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412 The Nation. October I7. I994

Some subgroups of immigrants plainly impose a net cost The federal government is not much more enlightened
in the short run,principally those who have most recently today. In a pending case I’m handlingthe in Court of Appeals
arrived and have not yet “made it.” California, for example, for the Ninth Circuit, the Clinton Administration has argued
bears substantial costs for its disproportionateIylarge undoc- that permanent resident aliens lawfully living hereshould be
umented population, largely because it has on average the extended no more First Amendment rights than aliens apply-
poorest and least educated immigrants. But that has beentrue ing for first-time admission from abroad-that is, none.
of every wave ofimmigrants that has ever reached our shores; Under this view, students at a public university whoare citi-
it was as true of the Irish in the 1850s, for example, as it is zens may express themselves freely, but studentswho are not
of Salvadoranstoday. From a long-term perspective, the eco- citizens can be deported for saying exactlywhat their class-
nomic advantages of immigration are undeniable. 7 ’\ mates are constitutionally entitIed to say.
Some have suggested that we might savemoney and diminish Growing up, I was always taught that we will be judged
incentives to immigrate illegally if we denied undocumented by how wetreat others. If we are collectively judged by how
aliens public services.In fact, undocumented immigrants are we have treated immigrants-those who appear today to be
already ineligible for most social programs, the with
exception “other” but will in a generation be “usyy-we are not in very
of education for schoolchildren,which isconstitutionally re- good shape.
quired, and benefits directiy relatedto heaIth and safety, such
as emergency medical care and nutritional assistance to poor
women, infantsand children. To deny such basic care to people
in need, apart from beinginhumanly callous, would probably
cost us more in thelong run by exacerbating health problems The Border
that we would eventually haveto address.
0 Aliens refuse to assimilate, and are depriving us of our
cultural andpolitical unity. This claim has been made about
Patrol State
every new group of immigrants to arrive on U.S. shores. Su- LESLIE MARMON SILK0
preme Court Justice Stephen FieId wrote in 1884 that theChi-
nese “have remainedamong us a separate people, retaining used to travel the highways of New Mexicoand Arizo-
their original peculiarities
of dress, manners, habits, and modes na with a wonderful sensation of absolute freedom as
of living, whichare as’markedas their compiexion and lan- I cruised down the open road and across the vast des-
guage.” Five years later, he upheld the racially based exclu- ert plateaus. On theLaguna Pueblo reservation, where
sion of Chinese immigrants. Similar claims have been made I was raised, the people were patriotic despite the way the U.S.
over different periods of our history about Catholics, Jews, government had treated Native Americans. As proud citizens,
Italians, Eastern Europeans and Latin Americans. we grew up believing the freedom to travel wasour inalienable
In most instances, such claimsare simply not true; “Amer- right, a right that some Native Americans had been denied
ican culture’’ has been created, defined and revised by per- in the early twentieth century.Our cousin, old Bill Pratt, used
x sons who for the most part are descended from immigrants to ride his horse 300 miles overland from Laguna, New Mexico,
once seen as anti-assimilationist. Descendants of the Irish to Prescott, Arizona, every summer to work asa fire lookout.
Catholics, for example, a group once decried asseparatist and In schoal in the 1950s, we were taught that ourright to travel
alien, have becomePresidents, senators and representatives from state to state without special papers or threat of detain-
(and all of these in one family, inthe case of the Kennedys). ment was a right that citizens under communist and totali-
Our society exertstremendous pressure to conform, and cul- tarian governments did not possess. That wide open highway
tural separatism rarely survives a generation. But more impor- told us we were U.S. citizens; we were free. . . .
tant, even ifthis claim were true, is this a legitimate rationale
for limiting immigration in a society built on the values of ot so long ago, my companion Gus and I were driving
pluralism and tolerance? N s o u t h from Albuquerque, returning to Tucson after a
Q Noncitizen immigrants are not entltled to constitutional book promotion forthe paperback edi’tion of my novel Al-
rights. Our government has long declined to treat immigrants manac of theDead. I had settled back and gone to sleep while
as full human beings, and nowhere is that more clear than in Gus drove, but I was awakened whenI felt the car slowing to
the realm of constitutional rights. Although the Constitution a stop. It was nearly midnight on New MexicoState Road 26,
literally extends the fundamental protections in the Bill of a dark, lonely stretch of two-lane highway between
Hatch and
Rights to all people, limiting to citizens only the right to vote Deming. When I sat up, I saw the headlights and emergency
and run for federal office, the federal government acts as,if flashers of six vehicles-Border Patrol cars and a van were
this were not the case. blocking both lanes of the highway. Gus stopped the car and
In I893 the executive branch successfully defendeda statute
that required Chinese laborers to establish their prior residence Leslie Marrnon Sllko is the author, among other works, of
here bythe testimony of“at least one credible white witness.” Ceremony (Penguin) and Almanac of the Dead (Simon d
The SupremeCourt ruled that this law was constitutional be- Schuster). Portions of this article will appear in different
cause it was reasonable for Congress to presume that nonwhite form in a longer essay on race m the Fall issue of Hungry
witnesses could not be trusted. Mind Review.

