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Hello everyone,

This morning I found the Spotify page saved to the

computer in Aula 6. Could the teacher who did that
please tell me when they are using Spotify in the class,
and with what groups?

Other issues:
- Unless you are absolutely sure you have no online
students, always open the online link immediately
you go into class, and keep it open the whole
time. Several students/parents have complained about

- Don't use or share the digital book if you have

students online. Keep the students visible on the
digital board at all times, and use the paper version
of the book. (Audios can be done perfectly well with
online students without sharing digitally - check with me
about this if you have doubts.)
- Never give written exercises to students to do in
silence in class, no matter how short. All activities
must be done orally, and in an interactive way.

Please confirm you've read and understood this

Many thanks,

C/Jesús Rincón Jiménez, 15, 1º E

06010 Badajoz (Spain)

Tfno: 924 247057
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