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Icenuna fovstcacron ¥ Teewotota volume XX iaciero 1), enero-marzo 2021 1-13 @Q089) ome ISSN 2594-0732 FLUNAM anicuo arbitrado Informacién del aniculo: Recbido: 22 de unio de 2020, aceptado: 1 de octubre de 2020 [Atribution-NonCommercal-NoDerivaives 4.0 Intemational (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 eense Ingenieria Intpsdo\.org/10,2220/f.259407326.2029.22..002 ieee Energy consumption and atmospheric emissions from refined petroleum in Mexico by 2030 Consumo de energfa y emisiones atmosiéricas por el petréleo refinado en México para el afo 2030 Granados-Herndndez Elias Alarcén-Jiménez Ana Luisa ‘Universidad Nacional Auténoma de México Universidad Nacional utsnoma de México iro Teenoligicos88 Aran {Geno de Ciencias de ia Atmosera Evmatl elas? Emmalt ana arconstmester unam mx Fr ioreldon/0000-0001-6157-896X ftps ireid ong0000-0001-781407807 L6pez-Andrade Xicoténcatl Fuentes-Garcia Gilberto Universidad para el Bienestr Bento Jur Garcia Universidad Nacional Auténoma de México Escuela de nga Abel {Gena de Ciencias de a Atmosera E-mail sicotPoagrat con Ema fvenbeto@icoud com Fits on 800-0001-6303-9576 ‘picid ng0000-0002:5634.5249 Vega-Rangel Elizabeth Sanchez-Alvarez Pablo Universidad Nacional Aut6ooma de México Universidad Nacional AutGnoma de Mésico Centr de Ciena dea Aimestera entra de Cleanse dela Aomdslera Eval: eveya@atmosfera unam ma mal pasx@unam me Fitpsoreid org0000-0003-2954.950X. ‘apse or0000-0003-2165-8 Sosa-Echeverria Rodolfo Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México Cent de Ciencias dela Atmestera Evmall:rodsosatdunam me hitps/orel o7g0000-0003-2536-7266 Abstract (One ofthe base nee fora country’s economic developments to cover the major fel demand and bath ene consumption and enionmentl imps resting rm te production of such hes nee to be at and elabe- The purpose of this paper fo cone to an esate of nergy consumpsion and "Emospheicemisios of some ofthe poluant species eprtd by Pemex Reinain unde deen projections The predive estimate model was apied ‘Cnedering four diferent gucie dead scent, a well a different ef tcinology option ost fel coraumpion needs, based on predction tld: our dierent ype of ener, tre yes of crude ok and wg iferetprocens, Enon extmates were determined apphing emauon lao, both or the typeof esl fuel energy source used inthe dre: heating processes for vapor generation, aswel by using elec energy. Results show hat the ‘quar energy consumption relive to the total processes crude gestern complex reine ul conversion), howeve glee conven eficeney ‘Sowa smal volun of crude consumption needed tats the uel demand with owe emasions rave to cher ype of technologies, Mens posse refineries ned o adapt theme to dierent operation seers, sch anges inthe cue’ ye, te aly ofthe proc, varatns nthe pce the crude and ofthe refined produc. Tereoremporant to develop and apply pespectves than maximize produc and minimize energy consum>= tion, reducing a masons, constant change Scena. Fall the problem would then be evaluating which would be mote convenient to oan a eater ‘eclreconomi benef reduce emo tothe smsphere ota ower operation cose ofthe fine Keywords ery consumption, cl reine, ney een, pation, gine. Resumen Cube Ia demands de combustibles de mayor consumo es una de as necsidaes bles pra el desnroloeconémicn de un pa. A ambén el cansumo ‘de eer y os pacts ambintales debdonal prodccn de exes combtbes debe ser iforaden con pron yeofilidad El bjao que se ersigue en exe artcuo es conbu para obtener un etmade del consumo de energy de ls emisoessimostrcas de algunas de ls especies corsam= ares reporadas por Pemex refinacin,anlzapdo derentesproeccones El modelo de esimacion ped se pics consderando cuavoescenatos de ‘demand de guns, al como las sipentes opciones tcnclgcas de efain pra sifiacer el canara del