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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 2/February 2021

A Survey and Analysis of Impact with respect to Using

ICT Tools in Teaching/ Learning during COVID -19
Pandemic in India
Dr. CA Dhaarna Singh Rathore *1, Dr. Anshu Agarwal *1& Mr. Vikram Singh Rathore 2
Assistant Professor, School of Management, Auro University
Assistant Professor, School of IT, Auro University
Email Id: &

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4564282


A new situation in the form of Global pandemic COVID -19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) has appeared in the foreground.
Globally, societies are acclimatizing to this new reality with social, cultural, economic, and educational implications. Most
governments around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions in an attempt to contain the spread of the
COVID-19 pandemic. To mitigate the impact of these closures, educational institutes around the world including in India are
adopting ICT tools for digital learning and making educators & students mindful of the various digital/e-learning platforms.
This research paper aims at studying the scenario in India for use of ICT tools in teaching and learning processes during the
global pandemic. The study has been done with both educators and learners to ascertain the true scenario of the use of ICT
tools and the effectiveness of the same on the education system. The major aim of this study is to find out factors affecting
the use of ICT in education and to provide for future research in the same direction. The study also aims at finding the
awareness of ICT tools among the trainers/ educators and students/learners. It was found out that due to pandemic and
subsequent lockdown, students and teachers have to use these tools to avoid any kind of loss in the teaching-learning
progress. Video Conferencing Platform “Zoom” is the most used application during this pandemic and is mostly used by
students in their teens (Age range?). The study has given leads to further investigation on ICT usage in the Indian scenario.

Key Words: ICT, Technology, Education, digital skills, Coronavirus, distance education, eLearning, online learning tools

In the era of information and technology, many changes have taken place and those changes play an important part in our life
now. Today technology is considered the reason for economic growth. It makes our life easier by adding ease to the process of
achieving myriad goals. Information and communication technology (ICT) is the word, which has become very popular in every
aspect of work whether it's personal, professional, or any category, also the usage is not new to academics. Before the COVID-
19 pandemic, more often than not, educators/students turned to digital means to search and prepare information materials/
research assignments and not as educational resources to be exploited in the classroom.
Now, most governments around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions in an attempt to contain the spread of
the COVID-19 pandemic. These nationwide closures are affecting over 60% of the world’s student population. Several other
countries have implemented localized closures affecting millions of additional learners. In mid-April 2020, around 194 countries
had fully closed their educational institute as a response to spread the curb of COVID-19. By Mid-July 109, countrywide
closures are still in place with more than 1 billion learners affected. (UNESCO, n.d.).
The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected and changed businesses, healthcare, travel, shopping, learning, etc. Pandemic
has influenced teaching and learning process as people are confined in their home but because of technology despite not going
to school, colleges, universities the educational learning has not come to a halt. Individuals and Organizations have started using
technology to fill in the gap in the learning process created by the ongoing crisis. Hence, online learning has increased
tremendously during the pandemic. Various distance-learning programs already use ICT across the world and online exams in
different domains are employed for many decades now (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018).
The concept of a deeply entrenched ICT tool in the teaching-learning process is not unheard of in western countries or advanced
countries but it was not at all widely used in India, despite the resources and support systems are available. Teachers and schools
were already working towards smart education. If we see the scenario in the last 10-20 years ICT had become popular but was
still not cultivated and practiced so commonly. This paper focuses on factors affecting the adoption of ICT tools for virtual

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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 2/February 2021

