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Infrared vs Ultrasonik

riries rulaningtyas

Saya mau tanya lewat forum migas ini :

lebih akurat mana sensor infrared dengan ultrasonik utk sensing suhu
saya mo ngerjakan skripsi, untuk sensor suhu mau pake ultrasonik, klo
pake ultrasonik lebih murah dibanding infrared, sya blum nemu alasan
ilmiahnya jika pake ultrasonik mungkin ada yg bisa membantu saya?

Akh. Munawir

Ibu riries,
What ever sensing methode type, akurasi level dari Measurement
Device itu bukannya berdasarkan "SENSITIVITY-nya" ?
Di data sheet atau technicalnya spec. biasanya tertulis tuh SENSITIVITY
dari Device tsb coba recheck lagi.

Ginting Simeon

Ibu Riries,

Mungkin saya yg salah. Tapi apa ada sensor suhu menggunakan

methode IR atau US? Kalau untuk sensor flame sih ada.

Akh. Munawir

Pak Ginting,
Temp. Sensor menggunakan IR Type umum digunakan terutama untuk
mengukur Operating Temperature pada Moved Equipment yg sedang
Operated (e.g. Rotor, Coupling, Rod yang berputar pada Compressor &
Pump). Infra Red ditembakan ke point yang ingin diukur temperature-
nya & Display of Measuring Device akan Menampilkan value-nya.
Keuntungannya adalah Sensor tidak directly touch pada equipment,
melainkan menggunakan media IR.

Untuk Ultra Sonic Type saya belum pernah pakai, mungkin rekan-rekan
lain ada yang bisa sharing.

Semoga membantu.
Bambang Supriyadi

Ma'af numpang share sedikit pak,

Kalo tidak salah ingat pada waktu di perkuliahan, Sudut baca / deteksi
dari ultrasonic lebih lebar dibanding IR (kalo tidak salah lebih dari 30
derajat), jadi sekiranya ultrasonic akan mengalami kelemahan dalam
sensitivitas dibanding menggunakan IR.

Untuk itulah kira-kira applikasi dari ultrasonic digunakan untuk sensing

benda bergerak atau movement. Sedangkan IR memiliki sudut deteksi
lumayan sempit (kira-kira kurang dari 5 derajat).

Penggunaan alat pengukur suhu dengan IR memiliki titik tembak area

pembacaan suhu, Alat pendeteksi suhu dengan IR akan membaca suhu
pada titik fokus pembacaan tersebut (pada display akan muncul titik /
dot merah sebagai titik fokus pembacaan suhu).

Dan pendeteksi suhu dengan IR umumnya memiliki adjuster titik fokus

mirip teropong yang berfungsi memperjelas titik / dot merah tersebut
(Jadi jarak tembak pembacaan suhu berpengaruh pada hasil
pembacaan suhu, untuk hal itulah adjuster difungsikan).

Akan terjadi perbedaan suhu jika mengukur dalam keadaan dot merah
terlihat jelas dibanding ketika dot merah tersebut tampak blur atau
kurang jelas.

Note: Mohon koreksi jika ada kesalahan.

Akh. Munawir

Pak Bambang,
Senang berdiskusi dengan anda,

I don't know if Ultra Sonic (US) Temp. Sensor is EFFECTIVE to measure

temperature on Rotating Equipment (RO). Karena Ultra Sonic adalah
Gelombang Suara dgn Frequensi Tinggi dan Operated
Rotating Equipment also produces NOISE (Mid / High Freq.) I'm affraid,
NOISE frequency of RO akan menumpang pada US frequency (2 sinyal
ter-konvolusi) hingga Error pembacaan lebih besar dan tidak akurat,
but please Correct Me If I'm Wrong.
Dan, saya kira untuk penggunan IR Sensor adalah Point Type, hingga
hasil bacaan yang terbaik adalah focus tembakan diset
setajam/sefokus mungkin.

Bambang Supriyadi

Benar pak,

US adalah gelombang suara, sedang IR adalah gelombang

Cahaya...sehingga memiliki fungsi deteksi yang applicablenya

Dan wajar bila US memiliki sudut deteksi yang lebar, berbeda dengan
IR yang bisa fokus dalam pendeteksian. Kiranya saya juga belum
pernah mendengar US digunakan untuk sensor Panas / Suhu.

Pembangkit gelombang suara rata-rata menggunakan osilator (benda

yang ber fibrating) atau lilitan / kumparan yang menghasilkan
gelombang sinusoidal, kemudian di olah sedemikian rupa agar
memiliki frekuensi dan daya pancar yang diinginkan.

Sedangkan IR tidak menggunakan benda berfibrating dalam

membangkitkannya, oleh karenanya (kalo tidak salah ingat) tidak
terpengaruh dengan noise.

Mohon koreksi bila ada salah,

Bambang Supriyadi

Menambahkan pak,

Sekiranya US yang dimaksud untuk deteksi movement applicablenya

di pintu otomatis Mall. Sedangkan sensor applicable baik US, IR atau
lainnya di bidang Oil n gas saya tidak tahu sama sekali.

farabirazy albiruni

Dear Rekan,

ultrasonic thermometer bisa digunakan untuk mengukur suhu benda.

