces,
si una motivación clave detrás de elegir Microsoft 365 es aprovechar las
aplicaciones de escritorio Y las funciones de la nube, una gran ventaja de usar
Microsoft 365 sobre Google Workspace, deberá optar por uno de los otros

No todos los planes 365 brindan a los usuarios una cuenta de

correo electrónico , por lo que si desea utilizar Microsoft 365 como su
proveedor de servicios de correo electrónico, deberá evitar los planes
'Microsoft 365 Apps' y 'E1'.

El nuevo servicio de colaboración de video de Microsoft, 'Microsoft Stream',

solo está completamente disponible en los planes Enterprise.

Como probablemente pueda ver a estas alturas, aunque es útil tener una idea de
los precios de Microsoft 365 y Google Workspace, hay tantos planes diferentes
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disponibles que una comparación de precios no le dará una respuesta clara a cuál
de estas herramientas es lo mejor para ti.

Para conseguirlo, debe centrarse en las funciones, así que profundicemos en ellas.
Buscar … BUSCAR


Podemos ayudarlo a con gurar o migrar tanto a Google Workspace como a

Microsoft 365. Comuníquese con nosotros hoy mismo para obtener más
información sobre cómo podemos organizar una instalación profesional y sin
riesgos de estas dos suites de productividad en la nube líderes. O descubra más
sobre nuestros servicios >> Con guración y migración de Microsoft 365 |
Con guración y migración de Google Workspace .

Estamos ubicados en el Reino Unido, pero ofrecemos estos servicios en todo el


Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace: las características

Almacenamiento de archivos
Si hablamos de planes de nivel de entrada, entonces Microsoft 365 es un claro
ganador aquí: obtienes 1 TB de almacenamiento con el plan 'Business Basic' en
comparación con los miserables 30GB de Google en su plan 'Business Starter'.
Para colmo de males, Google también considera que los correos electrónicos
saltar al contenido
ocupan espacio en este límite de 30 GB. 8/124
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Sin embargo, si pasa a los planes 'Business Standard' o 'Business Plus' de Google
Workspace , encontrará que Google ofrece una mejor relación calidad-precio en
el departamento Buscar …
de almacenamiento. BUSCAR

Con estos planes, obtienes 2 TB o 5 TB de almacenamiento respectivamente, lo

que es extremadamente útil para cualquier empresa que necesite almacenar una
gran cantidad de archivos en la nube. Aunque el límite de 1 TB de Microsoft 365
(que se aplica a todos sus planes comerciales) también es bastante generoso, se
sorprenderá de lo rápido que puede consumir 1 TB de almacenamiento si está
cargando archivos de imagen, video o audio de gran tamaño en la nube.

Dicho esto, si solo habla de trabajar con documentos y hojas de cálculo estándar,
un límite de 1 TB por usuario debería ser perfectamente adecuado para la
mayoría de las pequeñas y medianas empresas.

Sin embargo, en última instancia, si el almacenamiento en la nube es su principal

preocupación, aquí es una victoria para Google Workspace .

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Buscar … BUSCAR

Google Drive le permite acceder a sus archivos en cualquier lugar y en cualquier dispositivo.

Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que Microsoft 365 y Google

Workspace le brindan la opción de comprar más almacenamiento por usuario.

Microsoft no enumera los precios de esto públicamente; debe comunicarse con

ellos para discutir las actualizaciones de almacenamiento.

En cuanto a Google Workspace, hay varios niveles de opciones de compra de

almacenamiento de datos adicionales que comienzan en 4GB ($ 4 adicionales
por usuario por mes) y van hasta 16TB por usuario ($ 1,430 por usuario por mes).

Como muestra la tabla a continuación, dependiendo de la cantidad de

almacenamiento que necesite para usuarios particulares, es posible que le resulte
más económico simplemente actualizar todos sus usuarios de Google Workspace
a un plan con más almacenamiento que comprar más.

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Buscar … BUSCAR

Precios de Google Workspace para almacenamiento en la nube adicional

Correo electrónico

El plan básico de $ 5 por mes de Microsoft 365, 'Business Basic', es

considerablemente más generoso que el equivalente de Google Workspace
cuando se trata de almacenamiento de correo electrónico: una bandeja de
entrada dedicada de 50GB está disponible además del almacenamiento de
archivos de 1TB provisto.

En comparación, el plan de $ 6 por usuario por mes de Google Workspace '

Business Starter ' limita el almacenamiento total a 30 GB, correos electrónicos y
archivos incluidos.

Sin embargo, si estás en uno de los otros planes de Google, los límites son más
generosos que los de Microsoft: estás hablando de un rango de almacenamiento
de 2GB a 5GB (o almacenamiento ilimitado si estás en el plan 'Enterprise') .
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Sin embargo, los límites de almacenamiento de correo electrónico de Microsoft

pueden ser más generosos de lo que sugieren los números, gracias a una función
llamada " archivo de expansión automática ". Disponible en los planes
'Business Premium' y 'E3' …
y 'E5', esto le permite archivar
B U S Ccorreos
AR electrónicos
antiguos en un archivo de tamaño ilimitado.

Es un poco más complicado que solo tener una bandeja de entrada que tiene un
tamaño ilimitado (implica cierto grado de con guración), pero signi ca que nunca
tendrá que preocuparse por el tamaño del buzón.

Aplicaciones de correo electrónico

Técnicamente, puede utilizar cualquier programa de correo electrónico que desee

para acceder a su espacio de trabajo de Google o al correo de Microsoft 365,
pero las aplicaciones predeterminadas proporcionadas son Gmail y Outlook,

Gmail es robusto, rápido y muy fácil de encontrar mensajes gracias a su potente

función de búsqueda (es de esperar que ese lado de las cosas sea bueno, dado
que estamos hablando de Google).

Además, dada la popularidad de Gmail, existe una gran variedad de aplicaciones

de terceros disponibles que agregan funcionalidades útiles a los procedimientos.

Sin embargo, y de manera increíblemente frustrante, Gmail realmente no le

permite ordenar o agrupar el correo, algo que la mayoría de los usuarios
requerirán habitualmente de un cliente de correo electrónico. (Puede buscar
mensajes usando pre jos como 'desde' o 'hasta', lo que proporciona una solución
alternativa, pero no es tan útil como la funcionalidad adecuada de clasi cación o
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En consecuencia, es posible que desee utilizar Gmail junto con un programa de

correo electrónico de escritorio, por ejemplo, el excelente (y gratuito) Thunderbird
o, en susurros, Outlook.
Buscar … BUSCAR

Y hablando de eso, tener en sus manos Outlook es una atracción clave de

Microsoft 365.

En la mayoría de los planes 365, tiene acceso a dos versiones de Outlook: una
versión en línea, que está bien, pero, aparte de la funcionalidad de clasi cación
de correo, Gmail probablemente sea mejor en la mayoría de los aspectos; y una
versión fuera de línea, que tiene muchas funciones y ofrece mucha exibilidad en
lo que respecta a cómo ordenar, agrupar, etiquetar y, en general, administrar su
correo electrónico.

Gmail es excelente, pero Outlook (en la imagen de arriba) le brinda muchas más opciones cuando se trata de
agrupar y ordenar el correo.

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Aplicaciones de escritorio: ¿el principal argumento para usar

Microsoft 365?
Aquí es donde las cosas se ponen bastante interesantes y donde MUCHOS
usuarios potenciales … y Google WorkspaceBse
de 365 U Sverán
C A R tentados a optar por

Microsoft 365 .

Con la mayoría de los planes 365, obtiene todas las versiones de escritorio de los
productos de Microsoft, así como las basadas en la nube; puede instalar las
versiones completas de Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, etc.en su PC de
escritorio o portátil, y trabajar sin conexión usando estas aplicaciones.

A pesar de que esta es la era de la computación en la nube, una multitud de

empresas todavía se envían entre sí archivos creados localmente utilizando estas
aplicaciones, por lo que existe un fuerte argumento para tener disponibles
versiones de escritorio de todo lo anterior.

Tener las versiones de escritorio instaladas también le permite a su equipo trabajar

más fácilmente con estos formatos de archivo.

Otro argumento a favor de tener las aplicaciones MS instaladas en su

organización se reduce a la funcionalidad. Es justo decir que las aplicaciones de
Google son de nitivamente más básicas en términos de lo que pueden hacer que
sus equivalentes de aplicaciones de escritorio de Microsoft.

(También es justo decir que las versiones en línea de las aplicaciones de Microsoft
aún no son tan so sticadas o repletas de funciones como las versiones de

Por lo tanto, si está buscando hacer un cálculo avanzado de números, Excel

superará a Google Sheets; si desea agregar algo de 'Arte inteligente' en un
documento, deberá trabajar en Microsoft Word en lugar de Google Docs; y si
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necesita animaciones de diapositivas elegantes en una presentación, Powerpoint

hará un mejor trabajo que Google Slides.

Sin embargo, eso no debería disuadirlo por completo de usar Google Workspace,
Buscar … BUSCAR
porque es posible abrir documentos de Microsoft Of ce usándolos, e incluso
guardar archivos creados con Google Workspace en formato de Microsoft Of ce.

Sin embargo, el problema de trabajar de esta manera es que no siempre puede

conservar el formato exacto de los archivos de Of ce cuando los edita y guarda
con una aplicación de Google.

La importancia de esto para usted dependerá de la naturaleza de su negocio: si

los clientes esperan que usted les proporcione de forma rutinaria archivos de MS
Of ce con un formato extenso e inmaculado, a veces tendrá di cultades para
hacerlo con Google. Espacio de trabajo.

Pero si solo necesita abrir ocasionalmente un archivo de MS Of ce, o enviar algo

básico a un cliente en formato de MS Of ce, generalmente podrá hacerlo
perfectamente con el conjunto de productos de Google.

La otra cosa que debe recordar acerca de las aplicaciones de escritorio de

Microsoft es que, por muy agradables que sean y tan familiarizado con ellas como
su equipo, deben instalarse localmente . Esto signi ca que alguien en su
organización deberá ocuparse de este aspecto de las cosas, y esta persona (o
personas) deben saber lo que están haciendo.

Este aspecto de 'instalación local' del uso de las aplicaciones de escritorio de

Microsoft puede, por lo tanto, traer consigo algunos costos de TI ocultos (como
mínimo, hay una implicación de tiempo: su equipo deberá dedicar algunas horas a
descargar, instalar y actualizar periódicamente las aplicaciones correctamente ).
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Este problema de 'costo oculto' se vuelve una consideración más importante cuanto
más usuarios tiene.

También hay algo más que quizás desee considerar acerca de darle acceso a su
Buscar … BUSCAR
equipo a las aplicaciones de escritorio: el hábito o la naturaleza humana . A
la mayoría de las personas les gusta trabajar con herramientas con las que están
familiarizados y, dada la larga historia de los productos de Microsoft Of ce, es
probable que su equipo opte por las versiones instaladas localmente de los
productos de Microsoft 365 en lugar de las herramientas de colaboración
basadas en la nube. proporciona.

Esto posiblemente fomente el trabajo 'local' o fuera de línea a expensas del

enfoque de nube más colaborativo (y trabajar fuera de línea también puede
generar algunos dolores de cabeza de seguridad).

Por el contrario, si crea un entorno de trabajo en el que su organización solo utiliza

aplicaciones basadas en navegador que guardan documentos en la nube,
entonces sus datos son posiblemente más seguros (siempre que tenga
procedimientos de copia de seguridad implementados) y es más probable que su
equipo haga uso más completo de las funciones de colaboración. Se podría
argumentar que las aplicaciones de Google, debido a su naturaleza solo en la
nube, son más propensas a empujar a las personas en esta dirección.

Finalmente, sobre el tema de las aplicaciones, no olvide que no hay nada que le
impida usar ambasAplicaciones de Google Workspace y MS Of ce en conjunto.
Si se siente tentado por el almacenamiento en la nube ilimitado proporcionado por
Google Workspace, pero desea guardar documentos de Word en él, puede
comprar las versiones sin conexión de las aplicaciones de Microsoft que usa
regularmente y guardar los archivos creados
saltar en ellas en su Google Drive.
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(Dicho esto, cerraría muchas posibilidades de colaboración en tiempo real al

trabajar de esta manera y encarecer la vida).

Buscar … BUSCAR
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Aplicaciones web en Microsoft 365 y Google Workspace

Microsoft 365 y Google Workspace ofrecen un conjunto de aplicaciones web que
tienen equivalentes (a veces aproximados) en ambas suites de productos, a saber:

Word> Google Docs (procesamiento de textos)

Excel> Hojas de cálculo de Google ( hojas de cálculo)

PowerPoint> Presentaciones de Google (presentaciones)

Outlook Online> Gmail (correo electrónico)

One Note Online> Google Keep (notas)

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Sharepoint> Google Sites (creación de sitios web)

Microsoft Teams> Google Meet (conferencia telefónica)

Yammer> Currents
Buscar …(función de intranet / redes
B U Ssociales
CAR internas) Yammer>
Currents (Internal social networking / intranet feature)

Estos son equivalentes amplios , en el sentido de que su conjunto de

características no va a coincidir exactamente con la aplicación correspondiente.

Hay una aplicación incluida en Microsoft 365 para la que no existe realmente un
equivalente de Google Workspace: 'Stream'.

