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Final Examination in Eng.

3 Date:
Name: Score:
Test I. Multiple Choice Test

Direction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. It is the smallest unit of lexicon in a language which bears some meaning.

a. Function Word b. Lexeme c. Noun d. Inflection

2. It refers to the set of rules by which a person constructs full sentences.

a. Lexicon b. Phonemes c. Context d. Syntax

3. It is a functional category that includes those words that can be used to turn clause into the subject or
object of a sentence.

a. Complementizer b. Context c. Coordinator d. Determiner

4. It is one or more words that form a meaningful grammatical unit within a clause.

a. Inflections b. Determiner c. Phrases d. Clauses

5. These are words that are commonly used to show a relationship in space or time and even logical
relationship between two or more people, places or things.

a. Phrases b. Complementizer c. Prepositions d. Particles

6. It is a syntactic unit consisting of an auxiliary verb preceding the main verb.

a. Particles b. Verb Phrase c. Adverbial Phrase d. Prepositions

7. It is a clause which is the main clause that must have a verb to show tense.

a. Embedded Clause b. Non-finite Clause c. Finite Clause d. Coordinated Clause

8. “Having tickled a million toes” is what example of?

a. Finite Verb Phrase b. Non-Finite Verb Phrase c. Coordinated Clause d. Embedded Clause

9. It is a clause that is within a main clause.

a. Embedded Clause b. Non-finite Clause c. Finite Clause d. Coordinated Clause

10. It is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases and words in a natural

a. Syntax b. Context c. Grammar d. Morphemes

Test II.

Direction: Underline the correct form of verb that must be used in the sentence.

1. Everyone (need, needs) love and affection from the family.

2. Collecting seashells (is, are) my hobby.

3. Sweet and spicy (is, are) my favourite Pancit Canton flavour.

4. Each of you (is, are) required to passed the internship program to move forward to the next level.

5. They (dance, dances) gracefully in the rain.

6. The captain, together with the elects, (is, are) having so much fun.

7. Interviews (is, are) one way to collect data and 8. (allow, allows) researchers to gain an in-depth
understanding of participants.

9. The OIC or the school coordinator (approve, approves) the budget proposal for the upcoming event.

10. Neither alternative hypothesis (was, were) accepted.

11. The committee (agree, agrees) on the said budget for the ecological campaign.

12. A bouquet of yellow roses (lend, lends) color and fragrance to my room.

13. Either Kyla or Mavy (is, are) helping today with stage decorations.

14. Neither the plates nor the serving bowl (go, goes) on that shelf.

15. Excitement as well as nervousness, (is, are) the cause of her shaking.

16. There (is, are) four hurdles to jump.

17. Five miles (is, are) too far to walk.

18. Some of the pies (is, are) missing.

19. Somebody (has, have) left her wallet unnoticed.

20. A pair of plaid trousers (is, are) in the closet.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your
ways submits to Him and He will make your path straight.

Prepared by: Miss Rutchelyn Lovitos

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