combusts, con base en unrendinlento de roduccién: esr pes de refiner ire ipo de edo y cto proces, Leman dels erniones se delrin pando factored emi, tanto rsp de ents de ene nl cnsumia en ks proceso de calrtamento diesoo parla generac evapo como pore us de ene wcrc. as esutados muestan que consumo equtalente de ene tepeco al ol de crudoprocesado es mayor es felintas muy comple), 59 e bao, su yan ececia de carwersén permite crsumt menor vlumen de cudo pra salstacer ls demands del combustble con eres baja a ae, resto ar ipo detensoga ay poste einen en Méxe endrn qe aaptare a ieee sceaton opera, come carbo en el ene to dl cdo, calfad del producto, x como vain e os precios dl cudo y de los products rfnados. Por lo ats, es importante desaol empl ‘mentarenfaques que maxinicen la productidedy minimicen el consumo de enega,reucendo ls emisiones amestrcasen ecenarceoperatvos de {vstante camo, Po limo, el problema sera etonces evalua Qué sera ns convenient para ablener un mayor beneco socowuanénico: reduc is tmsiones ai aiméer 0 dsminrlon costes de operaciin de a eines Descriptors: Consumo energtc, rene de pevlen, wicenca energétc,cortaminacién dl ake, gassing. psd org/t0.22201/%.25940732e.2021.22.1,002 ENERGY CONFUMITON AND ATMOSIENE MSEONS OM REPNED EMRLELM 4 ME Oil refineries are big energy-consuming industrial faci lites (Rossi etal, 2020; Ulyev ef al, 2018). Several authors, such as (Ocic, 2005), state thatthe equivalent energy consumption relative to the processed crude, ranges between 4 % and 8 % (Seklo & Schaefer, 2007; Ochoa & Jobson, 2015) between 7% and 15% and (Wo- rrelef al, 2015), between 27 % and 35% with data calcu- lated by this agency. Therefore energy consumption in anol refinery may vary in time, due to the type of pro- cessed crude, the complexity of the refinery (US, Ener fy information Administration, 2012), loading capacity, Sand other operational factors (Hui e al, 2016). ‘Additionally, the processes with a greater energy in- tensity in elation toamajorload capacity ae atmosphe- tie distillation “AD*, vacuum distillation “VD, catalytic reforming “CR” catalytic cracking “CC”, hydrocracking “HC, hydrotretment “HT”, coking “CK”, and alia tion “AK” (Worrel eta, 2015). The energy consumption Of AD and VD is 35% and 45 % ofthe total ofthe df rent processes (Szklo&e Schafer, 2007), and mone than 80% ofthe energy consumption results rom the refinery products, including refinery gas (RC), petroleum coke (P) liquid gas (LG), fuel ol (FO), and other refined pro ducts Wang ea, 200), which ae used for direct hea ting oF for vapor generation; additionally cletrcty (EL) is used to power pumps, compressors and other anc lary equipment (Worrell, 2015). In recent years, the processed crude has become heavier and the established refineries have focused in procuring lighter fuels such as gasoline (Demitbas & Bamulleh, 2017), Among the different oi-derived pro ducts produced from an oil barrel in a United States refinery, 45% to 48% is gasoline (US. Energy Informa tion Administration, 2019) and, according to (Wang e ai, 2008), 53,7 % ofthe energy used in a particular ref nety is used inthe production of fuel Tn contrast, although refineries. satisfy society's energy demands, they can also affect ait quality (Ra gothamnan & Anderson, 2017). The World Health Orga ization (WHO) has identified polluted air as the biggest heath hazard and, thus, efforts are needed to maintain a good air quality (World Health Organiza tion, 2020) This industry is responsible forthe emission of several ar pollutants (Kalabokas etal, 2001; Hadid tt al, 2016), emiting millions of tons (MM tons) to the tir witha potential health risk (Wakefield, 2007. Some of the pollutants emitted by this industry include car bon monoxide (CO), particles (PM), nitrogen oxides (NO), sulfur oxides (80,, and volatile organic com- pounds (VOQ)(Worre eta, 2015) 2 IcENIeRla INVEsTIGACION ¥ TEeNOLOEI, Volumen XXI{nGimero 1), enero-ma To this date, Mexico has six oil refineries (Cadere yta, Madero, Minatitlin, Salamanca, Salina Cruz and. Tula), which process three types of crude oils (Olmeca, Istmo and Maya), which are considered as super light, light, and heavy, respectively (Petréleos Mexicanos, 2018). According to the Energy Information System the six refineries had a gasoline production yield of 30.2.