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Formato Anexo 1_GRE_ALL_QS_PL_ 292

Versión no. 01 - Fecha 15/05/2019

Áreas de Aplicación
Ambito: Global
Línea de Negocio: Energías Renovables reparacion compuertas canal alimentador

Central/Área : Central Sauzal

Creado por : Medio Ambiente Unidad de Negocios Norte
Validado por : Medio Ambiente HSE&Q Chile
Fecha validación :

Autonomía de

Coeficiente A

Coeficiente C
Coeficiente B




ID ASPECTO IMPACTO Indicador Legislación aplicable Notas

Realizar en espacios ventilados y en periodos
Cantidad de electrodos
A A6 Actividades de soldadura, rectificado y corte Emisiones de humos y polvo con contribución a la contaminación atmosférica local T N
1 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.7 0.30 fuera de Emergencias Ambientales
Generación de electricidad a partir de fuentes renovables (Aspecto
A A7
Contribución a la reducción del efecto invernadero T N CO2 evitado 0 0 1 1 1 1.0 0.4 0.60 Incentivar el uso de energías renovables

Tener un control sobre las actividades de

H B3 Flujo de material sedimentado La contaminación del agua T N Análisis del agua DS 90 referencial 1 3 4 4 2 8.0 0.2 6.40 desarenado, para no afectar la calidad del
agua del cuerpo de agua receptor

A C1 Producción y eliminación Residuos urbanos y similares Impacto en las matrices ambientales resultantes del procesos de reutilización / recuperación / eliminaci T N Cantidades producidas 3 2 3 3 1 3.0 0.7 0.90 PO 545 Manejo de Residuos

H E5 Bombeo de agua El consumo de energía T N Consumo de energía 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.9 0.10 Plan de inspección y mantenimiento

IO n° 05 Gestión de sustancias peligrosas y

A E7 Uso de aceites lubricantes y aislantes Consumo de recursos e impactos inducidos durante la producción y el transporte T N Cantidad consumida 1 1 1 1 3 3.0 0.4 1.80 Realizar prueba y chequeo de la maquinaria
y/o equipo antes de la utilización

cantidad de aceite de recuperación de

A F2 Mantenimiento / operación de máquinas eléctricas Emisiones en forma de gases, aerosoles y vapores T N Medidas ambientales
1 1 1 1 4 4.0 0.2 3.20 Revisión Técnica al día

Verificar que los niveles de ruido no sean

A F3 Ruido debido al funcionamiento de la máquina Cambiar el entorno acústico fuera del sitio T N Encuestas acústicas DS 38 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.4 0.60 altos ni permanentes

A F7 Transporte, movilidad personal y funcionamiento de máquinas Impacto en los flujos de tráfico T N Km viajado 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.4 0.60 Revisión técnica al día

Controlar las velocidades de circulación y

A F12 Movimientos de tierra / biomasa, demolición, carga / descarga Emisiones de polvo T N 2 2 1 2 2 4.0 0.2 3.20 trabajos en sectores eriazos

Aplicar medidas de controles adicionales (Kit

Antiderames y bandejas contenedoras)
A G2 Falla de circuitos y equipos conteniendo aceite Contaminación del suelo y / o agua T E Número de accidentes verificados DS 90 referencial 1 3 3 3 3 9.0 0.4 5.40 cuando se trabaje en contacto con cuerpos
de aguas
Plan de contingencia N°3

A G3 Fuego Dispersión y difusión de vapores, gases, humos y polvo / Pérdida de biodiversidad T E Número de accidentes verificados 3 5 3 5 2 10.0 0.4 6.00 Plan de Contingancia N°2

IO n° 05 Gestión de sustancias peligrosas y

Reversión de aceites y / o otros contaminantes (soluciones de sosa, lubricantes
A G6
pinturas, etc.) durante las fases de almacenamiento y / o manipulación
Contaminación del suelo y / o agua T E Número de accidentes verificados 2 3 3 3 1 3.0 0.9 0.30 Realizar prueba y chequeo de la maquinaria
y/o equipo antes de la utilización
5 Critical

4 Significant

3 High

2 Moderate

1 Low

0 Oportunidad
Image and Reputation

1.  Significant and sustained adverse international media coverage and international
stakeholders’ concern

2. Criminal lawsuits with restriction of personal freedom against one person of plant

1.  Significant and sustained adverse national media coverage and national
stakeholder concern

2.  Criminal lawsuits without restriction of personal freedom against one person of
plant staff

3. Missed renewal or loss of ISO 14001 Certification or EMAS registration

1.  Adverse media coverage at regional/local level

2.  Civil lawsuits
3.  Ordinances coming from public authorities

4.  Regional/local stakeholders concern: permanent opposition coming from groups of

citizens or environmental associations, repeated protest demonstrations

5. Non–certification of external third party where requested (such as environmental

or sustainability report, EMAS environmental statement validation, etc.)