Microsoft Stream es un servicio de video que permite que las personas de su

organización puedan cargar, ver y compartir videos de forma segura (por
ejemplo, grabaciones de clases, reuniones, presentaciones, sesiones de
capacitación u otros videos que ayuden a la colaboración de su equipo).

Esta aplicación también facilita compartir comentarios en un video, etiquetar

códigos de tiempo en los comentarios y agregar descripciones que se re eren a
puntos especí cos en un video. También transcribe automáticamente el contenido
de video utilizando un software de reconocimiento de voz, lo que hace que los
videos sean más "buscables" mediante consultas de texto.

Con gure en Google Workspace o Microsoft 365 con Style

Ahora ofrecemos servicios de migración y con guración de Google
Workspace y Microsoft 365, que permitirán con gurar su negocio en
cualquiera de estas plataformas rápidamente y con un mínimo de
complicaciones. Podemos con saltar al contenido
gurarlo desde cero o migrar todos sus 18/124
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calendarios y correos electrónicos existentes en una migración bien

plani cada y sin complicaciones.

Contáctenos ahora para averiguar cómo podemos ayudar.

Buscar … BUSCAR

Una gran ventaja de trabajar en la nube son las posibilidades de colaboración
que abre. En lugar de jugar con el marcado y el 'seguimiento de cambios', las
personas que quieran trabajar en el mismo archivo pueden simplemente abrir un
documento en un navegador y ver, en tiempo real, las ediciones que están
haciendo todos los que miran el archivo.

Tanto Google Workspace como Microsoft 365 facilitan este tipo de colaboración
en línea con sus aplicaciones en línea.

Además, ahora puede usar las aplicaciones de escritorio de Microsoft para

trabajar en documentos en tiempo real con otros miembros del equipo (que
pueden colaborar con usted mientras usan la versión en línea o fuera de línea).

Mi experiencia de usar las versiones de escritorio de Microsoft 365 aplicaciones

para colaborar no era bastante como suavizar un proceso como hacerlo usando
las versiones en línea - me encontré con que las versiones instaladas eran un poco
lento a la hora de mostrar las actualizaciones a mis documentos - pero en general,
todo funcionó bien.

En general, diría que la funcionalidad de colaboración en Google Workspace es

un poco más fácil de entender que la de Microsoft 365, posiblemente porque el

1) tiene menos funciones; saltar al contenido 19/124
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2) se concibió con la colaboración como una característica clave (Microsoft 365,

por el contrario, ha pasado de ser un conjunto de aplicaciones de escritorio a una
Buscar … BUSCAR
solución que presenta herramientas colaborativas).

Sin embargo, en general, ambas suites de productos de nitivamente le permiten

colaborar con sus compañeros de trabajo de manera efectiva, pero para obtener
la experiencia de colaboración más uida con las aplicaciones de Microsoft, le
recomiendo usar las versiones basadas en la nube.

Vea a continuación un video que destaca algunas opciones de colaboración en

Google Docs.

Echemos un vistazo a otra forma de colaboración ahora: videollamadas.

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Puede probar Google Workspace y Microsoft 365 de forma gratuita (14

Buscar … BUSCAR
días en el caso de Google Workspace, 1 mes en el caso de Microsoft
365). Esta es una buena forma práctica de establecer cuál de estas
plataformas se adapta mejor a sus necesidades.



Tanto Google Workspace como Microsoft 365 ofrecen funciones de
videoconferencia : 'Meet' y 'Microsoft Teams' respectivamente.

Microsoft 365 es más generoso cuando se trata de límites de participantes en las

videollamadas: puede tener 300 participantes en una llamada de negocios (y
hasta 20,000 si organiza un evento en vivo usando 'Equipos').

Por el contrario, el número máximo de participantes en una reunión de Google es

100 en el plan "Business Starter"; 150 en el plan 'Business Standard'; o 250 en el
plan 'Business Plus'.

Si está buscando una funcionalidad seria de llamadas de voz en general, tanto en

términos de conferencias telefónicas como de servicios de telefonía en general,
Microsoft 365 ofrece muchas más opciones, pero tendrá que estar en uno de sus
planes más costosos para aprovechar
saltar estas características. .
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(Google ahora ofrece un complemento separado para Google Workspace, sin

embargo, Google Voice , que vale la pena ver si está interesado en Google
Workspace y las funciones de telecomunicaciones son un requisito clave).
Buscar … BUSCAR
Google Drive Stream vs One Drive: ¿cómo son las opciones de
sincronización en Microsoft 365 y Google Apps?
Tanto Microsoft 365 como Google Workspace proporcionan aplicaciones de
escritorio para sincronizar datos locales con la nube y viceversa. Actualmente hay
tres aplicaciones disponibles para este propósito:

Secuencia de archivos de Google Drive

Microsoft OneDrive

Archivos de Microsoft OneDrive a pedido

Estas aplicaciones le permiten guardar un archivo en la nube que luego aparece

localmente, o viceversa. Esto es útil cuando desea trabajar en documentos sin
conexión, o desea realizar una copia de seguridad o cargar archivos locales en su
almacenamiento en la nube (la desventaja de esto es que hace que sus datos sean
menos seguros; si le roban su computadora portátil, por ejemplo, también lo hace).
tu información).

Estas aplicaciones funcionan de formas ligeramente diferentes:

OneDrive hace que todos sus archivos estén disponibles localmente (o al

menos los que elija sincronizar); esto es útil para los usuarios que saben que
estarán haciendo bastante trabajo sin conexión en muchos archivos.

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Con Google Drive Stream y OneDrive Files on Demand, los archivos no se

descargan realmente en su computadora hasta que los abre. Aún ve todos sus
archivos y carpetas como si estuvieran presentes en su computadora, pero en
realidad vivenBuscar … hasta que hace dobleB Uclic
en la nube S C en
A R un nombre de archivo

(momento en el que se descarga y se abre).

El último enfoque de 'transmisión' proporciona dos bene cios clave sobre el de

'guardar todo localmente': primero, se requiere una cantidad mínima de espacio
en el disco local para almacenar sus archivos.

En segundo lugar, no tiene que quedarse sentado esperando a que todos sus
archivos se sincronicen, solo en el que está trabajando (y de todos modos, con
Drive Stream y Files on Demand, hay una opción para hacer que los archivos estén
disponibles permanentemente sin conexión por haciendo clic con el botón derecho
en un archivo y eligiendo una opción para hacerlo).

Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que One Drive Files on Demand
actualmente solo está disponible para versiones más recientes de Windows y Mac
OS (Windows 10 Fall Creators Update / Mac OS 10.14 o más reciente).

Por el contrario, Drive Stream de Google se puede instalar en Windows 7 o

superior, y Mac OS 10.11 o superior, lo que signi ca que podría ser más
adecuado para usuarios con máquinas más antiguas o aquellos que, por cualquier
motivo, necesitan seguir con un sistema operativo más antiguo para ahora.

Aplicaciones móviles
Como era de esperar, hay aplicaciones móviles (iOS y Android) disponibles tanto
para Google Workspace como para Microsoft 365; estas le permiten acceder y
editar sus archivos sobre la marcha.
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Mi experiencia con ambos ha sido bastante positiva; ciertamente es posible

acceder a la información rápidamente en ambos conjuntos de aplicaciones
fácilmente, pero no estoy seguro de qué tan inclinado estaría a editar muchas
hojas de cálculo,Buscar … en un dispositivo móvil
por ejemplo, B U S(particularmente
CAR un teléfono:
demasiado complicado!).

Lo bueno de ambos conjuntos de aplicaciones móviles es que facilitan la edición

de su trabajo sobre la marcha en áreas donde no tiene acceso a Internet, siempre
y cuando guarde los archivos que desea trabajar en su dispositivo móvil antes. se
desconecta (consulte la sección a continuación sobre cómo trabajar sin conexión
para obtener más detalles).

Siendo realistas, la mayoría de los usuarios terminarán usando más las

aplicaciones de correo, y estas son las aplicaciones con las que he tenido más
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Hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo, evitaba usar la aplicación móvil de Gmail,
porque te obligaba a usar una 'vista de conversación' al navegar por los correos
electrónicos, algo que muchos usuarios encuentran desorientador. La buena noticia
es que ahora se puede … la vista de conversación,
B U S C A R lo que hace que la

aplicación se comporte mucho más como un cliente de correo electrónico


Y la aplicación de correo de Google es innegablemente brillante cuando se trata

de buscar mensajes antiguos (como cabría esperar de una empresa especializada
en la funcionalidad de motores de búsqueda).

Sin embargo, al igual que con la versión de Gmail basada en el navegador, no

puede ordenar o agrupar el correo por remitente; esto molestará a muchos

La versión móvil de Outlook también es un poco decepcionante: puede ltrar el

correo por mensajes no leídos o marcados (así como aquellos que contienen
archivos adjuntos), pero al igual que con la aplicación Gmail, no puede ordenar o
agrupar el correo por remitente.

Sin embargo, hay una 'bandeja de entrada enfocada' disponible en la versión

móvil de Outlook que algunos pueden encontrar útil: esta analiza sus interacciones
con otros remitentes a lo largo del tiempo para crear automáticamente una lista de
mensajes que Outlook cree que necesitan su atención con más urgencia que otros.

En términos de cuál de estas aplicaciones es mejor, diría que depende de si valora

la capacidad de búsqueda en lugar de tener los correos electrónicos urgentes
marcados a través de la 'bandeja de entrada enfocada'.

Por supuesto, siempre existe la opción de usar la aplicación de correo

predeterminada de su dispositivosaltar al contenido
con Microsoft 365 o Google Workspace si lo 25/124
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pre ere.

Funciones avanzadas en Microsoft 365 y Google Workspace

Hay varias funciones que…están disponibles en ciertos
B U Splanes
C A R de Google

Workspace y Microsoft 365 que serán relevantes para los usuarios con requisitos

Las características comunes a los planes de gama alta de ambos productos son:

Herramientas de construcción de intranet

Herramientas de descubrimiento electrónico

Informes avanzados

Archivado de correo electrónico

Retenciones legales en bandejas de entrada

Herramientas de prevención de pérdida de datos

Microsoft ofrece algunas funciones avanzadas adicionales en sus planes más

costosos, que incluyen

Protección antivirus avanzada

Gestión de derechos de buzón

Servicios de alojamiento de llamadas telefónicas basados en la


Analítica personal y organizacional

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Puede aprovechar algunas funciones avanzadas un poco más económicas con

Google Workspace. Por ejemplo, las herramientas de e-Discovery, los informes
avanzados, el archivo de correo electrónico y las retenciones legales en las
bandejas de entrada … disponibles en el plan de
están B U$S C
18A Ral mes de Google
Workspace 'Business Plus'.

Por el contrario, si espera aprovechar la mayor parte de las funciones enumeradas

anteriormente con Microsoft 365, debe tener en cuenta que solo está disponible
en los planes más caros: el plan E3 de $ 32 por usuario por mes o el plan E3 de $
57. por usuario por mes plan E5. (Pero lo que obtendrá en este frente será más

Atención al cliente
Se ofrece soporte telefónico en inglés las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la
semana para los usuarios de Google Workspace y Microsoft 365; Las horas de
asistencia técnica en otros idiomas varían según el país. También se ofrece soporte
por correo electrónico para ambos productos; y también hay varios foros de
soporte disponibles para ambos.

Además de los canales o ciales, también es posible contratar a expertos

certi cados en Google Workspace o especialistas certi cados en Microsoft 365
para brindar soporte; esto es particularmente útil durante un período de
con guración o migración.

Interfaz y facilidad de uso

Entonces, ¿cuál es más fácil de usar, Google Workspace o Microsoft 365 ? ¿Qué
producto viene con la curva de aprendizaje más pronunciada?

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Como ocurre con muchas otras cosas en esta comparación, la respuesta más justa
(¡desafortunadamente!) Es probablemente 'depende'.

Debido a la ubicuidad de las aplicaciones de Microsoft Of ce, es probable que

Buscar … BUSCAR
las personas que usan Microsoft 365 ya estén familiarizadas con el
funcionamiento de las aplicaciones de Microsoft y, por lo tanto, estén en una mejor
posición para 'empezar a trabajar' con ellas. .

Google Docs tiene una interfaz de usuario muy limpia y sus herramientas de colaboración son fáciles de usar.

Sin embargo, también podría argumentar que las herramientas de productividad

más simples y reducidas incluidas con Google Workspace generan una curva de
aprendizaje más suave para los usuarios que son nuevos en la colaboración en
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En términos de interfaces de usuario, las aplicaciones de Google se sienten menos

desordenadas que las que se incluyen con Microsoft 365, simplemente porque no
están tan repletas de funciones. Por ejemplo, personalmente pre ero trabajar en
Google Docs a laBuscar
versión…de escritorio de Word, porque
B U S C Ano
R hay tiempo de carga y

solo algunas opciones de menú para distraerse. Mi documento de Google siempre

se guarda en la nube y puedo continuar donde lo dejé en cualquier momento, en
cualquier dispositivo.

