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Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

we are
Material de trabajo

Curso introductorio
a las carreras
de Inglés

Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

[ Presentación ]
El material didáctico que contiene este cuadernillo ha sido diseñado especial y exclusivamente para su uso du-
rante el Curso Introductorio a las carreras Licenciatura en Inglés (orientación Lingüística y orientación Literaria), Pro-
fesorado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas y Traductorado Público Nacional en Lengua Inglesa, dictadas en la Facul-
tad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas

Directora: María Leonor Sara
Secretaría: Verónica Rafaelli, Roque Villar, Virginia Sánchez, Daniela Spoto Zabala
|| || @DeptoLyLM
Edificio B, primer piso, oficina 118.
 +54 221 4236673 / 4230125 / 4230127 Interno 1144

Laboratorio de Lenguas
María Lira, Liliana Simón, Silvina Vega Zarca
Edificio C, primer piso, oficina 103. 

Equipo de Coordinación del Curso Introductorio

Verónica Rafaelli (Coordinadora), María Beatriz Munch y Cecilia Torres (JTP)

Equipo Docente 2020

Ayudantes Diplomadxs
María Belén Bergna, Sofía Guardarucci, Evangelina Livoti, Florencia Morales, José Oliver, Miki Okanan, Manuela
Orbe, Natalia Pucci, Clara Solazzi, Florencia Stoppani
Colaboradorxs alumnxs
Javier Arguiano, Lucas Octavio Armocida, Florencia Isabel Calderón, Juana Issel, Nadia Abigail Lissa, Macarena
Reta, Micaela Schwab Bonfigli, Ailén Ungaro, Cristian Lautaro Veloz, León Alejandro Villar


Welcome to the Introductory Course! .............................................. 3

Campus Virtual Moodle .................................................................... 5
Plan de estudios 2016 Primer año ................................................. 7
We are at FaHCE ............................................................................... 8
We are Language ............................................................................ 13
"Saturday School" (Lulu Delacre) ......................................... 24
My opinion: "Out of Saturday School" ........................ 28
We are Gendered... or aren't we? .................................................. 29
My Gender Twitterstory ............................................... 41
We are Memory .............................................................................. 43
"Nativity" (Alicia Partnoy) ...................................................... 49
My story: "Tales of the BIM3 Sign" ............................. 59
We are Inclusion ............................................................................. 60
Site Intervention ............................................................................. 68
Referencias ..................................................................................... 69
My Production Folder ..................................................................... 71
Cartilla de Ingresante 2020 ........................................................... 73
Boletín informativo de la SAE Ingresantes 2020 ......................... 75

Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

[ Welcome to the
Introductory Course! ]
As this new stage in your academic life begins, you embark As you go, you will draw on your experiences to create
on a three-week journey in which you will make friends, discover different written and oral texts (a comic, an opinion, a story, a
untravelled spaces and use what you already know to create scene) and share it with your class. Are you ready to start?
new meanings. This journey will become an ongoing quest to
inhabit a new world and make it your own.

This is very important information you will need during the next three weeks. As you read the text, you will summa-
rize the main ideas in a mindmap.


El Curso Introductorio ha sido diseñado para brindar a estudiaron en otras etapas del recorrido educativo, como la
nuestro colectivo de estudiantes ingresantes un espacio de escuela primaria o secundaria.
interacción inicial fluida con docentes y con la institución Encontrarán aquí muchas tareas y orientaciones para la
universitaria en general. Su objetivo es mediar en la creación en actividad de clase en el Curso, y también para la actividad
nuestrxs estudiantes de una nueva identidad como miembros administrativa e institucional que necesitarán desarrollar como
de la comunidad académica de FaHCE, así como colaborar en estudiantes.
la reactivación de los contenidos de lengua inglesa que


 Fecha: 4 de febrero al 28 de febrero de 2020
 Carga horaria: 16 horas semanales que incluyen
 clases sobre reactivación de contenidos disciplinares específicos: lengua en uso
 charlas y talleres de ambientación
 Charla de bienvenida
 Charla del Departamento
 Charla de SAE (Secretaría de Asuntos Estudiantiles) y Prosecretaría de Derechos Humanos, Comisión de Dis-
 Charla del CEHCE (Centro de Estudiantes de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación)
 Taller "Memorias del BIM" y recorrido por el predio ex BIM 3
 Taller de BIBHUMA (Biblioteca "Profesor Guillermo Obiols")
 Taller de la Prosecretaría de Géneros y Políticas Feministas
 Taller de Teatro en lengua extranjera

Se computarán 24 clases de 2 horas cada horas). Otras inasistencias solo podrán justi-
una, repartidas en 12 días. Se tomará asistencia ficarse en caso de problemas de salud, causas
2 veces por día, al inicio de cada bloque de 2 de fuerza mayor, o motivos contemplados en el
horas. Quienes estén ausentes a alguno de los Art. 28 del Régimen de Enseñanza y Promoción
bloques de 2 horas tendrán 1 inasistencia y quie- (http://www.‌fahce‌.‌unlp.‌edu.‌ar/‌academica/
nes falten 1 día entero tendrán 2 inasistencias. ‌regimen‌-de‌-ensenanza-y-promocion); lxs estudi-
Lxs estudiantes deberán cumplir con el antes deberán entregar a lxs docentes de su co-
75% de asistencia a clase; es decir, solo podrán misión los certificados correspondientes.
estar ausentes sin justificación en 6 clases (12

Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020


La evaluación diagnóstica permitirá aconsejar a lxs estudian- La oferta de materias en español La evaluación diagnóstica no
tes ingresantes respecto de las materias en lengua inglesa que será igual para todxs. es obligatoria, pero sí extre-
realizarán en su primer año, de acuerdo con su uso de la lengua madamente recomendable
extranjera: para poder conocer qué
puede hacer cada estudiante
Introducción a la Lengua Inglesa con la lengua inglesa en
(asignatura intensiva de primer año) relación con los contenidos
o bien Fechas: de primer año.
Lengua Inglesa 1, Parte escrita: 26/02
Gramática Inglesa 1 y Parte oral: 26 al 28/02
Fonética y Fonología Inglesas 1 Horarios y aulas: se informarán a través del Campus Virtual.
(asignaturas de segundo año).


El Equipo de Coordinación atenderá consultas de estudiantes martes 4: 10-12, 13-14 y 17-18 h
en el aula A114 (primer piso del edificio A, al lado del Departa- miércoles 5 a viernes 7: 12-14 y 17-18 h
mento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas) los días miércoles 12 y viernes 14: 8-9 y 17-18 h
miércoles 19 y viernes 21: 8-9 h

En cualquier otro horario, la atención será a través de los medios digitales de comunicación o en el Depto. de Lenguas y LM.


El Campus Virtual FaHCE será el medio de Para cuestiones relacionadas con las clases,
comunicación entre Equipo de Coordinación, pueden consultar al Equipo Docente visitando la
Equipo Docente y estudiantes. Todas las noveda- sección "Participantes" (http://campus.fahce.
des se publicarán en el campus. Lxs estudiantes y haciendo clic en el
que quieran hacer consultas sobre cualquier aspec- nombre de docente de su comisión para enviar un
to relacionado con el curso pueden escribir al mensaje directo.
Equipo de Coordinación

Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Campus Virtual Moodle

As you have read, the Virtual Campus will be our main means of communication. In this section, you will follow the
steps to access Campus for the first time, change your password, check your email address and upload a profile


Si preferís acceder a través de un explorador (en computadora o celular)
podés visitar o escanear el QR.

Si preferís acceder a través de un celular o tableta, podés descargar la aplicación gratuitamente.

Descargá la aplicación de Una vez instalada la aplicación, ingresá la

Moodle en Play Store dirección del Campus Virtual FaHCE.
o en App Store
Solo es necesario hacer esto una vez.

Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Ingresá con tus datos.

Usuario: completá con tu DNI.
Por ejemplo: 37280630
Contraseña: Abc_dni. En Perfil, tendrás acceso
Y ya podrás ver el inicio del sitio.
Por ejemplo: Abc_37280630 a tu información. Hacé clic en
Hacé clic en Perfil (las tres rayitas)
Deberás cambiar tu contraseña. tu apellido y nombre.

¿Problemas para ingresar?

Escribí a
con el asunto
"PROBLEMA DE ACCESO", consignando
nombre y apellido, DNI y
Curso Introductorio Inglés 2020.

Now you are ready

to use our Campus!

You will write your password here

for safekeeping:


And you will upload a picture that

you like and feel identified with.
Aquí podrás modificar tus datos. It does not need to be
Tocando la imagen podrás cambiar En "Inicio > Área personal" podrás en- a real photograph of you!
tu imagen de perfil. contrar el Campus Virtual del
En Detalles podrás modificar Curso Introductorio de Inglés.
tu correo electrónico.

Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

En este taller, conocerás el espacio de nuestro ingreso, permanencia y egreso: por ejemplo, el
Laboratorio de Lenguas, sus recursos, cómo Programa gratuito orientado a la terminalidad
acceder y cómo utilizarlos. de los estudios secundarios, y otros programas
Como parte del taller, se presentará un cues- destinados a beneficiar a nuestra comunidad
tionario censal que FaHCE lleva a cabo cada año académica en el marco de nuestras políticas insti-
en todos los Cursos Introductorios para conocer tucionales. Esta encuesta debe ser completada en
más información sobre la población estudiantil y línea por todxs lxs estudiantes, en el espacio de
sus necesidades. Conocer a nuestrxs estudiantes los Laboratorios o bien en sus teléfonos celulares
significa poder implementar mejores políticas de u otras tecnologías personales.


 Introducción a la Lengua Inglesa (anual, intensiva)  Lengua Inglesa 1 (anual)
 Fonética y Fonología Inglesas 1 (anual)
 Gramática Inglesa 1 (segundo cuatrimestre: inscripción en julio)


 Introducción a la Filosofía (primer cuatrimestre) o Introducción a la Literatura (primer cuatrimestre)
 Introducción a los Estudios del Lenguaje y la Comunicación (primer cuatrimestre: no confundir con otras materias de nombre similar)


Traductorado en Inglés Profesorado en Inglés Licenciaturas en Inglés
 Derecho 1 Aplicado a la Traducción  Fundamentos de la Educación (sin materias específicas en primer año)
(primer cuatrimestre) (se puede cursar en el primer cuatrimestre
o en el segundo, a elección)

lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado







Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

[ we are at FaHCE ]
I bring this land I live into myself
and let it inhabit me

During the Welcome Talk at the Polideportivo, while you As you later find a place to sit in the classroom assigned to
listened to our Department Director Prof. Leonor Sara comment your group, you look around and find yourself surrounded by
on several aspects of the course and the FaHCE, you also people you don't really know yet.
noticed that there are many, many people attending the How about a brief game to break the ice, then?
Introductory Course!

Underneath you can see a simple gameboard. In groups of 4, you will take turns to add keywords to one of your
boards, chaining one keyword to the next and explaining your choice to your classmates.
 First round: your name —what does it mean?
 Second round: a person you admire —who are they?
 Third round: a cause you support —why is it important?
 Fourth round: who you would like to be in ten years —what are your plans?
4 2 1 3 2 1 4 1 2 4 3

1 4 3 1 3 4
3 3 1
2 4 1 4
2 4 4
1 3 2 3 2
4 1 1
2 4

4 2 4 2

2 3 3 4

4 3 4

1 2 2

Looking for some information on how to get to FaHCE, you find an information page: http://
Your friend at the Facultad de Psicología, @compaenpsico, also sends you the link to the directions
on their own site: They like that one better!
Is the same information detailed in both? What are the differences? You compare the pages with a
FaHCE classmate. FPsico

Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

There are many ways to get to FaHCE and Psico! You and @compaenpsico met up and made some notes to help
you decide how to get there. As you wrote down your ideas, you had some doubts as to which words to use.
When you get to class, you share your doubts with a classmate and edit the notes together.

Where will you be staying during the course? Have you already decided how to get here every day? Your classmate
and you trace possible routes on the map, to help you decide which is the most convenient. Can you place some
Google pins to describe your route?

Calles Argentinas,

Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Our web developers want to know whether you found the directions on our page useful. Could they be clearer or
more complete? They have provided a short survey to be filled on our Virtual Campus, so as to help them think
of ways of improving our website.

The classmate next to you notices your choice and they are curious. Did you find no trouble with that means of
transport? They used it last November when they came over for enrolment and had a little mishap.
They tell you all about it but the room is a little noisy: can you reconstruct the story?