classrooms to continue teaching-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, many schools have moved to
online distance learning via platforms such as
 Zoom - videoconferencing software program developed by Zoom Video Communications
 Google Meet – video communication service developed by Google
 Microsoft Teams – Video conferencing service by Microsoft which is completely integrated with Office 365
 Cisco Webex App- Cisco Owned set of videoconferencing apps
 Others – new entrants such as Jiomeet, Adobe Connect, Learncube, etc.
After surveying many papers, we found that are many factors around the world, telling why technology is not in wide usage. We
found that many such reasons are as follows and can be categorized into two perspectives, namely the teachers’ perspective and
the student’s perspective.
1. Resistance from the technologies as they are well-practiced and equipped in traditional teaching methods.
2. Early retirement fear as it was difficult for aged teachers and faculty to learn new concepts and technologies.
3. The expense involved in getting required hardware
4. Time spent preparing for the class because of new things to do such as prepare the slide, online contents, etc.
5. Teachers feel that their students may be more equipped with technologies as compared to them and the students will
laugh at them.
6. Possibility of taking the work to home as technology removes the barriers to mobility.
7. Attitude
There were some positive aspects also.
1. Many teachers especially the young ones found it easy and more relevant to use technology.
2. Technically educated teachers were ready to implement and were comfortable with ICT.
3. Improved productivity
4. Reusable resources were created.
5. Easy to manage students as teachers don’t have to use black/whiteboards.
6. Automation of the teaching and learning process.
7. Attitude
Students: (Coldwell & Wells, 2003)
1. Familiarity with the software tool encourages positive reactions to its use.
2. Problems encountered with the software tool early in the semester colours students perceptions of its usability
throughout the rest of the semester
Positive aspects (Sit, Chung, Chow, & Wong, 2004)
1. Online learning was seen to be convenient allowing students to study at their own pace and time.
2. Students reported that online learning enabled them to hold a higher level of accountability for their learning and to
learn independently.
Negative aspects are:
1. A major hindrance to online learning was the inadequate opportunity for human interaction, which was deemed
necessary for establishing peer support and developing in-depth group discussion on the subject matter.
In addition, many surveys had been done with respect to the attitude of learners and tutors where some have found no significant
difference in teaching/learning online or offline. Few show differences in the attitude of the way they are provided with the
education. While few others show a positive attitude and no relation between the genders. Even anxiety and dissatisfaction were
also found to impacts the adoption of ICT. Many people are not comfortable with Technology usage w.r.t. to teaching and
learning (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018) . Such studies had been conducted in West Bengal, India & Czech Republic where the
students had a very positive attitude towards online learning methods and their score was high irrespective of gender category.
Whereas per a similar study done in Spain it was found to be differences in the face-to-face and online methods. Based on the
survey of papers we can say that Attitude plays an important role in the use of ICT tools for teaching and learning.

Background of Study
As the world is moving towards technological advancement, many studies have been done in the last decade to gauge and
understand the acceptance of ICT tools in the teaching-learning process. In the Indian context, ICT in schools was formally
launched in December 2004 under Rashtriya Madhyamic Shiksha Abhiyan (NIC, 2016).

When we talk about the world at large and the history of ICT in the teaching-learning process it goes back to 1975. (Leinonen,
2005) gave a diagrammatic presentation of the history of ICT in teaching as shown below;

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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 2/February 2021

Figure 1: History of ICT (Leinonen, 2005)

The roots of ICT go back to 1975, which started with a drill exercise to see the implications of ICT on the learning curve. It was
an introduction phase where the computer had not much impact on the process as it lacked multimedia. It moved to computer-
based training in the 80s. When CD ROMs came in, there was a huge change in the way students learn. However, this was a
new method and a new trend but it still lacked users’ interest. The major reason behind it was its lack of implementation in each
subject. While it fitted very well in practical subjects, it lacked acceptance in theoretical subjects.

The internet-based training was a new light of hope in the 90s. The users were able to do text, animations, and other kinds of
experiments with audio and video. Reaching towards Y2K, the gen-next moved to eLearning. ELearning made the path of
understanding education easier. Those who were not using articles, journals, and data online, felt being at a disadvantage. The
eLearning process made people move towards the process of learning with ease but it was costly as well. The internet was not
easily available and costed a fortune when available. In addition, the contents were not freely available as well.

