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&) US Department of ustice <—! Gotobrer 29, 2030 His Excellency Marcelo Ebrard Casaubén, Secretary Secretariat of Foreign Affairs Plaza Juarez No. 20 Piso 2: Col. Centro Alcaklia Cuauhtemoc 6010 CDMX Deat Secretary Ebrand ‘ jing concems raised by the Governnient of Mexico (GOM) during a all with United States Attomey General William Barr en October 26, 2020, concerning the impending. prosecution in the United States of Salvador Cienfuegos-Zepeda. | appreciate this opportunity to provide you additional information regarding the investigation that ultimately led io his arrest. [trust that it will afford insight into and understanding of this situation. | also want to assure you that we are committed to working with the Gov ernment of Mexieo as this matter moves forward While Cientueos-Zepeda has been indicted in the United States for narcaties related crimes, he Was never a direct investigative target of the Drug Enforvemen Administration (DEA). The DEA discovered information reflecting his criminal activity in the course of investigating separate sigiticant targets, and ultimately acquired the evidence that led to his prosecution, In this investigation, the DEA did not target any GOM officials direetly, conducted no surveillance or investigative activity: against Cienfuegos-Zepeda inside Mexico, and took no action to influence Cienfueges-Zepeda's travel 10 the United States that led to his arrest ‘The DEA initiated an investigation in 2013 targeting Las Vegas, Nevada-based retail-level heroin distributors believed to he supplicd by the Juan Francisco: Patron-Sancher drug trafficking organization (DTO) hased in Nayarit, Mexico, The investigation relied upon US, slate court-authorized wire intercepts.of communication devices used by members of the Las ‘Vegas distributors. “The investigation continued and in 2015, the DEA established links between the local ‘investigation in the United States and Patron-Sanche?. They later presented this evidence to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Easter District af New York (EDNY 1. EDNY subsequently accepted the imvestigation for federal prosecution. In 2016, the DEA obtained federal wire intercepts in the United States targeting Daniel Silva-Garate There were no wine intercepts within Mexice, The interceptions were of telecommunications devices and applications used Page 2 by Silva-Garate to communicate with Patron-Sanchez about an individual later identified as then-Secrétary of National Defense Salvador Cienfuegos-Zepeda ‘The DEA did not investigate Cienfuegos-Zepeda affirmatively as a primary target and did not interecpt his communications directly, He was charged as a co-conspirator onee he was identified personally in the intercept evidence developed against Silva-Garate and Patron- Sanchez. The Patron-Sanchez evidence included references to Cienfuegox-Zepeda as “Padrino” and sisted of screenshots of Cicnfuegos-Zepeda's message exchanges with Silva- Garate that were shared between Silva-Garate and Patron-Sancher. ‘The evidence also ‘contained screenshots of Cienfucgos-Zepeda’s communications about DEA meetings with GOM counterparts regarding the investigation targeting the Patron-Sanchez DTO, The federal wite intercepts also revealed Cienfuegas-Zepeda's role in restricting Mexican military operations in Nayarit o protect Patron-Sancher’s operations trom possible intervention In June 2019, this investigation was presented to a federal Grand Jury in the EDNY. which indicted Cien fucgos-Zepeda on August 14, 2019, for his role in a drug trafficking and importation scheme with the Patron-Sanchez DO on the following charges: © Count J: Intemational Heroin. Cocaine. Methamphetamine and Marijuana Manufacture and Distribution Conspiracy ~ 21 U.S.C, §§ 963, 960(b)(1 (A). 960(b)(1 (BHD. 96.01) ¢G), 960¢D) 1 (HD. and SOC) Count 2: Heroin, Cocaine, Methamphetamine and Marijuana Importation Conspiracy ~ au ~ $$ 963, 960(b) 1 KAD, 960(bIT MBCA), 2600 11 MGI, anne 960(b) 1 )(H)- ¢ Count 3: Heroin, Cocaine, Methamphetamine and Marijuana Distribution Conspiracy ~ DP USC, $8 846, S41) MAID, 841 (DMI MAMGDETD, 84100 AID, and 34) MAMI) © Count 4: Conspiracy to Launder Narcotics Proceeds ~ 18 U.S.C. § 1956(h) th summary, this investigation revealed that, while employed as the Secretary of Natiortal Defense in Mexico, Cienfucgoss2cpeda assisted the Patron-Sanchez DTO in furthering their illegal and Violent actions. ‘The evidence will show that he received bribes from the Patron« Sanchez organization in exchange for providing protection, safe passage of narcotics and ‘weapons into Mexico City. and information about military and [aw enforcement operations sn Mexico. The evidence, gathered in the United States, consists primarily of judicial wiretap. communications, but also includes physical seizures of drug evidence and several cooperating Page 3 witnesses who can provide details about the Patron-Sancher DTO’s illicit activities, | have “attached to this letter copies of evidence that was central to the indictment of Cienfuegos- Zepeda. We ate continuing to assess this evidence as it may relate to others as well. and would be glad to consult with the GOM in this regard, Should the GOM seek to ely en any of this material for law enforcement or any other purposes, ! am happy to refer a request for evidence nder the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty in Criminal Matters to appropriate Department of Justice officials. ‘Again, | hope that this letter provides you helpful information and insight, and 1 look forward to continuing the important law enforcement collaboration between our governments. ‘Sincerely, Lt Timothy J. Shea Acting Administrator 29 octubre 2020 \Vuestra Excelencia, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon Secretaria Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Plaza Juarez No. 20, Piso 22 ‘Col. Centro Alcaldia Cuauhtémoc (06010, COMX Estimado Secretario Ebrard: El motivo de la presente carta es para tratar unos asuntos que el gobierno de México planted