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Tiempos verbales Hablar en presente Presente continuo (Present continuous) EI presente continuo define una accidn que transcurre en el mismo momento en el que se la deseri | Fresca simple del veo be + gerundio del verbo principal ams + 2| “me | vease et siguieme ejemplo: | _ itis 7:00 in the morning. Dr. Smith is in the new car on his way to the hospital (Son las 7 de la maftana. El Dr. Smith va en su auto nuevo camino al hospital, Entonces: He is driving 10 the hospital. En la oracién, el uso de este tiem- po verbal indica que la persona est conduciendo en el preciso momento en cl que se describe la accién. Se utilize para denouar: + Una aceiGn que transcurre enel preciso momento en el que se esié habtan do (es decir, ahora): = Dr Smith is going to the operating room. = Dr. Smith's cofleague is operating on an acute cholecystitis. © Una accién que transcurre cercana al momento en el que s¢ la describe, aunque no necesariamene en ese preciso instante: = Tohn y Rachel son residentes de neurologéa y estén comiendo un sénd- wich en la cafeteria, John dice: “Zam writing an imeresting article on multiple sclerosis. 'N tend it to you when I've finished #1. Evidentemente, John mo esti escribiendo ef articulo en ese. preciso momento a el que lo esté dicieado. Significa que ha comenzado a escribir un articulo, pero atin no lo ha terminado. La escritura etd en proceso. ** Una accién que transcurre en ¢l presente durante un perfodo limicado de éempo (es decir, hoy. esta semana, esta temporada, este aio. ctediera): = Our residenis are working hard this term. + Simaciooes que se modifican: ~ The patient is getting Benes with the new sreatmen = His blood pressure is rising very fast. » Situaciones temporarias: = Fam living with other residents unsil 1 can buy my own apartment. Presente continuo con sentido de futuro En Jos siguientes ejemplos, la realizacién de estas acciones ha sido acordada en forma previa. © Para expresar acciones cuya realizacién se ha ucordado para un futuro cercano (planes personales). = We are stenting a renal artery on Monday. ~ fam having dinner with a medical representative tomorrow: También es posible emplear la forma going so en estas oraciones, aunque resulta mens matural al hablar de planes personales. Para organizar planes personales, no se utiliza el presente simple o el auxiliar del Futuro will. Presente simple El presente simple denota una accién en el presente que ocurre una y otra vez (acciones repetidas), pero no necesariamente el momento ée describitla. En el presente simple, encontramos las siguientes formas: © Afirmativa (se agrega ~5 0 -es a Ia tercera persona del singular [he/she/t]) © Negativa - don = He/shefit doesn't, ‘Véase el siguiente ejemplo: Dr. Allan is the chairman of the radiology department. He is in Greece on an international course. (E} Dr. Allan es director del servicio de radiologta. Se encuentra en Grecia en un curso internacional), Entonces: He is not running the radiology department now (because he is in Greece), pero he runs the radiology depariment. © Para denouw una accién que suele ccurrir tode el tiempo o en forma repe- tida, © para establecer una verdad general. En este tiempo verbal, no es importame si la acciém estd sucediendo en el momemto en el que se la-des- oribe: = 1 do interventional radiology: — Murses take care of patients, ~ Cigarettes cause hedg cancer, + Para especificar fa frecuencia con la que se realiza una accién: = d begin to operate at 830 every morning. = Dr Taylor does angioplasty two evenings a week. — How often do you go to the candiologist? Once @ month, © Pura establecer una situaciGn permanente (una situacién estable durante un perfodo de tempo prolongado): — ¢ work as an endocrinologist in the diabetes program of our hospital, 1 have been working there for ten years, + Algumos verbos se emplean casi exclusivaménte en los tiempos simples. Son los verbos que denoian actividad mental, sentimientos, poscsién y percepcién, asi como los que introducen ¢l estilo indirecto. Para los ver- bbos de percepciéa, se suck: agregar cl = fnow understand why the patient is in such a bad condition. = f can sec the solution to your problem now. ‘« El presente simple suele acompafiarse can adverbios de frecuencia. tales como, elways. often, sometimes. rarely, never, every week y twice a year: - The chairman is rarely in his office, ‘* Ei presente simple pucde emplearse