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PRRPANORMALNES con a a Jeff Behnke Journal Entry. January 1°, 2002 | suppose | should just tell my story and be done with it so | can finally get some sleep. God, sleep. It’s been so long. | can't really recall having any dreams (©2008 Jeff Behnke 1 over the past, well, year. If you can’t account for yourself for days at a time, if you wake up and all of the sudden it's like Wednesday (what day was it before Wednesday?) can you really personally consider it a year? | don’t know. I'm not a philosopher, but it doesn’t take one to realize that | have insomnia. It just sucks major ass that it's not self-induced. This is not self-induced and I'm not going to pretend I'm writing this to the world. I can't tell you whether | have written this whole thing out in the past and I'm just rehashing it or whatever—because to tell you the truth | have an extremely bad case of déja vu right now—so if | have and I'm repeating myself, bear with me. Maybe by the end of this I'll say, “oh yeah, | know how this ends.” And I'l be able to confidently pen it in for the billionth time since time is circular or what not. But at the moment | can’t remember what all of this writing about my “experiences” is going to do for me other than embarrass the hell out of me. So where was |? Oh yeah, Writing out and explaining to the world why I— in my therapist's words—"“feel like I'm being abducted.” Feel, can you believe that? It's not just a feeling. But I'm getting ahead of myself again. | mean it’s really goddamn hard to write this shit out when you haven't thought a coherent thing in months. Why do | “fee!” like I'm being abducted, you ask? Millions of reasons, and | can go over a few of them before tomorrow if you would like. Or show you. | came across this brilliant article that I'd like you to take a look at, located at http://www. But, if you're not online | will go through it one step at a time. | want to get through every single one to show you that | am NOT jumping to conclusions. The article is called: “58 common indicators of UFO encounters or abductions by alien beings’ even though there's more like 57, and it's compiled by Melinda Leslie and by the time I'm done you'll have a better idea of who | am and where my perspective comes from. So here we go, starting at the top: 1. Have had unexplainable missing or lost time of one hour or more. What have | just been telling you about this one? Not only do | have missing time for “one hour or more” | have missing time for “one day or more.” | mean, you haven't known me for that long and | have seen you every day for the past three days, but pretty soon, when | just goddamn disappear, you'll start to wonder. You'll see. 2. Have been paralyzed in bed with a being in your room. Remember our first session where | was complaining to you about waking up at 4:15 AM, pinned in place on my back, my mind absolutely racing, but all of my muscles felt like putty? | couldn't move, no matter how hard | tried, and | was wide awake! And something was pulling on my chest. Hard, even though | couldn't see anything, like it was ripping out my soul. | passed out because it hurt so bad, and | woke up in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet. But | didn’t pass out on the toilet. | passed out in the bed. Paralyzed, Dr. Jacob. | COULD NOT MOVE, no matter how hard I tried. And | ended up on the toilet? (02003 ef Babak 2 3. Have unusual scars or marks with no possible explanation on how you received them (small scoop indentation, straight line scar, triangular marks, scars in roof of mouth, in nose, behind or in ears, etc.) You would think | was a WWIII survivor if | took off my shirt. My shoulder blades have gashes on them that no one in my family can recall where they came from. | have a triangle mark on both arms. Triangle. How am | going to get a triangular scar? When you figure that one out please let me know. I do not have triangular nails, and my fingernails do not cut triangularly. 4, Have seen balls of light or flashes of light in your home or other locations. | think last time I told you about this, you informed me that people who suffer from a lack of sleep often see little dashes of light in their peripheral vision. | buy that, but these aren't dashes. | look through my family photos, and they're there. Balls of light, hovering, floating through the air. I've found sites all over the place claiming that they are snapshots of the spirit world. Ill bring a few pics for you to look at tomorrow. Tell me what you think. 5. Have a memory of flying through the air which could not be a dream, or many dreams involving flying. Like | told you, it's hard for me to sleep at night. And I'm terrified of flying See a connection? Maybe | never want to fall asleep because when | do, that’s what I dream about. Flying thousands of feet above the ground, in some contraption, with a needle up my ass. | know what you're thinking, | was molested or something when | was little. Think what you want. 6. Have a strong “marker memory" that will not go away (i.e.: an alien face, an examination, a needle, a table, a strange skinny baby, etc.) | think I've told you about this as well. It was my first out of countless nighttime experiences with strange creatures appearing in my room. My parents used to love to pack the camper full of fishing poles and cans of Campbell's Pork & Beans and head up to my grandparent's cabin when | was little. Well, one night after everyone had gone to bed, the creaking bedroom door kind of startled me and when | first looked over | thought my friend Josh from next door was attempting to wake me up so that we could sneak out and go somewhere, but a few moments later after staring at this stranger's profile | realized that whoever it was, it sure as hell had nothing to do with Josh. Besides, the next door neighbor—if | can call him that—lived quite a distance down the road. The cabin was located in an area that was not very populated at all. Perhaps you've heard of it: Roscommon, Michigan. Sparsely populated, but one hell of a nice lake. Higgins Lake. So if he was taking a friendly stroll over to me to wake me up, it would have taken him a good 15 minutes to get to my house. And what a frightening walk it would have been. No street lights. Just a dry dirt road surrounded by dense pine trees. | wanted to say something or wake up my parents but I couldn't move. Almost the same kind of sensation | get when | wake up paralyzed. | sensed a (02003 ef Babak 3

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