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T1ft O'NlY q,Uf.StION IS, WHO win 1£ tHt fiRSt,

AND WHO wnL at tMt lAn.

rN t.Hf. WORLD 0"' CHRONOPIA 'tHt BAttU ro Dt(IDt HAS BtGUW.


Ch'ronopia isthe new Dark Fantasy tabletop baerle-systern from the people who brought you Warzone. Over 200 pages of stunning artwork, superb miniatures, comprehensive rules and in depth, exciting, background materral.




rN tMt LAND Of' TWO RIVtRS tNt StyGIAN HAVtAWAK~ tWtD ••••••• "FUR TNtM!

The Land of Two Rivers is the first supplement for the Chronopia tabletop barele-syseem and rules. Featuring 96 pages of full color, we take the world of Chronopia to new heights. Building upon the h.istary, adding substance to

each of the races and introducing a completely new adverlIazy in the form of the Stygian. New artwork, new warriors for the existing armies, new rules, spells nnd special abilities.



phl1lewis, Peter Flannery, John RobertsOn, tes RobertSon LANGUAGE COOIOINATION

RElEASES 12,28,43
RELEASES 16,32,42

Target Games EDITORS:

i>Ill ! Flannery, John Robe:rlson AIT DIREctION:


Stefan Thulin, Da~id Boylan, Andy5mith AITlCI.ES:

lura Betnabi COVER UIWORK

tuca Zontini AITWORK:

Adrian Smith. Paul Bonner, Sludio Parente; Paolo Parente & Alex Horley, John Haward, luCll Zootini


Fred White. Whitehouse Studios FIGURES PAINTED 8Y:

Mark McNa ugh!, Jackie Prow FIGURE SCUlPTO.RS:

Roy Eastland, Kev White, Phd Lewis, Alex Hunter, Neil McKenzie, TIm Prow, Peter Rannery, Werner KJoche, Mark Kay, Jerzy Montwill


IIww, (·MAll:



, The great saga continues ... AS I am sure you all know. when you have a contained

O environment. SLlCIJ as our studio, and introduce

• large quantities of pizza. quality German lager and strange home-cooked vegetarian food there can

be serious ecological implications. In our case these factors have conspired to produce a surprising Variety of organic entities that threaten the very superstructure of the studio itself. And although there has been much relolci ng and manic laughter of late, strange puddles of goo have been sighted emerging irom under the fridge door. Therefore we would like to i'nform our readers that there is a position open, for anybody brave enough, for a biological control technician. Anyone wishing to apply for this prestigious position should make his or her application in writing to the studio address. Applicants should notonly include """"''-'----' their current CV but also a short piece as to why they would be most suitable for the Job. Plea~e note that the successful applicant must supply their own rubber gloves. respiratory system and wellington boots. Inoculations against tropical diseases and virulent coffee fungus are highly recommended.

On the subject of tropical climes and mysterious poisons 'The Fallen Land', the third supplement to the Chronopla galile system, is now well under way.

This book details intrigues surrounding the latest Blackblood civil war. The Goblins of the East have conspired wfth the scbnn High Lords of Terakan and rebelled against their Ogre Emperor, Nizar. The One King and Duke Zazen, following their own goa In 1I1is region, are also drawn into the escalating conflict. rnase conflicts are set against the backdrop of the great eastern jungles of the Fallen Land. The book introduces a new race of Goblins as well as new troop types far the other races and additional rules for jungle fighting. Look out for the review in the next issue of Chron Icles.

See you in other issues,


CHRONICLES # 12 1998




Legend has it that John was born with a cigarette in one hand and a GUp of coffee in the other. NOW, only his mother and the gynecologist can answer this (though FBI agents Skully and Mulder are said to be looking into the case), but John definitely seems to have lived a double I.ife. HiS Doctor Jekyl slde is I ntelilgentand organized, but rumors abound of his Mr Hyde persona. Is this the same man who once wore his hair long, like a laid back rock-hippie. The same man who played Ministry at deafening volume in constant repetition, and the same man who couldn't pass an unattended sandwich without stabbing it with a penciL The answer is no, this John Grant Is bigger. better, er ..... neaterthan before! Bringing aU hIS experience and expertise to the task of designing new rules for all our products. He began with the Firstborn Watchtower, designing rules for buildings. But with so many products planned for Warzone and Chronopia his schedule should be full fnr the next fifty years or so!


Stuart has the face of an eighteenth century toy,-----------, maker, round, cheerful and'qulck to smj Ie. But when sitting at his drawing board he wears an 'Action Manstyle' woolen hat and I can'l decide whether he reminds me so much of a character from 'Chitty Cll!tty Bang Bang' or the 'Guns of Navarone'! But at the end of the day - whO cares? He's joined the company as our residentWarzone artist and the stuff he produces is, oh so cool. What does It matter If

he listens to 'Jesus Christ Superstar' on his personal L; _1

stereo, he could listen to the Spice Girls and Barry Manilo for all we care, just so long as he churns QU t great pieces of art His first task IS to tackle the 'Bauhaus Bunker' one of our new 3D Expansion Sets and judging by the 'machine gun nest' he's currently working on things are looking good,


Before We go any further, we WOUld just like to extend our belated congretulalions to Meladie Smith - winner 01 the Warzone Miniature pain ling Contest at last years Gen Can. Here Is a picture of the winning piece - Max Steiner, a Bauhaus personality in all his glory,

Well done Melodle.


We're SliII on me lookoullor new painters, sculp-

10 .... , layoul guys, writers, and editors. II you've gOI whal it lakes, drop U5 a line. We are also always keellior people 10 ronlrlbule 10 the magaline. Feel Iree to send us your artwork, letle.s. artldes, or pictures 01 your minis. In particular. our leHer! pale exists (thai has been none elislent 50 far) fer your thoughts, ideas, (riticism" aod compliments, so write in!

Targel as UK lId. Suite 8

2 Glmmercial Slreet Edinburgh


.• .Jim and Stefan have a busy day, in the 'Lost World' that is the Target Games Studio!




Hunter becomes the hunted as Pete Flannery tracks down Alex Hunter for a few quiet and wellchosen words. This is the censored version or the interview (Certificate 12.). For those who would like a fuillranscript of the uncut herecere interview, please send a cheque for $50.00 and a large bolt 01 chocolates to:

Pete Flannery,

262, Pillod Street, Dithering a n the Bri n k, Clo u d Cu rkoo La nd, Scotland.

Having just received the latest batch of Alex's figures, namelyrour'Arch Primates' forWarzone and the first of the 'Sons of Kronos' for Ch ro no pia, it see m ed a good ORP ortu n ity to gra b a few moments 01 his time and put him to the Inquisitionl Dmwing on all my wit and imagination, I asked him the first of my soul searching queaions:

Pete: 50 Alex. How did you first start sculpting?

Alex: I've been sculpting and making models since I was a kid, but I first got into this industry when I did some worldor a company called Grendel, I started off bypainllng some miniatures before moving on to making my first model for was il piece called the Wyvern's Eyrie.

Pete: What other jobs have you done in yourtime1

Alex: I've done all sorts. I worked as an uphol· sterer's apprentice for a lime. But mostly I worked as an insulation engineer, working on oil rigs and petrochemical plants.

Pete: That's right, didn't you make a suit of armor or something.. uslnr your engineering and sheet metal skills.

Alex: It was more of a full-size lantasy robot really - it was over Slx. ieet tall.

(Check au t the pho togr a ph, for a gli rnpse 01 Alex's 'Melal Pal'!)


Pete: When you are working on r-:-----~~.,~~:::::===;:::~I miniatures how do you go

about starting a new model?

Alex: First of alii study the concept work, thinking ahead to see how I can develop the figure and the rhsrarteristics of the race. I think of the pose for the figure,. depending on the weapon il is using, as this can dictate how the figure will turn out. Then I b u il dan a rmature (wire skeleton') with tinned copper wire. I use a template. drawn on a piece of plasti-rard, to mark the position of the waist and shoulders which helps keep the human-sized proport ic ns consistent Th en I norma Ily start with the Ieet and do a rough shape of the head, as this also helps with proportions. Then I build the figure up gradually to keep the options for posing open.

Pete: Do YOII prefer to work from concepts or from your own ideas?

Alex; Working to artwork can be quite L- _'

challenging, but I prefer concepts to bea rough guideline rather than a fixed idea, 10 allowformy own ideas and input.

Pet.e: What tools do you .USI! when you make a figure and do you have any tavoriles?

Alex; I Lise anything to hand - toothpicks. small screwdrivers filed down to shape. My favorite 1001 is a piece of welding-rod, flattened at theendsandsandedsmooth, with the ha nd I e built up using epoxy putty.

Pete: A lot of sculptors use a dentisrs tool called a wax carver NO,5; do you use any dentisrs lools?

Alex: Well I'm afraid of the dentist but I do use some probes. (Yes, well we won't go inlothat!) Pete: What materials do you use? Alex: Apart from all the normal types of two· part epoxy putty I use a modeling mate-

rlel that you harden in the oven; I also use brass rod and tubes for things like spears and axe handles, and thin copper sheet for doaks and for bridging gaps, such as between a miniature's legs.

Pete: You use magnifying goggles for working on very intricate detail; do you realile how ridicll.lous these mak.e you look.?

Alex: Er - yes but they do the job and I also use them for trying to spot buses and besides that, my wife says I need .em!

Pete: Do you have any Simple, but eHee· tive techniques that the readers could try out for themselves?

Alex: Yes, but once again you will have to ask my wife about that! Oh; you mean for making models. Yes, start by converting otherfigures and don't be afraid to experiment with different materials and techniques. And if there are any small pieces that you will be using regularly, like weapon5, make one and try casting tso thai you don't have to keep making the same thing over and over.

Pete: What qualities do you think. a sculp· tor requires?

Alex: A good eye tor proportion and movement in a figure is probably the most important thing. Artistic ability makes lite easier but is not essential as this can be picked up as you go, the more you do the better you get.

Pete: People oHen say your models are nap - how do you (eel about that?

Alex: I don'ttbink about that when I'm putting the money in the bank.

Pete: What part of the job do you enjoy most and what part do you hate?

Alex: I enjoy developing a figure, especially when you see it I.ookmg good from the sta rt b eca use then yo urea lIy wa ntto See it finished And I hate people saying my figures are crapl

Pete: What is the square root of sill million, four hundred and thirty sill thousand, three hundred and silliy nine?

Alex: Two thousand, fIVe hundred and thirty seven.

Pete: 01 all the models you have made is th ere one th al you are parti tu 101 rly proud 00

Alex: No they're ~" crap!

(Now Alex; I was only Joking about your models being crap.)

Alex: Well I've made 50 many I couldn't really say but I do like the Adamantite Golern e5pecially now I've seen it painted up.

Pete: If there was one model or piece of sculpture in tbe world that you (ould takeasledgehammerlowhatwould it be?

Alex: The statue 01 William Wallace in Stirling I Scotland. I'd smash Mel Gibson's face off it! Not that I've got anything against Mel Gibson you understand.

Pete: Have you ever had any tolal disasters when a model?

AI ex: Yes. I wa s once asked to ma ke a Fi r e Demon for a company. The first lime t tried to harden the model in the oven It exploded. So I made itagain and this time it set on fire, J took a photo of a Fire Demon that somebody else had made and the photo came out with the demon suno u nded by ba lis of Ii reo I ha d ta ken some photos ala recent, pagan fire festival. and somehow the photos had become. double exposed. Now I won't make another fire demon and besides I never got paid for my first two attempts! (Sounds like I here are dark fo rces at work in your rife! Ed)

Pete: Have you ever made a decent model? Alex: Oh aye! Every one is a gem.

Pele: Do you play any games or do you restrict yourself 10 sculpting?

Aiel(: I've never played a wargarne in my life but I've always been interested in miniatures and model making You don't have to be a gamer to appreciate all this; you can still produce something to be proud of.


Pete: Is thereanv truth in the rumor that

you like to dress in women's clothes?

Alex: No!!

Pete: What sit.e dress do you wear?

Alex: Size 16, but it's a HIUe tight under the arms.

