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Partner Introduction

Language Instruction for Newcomers to

Canada (LINC) Program

Directions: Work together with a partner. Gather information about your partner and use that information to
introduce your partner to the class.

Format: Your introduction should contain a beginning, middle and ending.

Beginning: Good morning everyone. Today I am going to introduce my partner, (name).

Middle: Partner introduction

Ending: Please put your hands together and give (name) a warm welcome.


Today I am going to introduce my partner Radiye Saric,

Ella de Siria, ella habla árabe este es su idioma natal, pero ella habla ingles también, ha estado por 5 años en
Canadá, ella esta muy agradecida por estar en Canadá y haber aprendido otro idioma, fue un poco difícil para ella
porque tuvo que aprender el alfabeto, las letras escribir, porque es completamente diferente a su idioma, pero ella se
siente muy feliz por haber logrado esto.

Ella ahora esta en Canadá junto con su esposo y sus tres hijos, en febrero nace su cuarto hijo, esto es genial y ella
esta muy feliz.

El resto de su familia como su papa, mama y sus hermanos están en Siria de hecho ella admira mucho a su padre
porque siempre la ha confortado y la ha ayudado en dificultades, para ella ha sido un soporte muy importante en su
vida, una de las cosas que mas le importa es poder estar con su familia educar sus hijos, ella es madre de tiempo
completo, entonces ella tiene frase de vida que ella tiene es cree en la vida y ella es una grandiosa persona y estoy
agradecida porque ella me permitió conocer un poco acerca de ella y de su cultura, honestamente es la primera vez
que hablo con alguien como ella, comparto esto con ustedes esto para que ustedes también puedan conocerla.

Today I am going to introduce my partner Radiye Saric, she from Syria, she speaks Arabic, this is her native
language, but she speaks English too, she has been in Canada for five years, she is very grateful for being in Canada
and having learned (lernt) another language, it was a little bit difficult for her, because she had to learning the
alphabet, writing letters, which is completely (compit-ly) different from her language, but she feels very happy to
have achieved (áchifit)this.

She is now in Canada with her husband and their three children, in February her fourth child (chaild)is born, this is
great and she is so happy.

The rest of her family like her father, mother and her siblings are in Syria, in fact she admires her father a lot,
because he has always comforted advise and helped (jelpt) her in difficulties, (dificultis) for her he has been a very
important support in her life, one of the things that is the most important to her is being able to be with her family
educating her children, she is a full-time mother, so she has a life phrase (freis)“believes in life” and she is a great
person and I am grateful because she allowed (alaudmi)me to know a little bit about her and her culture, honestly it
is the first time that I speak with someone like her, I share this with you, so you may get to know her.
You must include the following: What’s your name? What’s your last name Radiye Sahric

Required Information Checklist

Country of origin  Where are you from? Siria

History in Canada you are in Canada What is your history in Canada? When did you come to
Canada 5 yers ago

Family information Have you brothers or sisters how is your family composed you hosban

anda kids 3 anda 1 more febrruary

Hobbies and interests What are you doing? Just mom

1. Reason for studying English Whats is the reson that you learn? what is your natal
leguage? Arabic

You should include three of the following:

Additional Information Checklist

1. Work information Where do you work?
Future goals and dreams what is a dream or goal you have your kids good for them
A story about your partner’s greatest achievement
what has been your greatest achievement in your life, family stay ok.

A life motto has a life phrase or motto

4. do you have a life phrase or motto trust your life
5. A hero do you have any herue or someone you admire why? Dad, undestrad her
siempre la ayuda en cualquier advise

do you have any questions about me

1. What is the relationship between the sender and the recipient of each email message?
The conversation is between the seller (Pat Crosby) and buyer (Tania Foster).

2. What are the messages about?

Tania Foster is interested in the digital piano that has been advertised on the Kijiji website. Asks some questions
regarding piano details, year and brand.

3. Are the messages written in a formal or informal tone? How can you tell?
- Formal
Dear Patt Crosby,
I am writing in connection with what has been advertised on the Kijiji website. I am interested in a digital piano. I
would like to know if it is still available. If it is, I would like to know how old is it and what brand is it? Thank
you for your help in this matter.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Tania foster

- Informal
I am interested in the digital piano you have advertised on the Kijiji website. Is it still available? if it is, could you
tell me how old it is and what make it is?
Thank you,
Tania Foster

4. Which of the components mentioned above are included in each message?

The recipient's email address
A subject line: Advertisement Piano
An optional salutation: Hello
The body of the message
A complimentary closing: Thanks
The sender's name: Tania Foster

Membership Expiration

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