% in 2007 and 28.1 % in 2017 (Sistema de Informacién Energética, 2019), ‘According to data obtained from the National Inst: tute of Transparency, Access to Information and Perso: nal Data Protection (INAD the Transformation Subsector of Petrdleos Mexicanos (INAI, 2017), reported that the ‘energy self-consumption of the Oil Refining Sector (SNR) was only fuel oil (FO) and electricity (EL), which repre sented 8 % of the equivalent energy relative to the total processed crude in 2007 and 9 % in 2016, Additionally. ‘Mexico's oil refineries emitted a total of 326,456 tonnes (tons) in2016, with a proportion of 84% (80, 6% (NO), 4% (PM) and 5 % (VOC), Finally Miranda (2018), published an informative note in the newspaper La Jornada, where itis mentioned, ‘that gasoline importation increased 63 % and production decreased 50 %, that is, Refining National System de creased from a production of 437,000 barrels per day (B/D) in 2013, to 217,000 B/D in the first half of 2018. On the other hand, the current situation limits fuel offer for the next years, implying that Mexico wil! continue im: porting gasoline In this sense, the set-up of the oil refining industry in Mexico has the main objective of satisfying the de ‘mand of different fuels, particularly of gasolines, con: suming the greater volume of the crudes in the country and reporting clearly and timely the energy and envi ronmental impact that this industry will have. Howe: ver, this depends on a series of challenges which are the bases of study of the present paper, and which will be decisive in the fuel transformation processes, The principal objective of this study is to estimate the energy consumption and the emissions of CO, SO, NO, PM and VOC of the Mexican oil refining industry for the year 2030, with the idea of contributing and ex: tending new information on the atmospheric emissions of this industry, applying different refining technolo. ies used to satisty the gasoline demand. Consequently, this paper, after the Introduction, be- ‘gins with information on the possible gasoline demand, Scenarios in Mexico, after which the energy consump: tion and atmospheric emissions estimates are modeled. Finally, the last two sections emphasize and discuss its results and conclusions, respectively 120 2021: 1-13 ISSN 25940732 FLLUNAM psd org/10.22201/%.259407320.2021.221.002 Grusubos-Heananois E, Lonz-AvonaneX, Veca-Ranc E, Sose-Fouunia R Atascon-lover AL, Fur Gascia G, Sancur-AuastrP (GASOLINE DEMAND SCENARIOS IN Mexico Ina paper published in Bauer et al, 2003) examined the impact of the gasoline demand in Mexico, as a conse- {quence of the increase in the number of vehicles which circulate when a certain per capita level is reached. Thus, the four scenarios in gasoline demand calcul by these authors are labeled as A, B, C and D in this paper. The first scenario (A) was based on the historical yearly car increase (4.3 %) for the period 1980-2000, and ‘of 4 % for the period 2000-2030. Scenarios B, C and D_ were established considering a yearly increase in the average gross national product (GNP) of 3.7, 5.3 and 6.2 %, respectively (2000-2030), based on the Gompertz Curve to obtain the number of vehicles as a function of the per capita income and, in consequence, as a function of the year when such income is reached. In this way, the gasoline demand scenarios for the year 2030 esta: blished by the authors are: 1306000, 