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MM, et al.

Prevalence of HER2 overexpression in patients

diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma in
Medica Sur Hospital
María del Mar García-Ortega,* Ignacio Tapia-Salas,* Fredy Chable-Montero,**
Santiago Cano-Cancela,* Daniel Motola-Kuba*


Antecedentes. El cáncer gástrico es uno de los tumores gastroin- Background. Gastric cancer is one of the most frequent gastroin-
testinales más frecuentes en todo el mundo, representando la cuar- testinal tumors worldwide, representing the fourth cause of death
ta causa de muerte por cáncer en hombres y quinta causa de muer- because of cancer in men and fifth cause of death because of
te por cáncer en mujeres en México. Objetivo. Determinar la cancer in women in México. Aim. To determine the prevalence of
prevalencia de HER2/neu sobreexpresión en pacientes diagnosti- HER2/neu over expression in patients diagnosed with gastric aden-
cados de adenocarcinoma gástrico en el Hospital Médica Sur. Ma- ocarcinoma in the Hospital Medica Sur. Material and methods.
terial y métodos. Diseñamos un estudio observacional retros- We designed a retrospective study between 2010 and 2016 to iden-
pectivo en el que se realizaron búsquedas en los informes patológi- tified patients with inmunohistochemistry for HER-2 over expression
cos de adenocarcinoma gástrico de 2010 a 2016, se identificaron and the number of positive cases to determine the prevalence in our
pacientes con inmunohistoquímica para la expresión de HER-2 y el population. Results. We obtained 70 biopsies, 38 (54.2%) were
número de casos positivos para determinar la prevalencia en nues- classified as diffuse subtype, 21 (30%) patients were intestinal sub-
tra población. Resultados. Se obtuvieron 70 biopsias, 54.2% con type, 7 (10%) mixed type, 2 (2.9%) as other type and, 2 (2.9%)
subtipo difuso y 30% con subtipo intestinal. Treinta y siete pacientes could not be classified. Immunohistochemistry for HER2 overex-
(53%) tenían inmunohistoquímica para la sobreexpresión de HER2 pression only was investigated in 52.8% of the total biopsies with
con cuatro (1.4%) casos positivos (3+) y un caso indeterminado positive result in 11%. Conclusion. We identified that only in half
(2+). Conclusión. Se identificó que sólo en la mitad de las mues- of cases was determinate the overexpression of HER2, although this
tras la sobreexpresión de HER2 se determinó con sólo 10.8% de los evaluation is important for treatment decisions and prognosis.
casos positivos, resultados similares a los obtenidos en otras institu-
ciones; sin embargo, es necesario obtener esta información en to-
das las muestras de tejido debido a su importancia en tratamiento
y su impacto en el pronóstico.

Palabras clave. Cáncer. Pronóstico. Inmunohistoquímica. Key words. Cancer. Prognosis. Immunohistochemistry.

INTRODUCTION Eighty to 90% of cases present sporadically with the re-

maining percentage showing familiar background.3 In
Gastric cancer is one of the most common gastrointes- Mexico, it represents the fourth cause of death by cancer
tinal malignant tumors worldwide, with an estimate of in men and the fifth cause in women, with a downtrend in
18,170 new cases per year and 15,450 deaths, it is con- the last decade attributed to changes in diet.4 In patients
sidered the eighth cause of death due to malignant tu- with gastric cancer, the most frequent histology is the ad-
mors in the United States and the fifth cause worldwide.1-2 enocarcinoma that according to Lauren’s classification can

* Oncology Center, Medica Sur Hospital, Mexico City, Mexico.

** Anatomical Pathology, Medica Sur Hospital, Mexico City, Mexico.


Daniel Motola-Kuba, M.D.

Medica Sur Hospital, Oncology Center
Puente de Piedra, No. 150. Col. Toriello Guerra, Z.P. 14050. Mexico City, Mexico.
Tel.: (+525) 55424-7200
Manuscript received: June 29, 2016. Manuscript accepted: July 20, 2016.