(Hah! Gal ya!)

Pele: You recently injured your hand,. what did you do and has it affected your work?

Alex: I fell and broke my wrist while working in a top-secret nuclear facility. They had 10 put a screw in my wrist and a bolt through my neck. It put en end to doing manual work and even makes light work like sculpting difficult as it still gives me a good deal 01 pain.

Pete: What are you working on just now and what would you like to work on in the fulure1

Alex: I'm working on the Sons of Krona> juS! now and some ligures forWarzone. I like to see a race through from start 10 finish and have a hand in its development I

wo u Id a lso love to work on sped al effects in films.

Pete: Do YOll have it favorite artist and s(ulptor

Alex: My favorite artist is Adrian 5milil. Years ago I saw a cover he'd done for a comic called 'Toxic' and I a lways wanted to make ligu res from it; til e re was sornelh i n gree IIy fresh about It. As for sculptors I would have to say Kev Adams, for the humor he puts into a model and Roy Eastland for precision and his eye for deltlil.

So there iI is, a bfleJ i flSigh t into th e world of a sculptor and all credit to Alex, who dealt with my insulting questions, and the baring-but-necessary ones, with equal grace. Only afterthe interview did he gIVe way to violence end the doctor says that a cold bath should reduce the swelli A g and it she u Id nit ha rm my cha nces of starting a family!

Alex Hunter, a true professional, a fine sculptor and masterof the old 'rightkneeinto love-spuds' maneuver. Thanks Alex!


CHRONICL£S #121998


The world 6b-uggles to come, to terms with the rising {the Stygian and the 01,e King studiesthe Tablets o"f Destiny 6'0 In the S tygj an liiggurata e Ipkur Kish. In lHe harsh northern nalm of the Sons of

Krenos ' the Un tamed , the land is in the grip of II. terrible winter and tension is building be-

tween the three great tribes, The Tribe of the Dawn follow the One King. The Shadow Tribe is drawn to the seduction of the. Devour. While the Mother Tribe, the largest of the three, remains faithful to the Earth Goddess.

And now under the cover of the blistering cold, a sinister menace looms, as ehe Devout seek to exploit the divisions 1U'Dong the Sons of Krenos. The Dark Propbees Nemeth and Negra! embark on a campaign to pass through the savage Wildlands and invade the Firsoborn Kingdomlrom the north. The world watches as the danger grows and still the One King does nothing to oppose the approaching disaster.

But could It: be that the. Devout have underestimated the strength 9f the Sons of Krenos who's savage reputation-is respected by all the. races of' Chronopia.

Here is a preview of some of the Artwork andmiruarures from the Sons of Krenos, the third installment in the Chtonopian Saga























High on the rocky outcrop, the Raven of Stone rose smoothly to his feet and took a firm stance at the edge of thi!; cliff rhm, the enemies below 'WOuld see him from ehe valley floor. A Wyrd from the Mother Tribe - broad shoulders, draped in heavy, sable fur, horned helmet heldproud and high, and the Wyrd's spear across his back. They would see-bim and they would know that their treachery was unmasked.

The Lord of the Severed Hand seemed to sense the presence for he looked up sharply and locked eyes with the Wyrd n the rocks high above him.

'Now we move." Said the Raven of Stone, and they leapt down from the rocks. nimble, sure-footed and fast. The outcrop slopped back into the valley and the small band. of ward on could see the Devout closing in OIl either side. TI1eTe was still a clear route through the trees but it was narrowing. The wAnionLran like they were born to the forest, but the jaws of the trap were.closing quickly, too quickly.

The Wyrd dropped back as his comrades raced on, They did not 'WOrry for his safety for the Wyrd is master of his own destiny and does not rely on the strength of others. He. would buy them time; though it cost him his life, be would see. them safe.

He. buried his spear in the ground and raised his arms, trembling-with the. strain as though he were lifting a ~n[ wejghr, His fin· gers curled into gripping claws and the forest arouud him came. to life. Roots bent up to form tripping loops of wood ana the light undergrowth thickened and wove together to forrn WJ unyieldingmass of brambles. The Devout cried out in fruscraeion as the forest rose up to slow them, but .the. Wyrd held open a channel down the middle of the valley and ohrough it the Sons of Krenos ran. The runners were ahead, for they are swiftest of the Sons. Behind them the Heart of Fenris powerful and quick, his pack of mas' tiffs at his heels,

Ahandful of rhe Devout began to break through the Wyrd's barrier. A Devout Follower sprang OUt from the undergrowth and aimed. a stroke at the first of the runners. The runnel" dropped under the blow, hit the forest floor, rolled once, rwice and was

ack on his feet running, The Follower turned towards the fleeing barbarian and the second runner buried his axe in the small of the man's back. The runner pulled his we.1POIl free, leapt over the body and ran on.



PATHFINDER 1 (#9696/


WARHOUND (I afSfl #9556)


WARHOUND (I of set #9556)

PATHFINDER 2 (#9887)






CHRONI(LES #121998




ASHIGARU tt of set #9535)


MISHIMA CRIMSON DEVILS (1 of set # 9542)

ASHIGARU (1 of set #9535)





CH ROP>lICLES #12 1'98




/1 o/set #9538)

DARK 'EDEN RAZIOE #2 (#9692/


(l ofser #9538)






f 1 of set #9537)

SACRISTAN (1 of set #9539}




(1 Df set # 9557)


SACRISTAN (1 of stt #95391




IUGHTWA LKtR: (#2809)

SOilS Of I(RODO$ rmrtfrAm (#25]6)

SO"S Of' KROrPOS WARRrOR (1 of set #2]3/J

sons Of' l<ROrrOS WARRrOR (!ubet #233 I)

sWORDsmA" ttADtR (#9696)


SWORDsmA" (I of set #2325)

KUPtR Of TOt fLAmt (! of>~t #2532)

08SU)fAI) GUARD /#2534)


/I of ser #2329 }

I<ttPtR Of Tltt fLAmt LtADtR (#2328J

SWORDsmA" I! of set #2325)

mrutlA LtAOtR (#2533)

l(ttPtR Of Tfft ftAmt /lofm#2328)



As you will see from the following pages our web site is buzzing with comments and questions on both Warzorle and Chronopia We don't know whether 10 be flattered or frustrated by the sheer number of questions and points you have raised. The main bulk of your comments have been very complementary and believe me, that is very much appreciated. Now we don't like to blow our own tru m pe ts, but I ets la ce d we are ace!

Ace - yes.

Brilliant - but of course.

Dedicated to satisfying you, our adoring fans - unquestionably.

Talented to the point of genius - well only if you say so.

We can dance like Fred Astair, cook the world's meanest chili and we look sensational in our high-school party dresses! But, yes alas - we are also human and we do, from time to lime, make mistakes.

There lollows a selection of questions and an errata section from our Q&A department who have finally caught up on the backlog. Further questions will be Included In future issues.



Q: Do Martian Banshees use the normal flying rules, as in they can choose to fly up and hovenbovethe table? Or do they just "fry" ten inches and I.and back on the table. A: Martian Banshees use the normal flying rules lor helicopters, but are nat considered Vehicles.

Q: (an a Martian Banshee be hidden when flying?

A: Nope sorry, any model flying can NOT be hidden,

Q: Do Martian Banshee Heroes really have a LD of 187

A: Yep.


Q: Under the weapon restridionsin CoW, ilstates that Free Marines and Sea Li on squads carry M·SO's, But in the Warzone book it sayslhey may substitute one M-5Q lor a Heavy Weapon. Which is right?

A: We made a mistake ... they may have a Heavy Weapon.

Q: When do Free Marines deploy? In the regular sequence of deployment or after all other deployment is complete?

A: The Free Marines are deployed in the regular sequence of the deployment phase.


Q: Can I shoot at the A.irborne Rangers when they parachute in if I am on Wait? Is it considered to be a visible action?

A: Yep.

Q: Can the Airborne Rangers paramute in at any point of the game, (an they parachute in enemy deployment zenes, do they land with their full set of Adions?

A: yes, Yes, a nd Yes. They act as if they have just been activated.

CHRONICLES # 12 1998

Q: When the Airborne Rangers parachute in, is it as if they where being helicopter deployed? l.e, a model on wait may try to shoot down the helicopter?

A: Nope


Q: Do Dog Soldiers have to make panic or Rout tests if the Dogs die? Or do the Dogs Panic or Rout if the Soldiers die?

A: No & NO

Q: Must the Dogs be in Command Distance of the Dog Soldiers?

A: No, butthe Dogs have 10 be within Command Distance of each other.


Q: Can Dog Soldiers be used to man POTpie Sharla and still get their dogs?

A: Nope sorry.

Q: Can a capitol player deploy Purple Shan squads by Helicopter.

A: No.

Q: Do Purple Sharks manned by Free Marines (or similar like Desert Scorpions) deploy anywhere?

A: No


Q: I was looking through C.oW and sawlhal Barking Spyders did not have to buy their equipment because It was already figured into their point cost. 11.00ked at their cosl and their equipment and it didn't add up_ A type II grenade launcher casts 10 points, a gas Mask 2 points, Punisher Blade 3 points, Frag Grenades , points, and Gas grenades (I'm assuming their like Mortar shells, but with a bigger radius) 'points. Add these together and you get 23 points. Barking Spyders cest 27 points. So iI soldier that doesn't panic (05ts4 points! There has to be a misprint here right?

A: Nope. When designing troop types, you can't always desi gn them based solely on wh a t sam e at their equipment may cost. There are other thingsto consider, for instance their lack of heavy weapon. I hope that gives you an idea of why some points costs may not make sense at firsL


Q: They are armed with 2 CAR- 245 and the pidure above shows the trooper firing both at the same time (while running), but nowhere does it sa.y they have the Gunfighter Special Ability.

A: Any Artwork found in our products is not to be used as rules.



Q: Mitch Hunter haslhe ability 1.0 get a (C attack against a model thai charges into CC with him before they swing at him. Does this apply to all models that Turn or the first model that engages him in C( that Turn? (otlld he make a STR test to use his Shotgun? Does the Model attacking him have to use a cha.rge Action?

A: Mitch gets his Free CC attack versus ALL models that engage him in CC a Turn. He may make a STR test to use his shotgun, but it does NOT count as one of his free CC attacks. The only way to enter CC is to Charge.


Q: Do all members of .Bauhaus have Ihe Reliability Spe,lal Ability?

A: Yes


Q: Can the Order of the Bear use any olher Heavy Weapons besides the Atlas Mega(annon?

A: Nope


Q: The Order of Staft and Hand is armed with "firearms" .Is Ihis any Firearm? Heavy Weapons? Bauhaus Armory? General Armory?

A: They must have the staff and they may also have a handgun from the Bauhaus or General Armory, I.e. an Mp·lOS handgun, a Punisher handgun, or a Psnzerknarker may be substituted for the handgun.


Q: Does the Dragoon Kampfkanone need 10 be braced, can it burst-fire, ilnd is it i.n the Bauhaus Armory?

A: Yep, Nope. and Yep.

Q.: 1.5 the Kampfkanone considered to be a Light Machine Gun, ilnd thus being able to use a tripod?

A: As statedin CoW on page 85, a heavy Weapon is ANY missile weapon that has a Damage Mod· ifier. As far as LMG's go, they are considered Heavy Weapons, as long as they have a Damage Modifier.

Q: Is the HG-25 handgun I.n the Bauhaus Armory?

A: Yep.

Q: 15 the Atlas Megacannon a machine gun, and thus eligible for a bipod/tripod?

A: Yes.

Q: Is I.he Firefist II Rocket Launcher? A: No,



Q: Can I shoot at the Blitzers when Ihey parachute in If I am on wait? Is It considered to be a visible Action?

A: Yep.

Q: Can the Bauhaus Blitzer Kapitan parachute into enemy deployment zones and does he deviate?

A: Yes & No

Q: Does the Bauhaus Firefist really cost 50 pOints?

A: Yes it does, but we made 11 mistake and forgal the (X3) modifier.