Post-2000s things changed drastically and things were available easily. Now a day’s content is free and easily available. Which
has its pros and cons. Not every country is using these technologies, especially in the education sector. When the global
pandemic situation arose in March 2020, a need to study the current acceptance level in a country like India was felt. This paper
is a primary document to a detailed study conducted on the use of ICT during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Review of Literature
(Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018) have very well discussed technology and its importance in our life. However, the major concern
for schools or the education system has changed over time. The students’ perspective says that IT aids the learning method and
makes the content interactive and interesting as compared to old methods. Some major aspects that have made life easy with
technology are Internet connectivity and its availability all around the clock. The Internet has made every content available
everywhere on any device at any time and any place. Although there are, some security issues they can overcome if used wisely.
The second perspective is changing in a classroom setup with the use of projectors, smart boards, and audio/visuals equipment.
Presenting the content using PowerPoint tools etc. has made the interaction easy and interesting. We can present the contact
graphically and make the session interactive and interesting. We no longer have to focus on struggling with chalk/pen-
black/whiteboards. The third point to be considered is the digital footprint, which has aided all-around-the-clock availability and
connecting with the students. One can learn/teach situated at a distant place. Which is improving learning in a different category
of subjects making the teaching-learning multidisciplinary. Not only this we can now gain online degrees and certifications from
very reputed universities and institutions without worrying about how to reach there and it is cost-effective too. This method
provides flexible timing to take the courses and is generally self-paced. Which motivated educators and learners to take classes
as per the availability. The use of tools and technologies has made learning from passive to interactive and reactive to
(Giovanni Xavier & Sonia Janeth, 2016) This study has aimed to study the attitude of teachers as well as students in the
teaching and learning process aiming to form an instrument to measure the same. It talks about a factor analysis method called
SATICT- "Scale of Attitude towards ICT". 1080 sample of a university student’s data is used to study the factorial invariance
considering gender and educational level. The result shows a model fit with the parameters considered. Here the major concern
is distance learning. It counts on 20 items based on the category of effectiveness, Behavioral, and Cognitive used on 5 points
Likert Scale. Data Analysis is done using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Multi-Group Analysis. RMSEA, 90% Confidence
level was considered. In addition, it was found that configurable invariance was not there in the result, which means the attitude
is not affected by the gender and education level of the respondents.
(Chigona & Chigona, 2020) Authors have studied Khanya schools in the process of adopting and implementing ICT in their
teaching-learning process. This study focused on the factor analysis of those reasons, which are preventing teachers from using
ICT in teaching. The study was more interview-based and they collected data from 14 educators to find out the reasons behind
resistance towards ICT in teaching methodologies. The result showed many factors in terms of personal, social, and
environmental aspects that made educators reluctant towards ICT. This research was more focused on qualitative aspects.
(Mumtaz, 2000) This study was a major review of literature-based study focusing on the factors which influence the teacher’s
choices to use ICT in their teaching process. The major factors, which were studied under this paper, were, “access to resources,


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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 2/February 2021

quality of software and hardware, ease of use, incentives to change, support and collegiality in their school, school and national
policies commitment to professional learning and background in formal computer training”. The study majorly found out that
the success of ICT in the teaching-learning process could be achieved only when there is a chain of interlinkage between the
teacher, school, and policymakers.
(Player-Koro, 2012) Studied by framing a model of factors that influence a teacher’s decision to use ICT in the teaching-
learning process. They found out that a positive attitude and self-sufficiency to use computers can help achieve teacher
excellence in using ICT in the process. With the help of the structural modeling technique, they found out that a surprisingly
positive attitude has no much impact on using ICT in teaching. With the help of multi regression analysis, they tested their
proposed model. The final model was tested using AMOS 7.0.
( Sangrà & González-Sanmamed) The paper talks about the role of ICT in education in four different types of schools. Research
is carried out to work towards the improvement of the teaching and learning process with help of Technology. It is observed that
the process is better for the schools that implemented ICT as an innovative factor. It is not only about implementing ICT but
other factors taken into consideration are teacher’s role, classroom organization, way of interaction, usage of modern tools, and
teaching and learning process. Level 1 schools are schools with limited ICT tools and connectivity, Level 2 with well-equipped
classroom but no guidelines for usage, Level 3 Computer-based classrooms connected on LAN and regularly offering teaching
and learning using ICT, Level 4 ICT is distinctive learning with completely connected over the internet. Data Collection was
done using questionnaires and interviews. It had been found that ICT has an impact on teaching and learning in a positive way.
In addition, it shows that there is a relation between teacher, innovation, use, and equipment. Developing an appropriate and
trusting atmosphere is an important task.
(Dube, Nhamo, & Magonde, 2018) This paper aims to examine factors responsible for the utilization of ICT in physical
education pedagogy. A descriptive survey was conducted for data collection and simple statistical analysis was done to
understand the same. It was found that the teachers with limited access to ICT, poor training, negative attitude, etc. are affecting
the usage negatively. The research had been carried out in a primary school in Johannesburg- east cluster, South Africa. The
result was found that teacher’s attitude towards accepting ICT tools plays an important role in deciding whether to integrate ICT
or not. Availability of hardware and software is also a point of consideration along with the impact of physical education
teaching and knowledge to the teachers have an impact.
(Amutha, 2020) Talks about the role of ICT in modern education and its implications on students, teachers, and learning. In this
theoretical paper, the author tried to bring the present situation of ICT in education and its functions. (Pandey & Pandey, 2020)
Focused on extracting the work done so far in the field of information and communication technology in the education sector. A
very in-depth study of review of the literature was done to know the effect of ICT which was found to be positive in the
education sector. The paper also recommended ICT and education as an area for further research. Many types of research have
been done in the area of ICT integration into the teaching and learning process. (Rana & Rana, 2020) Studied ICT in higher
education in Nepal. They identified many underlying factors, which hindered the usage of ICT in higher education. Factors like
lack of infrastructure support, education of faculty for use of technology, lack of funding from the government in higher
education institutions, etc. The paper argued to have better policies and practices with a more sustainable mechanism to develop
ICT facilities into higher education for better output. Another study of Nagaland by (Vizo, Mall, & Parida, 2020) wherein they
studied some very critical factors for ICT in education systems like Learning and research, job search, social contact from
students' perspectives. With the primary data collected and confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS, they propounded that
from a student’s perspective ICT is important and has gained rapid advancement in this decade.