October 17, 1994 The Nation. 413


rolled down the window to ask what was wrong.But the clos- back to the trunk, near where we were standing. They half-
est Border Patrolman and his companion did not reply; in- dragged her up into the trunk, butstill she did not indicate
stead, the first agent ordered us to “step outof the car.” Gus any stowed-away human beings or illegal drugs.
asked why, but his question seemed to set them off. nYo more Their moodgot uglier; the officers seemed outraged that
Border Patrol agents immediately approached our car, and the dog could not findany contraband, and they dragged her
one of them snapped, “Are you looking for trouble?” as if over to us and commanded her to sniff our legs and feet. To
he would relish it. my relief, the strange violence the Border Patrol agents had
I will neverforget that night beside the highway. There was focused on us now seemedshifted to the dog. I no longer felt
an awful feeling ofmenace and violence straining to break so strongly that we would be murdered. We exchanged looks-
loose. It was clear that theuniformed men would be only too the dog and X. She was afraid of what they might do, just as
happy to drag us out of the car if we did not speedily comply I was. The dog’s handler jerked the leash sharply as she
with their request (asking a question is tantamount toresist- sniffed us, as if to make her perform better, but the dog re-
ance, it seems). So we stepped out of the car and they mo- fused to accuse us: She had an innate dignity that did not per-
tioned for us to standon theshoulder of the road. The night mit her to serve the murderous impulses ofthose men. I can’t
was verydark, and noother traffic hadcome down the road forget the expression in the dog’s eyes; it was as if she :were
since we had beenstopped. All I could think about was a book embarrassed to be associated with them. I had a small amount
I had read-Nunca Mds-the official report of a human of medicinalmarijuana in my purse that night, but she refused
rights commission that investigated and certified more than to expose me. I am not partialto dogs, but I will always re-
12,000 “disappearances” during Argentinak “dirty war” in member the small German shepherd that night.
the late 1970s. Unfortunately, what happened to me is an everyday occur-
The weird anger of these BorderPatrolmen made me think rence here now. Since the 198Os, on top of greatly expanding ’
about descriptions in thereport of Argentine police and mil- border checkpoints, the Immigration and Naturalization
itary officers who became addicted to interrogation, torture Service and theBorder Patrol have implemented policies that
and themurder that followed, When the military and police interfere with the rights of U.S. citizens to travel freelywith-
ran outof political suspects to tortureand kill, they resorted in our borders. I.N.S. agents now patrol all interstate high-
to the random abduction of citizens off the streets. I thought ways and roads thatlead to or from theU.S.-Mexico border
how easy it would be for the Border Patrol to shoot us and in Texas, New Mexico; Arizona and California.Now, when
leave our bodies and car beside the highway, likeso many bod- you drive east from Tucson on Interstate 10 toward El Paso,
ies found in these parts and ascribed to “drug runners.’’ you encounter an I.N.S. check station outside Las Cruces,
Two other Border Patrolmen stood by the white van.The New Mexico.When you drive north from Las Cruces up Inter-
one who had asked if we were looking for trouble ordered his state 25, two miles north of the town of Truth or Consequences,
partner to “get the dog,” and from the back of the van an- the highway is blocked withorange emergency barriers, and
other patrolman brought a small female German shepherd on all traffic is diverted into a two-lane Border Patrol check-
a leash. The dog apparently did not heel well enough to suit point-ninety-five miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border.
him, and the handler jerked the leash. They opened the doors I was detained once at Truth orConsequences, despite my
of our car and pulled the dog’s head into it, butI saw imme- and my companion’sArizona driver’s licenses.Two men, both
diately from the expression in her eyes that the dog hated Chicanos, were detained at the same time, despite the fact that
them, and thatshe wouldnot serve them. When she showed they too presented ID and spoke English without the thick
no interest in theinside of our car, they brought her around Texas accents of the Border Patrol agents. While we were
414 The Nation. October 17, 1994