La versión en línea de MS Word le permite trabajar de manera similar, pero

podría decirse que se siente un poco más 'quisquilloso' y, en mi experiencia, tarda
un poco más en cargarse. Pero, sin duda, es mucho mejor que Google
Workspace, como era de esperar, para editar documentos de MS Of ce y
guardarlos intactos y sin problemas de formato (como se mencionó anteriormente,
aunque puede guardar en formato de MS Of ce utilizando Google Workspace, a
menudo puede terminar con problemas de formato).

En última instancia, creo que ambos productos son bastante sencillos de usar. Si la
edición de archivos de MS Of ce va a ser una gran parte de su trabajo, entonces
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Microsoft 365 se sentirá mucho más familiar y presentará menos curva de

aprendizaje; Si facilitar la colaboración interna de manera efectiva es más la
preocupación, entonces Google Workspace es posiblemente una apuesta
Buscar …
ligeramente mejor. BUSCAR

Trabajando sin conexión

Cómo trabajar sin conexión con Google Workspace

Dado que Google Workspace está diseñado esencialmente para ejecutarse en un

navegador, una pregunta clave que suelen tener muchos usuarios potenciales de
Google Apps es "¿Podré trabajar sin conexión?".

La respuesta es sí. En una computadora de escritorio, deberá hacer dos cosas: 1)

asegurarse de haber instalado el navegador Chrome de Google y 2) activar la
sincronización de archivos . Esto le permitirá acceder y editar documentos, hojas y
diapositivas de Google sin conexión; cualquier cambio que les haga se
sincronizará con la nube cuando se vuelva a conectar a Internet.

Con respecto a Gmail, puede usarlo sin conexión siempre que esté usando
Chrome y haya habilitado el correo sin conexión . (Nuevamente, deberá
asegurarse de descargar todo su correo antes de desconectarse). Después de eso,
cuando envíe correos electrónicos sin conexión en Gmail, estos irán a una nueva
carpeta "Bandeja de salida" y se enviarán tan pronto como vuelva a conectarse.

También puede trabajar sin conexión con las aplicaciones móviles de Google; sin
embargo, primero debe informar a Google Workspace que desea que un archivo
en particular esté disponible sin conexión (marcando una opción que lo descargue
en su dispositivo móvil).

Cómo trabajar sin conexión con Microsoft 365

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Con Microsoft 365, la mejor manera de trabajar sin conexión en una

computadora de escritorio es utilizando las aplicaciones de escritorio estándar
junto con la versión de escritorio de OneDrive.
Buscar … BUSCAR
Al igual que con Google Workspace, asegúrese de haber sincronizado todo con
su computadora de escritorio antes de desconectarse; luego puede trabajar en
cualquier archivo en Word, Excel, etc. y cuando se vuelva a conectar a Internet,
todos los cambios que haya realizado se sincronizarán.

Las aplicaciones móviles de 365 también le permiten trabajar sin conexión, pero al
igual que con las aplicaciones móviles de Google, primero deberá descargar
archivos individuales a su dispositivo móvil para acceder a ellos sobre la marcha .

Ampliación de la funcionalidad de Google Workspace y

Microsoft 365

Si no está satisfecho con la funcionalidad proporcionada por las aplicaciones de

Google Workspace y Microsoft 365, existen dos formas de ampliar la
funcionalidad de ambos conjuntos de productos.

La primera, y la más sencilla, es instalar un "complemento" en los productos. Tanto

Microsoft como Google tienen tiendas en línea que brindan una amplia gama de
aplicaciones para reforzar sus herramientas de productividad: la tienda 'Microsoft
Appsource' y el 'Google Workspace Marketplace' respectivamente. Hay muchas
aplicaciones gratuitas y de pago disponibles para ambos sistemas.

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La otra forma de mejorar la funcionalidad de ambos productos es codi car algo

usted mismo. Si tiene los conocimientos técnicos, puede utilizar las API de Microsoft
o Google (interfaces de programas de aplicación) para agregar una pieza de
Buscar … al conjunto de herramientas
funcionalidad personalizada B U S C A de
R productividad que

elija. Puede leer más sobre la API de Google Workspace en el sitio de Google
Developers ; la información relevante sobre la API de Microsoft se puede encontrar
aquí .

Los usuarios de Google Workspace también pueden aprovechar una opción de

'código bajo' para agregar funcionalidad a medida a las aplicaciones de Google.
Llamado " Apps Script ", puede usarlo para crear complementos o automatizar
procesos que sean especí cos de su empresa u organización. El siguiente video
ofrece una breve introducción a la herramienta.

Finalmente, también encontrará que hay una serie de empresas y desarrolladores

saltar alque
que desarrollan productos particulares contenido
están diseñados para funcionar "sobre" 32/124
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Google Workspace y Microsoft 365.

(Si está interesado en una introducción a uno de estos, contáctenos ; podemos

ayudarlo a ponerse en contacto con algunas personas excelentes que crean
Buscar … BUSCAR
aplicaciones tanto para Google Workspace como para Microsoft 365).

Pass IT
Certi cation

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23/3/2021 Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace (2021) - ¿Cuál es mejor?

Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace: conclusión

En última instancia, Microsoft 365 y Google Workspace son herramientas

excelentes para administrar
Buscar … el lado de la productividad
B U S Cde
A Rsu negocio, con
Microsoft 365 posiblemente ganando en las características del producto y Google
Workspace ganando cuando se trata de facilitar la colaboración.

Google Workspace también tiene un precio un poco más generoso cuando se

trata de almacenamiento de archivos (siempre que no esté en su plan de nivel de

Para mí, probablemente me centraría en seis áreas clave para tomar la decisión
nal entre las herramientas:

La necesidad que puede tener su organización de editar

documentos de Microsoft Of ce

Sus requisitos de almacenamiento de archivos

Sus requisitos de almacenamiento de correo electrónico

La naturaleza de su entorno de trabajo.

Implicaciones de TI


A continuación, resumiré mis pensamientos sobre estas áreas antes de redondear

esta comparación entre 365 y Google Workspace con una lista de pros y contras
clave de ambos productos.

Editando documentos saltar al contenido 34/124
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Si trabaja en una organización que absolutamente tiene que trabajar con

archivos de MS Of ce con regularidad , y particularmente si necesita usar la
funcionalidad avanzada que brindan las aplicaciones de MS Of ce, entonces la
elección natural de …
nitivamente será Microsoft 365B U(solo
S C Aasegúrese
R de seleccione
un plan que incluya las aplicaciones de escritorio).

Although Google Workspace can be used to produce and edit Microsoft

documents, this functionality is limited and you can expect hiccups when you try to
edit and save a complex Microsoft document or spreadsheet with a Google
Workspace app. Also, you won’t be able to collaborate with others on this
document in the cloud.

That said, Google Workspace technically allows you to edit both documents
produced with Google Workspace and MS Of ce apps — this is not true of
Microsoft 365.

So, if you have a client base that works with both Of ce and Google Workspace
les, there may be an advantage in going for Google Workspace (so long as your
needs are relatively simple on the MS Of ce formatting front).

Cloud storage
If having a serious quantity of cloud storage available is your
overriding concern, then Google Workspace is generally the better bet. Its
‘Business Standard’ and ‘Business Plus’ plans provide you with 2TB and 5TB le
storage respectively, at a reasonable price; the most you’ll get with Microsoft 365
is 2TB, and for that you’ll need to be on an expensive Enterprise plan.


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If your organisation sends and receives a large amount of mail, then might
nd yourself drawn towards the $18 per month ‘Business Plus’ Google Workspace
plan, as it comes with 5TB of le storage — more than you’ll get on any Microsoft
365 plan. Buscar … BUSCAR

If you’re on a budget however, and email storage is a big issue for you, you’ll nd
that the Microsoft 365 plans are often more generous than their Google
Workspace equivalents when it comes to email storage, especially when you factor
in the ‘unlimited archive’ functionality provided by Microsoft 365 (which, whilst not
quite as straightforward to work with as an inbox with unlimited storage,
nonetheless ultimately gives you unlimited storage space for your emails).

Working environment
The working environment that you are hoping to deploy Google
Workspace and Microsoft 365 in should also be factored into your nal
decision. If your organisation uses a wide mix of devices and operating systems,
then you could potentially make life easier for your users by plumping for Google
Workspace, which is designed to run online (ideally in a web browser — but apps
are available for all the major mobile operating systems).

With Google Workspace, it simply won’t matter whether your team members use
Macs, PCs, Linux-based machines, or Chromebooks…everything will look, feel and
function exactly the same.

But if your organisation is entirely MS Windows-based, there’s a lot to be said for

Microsoft 365 — a plan which involves the desktop apps will slot very neatly into
such an environment. This is especially true if you intend to use Access and Publisher
— these 365 apps are exclusively available to Windows-based users.
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IT 36/124
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Whilst it’s always a good idea to have some IT resource available, the resource and
IT cost implication for deploying, maintaining and supporting Google Workspace
will often be lower than for Microsoft 365 — particularly if the Microsoft desktop
Buscar …
apps are involved. BUSCAR

With regard to scalability, you’ll need to remember that the more affordable
Microsoft 365 plans (the ‘Business’ ones) currently cap the numbers of users at 300
— no such limit applies to any of the Google Workspace plans.

Pros and cons summary

So after all that, you’re probably thinking that choosing between these two
products is still a tough decision!

But hopefully this review has helped resolve the Microsoft 365 vs Google
Workspace debate at least a little bit for you.

I’ll leave you with a summary of some pros and cons which might you might assist
you in prioritising one of the solutions over the other.

Do leave a comment below if you have any thoughts of your own on the two
products, and feel free to share this comparison with others.

And make sure you contact us if you are thinking of using Google Workspace or
Microsoft 365 in your organisation — we can help arrange a successful setup or
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Buscar … BUSCAR

Pros and cons of using Microsoft 365 and Google


Reasons to pick Microsoft 365 over Google Workspace

Most Microsoft 365 plans come with desktop versions of the Microsoft Of ce
applications, making the product a much better t for any organisation with
clients that expect it be able to send, receive and edit MS Of ce les without
dif culty. This is in my view by far the strongest argument for choosing 365.

The free trial is more generous — you can use Microsoft 365 for one month for
free, whereas Google Workspace offers a shorter, 14-day trial.

The 365 apps are generally more feature-rich than the Google Workspace

The le storage and email storage quotas on the 365 entry level plan are much
more generous than those provided by the Google Workspace entry level plan.
And the inbox archive functionality ultimately provides unlimited storage space
across all plans (albeit with a bit of con guration involved).
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Outlook provides you with an easy means to sort and group mail — Gmail
doesn’t (unless you use a client like Outlook or Thunderbird to access it).

The video conferencing participant limits are considerably higher than the
Buscar … BUSCAR
Google Workspace equivalents, especially where cheaper plans are

More advanced phone call management options are available with Microsoft

More advanced functionality regarding virus protection and rights management

is available with Microsoft 365 (for a price, though).

Microsoft 365 may provide a more natural t for businesses that are exclusively
Windows-based (more apps — notably Access and Publisher — are available
on the Windows-based version, along with performance monitoring tools too).

You can try Microsoft 365 for free here, or read more about our Microsoft 365
setup and migration services.


Reasons to pick Google Workspace over Microsoft 365

Technically, Google Workspace allows you to create both Google Workspace

and MS Of ce documents — Microsoft 365 will only let you create the latter
(but remember that you can really only create simple MS documents with
Google Workspace, and it can be hard to preserve formatting accurately when
using Workspace to edit existing ones).

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File storage: ‘Business Starter’ plan aside, the Google plans provide more
generous le storage limits than their Microsoft 365 equivalents.

Google Workspace is very scalable — there are no limits on the number of

Buscar … BUSCAR
users regardless of what plan you’re on (by contrast, the cheaper Microsoft
365 ‘Business’ plans cap the number of your users at 300).

Google Workspace was built as collaboration-focused solution from the

ground up; with Microsoft 365, collaboration features were integrated into an
existing desktop-based product that has a history of being used in ‘local’
context. As such the Google Workspace collaboration features are arguably a
bit stronger.

eDiscovery, site building tools, email archiving and legal holds on inboxes
(amongst other advanced features) are available for a lower cost with Google

The Google Workspace interfaces are clean and intuitive and, so long as a
good internet connection is being used, load fast (certainly faster than
Microsoft Of ce desktop equivalents).

Google Workspace is a good solution for businesses that use multiple devices
and operating systems.

The fact that everything is cloud-based in Google Workspace may encourage

users to use the cloud more, with all the collaboration-related bene ts this

Google’s Drive Stream works with more Windows and Mac operating systems
than Microsoft’s equivalent One Drive Files on Demand product.

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You can try Google Workspace for free here or read more about our Google
Workspace setup and migration services.


Buscar … BUSCAR

Alternatives to Microsoft 365 and G Suite

The main alternatives to Microsoft 365 and G Suite are probably Apple’s iWork
suite of products and Open Of ce.

iWork from Apple.

iWork saltar al contenido 41/124
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iWork is a nice, user-friendly set of productivity tools; as with the Google

Workspace apps, you’ll encounter a more minimalistic interface than in Microsoft
Buscar … BUSCAR
Like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, you can use iWork in a browser on
any device and collaborate in real time with other users; desktop apps (Pages,
Numbers and Keynote) are also available, but these work with Apple products

The good news is that these apps are free — but you will need to potentially pay for
iCloud storage so that you can store your les somewhere.