Where were you?

What happened?

What did you do?

And in the end... ?

Fortunately they managed to get here and enrol! You start wondering: has the same happened to everyone?
You turn to your other side: how did that classmate get here? What was their trip like today?

[ 10 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

As soon as you set foot on FaHCE, you realized that the place itself was huge and that there were many premises
with different names. It will take some time to find your way around! But you already know several facilities:

 Where are the university bus stop and the bicycle parking stand?
 Where was your Welcome Talk?
 Where are you now?

As a student of Departamento de Lenguas y Litera-

turas Modernas, you will mostly use the facilities
in three of the buildings:
 Edificio A is the one to go for administrative
 Edificio B houses teaching spaces, and
 Edificio C contains teaching and research

Have you already come across any of the following

facilities? You tick the ones you have visited:
where are they?

[ 11 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

All of these are FaHCE spots you will visit often. How about going on a FaHCE quest to locate them?
Your class group will get into ten teams: each team will face a different challenge! You will need to find each spot
and complete a task: ask passersby, read signs, take photos or gather information.
Afterwards, you will meet back at the class, share your findings with the other teams, and place a pin for each spot
on the map above.
These are the challenges:


Departamento de Departamento de Letras Departamento de Alumnxs
Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas (Dirección de Enseñanza)

Take a look at its bulletin board out Which first year subjects are Take a look at the information
in the hall: which information does it managed by this Department? outside and find the sign: what do
present right now? Find out its opening hours and you need to get your libreta de
email address. estudiante?

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................


BIBHUMA Buffet (at Building B or C) Secretaría de Asuntos Estudiantiles (SAE)

Find the sign: what's the Find the sign: what do you Request a copy of a certificate
Wi-Fi password for Building B? need to borrow a thermos? of examination (certificado de
Where can you get free hot examen parcial/final).
water for some mates?
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................


Centro de Estudiantes de Humanidades y Fotocopiadora Laboratorio de Lenguas
Ciencias de la Educación (CEHCE)

Which is the political group How much is a copy? How many Labs are there,
in charge of CEHCE at the moment? There are three sections: and where are they?
Are there other groups? what can you get in each? How many computers
can you count in C102?
.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

Sala de docentes
What does it say at the door:
profesoras, profesores, or
Which information can you find on
the bulletin board opposite the
stairs to your left?
[ 12 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

[ we are language ]
with these, my Latin eyes, I watch the world
and every distant landscape becomes mine

I heard my
I say...
You are on your first few weeks at FaHCE and while classmate(s) say(s)...
speaking with students of many different origins
you have noticed that the language most of us masita galletita
speak, Spanish, is a lot more diverse than you've
experienced so far!
Which Spanish language words that are different
from your own have you heard from your

It’s curious that there are so many ways to name the same! This reminds @fahcecite of a funny anecdote in their first week in La Plata:

When‌ I’d‌ just‌ moved‌ here,‌ last‌ December,‌ I‌ invited‌ my‌ Platense‌ cousin‌ over‌ to‌ drink‌
some mate and to see the new place I was going to live in. I asked him to buy some
“masitas”‌ on‌ the‌ way‌ to‌ my‌ flat.‌ He‌ was‌ surprised‌ and‌ complained‌ because‌ they‌ were‌
expensive! But I told him not to worry because we would split the cost. I thought his
Well, it was an expensive experience but in the end I learned a new word and ate some
really good masas!

Has something like this ever happened to you? You feel so inspired by @fahcecite’s funny anecdote that you get ready to tell your group
what happened to you. Take a minute to organize your thoughts and then be ready to share!

what was the

tanding? how was it
who? clarified?
what did
you learn
from this?

[ 13 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

@Fahcecite’s anecdote reminded you of this comic strip that came up in your Instagram feed a couple of days
ago. When you repost it, you get some comments. As you read them, you notice that they have left some
questions to you: can you reply to them?

Exchanging comments with your friends makes you wonder: what does the cartoonist mean to say about the
Spanish language? Why do you think so?

He's laughing at Spanish speakers He enjoys comparing accents

He's had unfortunate experiences with He prefers Latin American varieties

language variation rather than the Peninsular one

Other (what?) ...................................................................................................................................................................................

I think so because .....................................................................................................................................................................

[ 14 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

You've noticed that some classmates and you some- You google "Spanish varieties" and find this article on
times use Spanish differently, but you still understand (
each other well, don't you? The cartoon, however, ‌varieties-of-present-day-spanish). The introduction
makes you wonder if other English speakers are also raises some questions.
disconcerted at all the variations in Spanish.

what's a mother tongue? that's a lot, isn't it?

~ a language you speak
what's the popula-
since childhood
tion in Argentina?
~ a language you study It is estimated that around 360 million people speak Spanish as their
mother tongue, which places it among the top four languages in the
world in terms of numbers of speakers. Less than 12% of Spanish speakers
this means that live in Spain, the rest are spread from the United States in the north (where
~ they are quite forty million people have Spanish as their native language) to Tierra del
what could be
different Fuego in the south. Whilst the Spanish spoken in Spain is by no means the other three?
~ they are very uniformly homogeneous, regional differences within the European coun-
try pale into insignificance when compared to the extraordinary variety of ............
Latin American dialects of Spanish.

As you continue reading the article, you highlight keywords or short phrases that support the writer's main idea
about the Spanish language.

"Unidad en la diversidad" was the main theme of the 4th international

conference on the Spanish language. This slogan reflects the rich diversity so this "neutral
of Spanish but also the fact that it is one language, with a strong basic com- Spanish" is...
~ what people
mon core supported by a common cultural and literary tradition. There is a really speak
kind of neutral, standard Spanish which is used and understood by all ~ an abstraction
educated Spanish speakers and ensures that people throughout the Spanish- of what we all
speaking world can communicate with each other as easily as people from have in common
Britain and the United States can.

[ 15 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Using what you highlighted, you write key ideas to support the central topic.



You have also noted down some summary ideas, but your friend @newatfahce is not convinced they are accurate.
Are these ideas expressed by the author? You two go over them again and revise them, changing anything you
disagree with.

[ 16 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

As the article continues, the author explains that there are many regional terms used to make reference to "bus"
and "boy". Would these words be useful to communicate with classmates from other Latin American
countries? Use the next section in the text to complete the mindmap.

Spanish is rich in regional terms to refer to an urban bus: you may hear
colectivo in Argentina and Venezuela, ómnibus in Perú and Uruguay, micro
in Chile, camión in Mexico and parts of Central America and guagua in
Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, but every Spanish speaker
knows what an autobús is. In the same way, there are many colloquial
terms to refer to a boy: pibe in Argentina, cabro in Chile, chaval in Spain
and chavo in Mexico and Venezuela, but the words chico and muchacho
are understood throughout the Spanish-speaking world.

bus boy

[ 17 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

As you read the second part of the text, you find that the author uses similarities in language features to identify
some Spanish-speaking regions. You highlight these regions for reference.

Differences within Latin America

Latin American varieties of Spanish resist classification and
the regions contemporary national boundaries do not coincide with the boundaries
mentioned are between the different linguistic areas. We can, however, talk about certain
~ ................................ characteristics common to the countries of the Southern Cone (Argentina,
Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay) and within this group distinguish the dialect are they
~ ................................ ● easy
of the River Plate (Buenos Aires, Montevideo and the surrounding area) or
~................................. as having its own particular distinguishing features. In the same way, ● hard
are there Andean Spanish exhibits certain common characteristics, while many to classify?
any others? Mexican uses extend into its neighbouring Central American countries.
The influence of the indigenous languages on dialect differentiation has
been relatively modest (the influence of Nahuatl on Mexican Spanish being
perhaps one of the strongest) and can be seen mainly in the area of the flora
and fauna of the region. For example, the word for avocado is aguacate
(from Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs) in Mexico, Central America and
the north of South America but aguacate is replaced by palta as one travels
south into the area of influence of Quechua, the language of the Inca

Your classmate @hellofromFaHCE, who is from Colombia, is not sure where their country would be classified in
this explanation. You visit BIBHUMA together to find more information, and the Reference librarian leads you to
806.0, the Spanish language section. Browsing the open shelves you find La andadura del español por el
mundo, by Humberto López Morales, which depicts these Spanish-speaking regions:

Are the Spanish-speaking areas the same in's text and in López Morales's map?

[ 18 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

In the last paragraph, the author introduces a new topic. What is it?

The influence of the indigenous languages on dialect differentiation has

been relatively modest (the influence of Nahuatl on Mexican Spanish being
perhaps one of the strongest) and can be seen mainly in the area of the flora
and fauna of the region. For example, the word for avocado is aguacate
(from Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs) in Mexico, Central America and
the north of South America but aguacate is replaced by palta as one travels
south into the area of influence of Quechua, the language of the Inca

Thinking about Nahuatl and Quechua leads you to consider what the situation is like in Argentina. Are there many
groups who use indigenous languages? Your friend @amiguedeperio, from Facultad de Periodismo y
Comunicación Social, notices your new interest and sends an article that was mentioned during a class debate
at Introducción a los Estudios de la Comunicación. You read the first section: does it answer your question?

[ 19 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

The beginning of this article makes you wonder. You remember studying Argentina’s indigenous peoples at school: which
ones do you remember?

@Amiguedeperio tells you that last year the UN General Assembly proclaiming 2019 as the International Year of
Indigenous Languages. All around the world, conferences and congresses were held to celebrate such an im-
portant event. In Argentina, for instance, the Organization Committee of Congreso Nacional de las Lenguas
Indígenas published a map of the active indigenous languages to raise awareness of their current situation in
the country.
Looking at the list, you realize that most of the Argentina territory is covered by at least one of these languages. Is
there any region where more than one is still spoken? You locate the languages in the regions where they are
spoken to find out.

1. AYMARA (Buenos Aires - CABA)

2. CHANE (Salta)
3. GUARANÍ (Salta - Jujuy - Corrientes - Formosa - Entre Ríos -
Misiones - Corrientes - Buenos Aires - CABA)
4. LACATCA MOQOIT (Mocoit) - [Mocoví] (Chaco - Santa Fe)
5. MAK'A (Formosa)
6. MANJUY-ECLENJUY (Yofwaja) [Chorote] (Salta)
7. MAPUZÜNGUN (Mapuche, Mapuche-Tehuelche, Rankülche)
(Neuquén - Río Negro - Chubut - Mendoza - San Luis - Córboba -
La Pampa - Santa Cruz - Buenos Aires - CABA)
8. NIVACLE (Chulupi) (Formosa)
9. NOCTÉN (Weehnayek) (Salta)
10. ÑANAIKA ó GUAYURANGÜE (Tapiete) (Salta)
11. PITELAGA LLACTAC (Pilagá) (Formosa)
12. QOM LAQTAQ (Qom) - [Toba] (Formosa - Chaco - Salta - Santa Fe -
13. RUNA SIMI-QUICHUA (Quechua, Tonokote, Chichas) (Jujuy - Salta -
Santiago del Estero - Buenos Aires - CABA)
14. WAQHA (Waqhambalelté) - [Vilela] (Santiago del Estero)
15. WICHI LHÄMTÉS (Wichís) (Salta - Formosa - Chaco - Buenos Aires -

[ 20 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

The situation surrounding indigenous languages in Argentina is more complex than you had thought! You decide
reading the whole article will prove interesting.
As you go, it helps to ask yourself about specific data. Then you add summary keywords to the right, so you can
refer back to the information as needed and share with your classmates.