Q: The CiT Offroad 15 crewe.d by Dragoons and/or Kapitains. Do they use their stan· dard weapons? Does the Kapitain (ome from my allowed squad/Individual ratios, or is it "ext.ra"1In either case, Is the Kapitain restricted 10 the squad types present in Ihe army1

A: Yes, He would still be counted as an Individ· ual Yes.

Q: Can the Bauhaus Blitzers parachute In at any poiJlt ofthe game, and (an they parachute in enemy deployment zones??

A: Yes and Yes.

Q: Do the Bauhaus Blitzers land with their full set of Actions?

A: Yes, they behave as if Ihey have just been adlvated.

Q: When the Bauhaus BIIlIers parachute in. is it as if they where being helitopter deployed? I.e. a model on wait lIlay try to shoot down the helicopter?

A: Nope


A Classical Adventure

Anybody who knows me wtll know of my passion for classical history, so it didn't take me long to pack my bags when given the opportunity to travel to Athens, even though my deadline for land of Two Rivers v va .. less than a week away!

We were to take part in a Games-Day organized by our Greek distributors Kaissa, I stashed our current miniature releases, along with a number- of Chroncpia armies and a couple of pain; of clean socks and underpants, into my suitcase, Chronopia was JUSt about to be released in Greek, so it was our job to promote me-game at the show. We set off from Edinburgh around Thursday lunchrirne, set (or Athens v:ia 'Brussels, which meant I had ewo trips through the beeping machines at customs. 1 don't know what it is, but Customs Officers the world over seem terribly interested in metal miniatures as a rule and they always Lake great delight in making me open up every last one of my boxes. However, in the end, they appear to be impressed with what's inside and I'm sure that's the real nason they make me open them all up (No Iohn; that's because of your in' ternarional reputation as a drug baton, arms dealer and evil slave trader! Ed). Anyway the flight w-as over quickly and when we touched down in a sunny Athens We were whisked off to our hotel. "The Presidents Hotel" was a rather grand affair, with large sweeping marble staircases and an army of porters to help yOU with your baggage to your rooms.

~y the 1001<: of things the interior designer seems to have. inspired the world's Indian Takeaways, Check out the 'lovely wallpaper' in the picture and ask yourself if you've seen it somewhere before.

Luckily for us, the convencion was situated in one of the cow ference halls in the hotel (which was well within my staggering distance first I'hing in the morning), The show started on the. following Friday morning 50 after a slap-up dinner al; MiItos's favorite taverna we hit the sack to awake fresh the next day in time for the show;

I 'vas amazed ar the amount of p ople at the show. Every table was filled with people playing a wide variety of games, including three tables of Warzone and a demo table tor Chronopia. Immediately I was inundated with questions about Chronopia, some. in English and some in Greek. Fortunately r.,.om amongst chis deluge 1 was introduced to "Nicos", Kaissa's resident Warzone.1 Chronopia Guru. Much to my re-

Frantic typing in the early hours.

Lid he was able. to help me with the task at hand. Anyway after some time we fought our way to the gaming table and set up to begin the first of many Chronopia games. It wasn't long though before Nicos was running the show, only consultmg me later on some particular fine points of the game. Sooo I was able to extract myself from the game and go on a wander. As I mentioned before there were a number of Warzone games going on. Also there was a bunch of guys that had been running a large Warzon e campaign on a rather cool textured map, Mishima being the final victors. When I had done a tour of the show I came back to the. Chronopia gaming table to find Vassilis, Kaissa's sales manager, fighting an animated battle with a yOl.lnger chap, whose name I have unfortunately furgotten. It was very encouraging to see him take so much plea' sure from the game or maybe he just liked winning because he was beating the poor lad and heading for victory.

After an exhausting day we retreated back to our rooms to recoup and 1 had a chance to gee on with putting the finishing touches to the race chapters for the Land of Two Rivers. Saturday was a beautiful sunny day. In the morning we managed to get to the Acropolis, which 'Was fabulous. The after-

"Did you say CAMEL!"

"Where bave all the figures gone?" Enquired John.

"Sorry Jobn, I was feeling a bit peckish."

Said Miltos.

no n was another sweaty affair with lots of frantic ann waving and Enger pointing. That evening we sampled some rather interesting Macedonian wine as well as the proverbial stuffed vine leaves, moussaka and of course Ouzo.

Sunday was the last day of the convention and it therefore saw the heated climaxes of the various tournaments that had been on the go over the three days. Nicos and I were still busy running the demos as things never seemed to slow done. We only managed to start packing up at nine in the evening.

Chronopia had proved a resounding success and Miltos and the gang Were looking forward [0 it being published in Greek. Finally, we departed Athens on Monday afternoon.

I would like eo take this opportunity to thank Milros for the great time he showed us and (01· his unfailing generosity. Also I would like to thank Nicos, Chrisms, Theseus and Vassilis and all those people who came to the. show and took part in our demonstrations.

Many thanks.


"My paper beats your stone so I get iuitiative."

'fic.()s the "Main Man."

Vassilis conducts his sol, diers on [0 glory.

Contact Miltos at:


B Kallidromiou Street.

GlV 114-72 Athens Greece

rhone: +00301 3606488 Fax: + 00 30 1 360 9642 E-mail:

"Look see it's an F sharp. "

"Nobody told me Fred was coming."





Q; The cost for the Relios Keepers of the, 'Flame appear» to be high, especially compared to Dragooskull Wamor.> and the Lotus Guard (the comparable units from other houses). 1&, the cosr fa,. l<f:epeIl5 of ~he Flame correct?

A,: If look closely, you'll notice that they have a CC of 15. a DEF of -2, Killing Stroke, and Secondary Attack abiHw 1 think that ifyov. play with them a little more, you will start to understand why tl:!ey cost 53 points ~ch!

Q; Should the Keepers of the Flame be Immune ro Fanic and/or Fear?

A: Hey ... ,.c 'mOD _n,O'NI They are not gods!


Q; How manY Totems could a Keeper control if a Keeper could keep control?

A: Waoh!! That one was confusing! Ok, the Keeper do~n'e control Tote.jlls, thQt!gh he has the abiHty to rum into one. You simply need a Keaper to have Totems in your army and the number is only limited by the allowance fer .lndividuals, And of course the Totems must be from the same clan as the Keep' cr. Hope that helps.


Q; Are the Sons of Krono$ only able to throw their spear", wh",n they charge or "an th!i:Y do it without charging?

A; They can throw their spears without charging as a normal thrown weapon, but rhey have the additional ability to throw

them as they ch~ .


Q; Why do the Demon Win.&J' have a PW of 13 ..... hen they have no spells available to them to cast?

A: The. Demon wings actually have NO power rating at all, and their point cost should be 39, not 52 as listed in the book,


Q; To avoid getting entangI<::d in a net the ~t must make an Armor roll, Iv, no DAM value is given many troop types automatically avoidgettirtg entangled. 18 this what's supposed to happen? If not, then what is the. DAM value of the net?

A; The damage of the net is the same as its strength. 10.


Q; On ,page 130, the rules state that if you have a 1 inch g'ap between friendly models, you can shoot through them. If you don't have such a gap, then you can't. Sounds pretty straightforward. lh!t then they go on to !:lay, that if you have such a gap, but 'the target is obscured by figures, use the hard/soft cover rules. What??? If you have a 1 loch gap, there .is no obseeuceion, If your target is obscured by friendly models, you don't have a 1 inch gap and can't shoo~ .. How can it be

both ways? -

A: Ok, Think of it- like this. Let's imagine you areabooring through a door but you Won't waste your shot unless the door is 1 inch wide, Ok, so you have. yDur 1 mch doorway and you will take. the shot, but the target is standing to one side of the door and so is partially obscured by the door-frame so he deserves the benefit of some coven Now replace the d-oor-fnune winh models to either side and I'm S\uI!: you'll see what we mean.

Q; If I fire into ce, and one of the combatants is a skeleton; 1 can't hit the skeleton? So do I roll to see who I hit? Or does it go through the skeleton into the other guy?

A: Nice try! Ya you should roll to .see who you hit, if it hits the Skeleton nothing happens, if it hiLS the skeleton's OPPO' nenr work it out as normal.

Q; Can you fire a Hail Of Arrows on a leaderless War' band 7

A: Yes, in a leaderless warband, the ~t model that was activated. is counted as the leader for the Turn, so all you need is line of sigbt to tbat model.

Q; Row do you tal;'gE:t a leaderless Unit with a .. speD that lUIuires you to targ\'t me Unit's leader?

A: The fu:st model activated is the Leader for the Turn, 80 you would target. him.

Q; With spells such as the First.born's "Whieher ", that .say they can only be cast once pel' battle, iii this Ngardless of whether 0.1' not the casting was successful?

A; Yes, even if the spell was cast unsuccessfully, the attempt has still been made and may not be attempted again for the remainder of the ba rtle,






Giving Orden; ends the model's tum.



The Chronomancers MW and l'W stars are incorrect, He should have a MWof 10 and a l'W of 15.

Dl:MON ",.,GMT

The Demon Knight's DE • is ·1




The Firstborn Swordsmen Leader is arrned with a B· Reads " ... Target is available" it should read " ... Targer is

Straightsword and a Shield. NOT available" .


The Obsidian Guard's Size should be 1 and not 2.


The Crusher's DEF is O.


In the Devout armory the Two-Handed Sword should be Damage 15.

There should be a Two-Handed Sword in the Ehren Armory, Damage 15.

RING or ",n

It reads •... but there is a 2. MW penalty when firing • it

should read " ... but there is a·2 MW penalty when firing "



The staes for the Spearmen Leader are as follows ...

l5 10 a 14 3 I
S1' MY It Dn' S COST
2. 2 22- ·1 1 45
The Homed Ones Swordsmen DEF should be -1 not 1. BLACkBLOODS


The Alchemist has a l'W of 14 not 4.



The Hom of Decay should read like this ...

IT the Warped Lord spends 2 Actions he may sound his 1-101711. of Decay. All Models v.rithin 15 inches of the Warped. lord must rnake a Morale test against Fear, remove any Hidden and Waiting markers.


The Giant Skeleton 's Size is 2 not L The Giane Skeleton has a DEF of-L.


The Undead Knight is size 2 not I . The Undead Knight has a DEF of· 1.


The Devout Followers DEF should read ·1 not I.

STAn OJ' 111"1 SWIN HIlLLS When using the. Staff the model to be raised, must be in LOS.

"Wfitr~ til ere ~ au 'udl'~, UI~~~ mq f~milq di~d, UI~N~ wu !unit.

Ib.n? I ju~I" qou, unwortfiq '0 riUt. !low di •• 011 I.t th' O.rknnr

We need garners who can pass along their knowledge and enthusiasm for Warzone and Chronopia. Miniature gaming is often called the complete hobby, including painting, terrain building and the games themselves. You have the knowledge to do these things but others do not. As a miniatures enthusiast you already know we make the best squad based battle systems, now you can share the fun with new players .. You need to be able to demonstrate and teach one or both of our game systems. A Freelancer is willing to travel through land and country to game stores and conventions to run Heartbreaker events. Heartbreaker will reward you for your efforts with miniatures, products, and all the latest information on Warzone and Chronopia.

"'600 'You're intere.tecl? Well,

then why clon't you get an a.pplication package from

Heartbreaker." Write or e-mail u. now!

/ you Up tD the <!hc:tllenge? FREELANCERS WANTED!

The din of battle sounds over the war-torn fields awash with the blood of the dying, Panicked soldiers flee the carnage. A hero is needed to rise from the masses to turn the tide of the war. Destiny needs someone who stands apart from the crowd, Wi.1I YOU be the one to answer the call? Do you have what it takes to be a Freelancer?



P.o.. Box 544 Folsom, PA 19033 U.s.A.

Heartbreaker do Carnecraft Po. Box 290 Liverpool L693UQ


do Walrus & Carpenter P.o.. Box 2450, Smithfield NSW 2164, Australia




The onslaught of the Dark Legion is upon us,

In their far away chambers they scheme to overpower us all with their superior strength and their cunning ways, From our isolated outposts we strive to hold back this tidal wave of destruction, but it seems nothing can stop their quest for dominance.