Rev Invest Invest
Mex,Sur Mex, 2016; 232016;
July-September (3): 137-140
23 (3): 137-140 137
Her2 Overexpression in Patients Diagnosed with Gastric Adenocarcinoma

be divided into three main subgroups: Intestinal and Dif- MATERIAL AND METHODS
fuse, or mixed.1,3
A big percentage of patients will be diagnosed in ad- In this retrospective study, we included patients with
vanced stages of the disease, with an overall survival at 5 the diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma, we differentiat-
years of 20 to 25% for locally advanced tumors and less of ed the samples according to histologic subtype in diffuse,
3% for patients with metastatic disease,3 with a median intestinal and mixed and we identified the percentage of
survival of 8 to 10 months in spite of multidisciplinary treat- samples that had immunohistochemistry for HER2/neu
ment. Nearly 2/3 of patients with gastric cancer during overexpression and the number of positive results.
the natural course of the disease will require systemic treat-
ment for metastatic disease, including chemotherapy treat- Pathologic evaluation
ment and in some cases, they will require the use of mon- and immunohistochemistry
oclonal antibodies.1,2
ErbB-2 gen is a proto oncogene that codifies for a We use pathology reports from 2010 to 2016 with the
trans membrane tyrosine kinase receptor, member of the diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma. We obtained the
HER family, that includes HER1 (EGFR), HER2, HER3, histologic diagnosis from the final report registered in the
and HER4. HER2 forms homo and heterodimers and pathology department database from Medica Sur institu-
works as a co activator of other members of the HER tion. Seventy reports of tissue specimens were collected,
family with the activation of signal pathways associated 34 of them had immunohistochemistry for HER2 overex-
with cellular proliferation, differentiation, survival, and pression. Inmunohistochemistry analysis of samples were
angiogenesis.1 The amplification and the over expres- performed using the HercepTestTM kit. All assays were
sion of HER2 in patients with gastric cancer is related to performed on tissue sections from neutral-buffered, for-
worst prognosis and its presence makes it more likely malin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue blocks. Histopatho-
that tumor cells acquire the ability to metastasize to dis- logical evaluation occurred on haematoxylin and eosin
tant organs and lymphatics,5 with a median survival of (H&E)-stained sections. An experienced pathologist eval-
12.2 months for HER2-negative tumors and 6.6 months uated all H&E-, and IHC-stained samples. HER2 status
for HER2-positive tumors. Amplification was not associ- was defined as positive (IHC 3+) or indeterminate (IHC
ated with other clinical factors such as gender, age at 2+) and negative (IHQ 1+) based on the surgical or biop-
diagnosis or clinical stage despite the association with sy specimen staining patterns.
worst survival.6 In vitro studies have demonstrated that
c-erbB-2 gen produces an increase of metastatic poten- Statistical analysis
tial of malignant cells by stimulation of adhesion, cellu-
lar mobility and invasive potential.5 The quantitative variables are expressed in mean and
The over expression of this protein can be identified qualitative results are presented as percentages. The sta-
by immunohistochemistry or by FISH using biopsy or sur- tistical analysis was performed with the software SPSS
gical specimens. The patterns of classification according version 20.
to immunohistochemistry are 0 (when there is no staining
or less than 10% of tumor cells is identified), 1+ (mild RESULTS
perceptive staining in less than 10% of tumor cells), 2+
We evaluated 70 patients with diagnosis of gastric ad-
(mild to moderate stain in less than 10% of tumor cells)
enocarcinoma between 2010 and 2016. The mean age of
and 3+ (full membrane staining in more than 30% of tu-
patients was 60.66 years ± 13.30 years (range 33 - 92
mor cells).3 For cases with a 2+ result, it is necessary to
years old). Thirty-eight (54.2%) were classified as diffuse
run confirmation by FISH to determine a positive or neg-
subtype, 21 (30%) patients were intestinal subtype, 7 (10%)
ative result.1,7
mixed type, 2 (2.9%) as other type and, 2 (2.9%) could
There is any information about de prevalence of HER2/
not be classified. Her2 expression using immunohistochem-
neu over expression in patients with gastric adenocarcino-
istry was obtained in 37 (53%) of cases, 32 (86%) were
ma in our medical institution, therefore we conducted a
negative to the overexpression of Her2, one (3%) case
pathology report revision of the last 5 years to determine
was equivocal and, 4 (11%) cases had overexpression of
the number of samples with the inmunohistochemistry
Her2. Of the four patients with Her2 overexpression, two
determination and the distribution of the positive results
had metastasic disease at diagnosis (50%), one had local-
according to histologic subtype.