Social scientists share their cultural studies and
experience in relation to indigenous peoples' languages.
Cancha (football pitch), poncho, gaucho, morocho (dark-skinned person), carpa
(tent), vincha (hairband), pucho (cigarette)... a great number of words of Argentinians' →‌examples of indigenous
everyday speech comes from Quechua, an Incan language that has been in contact languages in Spanish
with Spanish for five hundred years. Quechua –and its varieties– is a native language
with great vitality in many parts of Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Colombia How many
and Ecuador. However, it is not the only one: at least fourteen indigenous languages groups
are spoken in Argentina nowadays, while there used to be more than thirty five before are there?
the Spanish conquerors arrived. What do we know about them? Why is it important
to value and take care of them?
"In our country, there are 39 indigenous groups –mbyá-guaraní, mocoví, pilagá,
toba-qom, wichí, huarpe, among others–, many of which are numerous, others are →‌. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
smaller. According to the last population census (INDEC, 2010), out of the 40 million ...........................
inhabitants, 2.4% declared to be indigenous, that is, more than 950 thousand people,"
explain Ana Carolina Hecht, Noelia Enriz and Mariana García Palacios who are
anthropologists and Conicet researchers. [...] Together they share the project How much of  950/40
"Interculturalism and education in toba/qom and mbyá-guaraní communities of our population  1/40
Argentina: a historical-ethnographic approach to the ethnic and linguistic diversity in is indigenous?  2.4/950
schools", which belongs to the Program for Anthropology and Education of the
University of Buenos Aires. [...]
 ..............
Indigenous languages and territory  ..............
What are our
According to the scientists, the Argentine indigenous languages are those that
neighboring  ..............
come from from language families in our territory. At the same time, there are other countries?
languages spoken in Argentina that were brought by immigrants from neighboring  ..............
countries. "Indigenous peoples are always more numerous than native languages,  ..............
because many communities have stopped speaking their own languages due to long
historical processes of invisibilization, discrimination, subjugation, among other →‌. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
factors," notes Hecht.
Nowadays, the range of situations is highly diverse. There are languages which
are no longer spoken, others that only have one person who can recall them, and there
are also bilingual situations. Spanish may be predominant in some bilingual →‌. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
communities but, in others, the native language is so vital that is being used as the ...........................
main language. [...]
Acknowledging history to look towards the future
"The fact that many indigenous peoples are not speaking their language at present
→‌. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
does not mean that they are less indigenous," lays out Carolina. The relationship
between language and identity is always very complex, because many people are seen ...........................
as less indigenous as they don't speak the native language, even at school". Mariana
adds: "Language is very important for peoples’ identification, but not the only
defining feature". [...]

[ 21 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

As you summarized the main idea next to each section, you came across three words which were not quite clear
and you highlighted them. You feel that to fully understand them you will need to do some research.
You wonder: what is the difference between the factors the researchers talk about, invisibilization, discrimination
and subjugation?

You have heard that the Longman Dictionary of

Contemporary English can be used online for free at, so you use it to look
up "subjugation". As you explore its website, you
encounter a whole new world. What kind of information
does the online dictionary provide?

@Fahcecite and @hellofromFaHCE tell you that they have

heard of other free online dictionaries; they look up the
word "subjugation" in them and share the QR code
with you. Each member of your group scans one of the
QRs and you all compare the information they provide.
Which similarities and differences have you spotted?

Dictionary: ..................... Dictionary: ..................... Dictionary: ..................... Dictionary: .....................

...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ......................................

...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ......................................
...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ......................................

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Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

invisibilization discrimination
Now that the meaning of "subjugation" is
clearer, you look up the other two words you ....................................................... .......................................................
had highlighted, so as to explain the ....................................................... .......................................................
difference between the three factors
introduced in the article, using the online ....................................................... .......................................................
dictionary you feel most comfortable with.
From: From:

You have discovered a really useful resource that will make reading  .........................................................................
a lot easier! Are there any other expressions in the text you feel  .........................................................................
unsure about?  .........................................................................
 .........................................................................

Embracing this new course of study meant incorporating your new interests to your browsing habits, too! One of
the language Tumblrs you follow is Lingstuff, by Tae, who recently reblogged this post:


Katherine Barton - December 26, 2019
"Chris Harvey is the man behind, a site that provides keyboards
and fonts in more than 100 Indigenous languages. He's made it his passion to provide
Indigenous people with access to minority languages, calling it a human rights issue."

You believe Chris Harvey's work could be beneficial for the Program for Anthropology and Education the Conicet research-
ers belong to! You think it would be a great idea for your group to interview them and send the audio to Harvey, to interest
him in the Program. Your friend @amiguedeperio is willing to help with the interview!
But this will require careful planning. The keywords from your summary will guide your questions:

[ Argentine indigenous languages ] — [ current situation ] — [ value and protect ] — [ language and identity ]

First, your group will need to read the article again and
Then, you will need to think of what the possible answers
think of five appropriate questions for the researchers.
will be, so that you can conduct the interview smoothly.

1. What is Quechua? 1. ..................................................................

2. ..................................................................? 2. ..................................................................

3. ..................................................................? 3. ..................................................................

4. ..................................................................? 4. ..................................................................

5. ..................................................................? 5. ..................................................................

It is not easy to conduct an interview! You believe you will find

it easier if your group practices a bit first, as a roleplay.
One person in your group will play the interviewer. Afterwards, you reflect: how did you manage to lead the
Three other classmates will play interview towards the information you wished to
 Dr. Hecht,
 Dr. Enriz and
 Dr. García Palacios.
[ 23 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

After all your reflection and search on Spanish and its varieties, you think back to the Instagram comic you had
reposted. Could Argentine Spanish really be that confusing? When you check the original post again, you see
that there is a new comment:

Lulu Delacre (2017)


I hate disappointing my parents. Education is Mamá pulls into the driveway of a glitzy private
important in my family. Three of my grandparents are school, explaining that the Saturday school is held here.
university professors, and my parents are a doctor and a The main office is identified by a flag, sky blue and
writer. So the other day when Mamá declared, You need white, trimmed in golden tassels. Once we’re inside,
to learn correct Spanish, Sandra, I did what I always Mamá introduces herself to the secretary. The lanky
do—keep quiet. And now, even though I’d rather not go woman immediately starts talking in that form of
to Saturday school, I’m on my way to Escuela Spanish that Abuela and Mamá use. It’s not the Spanish
Argentina on this chilly January morning. I speak at home, the one I read in the children’s books
Last Monday I heard Mamá talking on the phone my grandma from Puerto Rico sends. This is the other
with Abuela. “Speaking and writing are two different Spanish. I always thought it was a code language
things,” Mamá told Abuela. “Sandra needs to read good between Mamá and Abuela. I feel a knot in my
literature and learn Spanish grammar.” Abuela agreed stomach. Is this the form of Spanish I’m supposed to
and loudly ticked off the benefits of learning correct learn? I can hardly understand Abuela! Mamá turns to
Spanish one by one: it would enrich my education; it me after handing the signed paperwork to the secretary.
would make me marketable; it could even find me the Her eyes sparkle the way they do when she’s
right husband. Really, a husband? I’m only eleven! But particularly happy or proud about something.
the worst was when Abuela said that it would make me “¡Vas a aprender mucho aquí!” she says. “You’ll
stand out in public school. I feel already singled out! learn a lot. I can’t wait to hear all about it when I come
Not because I’m a straight-A student and won first prize back at two.” She picks up her purse, ready to leave.
at the science fair, but because I’m the only kid in the I can feel the knot in my stomach tighten. I glance at
neighborhood elementary school whose parents speak the clock on the wall. It’s nine a.m. I want to tell Mamá
Spanish at home. I was born in the United States and that I don’t want to stay. I have a bad feeling about all
my parents are from Puerto Rico. And although I speak this. Hmm, maybe I could go back home and do all the
Spanish with them, I’m much more comfortable chores I’ve been putting off? Just this once, I’m going to
speaking English. It’s the language of my friends. I want stand up for myself. I take a big breath that makes me
to fit in with them, but I want to please my parents, too. feel strong and sure and ready just like a knight in
After an hour in the car, Mamá takes the ramp off shining armor.
the Beltway onto a street lined with tall oaks and maples Mamá speaks first. “I’m proud of you,” she says.
and manicured lawns, and slows down before a huge lot And her words make my invisible armor crumble all
with a double fence. I look twice. Two fences on the the way to the floor. I fake a smile, say good-bye, and
same lot? I’ve never been to this part of the county follow Mamá with my eyes as she walks away to her
before. I see a white wooden rail fence by the curb, and car.
a tall barbed-wire one twenty feet in. It’s almost like the Now I’m trailing the skinny secretary down a long
people in there don’t know whether to welcome you or hallway and up some stairs to the second floor. At the
shoo you away. I start biting my cuticles. top of the stairs, she points to the corner classroom,
“¿Te pasa algo?” Mamá asked. “Are you okay?” room 25, and leaves. Am I supposed to go in by myself?
“I’m fine,” I lie. I stare at a few castle-like houses set From where I stand I can hear rowdy kids inside that
far apart from one another. Who are the kids who live in room. I place one foot in front of the other, making the
them? Are they friendly? I look down at my new red walk last longer than it should, until I reach my
tennis shoes to make sure their laces are neatly tied. classroom and peer inside. There’s a large poster board
with a map of the Americas dotted with the places of

[ 24 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

origin of my classmates. It seems like most of them are They pronounce the words they read a different way
from Argentina. Do they all talk like the secretary and than me or most of the people I’ve heard speaking
Abuela? I hope not. The kids are so loud that I can Spanish do. When it’s my turn, I rise and try to mimic
barely make out what they are saying. Here boys are my classmates’ pronunciation. But this slows my
trading soccer cards. Here girls are poring over pictures reading. I can tell that Señora Peña is losing patience.
of a birthday party they all seem to have attended. It’s “Gracias, Sandra,” Señora Peña says. “Thank you.
like these kids have known each other for years and Maybe you can practice reading at home.”
years. I feel a little sick. I want to call Mamá, but I Some kids start to giggle. I’ve never felt this dumb. I
remember the excitement in her eyes right before she feel my ears turning red.
left. I can do this, I say to myself. I spot a tanned girl “¡Mirá sus orejas!” I hear a boy yell. “Look at her
with straight amber hair pulled back by a wide plaid ears!”
hairband and approach her. “Mauricio!” the teacher reprimands the boy.
“¿Tú sabes dónde me siento?” I ask, looking around I pull my hair over my ears, wanting to disappear
for a seat. under my desk. The teacher begins to ask questions
The girl looks at me, puzzled, “¿Y vos, cómo te about the story. I know all the answers but I’m terrified
llamás?” to raise my hand. I don’t want to be mocked for how I
I pause, trying to understand her question. My throat speak! So I spend the rest of the morning in silence,
gets dry. I can feel both the girls and her friends staring wishing for time to pass.
at me. The lunch bell finally rings, and all the students
“Me llamo Sandra,” I say. The group of girls start to storm out the door.
giggle. I take a step back and lean against the wall, “Sandra, vení, a almorzar,” Señora Peña calls me to
wanting to fade into it. I listen with all my senses, trying follow her to lunch. But then another teacher comes
to understand what I’ve said or done wrong. All I’ve searching for Señora Peña and I’m left stranded by
said is my name! And then I know why the girls myself. I stand still for a moment, not knowing what to
laughed. It’s because of how I pronounce the words in do. Then I venture into the hall. My stomach is
Spanish. Loud steps announce the teacher at the door. growling. I’m so hungry! I look one way, then the other.
“Buenos días, chicos,” the teacher greets the class. I’ve no idea where the cafeteria is, and I’m afraid to ask
“Buenos días, Señora Peña,” the students answer in anyone for directions. I walk to the end of the hall, trying
unison. Señora Peña looks like she’s been out to follow the trail of voices, but I find myself at a dead
sunbathing for many years. Her large gold earrings end. Then I go down the stairs, passing by the main
dangle from her wrinkled earlobes. She looks my way office, but the cafeteria doesn’t seem to be there either.
and I straighten. The cavernous building begins to feel more and more
“Ché, Mauricio, encontrále un pupitre a la chica like a maze. I cry. Angry tears burn my cheeks in the
nueva, ¿querés?” Señora Peña asks a boy while middle of the empty hallway while I walk aimlessly. By
gesturing toward me. I figure the teacher is asking him the time the smell of pizza and hot dogs finally leads me
to find me a seat. Encontrále, querés . . . I repeat these to the cafeteria, lunch is already over.
words to myself. That afternoon I wait to be picked up. I feel utterly
“¿Sos Sandra, no?” Señora Peña asks. Encontrále, alone. The minute Mamá pulls up, I run to the car. I have
querés, sos . . . what is it about these words? They are never felt this thrilled to see Mamá.
verbs! It dawns on me what the teacher and kids are “It looks like someone had a good day!” Mamá says.
doing that is different. They are conjugating the verbs all “Cuéntame, tell me all about it. You liked it, right?”
wrong. It’s not the way Mamá taught me, back when I I look into Mamá’s eyes and see the usual sparkle of
first learned to read. I was four then, and I remember that pride. So I give in, again, wanting to please.
the Spanish textbook was written in the Spanish we “Yes,” I say.
spoke at home. Could it be that I’ve learned incorrect “¡Cuéntame, cuéntame!” Mamá pleads, wanting to
Spanish all along? hear the details of my day.
Seated at the corner desk in the last row, I pay close “Well . . . ,” I start. I wish there was something I
attention in class. I want to do well. I’m used to it. The could do to get out of attending Saturday school. And as
teacher distributes copies of a story. She asks us to read we drive past the lot with the two fences, it occurs to me
it silence. At least the story is in the Spanish familiar to that someone might see the white fence and never notice
me and I understand everything. Then Señora Peña calls the barbed-wire one. We stop at the red light.
on the students to read aloud. One by one, the kids read
the sentences in that peculiar singsong way Abuela has.

