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----------“Digestive System”----------

Arranged by;
Syaiful Bakhri
Biology ICP

The Complete Report of Experiment Animal Physiology with title: “Digestive
System”, by:
Name : Syaiful Bakhri
Reg.No : 081 404 192
Class/Group : Biology ICP / IV
Depaertmnt : Biology Department
After been checked and consulted by assistant and the assistant coordinator, so this
report is accepted.

Makassar, April 2010
Coordinator Assistant Assistant

Ariandi Mukhlis
Reg. No: 071 404 075 Reg. No: 071 404 175

Known By
Lecturer of Responsibility

Dr. A. Mu’nisa, S.Si, M.Si

A. Background
Digestion is the process of breaking large molecules into smaller molecules by
chemical and physical means so that the body can use them. The digestive tract,
which is also known as the alimentary canal, is a long tube extending from the mouth
to the anus. This tube is composed of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small
intestines, and large intestine. Along the alimentary canal are various glands which
secrete substances which contribute to the process of digestion.
Digestion starts when food is chewed in the mouth. Chewing breaks up food
so that it has more exposed surface area. The tongue moves food under the teeth so
that it can be chewed. The tongue has taste buds which convey information to the
brain about the food. It is also aids in swallowing food. The act of chewing is called
Salivary glands supply the mouth with a liquid substance called saliva. Saliva
moistens and lubricates food so that it can be more easily chewed and swallowed.
Saliva also dissolves some of the food so that it can be tasted. Saliva has a pH of 6,7,
making it slightly acidic. Although saliva is 99% water, it also contains a digestive
enzyme called salivary amylase which helps to digest starch. There are there pairs of
salivary glands. The largest pair are the parotid glands which lie just I front of, and
slightly below the opening of the ears. The parotid glands become infected and
enlarged when one has the mumps.
Below the parotid salivary glands near the angle of the lower jaw are the sub
maxillary salivary glands. Under the sides of the tongue are the sublingual salivary
glands if our body becomes dehydrated, the body draws water from the salivary
glands to replace that which is lost from the blood through sweating.

B. Purpose
1. To know the influence of temperature toward amylase work
2. To know the influence the pH toward amylase work
3. To know the influence of substrate concentration in amylase work
C. Benefit
1. We can know the influence of temperature toward amylase work
2. We can know the influence of pH toward amylase work
3. We can know the influence of substrate concentration in amylase work

The digestive system serves two major functions. The first of course, is
digestion breaking down of food into molecule the body can use. The nutrient
molecule must than get to the cells where they are need digestive system is
absorption. Absorption is the movement of nutrient molecules into blood vessels
other vessels. The blood carries this nutrition to the cells, which use the nutrient for
energy, growth and repair. Chemical digestion of carbohydrates starts in the mouth.
Protein digestion is completed in the small intestine. Absorption of monosaccharide,
amino acid, and facts occur in the small intestine. Water, minerals, and vitamin are
absorbed in the large intestine, ( Pagarra, 2010).

