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After the escape from Yansk 11, on the way back.

To comfort a dispirited Tessa, Sousuke did not have that allowance.
Kaname turning her back on him. And then Kruz--
Whichever concern it was, Tessa strongly blames herself. It's her own mistake. it's her
own incompetence. If only she had predicted it earlier.
Nothing can be done.
When some tragedy happens, the responsible party cannot be strongly blamed on
somebody else. She is the responsible party. If only she was wiser, if only she has virtue,
she suffers on the thought of condemning herself. To such a person, exactly what kind of
words can you offer?
The craft's crew prepared a sleeping pill. Forcing it to Tessa who said she [does not
need it], beside is the barrier or mountains.
Lemon is exhausted, but his life is not in a different situation. His wounds were suitably
treated by the crew, after that he was fast asleep.
Gripping the hand of Tessa who was groaning from nightmares, Sousuke was thinking
about a lot of things. Omni Sphere. Accident 18 years ago. Whispered and
Whispering. Deviated world. And the key to that is the transfiguration of Chidori
He could not imagine the method of solving it.
He thinks about Kruz.
What was floating in his mind, was the form of that enemy sniper dying from the blood
gushing out of his chest. Conjecting the firing range from the digital map later, it was
1650 meters. For Sousuke who knows a little about sniping, he knows well that it was an
act no human was capable of. Most probably, it was the greatest shot of his
lifetime. Firing with all of ones life, saving Sousuke and the others.
Death is a part of man. In the middle of that darkness, Leonard had said it to Sousuke.
In this shape, he has to get even.

Turning South they returned to the <Tuaha De Danaan> situated at the Pacific Ocean, it
was 54 hours later after they escaped from Yansk 11.
After the report, there was a gloomy atmosphere floating about the crew of the <De
Clouseau who had already returned said "Good job. Take a rest now" without any
persecution. Mardukas is the same, only saying "Good that you came back safely. Don't
worry about the Captain". They also have experienced their comrade in arms dying. You
can leave it to them.
And then meeting Mao.
In the briefing room without anybody else, only the two of them talked.
At first, she had a calm attitude listening to the details. When Sousuke was finished
explaining, she let out a sigh, and muttered [then, it can't be helped].
Then after a long silence, she spoke.
"Did you hear? About us?"
"That so..... well, it was a rebound. Since it was a dry relationship. You don't have to
"is that so"
"I was just playing. It's not like it was a rush. Well, it was something to reduce
stress. It's not like it was serious, its because it was like this, I should have stayed my
distance. That's why...."
It was a different manner from what he himself and Tessa had heard, rather it was
"Completely, it was not serious. he's 6 years younger right? That idiot, lusty man,
frivolous....only played with him a little. that's why..."
"Don't say that"
It's already the limit. With her looking downward, both arms wrapping on Sousuke's
back, desperately pushing back her voice.
"It was not your fault. He was an idiot. That's all of it"
"That idiot. But I love him...."
"I know"
"You can't die. Please"
"Don't worry"
Shoulders soaked with her tears. All of her body was trembling, shivering, unsurpressed
emotions pouring out. The weeping hitting on his earlobes. Then saying nothing more,
he can only carry her shoulders.
There is no sadness. He's experienced.
No, is that really so....?
The way of smiling, he thought he had grasped it. But he still could not understand the
way of crying. An incomplete human like him, shaking his shoulders, if only he could
sob----when exactly will that be?
Why are you not here?
If it was in front of you. If it was in your chest, I might be able to cry.

Traveling by air is not bad.

In the cabin of a business jet, burying the body in the comfortable chair, this is what
Kaname thought.
Surrounded by robust bodyguard and an obedient attendant, enjoying first class food,
watching your favorite movie. Having to relax like this, it has really been a long
time. How long was it ago? She does not know.
Sousuke and Tessa are dead. She also heard that Kruz Weber seems to be dead.

What a pity. This has to happen to a useless fight.

Without doing anything, you should have left everything to me. If you do that,
everything will be better. There is no need to worry about the troublesome matters, and
living out enjoying everyday.
"Miss Chidori. Is there anything you need?"
From inside the cabin Sabine Refunio came. She joined up when transfer was made to
this business jet. She had to do something boorish in South America.
"Hn. Nothing in particular. But, that's right.... I want to get into a large bath"
"That is expectedly impossible inside the aircraft. However, we may have it prepared
when we land"
"Is that so. Then an Onsen would be nice"
"A Hot spring. Until you have that prepared, I'll be easy going. An open air
bath. Having everyone going in would be best. Speaking of which, it's been a long time
since I've been to a hot spring-"
From the image of the fun memories, she gradually got carried away. Carrying an
armful of uncertainty, having fun from the bottom of her heart, those nostalgic image.
When she went into a hot spring, when was that? Who did she go with? Whose idea
was it, and who made such an uproar?
At that time, without relation to her own will, she felt sometime hot in her cheeks. Hot
liquid was pouring from both her eyes. Without significance to her it flowed, she thought
it was completely mysterious.
"Miss Chidori....?"
"How strange. This isn't supposed to be a situation like that. Well anyway. We'll be
landing soon right?"
"After 15 minutes"
Leonard said coming from the pilot room.
"it's about time, why don't you look at the port side. Today's weather is good"
Kaname bend herself forward, peeping outside of the aircraft windows.
Beyond the hazy atmosphere---- in the ocean reflecting the shining sunlight, a lonely
half-moon shaped island floats. She remembers that island.
"It's being constructed there"
"that's right. for you----and a sacred temple that will save us. At anyrate that design will
be discovered, and many enemies will be coming. We have to prepare for that coming
Greatest and highest TAROS. She possesses that. In order to correct this
world. Ending everything, and then that will be the place where everything begins.
A hot violent fight---- if it will be history's last war, that island will be the center.

That island's name is Melidia.

the former base of <Mythril's> West Pacific Fleet.
Sousuke's beloved unit ARX-8 <Laevatein>. Proud of its surprising abilities, has a weak
point in its short operating period. The details of its shoulder unit is provided in this
volume!! That ability is....
Latest unit of the <Codarl> series. Currently the <Erigor> started from the red unit of
Wilheim Casper, the black and white unit are also confirmed. Has many different

Mecha Design: Ebigawa Kanetake

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