1.  No adverse media coverage

2. Local stakeholder concern: claims, written protests and complaints received from
private citizens

N/A o impacto limitado

Potencial efecto positivo


5 Costs/loss of revenues >10,000,000 $

4 Costs/loss revenues from 1,000,000 ÷ 10,000,000 $

3 Costs/loss revenues from100,000 ÷ 1,000,000 $

2 Costs/loss revenues from10,000 ÷ 100,000 $

1 Costs/loss revenues <10,000 $

0 -
ID ASPECT IMPACT 1 2 3 4 5 Note

Emissions of pollutants with contribution to greenhouse effect and

A1 Operation of air conditioning systems <1 MW >1 <3 MW > 3 MW - -
local atmospheric pollution

Emissions of pollutants with contribution to greenhouse effect and

A2 Use of generator sets and equipment with endothermic motors. <1 MW >1 <3 MW > 3 MW - -
local atmospheric pollution
A3 Use of equipment containing SF6 Gas emissions able to contribute the greenhouse effect < 0,219 kg > 0,219 < 2,19 > 2,19 < 21,9 > 21,9 kg -
Emissions of ozone-depleting gases and contributing to the
A4 Use of equipment containing F-Gas
greenhouse effect
< 5 t CO₂ equiv. > 5 < 50 CO₂ equiv. > 50 < 500 CO₂ equiv. > 500 CO₂ equiv. -

A5 Use of equipment containing refrigerant gas (ODS) Gas emissions able to contribute the greenhouse effect <3 kg sealed ≥ 3 e <6 Kg ≥ 3 e <30 kg ≥ 30 e <300 Kg ≥ 300 Kg
Emissions of fumes and dust with contribution to local atmospheric
A6 Welding, grinding and cutting activities Pre-assigned value - - - -

A7 Electricity generation from renewable sources (Positive aspect) Contribution to the reduction of greenhouse effect positive

A8 Use of endogenous fluids and biomass for energy production Emission of CO2 with contribution to the greenhouse effect < 50 Kt > 50 Kt < 150 Kt > 150 Kt < 300 Kt > 300 Kt <450 Kt > 450 Kt

A9 Use of endogenous fluids for energy production Hydrogen sulphide dispersion (H2S) < 10 % Law limit >10% < 30% Law limit >30% < 50% Law limit >50% < 70% Law limit >70% Law limit

A10 Use of endogenous fluids for energy production Dispersion of mercury (Hg) and arsenic (As) in gaseous phase < 10 % Law limit >10% < 30% Law limit >30% < 50% Law limit >50% < 70% Law limit >70% Law limit
Use of endogenous fluids for energy production Aerosol emissions from substances transported by geothermal fluid
A11 < 10 % Law limit >10% < 30% Law limit >30% < 50% Law limit >50% < 70% Law limit >70% Law limit
(Hg, As)
A12 Use of biomass for energy production Emissions of NOx < 10 % Law limit >10% < 30% Law limit >30% < 50% Law limit >50% < 70% Law limit >70% Law limit
A13 Use of biomass for energy production Emissions of SO2 < 10 % Law limit >10% < 30% Law limit >30% < 50% Law limit >50% < 70% Law limit >70% Law limit
A14 Use of biomass for energy production Emissions of Dust < 10 % Law limit >10% < 30% Law limit >30% < 50% Law limit >50% < 70% Law limit >70% Law limit

B1 Use of water for electricity generation (Turbine waters) Water Pollution (eg DeltaT and Hydrocarbons) < 10 % Law limit >10% < 30% Law limit >30% < 50% Law limit >50% < 70% Law limit >70% Law limit

Meteoric waters coming from potentially contaminated structures

B2 Water Pollution < 10 % Law limit >10% < 30% Law limit >30% < 50% Law limit >50% < 70% Law limit >70% Law limit
and areas
Without limitations to With limitations to concessions
B3 Fluxing of sedimented material Water Pollution - - -
concessions or regulations or regulations

B4 Drainage of domestic wastewater depleted in surface water bodies Water Pollution < 15 Inhabitants > 15 Inhabitants - - -

B5 Collection of leakages inside the plants ("bullying") Water Pollution - With 2 different monitoring points With 1 monitoring point Without monitoring point -