But there is hope, Our spiritual leaders have created the Cartel, and even now (hey establish their lines of defense, Joining the Cartel may be our last hope., ..

A Cartel Store is knowledgeable about the Heartbreaker hobby, from Warzone and Chronopia, co strategy and army selection, to miniature palnting and terrain building. They have gaming in their stores where you Can get together and play War· zone and Chroncpla, and they stock a great selection of Heartbreaker products. Carrel Stores also hold official Heartbreaker events year 'round where you can become part of the global Heartbreaker picture. More stores join the Cartel Program every month to help stave off the onslaughrof rhe Dark Legionl

eMIle- :~ril'ou.s Gallles &. Books Suit. 203

71;5 S. Un Ivorsl(}'

Cnrbnndele, Il62001-.2855 USA 6 fBI 5:.!9-5JI70

WartOnif:Lcaguc ~ty Thu rsd i!iY WZL •• suo .n~ I"S M.y '1

Sh""" ase (o",i.<' III

424 So ".h S tree t Phil.dolph i •• !';\ lSI' 47 USA 121 SI 625'961 J

Showcase Cornks II lirani'fe Mall Moe,., M 1 \1063 UM 16101 8' 1-9229


205S 8eavoCr R.uln Rd, N"rt rm~, CiA 3007. US" 11011:29-9:;48 :n<Jirc@thC!' .....

Showcase Comi C5 1

814 W. tencasrer Av~. 81")10, M.wr, Pi\ I \lQ I'Q US" (610] 521--6236


:zsao A.I."tlcOlvd, ).<I<",n';II e, 1'1. 32201 USA 1904139'.1-1975

U~5[ gmne store ln south ~ full: Heartbrcnker linel

Sanctl1 a:ry Gam cs 81 Boob 1200 Hdgowo<ld Ave. S ."th J "k>-o",'lIo, Ii!. 3n05 Us,., 1904] 388·3991

waeaonc teagu eo every 'Frid;a:y night


1 South Main 51,

W. 1'1",,:(0 rll. CT 061 01 us~ jjl6QI23Ul6(18

Wl1rnJne (iVf.!ry f'fida)li'li.8h_r

New Fiction HO-U5e' 1806501,). 1'1"'1'. Homewood. II, 60430 USA ['J081 206-1330

iU'k Rtch ab.our War:tC!fle ,and Ch.r"QIlQpia lo-stcre gaml L15

TIlt ~g, fo, TIll" k ers # I 4500 E. S""odw,y Su;te #40

'(',":.on, A1. 851"12 USA ISZOI 325-7619

MiS$.[Cli., Ca nlU 33128 ,F1I'!i[ A'I;'f'.

Mi",io"'. BC V2V 1(;4 C, na d. 1604.1 820.;1224

Wan.o:nc and Chr~nopia ~;ry- weekend

Things, for Think~"

2155 E. Un;'''''';t,Y Or, #101 Tempe, iI.Z 8~281 Us,.,

1601:1 '968<881~

M'rComlidt~ Minii;u:ur~!Ij &I Hobbies 16OO·D 'Ma"grovc A,IJI!.

t;hiro, 0. 9S926 US,,-

19161 34W949

Wano ne ,F.I nod Cihr,onop,'a -t'W l1' O( he:r S~firrdiilY

The- Ke.11m NJEMI M.inS,_

S tin 1''r'l.irie'. WI 5359'0 USA (003]1137 ·S5S:;

M~ttt:tC G'.tintCS &! D ~'1"rSi OJ1S 5384 E." L.'" Road -5h.rn.ld, 'OH 440>'1 USA 14401949·5781 M'3l';:x.@Ccnturyi n teenc r

Th~ C'vI:Jlin"s I2!JH~7th St.

Edmon to", AB T5E ,40 Canada 14(3)41 H04~

War2or; Q: ,[j J'I d ell r'ofiup,ia eVtty sa ru may

LlldIttou.s G IIme,S l105-C 148!h Ave'. sa Bellevue, WA 98001 US~ [4~51 S 65'9461 ludi@1.'5klrno.coul

Tll.l! C_il! me!' P~IiIIC¢

U: l 07 Darnestown Rd.

~.I!h ... burg, MD 20878 USA [301) 20&-1970

~' u n d ell ron opln W'oom::sdair.s iJnd Sarurdays-

bogcnd, S. ne roes

) 2 Herir,sg,e Sq uare Delmn, NJ 08075 USA

[6091 461--6:lJ.9J1.<k To", ol)ou, Wotton.

Crc:-enhouse: Carne:{ 269 Wat., St.

,".!'din, r. ME 04345 USA [107) SS.~·6486

Gamj ng Re~'1 rn

69' S. M.rk,,[ $1. jredenck. MD 21'701 USA [30 I) o:i61416J

Wa rscne 'feu mnment coming ~,kJ.",m~1


20 I""" Dus sc A'~.

Mou"' Prospect, Il6OO56 USA (84 7]571·%57 h{lp:/fwww.gAmt:s'-:pI'lls.(Olll

fI ight of ~,o Pfioo" i.

54 West Monrg,arnN'Y Crossl'Oj'nis Suiu: 1

Savannah, CA 31406 USA (912) 921 ... 776

Now form in,g Chronopia Leag" ~'I as r.:: Brian about Wanone


~2A I S. ~ver'u" A #30 yu,n." iI.Z 85364 USA (S20) 32g.mS

Ifw. ~'O"~ h""" 1(, we'll :5.p'l."Cinl order it!

Dark Horse Hobb.ies ].408 Hug u !' A'I;'e~

en"yon no, W't 8200 1 USA (307) 178· 77 8~

lj man d'i'itary@wcd'dr!l! Conra,cl Tim and Mary abtru'[

a II. H~!l",b-rc3ke:r f'veJn~

Beycn rl Ro"li'ty

3'13 Wost S .. to S!fOC! Gon",,', IL60134,21 S6 USA [630] 23N ~91

M rB K@AOl.OQ",


DESERT SCORPION (1 oIset #95411


DESERT SCORPION (I of se: #9541)





This is'lhe first of a ne.w type of pro dud for Target Games. A scenario pack using a Brotherhood Cathedral as the locus hi.r a serh;sof Interconnected battles.

The pack indlides:

A detaUed full colour model, for you to construd fro", 8 A.4.5heets of card.

TWo exclusive new TIIrget Gilmesminiatures, available o.nly with this boxseLNamely, the Brotherhood'$"Vision.. ary" and the Oark'Legion's "Angel of MercY' ..

The pam alsO lildud&10, inter~linked 5(enarioslo gi~e a new dim~on to your Wan:one battles.

Descriplive text throughout, sets ~he scene for the seenariosano puts the bitter struggle for the Cathedral in cont~~.

Will the cathedral stand in the Light of the Brotherhood or fall to the Dark purposes of the Dark Legion.

It 15 for you to d.ecide.



Tbis pack contains: :An jmpreasiw; full calor model, for you to construct frem e A4 sheets of card, Two exclusive new Target Games miniatures, available only with this box S~L. Namely, the 'Enlightened" of the Firstborn and the "Stalker" from the shadowy ranks oC the Devout.

The pack also includes comprehensive new rules for fighting. in and around buildingG.

A scenario to get you started and exciting background text t bring the wh Ie thing to liCe.

It begins wrt the Pirstbo n Wau;hwwer. whm will it end7 .....

In the Ringhol~ of the Dwarves 01: ~tombll beneath a Stygian :l;iggurat •

• This product will allow you to take yoUr battles to new heights and hidden depths.



WOLf LtorOl1 SWORDSmAQ (I oJsel #2330)


CHRONICLES # 12 1998

WOLf! UOlOll SWORDSm(t11 (/ OJSft #2J30)

fUSl<tD RMDSR (#2812)

ORt (tR1!HtR (1 of set #2323)

(JRC ARtHtR ttADtR (#252 I}

(JRtSfA(JD(tRD (#2520)

STYG'1\11 GUI\ RD'fAQ (#2811)


THt PAmtl.ttS (#2814)

THt DROtctD /! of!et #2 326}

IJtt'AOmAllctR /#2528)

THt DRIJCCtO (I afset #2326)

D'trmm WnJO (J afset .#2813)

DUIO nUll" G II .o/set#2813}


CHRONICLES # 12 1998


By Phil Lewjs

Hell.D and welcome to the latestartkle in our series on painting miniatures. Before we move onto look: at the fealtJied mod el fa r t his issue we have decid ed to give a seco nd overview 01 the tools and materials you will need to take part in the hobby.

Also included is d. guide to the various steps needed 10 prepare the model before painting and some techniques that can be applied to any 01 your painting lobs, so keep hold ol this issu e bera USE we won't be re pe~!i ng thes e basi c steps a ga in.


M ateria ~s yo u wi II need to beco m e i nvol.ved in this exciting hob by?

Paints and brushes (though some of our bnghter readers might have already guess ed thall).

A scalpel or modeling knife with replaceabl e blad es.

A selection of small "needle" files. A sma II bottle a r tube of su pergl ue,

M we'll be using acrylic (water based) pa i nts, all we need [or ri nsi ng a u I' brush es is a small [ar of water and some old rags or paper towels to dean and dry them. Something to mix pa'inl on. A glazed tile or p ieee of plastica rd will suffi c e (pr elera bly while, to let you see the color of paint you're mixing more easily).

Some modeling putty,

Other tools, such as pliers and (utters are usefu I but ta n be ad d e d to yo U I' collection, at a later date.


Try to work at a desk or table where you will be comfortable, and remernberto protect your wo rk so rf a re and Ih e su rrou n di n g area with newspaperorsomething to guard against a«idental spillage!


Daylight Is the best form of light; so try to situate your work area near a Window However, as most of you are will be painting in the Evenings, you will need some form of table lamp. Your work area should be well lit as this will avoid eye slr<lin and make it easier 10 produce a good finished result, both in terms of fine detail and colors.


A range 01 specific WARZON E acrylic paints are available from Target Games" so contact your local supplier. Acrylic paints are water based burwaterproul once dry. They also dry much more quickly than enamel paints, And be Co use the pa i nts a re water be sed, you ca n dean your brushes or thin your paints down with If you're just starting out, a good basic paint set should include ihe following:

Black, White, Red, Blu.e, Green, Yellow, Silver and Gold; a good Flesh (OIOT and a MidBrow:n.

You can mi~ a multitude of colors from this basic set but .increasing your range of rea.dymade colors will make life easier and give you a greater range of possibilities.

A collection of inks will also be very useful lor adding shading to your miniatures. You will probably Use a rnid-brownirik more than any other, so start with 1his and build up your range from that.

B.ASI.C TOOL REQUIREMENTS: Modeling putty, Super Glue. pfiers. cutter, nHdle files and 5(alpel.

You should have II. minimum of two brushes - one very fine (like the top one in the above picture) and one broader for undercoating and dry brushing (like the bottom one In the above plchlre), A brush inbetween these sir:e, for base coating.l5i115o handy. Shown below are additional brush· es Ihatafe mo re suitable for drybrushlng

· and un dercoaling; these steps tend. to 'wear the brushe down aiter a While.


For Ihe basic color schemes and fine detail work, you'll need three or four good quality brushes. Good brushes give better results.and are easier to use. Don't throwaway brushes on ce they h ave lost th ei r fine poi nt, they ca n still be useful for other stages of painting, such as dry·brushing.


Start wilh a good quality size 0, a size 1 and a cheaper size'2- thai can be used the rougher jobs such as dry-brushing and undercoating. Here are a. tew tips to help you get the most Irom your brushes.

Always clean the brush after use.

• Only use the tip of the brush to pick up the paint.

Store your brushes upright after use,

• Don't swamp the head onhs brush so that the pain! goes right over the bristles and onto the metal ferrule.

• Don't let the brush dry out with painl on. it.

Don't leave your brush point downwards in your jar of water.

Betore we actually start talking about how to paint a miniature, let's take a lOOK at the finished result for this month's ligure.

CHRONICLES 1# 12 1998


DOll'tbe discouraged if you don't adiievesuch 11 great result with your first attempt at miniaWre painting. with pradire and patience vou will improve.