138 Rev Invest Med Sur Mex, 2016; 23 (3): 137-140

García-Ortega MM, et al.

Table 1. Basal characteristics of the population with Her2 over- diagnosed as locally advanced disease, and in one pa-
expression. tient we did not have enough data to determine the stage
Gender Age Histological Presence of
at diagnosis. There is not enough information to deter-
subtype metastasis mine median overall survival or time to progression in the
4 positive cases. However, one of the patients with me-
Patient 1 Female 85 Diffuse ND tastasic disease had an overall survival of 10 months, and
Patient 2 Male 64 Mixed Yes
Patient 3 Male 92 Intestinal No
the other was still alive at the moment of analysis, with a
Patient 4 Male 46 Intestinal Yes survival of 30 months and progression free survival of 9
months receiving Trastuzumab in combination with chem-
otherapy as part of his treatment since diagnosis. There
ized disease and there was no information regarding the were no differences between basal characteristics of the
last patient. There was no difference between Her2 over- population with Her2 overexpression, however there was
expression and negative expression related to age, or ev- a slight increase of positive results in male patients (75%)
idence of metastases at the time of diagnosis. There were with a distribution according to histologic subtype similar
more positive results in male patients (75%) and in intesti- to previous studies, being more prevalent in intestinal sub-
nal subtype (50%) (Table 1). type (10.8%). However, the percentage of patients with
diffuse subtype was bigger in our population compared
DISCUSSION with the data obtained from other series.1,2
It is important to point out that our sample of patients
The clinical relevance of this finding was first deter- is small compared to other series making it difficult to
mined by the study ToGA, where it was demonstrated the generalize our results. However we can notice that not
benefit of adding trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody enough determinations of HER2 overexpression are being
which specifically targets Her2 protein by directly binding made in spite of the clinical benefit of this practice. As
the extracellular domain of the receptor, to chemothera- mentioned before, the ToGA trial showed an improve-
py with a response rate of 43.7% and an increase in over- ment in overall survival of 2.7 months in patients with
all survival.8 After this study, it has been tested the use of gastric adenocarcinoma and HER2 overexpression that
lapatinib or the combination of trastuzumab and pertuzu- received Trastuzumab as part of their treatment regard-
mab with satisfactory results.8-11 less of their clinical characteristics,7,13 with a response rate
Her 2 overexpression has been identified more frequent- of 43.7% used in combination with chemotherapy, and
ly in gastric adenocarcinoma of intestinal subtype over with no increase in toxicity and acceptable quality of
the diffuse or mixed subtypes, this is believed to be due to life,14,15 making it an important part of the systemic treat-
the development of different molecular pathways specific ment for metastasic disease.
to each subtype. On previous reports, the prevalence of As with other tumors, like breast cancer, there´s still
Her2 overexpression has been identified in up to 4.5%, pending research regarding the use of target therapy, like
with some series showing overexpression in the range of monoclonal antibodies, in combination with chemothera-
3% to 16%, with reports 3% to 13% for intestinal subtype py or with other molecules, as well as with immunothera-
and 0.6% to 1% for diffuse subtype.3 In our study, from a py, that could chance the outcomes and the prognosis of
total of 38 patients, analyzed, 4 (11%) were reported with many patients in spite of their clinical stage, allowing less
Her2 overexpression; of them, 2 cases were intestinal sub- toxic treatments and improvement in quality of life.16
type, one diffuse subtype and one mixed subtype. Similar In conclusion, we identified that only in half of the
data has been reported on institutional studies in our coun- samples was determinate the overexpression of HER2.
try, a database from the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología Eleven percent of investigations resulted positive and were
(INCan) in Mexico showed the following distribution of Her2 more frequent in intestinal subtype. It is necessary to point
overexpression in gastric tumors. out the importance of obtaining this information in all the
It's been reported on observational studies that patients tissue samples due to its impact on treatment decisions
with gastric adenocarcinoma in whom Her2 is overexpres- and prognosis.
sed, have a greater metastatic potential, for nodal dis-
ease as for distance metastases, as well as a shorter over- REFERENCES
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140 Rev Invest Med Sur Mex, 2016; 23 (3): 137-140

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