durante una llamada telefénica con el Procurador General de los Estados Unidos Wiliam Bar el 26 de octubre de 2020, sobre el enjuiciamiento inminente al General Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda en los Estados Unidos. Ala vez, agradezco de la manera mas atenta esta valiosa oportunidad para brindarie informacién adicional con respecte a ia investigacion que al final nos llev6 al arresto de Cienfuegos Zepeda. Confio en que ésta informacion permitira mayor ‘comprensién sobre este asunto, asi como un mejor entendimiento de la situacion También, me permito asegurarle nuestro compromise para seguir trabajando con el gobiemo de México a medida que este asunto vaya avanzando, Entre tanto que Cienfuegos Zepeda ha sido acusado en los Estados Unidos por unas delitos relacionados con narcotrafice, él nunca fue el objetive central de una investigacion de la Agencia Antidrogas de los Estados Unidos (DEA, por sus sigles en inglés). La DEA descubrié informacién que refiejaba su actividad delictiva durante el curso de unas investigaciones independientes de gran relevancia y, al final, se obtuvieron las pruebas que condujeron a Ia acusacién que se ha presentado en su contra. En esta investigacion, |a DEA nunca tuvo como objetivo directo @ ninguin funcionario del gobierno de México, tampoco estuvo vigilando o invastigando las actividades de Cienfuegos Zepeda dentro de territorio nacional mexicano, ni influyé en la decision de viajar de Cienfuegos Zepeda a los Estados Unidos, siendo esto ultimo fo que condujo a su arresto, En 2013, la DEA empezé una investigacién teniendo como objetivo a unos distribuidores minoristas de heroina'situados en Las Vegas, Nevada, de quienes se creia eran abastecidos por la organizaci6n de trafico de dragas de Juan Francisco Patron Sanchez, situada en el estado de Nayarit, México. La investigacién se basé fen unas intercaptaciones electrénicas, autorizadas previamente por una conte ‘estadounidense, a unos dispositves de comunicacién utilizados por los distribuidores de Las Vegas. La investigacién siguid su curso y en 2015, la DEA establecié que habia algunos vineulos entre Patron Sanchez y la investigacién local que se estaba realizando en los Estados Unidos. Posteriormente, la DEA presenté estas pruebas a la Fiscalia del Distrito Este de Nueva York y. a Su vez, esta oficina aceptd la investigacion con fines de un enjuiciamiento federal. En 2016, la DEA abtuvo el permiso para realizar unas iinterceptaciones electrénicas del fuero federal en los Estados Unidos, cuyo objetivo principal era Daniel Silva Garats, No hubo intercaptaciones electronicas hechas en territorio nacional mexicano. Las interoaptaciones fueron hechas a unos: dispositivos de comunicaciones y aplicaciones que Silva Grate usaba para comunicarse con Patron Sanchez sobre una persona, quien fue identificada mas ‘adelante como el entonces Secretario de Is Defensa Nacional, el General Cienfuegos Zepeda. La DEA no investigé a Cienfuegos Zepeda como un objetivo principal y tampoco intercepté directamante sus comunicaciones. El fue acusado conto un coconspirador después de haber sido identificade personaimente en las pruebas interceptadas que ‘se dasarrollaron en contra de Silva Garate y Patron Sanchez. Las pruebas sobre Patron Sanchez inciuian unas referencias a Cienfuegos Zepeda ‘como “Padrino" y "Zepeda" y consistieron en unas capturas de pantalla de unos mensajes que Cienfuegos Zepeda intercambié con Silva Garate y mismos que fueron compartides entre Silva Garate y Patron Sanchez. Asimismo, las pruebas incluian unas capturas de pantalla de unas comunicaciones de Cienfuegos Zepeda sobre unas reuniones de la DEA con sus homélogos del gobierno mexicano acerca de una Investigacion que tenia como objetivo a la organizacién de trafica de drogas de Patron Sanchez Las interceptaciones electrénicas del fuero federal revelaran tambien el papel que desempefiaba Cienfuegos Zepeda al restringir los operatives militares en Nayarit con la finalidad de proteger las operaciones de Patron Sanchez para que no fueran intervenidas. En junio de 2019, esta investigacion fue presentada ante un gran jurado federal en @l Distrito Este de Nueva York. mismo que acusd a Cienfuegos Zepeda el 14 de agosto de 2018 de participer en un plan de importaci6n y tréfico de drogas con la organizacion de trafiea de drogas de Patrin Sanchez, y los cargos Son los siguientes: "Cargo 1: una asociacién delictuosa internacional para fabricar y distibuir heroina, ocaina, metanfetamina y marihuana, en vislacion a las secciones 963, 960(0)(1)(A), 960(b}(1)(B}(ti). 980(by(1)(G), 960(b)(1)(H) y 969(d) del Titulo 21 del ‘Codigo de los Estados Unidos. *Cargo 2: una asociacion delictuesa para imporiar cocaina, metanfetamina, marihuana y heroina, en violacion a las secciones 963, 960(b)(1}(A), 960(b}(1)(B) i) {960(6)(1)() y 960(b}(1)(H) del Titulo 21 del Cédigo de las Estados Unidos, *Cargo 3: una asotiacion delictuosa para distribuir heroina, cocaina, metanfetaming y marihuana, en violacién a la secciones 846, 84 1(b)(1)(A)(i), 84 1b) (HA)(II, 844 (DI(T)(A)uil) y 84400)(1)(A) (vil) del Titulo 21 det Codigo de los Estados Unides. *Cargo-4; una asociacién delictuosa para cometer lavado de dinero proveniente de la venta de drogas. en violacion a la seccién 1956(h) de! Titulo 18 del Codigo de los Estados Unidos. En resumen, esta investigacion revelé que mientras Cienfuegos Zepeda ostentaba el carge de Secretario de Defensa Nacional, 6! ayudd a la organizaciin de trafico de Srogas Patrén Sanchez a fomentar sus acciones vioientas e ilegales, Las pruebas ‘acreditardn que éi recibié soboes de la organizacién Patrén Sanchez a cambio de proteccién, brindé rutas seguras para el page de las drogas y armas ala Ciudad de México y dio informacion sobre los operatives militares y policiacas en México, Las pruebas recabadas en los Estados Unidos consisten principalmente en unas ‘comunicaciones interceptadas, en decomisos fisicos de drogas y én testigos ‘cooperantes, quienes dieran detalles sobre las actividades ilicitas de la organizacion de tréfico de drogas de Patron Sanchez. Anexo