Now let's consider the stages we need to go through before you open that first pot of paint Basically, Ihere are three things we need to do. Stage I - Prepare and clean the model.

Stage 2 - Assemble the model.

Stage 3 - Undercoat the model


As we said a few moments ago the first thing to do is prepare and dean the model. For this we're going to need our scalpeVmodeling knlte and the small files.


Because of the extreme sharpness of the blades always m 11 ke cuts away fro m you rsel f. Do not be tempted to use the blade to scrape backwards towards the thumb 01 the hand holding the knife, at SOme stage Yr:lu'll slip and cut yourself, Use blades with a straight rather than a curved cutting edge and avoid blades that are long and thin as they have a tendency to snap more easily,


Due to the casting process involved in making metal miniatures, you'll often find small excesses of metal, either a thin film of metal, or tmy studs that.are obviouslv no! part of the model. These should be carefully trimmed away with your modeling knife or filed down With your small needle files. Buttake your time; check over the model a few times to make sure you're not removing something that's actually supposed to be there.

A model might need little or no cleaning but it's much easier to remove any unwanted bits 01 metal at this stage, rather than when you're hallway through painting the model. The care Ihatyou putlnto preparing the IIgurewili rellect on yo u r f nlsh I'd resu II.

The figure cleaned and assembled I .... 1 U_n_d_e'_co_a_te_d_li_g_Ur_e __ --'


Removing flash with a s(alpel


In the case of our WOlFBANE COMMANDO HERO all we need to do is fit the model to the base. Check that the tag under the figure's feet tits snugly Into the sial on the base. II the tag is 100 big to fit in the slot you (an either file this down or, carefully enlarge the slot on the plastic base with your modeling knife oryour files, until you achieve a snug fit. Put a small drop of superglue on the tag and insert it into the slot.


This is our final job before we start painting. The idea of undercoating IS to cover the model with an even layer of paint that subsequent layers of paint will adhere to. Most figure painters use white as an undercoat as it enhances the richness of bright colors painted over it, though a black undercoat works well with other colors.

The best method is to use a spray-paint such as a matt white car prrmer. If you are going to spray your figures you'll need some form of 'spray booth' to contain the spray and stop it goil1g where it shouldn't. An old cardboard box will do nicely. You should always spray your models in a well-ventilated area, preferably outside, or in a garage or outhouse where you can leave a door open.

Place the figures to be undercoated in the cardboard box, as shown in the photograph. Hold the can about 30cm away from the fig-

uresand spro.ywith light. smooth strokes, Once this coat has dried, turn the figures around to do the back.. Try not to soak the models In paint ifs better to build up several thin coats, so as not to obscure any fine detail. Use your brush to touch up any small areas that the s pray has missed.


Many painters hold the figure by Its base while they paint it but for a better grip hold you can attach the base to something more substantial. Some people use an old film cannister while others use a suitably sized cork, Tf) hold the model in position, you can use a drop of glue, or better still, something similar to "BluTak" (a type of sticky putty, most commonlv used to hold up posters and small decoratJOns).

Undercoated figure fitted 10 stand for easier handling while painting




Before we go on to the specifics of this issue's featured model t am going to include the following section on shadows and highlights, USIng the Wolfbane Commando as an example or the techniques you can apply to any of your models.

Apply blo<k colors


The idea of having shadows and highlights on your model, is to give it a solid three dimensionallook, making the figure seem larger than lire_ Even if a model is wearing a brown jacket it will not be just one uniform shade of brown. It will have folds where the light catches the material. making the brown of the Jacket seem lighter, and creases where shadows make the color of the Jacket look darker. It is this effect of light and shade that we are trying to simulate on the figure.

en the mid-tones up to the highlights. Stage 4: Add any fine details.

This is obviously an over simplification but it will serve to illustrate the technique, which can rhen be applied and developed as you go 011.

Lighten the dark tones to bring the (olors up to the mid tones

We call break the stages needed to ath ieve th is effect down into fa u r stages as outlined s h ortJy:

Stage 1: Apply block colors at the dark (shadow lanes) to the model.

Stage 2: By the appropriate colors, lighten the da rk/shad ow to n es to b rl n g th e (0 lars up 10 the mid-tones you are after.

Stage 3: By mixing the appropriate colors, light-

As tar as the actual colors are concerned, we've included a small chart showing which paints you'll need to use and mix, to go from the deepest shades to the highlights. There's not enough room to give an absolutely comprehensive guide to every color you might want to use, but by referring to the chart you should have enough inlormation to see you through your early attempts and hopefully beyond.

I f you stu dy th e ch a rt closely, you'll see thai for gold, Jackie uses brown and yellow inks. Strictly spe.aking the brown ink wash is used for shading the gold, rather than taking it to a mid-tone, but I'm sure you're nOlgoing to get too confused by the way we've written it on the chart.

Lighten the mid tones up to the highlights

Add any final details


As we're primarily concerned with painting figures, we don'twant to spend an too much lime basing the figure. However, some form of basmg really does add that finishing touch to a figure, IfneceSS<lry, useasmall amountof mod-

~ B_I_~ __ St_ag_e_-_l ~1 ~1 Ba_~ __ St_a_ge_-_l ~1 LI Ba_s_e_St_a_ge_-_3 ~

eling putty to. fill in any small holes between the model's tag and the 510.t in the base,

One of-the easiest and most effective methods to base a figure is by using ordinarvsand, Using an old brush or even a coctail stick apply a thin layer of PVA glue onto the top of the base. Put some sand in a small box and dip

the model's base into the sand untillhe glue on the base is covered in sand. Remove any stray grains from the edge of the base with the tip of your finger and leave this to dry for an hour or so. 'Once the base has thoroughly dried, you (an paint it with any colors you think suitable.

CHRONICLES # 12 1998



BlaCK Paint area Mortis Black. Bauhaus Blue/Mortis Black mixture - Add luna White to blue/black mixture
repaint whole area with this mixture. a little at a time until a pale grey is
readied for highlights.
RED Paint area Mishima Red. Add Gehenna Orange to Mishima Mix Ca rte I Yell ow with G ehen n a
Red a little at a time until orange is Orange until yellow is reached for
reached. highlights.
BLUE Paint area Mortis Black, allow to dry, Add Bauhaus Blue to llian Blue until Add Luna White to Bauhaus Blue
then repaint with llian Blue. the mix is almost Bauhaus Blue. until a blue/white is IS reached for
WHRE Mix Mortis Black, Bauhaus Blue and Keep adding Luna White to this mix Luna White.
Luna White to a pale blue/grey colour to gradually bring it to white.
- paint ami! with this.
BROWN Paint area Mortis Black, allow to dry, Mix Wolfbane LeatHer Brown with Mix Wolfbane Leather Brown with
then repaint area Tree Bark Brown. Tree Bark Brown until the mix is Legionnaire Flesh un!il the mixture
almost Wolfbane Leather Brown. reaches a mid-tone between these
two colours
SILVER Mortis Black Drybrush with Gunmetal. Mix Violator Metal with Gunmetal
until the mix is almost Violator Metal-
drybrush these tones,
GOLD Temple Guard Gold Thin wash of Brown ink. Thin wash of Yellow ink.
GREEN Paint area Necrotech Green. Mix Centurion Green with Necrotech A.dd Cartel Yellow to Centurion Green
Green, bringing the mix towards until the yellow highlight is reached.
Centuri.on Green.
YEllOW Paint area luna White to make sure Paint the area with Cartel Yellow Add luna White to Cartel Yellow until
no hint of bare metal is visible. allow leaving a small amount of the base white is used on the very edges.
to dry, then mix a small amount of coat showing.
Gehenna Orange with Cartel Yellow
and paint area with this m ix
RESH Mix Wolfbane Leather Brown with Add more Graveton Tan to the Add Legionnaire Fles:h to the mid
Graveton Tan (more WlB than GT) original mix then paint the area with coat mix until you reach Legionnaire
and paint the area with this mix. this, leaving a bit of the base coat Flesh.
showing. Base Stage - 4


Inks are a very convenient way of giving color washes to parts of the figure. AlthtJugh the pamting style we're demonstrating makes little use of washes. it's still worth a quick description of the technique Involved.

Awash is generally a very quick way of adding shading to a part of a miniature. ln the case of inks. they can either be painted directly onto the appropriate area undiluted, orthinned with a little water. Brown and yellow inks are particularly useful in figure painting: fndeed, some figure painters use a whole armory of different colored inks. They can be used to thm acrylic paints, while still allowing the paint to maintain a good strong color.


To protect your figure, it is worth considering giving it a (oat of varnish to stop the paint being chipped or worn. Matt or Gloss - it's your choice really. Many people prefer the more natural look of a matt finish though both do the same job. Both malt and gloss varnishes are available as either 'paint from the pot' or cans of spray.

As tar as our own figures are concerned, we use a matt spray varnish as our final coat, though we lend to photograph them before this is put on.





Ok; now lor the featured model in this issue of 'Painting Miniatures'. We will go into detail on how lb paint one of the Solar System's most daring and rnag;nificent warriors - aWoltbane Commando Hero of the Imperial corporation.

The Wolfbanes ace renegades [rom the rest af the Imperial corporation, Not all of them are warriors, bUI without a doubt it's their H ea d hunter" Co m rna n dos, Berse rkers and Fenris Bike riders that have earned them tame allover the human worlds.

The Wolfbanes are organized in packs that are spread allover IheSolar System. Each pack is led bvan Elder, and his senior officers are the Chieftains. Experienced and extremely skilled warriors and commanders, the Wall· banes are among the tinestwerriors and most lethal foes you can encounter on the Warzone battlefield.

The Woltbane Commando Hero we ale gOing to paint this. month is armed with the Mandible Shotgun - very good terdose range combat but less effective at long range. The 'Special dbility among the Wolfbane5 is that they can sneak up on the enemy hidden, so thai they can get into close quarters wilhout the risk 01 detection.


As we're painting a specific figure tram the WARZONE universe, you won't need to concern yourself too much about the color scheme, as we'll be telling you exactl,y what colors Jackie has used. Don't worry if the shades you get on your miniature aren't exact- 1y the same as those shown in the pictures, The colors are never exactly the same in a photograph as they are in real life.

The purpose 01 our base coat is to cover the individual parts. of the model with a smooth coat of the appropriate (alar. In many cases you'll find it easier to start on the larger areas 01 the figure before moving on to things like th e figu re' sac cessories,

Always try and paint with a steady flowing movement. Avoid the temptation to eccssio na lIy pus h th e b rushaga Ins! th e b ristles, as this wHi shorten its. useful life.

Concentrate on making as neata job as you can with each stage of painting, said thai, you're almost bound to get some splashes of paint on parts of the model that you didrrt intend to. Don't panic. These mistakes can easi I y be rete uch ed. II n ecessa ry, use a Ii ltle luna White to paint over an error ifan unwante d da rker color sh ows th ro ugh I he co rred one.

The Base Colors we've used on the WOLFBANE COMMANDO HERO are really put on in two distinct steps,

This is because Jackie's going to be using black as an undercoat lor vanous parts of the minieture, The use of this black 'undercoat' means that some 01 the dark browns we're going to use will have a much more 'solid' look, than if we were painting them over the original white undercoat.


For this step we'll only be using three colors, namely Wollbane leather, Mortis Black and the base mix for flesh (a combination 01 Wolfbane Leath er and Cravetcn Tan).

The Wolfbane Leather should be painted on to the model's shoulder pads, knee pads. and gaiters, while the face and arms w.ill require the clark flesh r:nix. All the other parts of the figure will be painted with Mortis Black.

You'll notice from the photos of this stage, thai we've lett two broad stripes on the rear

Base colol'5 stage-I, front side


Base (olors staKe -1. back side

of th@ cloak un pa i nt ed You'll wa nt to do the same. You can also leave the shoulder badge white. Don't worry il you get a little Wolfbane Leather over th is !jet.; i I. It's very ea,y to ave rpa inl this with a little lu na Wh ite.