stopped, we watched asother vehicles-whose occupants were caused a federal judge to issue a restraining order against the
white-were waved through the checkpoint. White people Border Patrol.)We’ve a mountain of personal experiences like
traveling with brownpeople, however, can expect to be that which never make the newspapers. A history professorat
stopped on suspicion they work with the sanctuary move- U.C.L.A. told me she had been traveling by train from Los
ment, which shelters refugees. White people who appear to CAngeles to Albuquerque twice a month doing research. On
berclergy,those who wearethnic clothing or jewelry and.wom- each of hertrips, she had noticed that the Border Patrol agents
en’with very long hair or very short hair(they could be nuns) were at the station in Albuquerque scrutinizing the passen-
are also frequently detained; white men with beards or men gers. Since she is six feettall and of Irish and German ances-
with long hair are likely to be detained, too, because Border try, shewas not particularly concerned: Then one day when
Pair01 agents have “profiles” of “those sorts” of white people she stepped off the trainin Albuquerque, two Border Patrol-
who may help political refugees. (Most the political
of refugees men accosted her, wantingto know what she was doing, and
from Guatemala and El Salvador are Native American or why she was traveling betweenLos Angeles and Albuquerque
mestizo because the indigenous people of the Americas have twice a month. She presented identification and an explana-
continued to resist efforts by invaders to displace them from tion deemed “suitable” by the agents, and was allowed to go
their ancestral lands.) Alleged increasesin illegal immigration about her business.
by people of Asian ancestry means that theBorder Patrol now Just the other day, I mentioned to afriend that I was writ-
routinely detains anyone who appears to be Asian or part ing this article and he told me about his 73-year-old father,
Asian, as well. who is half Chinese and had set out alone by car from Tuc-
son to Albuquerque the week before.His father hadbecome
confused by road construction and missed a turnoff from In-
terstate 10 to Interstate 25; when he turned around and cir-
Borders won’t work Human cled back, he missed the turnoff a second time.But when he
beings are naturalforces of the looped back for yet another try, BorderPatrol agents stopped
him and forced him to open his trunk. After they satisfied
Etzrth, just like rivers and winds. themselves that he was not smuggling Chinese immigrants,
they sent him on his way. He was,sorattled by the event that
he had to be driven home by his daughter.
Once your car is diverted from the Interstate Highway into This is the police state that has developed in the south-
the checkpoint area, you are under the controlof the Border western United States since the 1980s. No person, no citizen,
Patrol, which in practical terms exercisesa power that no high- is freeto travel without the scrutiny of the Border Patrol. In
way patrol or city patrolman possesses: They are willing to the city of South Tucson, where80 percent ofthe respondents
detain anyone, forno apparent reason. Other law-enforcement were Chicano or Mexicano, a joint research project by the
officers need a shred of probable cause in order to detain University of Wisconsinand the University of Arizona recent-
someone. On the books, so does the Border Patrol; but on ly concluded that onesoutof every five people there had been
the road,it’s another matter. They’ll order you to stop your detained, mistreated verbally or nonverbally, or questioned
car and step out; then they’ll ask you to open the trunk. If by I.N:S. agents in the past two years.
you ask why or request a search warrant, you’ll be told that
they’ll haveto have a dog sniff the car beforekhey can request anifest Destiny may lack Itsold grandeur of theft and
a search warrant, and the dog might not get there for two or
three hours. The search warrant might require an hour or two
M blood-“lock the door” is what it means now, withrac-
ism a trumpcard to be playedagain and again, sKamelessly,
past that. They makeit clear that if you force them to obtain by both major political parties. “Immigration,” like “street
a search warrant for the car, they will make you submit to a crime” and “welfare fraud,” is a political euphemism that
strip search as well. refers to people of color. Politicians and media people talk
Traveling in the open,though, the sense of violation can about “illegal aliens” to dehumanize and demonize undoc-
be even worse. Never mind high-profile cases like that of umented immigrants, who are for the most part people of
former Border Patrol agent Michael Elmer,acquitted of mur- color. Even in the days of Spanish and Mexican rule, no at-
der by claiming self-defense, despite admitting that as an tempts were made to interfere with the flow of people and
officer he shot an“illegal” immigrant in the back and then goods from south‘to northand north tosouth. It is the U.S.
hid the body, which remained undiscovered until another government that hascontinually attempted to sever contact
Border Patrolman reported the event. (Last month, Elmer was between the tribal people north of the border and those to the
convicted of recklessendangermentin aseparate incident, for south?
shooting at least ten rounds from M-16his too close to a group Now that the “Iron Curtain” is gone, it ,is ironic that the
of immigrants as they were crossing illegally into Nogales in US. government and its BorderPatrol are constructing a steel
March 1992.) Or that in El Paso, a high school football coach wall ten feet high to span sections of the border with Mexico.
driving a vanload of his players in uniform
full was pulled over
on the freeway and a Border Patrol agent put a cocked revolver * The Treaty of Guadalupe Hldalgo, slgned in 1848, recognizes the r ~ g hof
the Tohano O’Odom (Papago) people to move freelyacross the U.S-Mexlco
to his head. (The football coach was Mexican-American, as border wlthout documents A treaty with Canada guarantees simdar rlghts
were most of the players in his van; the incident eventually to those of the Iroquois natlon In traversmg the U S -Canada border.