a la presente carta, se encuentran unas copige de las prvehaa claves que fueron ara acusar a Cienfuegos Zepeda, Seguimos evaluando las pruebas en Fea ane eee 7 relacionadas can otras personas también y con gusto haremos las consultas pertinentes al gobierna de México. En caso de que el gobiemo de México tenga interés en utilizar estas pruebas para Ios fines legales que se requieran, estoy en la mejor disposicién de hacer llegar una solisitud, de conformidad con el Tratado de Asistencia Legal Mutua en Materia Penal a las autoridades correspondientes de! Departamento de Justicia, De nueva cuenta, espero que esta carta le haya sido de utiidad y reitero mi compromiso en seguir estrechando nuestros lazos de cooperacion entre nuestros gobiemos, ‘Sinceramente, Timothy J. Shea Administrador Interino RIM image\jpeg File-PID 29845596 This image was sent/received via Blackberry Messenger. UpdatedPin: | 2bdec3b fied Pin(s): 7770sii5 Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 02:17:00 Direction: Incoming File Nam PIN_7770aaa5_im_20151209021958514IMG_20151208 201519. H9 to H2 [Message: Zepeda told H9 that he was not going to ask H9 to.come again because H9 had ahyays excuses not to come to stay with Zepeda [Padrino),] LUsDOHEONvaeOeRORERT PID 29845600 RIM image\jpeg Fil This image was sent/received via Blackberry Messenger. UpdatedPin: 2bdce03b Notified Pin(s): 7770aaa5 Dat ‘Wed, 09 Dec 2015 02:17:25 Direction: Incoming Name: \PIN_7770aaa5_im_201 512090219585 14IMG_20151208 20161 H9 to? [Message: Zepeda says that there is no trust. there was nothing he could do but he [Zepeda] was going to do big things but he needed to see of them [possibly H2 or H9; H9 replied to Zepeda that he [HO would be leaving to take the bus and his uncle [42] would be sending him [9] to meet with him [Zepeda-Padrino}, UsDou-EDNY0e00900002 RIM i age\jpeg File — pid 29845603 This image was sent/received via Blackberry Messenger. UpdatedPin: ~2BDCEO3B Notified Pin(s): 7770aaa5 Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 02:17:34 Direction Outgoing File N 1090219585 14\IMG_20151208 201626-I.ipg H9 to H2 [Message: Zepeda told H9 that he was going to send S or 3 black trucks with codes.and dark tinted windows to pick him (49) up. spo. epwveene20003 From & Dao Wed 05 Dec 2515 13.5247 = Sie: # Message Tet: Yo vero — Trorstion: We ouron our way —_s Wessoge 10: 17439607 Message Direction: oxigarg To. SPARTACUS <7770anaS> From SAMANTA <2BOCEORE> Date: Wed 09 Dec 2018 19:52:47 Message Text: Pn con el pacino TTrarabaon: Wah tha Goatathar SBOE Message ID: 1229075629 Message Direction: Ouegcing To. SAMANTA <2bdceio» From SPARTAGUS. <7IPOMAS> Dao: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 19-53-21 Message Text: Why bien Transiaton: Good PID 28864877 lackBeey Meguenger Conversation Conversion IE) GOPPYERU Message 10: 178430810 Message Orecttor Oagsrg To SPARTACUS <770a005> From SAMANTA <7a0CEO3@> Boe: Wed, 08 Dec 2015 18:56:40 Suerect Masmge Tet Si ys dean Train Yes they oid sR Messe 10. 178455813 Sracton: To SPARTAQUS 77700005 From SAMANTA <280CEOBE> Da Wes Dee nts 18S6e7 pe tot Me Beran s0 Theyre ting re orm ee Momage 10: 178435816 ote: Wed, OF Oc 2015 18:57:05 ‘Sect Mostage Test: Son 3 toras eon dures y van coma kos Teison, © That Shon! incksand tir ating cy s et MOS toe Ta Sarinaes re en Salawra apoctoaee @ oor Mentebacnoeremian tome Tt cel wa sts gr et a Var going to take veh = ene ema 10 __rrnseezs -{S. en te Searvaces fom Santa Soe oe ez ee eae = SPrTCUs 7700 ‘SAVANTA <280CED3> Wed. 08 Dec 205 1857.26 Menage Tat Caro. re tes How they an faking er ne tame rn Ste ee = ios, Flom, SPARTACUS <7770\AA5> Data Wed, 9 Cec 2018 19:58:05 Message Text: No O64 dato Tender: NO ove te Pst a RF AGUS. zh From SAMANTA: X Date: Wad, 09 Dee 2018 19:58:28 c Message Tex: Yona unos motos Tenamcr: The even moto yas . o&ORF tome Oupsing To SAUNNTA From SPARTA AGUS ‘ate: Hed, 69 Ove 2018 18:58:15 Suepect: Measoge Text: Hable tranquo con el ‘Tranter: “Tac cay wth in SRE Message 1: 17430830 Mesiage Drsction: Ougoing To: SPARTAGUS <7770a005> From SAMANTA <2BOCEO3B> Dale: Wed, 09 Ose 2015 T:Sa:18 Sucyect: Message Text! oro ata secrtara de le atts Trmtion; We ere gong lo he sscrtay of ootence re ce a ee pee R ey 4 Eases, senbeann 6 KO ae on ee So se ae ent Message Text! Le da! ‘cunrdo o va ranean ‘afen you see Fie SRF Message ib: 125078673 Te. A From, FACUS < Dawe: Wed, 09 Bec 2018 20:00:07 ‘Sutfoct Masage Tow: Ven paces Traraison: At shaved a RF Message IO 1275075689 NCS Date: Wad, 08 Dee 2018 30-0047 oe Message Test: Gal antes be: hom nes mofimos en la lia oat jays bo pemadcarermms og fob apeseeiya er mel pag aoe ae ened From SAMANTAN Date: Wed, 9,00 2038 20:05:48 Sate tere J “Ya erro sno me sverto un renssi 30 70 dlp nosy yo conal ia vaca gn ol med shot ase’ iad pe peo yo Rate Gon ued rem srt an mens = ‘he ofthe got close fo me and ave me a message are | am lta one whe you am going 1 at ib comuacnon 19 ney oto oat Ba aK nF ede ace Sate ‘SPARTACUS. <7 70aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCEOSE> ‘Wad, 09 Ose 2035 20-05-48 ioe ote: Sabet. Manage Tex) Yas unemdo esto Tranaiicn This i all contusing row SRE soos From SPARTAGUS <7770MAS™ ote: Wed, 08 Bec 2015 20:06:14 Traremton:—— Manorah BRE Message IO: 1228075704 Neesage Orection: Ounporg Dawe Wed, 09 Ove 2018 29:06:40 Message Tox: Usted tril Traraation: kat may calm SBOE Message ID: 1229075707 Direction: Ougsro Hesse To SAMANTA Fem SPARTACUS -<7F70MAS>. Date: Wed, 09 Ose 2015 20:06:55 Sutfect Nemage Tet: Todo outa tion Tersitor: Mi OB good ae RE Message 18: 17498809 Oreesen: Te SPARTACUS Frm SAMANTA ‘. Sued 08 Owe 218 rd Nenage Tes Fats Yerentce et = twewage mf SC 178430008 Mosoge Sang, Te FACUS. <777baanS> From SHMMRNTA <2000E036> 2 Wad, 08 Dee 2015. 