In reality, we're going to jump slightly ahead 01 ourselves in thls.sertion as we will be startmg 10 highlight some parts of tile model. Don'! worry when you see the technique called 'drybrushing' mentioned below. This is.explaineci right atihe beginning of the high· li.ghli n g section.

To begin with, mix Nepharite Red and Mortis Black to give a dark reddish/brown wlor. Use this to pai n t the m a del's gloves, loi nd oth and the inside at the cloak. The next step is to make a new mixture, consisting of NephariteRed, Mortis Black and Wolfbane leather, 10 give a slightly li.ghler brown than that we've just used. This new color should be used to paint the toes and heels of the boots, the figure's trousers and the small area of chestarmor that's showing.

A combination of Bauhaus Blue and Mortis Black ( a dark blue/gray color) should be painted on thestrapsand soles of the boots and also the ammo packs on the mioiaiure's ga iters and wa ist

Temple Guard Gold is used to paint the studs

Base colors sta8e _ 2, front .side

Base colors stale ,_ 2, back side

on the gl aves and the sporran's (I asp and ehai n, The grenades and shotgun should be careflllIy drybrushed with Gunmetal. And finally the sporran and the two stripes on the back of the doek should be painted with Pretorian Grey.

A<;we've got the Pretorian Grey out at the moment, we om also start our first bit of highlighting by drybrushingthe black stripe on the ba rk of the d oa k.

It's worth noting, that as you become more experienced, you'll be able to complete a model much more quickly if you treat each part of the model separatel,y.

Ratherthan painting the miniature in its block colors Irom head to toe, then working to the mid-tones, then to the highlights; you can speed up by picking on one area elthe model, Let's lake the face ali an exsrnple, Finish th e block, mi d- to n ea nd hi gh lights 0 n th is part alone, before moving on to the next bit you want to paint. Here again, you'd follow Ihe by stage method.

For simplicity's sake, it should be easy enoughte understand our painting technique if you see Ihe model completely painted at each of the stages. we describe.


The easiest way to highlight a figure is with a technique known <is 'drybwshing'.

For this, we're going to use our cheaper brush. Unfortunately, drybrushing is nota very ~ind way to treat your brushes, as it tends to spoil them {airly quickly.

To begin highlighting the miniature using the drybrushing method, you'll first needto mix up a .1 ighter shad e 0 I yo ur origi nal base color You can refer to the color chart here. Pick up asrnell amount of this mixMe on your brush, Then, with a piece of rag or paper towel, wipe most oj the pai nt fro m til e brush. Even. if the brush looks clean, you'll still find there's enough paint left to Ira n ster onto I h e Ii g u re. Gently draw th e brush across the part of the model you're highlighting, /¥., you do this some of the paint from the br u sh wi II tra nsfe rant 0 the raised a reas of


the model. Here, it's worth noMg that certain color'S will require more drybrushing than others be fore you notice th e effed,

Yo u'l! first need to b (i n g the sha de up to a mid-tone. Then, using a lighter shade of your ch os en co lor, you re n repeal Ihis tech n i qu e, gradually decreasing the pressure you use on the brush, until you reach the final bignlighl. Repeat this process with the appropriate she des of color over th e Whole mod e I u nlil you've highlighted the complete figure.

Once you've got used to the technique involved with dryb rus h i ng you'll lin dit very easy to do, A way of practicing your technique and experiment, without risk to your model iswilh a small piece of reasonably coarse sandpaper.

P a i nt th e pa per with a goo d, strong da rk co I· Of. Mortis Black, for example, would be line. let the paint dry thoroughly. Now, try drybrush i ng this wilh diffe ri n g a mou n ts of L una While left on your brush. See which amounts wo rk an d whi eh look messy, Try d ilfe fin g amounts of pressure to meck the differ.ent effects that yo u ca n de h ieve,

Well, th at' son e way of qu ickly and eesi Iy ad ding high lights to yo ur f gu reo lt do es ta ke a little practice, but when painting your fig· ures tor gaming you.'d be hard pushed to betterit, tt is pa rticu la rly effective when pa i nling units of figures ..

Highlights stage _ 1, front. side

HighliKhtsstaKe _ I, back side


CHRONICLES # 11. 1998


What if you want one of your favorite figure$ to really stand out on the battlefield? A hero, a personality, the commander 01 your forces perhaps .. How do you get that really professio rtll I finish?

You'll sli II be sta rting with the darkest to nes on thefigure, However, th~ change from these deepest shades to the lightest is painted on to give a more subtle effect than drybrushing.

On our color chart you'll see how Jackie goes from the base to topcoat when she paints a model. You'll also notice that not every color is treated in exactly the same way, so Jackie's giv i ng away <I, few t ricks of th e tr ad e here.

Highlights stage - 2, front side

As we'll be concentrating on a specific figure, in this case our WOLFBANE COMMANDO H ERa, we won't go into too much detail at this point. Broadly speaking, lhis technique i nvo Ives (0 nstantly m Ixi ng I ighler s ha des of paint and applying them to the miniature, so that the chan ge from t he shad ows to the highlights is very gradual. On a model thafs been well painted with this method, you'll have a real Job to see arlY 'joins' between the different tones. They just appear to blend into one a n other. The i m porta nt thing, ill not to cha n ge the color too drastically from your previous shade, to the next.

Just seeing it written down it sounds fairly easy doesn't it? Believe me, you'll need a fair amount of practice· to perfect your technique,

Highlights stage - :z. back. side

but if you persist with this method you should lind your models will really come alive and look stunning on the gamingtable.

You can practice this style quite simply on a piece 01 paperer plasticard. Start with the base (oat color and by following the chart; see how well you can 'blend' the colortowardsthe highlight Try white to start With, as once the base costis mixed you'll simplybeadding luna White to your original color. E.xperimentwith the consistency of the paint you're using, simply by ad di ng a I i ttl e water to thi n the pa i nt 51 ightly ..

Once you're happy with this method,. you might even decide to paint all your miniatures this way. If you do, your almy will certainly draw admiring glances on the battlefield.

let's. check the colors that Jackie has used during this Refer to the photogr,aphs as you go along, to check you're working along the right lines. Remember, you can uselhe follow i ng co.l ors 'to dryb rush th e high I ig his on, rather than blending, if you leel more comfortable with this method.

On the parts of our WOLFBANE COMMANDO HERO that we started with Wolfbane leather, add Legionnaire Flesh 10 Wolfbane Leather, a litlle at a time, until the final highlight is almost Legionnaire Flesh. in the case of th e s hou Id er pad s.leeve Ih e recessed areas in their base colors and gradually build up to the lightest shades in the center of the pads and round the rims.

IIOOl'S lID TRI_SOIS, WI'> started with a base (Qat mixture of Wolfbane leather, Nepharite Red and Mortis Black. To this mix add Wollbane Leather a little at a time until you almost reach Wolfbane leather. The final highlight is a mix of Wolfbane leaLl1er and legionnaire Flesh. You don't want thiS highlight to be quite as pale as the one above.

1M£ GLIVIS. II_11M lHDI'HE IIISIDl OF THE ClOD, We started with a Mortis Black, NephariteRed mix. Add Mishima Red to this color in relatively generous amounts. You'll need to do this in order to notice any change in the color of the mixture. lhe lightening process is continued with new mix. this time made up of Gehenna Orange and Mishima Red. Gehenna Orange is added to this mix" ture until the final highlight is almost orange. The easiest part 10 see this is on the knuckles 01 the figures right glove.

THE SHOTI.UIIAND G.R.ENADES, These should be drybrushed with a GunmelaljViolalor Me!.al mix. Violator Metal is added to this mixture until the final highlight is put on with plain Violator Metal.

THE 8OD1 STRAPS. .8001 SOlES. AJIMINITION PICKS AND 8mP, These-bad a combination 01 Bauhaus Blue and Mortis Black painted on as a 'secondary' base coat To this dark blue/gray color add Luna White untilthe final

highlight of a pale gray is reached.

Graveton Tan should be added to the base flesh mix of Wolfbane Leather and Graveton Tan for the figure's taceand arms. Add Legion' naire Flesh to this new mi~ture a littlest a time. The final highlight should be almost legionnaire Flesh.

THE ClOAk, We started off with Pretorian Grey, and this sounds like the most complicated part to pili nt but in reality it's very easy to co m p lete, Drybrush Armour Grey over the two Prelorian Grey stripes you've already painted on the back of the cloak. Also, use the Armour Grey to painttwo new thinner 'stripes' on the edges of the cloak. These new stripes should be drybrushed with a mi>; of Armour Grey and Luna White. The final highlight is drybrushed on Wilh a light coating of luna WHile at the very edges of the cloak.

The model's hair is drvbrushed with Pretoria n Grey. 0 ryb rush tb is aga in, with a m ixtu re of Pretorian Grey and luna White, until the highlight i5 a light gray.

The gold rhein and clasp can be given a wash of brown ink, and once this has dried, a. wash of yellow ink.


With outlining, the idea is to paint f.ine lines between the different areas on the model. creating dark shadows and defining the different parts of the model.

The most basic form of outlining just involves the use of black paint and, unsurprisingly, this technique is known as 'black lining' .Other (01- OfS such as dark browrsand grays can be used if you want to be more adventurous.

You'll only need ~ small amount Of paint on the tip of your brush. You'.11 also need to slightly dilute the paint with water so thai it flows easily b ut sti II gives a good line. 0 utli n i ng req u ires a very steady hand and quite 11 lot of practice. An example of this technique can be seen around our ,WOlFBANE COMMANDO HERO'S kneepads; If you look carefully at the photograph ohhefinshed model, you'll. notice quite a few others.

O.ullined model



For now,i r yo u' re at Ih e begi nn ers slage of figure painting, it's probab~ benerte willtuntil you're co nfid en! en a ugh W I I h yo ur overall Pllinllng technique before you attempt this. It's very easy to overdo the outlines you're tryIng to put on the model and it's quite POS'>Ibl ~ that you'll th ink you've rather s poil:t the hard work you'VE' put in so tar. Perhaps wait until you have a little more experlence.


Now we reach what IS really the most challenging section of painting your model. where we add the final details. We'll still be usingthe sa me techn iqu 1"5, but this is whe r e ca re and a steady hand become viral.

The areas being worked on will be smaller, and yet again. you'll want to avoid spoiling the hard work you've already put into the miniature. You'll really need your finest brush for thiS work. The paint will want to be of a free flowing consistency

The d eta il req UI red on eac h figu re, wi II n aturally vary from model to model.

When you're more. experienced you rnight, for example, like to try putting tattoos on a miniature with a bare torso and arms. Obviously this type of detail wouldn't be approprlote lor a tully armored figure. On an armored figure you might consider painting a unil badge on a shoulder pad.

Take your time before deciding what detail you want to paint on. Don't rush this stage,

As we've said above, you dorrt waot to spoil yo ur ea rli e r work.

Conversely, when you are confident and ezperiel1(ed in fine detail work, don't smother the model in too much intricate work. It's possible to sp oil th e overall look of t h efigu re by making it too lussy.

On many models, inc.luding our WOlFBANE COMMANDO HERO, one of the details you will need 10 put on are the eyes. One way of doing this, is lirstof all to carefully paint each ---~ VIr, eye black. A My spot of white paint put in each (Orner will produce a ready-made 'pupil' in 1111" center.

Alternatively, paint the eye white and then put in a spot of black to represen t Ih e pu p il. Us i ng thiS method, you'll probab'ly also want to put in a very fine line 01 black paint along the top of the eye, to help define it This second met~od needs an extremely steady hand, and the paint will need to be of a very specific tonsisle ncy. Pra dice yo u f fine lines on a p ieee of paper rather than your figure until you feel confident

One of the simplest terms 01 detail you (an put onto a model is a stripe or stripes. If possible, you always wan! to paint a darker color .over a lighter one. For example, if you want·

ed a series of black and yellow stripes, first yo u wou ld wa nt to pa I ntvou r c h osen a rea yelI.ow. Once thai had dried you would paint on the black stripes.

