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List of macro commands

Supported macro commands

BackSpace( ); Delete character before cursor

BeginDoc( ); Move cursor to start of text
BeginLine( ); Move cursor to start of line
Bookmarks( ); Bookmark dialog box
Break( ); Break
Browser( ); Run documentation browser
ButtonBar( ); Preferences: Tool bar page
CACLS( ); Send CACLS command
Capitals( ); Capital change
CATII( ); Send CATII command
Channel(channel); Activate a channel, designated 1 and max. nr. of channels.
ChannelPropDlg( ); Channel properties dialog box. The number of the property page can no
longer be specified.
CharLeft( ); Move cursor one position to the left
CharRight( ); Move cursor one position to the right
ClearBlock( ); Clear block
CloseChannel(n); Close channel window n (n between 1 and max. nr. of channels)
ClosePort( ); Close communications port of active channel
Colors( ); Preferences: Colors page
CompileMacro( ); Compile macro
Connect(timeout); Connect. Optionally specify timeout in tenths of a second; omit or 0 for no
timeout. Maximum timeout 30 seconds.
CopyBlock( ); Copy block
CutBlock( ); Cut block
Date( ); Insert the current date at the current cursor position. The format of the date
is defined by the Control Panel settings.
DelBlock( ); Delete the selected text
DelChar( ); Delete character under cursor
DelLine( ); Delete line under cursor
DelWord( ); Delete word under cursor starting from the cursor position
Dial("number"); Dial a number (same as in phonebook)
DirDlg(n); "Directories" pages of the preferences dialog box. Optionally, specify a
number (1 to 4) to show a sub page.
EndDoc( ); Move cursor to end of text
EndLine( ); Move cursor to end of line
Execute("Program"); Start another program. Both Windows and DOS programs can be started
this way.
Expect("text",timeout); Wait for "text" to be received. Optionally, specify timeout in tenths of a
second; omit or 0 for no timeout. Maximum timeout 30 seconds.
ExpectPrompt(timeout); Wait for a prompt to be received. Optionally specify timeout in tenths of a
second; omit or 0 for no timeout. Maximum timeout 30 seconds.
Find("text"); Find text dialog box if "text" not specified, otherwise search for "text"
FindAgain( ); Repeat last find
Font( ); Preferences: Font page
GotoLine(line); Go to line dialog box if 'line' not specified, otherwise: go to line 'line'
Hangup( ); Hang-up (same as in phonebook)
HexConvert( ); Hex/Dec converter
ImportBlock( ); Import file from disk
Insert(state); Set insert mode, state: 0=off (overtype), 1=on (insert), 2=toggle
LineDown( ); Move cursor one line down
LineUp( ); Move cursor one line up
LockChannelDlg( ); Channel locking dialog.
LockChannel("msg", "psw"); Lock current channel. The password psw is optional.
LockAllChannels("msg", "psw"); Lock all channels. The password psw is optional.
LogAppend("file"); Open new log file; append existing file (if any)
LogClose( ); Close currently open log file
LogCreate("file"); Open new log file; overwrite existing file (if any)
LogFile( ); Output log file dialog box
LogOutput( ); Output log file dialog box
LogInput( ); Input log file dialog box
MarkBlock(state); Set state for marking a block, use cursor movement afterwards. state:
0=off, 1=on, 2=toggle
Messages( ); Activate or open the message window.
MessageOptions(n); Message options. Optionally, specify the number (1 to 3) of the property
page to be shown.
NextError( ); Next error
OpenChannel(n, "file"); Open channel #n, if n is 0 then the channel number is selected
automatically, otherwise must be n between 1 and the maximum number of
channels. Parameter "file" specifies channel file. You can use OpenPort( )
afterwards to open communications port.
OpenFile("file"); File open dialog box if "file" not specified, otherwise open "file" directly from
OpenPort("config"); Open communications port, optionally specify configuration string, see port
OpenPortParam(x); Open communications port, where the xth command line parameter
specifies the configuration string, see port configuration. x must be