Objective of Research and Hypothesis

This research aims at analyzing the impact of COVID- 19 in the education sector with respect to the use of technology. The
major objectives are:

1. To find out which is the most used application/ tool in the online teaching-learning process.
2. To find out the average percentage of people using online teaching/learning tools in pandemic locked down.
3. To give a scope of further study in terms of usage of ICT tools in teaching-learning processes in pandemic situations.

The hypothesis of the research are as follows:

Objective 1:- Hypothesis
Ha0: There is no preferable online tool in the teaching-learning process.
Ha1: There is a tool preference in the mind of users of ICT tools in the teaching-learning process.
Objective 2:- Hypothesis
Hb0: People are not very inclined towards using ICT tools in the teaching/learning process.
Hb1: There is a significant and positive attitude of people towards using ICT tools in the teaching/learning process.
Objective 3:- Hypothesis
Hc0: There is not much scope for further research in the area of ICT in the teaching/ learning process.
Hc1: There is a significant and positive scope of further research in the area of ICT in the teaching/ learning process.


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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 2/February 2021

Research Methodology
This paper has been designed based on extensive literature reviews from different journals from the teaching and technology
Research design and data collection:
A seven-point Likert scale questionnaire was developed based on a literature review and interviews from educators from
different fields. The questionnaire was sent to more than 1200 educators and students out of which 626 responses were received.
The questions of the Likert scale needed further testing and were kept for future research. Where only approx. 75% of
respondents were using online ICT tools for the Teaching/ Learning process and hence only that data was used for further
Data analysis and findings:
The questionnaire was sent to 1200 educators and students to collect data on the global pandemic situation wherein everyone
was under lockdown and trying to continue their education journey. A total of 629 responses were received.
Around 50% of the respondents were in the age bracket of 11-20 years depicting that the maximum users of ICT tools in
education are students who are in later years of school or are in college.

Age Frequenc % Valid % Cumulative %

Group y
0 – 10 3 .5 .5 .5
11-20 313 50.0 50.0 50.5
21-30 136 21.7 21.7 72.2
31-40 125 20.0 20.0 92.2
41-50 41 6.5 6.5 98.7
51-60 6 1.0 1.0 99.7
60 and 2 .3 .3 100.0
Total 626 100.0 100.0
Table 1: Cumulative Data Age wise Figure 2: Cumulative Data Age wise

While further testing this data it was found out that 26.4% of the respondents were not at all using online tools for their
teaching-learning process and making this data total obsolete for further research.

Valid Frequency Valid % Cumulative

No 165 26.4 26.4
Yes 461 73.6 100.0
Total 626 100.0

Table: 2 Data for Online Users

Table 2 shows that there are 26.4% of people from faculty and students fraternity are not using any Online mode of teaching and
Ruling out above 26.4 % data further analysis was done on what kind of tools are used by these respondents in their teaching/
learning process.