20:10:10 Tex Amuctos y wD ‘Sot of em ses we > message vo: 179490000. Message Direction: ‘<220CE0IE> Daw: Wed, 09 Cee 2015 20:10:12 ‘usooy.cpeys000000010 Message Text: No mis no veo al pacino Yranabten: ait dont es Gootmae a RF Message I: 178439012 Te. SPARTACUS <7770ana5> From SAMANTA’ Data: Wed, 08 Dec 2015 20:10:17 Sect Mossoge Test: Si sal de decir Tenuiton SRE Ho mates i hard to be saen uSsDO,-20Nvoon0000011 PID #29855974 BlackBerry Messenger Conversation Conversation ID: QDPPYERU Message ID: 220976252 Message Direction: Outgoing, SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dec 2013 22:32:49 Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: J229976255 Message Direction: Outgoing To: SAMANTA <2bdeeO3b> From: SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Date: Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:32:55 Subject: Message Text: No ab visto al padrino ‘Translation: Have you seen Padrino SB: cB Message ID: 179340066 Message Direction: ‘Outgoing To: SPARTACUS <7770aaa3> From: SAMANTA-2BDCEO3B> Date: Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:33:19 Subject: Message Text: Pues seguan vamos a comer es un sr guera guero Translation: Well we're supposedly going to go-cat he's a very blond guy SB cB ‘Message ID: 179440069 Message Direction: Outgoing To: SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> From: SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Date: Wed, 09 Dee 2015 Subject: Message Text: Ya mayor usbou-Enwyoeone00012 ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subjects ‘Message Text: Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: ‘Subject: Older guy cB 79440072 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:33:32 ‘Nos salimos We left cB 79440075 Quigoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA 2BDCE03B> Wed. 09 Dec 2015 22:33:35 De ay aquA venimos From there we're coming here ce 179440078 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:33:38 Acomer Tocat cB 479440081 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:33:49 El vaen una que va a tras He is in one that’s in the back cB UsDO.eDNvo900N00013 ‘Message ID: Message Direction: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Subject: ‘Message Text: Translation: SB: ‘Message ID: ‘Message Direction: ‘Te: From: Date: Subject: ‘Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message 1D: Message Direction: To: From: 479440084 Quigoing A SPARTACUS <7770an05> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:33:49 Una negra A black one cB 179440087 SPARTACUS <7770saa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:34:03 Me dijo aharita nos comemos un poyollito He told me we would cat some chicken in a bit cB 179440090 Quigoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCEO3B> ‘Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:34:14 ‘Ye soy su padre y padrino de su to. Jam your father and your uncle's God father cB 79440003 Outgoing SPARTACUS <777(aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> ‘Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:34:14 Un sr guero guero A very blond man cB 1794400 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> sbax-eprvoccoano0 4 Date: Subject: Message Text ‘Translation: SB: Message Message Direction: ‘Translation: SB: ‘Message ID: Message Direction: Subject: ‘Message Text: ‘Translation: SB. Message 1D: Message Direction: To: ‘Translation: ‘Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:34:20 Mayor Older cB 179440099 Quigoing SPARTACUS <777ana5> SAMANTA BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:34:33 Bicn educado bien presentabre Well educated very presentable SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:34:35 Con uniforme ‘With a uniform cB 79440105 SPARTACUS <7770aa5> SAMANTA BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:34:43 Que vamos air 4 un lugar ‘That we're going to go some place cB 79440108 ‘QOuigoing. ‘SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:34:51 Muy calmado para que no nos molesten Very calmly so that they don't bother us Luspas.epevoodd00001 SB: Message ID: To: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: ‘From: Date: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: ‘SB: Message ID: Message Direction: Message Text: Translation: SB: ‘Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: cB 0440112 Ouigoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> ‘Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:35:49 Que era un niA+o Jajajajaja ‘That f was a child Hahahahaha cB 79440115 ‘Qutgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:35:53 Ya ve estoy joven ‘You see I'm young cB ATOM40118 Quigeing SPARTACUS <7770an85> SAMANTA 2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:35:56 Ya rasurade Onee I've shaved cB 1229976259 Quigoing SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:37:43 uspoy-ennvooaeeodoTe ‘Message Direction: To: From: D: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: Fro Date: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: ‘Message Texts ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direetio To: Ouigoing SAMANTA <2bdec03b> SPARTACUS Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:37:48 Sil esta joven usted Yes you are young ce 79440122 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:38:15 Este sr tiene asta los eachetes This man’s cheeks are even cB 179440125 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCEO3B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:38:19 Rojes Red ch 79440128 Dutgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA 2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:38:27 AguA me trai una casa vien grande He's bringing me here to a very big house cB 1229976267 ‘Ougoing SAMANTA <2bdee03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> ‘Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:38:46 lusoo.