II you do need to paint a lighter color over a dark one simply use while as an undercoat for your lighter color.

fJ.s this i5 quile possibl\, your first attempt at painting a figure We haven't attempted anyth In g too da u n t I ng, As carefully as you ca n try an d co py th e colors that J arki e has used to paintthe lrnperialsvmbol an the Wolfbane's shoulder pad. If you want to be even more adventurous, try putting the tatoo' round the eyes. Th i s has been pa i nred on usi n g thi n n ed Mishima Red

Finished Model


In thi s a rtide J acki I" pi! I nted the base J ungl e G~een. Allowing this to dry thoroughly, she h as then d ry-b rus hed il wi Ih Cen tu ria n Green_ Then mixing Cilrtel Yellow with !TIe Centurian Green, to I ighten the gree n. she has d rybrushed il ~galn. The final (oalol dry-brush is of plaIR Cartel Yellow, whic.h has only been put around the edge of the sand.

The' last job is to give tI'Ie rim of the base a coat of Jungle Green.


You may want to varmsh your finished tigure 10 p rotsct it i nst the rigors of the batt 11"field, but olherwise that's about it! If this has been your lirst attempt at figure painting, we really hope vouare pleased wllh lhe finished ligu rea n d til is artie le h as been u sefu L There are bound 10 be parts of the model that you think you (Quid Improve on, and that will happen as you gain moreesperience, Most importa nlly, I'll" h opeyo uve enJoye d you rs~lf an d that yo u' re erno u raged by you r eff or 15.

Remember ... practice and patience, Best wish es, an d happy pi! i nli ng. Phil



SrYGrM tmBAI.O~D {#281 I}

Dt'JOOT WAntR (l ajsel #2327)


(I Ofstt #2324)

,lRSTBORrp BLACK srSnR (1 of set #2334)


(I oJ set #2324)

DtUOUr WftlI.tR (r of set #2327)


CHRONicLES # 12 1998

tLf WARRIOR Of THt GOI.Dt!) mMK (#2538)




DARK LEGION KADAVER (I of set #9560)


CHILDREN OF IUAN (1 vhel #9558)

CHILDREN OF IUAN (1 of ser #9558)






CHRONICLES #12: 1998


I know it will sound strange, but it's not otten that yours truly gets a chance to Join in a game of Warzone.I'm often invited to play, (especially by Dave, who very kindly took the photos for us) but time always seems to be the biggest enemy!

So, it was a real pleasure to take the short drive down to Kelham Hall, justQutside Newark in Nottinghamshire, to take partin a demo game run by my good frien.d Lewis Talbot from the Newark Irregulars.

Lewis, who is the assistant manager of Portprince, Newark's lecal model and' hobby shop, has a truly wondrous collection of Warzone miniatures and a stunning selection at terrain. (He was even (omplaining that he'd accidentally let! a load of it at home.) His miniatures are painted, and in many cases converted, by Paul Cook.

Being a really nice chap, Lewis gave me a substantial points advantage tonhe ,impending battle between the Dark Legion (Boo! Hiss! - his team) end what seemed, to me, to be a very strong Cybertronie force. (Hurrah for the good guys - my teaml)

At the beginning things seemed to go extremely well. After the first turn, the only casualties were on the Dark Legion side. Almost an entire squad 01 Necrornutents obliterated by the awesome firepower 01 the Erad'ica,tor Deathdroids Titan Megablaster. (Heh, heh, heh!)

After thaI things didn't go quite so well. Although a squad of Machinators easily carved their way through a group of Undead Legion-

aires, Ihis was a small VictOry in the battle, which seemed to be turning in tavor of th~ Dark Legion.

Vince Diamond had heroically hurled himself out of the way of an exploding TA65ElO light recon vehicle, only to be annihilated by a Prelorian Stalker before he could get aft a single shot in anger. AL least the Cybertronic Scorpion managed to cause some casualties in a group of Templars, before running into a Nepharite and failing too many saving throws. Even the Deathdroid had taken some damage from a sneakily placed Mercurian M~culator. When the Deathdroid Fumbled with its first fire anion in the ne)(t round, I telt it was time to bow out gracefully and let someone with a little more experience (ilnd perhaps some loaded dice) lake over to see whether the day could be saved for Cybertronic. Meanwhile, 1 had a quick look round the rest 01 the stalls and displays. (What do you mean - bad loser] Lewis said that the battle was still evenly poisedl Ok, so he was being kind, Cybertronic were' getting a good kicking.)

So what did you miss if you didn't go to Partizan? Well quite a lot to be honest, With nearly two dozen tradestan ds and shops,and a n equa i n um bet of pa rticipation an d demonstrali 0 n games, this rea i Iy was a fun ever'll There wereenough people through the doors for il to be bLJSy and enjoyable, bill no! so many thaI you couldnl see what was

CH RON ICLES # 12 1998


going on at any particular time. The Newark Irregulars, especially their secretary and show organizer laurence Baldwin should be congratulated on their hard work and enthusiasm for putting on the show.

And if you're wondering Cybertronic, (under the leader-

ship of a decent general) did manage to fight back enough to force a 'draw'; though rumor has it that the Dark Legion was demanding a recount

Many thanks to David Gates tor the photos, Paul Cook for painting the figures, and Lewis for putting up with me constantly ask,ing what my saving throws were.

bye for now



Forthcoming shows at Kelham Hall near Newark (England) 10am-4pm:

The 'historicals':

Partizan' 98 - Sunday May 24th

The Other Partizan - Sunday August 16th

Next years Fanlasy and Sci-fi Show:

Date to be announced.

Further details about the Newark Irregulars, or the shows they put on, can be had from the Secretary,

Laurence Baldwin:

Phone (0115) 991 9254.


Internet Website drb2/ irregulars/irregulars.hlml


CHRONICLES # t 2 1!;198


MUTA.NICHRONICLES RPG 9553 Jihad I "fanrrylDEI 9.668 Machlnator wi Hvy Wpn,
9554 Mishima Tiger Dragons 9669 Weapons Pack # I
4002 Broth erho 0 d Sourcebo 0 k 9555 Brotherhood Arch Prima.e 9670 Wc~pons.l'ack #2
~003 Imperial Sourcebook 9556 lrnperial Warholmds 9671 Golgotha
4004 Preelal1cer's Handbook 9557 Cybcrtronic Mirrormen 9672 Demun Hunter
4005 CqJ)itol Sourcebook 9558 Children ~r llian 9613 Scorpion
4006 1\1 g e roth Source book 9·559 Imp erial B erse rke rs 9674 llian Templar' wi Hvy Wp~.
4007 Bauhaus Sourcebook 9560 Kadavers 9675 Razide #2 [replaces 9ij04)
4008 (ybenronic Sourcebook 9561 Last Ri.t"snlal1 9676 lnunaculate Fury #2
4009 M is hi ma So urcebo ok 9562. Wollbairn 9677 Rag31hol
40.10 MC RPG 2nd Edition 9678 Stahler ~ figure bllsrer]
4'011 lllan- The!ress of'rhe Void WARIONE SPECIA.lITVMINI,AlURES 9679 BI ess ed esta I I"il.ll ra
40.12 The Second Seal of Rppulsion, Adv, 9601. Cardinal Dominic 9680. Technomancer
4013 The four Riders, Adv, 9602 Nephari~e ·of Algermh 9681 Supreme Ncnomagus
4014 Beyond the Pole. /ldv. 9603 Volpurgius, Nepila,ite· of I\Jak113i· 9682 Joke Kramer
4015 Helrnburg .. City of Sins Sourcebook 9604 Razide #1 %83 Bauhaus Venusian Marsl1a.!
WARlONE RULES 9605 Prerorian Stalker # 1 9684 Kalak the Keeper
9606 Pretorian Stalker #2 9685 Lu rhera 11 Parria rch
94'01 Wano I1e ru I ebook 9607 Moninc3tor #1 9686 Templar Horde Srd. Bearer
940.2 Dawn of War, Compendia m # I 9608 Morrificotor 1f. 2 9687 Sons of Raspurln Std. Bearer (DEI
940.4 Beasts of War, Compendium #~ 9609 Ezcghoul 96118 Ternplar Gandarme Res!al (DE)
9406 Casuel ti es of Wa r, Cornpe n diu rn #' 3 9610 N'epn"rile.of Demnogonis #' 1 961>9 Infernal Corroder
94·07 Worlds at War' Dark Eden 9611 Nephorile AIJkhoi 9690 Carnal Harvester
9409 Bro\h~rhood Cathedral 9612 Curator 9691 Dark Eden Rilzide # 1
9410 Bauhaus BUTlk~r 9613 ~e ere m 0 wer 9692 O".k I:den Razide #2
WARIONE UNITPACKS 9614 Attila IIJ,Cu;raS5i~r 9693 Brotherhood Cruclfier
%15 N~pharit.e of Demnogonls #2 9694 BrOl h e rhoo d Ex(!< uti (I ne r
9501 Capitol Troopers 9616 Nepharil,e of lllan # I 9695 Metropoliran Propher
9SG2 Blood 6ere(s 9617 Nepbarite ofMY~wijllc # 1 9696 Gommorlan Ema,culator
9503 e~uhau, Hussars 9618 Zenithian So~1 Stayer 9697 Jaeger Command" (D.E)
9504 Mishima Samurai 9619 Rams Air Cavalry 9698 Ne(:rnmutant
9~05 Undead Legionnaires #1 9620 Brotherhoud My,tic 9699 Soldat Sell werwa Ire
9506 BI essed Leg i 0) n na ires 9621 Bro th erho od K.e eper 0 r til e Art 9700 Mishima Meka
9S07 W.oJ.fbnoe Commandos 9622 lmmaculate Fury # 1 9701 Cairat.n
9508 Cybertfonic Chossems # 1 9623 Nephal"ire of Sernal WARZONE SINGLE MINIATURES
9509 Capitol Special Forces 9624 Callistcnian Intruder
9510 Ca rte I Spe c ia I Age nrs 9625 Bio·Giam 9801 Capitol C1l.plain # 1
9511 undead Legionnaires #2 '9626 !lradic.tor Deathdrold ·9802 Capitol Sg1. # I
9.512 Brotherhood' Trooper. 9627 Unholy· Carronnde wi Crew 98·03 Capitol Trooper wi Hvy Wpn.
951J Ne ,'"0 m ura n ts 9628 T 1\6S0 0 Ligh t ReC()n Veil lcl e 9804 Blood Be rets Cop t. i n
9514 llian Ternplars 9629 Death I\Il,gel 9805 Blood Berets Sgt. # 1
9515 screo I"; I1g Leg io 1111~ i res 9630 KII·67 G rea (G I"<!Y 9806 Blood Bere!s wI Hvy WPI1.
9516 Brotherhood Elite Iroopers 9631 Pu rpl e Slunk 9807 B" u haus Hu".a r Kap ira n # 1
9517 Here t it tegi on na ire I 9632 Mer·~uri"n Ma~ulat<lr 9808 B" u haus Hu SSJ r Sgt. # 1
9518 Hellfire Carr wI Crew 9633 Artila variant 9809 6,,,, haus H tlssa r wI Hvy Wpn .
9519 Hatamaro 9634 Ze n i th i an 51 augh te r111 aster 9810 Mishim~ S"murai Leader
9520 £toiles Mortant 9635 Spawn of Dernnogonis 9811 Mishr<11~ Samurai Hero
9521 M a rtian Bo" shees 9636 Dea\hb6nge.r 9812 Mishima Samurai wI Hvy Wpn.
9522 Combat Warheads 9637 Shadow Walk~r 9813 W.olfbanl' Commando Chieftain
9523 Suicide WarheadS 9638 Vince Diamond 9814 Wollballt.' Commando Hero
9524 M.chinJwts 9639 Cyril Detlt 9815 Wollbane Commando w/Hvy Wpn.
Y525 Furv Elite Gu~rd 9640 G.T. Offroad B·52 [resin] 9816 Sea Lion SgI.
9526 Ven·u.ian Rangers 9641 Dragonbike 9817 Sea Lion Hero
9527 Karn Q ph age, 9642 Pegasus Scout Bike 'ISIS: Sea tlen wI Hvy wpn,
9528 Destroyers 9643 Dark Huntsmau 9819 free Marine Sgt.
9529 BdUIHlUS Dragoons 9M4 ·Yojimbo 982.11 free M~Mne Hero
9530 Bauhaus Blirzers 9645 Crenshaw .the M"nili,lllor 9821 Fr~e Marine wI Hvy Wpn.
9531 Tre nth er Regu I a rs 964{i ;Big Bob warrs 9822 Cybertronic Chasseur Sgt.
~5J2 Mourning Wolves %47 Max Steiner 9823 Cyo ertro n ic Cha sse u r He ro
Y533 Sunset Strikers 9648 Brass Apccalypt 9824 Cybertronic Chasseur w/Hvy Wpn.
9534 Cybertrcnlc Cllasleurs-#2 9649 Go I em of Da rkness 9825 Bauhaus Hussar K<lpi,tan #2
9535 Ashigaru 9650 Mitch Hunter 9826 Capitol #2
9536 Cyherrrcnic Shock Troops 9651 Tatsu 9827 WoUbane Commando wi Shotgun
9537 Acolytes 9652 Edward S. Murdoch 9828 Ca pi to I Hero
9538 lnlriates 9653 Eaoniao Justifier 9829 BnlJhaus Hussar Sgt. #2
9539 Sacristans 9654 Tekro~ 9830 Capitol Sgt. #2
9540. ~rqlherho<ld Pllgrim~ 9655 Reaper of Souls # 1 9831 11100 d Berets SS.t. #' 2
9541 Capitol Desen Scorpions 9656 Reaper of Souls #2 9832 NecromtJlant itl
9542 Mishima Crimson Devils 9657 Chemirnan 9833 Necromutant In
9543 LUTheran Disciples 9658 War Medic 9834 Centurion #1
9544 Sons of Rasputln Soldats 96S9 Dr Dian~ 9835 II ro til erhoo d Troo per SgL
9S45 Crescentian arotherbound, 9660 Valerie Duval 9836 inquisiror
9546 Ternplar Horde 1rooPNS 9661 Sean Gal.lagher 9831 Brciherhocd Trooper wI Hvy Wpn.
9547 l.urherao Fusilier Troopers IDEI 9662 Agent Nick Micha~ls 9838 THan High Templar
9548 Sons of Rasputin Shock So.ldJts IDEI 9663 Billy rbe Hereuc 9839 Brotherhood !;Iite Trooper Sgl.
9549 Cresce ntla n I." men ters (DE) 9654 Fenris Bike 9840 Brotherhood Elit~ Trooper wi Hvy
9550 Crescenrian Khan's Guard ·IDEI 9665 Female Heretir Wpn.
9551 Templer Gendarmes (DE) 96&6 Inquisitor N.icodemus 9841 Heretic
9552 Nbnherf1 Sons (D£) 9667 roemale Mortlficator 9842 Brorherhood Sacred W~rrior # 1 CHRONICLES # Il199.8