Tool Type Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Google Meet 76 16.5 16.5 16.5
Microsoft 5 1.1 1.1 17.6
Others 45 9.8 9.8 27.3
WebEx 7 1.5 1.5 28.9
WebEx, Others 1 .2 .2 29.1
Zoom 133 28.9 28.9 57.9
Zoom, Google 172 37.3 37.3 95.2
Zoom, MS Teams 5 1.1 1.1 96.3


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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 2/February 2021

Zoom, Others 10 2.2 2.2 98.5

Zoom, WebEx 7 1.5 1.5 100.0
Total 461 100.0 100.0
Table 3: ICT Tool Usage

Figure 3: Bar Chart Showing ICT Tool Usage Figure 4: Pie Chart For ICT Tool Usage

It can be seen from above table 3 and figure 3 & 4 that though people are using more than one tool of ICT in their teaching-
learning process at the time, it can be interpreted that is the maximum used application for it.
This can also be seen from the pie chart shown below:
The final classification done in the survey was the categorization of educators and learners for further research. The data so
collected showed the following picture of users’ type in the survey:

Frequency % Valid % Cumulative

No 241 52.3 52.3 52.3
Yes 220 47.7 47.7 100.0
461 100. 100.0

Figure 5: User Type Table: 4 User Type

Where in 241 respondents were learners and rest were educators more appropriately shown in the table below:
Moving ahead in the research the data was classified in the above two categories to make further analysis as to who is using ICT
tool with utmost benefits. Further introspection was done as to which is the most popular tools amongst educators and learners
while using ICT in education (online learning/ teaching)
Educator Students
Zoom 43 90
Google 35 33
MS Teams 3 1
Multiple 115 89
Webex 7 0
Others 17 28
Total 220 241

Table 5: Tools Used Figure 6: Tools Used

It is observed from table 5 and figures 6 that maximum respondents were using multiple tools in their teaching-learning process
but it is observed that Zoom is the most used ICT tool for the online teaching/ learning process.


© 2021, IJASRW, All right reserved
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 2/February 2021

The demographic bifurcations of the respondents seen in terms of educator/ students as follows:

Age Educator Students

0-10 years 0 2
Chart Title
11-20 Years 0 169 200
21-30 Years 55 64
31-40 Years 122 6
41-50 years 39 0
51-60 Years 5 0
0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 60 and
60 years and 0 0 years Years Years Years years Years Above
Total 221 241 Educator Students

Table 6. Age category of ICT Users Figure 7: Age Category of ICT Tools
It can be seen from above table 6 and figure 7 that most of the students using ITC are in the age bracket of 11-20 years while the
educators are in the age of 31 to 40 years depicting that the younger generation is more inclined towards the use of technology in

Conclusion And Recommendations

This study is the first phase of finding the impact of the global pandemic situation on ICT in the Indian education sector. The
table shows below the objectives and findings of the study:

S. No Objective Finding
1 To find out, which is the most, used application/ tool in the online Faculties and students mostly preferred
teaching-learning process. zoom and Multiple ways of ICT
platforms. (Table 5 and Figure 6)
2 To find out the average percentage of people using online The analysis revealed that the majority
teaching/learning tools in pandemic locked down. was in favor of using ICT Tools with
73.6 % using it and 26.4 % not using it.
(Table 2 and Figure 4)
3 To give a scope of further study in terms of usage of ICT tools in The future recommendation is given
teaching-learning processes in pandemic situations. below

The study revealed that,

1. Most of the respondents are using online Tools during COVID-19 closure. Hence, COVID-19 has proved to be the onset of
the imposed digital age, wherein Teachers and students should "wisely" operate and adapt to online learning and teaching.
2. The most common tool used by respondents was Zoom followed by Google Meet, Microsoft team along many others.
3. It was also found the most students of age bracket 11-20 are using ICT; there can be multiple possible reasons for the same.
This research is a foundation of a detailed study on factors affecting the decision of teacher/ learner in the use of ICT in the
teaching-learning process. A more in-depth study will be required to comment more precisely on the same.

1. The study has been done with a limited set of respondents and the results can vary with larger sample size.
2. The study is not age-based / standard or grade-based. A segregated study at school and higher education level may give
a different scenario.

1. Factor analysis can be done based on identifying the factors, which lead to acceptance of ICT in the teaching-learning
2. The area/ sample size can be increased for a more detailed study.
3. Modeling techniques can also be tested- which will be phase two of this research.


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International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (2581-5997)/ Volume 4/Issue 2/February 2021

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