2142000, 2765000 and 2904000 B/D, respectively. (On the other hand, the Mexican Department of Energy (Secretaria de Energia, 2016) reported that the gasoline demand will have an average yearly increase Of 1.9 % for the period 2016-2030, that is 834000 B/D to 1063000 B/D in 2030. Finally, a particular scenario was developed by performing a correlation Montecarlo si mulation between the historical gasoline demand rela: tive to the relevant macroeconomic indicators for this study (using the Crystal Ball program). These indica tors are the currency exchange, the national consumer price index (NCPI), the GNP, the balance of trade and, additionally, the country’s population. A correlation, analysis was performed for each of these and forming, groups of indicators with the historical demand of ga soline. From this analysis one can conclude that it is convenient to relate the gasoline demand with the GNP, the NCPI and the population, since a better corre lation (R= 0.8995) was obtained with a fuel demand scenario of 1193000 B/D for the year 2030. Table 1, Gasoline demand scenarios (@/D) ° a8 ©» : = 1 306/00 2,142,000 2.765000 2.904000 1.053.500 1,195,800 Source: Bauer ta, 2003) (Secretaria cde Energia 2016) Mopruine OF THE ENERGY CONSUMPTION Different projections were determined by modeling, four types of refineries (RI “hydroskimming’, R2 “cracking”, R3 “hydrocracking” and Ré “full conver- sion”), three types of erudes (Olmeca, Istmo and Maya), and eight types of processes (AD “atmospheric distlla- tion”, VD “vacuum distillation”, CR “catalytic reforma- tion’, CC “catalytic cracking”, HC “hydrocracking”, HT “hydrotreatment”, CK “coking”, AK “alkilation”), The steps for the modeling and estimation for the six energy sources (EL “electricity”, NG “natural gas" RG “refinery gas’, PC “petroleum coke”, FO “fuel oil” LG “liquid gas”) and five types of atmospheric pollu- tants (SO, “sulfur oxides”, NO, “nitrogen oxides”, CO) “carbon monoxide”, PM “particles”, VOC “volatile or- ganic compounds”) are then described: Step 1. REQUIRED CRUDE VOLLME This was calculated from the following equation: a Where: 1 =crude oil volume (B/D) asoline demand (B/D) “urrent gasoline production (325000 B/D) asoline production yield (% vol.) pe of analyzed crude (Olmeca, Istmo, Maya) ype of refinery (R1, R2, R3, R4) sroduction efficiency (100 %) Table 2, Gasoline yield by type of crude oil and refinery analyzed (% Vol) a Ri 2 Rm Rt 106” Isimo 185129973978 Mays 153023003343 Sour: (Bi 1956) Incentens InvesTcacion ¥ TEewoLOcia, volumen XXII {ndmeto 1), enero-marzo 2021: 1-13 ISSN 2594-0732 FLUNAM. psd org/10.22201/%.259407320.2021.22.1,002 ENERGY CONFUMITON AND ATMOSIEN SMSEONE ROM REPNED REL 4 ME The data base required that feeds Equation 1 is gi Table 1 and 2. ‘STEP 2. CARRYING CAPACITY FOR EACH INPE OF This was calculated from the following equation: Pew @ (7) ios Where: b =carrying capacity (B/D) ut ~crude oil volume (B/D) , = operation rate (% Vol} j_ ~process type (AD, VD, CR, CC, HC, HT, CK, AK) The operation rates for the different types of analyzed processes are given in Table 3. ‘STEP 3, ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY TYPE OF PRO Energy consumption was calculated using the fo- owing equation using the data base shown in Table 4: £=(p)* (6) / 110% eo Where: £ = energy consumption in million British thermal units per day (MMBtu/D) arzying capacity (B/D) specific energy (British thermal unit per barrel “BUu/B") minimum (2), maximum (y), average (2) ‘STEP 4, ENERGY SOURCE CONSUMED BY TYPE OF PROCESS The following equation is used: F=(©* (,/100) @ Where: F ~energy consumption by energy source (MMBtu/D) = energy consumption (MMBtu/D) f ~energy source (%) (EL, NG, RG, PC, FO, GL) J ~process type (AD, VD, CR, CC, HC, HT, CK, AK) Table 3. Operating rate by type of crude and refinery analyzed 1% Vol.) 7 om Isto