con sentido de fururo para hablar de horarios, cranogramas, ctcétera: - What time does Ross" operation start? It starts tomorrow at 9.30. CUADRO GRAMATICAL DEL PRESENTE SIMPLE Y SUS ‘CONJUGACIONES DEL VERBO “TO BE” Pte ne ke coma utelts aa Pru ul CUADRO GRAMATICAL DEL PRESENTE SIMPLE Y SUS CONJUGACIONES Meenas) Difference between the present simple and the present continuous Present simple talks about hobbies, habits, jobs and generally true things Present continuous talks about things happening at the moment of speaking. Time Expressions COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH PRESENT SIMPLE (am/is/are) or PRESENT CONTINUOUS (amiis /are being) 1.-Lean‘t understand why he .......... 80 selfish. He isn’t usually like that. 2. = Dr Smith ....cscssseessseeees Very nice fo me at the moment. | wonder Why. 3. - You'll lke Jill when you meet her. She very nice. 4, - Normally you are very sensible, so why 80 silly about this Matter now? 5. - Why isn’t Sara at work today? in PUT THE VERBS INTO THE CORRECT FORM OF PRESENT CONTINUOUS OR PRESENT SIMPLE. 1.- Are you hungry? Something to eat? (you / want) 2. - Jillis interested in politics but she. to a political party. (not / belong) 3. Don't put the dictionary away. | ..........00sssnit. now. (Use) 4, -Don't put the dictionary away. 1 ......scsscssssseee it. (Need) 5. - Who is that man? What . secceeeseee? (he / want) 6. - Who is that man? Why at us right now? (he / look) 7.-George says he's 80 years old but nobody «........-scsseeeesseeeee him, (believe) 8. - She told me her name DUE .......s-essss-s-« It mow. (Not / remember) 9. = sseescesssseese Of Selling my car. (think). Would you be interested in buying it? 10.-1 you should sell your car. (Think) You it very often. (not / use) 11. | used to drink a lot of coffee but these day Io... 8a (prefer) 12.- Air Mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. (Consist) Pasado simple pasado simple prescata las siguientes formas: © Afirmativa: — BI pasado de los verbos regulares se forma agregando el sufijo -ed al infinitivo. — Los verbus irregulares adoptan formas propias en pasado. > Negative: ~ Did/didn't + infinitivo del verbo (forma base) * Interrogativa: — Did tour... + infinitive del verbo (forma base) + Para referirse a acciones o situaciones ocurridas y finalizadas en el pasado: ~ L enjoyed the residents’ party very much. = When I worked as a resident in Madrid, I lived in a small apartment. «Para especificar acciones pasadas consecutivas: ~ Yesterday we had a terrible duty. We operated on five patients and then we did a kidney transplantation. * Para preguntar o especificar cudndo 0 a qué hora tuvo lugar una accién: = When were you operated on last time? ‘Para relatar una historia o hablar de sucesos y acciones que no estén vin- culadas con el presente (acontecimientos histéricos): = Roentgen discovered X-rays. Was'were + gerundio del verbo «Para relatar que alguicn se encontraba realizando determinada accién en ‘un momento espectfico del pasado. Esta accién o situacién habia comen- zado antes de ese momento pero atin no habia terminado (acciones conti- ‘nuas en pasado): = This time last year 1 was writing an article on lipid metabotism, 'Nétese que el pasado continuo no especifica si la accién habfa finalizado o no (tal vez si, tat vez no), + Para describir una escena: ~ A lot of patients were waiting in the corridor. Simple Past vs. Past Continuous owmple Pas, qast Continues, 2 use the simple past to talk sbout The past continuous is used to expre 6 habits and fects in| | Interrupted sex always visited 1 ite. We tived near Livery ast ight at 7pm, | was having dine * While che was doing her Iv =r was playing PUT THE VERB INTO THE CORRECT FORM, PAST CONTINUOUS OR PAST SIMPLE. 4.-Jane . “(welt forme when | ---. (ame) oe What ...cccssesevoseeesne (YOU do) this time yesterday?’ | was asleep’ 3. s-- see (YOU! go) Out last night?’ “No, | was too tired.” 4.- ‘Was Carol at the party last night?’Yes, she (wear) a really nice dress. 5.- How fast (you / drive) when the accident XG happen)? 6. JOM .oseccsosseesssnee (take) a photograph of me while |... (NOt look). 7.-We were in a very difficult position. We .. (not / know ) what to do. 8.- | haven't seen Alan for ages. When | last (see) him, he (try) to find a job in London. 9D cececccsseeeee ( Wall) along the strret when suddenly I. ceo (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody ..........