Open Of ce
Open Of ce is a well-known open-source of ce software suite for word
processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics and databases. The good news is
that like iWorks, it’s completely free; the less good news is that there isn’t an of cial
‘cloud’ version of the software.

If you are particularly keen on using Open Of ce though, some cloud functionality
will be available to you using Rollapp, an ‘online application virtualization
platform’, which — in theory at least — allows you to run any application on any
device in a web browser.

The focus of Dropbox has traditionally about le storage — it was one of the rst
cloud-based apps that allowed you to store and access les from anywhere.

However, it has evolved a bit in recent years, and now offers some of the features
you’ll nd in Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace.
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It’s online text-editing app, Dropbox Paper, works in a similar way to Google Docs
or the online version of Microsoft Word; and, thanks to an integration with
Microsoft 365, you can edit Of ce les stored in Dropbox online.
Buscar … BUSCAR
There’s also ‘Dropbox for Google Workspace,’ which allows you to

create and store Docs, Sheets and Slides in Dropbox alongside other traditional

use Google Docs, Sheets and Slides to edit Microsoft Of ce le types stored in
Dropbox, without having to change le formats.

add Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides to shared Dropbox folders which will
then automatically inherit the same sharing permissions.

These Microsoft and Google Microsoft integrations de nitely make it easier for
people who’ve bought into the Dropbox platform to stick with it — but my feeling is
that users who are in the market for a productivity suite for the rst time would nd
things far more straightforward by going straight for Microsoft 365 or Google

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23/3/2021 Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace (2021) - ¿Cuál es mejor?

Buscar … BUSCAR

Dropbox now offers an integration with Google Workspace.

Any thoughts on Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365?

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More Style Factory content and resources you may enjoy

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Our Chromebook review

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JEFFREY T DEVOLL December 31, 2020 at 4:51 pm

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I have paid accounts for both and it is impossible to explain the difference in

Of ce365 is a 30-second call back.

Buscar … BUSCAR
Google is days or weeks. I had a simple PW problem that took 2 months. The
company that handles support in Columbia is lled with people who do not
care and have zero accountability. They blow off appointments and even the
management does keep appointments.

I you are counting on support, don’t even bother with Workspace, it’s a


Jimmy August 10, 2020 at 8:22 pm

You missed the power of

Power automate and power apps, no mention of endpoint manager (formerly
intune), cloud security, defender, azure ad etc etc.


Diego Mirabete April 27, 2020 at 3:41 am

Hi. I have a 2.5TB local le server storage. I would like to migrate the le
server to the cloud. What dou you recommend? O365 or g-suite? I need all
users to be able to access the company’s le server without problems, and
that the storage limitation is not an impediment. What dou you recommend?
Thank you.
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Bob B January 22, 2020 at 5:46 am

Buscar … BUSCAR
To respond to many other users, I would agree that Teams is a really nice tool
with no G-Suite equivalent. I like it a lot, though I can see it proliferating and
causing headaches down the road unless companies put some usage rules in
place (just imagine having to sift through dozens of team sites to nd a
speci c conversation or document you need). OneNote is another platform I
love compared to Google Keep (though Keep has its uses too; it’s great for
quick notes and has an Android widget for ease of reference).

Some of Microsoft’s individual tools are de nite wins vs G-Suite, but for
overall productivity and just the general ease-of-use, integration of tools,
performance, and reliability of the service, G-Suite wins hands down.


Bob B January 22, 2020 at 5:40 am

G-Suite and it’s not even close. Microsoft has so many places to put les that
people will have trouble nding what they’re looking for. The collaboration
features are JANKY, and the OneDrive sharing is so unreliable that you may
accidentally share extremely sensitive information unintentionally. But the
worst part is that Outlook Web App is just SLOW. It takes 10-20 seconds to
load emails sometimes. EMAILS. If any part of O365 should be mature,
you’d think it would be email. This is 2020 for crying out loud. With G-Suite, I
had gotten used to my technology facilitating my work instead of hindering it.
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Now I’m experiencing frustrations contenido
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experienced since 2012 when I left an Exchange/Of ce environment for

what was then Google Apps.

Buscar … BUSCAR

Chris January 21, 2020 at 9:53 pm

I have to hand it to you, the level of detail you provide in your comparison
content is amazing! It’s rare to nd content like this.

I would like to point out a few things though about Of ce 365, and I’m not
knocking G-Suite at all. I’ve never used it (so I can’t speak to it), but clearly it
suits many people’s needs – which in the end is all that really matters.

There’s more to Of ce 365 than is readily apparent. For example, I subscribe

to their $5/mo. Business Essentials, here’s the complete list of apps that come
with that subscription:

Teams (Web and Desktop) – this alone (IMO) is worth $5/mo. for it’s many
collaboration features, video conferencing, desktop sharing, chat, le
sharing, and scores of 3rd party integrations (like Nimble for example) and
tight integration with SharePoint and other Of ce 365 apps.

Web & mobile apps for: Outlook (backed by Exchange 365), Calendar,
Excel, Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, and several others.

SharePoint – This gives your team additional document storage space

beyond your personal 1TB OneDrive space. For Business Essentials you get
1TB + an additional10GB/licensed user of SharePoint shared storage space.
As your team grows, so does your SharePoint storage pool. (Likewise, Stream
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comes with it’s own storage allotment separate from other apps). SharePoint
can also be used for internal web pages, Wiki’s, and other things.

Other included Of ce 365 apps…Dynamics 365, Forms, Delve, Kaizala,

Buscar … BUSCAR
MyAnalytics (this is new), Power Automate, Compliance Center, Security
Center, PowerApps, Stream, Sway, Planner, Microsoft Whiteboard, Tasks,
ToDo, Yammer, and Microsoft Flow for automating work ows. (Granted not
every user will use all these apps, but that’s what’s available).

All this value for $5.00/mo.

Compare that to a Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino Venti: $4.95. That’s gone in

under 30 mins. 🙂

Other points: While you may consider a 300 user limit a con for the small
business plans, it’s not that big of a con. A business that size would be better
served with (and could easily afford) an Enterprise plan. Once you get to that
point, you can migrate plans.

Also, it’s not all or nothing with plans. A single Of ce 365 tenant can utilize
different SKU’s within Of ce 365. For example:

You can add up to 300 users per Business Family SKU.

For example, in one tenant you can have
1000 E3 (Enterprise) Users
250 Business Essential Users (Max 300)
290 Business Premium users (Max 300)
All within the same tenant. You’re not tied to just one subscription type for
everyone in your organization. This way you can give your users the Of ce
365 plan that is most suitable for their needs, which helps keeps your costs as
low as possible. saltar al contenido 51/124
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For me, it’s more about the value you get for your dollar (or pound), and how
well it suites your business needs. Price is honestly last.

Again…love your in-depth content. Keep those coming!

Buscar … BUSCAR



WAYNE JOHNS December 23, 2019 at 12:21 am

I’m a Mac user and it’s just me in my company.

I don’t use any windows software, as we already have pages, numbers and
keynote built into our systems both physically and in the cloud which work
easily together at virtually zero cost.

I’m just looking for a mail client. My current mail client is with ‘godaddy’
which is in fact the hosting company for my website. Hosting I now know I
don’t have with them as my website is hosted with smugmug… been laying go
daddy for hosting I don’t actually use and only use their mail service, and low
level at that.

Which Would suit me better just as a mail client without taking into account
any document based operations. ? I don’t need word, excel or anything else
like that. Just a mail client where I can have info@, sales@ etc.

Or is there a alternate option?

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D WardBuscar
November 9, 2019 at 8:42 pm
I came to GSuite rst .. after supporting multiple schools running GSuite for
Education. But there are some huge annoyances that affect productivity and
the bottom line.. I’m not discounting the fact that Microsoft has a HUGE
number of annoyances itself .. its just that I think people are more aware of
them .. and are not aware of GSuite’s .. so let me elaborate a bit…

What rst hits you is the licensing of users. In Of ce 365 you can have
unlicensed users. So you can (and should) have your Of ce 365 admin as a
separate unlicensed user .. with a strong password and MFA .. you can then
assign licenses based on the individual employee’s needs. So your licensing
costs match your needs. With GSuite .. its the same rate for all your users..
and you pay for all users .. even that Administrator account that you don’t
want to actually use but you want to have. If you are small business – that one
extra account can be 30-50% of your total subscription fee.

Plus .. if you have one person that requires S/MIME .. you have to upgrade
your entire company. (incidentally, S/MIME should be included in all GSuite
tiers – this is shortsightedness for a company that claims to take security

You can’t be free from Windows … With GSuite my idea was for employees
to use Chromebooks .. eliminate the Windows 10 licensing / upgrade
headaches .. keep everything in the cloud for easier compliance .. Good idea
in theory … doesn’t really work. There are major gaps in the Chromebook
app scene. The Android apps don’t integrate unless the developer considers
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Chromebooks .. and in my experience the entire Android App system is still 53/124
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suffering from memory leaks .. I nd nearly all Android Apps .. if left open ..
will gradually slow your Chromebook to a crawl until you close them.

Google has recently opened up Linux on Chromebooks .. and I was hopeful

Buscar … BUSCAR
that this was a step in the direction of closing this software gap .. but they
focused so strongly on security that they knee-capped it .. For example .. as a
tech .. having a terminal prompt on my Chromebook was very appealing. I
could ping, ssh, netstat .. arp .. all the standard Unix tools .. but the network
interface on the Linux terminal is caged .. you have a virtual interface that is
basically an internally NAT’d interface (as opposed to bridged) .. so its
Plus because a lot of Chromebooks run on Arm64 platforms, you don’t have
full binary compatibility for running i386 binaries .. this cuts off a lot of Linux
apps too ..

Horrible Remote Support / Access options (both outbound and inbound). For
helping people that use Chromebooks, your only option for remote support is
through Google’s remote desktop service. Easy enough .. but if you are
USING a chromebook, you can’t use that same service to remotely help
others because it requires a Google account. Many people use Chrome but
do not have a Google account. .. To make this headache worse .. all remote
support / access programs (AnyDesk, ConnectWise Connect, TeamViewer) ..
are not able to be implemented as Chrome Apps .. so they have to run as
Android Apps. See problems above.

Reliability. Having a desktop application is more reliable .. plain and simple.

GSuite is constantly changing and because its entirely cloud based .. there
are constant glitches. You go to print or move a docs le .. and all of a sudden
the popup box is white andsaltar
empty al..contenido
because the service that powers that is 54/124
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not responding. You try it from another computer .. same thing .. you think
maybe its your connection so you connect to your phone as a hotspot to test ..
and same thing .. Obviously its the Google service .. These hiccups last for a
few seconds …10 minutes .. but I neverBsee
to up to U S Cthem
A R reported on GSuite’s

service status page. And there are lots of issues like this. The school I support
has over 400 Chromebooks and I am constantly getting people reporting
little issues like this .. and I’m powerless to do anything about it .. Network
monitoring shows everything is ne .. latency to Google’s servers are good ..
bandwidth is suf cient .. that’s ALL I can do …

Google puts individual’s privacy before the company which is very frustrating
.. Microsoft (except for recent history) has historically understood what
businesses want and need. I feel Google is playing catch up. They are getting
better but they are lagging. As an employer I am responsible for my
employee’s conduct .. I am responsible for meeting certain checkpoints for
standards compliance .. Not having full control to monitor my employee’s
activities makes that hard.. I have to turn to third party utilities that integrate in
with my GSuite .. which makes standards compliance more arduous.

Developer limitations. Someone develops an app – it works .. but then

Google changes their policy and breaks the app. That’s a huge cost for the
development .. and it interrupts the users. Change costs people money .. This
is a problem with cloud services in general however .. BUT .. at least with
O365 you have the of ine route as well.


BP October 23, 2019 at 4:46 pm

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Company shared contacts?! Very important. Outlook iOS app, nup. G-Suite?
Not sure.

Buscar … BUSCAR

MF October 18, 2019 at 7:49 am

Great review. I have used both but I’ve used Microsoft Of ce 365 in my
business for several years and I’ve only dabbled with G Suite. I would say
that the $12 G Suite Compares more closely with the O365 Business Premium
plan for $12.50 per month. The $25 G Suite plan compares more closely to
the 0365 E3 plan, which I have had in the past. So, in my mind the pricing is
a mute point since it’s a few dollars difference either way. I feel O365 is more
robust and a more professional look and feel, especially with the Of ce
applications vs Google Docs. G Suite will be simpler to use for most people
than O365 and G Suite set up will be simpler for most people. For most small
businesses Google Docs will be ne because they will be drafting simple
documents or using simple spreadsheets. I tend to do more with O365 than I
would be able to with G Suite for the simple reason that I can do more with
O365, but I could probably live with G Suite if I had to. O365 had added
many new features recently which includes a free invoicing app so you don’t
have to pay for quickbooks. They have also included an app called Bookings
which is like calendly where you can have your customers co online and
schedule their own appointments. O365 also includes a simple CRM called
customer manager. And the fact that all of these things are integrated, you
can do all of this from within your O365 account instead of having several
accounts with several different providers to set up, manage, and keep track
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of. Most people like simplicity but I prefer power and integration which I think
O365 wins hands down.

Buscar … BUSCAR

Jay September 15, 2019 at 4:08 am

Microsoft Teams > Google Keep is not the equivalent. It would be Microsoft
Teams > Google Groups.