Digestion is the process of breaking large molecules into smaller molecules by

chemical and physical means so that the body can use them. The digestive tract,
which is also known as the alimentary canal, is a long tube extending from the
mouth , pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, and large intestine. Along the
alimentary canal are various glands which secrete substances which contribute to the
process of digestion (Anonyma, 2010).
Digestive system in mammals of the alimentary tract and share accessories
gland that secretion sap to digestion in the channel through ductus (Channel).
Peristaltic, rhymitic wave of contraction by smooth muscle wall pads alimentary tract,
food along will encourage channel. The cells develop in the bone marrow and
circulate approximately a quarter of the cells in the human body are red blood cells,
(Pearce, 2004).
In humans, more than one liter secretion to saliva in the mouth cavity of each
heart, dissolve in saliva is a slippery glycoprotein (protein complex carbohydrate)
called musing software layer that protects the mouth cavity from damage due to
friction and lubricate the teeth decaying war neutralize acid in the mouth. Anti
bacterial substances in saliva also more that will kill bacteria that enter the mouth via
food carbohydrate digestion is the main source of chemical energy body, starting in
the mouth cavity. Contains of amylase saliva (salivary amylase), the enzyme
digestion to hydrolysis starch (glucose polymer from plants) and glycogen (glucose
polymer from animals). Main products of digestion by this enzyme is polysaccharide
smaller and disaccharide maltose (Campbell,2003).
Enzyme are biomolecules that catalyze increase the rates of chemical
reactions. Almost all enzymes are protein. In enzyme reaction, the molecules at the
beginning of the process are called substrates, and the enzyme converts them into
different molecules, called the products. Almost all process in a biological cell need
enzyme to occur at significant rates. Since enzyme are selective for their substrate
and speed up only a few reactions from among many possibilities, the set of enzyme
made in a cell determines which metabolic pathways occur in that cell (Anonymb,
Swallowing (ingestion), take action, is the first stage of processing food.
Digestion, the second stages is the process of renovation of food into the molecule-
molecule small enough so that it can be absorbed by the body. Half of organic
material in the food consisting of protein, fat, carbohydrate, in the from of organic
and other polysaccharides. Although all macromolecule is the appropriate raw
materials, animals can not use molecular molecule that directly, with two reasons.
First macromolecule too great to be able to pass the cell membrane and enters the
animal, the second macromolecule prepared animal cell is not identical with the
macromolecule preparing food, (Campbell, 2003).

A. Time and Place

Day / Date : Wednesday / April 7th 2010
Time : 09.10 a.m. until 11.00 a.m.
Place : Biology Laboratory of FMIPA UNM Makassar at 2nd Floor of
East side.
B. Tool and Material
1. Tools
a. Aqua glass
b. Beaker
c. Glass measure
d. Test tube
e. Test tube rack
f. Plate drops
2. Materials
a. Saliva
b. Aquades
c. Starch solution 1% and 5%
d. Buffer solution pH 4, pH 6, pH 8
e. Alcohol 70%
f. Iodine lughole solution
C. Work procedure
Activity I (The influence of temperature toward amylase work)
a. Fill the four test tubes with the saliva of 3 ml
b. Put the first tube in the steam water 40, second tube in steam water of 370C,
and tube 3 in 700 and tube 4 in 250C as a control
c. Added 5 ml starch solution in each tube
Activity II (The influence of pH on amylase)
a. Give a sample on each test tube and put on the rack test tube
b. Insert 3 ml of saliva into test tube
c. Add 3 ml o pH 4 buffer solution into the tube I, 3 ml of pH 6 buffer solution
into the tube II, buffer solution pH 8 to III in the tube and tube and 3 ml
aquades to 4 in the tube
d. Shake tube and put it in a Turkish bath water 370 C for 10 minutes.
e. Adding 1% starch solution into each tube
f. Fold and insert into steam water for 5 minutes
Activity III (influence of substrate to amylase)
a. Provide label on the 12 test tube and put it in the test tube rack
b. Insert a 1% starch solution into the tube 1-5 each 1 ml, 2ml, 3ml, 4ml, 5ml,.
c. Insert a 5% starch solution into the tube 6-10 are still 1 ml, 2ml, 3ml, 4ml,
d. 5 ml aquades enter the tube 5 and 11 ml 70% in the tube 12.
e. Shake tube and placed in Turkish bath 30C for 10 minutes.
f. Taked a sample from each tube as much as 1, 15, 30, and 60 minutes and put
on the Petri glass.
B. Discussion
1. Activity I (The influence of temperature toward amylase work)
At this experiment, we use 3 reaction tubes that is fill with the saliva and
condensation starch. After added by the buffer with pH 4, 6, and 8 fr each
different tube, it will has the color that yellow. According to observation result,
the amylase enzyme can’t do well in buffer that has the pH 4, 6, and 8.
The yellow color showing that its solution isn’t contain the amilum, its mean
the amylase enzyme can not elaborate the amilum. Should to the solution still
there are amilum. It caused because the lower pH (4) the enzyme san not do well
to hydrolyze the amilum that is was through the optimum so that the protein at
the enzyme happen the denaturation.
According theory that each enzyme has optimum pH that help to keep the
3D shape. The change in pH can cause the denaturation of enzyme with change
mutant of enzyme. In generally, the enzyme has the optimum pH about 7-8.
2. Activity II (The influence of pH on amylase)
At this experiment that after doing, we can get result of observation that the
result is yellow color of all material, its mean the reaction that happen is negative
and the amylase enzyme in saliva was hydrolyze that amilum in condensation
starch well in high temperature or n low temperature. And before we do the
observation of amylase with use the salivary about 3ml and condensation starch.
Each of reaction tube is put on the different temperature, the first tube in
temperature 40C, second tube in temperature 250C, the third tube in 370C, and the
last tube is must warm in Bunsen. After add the logo each tube has the negative
(-) reaction that has the color is yellow. The positive(+) reaction has the color is
blue after add the logo.
According theory that the enzyme has the optimum temperature where it can
do well. The reaction rate will be increase when the temperature is increase to.
This mistake of observation can caused by saliva (enzyme source) that use is not
contain enough amylase enzyme so that the enzyme was happen the reaction with
the substrate before it released.
3. Activity III (influence of substrate to amylase)
At the experiment of the influence of substrate concentration to the amylase
enzyme we use 12 reaction tube that fill with the saliva about 3 ml and then added
by condensation starch 1% about 5ml for 5 reaction tube and 5 the other reaction
tube is added by condensation starch 5%. For two reaction tube other, we added
the alcohol and aquadest for each tube.
After the test of the iodine solution done, hushed for several minutes (10,
20, and 30 minutes), all of the solution samples give the negative reaction that
marked with yellow color solution. Its color is caused because in the solution is
not contain the amilum. Its mean that the amylase enzyme was elaborate.
According theory that if substrate is increase rate enzyme will be increase
to. But at the highly concentration of substrate isn’t increase the reaction rate.