---.» (follow ) me. | was frightened and 1 ............-+- (Start ) to run, 10.- When I was young, | sesesseees ( Want ) to be a bus driver. Have/has + panicipio pasado del verbo Para hablar del resultado presente de una accién pasada. Para hablar de un suceso reciente. Presente perfecto continuo Denota una accién continua que comenzé en el pasado y que se ha extendido hasta el tiempo presente. Havefhas been + gerundio * Para denotar una aceién continua que comenz6 en el pasado y acaba de terminar: ~ You look tired. Have you been studying? — Yes, Fhave been studying the Pancoast case. ‘+ Para preguntar 0 especificar durante cugnto tiempo ha tenido lugar una accién. En este caso, ta accién o la situacién comenzaron en el pasado y adn continga 0 acaba de terminar, = Dr. Sancho and Dr. Martos have been working in the project from its inception. Este tiempo verbal acepta el uso de las siguiemes frases y adverbie * How long...? (para pregumar durante cuénto tiempo se ha desarrollado una accién). * For, since (para especificar la duracién de vna accién): ~ How long have you been working as a family doctor? = Thave been working for ten years. ~ Thave been working very hard since I got this post. + For (para estableces un perfodo de tiempo}: ~ Thave been studying MR imaging for three months. No es posible combinar for y ail en la misma oracién (no es correcto decir: for all my fife), ‘Since (para establecer el comienzo de un perfodo): = Ihave been teacking anatomy since 1980. Lo ms importante cuando se utiliza el presente perfecto continuo es la accién en sf misma, y no es relevante si ha finalizado 0 no. Es posible que ta accién haya ter- minado recién 0 que atin no haya concluido. En el presente perfecto, lo importante es el resultado de la accién y no la accién en s{ misma, PUT THE VERB INTO THE MORE SUITABLE FORM, PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE OR PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS. 1.-Where have you been? 2.- Look! Somebody 3. you look tired sesccoee (you J play ) tennis? sevee-e (Break) tht window. you / work ) hard? 4. (you/ever/work) in a factory?”"No, never. 5. ‘Jane is away on holiday.’ ‘Oh, is she? Where -(she/go)? 6. My brother is an actor. He .... 7- Sorry I'm late."“That's all right. | 8.-'Is it still raining ?”’No, it 9-1 . (appear) in several films. (not /wait) long.” (stop). (lose) my address book. (you /see) it anywhere? ...( fead) the book you lent me but | (not /finish) it yet. sssssses (Fad) the book you lent me, so you can 11 have it back now. Hablar en futuro “Going to” «¢ Para expresar una accién que hemos decidido realizar 0 que pretendemos Hevar cabo ea el futuro {en estas situaciones, no se emplca el auxiliar wit: ~ 4am going to attend she 20th international Congress of Cardiology next month. — There is a CT course in Boston next fall. Are you going to attend ir? * Para expresar lo que alguien tiene organizado hacer (planes personales). Sin embargo, para estos cases, es preferible empltar el presente continuo ‘por una cucstign de naturalidad: ~ What time are you meeting the vice chairman? ‘ Pura expresar Jo que creemos que sucederd (predicciones): = The patient is looking terrible. | think he is going 10 die soon, * Si descamos decir Jo que alguien quiso hacer pero no hizo, empleames Ia estructura washvere goltig to: = He was going t0 do a CT on the patient bur changed his mind. # También recurrimos a In estructura was/were going fo para hablar sobre predieciones en el pasado: = She was going to become @ good surgeon. Futuro simple (Will) Will o shall + infinitivo del verbo, (Uwe will es més coméumente empleado que shall. Shall suele utitizarse en preguntas para oftecer y sugerir: Shall we go 1o the symposium next week?) You/he/shelivthey will. Forma negativa: shan't, won't. ' Se emplea para expresar una decisida expontinea (en esta situacidin, no es posible utilizar el presente simple): = Have you called the cardiologist?” = No, Uhaven't had time to do it. ~ OK, don't worry, Lill do it '* Para ofrecer, expresar acuerdo, rechazar y prometer algo, © para pedirle 9 alguien que haga algo: = That case looks difficult for you. I will help you. ~~ Can V have the book Hent you last week back? Of course. Iwill give it back fo you tomorrow. = Don't atk 1o se is stemoscope. He woa't tend it 0 you, = Lpmise Fil send you copy of the latest article om AIDS a son as I get it, = Will you help me with this patient, please? No sc utiliza este