B6 Drainage of process waste water in surface water bodies Water Pollution < 10 % Law limit >10% < 30% Law limit >30% < 50% Law limit >50% < 70% Law limit >70% Law limit
C1 Production and disposal Urban and similar waste Impact on environmental matrices resulting from reuse / recovery / di Separated collection of rubbish Not separated collection of rubbish - - -
C2 Production and disposal Special non-hazardous waste Impact on environmental matrices resulting from reuse / recovery / di Recovery > 70% 30% < Recovery < 70% Recovery < 30% - -
C3 Production and disposal Special hazardous waste Impact on environmental matrices resulting from reuse / recovery / di Recovery > 70% 30% < Recovery < 70% Recovery < 30% - -
D1 Domestic drainage into the ground Soil contamination < 15 Inhabitants > 15 Inhabitants - - -

D2 Use of endogenous fluids for energy production Dropping to the ground of endogenous fluid condensate < 10 % Law limit >10% < 30% Law limit >30% < 50% Law limit >50% < 70% Law limit >70% Law limit

D3 Collecting and transporting of the condensates in the geothermal cySoil contamination from leakage of collection tanks and / or pipes Pre-assigned value - - - -

D4 Use of fluids in drilling activities Soil contamination contact with the drilling fluids Pre-assigned value - - - -

D5 Losses of Geothermal Waste Plants (Mud) Soil contamination Pre-assigned value - - - -

D6 Losses of domestic waste water tanks Soil contamination - Pre-assigned value - - -

Meteoric waters coming from potentially contaminated structures

D7 Soil contamination < 10 % Law limit >10% < 30% Law limit >30% < 50% Law limit >50% < 70% Law limit >70% Law limit
and areas
E1 Production of electricity from a hydraulic source Use of surface water positive
E2 Production of electricity from a geothermical source Use of endogenous fluid positive
E3 Production of electricity from a biomass Use of biomass positive
Operation and testing of generating sets; Heating of offices and
E4 Fuels Consumption < 20 Kl year > 20 Kl < 50 Kl year > 50 Kl year - -
E5 Water pumping Power consumption < 100 MWh year > 100 MWh < 500 MWh year > 500 MWh year - -
Plant auxiliary services (energy not strictly related to machine
E6 Power consumption < 5 MWh year > 5 MWh < 20 MWh year > 20 MWh year - -
Consumption of resources and impacts induced during production
E7 Use of lubricating and insulating oils < 2 t year > 2 t < 20 t year > 20 t year - -
and transport
E8 Transport, personal mobility and operating machines Fuels Consumption < 70 t year >70 t < 150 t year > 150 t year -
E9 Use of diesel in drilling Diesel Consumption < 1000 t year > 1000 t < 3000 t year > 3000 t year - -
E10 Pickup of fresh water, surface water and ground water Consumption of fresh water for industrial use < 20 m³ year > 20 m³ < 100 m³ year > 100 m³ year - -

E11 Use of barite, bentonite and geothermal cement during drilling Consumption of bentonite, barite and geothermal cement < 5000 t year > 5000 t year - - -

Recovery of thermal energy contained in condensation and / or low-

E12 Heat supply for floriculture and district heating (Positive aspect) positivo
enthalpy steam, resulting in overall energy savings
E13 Use of various substances during the drilling phases Consumption of additives, vegetable oils and NaHCO3 < 100 t year > 100 t < 300 t year > 300 t year - -

E14 Use of various chemicals in the biomass energy production cycle Consumption of additives (H2SO4, NaClO, NaOH, ...) < 250 t year > 250 t < 500 t year > 500 t < 750 t year > 1000 t year -

F1 Presence of artifacts and equipment containing asbestos Asbestos fiber dispersion - - Great conservation status Good conservation status Discreet state conservation
F2 Electric machine maintenance / operation activities Emissions in the form of gases, aerosols and vapors Pre-assigned value - - - -
Limit Value - Real Value < 2 dBA ≥
F3 Noise due to machine operation Changing the acoustic environment outside the site Limit Value - Real Value> 2 dBA 0,5 Respected Value Limit - -