PRODU rr LIST I N6: 47


9843 Bro the rh ood Sacred Wa" iOt # 2 9844 Bro I h e rh 00 d Sacred Wa rr io r #3 9845 Broth erh 00 d S "cri"d Wa rrio r Sa. t. 9846 Broth rh 00 d Assass i n

9847 Brotherhocd Valkyrie /I I

9848 flmtherhoo-'l Valkyrie tl2

9849 !lrotherhood

9850 Brorhe,hood Inquisitor Majo.ris: 'ISS I Netromuram w/Torruenun # I 9852 Necromuta"l wI To,n;entol #2 985'3 Centurion #2

9854 Hararnom Leader

9855 Hatarnotu Hero

9856 Etniles Monan.! Sgr,

9857 Etai I~ s M errant Hero

985 B M a rtla n flans h ee Sgt.

9SS9 Martian B'mshee Heru

9860 Fury Elil" Sgt.

9861 Venusian Ranger Sgt.

98.62 Vem.,iJIl Range' Kilpltafl 9853 Venusian Rang~r 1'1/ Hvy Wpn. 9854 Destroyer Sgt.

'IS 65 Ba u h au, Dragoon Sgt.

9866 Bauhaus Dragoon Kapitan 9867 Bauhaus Dragoon wI iiV}' Wpn, 9868 Bauhaus Blitzer Sgt.

9869 Bauhaus Blitzer Kapitan

9870 Baulmlls Blitzer wI Hvy WPI1. 9871 Trencher Sgt,

9872 Trencher Sniper

9S73 Treneher wi Charger

9874 Trencher Hero

9875 Mourning WQIf Chieftain 9876 Mourning WoliFHero 9$77 Sun set Srri ker SSI.

9878 Su n set Srri kef' Hero

9879 Cybertronic Shock Troop Sgt 9880 Cybertronic Shock Troop C~ptain

9881 Cybertronir Shock Troop wi HvY Wpn. 9882 Ashigarll wI Hry Wpn

988) Acolytew! Hvy Wpn.

9884 lnlriare I'll Hvy Wpn.

9885 Sacristan w/ ;.Ivy wpn.

9885 Imperial Palhr,'nder #]

9887 lmperial Pathfinder #2

9888 Imperial Headhunter # I

9889 Imperial Headhunter #2

9890 lmperial Warhound

9:891 Lutheran Disciple Sgt.

9892 Lutheran Creymcurn wi Hvy Wpn. 9893 Sons or Rasputin Soldat Sgl.

9894 Sons of Rasputin Sotdat Kommalldan! 9895 SOns or Rasp,";n Soldol Flarnmen


989:6 Crescentian Brorherbound wI H\'j' Wpn. 9897 Crescenrlan nroeherbouno Sgt.

9898 Templer Centur

9899 Brorherhood Wal"hman 9 9 DC Cresce n nan P (1) phet 9901 Greymourn loader (DE) 9902 Lutheran Fisilier Sgl (D~) 9903 Lutheran Corsair (DE)

9904 Sons of Rasputin Shock Soldat h/wpn,


9905 So nsof Raspmi n 5h ock Sg t, (D El 9906 Cresce n ti an MJ rrvr I D E)

9907 Crescenrian Khan'! Guard Sgcl (DE) 9908 Crescentian Kilan', Gu"r~ hlwpn (DEl 9909 Geildarm~ heavy weapon IDE)

9910 Gendarme Hunter (DE)

9911 Sons of F:asputi~ Vis car (DE) 9912 Scion of lliall # I

9913 Scion of IHa~ f12

9914 Mishima Tiger Dragon teader

9915 Mishima Tiger Dragon wlHvy, Wpn,

99 16 Broth" rhoe d A rch Pri rna te Se rgent 9917 uro til e rho od Ar,,]' PM rna t e w(l-lvY. Wp". 9918 Imperial Warlmund Cheiftain ~

9919 Berserker Clwj:fl:ain

992.0 Berserker Standard 9921 Chasseur Sergeant

'1922 Chasseur with heavy weapons


10501 Imperial Hurricane

10502 Imperial Trenche r Squad 10503 Capitol FrEe Marines Squad I 0504 Bio·Gi~~1t

1 0505 Bauhaus Venusian Ranger Squad 10506 Mishimo Hatamoro Squed


5101 Basic

5 r 02 Melallic

5103 Venusi'o,n jungle 5104 Manian Desert 51.1}5 Algernth

5106 Dark Sy",,,,ecry 51107 InKS

51 1}8 Fill 0 rescent


4101 Dark Legion Ciradel Archway 4102 Dark Leglon Gradel Walls 410J Dark Legion Citadel Corner. 4105 Nepharite's Throne

4106 G.T: Offroad 11·52

41 07 lI.rrl~r.eld Enhancer # l-Crates

4108 Bali'ler.eJd Enh,lI1cer #2·Fuel Dump 410<.) Bauler.eld :E"h'lIlcer #).Ammo Dump 41 10 Dark L1~gion Citadel Ruins


8805 Dcomrrooper Stoner Display 8805 Dccmrrooper DOOSlet Display 8807 Inquisition Booster Display 8808, War,. ~ n e BUllS te r Dis play 8809 Morlir,cator Boosr~r DisplilY 88 ] 0 Co Igo t ha Booste r D is play

88 j I Apo ca lypse Bo aster D i spl ay 8812 Paradi,. l.osr Booster Display


Dark Eden Starter Display Dark Eden Booster Display


220 I Chronopia TIC

2202 l.and ofTwo Rivers 2203 Firstborn Watthtow~r 2204 So~s of Kronos


230 lOre A,sa u I r Wa rriers

2302 Goblin Swordmasrers 2303 Vulture Dwarf Swordsmen

2304 DwarrDark·T1!,k w/mormngstar 2305 DwarfBlood-Banes wla<c5 2306 Elf A~e m en

2307 Firstborn Kniglns w{swords 2308 Fi rst be rn K noi gh rs wlm <I ces 2309 Fi rSI bo ru C!"(IS sb owm en

231 0 D~vo III Fa II owe rs w/tWO han de d


2311 Ore Swordsmen

2312 Vulture Dwarr Milliel Wilrrior. 2313 Dwarf Dark-Tusk swordsmen 23 14 Dwarf Blond-Bone clawsrnen 2315 EIr Spearmen

231 {i Firstborn. Archers 2317 Dark Eye warriors 2318 The Cursed.

23 I 9 Dwa rf Dark- Tl1 sks w/Pick Axe.

2320 ar Archers

232] Stygian Warrior Swordsmen 2322 Stygian Warrior Spearmen 2J23 0 rc Archers

2324 oevou ( Po'll owe rs w/swo rds Z325 ur Swordsmen

2326 TIl~ Drugged

232 7 Devout Wa i I ers

2328 EIrKeepers of the Flame 2329 Elf Militia

2330 Dw,arrWolf Legion Swordsmen 2331 Sons ofKrenos warnors

2333 Th" srarved

23 34 Fi rsrbo rn Black S isrers


250 I Ore Assaulr Warrior Leader ,2502 Ore ",,,"nit Warrior Standard 2503 ElfAxcmasl'cf

2504 Elr Axemel1 Leader

250'S ElF I\xemel1 Standard

2506 firsthorn Crossbowrnan Leader 2507 Devout Follower leader

2508 Devour Follower Standard 2509 D~VOUl Wa rped l.c rd

2S 10 Goblin Swurdrnasrer leader 251 I EIr Spe"rman Leader

2S 12 Elf Spearman Standard

2S 13 Elf Great Swordrnasrer

25 14 Fi rstbo rn Arch e r I,e" d er 2515 Firstbom Gre~tswmd§m"n 2S 1,6 Firstborn Grcatmacernan 2517 ~If Archer Leader

2518 Ore Swordsman Leader 25 19 0 rc G reatswo rd sm a n 1520 Ore Sundarcl

25 ~ ~I 0 rc Archer Lea d N

2522 Dwarf'Dark-Tusk Leader 2523 Dw.rrDark-1\lsk Hero 2524 Dw"rfDark·T~sk Standord 2525 First born Kn lght Leader 2526 Firstborn Kni:ghr Standard 2527 Ell" Swordsman Leader 2S28 De "0 Ul Necro ma n eel 2S29 EI r Loru s Eater

2530 Devotll Swordsman Leader 2:;3. j DevoLII Swordsman Musician 2532 EIr'K"rjl~r of the Flame Leader 2533 ElrMi:litia Leader

2534 Obsidian Gusrd

2535 Crystal Knighl

2536 SOliS uf KrMO, Chieftain 2537 Jackal' Scout

2538 mWarrror of t he Golden Mask 2539 Firstborn BI"ck Sister Leader


280J Troll" ]

2802 Dgr€ li~avY Infantry #]

2803 Harbringer or [he Dark Wings 2804 Dusk Re~lm Demon

2805 Judge

2806 Chro no rna ncer

2807 Styg i ~ n Prle sress 2808 Stygian Grear Warrfor 2.30\.l Nightwalker

2810 Firstborn Rep1.l!sa,r Knighl 2811 Sryg,iall GU3rdi;m

2812 Tusked Raider

2813 Devout Demon Wings 2814 The Nameless

2815 The Embalmed


20501 Goblin Myrm~don

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