And of Notes it would be the following:

OneNote > Google Keep


Jay September 27, 2019 at 3:21 pm

You mean Microsoft Teams > Google Team Drive ?


Chris Singleton September 30, 2019 at 10:22 am

Thanks – upon re ection, there isn’t really a direct equivalent; I

have removed the reference to Microsoft Teams for now but will
address it separately in an updated version of the comparison
shortly. Thanks!

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Nancy August 13, 2019 at 7:39 pm

What about if you have both? My workplace offers both and some people
are confused by it. I appreciate this great article–it helped me wrap my head
Buscar … BUSCAR
around all.


Chris Singleton August 20, 2019 at 1:12 pm

Hi Nancy – you’ve highlighted a common problem…a lot of companies

end up using both G Suite and Of ce, because their clients do too!
However, my view is that it’s best for an organisation to pick ONE of
these two productivity suites as their ‘core’ tool. If needed, they can use
the other platform too – but only when really needed (to access/edit
les from clients who use the other one as their preferred productivity


Elvako July 25, 2019 at 4:12 am

You miss the most important part of collaboration in O365. Microsoft Teams is
the most robust collaboration and video conference plataform. Is side to side
with Cisco and Zoom. GSuite is miles of distance from this tool.


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July 7, 2019 at 11:26 pm
Ruthanne Roth
There are a lot of great apps that work much better on Gmail than they do on
Outlook. And if you have Outlook 365 on a Mac you are missing important
things like Quick … that Gmail’s smart text does for you and saves you SO BUSCAR

much time. Apps like Calendly and Mix Panel (which only works on Gmail)
are on a list of things I would like to use but can’t get all the functionality I
need on Of ce 365.


Pawel Wrobel (MSFT Advocate) June 24, 2019 at 7:16 am

Hi! It would be good to mention PowerApps and Flow in the "Extending the
functionality". They give Of ce 365 customers option to build low code apps
and automate work ows


RickM May 27, 2019 at 1:41 pm

Article seems bias towards G Suite and de nitely not up to date. How could
you provide this comparison without mentioning Microsoft Teams – which
also happens to have a great mobile app. When you talk about licensing,
you ignore the fact that any smart business should purchase licenses from a
Microsoft Cloud Service Provider (CSP) which provide full license exibility
month to month (even though a yearly commitment is technically required). I
could go on …
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Me May 16, 2019 at 10:36 pm

I would be curious of pricing for education on the two products. Curious how
the free for Buscar … versions differ…
education BUSCAR


Lester Ingber April 19, 2019 at 10:11 pm

This is really old, especially as of a couple of days ago. Just using Google
Voice will cost you $10-$30/month. They say that old free GV will be
grandfathered in, if you believe that. If you bought into Google Fi, you’re
screwed if you drop Fi, as then you’ll have to buy into Voice.


Chris Singleton May 14, 2019 at 11:35 am

Thanks for your comment Lester – we have updated our Of ce 365 vs

G Suite comparison now to include a mention of Google Voice.


Dalwos April 15, 2019 at 9:18 pm

I administer several G-Suite and O365 systems as part of my job. From an

admin perspective, I would pick Of ce 365 any time. It’s so much more
exible. If you needs are simple though, and are blissfully ignorant of all the
possibilities and permutations al contenido
behind the scenes, then I see no reason not to 60/124
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pick G-Suite. I run my own business using G-Suite (with Thunderbird) but
would still probably recommend O365 ‘most’ of the time, especially for any
business with a lot of customer facing emails or that already use the of ce
Buscar …
applications. BUSCAR

Anyway to correct you and elaborate on some other stuff…

You can get month by month plans on Of ce 365. They cost about 20% more
than the annual ones though.

This brings me to some other features you may have missed. If you have
department based email addresses like accounts@ or info@, these don’t count
toward O365 licences. So long as there’s an actual licenced user that ‘owns’
these accounts, then you can have as many of these group mailboxes as you
like. This also means archiving ex staff email account is easy. You just convert
it to a group mailbox and assign it an owner. Retention compliance is kept
within the same place as all your other emails so no complicated exporting to
do. You can do something a little similar with G-Suite’s ‘groups’ but they’re
not proper mailboxes and have all sorts of annoying quirks and gotchas.
O365 group mailboxes act just like any other and can have as many owners
and users as they like. The only real difference is that you can’t access them
without going through a licenced users login. This feature is often the
dealmaker/breaker when one of my clients are deciding which platform to
go on.

As a general note, you should not really be putting all your staff on the same
plan. Decide which users need which features and get the licences
accordingly. This includes getting a mix of annual and month by month
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Lastly if all your business contacts are using one or the other, then that’s a
really biggy. If you’re a creative who designs for other creatives ,then go G-
Suite as they’re more like to be in the Apple ecosytem. If on the other hand
your business … are mostly corporate, Bthen
contacts U S CO365
AR is the much better


Stuart April 11, 2019 at 6:00 pm

Hi. Great article.

My question lies within the security and data privacy policies with respect to
both could storage options. Google being google as I understand, has
access to ALL data and les that are uploaded to Drive and obtains access to
the utilization of the metadata for their own purposes. Whereas Onedrive
does not. Would you concur? Have you looked into this?


Chris Singleton April 12, 2019 at 11:41 am

Many thanks for reading Stuart. It’s an area that I de nitely intend to
explore in an updated version of this post but I do know that Microsoft
explicitly state that they do not data mine via Of ce 365. Google are
less clear on that point in their of cial information about privacy, but the
company states that they do not use G Suite data for advertising
purposes (on paid-for plans). See links below for more details – and
thanks again for your kind words on the article.
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Of ce 365 Privacy – https://products.of

gb/business/of ce-365-trust-center-privacy

Google Privacy –
Buscar … BUSCAR


Richard H March 11, 2019 at 9:30 pm

What a comprehensive run through.
My reason for considering either of these is that I have been a very happy
user of dropbox, but now they’ve put their prices up, I’m looking for an
alternative. So my main driver is le storage/syncing and le sharing.
Any thoughts on which is better for that?
And who is more secure?


Chris Singleton March 12, 2019 at 4:30 pm

Thanks for the very kind words Richard. In terms of le sharing, both G
Suite and Of ce 365 make it pretty straightforward to do that – but
from memory I found it a slightly easier process on Of ce 365. As for
security, these resources should hopefully help:

https://products.of ce-365-trust-center-

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All the best Chris

ReplyBuscar … BUSCAR

Arnaud SANDER March 11, 2019 at 5:09 pm

Thanks for this very detailed and fair comparison. My comment would be that
the advantage for O365 is linked with the fact that people know better Of ce
and can continue to use Of ce desktop… but this is also a strong nancial
disadvantage because you need to keep PCs with image management,
antivirus… it restarin you in having cheap Chromebook for non of ce user.
Unless we would stricly compare online versions only: Gsuite and Of ce
Online, which is not he case in this document where of ce desktop is
sometimes part of the arguments.


Chris Singleton March 12, 2019 at 4:32 pm

Hello Arnaud, you can use Of ce 365 on Macs too (although that
said, not all of the desktop apps – notably Access – are available on
the Mac version). On a Chromebook, yes, you’d have to use the online


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Michael Austin March 4, 2019 at 5:17 pm

A very good review this, and very helpful. Thank you. At the same time it looks
completely disingenuous and misleading to have a January 2019 date
heading theBuscar
while there are comments which are two years old on it. If
you’re interested in my experienced trust then I’d suggest making it easily and
quickly discernible that the review has actually been updated.


Chris Singleton March 4, 2019 at 5:21 pm

Many thanks for the kind words Michael – although I disagree with the
notion that there is anything disingenuous going on here (it would be far
worse NOT to update the review, or delete contributors’ comments, I
think). That said we will take the feedback on board and I’ll tweak the
blog design soon to replace the post date with a ‘last updated’ date.


Hakan February 28, 2019 at 10:37 am

Great job indeed. I just nd that the Gmail rallying cry "Don’t sort: Search" is
not widely appreciated. In Gmail the main idea is that you attach tags to
messages and then just stow them away in your archive. The point is that a
message may have more than one tag, i.e. belong to more than one drawer
which is not possible with hierarchical sorting. Without any preparation at all
it is also very easy to nd all messages to/from a given user.
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Daleos April 15, 2019 at 8:16 pm

The problem with search based email apps is that whilst they’re very
goodBuscar … stuff you want, they’re not
at nding BUSCAR
very good nding things you
don’t want or are fuzzy about what you do want. Sorting a list of emails
by subject or from almost instantly makes the unwanted emails pop right
out at you in a nice list, ready to highlight and delete. With mailboxes
with more junk than useful emails, sorting is far superior. And whilst tags
are very useful, you have to be really quite strict with yourself on how
you use them. I see mispelled tags, tags which mean practically the
same thing, people with so many tags they forget which does which,
etc. I have both G-Suite and Of ce 365 and I can’t use Gmail
effectively without Thunderbird to keep things properly structured.


Wes Dowding December 2, 2018 at 8:36 pm

Thanks good article. I think G+ is supposed to be the Yammer alternative in



Pete Hutchins October 19, 2018 at 10:17 am

Great article thank you very much.

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Barney October 16, 2018 at 4:53 am

Great review would be interested with you also factoring in the Zoho offerings
esp Zoho one.
Buscar … BUSCAR


Jim Miller October 15, 2018 at 8:58 pm

In Google G Suite, you can easily group, sort, tag emails in gMail by using
the Label functionality. They are just like folders, but you can le things in
multiple folders simultaneously, like "Finance" and "Customer XYZ" and
"Project 123". With Labels, you can le things away and lookup things
several different ways and nd them. It’s called meta-data.


Chris Singleton October 16, 2018 at 10:36 am

Thanks Jim – yes, I use G Suite labels in that way. However, for me at
least it’s no substitute for a quick sort button or ‘group by sender’ option


bella johsan October 4, 2018 at 10:04 am

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Natalie September 28, 2018 at 7:56 pm

Hello. I love this article. Currently, I have Of ce Pro Plus 2016 because I am
more comfortable … the desktop version ofBofU Sce.
However, after reading
your article, I am now considering using G suite Business (for the business
email address & low-code app function) while continuing using my
of ce2016 outlook. I will be the only user for the g suite business, so I know I
won’t have the unlimited cloud storage. I am more concerned with the outlook
storage limitation for the 2016 version. How would the email storage work in
this situation?


Vitalii September 24, 2018 at 3:21 pm

Thank you for good comparison. I like O365 more then G-Suite because of
its corporate approach. Email services is great, MS Teams is fantastic. Planner
is good app like trello. Administrative panel is Informative. Integration with AD
(AD Sync) works ne. The main disappoints: 1. Of ce web apps works little
slow and very often there is a lack of functionality. 2. Unfortunately we can’t
use several accounts in 1 browser simultaneously (One account belongs to
company and another to client). Because of second we had to choose G-Suit
but my heart with O365 ))


Michael September 7, 2018 at 12:38 am

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Great article. I’m virtual CTO for several companies, I used many features on
both platforms. I’ve been a Google cheerleader for years. Still use my free G
Suite domain from the days when Google was giving it away for free. My
customers are about…50/50 on MSO 365 /BGU SSuite.
C A R Microsoft Of ce 365

cloud products were VERY BUGGY a couple years back. Lot’s of phone time
with them, strange bugs on new releases of MSO. OneDrive was a nightmare
as was skype. Just over a year ago things started to come right with
Microsoft. They have been bug squashing like Ninjas. As the dust has settled
we’ve been using more of their cloud based products and training my clients
how to use them. I’ve been very pleased.

My conclusion : MSO 365 is the Winner, here is why :

1 : Excel – big resistance on the cloud based

apps everybody wants Excel and Word (the
other apps too).

2 : A lot of my clients have employees that

travel to China. China hates google and blocks
everything google related.

3 : Microsoft Teams / Planner / Sharepoint

Sync is working great for us. Skype for
Business needs help, but it’s working for the
most part.
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4 : Microsoft answers phone calls. My guys

stopped searching for resolutions to issues
because Microsoft will do it for them. Google
answers via…email, harder to
Buscar B U Sget
C A R on the phone.

If you are already on G Suite with more than 20 users it can be a challenge
to switch over. But with email import tools and Microsoft on standby to help, it
can be done over a weekend (with at least a month of planing and a good

All that being said, G Suite is a great product as well. Will never give up my
free G Suite.


Tom Speijer September 6, 2018 at 11:29 am

Hey Chris, good review of 2 suites which are so similar and yet so different.
I like the approach you took to try to compare them.
There are a couple of things which you didn’t touch and one or two of them
are worth adding.
1st = e-mail archiving with certain E-plans in Of ce 365 E3 for example you
get 100GB primary mbx and unlimited archive mailbox
2nd = deleted default e-mail retention policies in Of ce 365 are also
"unlimited" in time ..

best regards,

Tom Speijer
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Geoff K Buscar
August 1, 2018 at 3:37 am
I’m not an expert but I think you misunderstand the phrase ‘data loss
prevention’. My understanding is that DLP allows you to set rules that pickup
when one of your users might be sending company data out of the
organisation. It looks for patterns like SSNs or passport numbers, and helps to
alert you.