[ 25 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

“Vos, no sabés lo que aprendí yo,” I say, mimicking “I had no idea they would all be speaking
the singsong way of speaking they have at Saturday Argentinean Spanish. I should have inquired about this.
school and conjugating the verb Abuela’s way. It’s my fault. No wonder you felt out of place. I want you
Mamá turns to me. to learn the Spanish most people use. The Spanish I
“Why are you speaking as if you were from learned in school in Puerto Rico, the written Spanish
Argentina?” asks Mamá. widely used by Spanish-speaking countries. We’ll find
And I think again of the two fences and that maybe another way.”
there are times when you need to point out the hidden “We will?” I ask, amazed that I stood up for myself
one to others. I will have the courage this time. I don’t and didn’t anger Mamá.
want to return. “We could read together,” Mamá says.
“That is how they teach Spanish, Mamá,” I say. Then “We could . . . start our own Spanish book club?” I
I tell Mamá how the kids made fun of the way I speak say.
and how I was afraid to raise my hand. I tell her how I Mamá pulls into the driveway, shifts the car into
wish there was another way to learn correct Spanish. park, and turns to look at me. She has that sparkle in her
Mamá says nothing. But I notice she’s upset. eyes.
I start picking my cuticles. I hope Mamá is not too And I think my eyes . . . are sparkling too.
angry with me. We’re entering our neighborhood when
Mamá speaks again.

It seems your question has an answer! Or, at least, one possible answer. Perhaps there was a different reason for
the characters to react as they did? You can only decide after analyzing the story. A factfile will help pinpoint
relevant facts.

Who are the characters? →

Where are they from? →
What languages do they speak? →

Where and when does the story happen? ...........................................................................................................................

[ 26 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

What happens in each place? What is Sandra’s reaction?

Where does it happen? What happens? How does she feel? What does she do?

At home She needs to learn

correct Spanish

In the car She lies, saying


In the school’s main office

She feels sick and anxious

In the classroom ● She doesn’t know where to sit

● She reads aloud

In the school halls


In the car Mamá asks her what

her day was like

Looking at the factfile, and bearing in mind that the recommendation you got in the Instagram comment
mentioned the attitude towards Argentine Spanish, you identify Sandra and Mamá’s feelings towards this
variety as the story moves along and complete each opinion-timeline.

1. Argentine‌Spanish‌is‌not‌correct‌or‌widely‌used,‌and‌shouldn’t‌be‌learned.‌
2. Argentine Spanish is something to imitate for acceptance.
3. Argentine Spanish is an objective she fails at.
4. Argentine Spanish is a code language that other people use.
5. Argentine Spanish is something she rejects.
6. Argentine Spanish is the correct form of Spanish.
7. Argentine Spanish is a code to communicate with a specific person.

[ 27 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

When you compare Sandra and Mamá’s attitude towards Argentine Spanish, you realize that Mamá did not
hesitate in her reaction to Sandra’s news. Was she right to take her child away from the school?
In order to decide what your opinion is, you will first weigh in some facts by writing them on each plate.


In what ways is Mamá’s In what ways is Mamá’s

decision beneficial decision harmful
for Sandra? for Sandra?

Now that you have made up your mind, you need to structure your ideas to create a well-justified opinion.

Now that you have reached a decision and thought of reasons and examples to support it, you can develop it into
a justified opinion. Was Mamá right to take Sandra away from the school?
You write your opinion in class in your Production Folder to get some feedback.

[ 28 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

[ we are gendered... or aren't we? ]

lungs wide with truths
voice raised up high
silent no more!

So far you have noticed that reflection on gender issues comes up often around FaHCE. Something that really got you
thinking was exploring the buildings during the quest and coming across a sign reading "baños universales". Why are
they "universal", then?
You start reflecting on these issues with your team.

Which facilities are Are restrooms

usually available in segregated by
restrooms? gender every-
Why are female where?
restrooms usu-
ally separated
from male rest- Are there any
rooms? restrooms with
special facilities?
Are they segre-
Which facilities gated in any way?
are common in
both types of
Why would this
segregation be
a problem?

You were curious about the origin of this decision at FaHCE, so you ask SAE. They point out this
decision by the Consejo Directivo that is published in BIBHUMA's Institutional Repository,
Memoria Académica. They open it for you to see:

RES. N° 1631/14
Ensenada, 14 de noviembre de 2014
Que la división física de los baños basada en el binarismo de género debe ser reconocida como un dispositivo
arquitectónico que acompaña y refuerza la definición heteronormativa de los sujetos como "varones" y/o "mujeres"
en la que en la que se sostiene el orden patriarcal y, en consecuencia, resulta excluyente de otras identidades de
género y sexuales;
El Consejo Directivo de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, en sesión del 12/11/2014 y
por unanimidad RESUELVE:
ARTÍCULO 1.°: Implementar la modificación de los baños de la Planta Baja y el 2.° Piso del Edificio B en el
sentido de que su uso sea universal, es decir, para todas las corporalidades, identidades y sexualidades. [...]

[ 29 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

You are interested in the topic, so make some notes.

The design of a To avoid this,

building can reflect .........FaHCE implemented in
your conception of the the year . . . the . . . . . . . . . .
world: in this case, a di- Restrooms. This deci-
vision between . . . . . . . . . sion affected the rest-
and . . . . . . . This division rooms on the . . . and the
excludes other . . . . . . . . . . . . Floor of Building . . .

A class survey will give you a chance to get to know other classmates and to hear their views about restrooms that
are divided by gender versus restrooms that are common to all.

How will you go about it?

First, you will think up five questions. Questions 1 to 3 will have set answers.
Next, everyone will go around the room: you will identify four classmates whose names you do not remember yet. This will
be a chance to get to know new people!
Then, you will introduce yourself to each of these classmates and interview them, making notes on their answers on these
charts. Remember to thank them at the end!
Last, you will all return to your seats and review your notes for class-wide reporting of results.

my questions

[ 30 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Their name: Their name:

Question 1 Question 1
No Yes I don't know No Yes I don't know

Question 2 Question 2
Not at all A little Not at all A little

A lot Absolutely A lot Absolutely

Question 3 Question 3
Never Occasionally Never Occasionally

Sometimes Often Always Sometimes Often Always

Question 4 Their opinion on the question: Question 4 Their opinion on the question:

Question 5 A personal anecdote about the question: Question 5 A personal anecdote about the question:

Their name: Their name:

Question 1 Question 1
No Yes I don't know No Yes I don't know

Question 2 Question 2
Not at all A little Not at all A little

A lot Absolutely A lot Absolutely

Question 3 Question 3
Never Occasionally Never Occasionally

Sometimes Often Always Sometimes Often Always

Question 4 Their opinion on the question: Question 4 Their opinion on the question:

Question 5 A personal anecdote about the question: Question 5 A personal anecdote about the question:

my own replies
Question 1
No Yes I don't know

Question 2
Not at all A little

A lot Absolutely
What are your own views on this subject? You reflect Question 3
upon your own questions and record your replies Never Occasionally
here, to compare with your interviewees. Sometimes Often Always

Question 4 Their opinion on the question:

Question 5 A personal anecdote about the question:

[ 31 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

If you have 5
It will be easier to report your results if you systematize the information in charts: replies, each
one is 20%

Now that you have carried out your survey and systematized your results, you are ready to share them with the rest of the
Has everyone asked about the same or different topics? Has everyone got similar results for similar questions? What was
most interesting about your classmates' choice of questions?

@Fahcecite tells you that in their little sibling's school they are having an Inclusion Open Day on the first week of
class, jointly organized by the English subjects and ESI workshops.
To prepare for the Open Day, in their last week of class last year they saw an age-appropriate informative video
that their course will use to design infographics to hang in the public halls, for all the students and their families
to read and learn.
@Fahcecite is giving their sibling a hand but they have never created an infographic before: can you help them

[ 32 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Is this effective?

Some definitions

The video mentions

many labels used to
describe gender
~transgender Do we need some
Should we describe drawings?
each of them?

[ 33 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Now that the infographic is ready, you tell @Fahcecite that it would be interesting to complement it with a more
dynamic activity. You download a jumbled-word search you find online, and you complete it to check if it is
appropriate for the visitors.

1. N S E T E I X R: term for a combination of chromosomes,

gonads, hormones, internal sex organs, and genitals that
differs from the two expected patterns of male or female
2. G E A N T D R E R N S: an umbrella term for anyone whose
sex assigned at birth and gender identity do not correspond
in the expected way
3. A W M N O: an adult human female
4. N‌N‌O‌-‌I‌Y‌A‌N‌R‌B:‌‌a‌spectrum‌of gender identities‌that‌are‌
5. L E H X O E R S E A T U: experiencing attraction solely (or
primarily) to some members of a different gender
6. N A M: an adult human male
7. U M O A X S O H L E: a person primarily emotionally,
physically, and/or sexually attracted to members of the
same gender
8. E D B I N R E G: a person who fluctuates between
traditionally‌“woman”‌and‌“man”‌gender-based behavior
and identities, identifying with two genders
9. N D E I C S G R E: a‌gender‌description‌for‌when‌someone’s‌
sex assigned at birth and gender identity correspond in the
expected way
10. L E M E A F: the sex of an organism, or a part of an
organism, that produces non-mobile ova
11. A E U S X B L I: a person who experiences attraction to
some people of their gender and another gender
12. L I E G R D F E N D U: a gender identity label often used by
people whose sense of self in relation to gender changes
from time-to-time
13. A L E M: the physiological sex that produces sperm

@Fahcecite believes that the public should reflect on the difference among gender identity, biological sex and
sexual orientation to develop awareness on the matter. They suggest inviting visitors to associate the terms with
their headings by pinning them on a poster. They send you the activity for you to try it out.

gender identity sexual orientation

biological sex

[ 34 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

The notion of universal restrooms is one example of how Universal restrooms seem to have been an initiative that
materialized the reality of diversity in concrete actions. You wonder: is this initiative reflected in language in any
You also remember seeing on Twitter that a major dictionary publisher, Merriam-Webster, chose "they" as its
Word of the Year 2019.

Merriam-Webster shared a video in which they

briefly comment on this choice.

Why is it that "they" was chosen as the word of the


"They" was chosen as word of

the year because . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Are there any other advantages to the

use of singular "they"? Samuel
Killerman believes there are! You
check out his interactive page "I
Heart the Singular They"
to find out what they are.

[ 35 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

And what is the situation in Spanish? You have heard that some Argentine universities have officially allowed the
use of gender-neutral language. What is our institutional position on this? A quick search shows the decision
taken by the Consejo Directivo in 2017.

RES. N.° 2086

Ensenada, 30 de octubre de 2017
Vista la presentación realizada por las consejeras estudiantiles por la mayoría, y
Considerando que las teorías lingüísticas actuales entienden al lenguaje como una dimensión
constitutiva y dinámica del orden sociocultural y, por lo tanto, como herramienta de comunica-
ción a la vez que como instrumento de transmisión de presupuestos valorativos e ideológicos,
Que esta Facultad impulsa y sostiene políticas que apuntan a erradicar la discriminación y/o
violencia de género en todas sus expresiones,
Que en tal sentido es necesario reconocer la legitimidad de las distintas formas a través de las
cuales se procura cuestionar y modificar los usos del lenguaje que conllevan implícitamente con-
notaciones de carácter discriminatorio o excluyente de la diversidad de identidades de género,
DE LA EDUCACIÓN, en sesión del 18 de octubre de 2017 y por unanimidad,
ARTÍCULO 1.°: Anexar al Régimen de Enseñanza y Promoción como artículo 41 el si-
guiente texto: "Dado que la lengua es "sexista" en su morfología y el masculino presenta mayor
"extensión" que el femenino, la conformación morfosintáctica conlleva presupuestos ideológi-
cos. Y puesto que la lengua es instrumento de comunicación y visibilización de ideologías, y el
dinamismo lingüístico es representativo de cambios sociales y culturales, la FaHCE reconoce
que existen usos plurales y dinámicos del lenguaje y, particularmente, la legitimidad de las ex-
presiones y manifestaciones que cuestionan los supuestos sexistas o discriminatorios implícitos
en las convenciones o normativas actualmente vigentes".