Prinsip kerjanya adalah dengan mengukur perubahan laju propagasi
gelombang ultrasonic di udara. Sensornya dikenal dengan air coupled
ato air bourne type.

Sepengetahuan saya, jenis sensor ini adalah special design dan

harganya tidak murah mengingat udara bukanlah penghantar
gelombang ultrasonik yang baik. Akan dibutuhkan good function
generator dan high power amplifier untuk membangkitkan dan
menerima gelombang ultrasonik.

mudah2an cukup membantu.

permana chepy

Sekedar sharing,
mungkin tutorial ini bisa di jadikan sbg basic reference.
secara theory dan costnya di bahas disini.

Infrared vs. Ultrasonic - What You Should Know

Submitted by airman00 on January 27, 2008 - 10:10am.

As long as robots have been made ,and as long as obstacle detection

has been used, there has existed a dilemna for which sensor to use for
ranging and noncontact obstacle avoidance. In this brief tutorial I will
explain to you the pros and cons of each sensor.

I . Infrared Sensors
The two types of IR sensors. There are IR sensors with built in circuits
which provide a binary output , and there are those which provide an
analog output or a multiple bit output.
The sensors with a binary output are only good for detecting the
proximity of an obstacle , and not the range. By that I mean that the
sensor can only tell you when an obstacle is within a certain distance
( we will call it the threshold distance) . This is fine for most robots
which only need to know when an obstacle is right in front of it . This is
the cheapest sensor which I will be explaining here.
The other IR sensors, which are ranging sensors , output the actual
distance of an obstacle from the sensor. This output can either be
analog or a digital byte.
Building an IR sensor , whether ranging or binary , is incredibly simple .
Admin talks about how to build your own IR sensor here . Those
sensors can be made cheaply but they are not so accurate . If you
want accuracy get these Sharp IR sensors. They are the kings of
infrared ranging , they are the most accurate IR sensors, and they
provide an easy to use analog output. They usually cost between $10-
$20 . However, be aware that there are many different types of Sharp
IR sensor which have different minimum and maximum ranges , so
search around for the one that suits you.
Now that I have explained the different types of IR sensors , I will tell
you why IR is NOT the best out there. Infrared sensors , emit infrared
light ,and therefore the sensors cannot work accurately outside or even
inside , if there is direct or indirect sunlight( but this is not entirely true
for Sharp IR sensors , since they will work pretty accurately in ambient
light.) So no infrared ranging sensors on your outdoor robot. Also, the
way the infrared sensor works is as follows
"The Sharp IR Range Finder works by the process of triangulation. A
pulse of light (wavelength range of 850nm +/-70nm) is emitted and
then reflected back (or not reflected at all). When the light returns it
comes back at an angle that is dependent on the distance of the
reflecting object. Triangulation works by detecting this reflected beam
angle - by knowing the angle, distance can then be determined. "

Now since light does not reflect the same way off every surface, the
infrared sensor reading will be different for different surfaces , different
colors, and different shades EVEN if the range is the same. Most of the
time this reading is not too off, so the robot can still function.
CONCLUSION FOR IR SENSORS: Use infrared ranging sensors if:

You do not care about incredibly accurate ranging

The sensor will not be used outside in the sun
You need a narrow beam width
You want to spend less than $20 per ranging sensor

II. Ultrasonic Sensors

If you would like a background on ultrasonic sensors read Admin's
tutorial here

Ultrasonic sensors use sound instead of light for ranging , so ultrasonic

sensors ( some people call it sonar) can be used outside in bright
sunlight. These sensors are amazingly accurate ,though they may be
thrown off by a sound absorbing obstacle , like a sponge. The only real
issue that arises is the "ghost echo" issue. As you can see below , the
walls bounce off in a strange pattern causing a ghost effect. Also, the
sensor does not come with a connecting wire sometimes , only the
connector part ,so buy a cable like this


1. You need accurate distances of obstacles, no matter what color they
2. The robot will not encounter sound absorbing materials as obstacles
3. You will be using the ultrasonic sensor inside or outside
4. You are willing to pay over $25 for each ranging sensor


After reading this tutorial and assesing whether to get IR sensors of
ultrasonic sensors , you are faced with a lot of choices for each type of
For ultrasonic ranging( the best type of ranging) , I prefer the Parallax
PING ultrasonic sensor , since it can detect obstacles that are 2cm
away and obstacles that are up to 1 m away. Also, it uses only one I/O
pin on the microcontroller since you can trigger the sonar and take a
reading on the same pin. Read more about the PING sensor here . It
usually costs between $20 - $30, so look around for good prices.

For infrared ranging I like to use the Sharp GP2D120 infrared sensor.
Read more about it here . It has a range of 4 - 30 cm . The cost is
usually between $10 - $20 , so browse around .Also, the sensor does
not come with a connecting wire, only the connector ,so buy this

Infrared is cheap( $10 -$20), small beam, not good measuring distance
to dark objects.
Ultrasonic is expensive( $20+ ) and more accurate , not good with
absorbent objects ( like sponges) , and wide beam.

Hope this tutorial cleared up some stuff for you!

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