Mike Jones July 16, 2018 at 1:30 am

For Education and Non-Pro t, O365 is the clear winner. My company uses
Of ce 365 for non-pro t (E1), which is much better than the GSuite for non-
pro t (Basic Plan) in terms of what’s provided. There is no user limitation in the
E-Class O365 non-pro t plans. We also use the E3 non-pro t plan for some
users (only $4.50/user/month), which provides unlimited cloud storage and
Of ce desktop app installation on up to 5 devices per user! We did set up a
Google non-pro t tenant as a comparison. As an IT Manager, the Admin
Console for GSuite is clunky and dif cult to navigate. GSuite does not give IT
admins nearly as much control over their environment as O365 does. Of ce
365 also provides complete AD Sync, with the option of using password sync
or federation (we use federation). I also don’t think you provided enough info
regarding support. My experiences with MS support via O365 have been
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fantastic. Their engineers respond in a very timely manner and work diligently
to resolve your problems. My only experience with GSuite support was with
someone who kept referring me to Google support articles…really?! GSuite
might be ne … and I know it’s popular
for some, B UinS C
A Reducation world, but for

most businesses, O365 is the only feasible option.


Robert July 9, 2018 at 3:01 pm

The storage limitations you mentioned for the bigger Of ce 365 subscriptions
isn’t accurate. A typical tenant will receive a shared storage of 1TB + 10GB
per active user so company with 100 users will actually have 2TB of shared
storage (SharePoint Online) without any additional cost. This also leave out a
large portion of the available storage which is the OneDrive (personal)
storage with is 1TB per user in addition to the shared storage. If we go back
to our 100 employees company, the total storage available is then 2TB +
100TB of personal storage.


Robert July 9, 2018 at 3:02 pm

Oh and I forgot… Thank for the comparaison, good work!


RS July 7, 2018 at 11:10 pm saltar al contenido 72/124
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Excellent. This is exactly what I needed. Setting up systems and networks for a
business client and was torn between G Suite and Of ce 365. I’m de nitely
sticking with Of ce 365 simply because of the of ine applications.
Buscar … BUSCAR

Amalia Cordobes July 2, 2018 at 9:30 am

Good article but misses some points important to larger biz, just a few:
integration to other big chunks of software eg ERP, ltered access to les
based on who/where you are/what department or other meta data, links to
code management tools (Team Found Serv, Git), semi-auto roll out.
All of which can be delivered in some form by a current well managed
LDAP/AD structure
Also now MS has Teams we can have a better in and out of band chat and
alerts on edits. Currently interface is way too busy and burns real estate, but
typical of MS v3 will be good.
The point below on jurisdiction of storage is v important for protection of IP,
and the comment on cost is also correct – within reason – right product
before dollars.

As you install G Suite of biz – any comments on the comments above?


Chris Singleton July 3, 2018 at 11:46 am

Many thanks for the feedback on our Of ce versus G Suite comparison

Amalia! All fair questions
saltar–alwill aim to address them when we do the
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next update of the post.


Buscar … BUSCAR

Constantin June 14, 2018 at 6:35 pm

Great article, thank you. I’d say one of the major differences is also how data
is stored in the respective cloud architecture. While MS allows you to chose a
speci c data centre (for example in the EU) Google argues they dispatch the
data around the globe to provide the best/fastest access. For a company that
has to take care of security and legal issues, that might be a no-go. Or am I
just missing something?


Chris Singleton June 16, 2018 at 7:54 pm

Thanks for the kind words on our Of ce vs G Suite post, Constantin.

I’ll be honest and say that I’m not an expert when it comes to legal
issues around data storage, but my understanding is that both products
take security and data protection issues very seriously (particularly in
the light of GDPR).

These resources may help you a bit:
https://products.of ce-365-trust-center-
security saltar al contenido 74/124
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Thanks again for reading!


Buscar … BUSCAR

gagarine June 9, 2018 at 10:38 pm

In terms of productivity, especially if you need collaboration features G Suite

is so much better. I used them both extensively on real projects. I’m an
advance user of Microsoft Of ce, and for sure I love some speci c features of
the desktop app… but let’s be real, most users don’t even use style!
In terms of sharing and collaboration OneDrive and Word co-authoring is
unreliable and not stable enough. Users will be tired of bugs and will go back
to sending docx back and forth through email.
G Suite works. Also works. Of ce 360/OneDrive is
At the end of the day it’s not about features, but feature that improve your
team productivity and that doesn’t break the ow.


Dave Liao April 29, 2018 at 7:50 pm

Love this article – it highlights the madness of Microsoft’s pricing plans, for

The administration interfaces of G Suite and Of ce 365 were one reason I

ended up adopting G Suite for my operations. I found Microsoft’s
unnecessarily convoluted (even considering you’re managing more features
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than G Suite, even on the lower-tier Business plans). Folks considering either
suite should factor in administrative upkeep time into their costs.

Buscar … BUSCAR

James April 15, 2018 at 10:50 am

Thanks for this article – I’m sure i’m not alone in having found it impossible to
do a realistic evaluation during trial periods – this helped a little.

I chose GSuite a few months ago, and was disappointed, when using Mail,
at how often using an add-on is required just to achieve what I had thought
would be an essential feature. For example, you want to share emails – you
need HiverHQ; you want to share a contacts list – you need "Shared
Contacts for GMail". I have 2 massive concerns with this model: 1) It’s
expensive and 2) I feel very uncomfortable giving these companies access to
my company’s emails.
Anyone else had the same issues?


Tim Jasper September 20, 2018 at 6:25 am

James this is so true. I moved to google suite 7 years ago. Whilst it has
been generally a good experience, I’d have to agree with you about
gmail. It is totally limited from a shared mailbox point of view. When
you are paying $5 per user for google suite, it seems insane that you
have to pay $22 per month/user (HiverHQ) ($US) to get decent
shared mailbox functionality.
saltar al (HiverHQ
contenido is very good by the way). I 76/124
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originally went to google suite because of ce 365 was a complete

nightmare. However it looks very good these days and offers shared
mailboxes and also Microsoft 365 business also offers a complete
solution …
for managing devices. (which google
B U S C A doesn’t
R offer). I’m
currently considering a move to Microsoft 365 business.


Chris Watkins March 16, 2018 at 12:35 pm

Great article. I’ve been a O365 user and developer since 2012. I love to see
G-Suite become a true competitor so that prospective purchasers have a real
choice. The issues that always push me back to the Microsoft product are –
1. Full Enterprise Content management. This combined with the security and
compliance features in Admin portal means that personal and con dential
data are much easier to manage.
2. Full Database functionality. SharePoint lists delivers a tremendous DB
experience which need little IT knowledge to con gure.

When G-Suite tackle these two elements it will move into a true competitive


L Camp March 15, 2018 at 8:51 pm

Great article! Thanks for the great info. I have an additional point to make for
the person who looks into these paid suites and decides to go for the free
thing instead: go with Microsoft,
saltar not Google.
al contenido 77/124
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1) The Terms of Service for a free gmail account are very unfriendly to
intellectual property. Fortunately, if you pay for G-Suite, you get much better
2) Microsoft’s Terms…of Service are much better,
B U Seven
C A R for their free Email and

cloud storage services.


Emily January 23, 2018 at 4:41 pm

Really helpful article! I sited you multiple times in a blog post to compare G
Suite and Of ce 365. Thanks!


Rob January 22, 2018 at 11:41 pm

Hi Chris! This is very good comparison – thank you! How would you
compare IT Governance and Security – particularly from countries out side of
the USA?


Thomas Higginbotham January 18, 2018 at 2:37 pm

I have to disagree with the O365 apps being more "feature packed" than
Google’s apps. If you were referring to the desktop version of Word, then,
yes, no doubt about it — it’s de nitely better than the browser-based Google
Docs. However, the online saltar al of
version contenido
Word pales in comparison. 78/124
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You can’t change your theme or even insert a table of contents. Hope you like
blue and grey or manually selecting colors over and over again. The spacing
between headings and paragraphs seems wrong and some stuff is just glitchy
(e.g. bulleted … sometimes indent whenByou
lists will U S Cclick
A R in them). For online

editing, Google Docs wins hands down.


Chris Singleton January 19, 2018 at 11:49 am

Thanks for your comment Thomas – yes, I was referring to the desktop
versions of the Of ce 365 apps vs the G Suite online ones; will make
this clearer in the next update of the review. I on the whole prefer the
Google online apps to the Of ce 365 online ones myself.


BG January 30, 2019 at 5:26 pm

You can insert a table of contents. Since your comment was from a year
ago, not sure if this is new or not. Type "Insert table of contents" in the
"Tell me what you want to do" eld at the top on the ribbon.


SWT January 16, 2018 at 3:57 pm

I liked your review, however it failed to mention that if you have a bad sync
with GSuite/3rd party apps, al contenido
it totally jacks up EVERYTHING. Your les, 79/124
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documents, etc. don’t get synced back up leaving you with orphans. When
you call GSuite help (which stinks), they tell you their "engineers" are working
on it, they lead you to another 3rd party software to try to " x" your orphans
and you never … talk to the Engineers, only
get to B Ulow
S C Atech
R people who always
defer to the "engineers." This happened TWICE at a small law rm (6-7
satellite of ces and about 15-20 staff) I worked for because the partners
deleted massive amounts of data from their phones, which funneled all the
way through into the system (you’d think a lawyer would understand the
"cloud" concept). It was horrible and client/administration/forms les never
got put back to their original location. Be forewarned!!!


Chris Singleton January 19, 2018 at 11:50 am

Thanks for this – I’ve encountered similar stories in the past about
syncing issues with G Suite and will try to include some more
background on this in the next edition of the review.


BM January 12, 2018 at 9:11 pm

Bookmarked! One of the best (thorough) reviews out there, with real world
implications. Thank You Chris!


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Chris Singleton January 16, 2018 at 9:30 am

Thanks for the kind words 🙂 Glad you found the comparison helpful!!

ReplyBuscar … BUSCAR

Rich reeves January 5, 2018 at 12:42 am

Great review/comparison! But Of ce 365 is the one that works for us. We
integrated it with our phone system via Tenfold, a CTI The ability to sort emails
easier and other user-friendly features are the reasons why we chose Of ce
365. And having the Tenfold integration makes it easier.


Craig December 26, 2017 at 3:24 pm

An excellent overview, many thanks. I have Google Apps, currently holding

my domain and email, Outlook to my gmail via google apps sync. Gmail
forwarded to my online Outlook365 account, (currently as a back-up only),
Outlook 2016 on my PC isn’t linked to my Outlook365 pro le currently. Can I
move domain to Microsoft and keep email address??


Lydia December 13, 2017 at 7:12 pm

Hey, Great article!

I need to be able share CAD Drawings with my business partner. We need a
le sharing location that allows easily work from that drawing without 81/124
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having to download and re-save to the shared locations… if that makes

sense.. also we need to make sure we don’t both work on the same drawing
at the same time… (we would need a read only to appear). Does
GoogleDrive …
or OneDrive work this way? BUSCAR


Pia December 4, 2017 at 8:14 am

Good review but you are missing the very important security features, who
owns the data, how it’s protected etc. The legal stuff is important too because
one misstep with GDPR will BREAK a company.

Also including the management of the platforms would be nice. Powershell

vs… ?


JimG November 21, 2017 at 11:56 am

Really great review. Thankyou very much. A few questions:

1. If I am wanting to be able to organize my corporate les in a virtual " le
cabinet structure" so that employees have access to them, searching by
functionality, which would you recommend? My experience so far in using
the free version of Google Docs is mixed – but there does not seem to have
the ability to organize documents in one common hierarchical ling structure. I
now have a spaghetti mess of hundreds and thousands of les in my Google
Drive; some that I created, sorted by folders, yet all other les that were
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created by others and shared with me, seem to be all over the place and
dif cult to nd and organize.

1. If this functionality
Buscar … exists, does it also enable
B U Sa
C Acompany
R to restrict access
to certain folders?

2. Do any of these suites offer project management tools?

3. If we end up choosing G-Suite (because some of our employees use

Apple computers and others, Windows OS), but want the ability to edit
documents of ine, which programs would you suggest? Something like
LibreOf ce?


weilies December 5, 2017 at 5:23 am

if your focus on le management, i would say you should go for

Google than Of ce365. My le search with my window (on local le)
is always slow but my google drive search (cloud) is always instant.

I know it’s not a rational compare but i am talking bout >3min(window)

vs <3sec (google)

to answer ur questions
1 – Yes, it’s friendly and intuitive (and someone you could set expiry
2 – Google, nope and you have to nd install addon (which potentially
share your content with third party might be a concern). If that’s the
case, you might build a simple project tracking using g. sheet
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3 – You may still try to edit word le in google doc (my guess is it wont
be that bad experience for les without much fancy format)

Buscar … BUSCAR

Davie November 2, 2017 at 12:45 am

"Of ce 365 may provide a natural t for businesses that are exclusively
Windows-based." – I don’t get this conclusion? Native Of ce apps are on all
major platforms and web plus have enterprise management capabilities via
MDM and MAM. Hell even my Android watch has an Outlook watchface.


Chris Singleton November 8, 2017 at 10:20 am

Hi Davie, thanks for reading the post and for your comments – I’d
argue that Of ce 365 does work a bit better on Windows than some
other platforms. Not only are there are apps (such as Access and
Publisher) which are exclusively available to Windows users, there are
some Of ce performance monitoring tools which are only available on
Windows too.