 All uses are valid and should be respected.

 Language is a static code, and its use in a

community is regulated by the RAE.

 Choosing to use one form over others expresses an

ideology related to the politics of language(s).

 What’s‌important‌in‌communication‌is‌what‌you‌
mean to say, not what others understand.

 Language‌is‌sexist‌anyway,‌so‌it‌doesn’t‌matter‌what‌
you use.

 The masculine grammatical gender is more

'extended' than the feminine because males are
more powerful.

[ 36 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

This progressively open-minded attitude that we

surrounds us today is something to welcome.
However, this has not always been so: for
instance, society's view of women has changed a
lot in the past few decades.
This Pinterest pin comes up in your board:

Well, some of that is really offensive, isn't it? Some

of the ads are so old that it is not easy to work out
their meaning, even.

So here's a challenge. Your class will get into ten

teams: each team will compare the 1950s ad to
Eli's version.

With your team and a pair of pictures, you will

describe what each of them shows, and decide on
what the old ad intends to say.

The old ad shows

........................... The message the old ad
whereas in Eli's conveys is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
photograph we can see ...........................
........................... ...........................
........................... ...........................

[ 37 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

When you share your analysis with the other teams, you can appreciate the similarities:

The message the old ad conveys is ...

Women as

What they all have in common is


This is challenged in Eli's photograph.

Glad to see we have come far from that! But have we really? Is there any of these stereotypes that you can still see in action
in our society? Which ones? In which contexts?

Your friend @futurecono is part of the Project "UN Sustainable Development is #Goals", a group of graduates and
undergraduates at Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Since the UN has declared 2021 as International Year of
Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, the Project is preparing a series of national events aimed at
small and medium-sized enterprises in the region. The project partners with a similar group at the University of
Lagos in English-speaking Nigeria, so they have invited you to help with their next workshop on Goal 5, "Gender
Equality". As part of your work with the group, you read in the UN Sustainable Development Goals #5 page the
reasons for the UN to pinpoint gender equality as one of the challenges the world is facing:


What's the goal here?
To achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Women and girls represent half of the world's population and therefore also
half of its potential. But, today gender inequality persists everywhere and
stagnates social progress. Women continue to be underrepresented at all levels of political leadership. Across the
globe, women and girls perform a disproportionate share of unpaid domestic work. Inequalities faced by girls can
begin right at birth and follow them all their lives. In some countries, girls are deprived of access to health care or
proper nutrition, leading to a higher mortality rate.

Do you agree with this assessment? Are these inequalities something you can identify in your daily life?

[ 38 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

The Project has assigned @futurecono and you the task of designing the powerpoint presentation for a Lagos-La
Plata teleseminar which will be part of the event's activities.
While gathering materials, @futurecono selected from the UN website presentation on the subject (https:// only those targets that are closely connected with our local reality.
They send you the information and some ideas for the slides: they started adapting the wording to make it easier
to understand, and you will finish it. You think that the audience will definitely benefit from some local or per-
sonal examples that apply to our society.

As an example to introduce your teleseminar presentation, you start thinking of a local practice that shows the
workings of ingrained machismo, and you come up with the idea of tango: something that your audience will be
acquainted with. How is machismo visible in tango?

Does "machismo"
mean the same as
"male chauvinism"?
Your dictionary will tell!

[ 39 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

While looking up some tango images to illustrate your example, you come across a BBC radio program apparently
on the same topic: "Argentina's Feminist Tango" ( . You
wonder: what would "feminist tango" be like?
As you listen to the podcast the first time, you learn that it explores the feminist revolution which is taking place in
our country. There is an interesting discussion on the "Ni Una Menos" movement that you think would be
appropriate to mention. Here are the draft notes on the origins of "Ni Una Menos" you take during your first
listen. In your second listen, you concentrate on completing them.

Marina's words were so powerful that they keep resonating in your mind.

"Many people told me: “I didn't realize that I'd been a

victim.” Women tend to just say, okay, if I haven't been
raped or I haven't been killed, I haven't been seriously beaten
up, maybe this isn't about me. So we started this survey
online, anonymous. The questions were so powerful...(...)
You have no idea how many women said: 'Okay, I've
realized something.'"

You wonder: in what way is it possible to be mistreated but remain unaware of it?
Are there any actions that we consider gender-violent nowadays, but used to be naturalized?

[ 40 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

In the second part of the podcast, the BBC journalist talks to some of these women who came to realize that
something was wrong. Making notes on their experiences will help you remember the details for a retelling.

Speaker 1 Speaker 2

Who is speaking?

What happened?

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?

How did she react?

What happened
in the end?

You believe a creative outlet for these testimonies will be a positive way to resignify their experiences.
A Twitterstory looks like a useful genre for this: you find this Twitterstory challenge online and the first story
posted. What are the features of this kind of story?

First, you write your Twitterstory in class on your portfolio to

get some feedback.
After revision, you post it on Twitter (your own or a friend's)
and tag @IntrInglesFaHCE : you can use a nickname if
you want. Make your voice heard!

[ 41 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

In the podcast, the muralist Mariela Ajras comments on one particular experience when a man
interviewed her. You message @futurecono about it.

So, what are the other murals at FaHCE?

You explore them so you can tell
@futurecono about one of them.

[ 42 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

[ we are memory ]
our blood carries the memory of days
of faces, of hugs spent long ago

One of the first things you noticed when you first visited the site was large sign as you exit the roundabout: it says
BIM 3 in large dimensional letters. Back when you visited ExpoUNLP you were told that the FaHCE site was
historically significant. Do you know why?

The underlined Clearly, an Infantry Batallion and a School of Humanities project What images do
words all have they project?
very different images. This new initiative of moving the FaHCE to
something in
common. What
BIM3, as a substitution of meanings, can hardly fail. However, it will
is it? require more effort to make this territory, reappropriated by university
actors and other community groups, become a site of memory. How to
remember that there was a clandestine center there? How to evoke What does "to
those who lived there before: victims, torturers, conscripts, neighbors? mean?
How to summon up, with one case, all the rest? How, who, what for?
(Badenes, 2007; in Ramírez et al, 2018: 26, our trans.).

Memoria, recuerdo y com-

In this site, thousands of feet have walked the paths, thousands of
promiso de la FaHCE
voices have made themselves heard, thousands of eyes have seen the
Es un proyecto que realiza trabajos de
buildings grow. Many life stories have taken place on this ground.
memoria, desde que se instituyó el proyecto
But not so long ago, other feet, other voices and other eyes passed de traslado de la Facultad hasta la actuali-
through here, living tragic stories of commitment, of passion and of dad, con el fin de intentar constituir una
comunidad amplia e inclusiva que dote de
belief. We choose to remember them through our work. sentidos este espacio que habitamos, sub-
virtiendo al olvido con cada rememoración.

[ 43 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Our site's history has several significant moments that have lead us where we are today. We will go through some
of them to create a timeline.
Your group will read the descriptions of each event, order them chronologically and place them on the timeline.

Timelines are a visual

resource for quick reading.
the information?
Should you make sentences shorter?
In a moving occasion, on
In 1961, the Batallón de Infantería de Marina N.° 3 (3rd 26 March 2014
Naval Infantry Battalion) moves from the Navy site FaHCE is inaugurated at its new BIM3 site. The old
in Rio Santiago to a nine-hectare plot in the Barrio Memory Plaque from the Edificio Tres Facultades is
El Dique, Ensenada. Facilities are built to host the reinstalled there, as a foundation stone; you can still
training of naval infantry troops and compulsory see it on the grounds.
military service conscripts. The BIM3 force starts On March 21 2014, the former FaHCE building at
moving out in 1998. Edificio Tres Facultades is renamed Edificio "Sergio
Between 1998 and 1999, the Navy moves the 3rd Karakachoff", and partial reconstruction works are
Naval Infantry Battalion's facilities to Zárate and started.
vacates the plot in Ensenada. In 2016, the new FaHCE Building D next to Building A
In 2000, the former BIM3 land is sold to a multinational is finished. In February 2017, it is inaugurated with
company for a hypermarket to be built. The plot is the Welcome Talk for the Introductory Course to
razed to the ground for building development; only the English Courses of Study.
the perimeter walls, the observation posts along In 2017, Edificio "Sergio Karakachoff" is re-inaugurated
them, and the dimensional-letter sign at the entrance as Centro Cultural Sergio Karakachoff. It hosts
are left. For several years, local owners, Human facilities for a Postgraduate Center, Multimedia
Rights organizations and the Municipality of Center, TV UNLP, Radio Universidad, Art and
Ensenada object to the project. Finally, the Province Culture Center, Editorial Universitaria; it is also a
of Buenos Aires stops the project due to its negative Convention Center. The Bicentenary Passage is
environmental impact. opened next to it, linking it to the
In 2006, the Province of Buenos Aires expropriates the Rectorado building. Sergio Karakachoff was an
plot and redirects it to three uses: new UNLP Between 1975 and 1977, the BIM3 important figure in UNLP's
buildings, a new provincial heliport, and a Memory functions as a clandestine detention history. Do you know any-
and torture center under control of thing about him?
Museum for Ensenada.
Also in 2006, the Facultad de Psicología is created, the Fuerza de Tareas N.° 5 (Naval
giving it independence from the FaHCE, to which it Task Force 5).
belonged. It is hosted at the Edificio Tres In 1968, the building complex project known as
Facultades, too. "Edificio Tres Facultades" starts construction at 48
In 2011, the Programa para la Reconstrucción de la between 6 and 7 (La Plata): it will host the Facultad
Memoria sobre el predio del ex BIM3 is presented. de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, the Facultad de
Also in this year, the building project for the Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, and the
Facultad de Psicología and FaHCE at the former Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. In 1976, the
BIM3 site is started. building complex is finished and inaugurated.
In 2012, the new Facultad de Psicología building is Between March 24, 1976 and December 10, 1983, a
finished and furbished; in January 2013 Facultad de civic-military dictatorship takes hold in Argentina.
Psicología moves to the new premises. In 1995, a plaque is installed at FaHCE (still at Edificio
During 2013 the three FaHCE buildings A, B, C are Tres Facultades) to commemorate FaHCE's
finished and furbished; in January 2014 FaHCE students, teachers and non-teachers who were
moves from the Edificio Tres Facultades to BIM3. detained and/or disappeared by the terrorist state

[ 44 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

The commemorative plaque is a very emotional spot for all of us at FaHCE: out of over 650 UNLP students, teach-
ing and non-teaching staff who were murdered or disappeared during the last dictatorship, almost 150 of them
were part of FaHCE. They are in our memory today and forever: you can read about each of them in the UNLP
Disappeared and Murdered List, at
listaddhh-5005. Their stories are part of our history.
Among them, you can find the story of Norma and Raúl. After reading Norma's biodata you feel intensely moved
and find it hard to continue reading Raúl's; your friend @newatFaHCE helps, pointing out the most important
information for you to reconstruct his biodata.

[ 45 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020


Norma Raquel was born in La Plata on May 9,  Birth: Olavarría, March 3, 1952
1952. She studied Psychology at FaHCE, UNLP: back  Occupation: mason and employee at Mercado
then, the Psychology courses of study were part of Central de La Plata
FaHCE. She carried out political activism as a part of  Activism: Juventud Peronista and Montoneros
Juventud Peronista and Montoneros. She was married de Tolosa
to Raúl Alberto Balbuena D’Alessandro, a mason and  Family: son Raúl Eduardo, with a previous part-
fellow activist, and they had a daughter, María Celeste. ner; wife Norma Raquel, daughter María Celeste
On the night of October 28, 1976, Norma and Raúl  Residence: Tolosa. After persecution: at a
were kidnapped in the folkloric center "Peña Chara- brother's in Cacharí, Azul, with pregnant wife
huinca", in Cacharí, Azul. She was then 24 years old and child
and seven or eight months pregnant. The Asociación  Kidnapped: October 28, 1976, with wife
Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo are still looking for the  Captivity: at BIM3 and maybe other places
child, who must have been born in captivity in No-
vember 1976.