A. Conclusion
Based on the purpose and the advance more, could be conclude several
conclusion like that;
1. The work of amylase is very influenced by temperature that cause can change
the color of amylase
2. in influence of pH there are no positive reactions that happen because the
enzyme amylase is not so effective in the environment for all pH.
3. In influence of substrate almost happen the positive reactions so this mean the
enzyme is balance to catalysis the concentration.
B. Suggestion
1. For Assistant
a) Assistant should give us more explaining about materials and instructions
to done practicum.
b) Assistant should give us more time to done practicum, so it result is good.
2. For Laboratory
a) Laboratory should prepare complete equipment and materials which will be
use in practicum, so easy for practicant to done the practicum.
b) Laboratory should complete the practicum rooms with air conditioner
or fan so make practicant glad to be in laboratory.
3. For Practicant
a) Practicant should preparing anything they need before enter into
laboratory, so they will easy to done practicum.
b) Practicant should work together with teammate, so practicum will be more
faster and the result.

Adnan. M.S, Pagarra, Halifah, M.Si, and Bahri, Arsad S.Pd, 2010. Guide Practicum
of Physiology Animal. Badan Penerbit UNM: Makassar

Anonym . 2010. Blood Type. http://www.wikipedia.the free. Accessed on March 19th

Anonym . 2010. Coagulating. http// Accessed on March 19th

Anonym .2010. Genes and Blood Type wikipedia. Accessed on
March 19th 2010.

Campbell,Greece.2003.Biology jilid III. Erlangga. Jakarta

Pearce,Evelyn.2004. Anatomy and physiology for paramedics.Gramedia.Jakarta

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