Davie November 2, 2017 at 12:42 am

OneDrive les on Demand is now available, your post needs to be updated

to re ect that complete le saltar
sync isalno
longer required. 84/124
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Chris Singleton
Buscar …
November 8, 2017 at 10:21 am
A fair point – have updated. That said, One Drive Files on Demand is
only available for Windows 10 users.


David October 26, 2017 at 11:21 am

Your review shows obviously that you have a bias for the G suite apps. You
apparently haven’t checked the most recent pricing for Of ce 365 as it’s
business plan is way cheaper than the basic option from Gsuite.

I suggest you update your review.



Chris Singleton October 31, 2017 at 5:46 pm

Thanks for your comments David – I would politely disagree with you
regarding the bias; if you read the review carefully you’ll note that in a
lot of areas I very much prefer the Microsoft offering. Also the pricing is
not incorrect – Google’s entry level plan is $5 per user per month,
Of ce 365’s entry level plan is $6 (if paid month to month), $5 if paid
upfront for a year. Thanks for reading and feeding back!

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Stu October 20, 2017 at 2:02 pm

You need to x the pricing options, as your prices for O365 are month to
month pricing. You … BUSCAR
should indicate that they are cheaper if you agree to a
year commitment. The cancellation charge for a year commitment is 1 month
of services. What we typically do if someone were to leave is cancel all but 1
account, and then they are simply charged for that 1 license as a penalty
instead of the 10-whatever they were using.


Chris Singleton October 31, 2017 at 5:47 pm

Thanks for feeding back Stu – I have now clari ed the annual / monthly
pricing differential for Of ce 365 plans.


Ben October 17, 2017 at 2:48 am

Do you have a comparison between 365 and gSuite for educational



Chris Singleton October 31, 2017 at 5:47 pm

Not yet Ben, sorry, but will try to work on this at some point!
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Jeff October 7, 2017 at 9:22 am

Buscar … BUSCAR
We have used 365 for three years and nd it pretty awful in terms of basic
functionality. We use the online mail client and it simply doesn’t work a lot of
the time – awful trying to search for any given email, hopeless in searching
and using contacts. Contact don’t sync properly with IOS; neither does
calendar, and neither do tasks.

We don’t need of ine MS apps, for what we need we have used Of ce

2007 and it works ne.

365 is bloated and everything you try to do with it as an administrator with

only basic knowledge means you need to pay for external help. Even things
like adding and sharing mailboxes, and this hasn’t really been covered at all
in the article.


Davie November 2, 2017 at 12:38 am

Of ce 2007 is out of support, you might want to upgrade and start

using the new Of ce 365 ProPlus. Web versions of all the apps work
ne for me, and same with the iOS app.


Rob saltar
November 20, 2017 al pm
at 2:40 contenido 87/124
23/3/2021 Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace (2021) - ¿Cuál es mejor?

"365 is bloated and everything you try to do with it as an administrator

with only basic knowledge means you need to pay for external help.
Even things like adding and sharing mailboxes, and this hasn’t really
been Buscar
covered…at all in the article" BUSCAR

Exactly! We are using Of ce 365 and while it does everything I want,

Google apps feels so much smoother to work with and easier to explain
to my colleagues how they should work it. I need the more advanced
functionalities of desktop versions like Excel, but a lot of problems with
syncing via SharePoint, Outlook 2016 performance problems and other
smaller stuff just makes me want to try the G-suite with my company.


Prasanta Shee August 23, 2017 at 10:55 am

In addition to G-Suite voice and video calling via Google hangouts which is
mainly used for social and casual interactions, you can also use tools like on
premise R-HUB web video conferencing servers, webex, gomeetnow,
gotomeeting etc. for conducting business voice and video calls. They work


Fred August 12, 2017 at 10:47 am

This is why google can’t be trusted. The rst search results that come up in
"google enterprise vs microsoft" is a "review " from a services provider
specializing in g suite integration.
saltar alOh, ok
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Chris Singleton
Buscar …
August 12, 2017 at 1:25 pm
Hi Fred, thanks for taking a look at our G Suite vs Of ce comparison
and for your comment. I understand the cynicism.

However, if you have a more in-depth read of the article (and the
reaction to it in the comments section) I think you’ll nd that it’s an
impartial look at both products…and despite the fact that we do provide
G Suite setup services, if anything, the post comes down slightly more in
favour of using Of ce 365.

Additionally, we plan to start offering Of ce 365 migration services in

the near future, so it’s in our interest to provide an impartial review.

I hope this helps and thanks again for your contribution.


Christa August 9, 2017 at 4:35 pm

This has a lot of great content. My biggest irritation with G Suite is trying to
sync calendars when using the Microsoft Outlook desktop and mobile apps. I
don’t want to have multiple apps to manage my calendar and mail. I want it
all together like Outlook provides. This alone makes me seriously consider
switching. I’ve not been happy with G Suite as I’ve been setting up my new

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Ross July 21, 2017 at 6:22 pm

This is a great and incredibly helpful assessment. Our organization uses both
Of ce 365Buscar … applications. For us,BMicrosoft
and Google U S C A R applications are the

most feature rich and enable you to create professional products. Outlook
(and all of its functionality) is a business must, there is no comparison to the
product or Exchange services. Google applications are what we use to
collaborate in real-time on documents internally and externally. These
applications ful ll a need that Of ce 365 doesn’t accomplish well on its own.
With regard to le storage and sharing, we don’t use either. We use Box
instead. Box was built with enterprises, security, and permissions
management in mind, which is evident in comparison.


Chris Singleton August 4, 2017 at 1:26 pm

Cheeky plug for Box there Ross, but I’ll leave it up there for now…


Ravee Gokulgaandhi July 13, 2017 at 9:14 am

Amazing article. I nd G Suite just great. I am a Digital Workplace consultant

and have implemented both G Suite and Of ce 365. While Of ce 365 is all
great with cool toys and tools, the end user adoption comes with its own
challenges. My last few assignments were to help people choose what to use
when given the wide range of tools available in the Of ce 365 Stack?
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Ever since Microsoft rolled out Of ce 365 Groups, it has been hard for
power users to adopt that concept.

Buscar … BUSCAR

Tim Abbott June 22, 2017 at 7:24 am

You really didn’t cover the other things in Of ce 365 but that’s ne.

In of ce 365 you still get:

Slack (Microsoft Teams)

Trello (Planner)

and I could go on and on (Google Drive is pathetic so we use Dropbox and

use Zoom for meetings because Hangouts is pretty poor too), but I’ll just
leave it at that (disclaimer: I use paid G Suite in my startup and E3 at my
consulting gig. It’s really not comparable for anyone who has any thoughts of
nding great apps.


kim June 24, 2017 at 7:16 am

hangouts ? poor ? hardly, it is the ugliest but best engineered multi chat
meeting application out there

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Christophe June 16, 2017 at 12:01 pm

Pretty good comparison that does (for once) address the most important point
Having worked … IT support tech with both
as an B UI Swould
C A R add G Suite is

arguably easier to deploy and manage – while Of ce is more complex but

allows integration for the classic enterprise administration tools like active


Kate Chambers June 14, 2017 at 11:44 am

Thanks for the in depth comparison. It was helpful. FYI- "Organisation" is

correctly spelled as "organization". You have misspelled it throughout your


Chris Singleton June 14, 2017 at 11:57 am

Many thanks for the kind words Kate, and I hope you found our Of ce
vs GSuite comparison helpful. In the UK, where we are based, we spell
organisation using an ‘s’ instead of a ‘z’ – but given that we have so
many US readers we may consider abandoning the Queen’s English in
favour of the US alternative at some point….


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Shane Stevens June 28, 2017 at 5:20 am

Please don’t, we still use the Queen’s English in Australia too 🙂

Reply … BUSCAR

The Tech September 7, 2017 at 11:22 am

The name says it all: English. Please keep it that way and do not
pander to American-ish!


Johny from New York June 15, 2017 at 10:54 pm

It makes me sad how ignorant Americans are.


Mandar Sawadekar May 24, 2017 at 10:38 am

Hi Chris,

Its really nice information provided. thanks a lot. But ihave few questions

1. Can we create distribution list in Gsuite? like what we can create in

of ce365 for mass mail sending.

2. Powerpoint is available in Gsuite?

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I am asking this question becasue i also want to move from o365 to google
mail services.

Buscar … BUSCAR


VMan May 24, 2017 at 11:59 am

Gsuite uses Google Slides as their powerpoint alternative.


Chris Singleton June 14, 2017 at 11:58 am

Thanks for the comments / queries Mandar.

For mass mailouts I would use a proper emarketing tool – see for
some of our reviews of those.

Google Slides, as VMan mentions, is the Google alternative to


Hope this helps!


Robert May 10, 2017 at 8:39 am

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Excellent, was pondering the 2 solutions for our organisation, this blog did a
lot of the hard work for me, thank you.


Fixed - All well now! April 18, 2017 at 3:46 pm

Fixed! All well! 🙂


Hi - Just found this site/blog, but article is all blank

pages. Is this my Chrome? Has article been pulled?
Do I have to register to read? I can see all comments,
no problem
April 18, 2017 at 3:28 pm
Just found this site/blog – but article pages above are blank? Is this my
Chrome or has the article been pulled?


John April 17, 2017 at 6:22 pm

In this discussion I think that any focus on price is largely misplaced. Assuming
that the average user costs their organization above $20 per hour of
productive work (including overheads, bene ts, coffee breaks etc.) then I
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would contend that the price differentials are meaningless. If a user can save
as little as 30 minutes a month using the more expensive Microsoft Of ce
suite then the organization is better off to pay a little more. If G Suite makes
the user more productive then go that way. The real question is which suite
makes the user community more productive. In some cases there could be a
case for supplying users with both, as they each have strengths that outshine
the other. Making a decision based solely on price is a sign of lazy thinking.


karine April 16, 2017 at 6:26 pm

Thats a great article, in my case I love using G Suite, but I have purchased it
from a Google Partner, so I pay just $4 x account x month instead the 5$, the
great thing is that is the same product, from the same google server, with the
same google support but cheaper! if you are interested you can get it from
There you can get also another options of G Suite or Of ce 365 too. Hope it


Ralph April 12, 2017 at 11:54 pm

How are going to talk about google docs, slides, and sheets and leave out
the explore button. That button is a game changer in terms of functionality.
Same could be said for recording comments and linking them to the document
rather than typing them in manually as you are required to do in of ce.
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Oscar V March 15, 2017 at 2:31 pm

To Dawn Elise. G Suite Support is available directly to users, you can just
generate a support PIN number, (which is good for one hour), and provide
this plus the toll free phone number to the individual that needs support. Of
course, the assistance will be through, but in order to resolve the issue, the
Administrator, who is the only that can change settings, may have to make
modi cations to the Admin console.


Dawn Elise March 14, 2017 at 12:36 am

I wanted to write that as an accidental G Suite admin that I am really hating

G Suite. It is totally untrue that there is help for G Suite users, only for one
admin. It is really dif cult to make G Suite email work if you don’t use Google
to host your domain or one of their preferred web hosts. It has been one week
and at least 20 phone calls and they still haven’t gotten G Suite email
working on our cPanel/web host. The tech support almost always says they
have xed the problem and I have to wait 36 hours to propagate!! Abysmal!
I am dreading when it actually works and I am going to have everyone in the
organization expecting me to add their company email to their Mac Mail,
Outlook or Thunderbird account. I am seriously thinking of begging my boss
to switch to Of ce 365 except I have no idea if I’ll have the same problems
there. I realize most people reading this might have a dedicated IT dept., but
if you don’t, beware G Suite.
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MohanRaj April 15, 2017 at 1:34 pm

Exactly, Dawn. I was doing my domain veri cation process for the past
30 days, still I didn’t get it. I tried all the veri cation methods and Gsuite
support people be like "keep on trying".

The thing I’m really wondering is If you’re aware of Google search

console and for adding a domain in it, we need to verify. I nearly host
100+ websites and I didn’t face any aws, but the same procedure at
Gsuite is not working.


Gerald February 27, 2017 at 4:49 pm

VERY WELL WRITTEN, VERY accurate and a FAIR comparison and

assessment of both products.

I do think at the end of the day some of this just comes down to personal
preference; similar to IPhone vs Droid or Mac vs PC also.


Pssst Doff February 26, 2017 at 5:23 pm

The pricing info is not current.

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Google also has free home version, all the apps free, 15gB free vs Microsofts
2gb, with the same collaborative functions and better integrated with its apps
than Microsoft’s.

Storage costs need a context, with a value put on the contents, otherwise
cloud storage becomes the intellectual equivalent of a garage lled with
jewelry buried in a hige pile of trash and garbage nevr put at the curb to be
taken away.

For a very small company not creating monstous video productions of

dubious enduring value, or storing sel sh photos of no value, terrabytes of
storage per user is ludicrous.

The description of Gmail as unable to group messages is wrong, it can, using

de ned groups and/or rules. Photos stored through the Google Photos app
and music through Play Music dont count toward storage quotas.


Chris Singleton February 27, 2017 at 4:12 pm

Thanks for your comments Mr Doff….