Nowadays, human rights organizations in Azul

research whether Norma and Raúl were held in
clandestine detention centers in Azul or Olavarría.
The only testimony available at present was of-
fered by Carlos Daniel Núñez, who declared that
he had been captive with Norma at BIM3 at some
point between October and November 1976.

You realize how dreadful their fate was, and how hard it must be for the Abuelas to continue searching
for their missing grandchildren every single day; so, you visit the Abuelas website to learn more about
their search:
In the site you learn about the 130 missing grandchildren that have already been found. But how did the
Abuelas association come about originally? You find a documentary by an international investigative
journalism team which might help you understand events better.

[ 46 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020




You are aware that this is a topic that people usually have intense opinions about, and you realize that you have not had a
chance to get to know a lot of your classmates yet, and to hear their opinions. This will be a good opportunity to make
the most of a class-wide empathy debate.
In class, you will watch the video twice, in two sections. For each section, each person will write a brief opinion or
reflection generated by the topics shown.

Section 1: The tragic history Section 1: The Abuelas' work

I believe . . . I think . . .

[ 47 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Once everyone has had a chance to write an opinion, you will cut out the two slips separately. You will then take all the slips
with your group's opinions and shuffle them.
In groups, you will try to reason out your partners' ideas.
 First, the group will take a random slip of paper and read out loud the opinion on it.
 Opinions will be anonymous: you will be discussing ideas and not people, with complete respect for
both differences and coincidences.
 Second, everyone together will discuss collectively what that opinion means and with what reasons it could be
justified, trying to understand why they think so.
 Third, each person can express their agreement or disagreement with the opinion.
 Last, you will think collectively again: what have you learned about your classmates from this empathy debate?

One of Estela's quotes was particularly motivating.

Knowing that there is a documentary about her life on
the works, you post it.
Have you ever faced a situation in which you had to be
really brave and challenge other people's expectations?

[ 48 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

During the debate, a classmate mentions that there is a writer, poet and translator from Bahía Blanca called
Alicia Partnoy, who suffered detention and torture and wrote a memoir about it calledLa escuelita. Relatos
testimoniales. Her being a translator perks your interest: you look her up, and find her official website at http://
She wrote her book in Spanish in 1985, when she was exiled in the USA, but did not publish it; but next year she
self-translated it into English for publication as The Little School. Tales of Disappearance and Survival in
Argentina. Afterwards she bravely testified for the CONADEP and many international organizations, and in
several Argentine trials against State Terrorism and those responsible for it.
You share the reading with your team. The last story in the book moves you the most: it is headed by a poem by
Alicia, and an illustration by Raquel Partnoy, Alicia's mother. In this reading, many questions and reflections
arise. What is happening in the poem?

There are winged

creatures at the top.
What are they?
Outside it's April, it's nighttime.
Two fierce shadows in a fight. Who are
What shapes can fighting?
we identify? Life: the power of childbirth, Who wins?
Death: the sound of firearms.
Two unmeasurable shadows
Some of the faces are fighting inside your womb.
have black eyes. Life: the child is pushing out.
Does this mean
anything? Death: the fear is taking over.
Do you think both these shadows could
win this hard battle?
"Yes, they could," the echo answers,
What is the echo of bullets just waiting
structure that
supports the to ravage the mother's womb
faces? as soon as the new life is born.
Outside it's April, it's nighttime.
There is an arm Two fierce shadows in a fight.
reaching up-
wards. Why? Raquel, Alicia's mum, illus-
trated the book. What feelings
has she expressed here?

What is
Even though this is a poem and not a tale, happening?
you can tell that there are elements of a How does
narrated story. Can you recognize them? the action
Who? end?

Why are the

last two lines

[ 49 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

NATIVITY Alicia Partnoy

The Little School. Tales of Disappearance
this word is and Survival in Argentina (1985)
often used for
another famous "Sir, when's the doctor coming?" The labor pains and contractions are almost
birth. Whose? constant, very close together. This child wants to get out. What will they do to me
after it's born? They've said they'll transfer me to a regular prison where I'll be able to who are the
take care of the baby. I'm scared... people who
"Don't worry, ma'am, everything is going to be alright." reply?
who is this "I", "Don't I have reason to worry, being in your hands?"
the protagonist Today I was sitting in the backyard; it was a sunny day. My eyes without why is she out-
of the story? blindfold, looking at the garage door. Out there, just sixty feet away, freedom. How side? isn't she a
What is happen- does it feel to be free? I can't even remember. And the doctor isn't coming...The prisoner any
ing to them? more?
sunshine, the trees, everything seemed to be so good in the backyard this morning...
For a second I thought I was on the other side of the door...The contractions are
coming more frequently...The child is going to be born.
Problems, problems again. First we run out of wine, and now this fucking child. It
who is speaking might be 11:00 P.M. Water was put on to boil; now the big square bowl, the one we
here? use for salad, should be washed, as well as other pans for more water. Someone has why do they
gone to get Rosa so she can wash the pans for us. It's better I put on my hood right need to boil
now. Some days ago I went into the kitchen without noticing water?
why shouldn't
she see his that she was there. She saw my face. I don't like it at all that
face? she's seen my face. I don't know whether this one will come out
alive or not. Afterward, I asked her, "If you run into me once
why does
you are released, you'll surely shoot me, won't you?"
she laugh? "No," she answered, "I'll buy you coffee," and she laughed.
I don't believe what these characters say. On top of all this I've
got a headache. I guess I had too much wine again. Well! I'd
who is his boss? been controlling myself for almost two days, because my boss
was coming to visit.
"He isn't there."
"How come he isn't there?"
"He isn't. We went to look for him, but he isn't there."
"Now what?"
"Who knows? Do you know anything about delivering
"No, but Zorzal does; he says he's helped to deliver animals in the country." why would she
"Okay. Tell him to get ready." rather keep her
"Yes, sir." baby inside her?
"Where's the doctor?"
"He'll probably be late, but don't worry, I know enough about these matters."
Jesús! He's pushing... Don't take him away... If only I could keep my baby inside...
Ugh... Now I have to push, if l don't it hurts more. If we could survive, my child... If
why is life half a
winner, half a we survive...
loser? A new cry makes its way through the shadows fighting above the trailer. Graciela
has just given birth. A prisoner child has been born. While the killers' hands welcome
him into the world, the shadow of life leaves the scene, half a winner, From other stories, you know that,
why does life
wear a poncho? half a loser: on her shoulders she wears a poncho of injustice. Who at the time, Alicia was in another
knows how many children are born every day at the Little School? room of the house, blindfolded,
handcuffed and lying on a bed,
with little movement allowed.
You also know that, when a sense
is temporarily or permanently
disabled (like the sense of sight),
other senses are often enhanced.

[ 50 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

While other stories in the book are written autobiographically, from the point of view of the character "Alicia",
some stories, like this one, are presented from other points of view; however, it was always Alicia who experi-
enced, witnessed or reconstructed events.
You start wondering what this story would be like from "Alicia's" point of view. In teams, you retell the story
through her eyes.

In the Appendix at the end of the memoir, you learn more about this case. You compare both texts: how are they
similar and different? Is there narration in both? What for? A diagram will help you systematize your thoughts.


January-April 1977
The case of Graciela Alicia Romero de Metz and Raúl Eugenio Metz:
Graciela was arrested on December 16, 1976 in A writ of habeas corpus was requested. His name is
Cutral Có (Neuquén) along with her husband, Raúl registered in Amnesty International's list of disappeared
Eugenio Metz. Heavily armed individuals broke into people. Graciela stayed at the Little School, forced to
their home, also threatening the neighbors. Both were 24 remain prone, blindfolded and handcuffed like the rest.
years old at the time of their detention. They had one In the last month of her pregnancy she was permitted
daughter, Adrianita, who was two or three years old; "exercise"—bIindfolded walks around a table, holding
once detained, they received no news of her fate. on to the edge. A few days before giving birth they took
Graciela was five months pregnant at the time, and her to a trailer on the patio. On April 17 she had a son—
during the transfer by truck to Neuquén she was tortured normally, but without medical assistance. I persistently
with electric shocks to her stomach and hit brutally. asked the guards to let me help her or keep her company,
Later they were both transferred to the Little School, but they didn't allow me. She was helped by the guards.
and were already there at the time of my arrival on On April 23 she was removed from the Little School and
January 12th. Raúl was forced to remain prone on the I never heard of her again. She is on Amnesty
floor, hands tied behind his back. Towards the end of International's list of disappeared people. Her son,
January he was taken, according to the guards, to according to the guards, was given to one of the
Neuquén. interrogators.

"Nativity" "Appendix"

Who are they?

Where are they?
Why are they there?
When is this?
What happens?
How does the situation end?
Why does a person read this
kind of text?

[ 51 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

At Abuelas' website you also learn about the different artistic projects that have been carried out to support the
work of Abuelas and to encourage people born between 1975 and 1980 with doubts about their origins to step
forward and discover their identity: some of these have been Teatro por la Identidad, Música por la Identidad,
Rock por la Identidad, Gráfica para las Abuelas, and others.
One of these projects looks odd and interesting: it is a 2019 publication resulting from a Teatro por la Identidad
series, called La leche de la clemencia y otros monólogos por la identidad. When you download it from https://, you learn that the playwright is called Roxana Aramburú, that she is from La Plata, and that the
book was actually published by EDULP, the UNLP publishing house. It is a series of dramatic monologues,
meant to be acted.
The title looks strange: what could that possibly mean? You go straight to the story to find out; the last page seems

Roxana Aramburú
LA LECHE DE LA CLEMENCIA La leche de la clemencia y otros monólogos por la identidad (2019)

(Es el 10 de junio de 1956 en La Plata. El levantamiento del General Valle acaba de ser sofocado. Un hombre
de unos 40 años, en camiseta, entra rápido, nervioso, se dirige al botiquín, tiene los puños lastimados)

[...] Le dije al parásito: humillame, decime lo linda que es. (Con la mano cerca de su cara) Acá me le puse para
increparlo. Decime todas las gracias que hace. Cómo son sus ojos, cómo mueve los brazos cortitos y te baboseás
con ella. ¿Qué hacés metido en este brete, en lugar de tenerla a upa todo el día? Y el tipo (Imita a alguien
amordazado) mmm mmm. Se llama Eva, la pibita. Qué injusta es la vida. Un pelagatos, vividor, jugando al
revolucionario... ¡Tiene un hijo! Pero quedate tranquilo, Miguel, le dije. Se llama Miguel, el parásito. A ustedes los
van a aplastar, pero vos quedate tranquilo. Y el tipo mmm mmm. (Progresivamente exaltado) Por la beba, te digo.
¿Entendés? A la beba no le va a faltar nada. La Radio Rebelde no se oye más. Se acabó la pavada, que Aramburu
está detenido, que Rojas huyó al extranjero. No se habla más de la revolución reparadora y de la constitución del 49.
Ahora está rigiendo la ley marcial. ¡Agarrate! En cualquier momento caen todos.
La nena... es cuestión de ir a buscarla. ¿Cuánta gente vive en ese pueblo de mierda? ¿Doscientas personas,
quinientas? Nadie se va a meter. Están todos cagados en las patas, ahora. Se acabó la leche de la clemencia. Por ahí,
nos sale alguna guita. La madre la va a largar: ni lo duda. Un padre muerto, ya sabemos cómo termina esto... ¿Qué
más querés, que se críe con tu hermana... la que, pobrecita, nunca pudo tener hijos? Y el tipo mmm mmm y le cayó
una lágrima. (Se llena de espuma el rostro y prepara la navaja. Ríe) Nadie en el barrio se va a enterar de que no es
nuestra de verdad. Un poco de maquillaje: viaje largo, papeles falsos y se terminó. En lugar de ese nombre que le
pusieron, tres letras de mierda, se va a llamar Amanda. Amandita. Y andá a cantarle a Gardel. Y la otra, cabeza
dura, que no entendía nada... Preparate el bolsito. Te vas a curar los nervios al campo y a descansar, porque estás
embarazada. Aprendételo bien. ¿Qué fuiste a hacer a tu pueblo? Repetímelo: a hacer vida sana, porque vas a tener
un nene. Y la tarada me miraba, como vaca al tren. A don Guzmán, a los Galliano, a Adela, al almacenero... a todos
se lo decís mañana. (Grita) ¡Estás embarazada!

