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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria

Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonzo
Carrera Enfermería

Profesor: Bachiller:
Carlos Valenzuela Dioslany Espinoza
C.I 24.924.648
Sección 101-A

Octubre, 2020

1. Misrepresentations

 Identify use: Noun

 Identify word: N/T
 Look up the word: Misrepresentations
Root: representat
Suffix: ion/s
Preffix: Mis
Sing./Plural: Plural
 English word: Misrepresentations
 Translates: Tergiversaciones.

2. Unmistakable

 Identify use: Adjective

 Identify word: N/T
 Look up the word: Unmistakable
Root: mistak
Suffix: able
Preffix: Un
Sing./Plural: -
 English word: Unmistakable
 Translates: Inequívoco.

3. Unemployments

 Identify use: Noun

 Identify word: N/T
 Look up the word: Unemployments
Root: employ
Suffix: ment/s
Preffix: Un
Sing./Plural: Plural
 English word: Unemployments
 Translates: Desempleos.

4. Unremarkable

 Identify use: Adjective

 Identify word: N/T
 Look up the word: Unremarkable
Root: remark
Suffix: able
Preffix: Un
Sing./Plural: -
 English word: Unremarkable
 Translates: Nada destacable.
5. Misjudgements

 Identify use: Noun

 Identify word: N/T
 Look up the word: Misjudgements
Root: judge
Suffix: ment/s
Preffix: Mis
Sing./Plural: Plural
 English word: Misjudgemets
 Translates: Juicios erróneos.

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