-eouvonecaocat ® ‘Translation: SB Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: ‘Message ID: ‘Message Direction: ‘Translation: SB ‘Message ID: ‘Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: Subject Message Text: Translation: SB: SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:39:07 ni modo q no fo reconozea it's not like he wont be recognized cB 79440131 coin, SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:39:21 Este sro ‘This man doesn't ce 79440134 Quwoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa$> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:39:31 Sele ven Seem to cB 79440137 Ouiwoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:39:31 Ganas Feel cB usnow-Eplvoe00000%8 Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Translation: SB: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation; SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Translation SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date; Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message I Message Direction: 179440140 Gurgoing SPARTACUS <7770ana5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:39:32 De querer Like wanting cB SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA 2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:39:33 Ya Now cB 79440146 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa$> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 i79ag0149 ¢ SPARTACUS <7770naa5> SAMANTA 2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:39:40 Ira dormir Go to sleep cB 229976274 Outgoing USDO.-EDNYooeonne0= Subject: Message Texts ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SAMANTA <2bdce0)3b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> ‘Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:40:01 AhA se va.a quedar los dAas q el le digs ‘You're going to stay there however many days he tells you cB SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> ‘Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:40:15 ‘Su familia estAjn bien instalada q aleabo ‘Your family is well situated anyway cB SPARTACUS <7770aaa3> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> ‘Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:41:12 i.asA'es ellos estA jn bien ya parte aquA estoy hablando con mi mujer esta sola con los niAsos ‘Yes that's it they are fine andl besides that I'm talking to my wife she's alone with the kids SB: cB Message ID: 440157 | Message Direction: Ourgoing To: SPARTACUS <7770aaas> From: SAMANTA BDCE03B> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2018 22:41:18 Subject: Message Text: Que todo vien dice ‘Translation: She said that everything was fine SB: cB Message ID: 79440160 Message Direction: To: SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> sbow.eDNYaco0c00020 @® Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: ‘Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: ‘To: SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:43:14 Lomas de chapuliepe decAa Itsaid Lomas de Chapultepec cB 79440163 ing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:43:18 12299763 Outgoing SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:43:33, Muy bien Very good cB 1229976312 Outgoing SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:43:39 SA usted estA© tranquilo Yes you keep calm cB 1229976315 Outgoing. SAMANTA <2bdced3b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:43:44 DAgale q ahA estarA; los dAas q el le diga soHeoNyase0900021 Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Translation: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: “Tell her that you will be there the days that he tells you cB 229976318 oO SAMANTA SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:43:52 1 dAao 8 dias 1 year or 8 days cB 179440166 Quigoing. SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:44:39 Sticker reeibido Sticker received cB 79440169 Outgoing: SPARTACUS <7770aa03> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed 09 Dee 2015 22:44:52 Le dirA © que usted ya me 0 cupa aya pero a ese I'll tell her that you need me over there but that one cB usoo.epsrvoooonden22 ete: Wed, 09 Dec 2018 72:00-54 Subject Message Text: Sr no me anime Yensater: S11 dont Gave BVA Date Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:45:02 Teanaitn Tell hi arying he es pense Ter vk Maesaige Tax: A deco race uni gente es VA “ Massge Tet Noo sim talon vien pero so sete Team" Noo Bey net mo wate et Message (0; 178440186 ‘Masog Orecton ‘Guigorg Te SPARTACUS <777Oasa0> From SAMANTA <@BDCEO3m> aio: Wed, 08 Bec 2015 2246.16 Sutject Mugs Text: Uno chit ferent Sra se A Message 60179440789 Mossage Drecton ‘Ougorg Ta, SPARTADUS <7770asa5> From SAMANTA <2H0CEOIB> Qa: Wed, 09 Dee 2015 2246-18 Sbject Massage Text: Peo os = Trenton, Be mers: s&VA Niossage #0:17e440102 Massage ‘Sugano Traraaton: Ave very conse = UA Mossage 10:1 79480105 Mosge Oweetion ‘ougong S f eee ae aie ~ segs 170801 ee Ooi ore Bs ce tae hehe sean os Mossage # Tess, TE ae = ims Bt es Pee etn cee So Fee fk fx SSR Dae WO One a omen np Tee gn Trenton: A Massage 1D:179880007 Message Direction. uigsing To. SPARTACUS Foot SAMANTA <280E03> Bile, iad 08 Sac a zion ietane Tot Ein Transteon: eS VA Message 10:179440210 Message Oreetion: Toro: Hayy sa OVA Message 1D:179440213 Dota: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22952 Sac sicage Tee amy Sep Se vA Padi Message Owecton: utacing, Te. SPARTACUS <7770aus5> ‘Froor = SAMANTA for Rewecow — tate tee xmas) bese wo.ro4a18 & neers Es ar es ‘as sero : ae ee nena ae | oe se ee frp Bete: Wed. 09 Dec 2015 22:50:21 ‘Subject: Message Test: PINCH Mowoge Tet pnt Tredeton: PINGS sa VA Messe IO: 7S4O24 ‘Message Drecton: utporg <2BOCEIE> Date: Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:80:23 ‘Subject Niaesage Tex: PVG Teraloton: | PVG! =A Masenga 1D:1229976390 Message Direction: xsacing Yor SAMANTA Front SPARTAQUS. Dae Wed, 09 Gee 2015 22:50:57 Trneiston: Hey SB VA Measage IO: 179440230 Dewetion: ‘Ose: Wed, 09 Dee ria © d i eee 7 esmage Text: Ents le Tarot TV ey Nesange ID:1 740036 Message Deection: Cunpsing Te SPARTACUS 1770ana5> From SAMANTA <2BOCEO3E> Fro <20CEN3> Baw: Wed, 03 Doc 2015 2251-32 Suipect: Mossoge Test; ¥ mo che usted no Tranaaton: Ard he asks me have yOu not UA Message 10:1784s0342 Dreeton Dale: Wed, OF Dac 2015 2281-34 Mosage Text: we vik? Trenaoten: Sen me sz OWA Mossage 10; 1220976034 Message Onection: oagahg Te SAMANTA SPARTAQUS <7770MAAS> Date: Weed, 08 Dec 2015 2251-37 SAMANTA Dale: Wed, 09 Dee 2016 2251-38 Mesnage Drecton: ugong 5 To, SPARTACUS <7770ana5> From SAMANTA <2BOCEDSE> Date: Wed, 08 Do 2095 22-8225 Sabet emoge Text: Le estoy dciendo que le estoy pasando Tramioton: Tru teing firs that Fm posong VA Aiwssage 10: v79Men289 Doctor: Stare Yee empene Trot: The ot = vA srsuaoea ‘Wed, 08 Dec 2015 22:52:38 ‘Yo m used ice que no ay pxcbles ‘To you he sae there's no prcolom rescore “ Ongena SPARTACUS, <7TMo0a5> rom SAMANTA <20CE03B> Due! Wed 9 Dee 2018 2255240 Siblect: Meaaope Tea: Pro cua radia kes ze Tigran, Bt fr uo pat a SMA ae Mewage 0! r7peanass oY Message Brocton: Sagara O tone Staton crete Se Fon Sainita Free One: (09 Dec 2015 22:53:12 Date: Wad, 00 Dee 2005 22:8887 Subjects Menage Test Si cto ciate Tronsmrcr:—Yes ofcourse tal mn Usnou-EDNvoosonnen2 ato Wed, 09 Ose 2015 22:54:40 Sabet ! Menage Toe ‘Gn extny joven da mis dew que tinen un no do He says fr oo xg Rial a Bey are 8 son =a Message ID: 1220076340 Message Orection: Outgcing Tor SAMANTA From SPARTAGUS <77704AAS> Cate Wed, 09 Dec 2018 22:54:51 ‘Subject: Nesege Tet Hey cones on tine Transision: Sard quolty tere wih So | Rad ol Aenea ety | Neves Dreto: 1 Bettas Fem Se Gao eae Cacao sresan ‘Sabet: Message Tex: ros vahocer alga grande de usted que ye me mando usted Teanaon: at wend mske someting big OU YoU ow tht ye set mw oo On essage JOS /* 129076952 Message Ougare te ra inde b> J SPARTACUS From SAMANTA <2BOCEOIE> Date: Wed, 09 Ove 2018 22:55:00 ‘Subject Mesage Tet Y que anor at Tanase Are tat pow = VA Message 1: 179480387 Message Directo ‘Guagorg To, SPARTACUS «7770aaa5> From SAMANTA <2a0CEO3E> Dawe: Wed 09 Doc 2018 2255:17 ‘Sutject Massage Text: Que tb que 9 echo os pequaksones Traraiaten: That what you have done re sail tings a VA Mesage 10: 175440200 Message Onset ‘agora To SPARTAGUS <7770ana5> From SAMANTA Date: Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:88:19 Sabet: Mamage Tex: Gyo donda Treaster That where se VA Date: Wed, 0 Dec 2015 22:55:23 Sunject Mosage Text: Qawe wobajr ‘Treen: “Ya wa 1 woth sc WA x Message HO: 170440298 Message Dbecton: ‘Outgoing a." Te SPARTACUS sans Frome SAMANTA <2BD0E030> “es Dee We 08 Dec O16 as SAMANTA ‘Daw: Wed. 09 Dec 2018 22:55:48 Menage Tet: Por reteajes Taralaton: Va meses sl deesage 10: 122076258 Maseage Drecton’ Ougerg ‘tage Tee hue yo estoren on ol rise canal “That we eee anit same chore = uA Sale Wed 08 Cec 2006 22587 erage Toe: toa a Tent Message 1:175440012 Message Orecton: ‘ougong To: SPARTACUS 77700085 Fort SAMANTA <2BOCEOO> i Wk eae tage Ta Dice Here sya Mestone 1: 178440315 Dreeten: Z my see es ge From SAMANTA <2B0CEDIB> See Met On 28 2 a Trantor: That he sa VA nO seneioo ‘tow that hee serousness Message 10: 179440322 Dae: Wed 09 Dec 2015 22:56:10 ‘Subject: Memage Toot, Que usted Trarabotor: That ou = MA Dawe: Wed, 09 Ose 2018 22:56:33 Mersoge Text: Guo quero Trapatalon: That you want ‘ugorg Te: rAGUS. <7770s005> 'A <200CE0R6> We, 09 Des 2018 2256-1 Tex One Money sk Message 10:1 78440340 Message Orecton: Sagoo Ter SPARTACUS <7770e0u5> “<2B0CEOIE> Daw: Wed, 08 Dec 2015 7256.46 sou EoNveeoden0032 Treraimier—RCrap oad sO VA hieseage 1: 120007670. Mesaoge Diecton: Gugorg Front SPARTACUS. <7770A4AS>, Gm Het 08 Deconis 2207 ‘tae Ta ‘Gevpames hacer go 8 Caiombis para ‘event to osorabing fen Gaon 1 hare aaa Message ID: 1220876373. espe fee ‘Se mo ecabon de coor fs primes 200 q tak ‘The test 700 that | hac have jus gone down =A Massage 10: 179440345 Mossove ete: Wed, 09 Dec 2018 22:57:22 ‘Sutjct: Massage Tes: Vigilo Dana menses vazan Tertsor, ”—Voolo Darel Mendis Vasa Message 1D: 1209076977 SAUANTA Freoe SPARTACUS Fret rs SAMANTA <2B00E03> ig Wie Dec 8 zeae oe Tee EL.gsino re do fronton sauce soknge. sepa Paaina gave mw the ner of Sabedar Setuege on snags 9 tt, HO Bias aaa é From — SAMANTA <2BDCEOSS> So koe amet s Kemage Te Alo sk or aso va Ipc” Semaine bat ba et 9 ee OY TTTONAS> 109 Dec 2035 22:88:44 Text: 200nio8 y 220 debs socios de colo 1200 mine ond 220 of my Coloatia ossocioies vA ¥ SY ee 2 roses rector: eee Onto ee From SAMANTA <2BOCESSB> Date: Wed, 09 Doe 2015 228846 Sujet: Message Text: Pero que taco b que fe aoeddo Transistor: Bul thal everyting tat has been asked for VA Masuage iD: 179840287 Message Orecton: Te SATUS 77a <2BDCENG> ~~ Soo. ef ipaen Warmoce Q ¢ > a KS S ee Ks & Ae) co S S o 2 & oO af aa e < SS BlackBerry Messenger Conversation Conversation ID: @DPPYERU Message ID: 179440172 Message Direction: Qugoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE3B> Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:44:54 Subject: Message Tt Srno me animo ‘Translation: Sr I don't dare SB: VA Message ID: ‘179440175, Message Direction: ‘Outgoing To: SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> From: SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Date Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:45:02 Subject: Message Text: A decirle nada trai gente ‘Translation Tell him anything he has people SB: VA Message ID: L79440178 Message Direction: Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCEO3B> Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:45:04 ALA? pendejo Acrap load VA 1220976322 Quigoing. SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:45:42 Jajaja Hahaha VA sno. epwvoes0090na7 Message Text: Translation: SB: Message ID: ‘Message Direction: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: ‘SB: Message ID: Message Text: ‘Translation: ‘SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: 220076324 Ouigoing SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:45:44 No nada de eso No it’s not like that vA 1220076327 Outgoing: SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAA3> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:46:02 Es su invitado y ahA se quedara los dAas q el disponga ‘You are his guest and you will stay there for the days he needs you VA 7osso1s3 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:46:16 Noo si me tratan vien pero se siente: ‘Noo they treat me well but I feel VA 179440186 ‘Quigoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCEO3B> Wed, 09 Dec 2013 22:46:16 Uno chikito- ‘Small VA 79440139 ‘Quigoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> USDOWEoNYoeccdoGOs Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:46:18 Subject: Message Text: Pero los se Translation: But the misters SB VA Message ID: 179440192 Message Direction: Outgoing To: SPARTACUS <7770ana5> From: SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:46:22 Subject: Message Text: Son biew a tentA* Transiat Are very considerate SB: vA Message ID: 179440195 Message Direction: Outeoing To: SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> From: SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:46:24 ject: Message Text: Que que quiero Translation: That what do | want SB: VA Message ID: 179440193 Message Direction: Outgoing To: SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> From: SAMANTA <2BDCEO3B> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:46:27 Subject: Message Test: Tado Translation: Everything SB: VA Message ID: 479440201 Message Direction: Quigoing SPARTACUS <7770ana5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22 46 Spo. EnNvoeone0039 EstA jn no mAjs ensima de mi que que ¢s lo que quiero comor lo que se Translation: They're just om top of me that what da I want to eat whatever SB: VA Message ID: 79440204 Message Direction: Outgoing Ta: SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> From: SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:49:46 Subject: Message Text: Oiega Translation: Listen SB: VA Message ID: 79440207 Message Direction: Outgoing To: SPARTACUS <7770as05> From: SAMANTA <2BDCEQ3B> Date: Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:49:48 Subject: Message Text: Bchele Translation: Hey ‘SB: VA Message ID: 479440210 Message Direction: Gutgoing SPARTACUS <7770saa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Bec 2015 22:49:49 ppp: Heyyy VA Message ID: 79440213 Quigoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA QBDCEO3E> Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:49:52 Subject: Message Text: Eppp Eppp Translation: Heyyy Heyyy SB: VA uso Hepevbo000Hb0—0 Message ID: Message Direction: Message Text: Translation: SB: ‘Message ID: Message Direction: To: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: ‘Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: 9480216 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 2: 54 Echele Hey VA 179440218 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770ana5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:50: PING!!! PING!!! VA 179440220 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:50:21 PING!!! PING!!! VA 79440222 Quigsing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:50:21 PING!!! PING!!! VA L7osa0224 Qurgoing \usbo.-epveoqn.0004 SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Translation: SB: Message Tex Translation: SB: ‘Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:50:21 PING!!! PING! VA 179440226 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:50:23 PING!!! PING! VA 1229976330 Outgoing. SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:50:57 Echele Hey VA 179430230 poll SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 12. Qoiga este sr sies el que sale Hey this mister is the one that comes out VA 79440233 Outgoing SPARTACUS SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:51:13 usoou-eoNveccos0G42 Message Text: Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: Message ID: Message Direction: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Translation: SB: En la tele On TV WA 79440236 Ougoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:51:19 Nombre VA 79440239 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA 2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:51:32 Y me dice usted no ‘And he asks me have you not vA ‘yoasona> Quigoing SPARTACUS <7770aaaS> SAMANTA <2BDCEO3B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:51:34 Me avistA® Seen me VA SAMANTA <2bdec03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> spo, e0Nveene0003 Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: ‘Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: 179440246 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:51:38 Usted no estAj comiendo You are not eating VA 73340289 Quigoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA 2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:51:39 AQuA. Here VA 79440252 SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA 2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:51:42 Con migo With me VA 179440256 Quigcing. ‘SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA 2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:52:25 Leestoy diciendo que le estoy pasando I'm telling him that I'm passing VA 79440259 Outgoing us00s-epwibooooganee SPARTACUS <77700a05> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:52:28 Subject: Message Text: El reporte ‘Translation: ‘The report ‘SB: VA Message ID: 79440262 Message Direction: Ourgoing To: SPARTACUS From: SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:52:38 Subject: Message Text: Yo a usted dice que no ay problema ‘Translation: ‘To you he says there's no problem SB: VA Message ID: 179440265 Message Direction: To: SPARTACUS <7770saa5> From: SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:52:40 Subject: Message Text: Pero que nada mAjs Translation: But for us to just SB: YA Message ID: 1440268 Message Direction: Quigoing SPARTACUS <7770a0a5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:53: Message Text: Que borremos de la memoria que estA mos comiendo con el ‘Translation: Delete from the drive that we are eating with him SB: VA Message 47940270 Message Direction: ‘Outgoing To: SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> From: SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Dat Wed, 09 Dec 2015.22:53:12 Subject: spoxeoNvecosso0048 ® Message Text: Sticker recibido ‘Translation: ker received SB: VA Message ID: 1229976339 Message Direction: Outgoing To: SAMANTA <2bdceO3b> From: SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:53:57 ‘Subject: Message Text: Sil claro digate ‘Translation: Yes of course tell him SB: VA Message ID: 229976342 Message Direction: Qutuoing Tor SAMANTA <2bdce03h> From: SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:54:14 Subject: Message Text: En cuanto regrese usted vamos a tirar los tel, y tractmos nuevos ‘Translation: ‘That as soon as you get back we will throw away the telephones and have new ones SB: VA Message ID: eo96us Message Direction: ‘Outgoing To: SAMANTA <2hdee03b> From: SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:54:18 Subject: Message Text: Para mAjs seguridad ‘Translation: For more security SB: vA ‘Message ID: 479340276 Message Direction: Outgoing To: SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> From: SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:54:40 Subject: - Message Text: Que estoy joven de mAjs dice que tienen un hijo de mi edad ‘Translation: He says I'm too young that that they have a son that's the same age as me SB: VA Message ID: Message Direction: To: Message ID: Messinge Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message ID: Message Text: Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: 1229976349 Outgoing: SAMANTA <2hdce3b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:54:51 Hay conviva con el padrino Spend quality time with Padrino VA 79440280 SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> ‘Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:55:06 Dice que vamos va hacer algo grande de usted que ya me mando usted He says that we will make something big out you now that you sent me VA 12 52 Outecins, SAMANTA bdccO3b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> ‘Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:55:08 DAgaile'q de mi parte nunca vaa tener un problema Tell him that he will never have a problem on my behalf VA 79440283 i SPARTACUS <7770aaas> SAMANTA BDCEO3R> ‘Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:55:09 Y que ahora si ‘And that now VA 179440287 Outgoing uso pw voobo000087 ® Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: ‘Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Transiation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Transiation: SB Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> ‘Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:35:17 Que lo que acho es pequcAteses ‘That what you have done are small things VA 79440200 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770ann5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:55:19 Quye donde That where VA 179440203 Ourgeing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:55:23 (Quire trabajar You want to work VA 179440296 Quigcing SPARTACUS <7770a035> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:55:34 Que ahora si ya estamos hablando That now we are talking VA 79440200 Quigoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:55:43 UsnOW-EpMyeeq0Ko0048 Message Text: Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: ‘Translation: SB: Que no es la misma That it's not the same vA 79440302 Quigoing SPARTACUS <777ana5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:55:46 Por mensajes Via messages VA 220976356 Outgoing SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:55:53 AsA cs That's right VA 179440306 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770a2a5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:55:58 Que ya estamos en el mismo canal ‘That we are on the same channel vA 179440309 Quigoing SPARTACUS <770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE038> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:55:57 Abora si Now vA UsDO.-EDevoo0ns00049 Message ID: ‘Message Direction: To: Subject: Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: ‘Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Translation: SB: ‘Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Si Message Text: ‘Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: 179440312 Ouigoing: SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:55:58 Dice He says vA 79440315 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> ‘Wed, 09 Dee 2013 22:36:11 Que ya vio que ay seriedad That he already saw tha the is seriousness VA 2399 Ourgoing: SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:56:16 (1) qbueno (1}) that's good vA 7O440318 Ouiwoing. SPARTACUS <7770saa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> ‘Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:56:17 YaquA estamos And we are here VA t 22 Quigoing: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: Message Text: ‘Translat SB: Message ID: Message Direction: Message Text: Translation: SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: Message Text: Translatio SB: Message ID: Message Direction: To: From: Date: Subject: SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA ‘Wed. 09 Dec 2015 22:56:19 Que usted That you VA 79440525 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770ana5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:56:21 Diga Say VA 179440328 Quigoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:56:33 Que quiere That you want vA 79440331 Outgoing SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:56:35 ‘Trabajar To work VA 79440334 ‘Qutgoing, SPARTACUS <777tanaS> SAMANTA Wed, 09 Dee 2015 22:56:38 sDos.20nvoon0000081 Message ID: Para.que aga So there is VA 79440337 af SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA <2BDCE03B> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:56:41 Dinero Money VA 470440340 Outgoing, SPARTACUS <7770aaa5> SAMANTA 2BDCE03B> Wed. 09 Dec 2015 22:56:44 AIA? pendejo: A-crap load VA 229976370 Quigoing, SAMANTA <2bdccO3b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:56:57 Ocupamos hacer algo de Colombia para ca We nced ta do something from Colombia to here VA ‘Ouigeing SAMANTA <2bdce03b> SPARTACUS <7770AAAS> ‘Wed, 09 ee 2015 22:57:24 ‘Se me acaban de caer los primeros 200 q traAa “The first 200 that | had have just gone down VA spo. eonvoeone20052

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