You are doubtful about the features of the It’s‌a‌monologue‌because

text. How is it different from other plays dramatic
monologue?  only one character speaks
you have seen?
 it’s‌written‌by‌only‌one‌author
 there is only one character

You try to imagine this being acted and
 the topic is very serious something about it reminds you of
 it’s‌meant‌to‌be‌acted stand-up routines. But this is
 it makes the reader feel sad
different: in what ways?

[ 52 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

This brings up a lot of questions and you share them with your group.

[ 53 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

"Nativity" "La leche de la clemencia"

Who are the
Where are they?

Why are they there?

When is this?

What happens?

How does the situation


Is there a reflection at
the end of the story?

Still, the project that attracts you the most is Historietas por la Identidad, a 2012 project meant to help in the
search for the hundreds of children kidnapped with their parents or born in captivity who are still missing. You
visit their website at and browse the comics.
Some of these are particularly moving. They are introduced by a summary of the case. They do not have a lot of
text, and the art appears to be simple, but they carry a powerful message.
Among the comics, you find one scripted by Adriana Metz, Graciela and Raúl's daughter, who still looks for her
You are so moved by this piece of art that you take a screenshot to post on Instagram.

[ 54 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

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Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

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Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020











Reading the comic and noticing that the name of Adriana Metz's blog is “Poncho de lana” (http://, you notice the connections between the story and the comic.

In “Nativity”. . . In the comic. . .

It is quite amazing that these comics have found a way to tell a story graphically, with very few words. But your
friends are not sure about what the story is telling. You would like to recover one of these stories and tell it to
your group: tales created by an artist on the basis of historical facts.

[ 57 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

The comics left such a powerful impression on your group that you all decide to draft a comic together about the
case of Norma, Raúl and their baby. In the future, you could publish it and hopefully help reunite this family.

With your group you check out the Project's requirements:

You will only draft your comic now, very simply, on a sheet of paper; you can create it with absolute artistic freedom.
 Optional. If you want, you can complete your creation and post it on our Virtual Campus, Foro
Novedades. We would really, really love to see it!
You must include the names of the family, probable date of birth, and the Abuelas' contact information. This QR
leads to their page.
If you prefer to work with a different case instead of Norma and Raúl, you can find the list of missing children
and their stories at the Abuelas' site or at the Historietas por la Identidad site.
Get inspired!

A history is made from many sources of data. The histories of our missing community members are also written in
their academic records: the physical memories of their stay at UNLP.
In the past few years, these academic records were restored and completed with what is known about the fate of
our missing companions. In March 2019, FaHCE and FPsico organized events in which copies of the restored
records were handed to the surviving families. You find an video about this event at FaHCE's Instagram
@fahce.unlp,, with interviews to our Dean Ana Julia Ramírez, our
Prosecretary of Human Rights Lucía Abbattista, and family members.
You offer your group a summary of the video, but is it totally correct?

[ 58 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

You offered an interesting summary, but @newatFaHCE had something to say:

@Amiguedeperio has been following your work on Memory and points out a song by U2 they really love:
it is "Mothers of the Disappeared", from the 1987 The Joshua Tree album. You watch this
homemade lyric video together and discuss the lyrics:

this is really upsetting, all the images are so sad

Midnight, our sons and daughters
Were cut down and taken from us.
Hear their heartbeat not really, some of them are nostalgic or really hopeful, look at these:
We hear their heartbeat.
In the wind we hear their laughter ..............................................................................
In the rain we see their tears.
Hear their heartbeat, we hear their heartbeat.
what do you mean? what could they hope for?
Night hangs like a prisoner
Stretched over black and blue.
Hear their heartbeats
well, I really think they are still hoping for
We hear their heartbeats.

In the trees our sons stand naked

Through the walls our daughters cry ..............................................................................
See their tears in the rainfall.

You started this imaginary trip to the past looking at the white BIM3 sign. Now you realise that, in its many
decades of existence, the sign has witnessed many stories: happy and sad, hopeful and tragic, passionate and
dull. That sign saw it all happen. It would be really fascinating to hear what it has to say!
You place yourself in the role of the BIM3 sign and recreate one of its stories, starting with the line:
"I am the BIM3 Sign. I've lived a long life here. And I have many stories to tell!"
You will write your narrative in class in your Production Folder to get some feedback.

[ 59 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

[ we are inclusion ]
so long I've made an effort just to be
adjust to well-intentioned bland ideas of sympathy
and though I know you're trying hard to lend a hand to me
I wish you would just listen to hear what I need

A film you saw this summer caused a deep impression on you. Several moments in the film were moving, but it's
this quote that you kept thinking about the next day. You add this snap to your story.

In your opinion, does this express the experiences of people who

have an illness?
How do we act around someone who has a disability?
Do we talk or act differently?
Are we afraid of acting differently because we might offend them?
You discuss the issue with three classmates around you, using the
picker wheel to select a different type of disability each.

After your group discussion, you make notes in this chart to compare different positions and conclusions.
When interacting with a person who has a special need or a disability...

[ 60 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Exchanging ideas with your group leads you to reflect upon just how much we all need to learn
about disabilities in particular, and the needs of others in general. Some quick math! How
many classmates is the
Your friend @compaenpsico points out that, according to the World Health Organization, over a 15% of your class?
billion people (about 15% of the world's population) have some form of disability.
You wonder, what constitutes a disability, exactly? You write your questions about the topic; this World Health
Organization introductory text will provide answers.

World Health Organization,


Overcoming the difficulties faced by people with

Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering
disabilities requires interventions to remove
impairments, activity limitations, and participation
environmental and social barriers.
restrictions. An impairment is a problem in body
People with disabilities have the same health needs
function or structure; an activity limitation is a difficulty
as non-disabled people [...]. They also may experience a
encountered by an individual in executing a task or
narrower margin of health, both because of poverty and
action; while a participation restriction is a problem
social exclusion, and also because they may be
experienced by an individual in involvement in life
vulnerable to secondary conditions [...]. Evidence
suggests that people with disabilities face barriers in
Disability is thus not just a health problem. It is a
accessing the health and rehabilitation services they need
complex phenomenon, reflecting the interaction between
in many settings.
features of a person's body and features of the society in
which he or she lives.

1. It’s‌ a‌ condition‌ in‌ which‌ your‌ body‌ is‌
2) suffering or has been damaged.
2. It means you have trouble doing an
3) 3. It means there are some things you
4. Because‌ it’s‌ about‌ the‌ connection‌
4) between a person with a difficulty and
their society.
5. Yes, it is possible if we act upon what

5) causes difficulties for them, in the

environment or the society.
6. Because they might also be poor or
excluded, or have other illnesses as a
6) consequence.

[ 61 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

[ 62 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

@Compaenpsico is really committed to spreading the word about equal health access, and they are very active in
social media platforms.
They have used the WHO infographic to create a series of interactive Instagram stories to communicate this infor-
mation and raise awareness about the issue. They invite you to play to check it works right.

[ 63 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

It looks different in. . .

The scene from Joker keeps coming back to your
mind. You realize that while Arthur, the (spaces) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
protagonist, was jotting down jokes in his
notebook, he suddenly felt the need to express
himself visually. You can see that he conveys his
emotions shaping his letters differently.
(size) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How is this second part of his writing different from
the first? (lines) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Do you ever express yourself in this way, shaping
your letters differently? How does it make you
feel? (the O) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Here is another way of expressing yourself through art and writing.

This is visual poetry: art in words that also expresses meanings visually. Dennis Bernstein and
Warren Lehrer created this poem about dyslexia.
In what way is the writing different?
What does it tell us about dyslexia?

[ 64 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Not all graphical expression is poetic, but it always carries meanings beyond words themselves. Both designs only contain
the words "International Disabilities Day". How are they different? What does each of them express to you?

In this image we can see . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In this image we can see . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

................................................ ...............................................
................................................ ...............................................
It tells me that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It tells me that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
................................................ ...............................................
................................................ ...............................................

As you can see, it is not really necessary to be an expert in drawing or painting to express graphically how you feel!

It seems incredible that achieving equal rights for people with disabilities is still an issue in our global societies!
But now you inevitably wonder, if seemingly-obvious access to health is still something to be fought for, what
about access to education? UNICEF has the answer. Which statement moves you the most?


“Inclusion is where we remove all the barriers that “My school was truly inclusive in the sense that I
persons with disabilities face.” was never told that I could not participate in sports or an
“And that's where the concept of inclusive education activity that, you know, was not truly thought of as
comes in. It's based on the philosophy that all children, suitable for someone who was blind.”
regardless of disability, gender, ethnicity, language and “I had a lot of trouble. I couldn't write. Then I
religion, have the fundamental right to go to school.” managed to, thanks to my teacher Micaele.”
“Parents shouldn't hide their children with disabilities “Deaf and hearing people can both have the same
at home. They should take them to school.” opportunities to go to school.”
“A school fit for all children is a good definition of “There needs to be a re-education because society
inclusion. Inclusion means to offer your hand.” doesn't understand the value of persons with
“I was able to make friends and be around people disabilities.”
with and without disabilities.”
[ 65 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

For all these children and youths, being included in education meant having a chance at a life that would not have been
possible otherwise: a future with equal rights.
Some of the statements resonated with you the most, and some key words in them appear to be the most meaningful. How
about using one of the statements or some keywords to design a visual concept and express yourself graphically?
First, you will choose which words to use. Second, you will think about how to arrange them meaningfully on the page and
how to write them. Third, you will choose your materials: pen?, pencil?, colors? Last, you will perform your writing.

Your group feels the need to reflect upon your personal educational experiences: you make brief notes in the chart
to remember for a general discussion. Have you ever shared a classroom or workspace with a person who had a

[ 66 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Thinking about these other situations opened your eyes to many realities you had not visited before. It has made
you think of how art has been used to campaign for human rights, and of those artists who have advocated for
the rights of people with disabilities, whether they were disabled themselves or not. Do you know any?

Some artists who have defended the rights of

people with disabilities are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Among them was the controversial punk rock artist

Ian Dury. Severely disabled himself, due to Hello to you out there in normal land.
childhood polio, he wrote in 1981 the song You may not comprehend my tale or understand.
"Spasticus Autisticus" as a protest against
patronizing and invisibilizing attitudes towards As I crawl past your window give me lucky looks
people with disabilities, as well as traumatizing You can be my body but you'll never read my books
experiences suffered in poor health care.
The song resorts to shock value to move listeners
and make them question their views on disability: So place your hard-earned peanuts in my tin
it was considered so offensive and insulting that it And thank the Creator you're not in the state I'm in
was banned by the BBC.
So long have I been languished on the shelf
Here are two verses from the song. Which words or
ideas could be offensive in them? Why? I must give all proceedings to myself

In 2012, the song was reappropriated by disability rights movements as a hymn of pride, and covered by
Orbital and members of the Graeae Theatre Company for the opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer
Paralympics (
Different kinds of disability are portrayed in the opening ceremony presentation: what are they?

A line was added to the refrain: "Transform our ....................................." Marc Quinn's sculpture
"Alison Lapper Pregnant", part
Why is it meaningful? of a series, was the center-
piece of the ceremony.
More of his work at http://

Do you think shocking audiences to shake their beliefs and

assumptions is effective? Can you mention other examples
Alison Lapper, artist and subject of the piece, said: "I
in which this resource was used to raise awareness? regard it as a modern tribute to femininity, disability
and motherhood. It is so rare to see disability in
everyday life —let alone naked, pregnant and proud."
The sculpture is in Trafalgar Square, London.

[ 67 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

[ site intervention ]
We will round up this Introductory Course by becoming one with our territory and staging an artistic intervention on the site
of FaHCE.. This intervention will be a very brief scene you will write, design and perform at a place of your choosing on the
grounds. Here's how:
 To start with, you will get together with your team.
 Every person in the team will need to have a defined task in the intervention, but not everybody needs
to act. In a scene there is a lot of work besides acting!
 There is no limit to number of team members, as long as everybody has a job.
 Then, you will take some time on the grounds to design the scene together, using these guidelines. The entire
scene should take no more than 5 minutes.

what is the main idea who are the what is their dialogue? where on the grounds
you want to convey? speaking characters? will it take place?

....................................... ....................................... ....................................... .......................................

..................................... ....................................... ....................................... .......................................
what is the context? how are the characters how do the characters are there music or sounds?
(what is happening positioned and how say their dialogue?
around the action) do they move?