between 1 and 10
PageDown( ); Move cursor one page down
PageUp( ); Move cursor one page up
ParamLeft( ); Move cursor to previous parameter (FIOL style)
ParamRight( ); Move cursor to next parameter (FIOL style)
Password( ); Let user type password in a dialog box
PasteBlock( ); Paste block
PauseTrm( ); Pause transmission
PhoneBook(n); Phone book dialog box. Optionally, specify the number (1 to 4) of the
property page to be shown.
PreferenceDlg( ); Preferences dialog box. The number of the property page can no longer be
PrevError( ); Previous error
Print( ); Print text / print settings
Queue( ); Queue dialog box
Quit( ); Exit WinFIOL
Release( ); Release
ReopenChannel(n); Reopen channel #n, where n is between 1 and the maximum number of
channels. If channel #n cannot be reopened, the macro stops.
Replace( ); Replace text
RunMacro( ); Run macro dialog box. Any following macro commands are ignored.
Save( ); Save text to disk. It is recommended to use SaveFile( ).
SaveAll( ); Save all modified text to disk
SaveFile( ); Save text to disk. Same as Save( ).
Scheduler( ); Activate or open the scheduler window.
SchedulerOptions(n); Scheduler options. Optionally, specify the number (1 to 2) of the property
page to be shown.
ScrollDown( ); Move text one line down
ScrollUp( ); Move text one line up
SelectAll( ); Select all text
SelectFrom( ); Select all text from cursor
Send("text"); Send "text" to target exchange. Specify ^M to send a carriage return, e.g.
Send("DPWSP;^M"); The macro will continue immediately with the next
SendBlock( ); Send block
SendCode(x); Send x directly to target exchange, where x can be any value between 0
and 255.
SendLine("text", timeout); Send "text" to target exchange, a carriage return will also be sent. The
macro will not continue until a prompt is found. Optionally specify timeout in
tenths of a second; omit or 0 for no timeout. Maximum timeout is 30
SendParam(x); Send xth command line parameter directly to target exchange, where x can
have any value between 1 and 10.
SetMode(state); Set mode, state: 0=TTY, 1=setup, 2=buffered. See also SetTTY( ).
SetTTY(state); Set TTY mode, state: 0=off, 1=on, 2=toggle. See also SetMode( ).
SquareBlock( ); Set square block mode, state: 0=off (normal), 1=on (square), 2=toggle.
Template("file"); Load a template file (see Traffic setup).
Text("text"); Insert "text" at current cursor position, insert a new line with ^M
Time( ); Insert the current time at the current cursor position. The format of the time
is defined by the Control Panel settings.
ToolOptions( ); Preferences: Tools | Menu page
TrafficSetup(n); Traffic setup dialog box. Optionally, specify the number (1 to 5) of the
property page to be shown.
Transmit("file"); Transmit file dialog box if "text" is not specified, otherwise transmit "file"
directly from disk.
Undress( ); Undress text
UnlockChannel("psw"); Lock current channel. The password psw is optional.
UnlockAllChannels("psw"); Lock all channels. The password psw is optional.
UserName( ); Let user type user name in a dialog box.
Wait(time); Wait certain period of time. Specify time in tenths of a second, maximum
30 seconds.
WordLeft( ); Move cursor one word to the left.
WordRight( ); Move cursor one word to the right.
WriteBlock( ); Write block to disk
XModem( ); X-modem file selection
XModemReceive("file"); Receive file using X-modem protocol
XModemSend("file"); Send file using X-modem protocol

Obsolete macro commands

The following macro commands existed in WinFIOL 3.x and / or WinFIOL 4.x but are not supported
by later WinFIOL versions:

ChannelSetup( ); replaced by ChannelPropDlg( );

ControlSetup( ); replaced by ChannelPropDlg( );
EditOptions( ); replaced by PreferenceDlg( );
FileOptions( ); replaced by PreferenceDlg( );
MiscOptions( ); replaced by PreferenceDlg( );
PortSetup( ); replaced by ChannelPropDlg( );
PendingPause( ); replaced by TrafficSetup( );
SetBook( ); no longer supported
ViewOptions( ); replaced by PreferenceDlg( );

See also

Macros (general), Writing a macro

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