Occasional, minimal entity, only Obviously outside the working

F4 Dynamic stresses produced by the machinery and the installations Vibration propagation Residential areas interested - -
in working environments environment
Presence of plants, accessory works and steam plumes from Not visible to the naked eye Visible from distances <100 m Visible from distances from Visible from distances from Visible from distances >10
F5 Visual incidence on local landscape features
cooling towers 100 to 1.000 m 1 to 10 km km
< 5 kV/m 5÷7 kV/m 7÷8,5 kV/m 8,5÷10 kV/m >10 kV/m
F6 Electrical and telecommunications stations and equipment Electromagnetic fields - Permanent population exposure
<10 µT 10÷100 µT 100÷150 µT 150÷200 µT >200 µT
F7 Transport, personal mobility and operating machines Impact on traffic flows < 100 vehicles / day > 100 < 200 vehicles / day > 200 vehicles / day - -
F8 Dissemination of the radon by the endogenous fluid Introducing radionuclides into the environment No natural background influences natural background influenced - - -
Dissolution of hydrogen sulphide and other odorous substances <16 h/g <16 h/g >16 h/g >16 h/g
F9 Production of unpleasant odorous Never
from endogenous steam or biomass <200 day/year 200÷365 day/year 200÷365 day/year per 365 day/year

Injecting into the geothermal reservoirs of the condensates of

Recharging geothermal tanks and reducing the incondensable gas in
F10 the geothermal cycle and part (or all) of the meteoric waters positivo
extracted fluids
collected from the squares of the plants. (Positive aspect)

Microsismic and / or bradyismic phenomena induced by the Microsismic framework alteration and possible morphological
F11 - - Pre-assigned value - -
extraction and reinjection of geothermal fluids changes in the territory

F12 Ground / biomass movements, demolition, loading / unloading Emissions of Dust Insignificant dust Concerned areas < 5000 m² Concerned areas > 5000 m² - -

G1 Presence of dams and basins Flooding area downstream of hydraulic installation Concerned area < 1 Km² Concerned area 1 ÷ 5 Km² Concerned area 5 ÷ 10 Km² Concerned area 10 ÷ 50 Km² Concerned area > 50 Km²

G2 Breakdown of circuit and equipment conteining oil Soil and / or water contamination < 200 l 200 ÷ 1000 l 1 ÷ 10 m² 10 ÷ 50 m² > 50 m²
Dispersion and diffusion of vapors, gases, fumes and dust / Loss of
G3 Fire < 100 m from the ground > 100 < 1000 m from the ground > 1000 m from the ground - -
G4 Outbreak of dielectric oils contaminated by PCBs Soil and / or water contamination <1l 1 ÷ 10 l 10 ÷ 100 l 100 l ÷ 1000 l > 1000 l
G5 Losses of diesel fuel from underground tanks Soil and / or water contamination < 200 l 200 ÷ 1000 l 1.000 ÷ 10.000 l 10.000 l ÷ 100.000 l > 100.000 l
Reversal of oils and / or other pollutants (soda solutions, paints,
G6 Soil and / or water contamination < 100 l 100 ÷ 500 l 500 ÷ 5.000 l
etc.) during the storage and / or handling phases 5.000 l ÷ 50.000 l > 50.000 l
Loss of fluid from the steam pipelines and / or other conduits /
G7 Emission of vapors, contamination of soil and / or water - - Pre-assigned value - -
Losses from equipment containing geothermal condensates
G8 Soil and / or water contamination <500 m 3
500÷1000 m 3
1.000÷5.000 m 3
5.000÷10.000 m 3
>10.000 m3
(tanks, towers, condensers)
Soil contamination, gas emissions, noise emissions and odorous
G9 Blow out from well - - - Valore pre-assegnato -
Reduction of water flows in the riverbeds due to the capture
H1 Changing the natural outflow - With minimal vital outflow Without minimal vital outflow - -
Modification of the ittiofauna composition due to watercourses / soil
H2 Presence of barriers and other infrastructures - - Pre-assigned value - -

H3 Presence of wind turbines Impact on conservation of the species present on the site - - - - -

1 Muy improbable

2 Improbable

3 Probable

4 Muy probable

·        El fallo detectado puede provocar la aparición de varios eventos improbables no

relacionados. No se conocen episodios que ya hayan ocurrido. La ocurrencia del daño
causaría incredulidad.

·         Fallo detectado sólo puede causar daños en los eventos adversos contagio

·         Solo se han reportado episodios muy raros.

·         La ocurrencia del daño sería una gran sorpresa.

·         El fracaso puede generar el daño incluso si no de un modo automático o directo. Hay
unos episodios en los cuales el fracaso ha seguido el daño.

·         Existe una correlación directa entre la falla detectada y la ocurrencia de la lesión
supuesta para el medio ambiente.

·        Se han producido daños por la misma falla detectada en la misma Unidad o unidades
similares o en situaciones operativas similares. La ocurrencia del daño resultante de la falla
detectada no causaría ninguna sorpresa en la Unidad.

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