....................................... .......................................
....................................... .......................................
....................................... .......................................
....................................... .......................................

what is the scenery like? are are they dressed is anything else happening how does each of
there props? in any particular way? while they speak? the characters feel?

....................................... ....................................... ....................................... .......................................

....................................... ....................................... ....................................... .......................................

 Once you have designed your scene, you will write some dialogue for the characters.
 A little dialogue goes a long way: if the scene is about 5 minutes, 2 or 3 minutes of text is a lot!
 It is not obligatory to learn the text by heart: but if you read, do it convincingly.
 Then, you will need a bit of rehearsal. You will play out the scene a few times, to make sure everything goes
 Finally, invite the rest of the class to your performance, perform your heart out, and enjoy the applause!

Glad to have taken this trip with you!

Hope you enjoy your course of study!
[ 68 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

[ referencias ]
Abbattista, L., Casi, D., Sampietro, V., & Stavale, M. (2017). Estudiar en el predio del ex BIM 3. Reflexiones sobre un proyecto de construc-
ción de la memoria en la FAHCE-UNLP. Aletheia, 7(14), 1-21.
Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo. (s. f.). Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Ajras, M. (s. f.). Mariela Ajras. Mariela Ajras. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Alicia Partnoy Sitio oficial. (s. f.). Alicia Partnoy. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Aramburú, R. (2019). La leche de la clemencia: Y otros monólogos por la identidad. EDULP.
BALBUENA - RAGGIO | Nuestros Nietos | Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo. (s. f.). Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de https://
Baschetti, R. (s. f.-a). Militantes del peronismo revolucionario uno por uno: BALBUENA, Raúl Alberto. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Baschetti, R. (s. f.-b). Militantes del peronismo revolucionario uno por uno: RAGGIO, Norma Raquel. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
BBC World Service. (s. f.). BBC World Service—The Documentary Podcast, Argentina’s Feminist Tango. BBC. Recuperado 20 de enero de
2020, de
Campus virtual de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación—Fahce. (s. f.). Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de https:// Inc. (2018, junio 12). Special Needs: Defining And Understanding The 4 Types.
Cómo llegar a la FaHCE — Sitio Fahce. (s. f.). Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Dec 26, K. B. · C. N. · P., December 26, 2019 6:00 AM CT | Last Updated:, & 2019. (2019, diciembre 26). Why this «language geek» provi-
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Diario El Dia de La Plata. (s. f.). Mitos y verdades de un gigante que se despide. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de https://
El edificio Sergio Karakachoff fue declarado de interés municipal. (s. f.). Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Encuesta a Ingresantes 2020—FaHCE. (s. f.). Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Goal 5: Gender Equality. (s. f.). The Global Goals. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Gociol, J., Asociación Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, & Biblioteca Nacional (Argentina) (Eds.). (2015). Historietas por la identidad. Abuelas de
Plaza de Mayo : Biblioteca Nacional Mariano Moreno.
Harvey, C. (s. f.). Languagegeek: Native Languages. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Historietas por la Identidad: Presentación del libro Historietas X la Identidad. (s. f.). Historietas por la Identidad. Recuperado 20 de enero de
2020, de
Humanidades—FaHCE - UNLP en Instagram: “Entrevistas a Ana Julia Ramírez, Lucía Abbattista, Andrea Córica y Yamila Zavala Rodriguez
en el marco del acto de reparación de legajos a…”. (s. f.). Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine. (s. f.). Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020,
Killermann, S. (s. f.-a). I <3 Singular They. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Mapa Ciudad La Plata Buenos Aires Calles y Alturas. Buscar | Calles Argentinas. (s. f.). Recuperado 21 de enero de 2020, de https://
Martínez Grau, J. (s. f.). The complex reality of indigenous languages in Argentina. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de https://
Memoria Académica—Memoria Académica de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. (s. f.). Recuperado 20 de enero de
2020, de
Memoria, recuerdo y compromiso de la FaHCE — Sitio Fahce. (s. f.). Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Merbilhaá, M. (Ed. ), & Ramírez, A. J. (Ed. ). (2018). Memorias del BIM: Biografías. Las víctimas de la Fuerza de Tareas 5 en La Plata, Beris-
so y Ensenada. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación.
Merriam-Webster en Twitter: «The nonbinary pronoun “they” has been added to the dictionary.» / Twitter. (s. f.).
Twitter. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de

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Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

Merriam-Webster’s Words of the Year 2019. (s. f.). Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Metro en Twitter: «Photos show sexist ads from the 50s with the gender roles reversed». (s. f.). Twitter. Recupera-
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Morales, H. L. (2010). La andadura del español por el mundo. Santillana USA Publishing Company Incorporated.
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Partnoy, A. (1998). The Little School: Tales of Disappearance & Survival. Cleis Press.
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Phillips, T. (2019, octubre 1). Joker [Crime, Drama, Thriller]. Warner Bros., Village Roadshow Pictures, BRON Studios.
Régimen de Enseñanza y Promoción—Sitio Fahce. (2011, 2017).
Rempen, M. R. (s. f.). Itchy Feet: The Travel and Language Comic. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Retro Report. (2015, octubre 12). Argentina’s Stolen Babies, and the Grandmothers Leading the Search. Retro Report. https://
Rezkallah, E. (s. f.). In a Parallel Universe. Eli Rezkallah. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Statements on Inclusive Education from Youth CC IS. (s. f.). Recuperado 24 de enero de 2020, de
Subjugate | meaning of subjugate in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE. (s. f.). Longman Dictionary of Contemporary
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Tae. (s. f.). Lingstuff. Recuperado 20 de enero de 2020, de
Turnes,‌P.‌(2018).‌Drawing‌Memories.‌The‌‘Comics‌for‌Identity’‌Project‌in‌Argentina‌‌as‌an‌Ethical‌and‌Aesthetical‌Challenge. International
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[ 70 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020

CLASS (Comisión):

My production folder
This folder contains your production written in class and marked. It will be part of your diagnostic assessment.
Write in ink and very clearly, please.
Out of Saturday School
page 28, task 22 (about 100 words)


My Gender Twitterstory
page 41, task 17 (280 characters)


Tales of the BIM3 Sign
page 59, task 14 (about 150 words)
I am the BIM3 Sign. I've lived a long life here. And I have many stories to tell!


[ 71 ]
Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Curso Introductorio a las Carreras de Inglés 2020


[ 72 ]
Profesorado, Traductorado y Licenciaturas en Francés;
Profesorado, Traductorado y Licenciaturas en Inglés;
Profesorado en Portugués
3 al 28 de febrero de 2020

Las carreras del Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas tienen como objetivo la formación de
Profesorxs, Traductorxs y Licenciadxs en lenguas extranjeras: francés, inglés y portugués. Los alcances profesionales
varían según la carrera, pero en todos los casos superan el uso de la lengua extranjera como medio de comunicación.
Para alcanzar los objetivos profesionales específicos, las carreras deben desplegar estrategias que permitan a la vez la
profundización del conocimiento de la lengua extranjera como lengua de comunicación instrumental y el estudio de la
lengua extranjera como objetivo lingüístico profesional.
Teniendo en cuenta esta peculiaridad, y en pos de favorecer la articulación entre la educación secundaria y la
universitaria, las carreras de francés, inglés y portugués proponen dos estrategias institucionales:
● Un curso introductorio de ​ambientación a la vida universitaria​ y de ​activación de la lengua extranjera​.
● Una ​evaluación diagnóstica optativa para orientar los cursos que seguirán lxs ingresantes en primer año, de
acuerdo con sus prácticas lingüísticas previas.


Objetivo general
● Orientar a lxs ingresantes para su iniciación en la vida universitaria, poniéndolxs en contacto con los contenidos
fundamentales de la carrera elegida, las exigencias propias de sus disciplinas de base y la actividad sistemática
que implica la adquisición de los respectivos conocimientos.
Objetivo específico de las carreras del Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas
● Ofrecer un ámbito de lectura, análisis y práctica en francés, inglés o portugués para que lxs estudiantes puedan
o aproximarse, reactivar y actualizar saberes lingüísticos y comunicativos en la lengua extranjera;
o acercarse y actualizar estrategias involucradas en las prácticas del discurso oral y escrito en la lengua


Fecha:​ 3 al 28 de febrero
Carga horaria: 16 horas semanales de contenidos disciplinares específicos y talleres de ambientación. Los
alumnos deberán cumplir con el 75% de asistencia.
Solo  podrán  solicitar  la  eximición  de  la  asistencia  al  Curso  Introductorio  lxs  estudiantes  que  puedan  acreditar  estudios  superiores 
(universitarios  o  terciarios)  previos  en  carreras  afines  sobre  la  misma  lengua.  Los  cursos  informales,  los  exámenes  nacionales  o 
internacionales y las carreras no afines no justifican la eximición al Curso Introductorio.

Los contenidos son introductorios a las carreras y por lo tanto no tienen la especificidad que luego
adquieren en las materias troncales; sino que desarrollan en forma integrada las habilidades de
comprensión oral, expresión oral, comprensión lectora y expresión escrita.
Los materiales estarán agrupados bajo un tema general amplio para permitir espacios de práctica
variados y temas de interés de lxs estudiantes que articulen con su experiencia en el nivel educativo
secundario, y se integrarán con las actividades de ambientación.
Todo el material que se utilizará DURANTE el curso estará disponible a partir del comienzo del
curso. ​No se requerirá procesamiento de material previo al comienzo del curso.
El curso introductorio es de carácter ​obligatorio​. Se desarrollarán clases teórico-prácticas, talleres y
tareas de autoaprendizaje. También se realizarán actividades de ambientación a la vida universitaria y se
brindará información sobre la carrera y el perfil de egresadx.

La constitución de las comisiones y las aulas respectivas estarán expuestas ​el primer día de clase en
la cartelera para estudiantes de la Facultad, y publicadas en la página web del Departamento.

● FRANCÉS. Las comisiones tendrán clase del 4 al 27 de febrero: los días martes de 8 a 12 h, miércoles de
16 a 20 h, jueves de 8 a 12 h, viernes de 8 a 12 h.

● INGLÉS. Las comisiones tendrán clase del martes 4 al viernes 21 de febrero. Cada estudiante elegirá
DOS bandas horarias posibles para la asistencia al curso:
○ martes a viernes, 8 a 12 h
○ martes a viernes, 12 a 16 h
○ martes a viernes, 16 a 20 h
y se le asignará UNA de sus elecciones para que asista a clases.

● PORTUGUÉS. Las comisiones tendrán clase del 3 al 20 de febrero: los días lunes de 16 a 20 h, martes de
16 a 20 h, miércoles de 9 a 13 h, viernes de 9 a 13 h.


El curso cierra con una evaluación diagnóstica optativa, escrita y oral. El equipo docente diagnostica a partir
de la evaluación los recursos lingüísticos de que dispone cada estudiante, y recomienda a cada unx las
materias en lengua extranjera a cursar en el resto del año: las materias de primer año (según el Plan de
estudios), o algunas de primer año y algunas de segundo año. Estas asignaturas se suman a las asignaturas
dictadas en español, comunes a las orientaciones.

FRANCÉS: viernes 28 de febrero (horarios y aula a confirmar).
PORTUGUÉS: viernes 21 de febrero (horarios y aula a confirmar).
INGLÉS: del 25 de febrero al 28 de marzo (horarios y aula a confirmar).


Para quienes tengan interés, se realizará una charla informativa el lunes 16 de

diciembre a las 12 h.
Recomendamos a todxs lxs estudiantes consultar la página web de nuestro
@DeptoLyLM @deptolylm ​




PLAZOS para hacer efectiva la INSCRIPCIÓN de los INGRESANTES 2020

A fin de poder contar con legajo definitivo como alumna/o de la Facultad, lo

que te permitirá tramitar la libreta de estudiante, rendir y acreditar exámenes
finales y aprobar materias por promoción directa, es fundamental que comple-
tes los siguientes trámites respetando las fechas que figuran a continuación:

» Certificado que acredite el cumplimiento del calendario nacional

de vacunación acorde a la edad
(Hepatitis B, Triple o Doble Bacteriana y Triple Viral)
hasta el 14/08/2020

» Certificado de título en trámite sin adeudar materias del secundario

hasta el 31/08/2020

» Dos fotos tipo carnet y DNI

hasta el 31/08/2020

La entrega de la documentación:
Dirección de Enseñanza
PB del Edificio A
Lunes a Viernes de 08:30 a 11:30 hs. | de 14:00 a 17:00 hs.

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