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eh unlock my.harley;enter my.harley;lock my.

phonereset phone off;phone on
eb enter my.blitzen;lock my.blitzen
hh holster ghost
dry emote gags.
gogo n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n
hhh holster jugg 2.holster
twitch emote twitches.
o.o boggle
<.< peer
smoke2 emote tilts his head back as he takes a drag from the Camel in his mouth, smoke lazily
rolling from his mouth as he exhales.
rhh ready 2.holster
b4 push b4
rh ready holster
b3 push b3
b2 push b2
b1 push b1
7 push 7
6 push 6
5 push 5
mitsu take cred corp;take cred 2.corp;take cred 3.corp;take cred 4.corp;take cred 5.corp;take roll
corp;take roll 2.corp;take roll 3.corp;take roll 4.
corp;take roll 5.corp
gridthi grid add Thieves -6000 , 3100;grid thieves;grid del thieves
gridreap grid add Reaper -65034, 32617;grid reap;grid del reaper
hungry n;n;buy coke;drink coke;drink coke;drink coke;junk coke;buy pep;eat pep;s;s
4 push 4
lightfor emote flicks his lighter open and sparks the flame in one smooth motion, cupping the Zippo in
his hand as he offers the light to $*.
gridfriend grid add Friendship -18310, 9255;grid friend;grid del friendship
ds unlock door south;open door south;s;close door north;lock door north
gridesp grid add Espanoza -76002, 38101;grid espanoza;grid del espanoza
newcig take cig case;take light pro;emote flips the top on his zippo, flicking the wheel down as he
brings a cigarette to his lips, puffing away on
the filter as he lights it.;hold cig;put light pro
reg take all.plas pac;give plas reg;give plas reg;give plas reg;give plas reg;give plas reg;give plas
reg;give plas reg;give plas reg;give plas
reg;give plas reg;give plas reg;give plas reg;give plas reg;give plas reg;give plas reg;give plas reg;give
plas re
gridaz grid add aztech -61078, 30639;grid az;grid del aztech
de unlock door east;open door east;e;close door west;lock door west
gridpha grid add Pharoahs -3120, 1660;grid phar;grid del pharoahs
gridplat grid add Platinum -65370, 32785;grid plat;grid del platinum
gridsix grid add SixthAge -61140, 30670;grid sixth;grid del sixthage
griddant grid add Dante -65322, 32761;grid dant;grid del dante
gridsmit grid add Smiths -65132, 32666;grid smiths;grid del smiths
gridknight grid add KnightCenter -3038, 1619;grid knight;grid del knightcenter
3 push 3
griddec grid add Declarreys -4174, 2187;grid dec;grid del declarreys
ggg take cred corp;take cred 2.corp;take cred 3.corp;take cred 4.corp;take cred 5.corp;take roll
corp;take roll 2.corp;take roll 3.corp;take roll 4.
corp;take roll 5.corp
gridlin grid add Lins -61242, 30721;grid lin;grid del lins
gridbean grid add Beanos -4090, 2145;grid bean;grid del beanos
gridafter grid add Afterlife -4144, 2172;grid after;grid del afterlife
2 push 2
gridpurp grid add Purplehaze -4118, 2159;grid purp;grid del purplehaze
gridnova grid add Novatech -65082, 32641;grid nova;grid del novatech
shakeyfist emote shakes his fist at the sky, "Curses!"
dw unlock door west;open door west;w;close door east;lock door east
smoke emote lazily drags from his cigarette, exhaling a steam of smoke downwards through his
gridjack grid add Jackies -61142, 30671;grid jack;grid del jackies
butt remove camel;emote stubs his cigarette out in an ashtray.;junk camel
ee unlock my.euro;enter my.euro;lock my.euro
gg take roll corp;take cred corp;take roll 2.corp;take cred 2.corp
dn unlock door north;open door north;n;close door south;lock door south
idle speed idle;leave;lock euro
brb brb;toggle afk
stop grid stop
gridbun grid add Bunny -58616, 29408;grid bunny;grid del bunny
re reload;take clip;junk clip
work say Any jobs, boss?
poc use poc;0
done say Done, chief.
lb leave;lock my.euro
1 push 1
rs ready sheath
g push g
idle;speed idle
dr draw;cpool 0 4 8
pb push button
drive drive;speed cruise

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