A fair point regarding Google’s free version, but that said this review is
aimed at business users, and the free version of G Suite doesn’t permit
use of custom ( addresses.

I agree with you to a degree regarding le storage; many users won’t

require a large amount of space – but some will, hence the mention of
the limit.
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Re: sorting and grouping messages on Gmail, technically you are

correct in that you can use workarounds involving lters /rules etc. to
do this (and I’ll clarify this in the review in due course). However, this is
all unnecessarily complex and in my experience, the lack of simple
group / sort controls is consistently raised as a problem by new Gmail


jorge February 23, 2017 at 7:56 pm

whatever said: "gapps are a joke, medicore ot best. with very limited features
in their word and spreadsheets. even gmail is very crude for business use"

I can completely repudiate this statement. I have been a MS Of ce/Word

user since the early 90s, and an early adopter of Google Apps as well. In its
current state, Google Apps Docs/Sheets/Slides will handle anything any
regular user might attempt to do in MS Of ce. Anybody who says otherwise,
has not truly used the Google Apps suite to their full potential and is
demonstrating their ignorance of the product. Due to my institution switching
to G Suite for Education, I have been using Google Apps exclusively for 2
years now, and have not had to use my MS Of ce Suite once. I deal with
hundreds and hundreds of documents, most of which I have now converted
over to Google from their MS Of ce originals.


whatever February 20, 2017 at 2:44 am

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as a long ms hater i sadly have to defend them now

What a nonsense in many point. For starters if you want web only, MS offers
their package as a web only thing too.
its not as features richs or performant as the desktop app but still has more
features than gapps.
gapps are a joke, medicore ot best. with very limited features in their word
and spreadsheets. even gmail is very crude for business use.
outlook as much peopel love it, i hate that shared mailboyes are still shown as
a full shared mailbox instead of picked shared folders. also their syncing thing
needs still work after almsot 2 deacdes. just to be fair here.

as for IT personalel this is a joke? isnt it? youre serious? you dont need
a user just click in his webinterface – instal of ce locally. downlaod one
programm click on it, wait 4 minutes.
of ce is installed, will update automatically. when he opens an app he has to
sign in once. thats it.
fully desktopapp connected to the cloud. working ready.

as for sharing, gmail is a bad bad bad bad bad bad bad joke.
lets forget that some extensions cant even be downloaded.
let forget that you cant really upload or downlaod folders without the syning
main issue is that all data is bound to an user account.

ms instead offers a full blown sharepoint, offering custom teamsites where you
can share more than just le but also les.
and you can choose which storage node you wanna locally sync by the app.
far supiror, and in advantage its aalcommon
saltar datastorage with its own
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administration. if you need to lock a user, you can do that now without caring
what he has saved for the company or how to get the data now into another

sorry google has sadly a history of good attempts and badly un nished
for private users that might be enough in some cases, but if we talk business
cloud applications google loose here badly, and they wont catchup within a
decade. even if they dedoicate a lot of resources towards it it iwll takes at
least 5-10 years until they catch up…

yes microsfot sucks and they are pretty expensive. but they are alone. there is
simply no compareable product that can even remotely compete in the
business sector.


scott February 12, 2017 at 1:17 am

I think that this is a fair review, but I think that it is slanted towards Google.
Microsoft also includes it’s Teams, PowerBI, and several other tools in their
offerings. Also, my experience with Hangouts is abysmal. The quality sucks no
matter the connectivity. Skype for Business is excellent and works extremely
well. I have not had a meeting drop ever. Also, the security offerings and
legalities are very clear with Microsoft. Google is far from being clear. All in
all, Google does have a good offering, but I would recommend Microsoft for
business use. In the end, you get the applications that drive business.

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mike k June 21, 2017 at 4:05 pm

In most enterprises that use data to drive their business these extra tools
are invaluable – and along side the features in Excel I can’t nd any
reason to use G Apps. Further if you have some major line of business
application eg an ERP system, 9 times out of 10 they integrate to O365
so if you have GA you loose tight email integration, close coupled
document packages and others.
Also installing O365 on the Windows system is a one button process
and no need for IT.
Last – integration to the company security/authentication system
(usually Active D) is a dream in O365.


Chris Singleton June 21, 2017 at 8:04 pm

Thanks for your comments on our comparison Mike – I would

agree with most of what you say. However, I think that using
Of ce 365 does bring with it some IT challenges if users install the
desktop versions – not least the need to ensure that they all
regularly update their software…


Jörg Hartmann February 1, 2017 at 2:55 am

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23/3/2021 Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace (2021) - ¿Cuál es mejor?

Of course there is a cloud version of LibreOf ce:



Brandon Katz January 12, 2017 at 9:57 am

Hi there,

Have you considered a third party analytics solution to assist you in

understanding your SharePoint portal? CardioLog Analytics is a reporting
solution designed speci cally for all versions of SharePoint portals and Social
Platforms, such as Yammer, Sitrion and more. It does not use basic SharePoint
logs and has its own JavaScript tracking agent. It’s available as an On-Prem
or SaaS deployment. The solution provides quick and easy integrations to
active directories and user pro les, report ltering by SharePoint metadata,
real-time reporting, campaigns, and more. By integrating to SharePoint’s
unique architecture, it seamlessly identi es SharePoint’s object model and
provides enhanced usage reports.

For further information, check out

Hope this helps!


Sam Iam December 2, 2016 at 12:25 am

Not really correct on pricing. MSFT Business plans (the $6 plan) is only for
customers with fewer than 300
saltaremployees. You can use G Suite Basic ($5 per
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month or $50 per year) for companies of any size. Google doesn’t do the
300 employee clip that MSFT uses. The price is the price with a bunch of
asterisks and special conditions with Google. The vast majority (90%) of
O365 users are on E3…. There is no comparison on price. It is what they
push, the others SKUs are there to confuse people on costs. Google will be
50 to 75% less costly than MSFT.


Mark Riffey November 5, 2016 at 8:24 pm

Nicely done. I particularly appreciate that the piece isn’t skewed for one
vendor or the other, even though you provide services for Google apps users.
In the next pass, I suggest adding info of the various API and SAAS services
(like IFTTT) and how well API users and SAAS services are supported by these
2 ecosystems.


Anonymous November 2, 2016 at 9:57 pm

Keep in mind with the price comparisons that Microsoft discounts the
enterprise pricing ($20 per user per month) based on the number of users
and any other agreements you may have with them. The discounts will make
the price very comparable to the Google Unlimited ($10 per user per month).


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dotncallmyname September 29, 2016 at 11:46 pm

First of Storage in Business Premium Plans ADDS 500gig per licensed user to
the common storage of sharepoint.
Second you didnt mention sharepoint at all which is offered as a key
collaboration tool now mroe or less pretty much ready to use for basic needs.
google has nothing to compare that with.

second you leave the key aspect a bit out. they key aspect have to be the
of ce apps and collaboration not email alone.
if we talk simply only email there are plenty of solutions out there often
offering even better service than google

but when it comes to of ce apps sorry, but what google offers here is a joke.
dont get me wrong i always hated microsoft
and for years i was hoping google would improve for business users but they
dont and i gave up. google has a history of launching half solutions good
enough for the mass but no where near real day to day needs of anyhitng
other then google himself.

powerful scripting, well yea,.. but you can have the same on of ce 365. not
only you have VBA for local docs which is extremly powerful and even able
to include external libearies so practically everything that runs on windows
but you also have sharepoint and there you can buy or build all sorts of
custom applications with years of real world use to back it up

i hate to say this but for produktivity ms is better. the price difference is
irrelevant. if you pay 5 or 10 bucks more per user but save only 10 minutes a
day (and you save much more) then it is a no brainer in any aspect.

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have to say the free sharepoint storage is a smart move. it moved a lot of my
customers from local storage to cloud only storage for many types of their
docusments and les. customers enver considered using sharepoint are now
doing nothing else. the seamless integration into of ce and ability to open
both in web and local is a good hybrid.

as for webapps well as nice it seems real world working on a spreadsheet in

the web well is full of surprises
besides it is different to native apps, its slower, you aint have that many
shortcuts, and other features. web is a nice additional option but as the only
one its still not enough yet


Anonymous user September 4, 2016 at 6:53 pm

Odd, no mention of the very powerful scripting options within Google apps
nor the APIs available for those wishing to automate or extend Google apps.


Marco August 25, 2016 at 7:36 am

many information here are not true:
– O365 storage is unlimited with several enterprise plans (E3, E5)
– Skype for business simultaneus attendees are 250, not 10 (and I guess now
Google Hangouts supports up to 100 attendees)
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– Outlook mobile app supports all that you describe here as not supported
(grouping email for example)

I stopped to read the article at the mobile apps section, but maybe there are
more info you have to doublecheck and correct here… please do it because
this article is showed at the top of "o365 googleapps comparison" research



Chris Singleton August 25, 2016 at 10:33 am

Hi Marco, many thanks for reading our Of ce 365 vs Google Apps

comparison and for the feedback! I’ve now updated the review, and
whilst doing so looked at some of the issues you raise.

With regard to le storage, Of ce 365 le storage is not unlimited on

E3 and E5 plans. Email storage is. File storage is capped at 1TB per
user – see https://products.of
more-of ce-365-for-business-plans

Skype meetings – you are half-correct on this point and thank you for
agging it up: Of ce 365 does permit 250 attendees on Skype calls.
However, Google Hangouts limit the participant number to 25, not 100
– see

Outlook mobile app – no group or sort by sender functionality is

available on the mobile version of Outlook. That said, you can search
for contacts and hit asaltar
which will bring up old messages from 108/124
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them. This is a bit ddly though and not really grouping in the
conventional sense. You can also lter by read / unread and
attachment type – but to me that doesn’t amount to comprehensive
sorting / grouping functionality. (Of all the mobile email apps I’ve tried
to date, only Inky comes close to providing proper sorting and
grouping by sender functionality on a phone / tablet.)

Any further queries do shout!

Best Chris


John July 28, 2016 at 2:21 pm

Google labels are horrible. And then there’s the All Mail asco. Even if you
delete emails, they aren’t really deleted? I honestly don’t see how google
labels makes searching faster. O365 and Outlook does searching just as well
if you know what you’re searching for, plus there are advanced searching
options available. Google’s handling of contacts is an utter mess. Again
applying labels which causes issues for organization.
Google Docs – works ne if you only do work in google docs. Ever try
changing between a Word document and Google Docs? Horrible
conversions. When 90% of the corporate world is using Word desktop and
then you upload a word doc to google to share, google converts it to its own
format. then when you need to save it back as a word doc, everything is
screwed up.
O365 pricing is complex but if you know what you need and want, it’s really
not that hard to combine products.
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steve July 7, 2016 at 11:59 pm

Good article – thank you!

One question… when it comes to the advanced features of Google Apps
Unlimited – does that ALSO include being able to use tools to analyze data
and provide dashboards and reporting?
Also… when i search… am I searching across the unlimited storage available
to all users? i.e. it doesn’t matter who authored or uploaded – I can still nd
the le from a search?
Thank you!


Chris Singleton July 8, 2016 at 6:37 am

Hi Steve – there are some built-in tools to monitor data with Google
Apps, certainly when it comes to basic le storage and email usage.
There are some other stats available too but it all depends on what
you’re looking for. If you needed advanced functionality that is not
available out of the box, you could consider hiring somebody to do
some bespoke development work. As for search, what is searchable
depends across the entire organisation depends on folder sharing
settings but if you set things up the right way then yes, it’s totally doable.

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steve July 8, 2016 at 5:10 pm

Thanks Chris… your insights are really helpful.



ChristeeH July 7, 2016 at 9:57 pm

This is a great article! I am currently working on a presentation for a small

business – who has NO IDEA what they want…I am leaning towards Google
(as a fan and participant in several Googlefests) – but they are dead set on
having a database, which Google does not have (and is not in the works,
I’ve inquired).

We will be starting from scratch – meaning, NO ONE in the org has

collaboration experience, which is something I do a lot of whilst working for
non pro ts. So, getting them to stop with the uploading docs to dropbox,
instead of using real time collaboration will be a feat for sure.



Chris Singleton July 7, 2016 at 10:21 pm

Thanks for the comments! One thing you might consider as far as
Google Apps goes is that Sheets can serve as a database in many
contexts. Depends onsaltar
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Ian October 27, 2016 at 11:56 pm

What about Google Fusion Tables?


Adel June 4, 2017 at 10:38 pm

Google App Maker solves the issue 11 months later 🙂

Now Google drive is acting as a database and you can also connect
external DBs


Swarvester July 6, 2016 at 12:50 pm

Re: Sorting and Grouping email – I nd the labelling system in Gmail more
powerful than the folders of Outlook. I also prefer the way that Gmail groups
emails from the same ‘thread’ together, enabling easy reference to previous
emails and reducing Inbox clutter.


Chris Singleton July 6, 2016 at 1:13 pm

Gracias por tu comentario, ¡acepta que Gmail de nitivamente tiene

una funcionalidad poderosa
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sus opciones de búsqueda en particular 112/124
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patean el trasero de Outlook! Sin embargo, sigo pensando que hay

ocasiones en las que es esencial agrupar correctamente los correos
electrónicos por remitente (u otros criterios) y sería genial si Google
pudiera resolver eso.


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