tiempo verbal (will) para expresar fo que alguien ha deci situaciones, dido hacer 0 ba organizado para hacer (recuérdese que, en estas s¢ emplea el presente continuo o la forma going to), * Para predecir un evento o situaciin futuros: ~ Medicine will be very different in a hundred years time. — Neurology won't be the same in the next two decades. Recereee ais A Sige bee en presente ot sugiere Jo que ocurriré en ef futuro (futuro cercano), se utiliza la forma going Jo, en vex de will. . on exresincs, ne come, probaly Lam sure, U bet, think, Espo» sel =] will probably atiend the European Congress. sca hh ~ thet the patient will recover satisfactorily. = J guess I will see you in the next anninal meeting. \V. - READ THE SITUATIONS AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES USING WILL (Il) OR GOING TO. 1. - The phone rings and you answer. Somebody wants to speak to Jim. CALLER: Hello. Can | speak to Jim, please? YOU: Justa moment... -.. him. (Wget) 2. I's a nice day. You've decided to sit in the garden, Before going outside, you tell your friend. YOU: The weather's too nice to stay indoors. .in the garden. (I sit) FRIEND: That's a good idea. | think ...... you. (I /join) 3. = Your friend is worried because she has lost an important letter. YOU: Don’t worry about the letter. I'm sure it. (Youlfind) FRIEND: | hope so. 4, - There was a job advertised in the paper recently. At first you were interested but then you decided not to apply. FRIEND: Have you decided what to do about that job that was advertised? YOU! Y@8) sees cesses fOr it. (VInotapply) 5. - You and a friend come home very late. Other people in the house are asleep. Your friend is noisy. YOU: Shhh! Don’t make so much noise. ‘everybody up. (Youlwake) 6. - John has to go to the airport to catch a plane tomorrow morning. JOHN: Ann, I need somebody to take me to the airport tomorrow moming ANN: That's no problem. .........:::.1.-nYOU (Vtake) what time is your fight? JOHN: 10:50. ANN: OK. at about 9 o’clock then. (We/leave) Later that day, Joe offers to take John to the airport. JOE: John, do you want me to take you to the airport? JOHN: No thanks, Joe. ...... seseseame, (Annitake) Futuro continuo Will be + gerundio del verbo Para denotar una accién en la que estaremos tomando parte en algén momento futuro: ~ This time tomorrow morning I will be attending the conference about drugs and the CNS. © Para expresar eventos que ya han sido planeados o decididos (uso similar al del presente continuo con sentido de futuro): — We can't meet this evening. I will be operating on the patient we talked about. © Para hablar sobre planes, especialmente cuando deseamos algo 0 quere- mos que alguien haga algo (forma interrogativa): = Will you be attending to my patients this evening? 5 j Will have + partic 5 «* Para expresar una acci6n que se habré completado antes de cierto momen- to espectfico en el futuro: — I think the liver will already have arrived by the time we begin the trans- plantation. — Next spring I will have been working for 25 years in this hospital. VI. - PUT THE VERBS INTO THE CORRECT FORM, will be (do) ing or will have ( done) 1 Don't phone me between 7 and 8. Wel behaving .(werhave) dinner then. 2. Phone me afer 8 o'clock. {welfinish) dinner by then. 3 Tomorrow afternoon we're going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30. So at 4 o'clock, {(weiplay) tennis. 4a: Can we meet tomorrow afternoon? 1 Nor in the afternoon. (work). 5 Bhas to g0 toa meeting which begins at 10 o'clock. I will last about an hour. ‘n: Will you be free at 11.30? & Yes, (the meetingfinish) by that time. 6 Tom is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. Ife continues like this, 3 ~~ (helspend) all his money before the end of his holiday. 7 Chuck came to Britain from the USA nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly three years. So on Monday, (hefbe) in Britain for exactly three years. : 8 Do you think nouns {youstilV/do) the same job in ten years’ time? 9 Jane is from New Zealand. She is travelling around Europe at the moment. So far she has travelled about 1,000 miles. By the end of the tip, st (sheftravel) more than 3,000 miles. 10 If you need to COMERCE ME, nnn nennsnnnnnsnnnennnse (stay) at the Lion Hotel ‘until Friday. 1k <3 -~- (yow/see) Laura tomorrow? & Yes probably. Why? | 2: Tbocrowed this book from her. Can you give it back to her?

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