HR? RG RE Gee aD z vo oe es 6 a — CR von 2 6% 7 2m M4 cco 31 28 28 HOO w 6 Bos HT BM 2% M 1 % m7 x 4 6 AK 6 Soar: ar 1H) Table 4, Specific energy by type of process a vb 4738 113852 ce 208,729 381,556 5182 cc 47638 17078 108,108 He 161290 82581 241.935, ut 56926 17078 113852 cK 113852 aaa 175522 ak 332,068, 341.556 36812 Tourer Own daboraon based on PUlegina tal, 207) Source Own dbo 4 IcEntenla IwvEsTGncion ¥ Tec —_ ¥ oLo«iA, valumen XX (ndimero Maya Ge so 6 6B oo oR 4 23 son B38 3 ‘enerosmarzo 2021: 1-13 ISSN 25940732 FLLUNAM psd org/10.22201/%.259407320.2021.221.002 lananoia E, Lonz-ANotade X, Vecd-Ranc Gusuoos E, Sose-Fouunia R Atascon-lover AL, Fur Gascia G, Sancur-AuastrP Table 5 gives the energy percentage by type of analyzed source in percentage. Step 5. Ewissions estiMarions The following equation is used as indicated by the Uni- tod States Environmental Protection Agency (US. Envi ronmental Protection Agency, 2020) E-F)G) 8 Where: E_ = emission of each type of pollutant (tons per day “tons/D") ‘nergy consumption by energy source (MMBtu/D) ns) F c= emission factor of each type of pollutant ( MMBtu) ¢ = pollutant (SO, NO, CO, PM, VOC) {f =energy source (EL, NG, RG, PC, FO, GL) Table 6 gives the emission factor of each type of pollu- tant in tons/MMBeu Finally, equation 6 summarizes the matrix that was used to estimate the total emission estimates by type of analyzed crude and refinery A, =H)" I 6 Where: A. = total emissions of pollutants (tons/D) pe of analyzed crude (Olmeca, Istino, Maya) pe of refinery (R1, R2, R3, R4) ‘nergy consumption by energy source (MMBtu/D) mission factor of each type of pollutant (tons/ MMBtu) rocess type (AD, VD, CR, CC, HC, HT, CK, AK) i Figure 1 shows the block diagram for determining, energy consumption and atmosph dering the type of refining technology. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2 shows the volume of processed crude for the projections PA, PB, PC, PD, Ps and Pm, required to sa- lisfy the gasoline demand for the year 2030. Table 5. Energy consumed by type of energy source and process analyzed () ) EL NG, RG Pe FO. is aD 62 257 462 7 3a 1s vw 39 263 472 4 32 2.00 cR 87 2 383 155 46 1s ce Bs 35 10 ms o7 as He 499 137 246 oa v7 1 wT 79 142 256 95 as 1 x 2 aud 379 u 25 ue AK 376 wa 307 na 2 Source: Own daborao ton Pagina a 3007) Table 6, Emission factors by type of energy source ; ‘ NO, v7 cov TL seo 256-08 TaEO? LaE-0e NG 64605 37E05 TABS 278-06 RG 64605 37E05 AES 27E-06 PC 1103 A3E-O1 LIESS 33EO 236-05 Fo 0 2B L6FOS 208-05 256-05, us 9aE05 37E05 s2b06 27-06 Source: Own daboraton based on (grin ea 207) Incentens InvesTicacios ¥ TeewoLocia, volumen XX {ndimeto 1), enero-marzo 2021: 1 BISSN 259.0732 FLUNAM 5 psd org/10.22201/%.259407320.2021.22.1,002 Ensnay CONLMITON AND ATMOSIERE 4SSONE ROM RERNED FEMOLEIM WN Moco ay 2030 cowey Plt retary rows crvteon Sota @ anc : o— i” (@ sowocnccwak BS] |e (> -ADVo.eRNet 6 ™ sovocazcncmneuae Figure 1, Simple block diazam used to ‘Sate atmosphere emistons ‘The figure clearly shows how the required crude volu- mes for three of the six projections exceeds, by much, the planned volumes that will be sent to the national refinery system NRS (SENER, 2016) (dotted line). Only. the scenario based on the vehicular growth tendency (PA), the one suggested by the Mexican Department of Energy (P3), and the one modeled by the Montecarlo| program (Pm), almost completely agree for a very com- plex refinery (R4) and for the three types of crude. Table 7 shows the carrying capacity for the different processes which are a function of the carrying capacity that feeds the DA process for each refinery and type of crude analyzed. Based on Table 7, the carrying capacity minima and. maxima for the different analyzed processes are obtai- ned when using one type of refinery and crude as fo- lows: VD (R3-olmeca, R2-maya), CR (Ré-olmeca, Ri-maya), CC (Ré-maya, R2-maya), HC (Ré-olmeca, Ri-olmeca), HT (Ré-olmeca, RI-olmeca), CK (Ré-olme- cca, Ri-maya) and AK (Ré-maya, R2-olmeca). With the idea of reducing the presentation of the re- sults obtained in this study, only the highest projections (PD) are presented below. Figure 2, Volume of processed crude Figure 3 show at first glance, it can be seen that the process that uses the most energy is atmospheric dist- ation (AD) regardless of the type of analyzed projec- tion. It can also be seen that, regardless of the minima, ‘maxima or average values, the use of Maya crude im- plies a higher energy consumption in very complex re- fineries (RA) relative to the complex ones (R3) In this same sense Figure 4 show type of energy con- sumed considering an average consumption From Figure 4, itcan be appreciated that both liquid. gas (LG) and fuel oil (FO) are sources with the least energy requirement to satisfy the gasoline demand. “Most of the energy consumption occurs both for atmos- pheric distillation (AD) and catalytic reforming (CR). For CR, the difference in energy consumption between the different types of refineries is not great, in contrast with AD, where energy consumption practically tripli- cates when a simple refinery is used (RI) when compa- red toa very complex one (R4), The percentage increase between these two types of refineries is progressive as the crude becomes heavier. On the other hand, and in the context of atmospheric distillation, the use of LG and fuel oil in a complex refinery (R3) consumes bet- 6 Incentete INVEsTIGACION ¥ TeeNoLOcl,volumen XXI(ndmero 1), enero-marzo 2021: 1-13 ISSN 2594-0732 FLUNAM, tps. Grusubos-Heananois E, Lonz-AvonaneX, Veca-Ranc 0.22200 250407320.2021.22.1,002 E, Sose-Fouunia R Atascon-lover AL, Fur Gascia G, Sancur-AuastrP Table 7. Canrying capacity (B/D) Proceso ‘OLMECA SIMO, MAYA i Rw w KN Rk © - RF RB PA WD Lisare ein se7 ear Aa TATS.036 1,066,079 TASS DRG HOT SSIISS TORI IHD CR 877677 508,601 636,527 416,660 868,007 480,091 664,579 497,782 877,706 622,295 $68,381 569,131 cc 952,810 555.277 926,009 492,045, 1082 183 417,136 uc - Mosse 112882 — ATS a8gI7 a a2 HHT 1,134,267 674,771 708,105 517,367 1,123,990 638,190 724,554 583,573 1,081,601 757,929 661,598 626,298 cK ee 265,366 TBAT AK 157.061 138590 3251-371 95,673 PB wD 2086 T1342) 12BTAD —__—~2 DOSS 174 ENS TAD DIS “F7R9,770 120,395 2018778 CR 1,525,625 942,026 1,178,969 771,734 1,607,716 889,221 1,230,928 921,989 1,625,581 1,152,610 1,052,751 1,054,140 ce L764787 — 1028479 — 1,715,146 911362 ~ 1,911,800 772.616 HC 630,363 209,080 —~ soles 275803 ~ 415908 355,842 HT 1,249,806 1,311,546 958,263 2,081,844 1,182,050 1,342,013 1,080,890 2,003,232 1,403,830 1,225,592 1,160,023, cK 137,138 491,508, _ 1,066,398, AK 290,907, 226s 228,285, 209,429 17.205 WD 2RBAIT TABI LIDAR — __ AS19560 2ASLATA L9OVASS — GARNET TAREDS ATIODED CR 2,183,008 1,265,021 1,588,206 1,086,340 2,188,988 1,194,110 1,652,980 1,238,113 2,189,082 1,547,809 1,413,711 1.415576 co 868,885 138,116 2303223 L238 2567304 -—- 1,087,525 Ho 845498 280768 807,690 370296 — 558507 47,850 HT 1,678,330 1,761,239 1,286,826 2,795,652 1,587,343 1,802,153 1,451,497 2,690,220 1,885,165 1,645,814 157,764 x - 184152 - - 560033 ~ ——1482,030 AK 390,651 283,675 M4710 = 306557 ~ 281237 —~ 237.964 PD. TD 25a 080 aoaBaT TROT SDO — 5 720,059 20RD BTR SD CPRAS TIO SRD DRS SOS CR 2,307,368 1,397,086 1,673.97 1,095,378 2,281,948 1,262,195 1,747,146 1,308,605 2,907,446 1,635,983 1,494,246 1,496,217 cc 2504891 459,798 —- 244431 — 1.293563 — 2.713587 —~ 1,095,630 HC so4721 296,762 853,702 391,496 590,323 505,072 HHT 2,981,931 1,773,940 1,861,572 1,360,133 2,954,913 1,677,770 1,904,816 1,534,185 2,843,474 1,992,858 1,739,571 1,646,505 « —_ 194642 68,688 — — 1513,609 AK 4129065 239835 364347 — 324021 291258 251,520 Ps wo T4790 ASIST SIRS THe. 965 MSNBI STRATE THB 