416 ~ The Nation. October 17, 1994

While politicians and multinational corporations extol the

virtues of NAFTAand “free trade” (in goods, not flesh), the
ominous curtain is already up ina six-mile section at the bor-
der crossingat Mexicali; two miles are being erectedbut are
not yet finished at Naco; and at Nogales, sixty miles south
Bashing Illegals
of Tucson, the steel wall has been all rubber-stamped and
awaits construction likely to begin in March. Likethe pathetic
, multimillion-dollar “antidrug” border surveillance balloons
In California L

that were continually deflated by high windsand made only ELIZABETH KADETSKY
a couple of meager interceptions before they blew away, the

arrish Goodman had justsaved a burdened shop-

fence along the border is a theatrical prop, a bit of pork for
contractors. Border entrepreneurs have already used blow-
torches to cut passagewaysthrough the fence to collect “tolls,”
and are doing a brisk business. Back in Washington, the I.N.S.
P per the trouble of returning her grocery cart and
was back at theexpanse of sidewalk outside Ralph’s
supermarket in West Los Angeles competing with
the whoosh of the electric doors. Goodman greeted all who

I announces a $300 million computer contract to modernize its passed in such a friendly way that they tended to thankhim
record-keeping and Congress passes a crime bill that shunts for his cryptic, millionth-generation photocopies that were
$255 million to the I.N.S. for 1995, $181 million earmarked
equal parts longhand and typewriter script. “You’ll be vot-
for border control, which is to include 700 new partners for
ing on this in November,” he’d say, winking, all courtesy and
the men who stopped Gus and me in our travels, and the
history professor, and my friend’s father, and asmany as they ambiguity.
could from South Tucson. Goodman was campkgning for Proposition 187, the gran-
It is no use; borders haven’t worked,and they won’t work, diosely titled “SaveOur State” ballot initiative that, if passed
not now, as theindigenous people of the Americas reassert this November andvalidated by the courts over the next sev-
their kinship and solidarity with one another. A mass migra- eral years, will usestrict verification requirements to prevent
tion is already under way; its roots are not simply economic. California’s estimated1.7 million undocumented immigrants
The Uto-Aztecan languages are spoken as far north as Taos from partaking of every form uf public welfare includingnon- I

Pueblo near the Colorado border, all the way south toMexi- emergency medical care, prenatal clinics and public schools.
co City. Beforethe arrival of the Europeans, the indigenous The measure would require employees at public health facil-
- communities throughout this region not only conducted com- ities, welfare offices, police departments and schools to de-
inerce, the people shared cosmologies, and oral narratives mand proof of legal residencyand to report those who can’t
about‘the Maize Mother, the Twin Brothers and their Grand- produce it to the Immigration and Naturalization Service; it