68 TOT ATE 821056 CR 661,165 385136 479.508 313875 6581 361,659 500,636 375,986 661,188 468,783 428,169 428734 coo 764 418297 7575 — 370,664 TO7Ss7 314.234 He 25678 85,036 244624 112,181 169154 144726 HT 854458 533424 389,740 46716 480,757 35.816 439,613 14,784 570958 498465 471,798 x — - 557M 199,903 — 433,717 AK 11316 55,916 104,402 92.847 85,178 72072 Dm w TOS 087 SIA 6Ow,1as—— 1255.95 914298 G0 TAT TIM TTRAGS OSAT CR 77TAIT. 450,502 563,815 369,064 768,853 425,249 588,669 440,920 551,209 503,456 504,118, ce 543969 — —d91.8t6 829229 — 45,838, ouaa7e 368,486 He 301457 99,988 287,636 131,906 198897 170,173 HT 1,004,697 597,691 627,216 458,267 995504 365,288 641,787 516910 origa9 S86111 584,754 ck re 235,052 509,978 AK 13919 — tons 759 109,172 100,155 84744 InceMtena invesTicacon ¥ TEewotocia, volumen XX {ndimero 1), enero-marzo 2021: 1-13 ISSN 2594-0732 FLUNAM 7 = - le I Ee 16 | Can Figure 4, Type of energy consumed psd org/10.22201/%.250407320.2021.221.002 lananoia E, Lonz-ANotade X, Veca-Ranc Gusuoos E, Sose-Fouunia R Atascon-lover AL, Fur Gascia G, Sancur-AuastrP Figure 5 shows that fuel oil (FO) generates the least emissions when used as a heat source in the refineries In contrast, refinery gas (RG) is comparable only in to- tal particles (PM). The use of electricity as an energy source for refineries implies and emission of up to 3, 6, 7, 33, and 2.5 times more SOx, NOx, CO, PM and VOC, respectively. On the other hand, the use of refinery gas (RG) implies the emission of 7, 33 and 15 times more NOx, CO and VOC, respectively. The proportion of emitted pollutants varies according to the three used sources of energy. Figure 6 gives the total emissions of the analyzed pollutants considering an average energy consumption for each type of refinery and crude oil for the different projections in the study. In Figure 6 it can be seen that regardless of the analyzed projection, refinery R3 processing Olmeca crude has the lower emissions and that R2 processing, Maya crude has the highest, with a difference, in ton/ day, of 350 for PA, 648 (PB), 870 (PC), 952 (PD), 273 (Ps) and 310 (Pm), Table 8 shows the energy consumption relative to the total consumption by refinery type and crude pro- cessed, for a minimum consumption, an average and a ‘maximum consumption, Results from Table 8 show that the Interval of mini- ‘mum, maximum and average energy consumption in| proportion to the energy used for processes AD + VD is between 40.4% and 65.2 %, 42.5% and 66%, and 43.6 % and 66.5 %, respectively, with the lowest value when R4. is used with Maya crude, and the highest with an R2 refinery using this same crude Figure 7 gives the equivalent energy consumption, relative to the total processed crude, regardless of the analyzed projection, using data from this study (calcu: lated) and reference data cited in this document (Ocic, 2005; Worrel, 2015), This figure shows that the calculated data for the equivalent energy consumption relative to the total pro: cessed crude is within the lower interval of the reference data cited by Szklo, 2005 (4 %), and within the highest reference as calculated with the data EPA, 2015 (35 %). oR Sox Tap_av CR ECC ane nT ates Figure 5. Atmospheric emission Incentena Invesricacion ¥ TEewoLOcia, volumen XX {ndmeto 1), enero-marzo 2021: 1-13 ISSN 2594-0732 FLUNAM. 9 psd org/t0.22201/%.25940732e.2021.22.1,002 Ensnay CONLMITON AND ATMOSINERE MSSONE HOM RERNED FROLEIM WN Moco ay 2030 ounces ono. wa Figure 6, Total emissions estimates Table 8. Energy consumption relative tothe total consumption (percentage) ‘OLMECA SIMO MAYA an ‘Minimum DA Sak 462% 9% 390% CON M8 LTR MIk GIN WEN G29 902% DV == 88% ETH AIK 7% 102% 82% NAGS 10H RCT IK MSH «WIG HOW TSH BIW «DAK BIN TAH HOR DAK coo TH 53% HH HOO 2 55% 75% 61% HT 101% 70% 9.3% 75% 75% 78% 79% 70%

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