mother, Spider Woman, as well as Quetzalcoatl the benevo- also calls for stiff penalties €or creating or using false docu-
lent snake. The great human migration within the Americas ments. While conceding that the measure actually does nothing
cannot,be stopped; human beings are natural forces of the to deter immigration at its source-at the border and with the
Earth, just as rivers and winds are natural forces. employers whoencourage workers to cross it-advocates say
Deep downthe issue is simple: The so-calIed “Indian Wars” S.O.S.responds to California’s economic downturn by’mak-
from thedays ofSitting Bull and Red Cloud have never really ing lifeso difficult for the undocumented that they willeither
ended in the Americas, The Indianpeople of southern Mex- go home or never show up to begiq with.
ico, of Guatemala and those left in El Salvador, too, are still The opposition runs the gamut from those who dispute the
fighting for their lives and for their land against the “cavalry” premise that immigrants contribute to hard timesto those who
patrols sent out by the governments ofthose lands. The Amer- argue that theinitiative scapegoats children, lets employers
icas are Indian country, and the “Indian problem’’ is not off the hook, inefficiently enlists public employees to do
about to go away.
the work of the I.N.S. and violates several federal mandates
One evening at sundown, we werestopped in traffic at a rail-
as well as a Supreme Court decision granting all children
road crossingin downtown Tucson while a freight train passed
the right to free education. That several ofthe state’s major
us, slowly gaining speed as it headednorth toPhoenix. In the
twilight I saw the most amazing sight: Dozens of human be- newspapers and a cross section of city governments, school
ings, mostly young men, were riding the train; everywhere, on districts, health associations and law-enforcement officials
flat cars, inside open boxcars, perched on top of boxcars, have opposed Save Our State asracist, xenophobic, ineffec-
hanging off ladders on tank cars and between boxcars. I tual, costly-and just meanspirited-would seem enough to
couldn’t count fast enough, but I saw fifty or sixty people disqualify the avuncular Goodman from its sponsor’s ranks.
headed north. They were dark young men, Indian andmes- But Goodman is not alone among Californians, who have
tizo; they were smiling and a few of them waved at us in our responded to the plummeting indicatorsin almost every meas-
cars. I was reminded of the ancient story of Aztlan, told by ure of quality of life by turning their bitter gaze towardthe
the Aztecs but known in other Uto-Aztecan communities as nation’s undocumented immigrants, 43 percent of whom land ’
well. Aztlan is the beautiful land to the north, origin
the place
of the Aztec people.I don’t remember howor why the peo- Elizabeth Kadetsky, based in Los Angeles, writesfor The Vil-
ple’left AztIin to journey farther south, but the oId story says lage Voice, Ms. and other publicattons. This article was as-
will one
they day, return. 0 sisted by agruntfrom thelnstitute forAlternative Journalism. .

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