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PART 1 As promised it's time to start going over some Biblical text that is often used to condemn gay,

bisexual, and transgendered people. Let me first start off by saying that the Bible is not a weapon. It should not
be used to kill the spirit but rather to bring life. These blogs are intended to shed light on some verses that are
used as a means of killing the GLBT community. Keep in mind that the scripture is not to be debated, but
rather that each person should rely on the Holy Spirit to teach truth.

Let's look at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. It's found in the book of Genesis. Let me first direct you to one
key point that many people leave out. The story of Sodom's destruction starts in Genesis 18, not in Genesis 19
as most would have us believe. Genesis 18 is when the decision was made to destroy the city. The story in
Genesis 19 is the account of what happened when the angels went into the already condemned city.

None the less two angels go into the city and stay with Lot, (a righteous man). In those times the act of
hospitality was of great importance. When a stranger came to visit your town it was your duty to open your
home to those strangers and care for them as if they were royalty. We find in Genesis 19 that the only person
that offered to care for the strangers was Lot.

Lot took the angels into his home and fed them. After they had eaten all of the men came to Lot's door and
demanded that he turn over the strangers. We have to look at the culture of that particular period of time in
order to gain understanding. In that day in age the act of a man raping another man was a mark of authority
over the man being raped. It was to prove dominance.

The men of Sodom were not interested in having a relationship with the angels. They didn't want to get to
know them and take them on a date. They wanted to gang rape the Lord's messengers. The men did not like
strangers in their city and they sought to punish them in the best way that they could think of.

Many conservatives say that it was the act of homosexuality that destroyed Sodom. However, no scripture
supports that there were even homosexual men living there. Scripture supports that there was a group of men
that wanted to rape two angels. I believe that rape, whether it be heterosexual or homosexual is wrong. I
disagree with the belief that being gay or lesbian is the same as what is depicted in the story of Sodom and
Gomorrah. We're talking about two very different scenarios.

Being homosexual has NOTHING to do with sex! I think this is where WE as the GLBT community get it
twisted too. We've allowed society tell us what dictates our sexual orientation. We've been brainwashed to
believe that we're all heterosexual (which is right), until we have sex with someone of the same sex (which is

Don't believe the LIE! There is no right and wrong when it comes to LOVE! This struggle reminds me of the
civil rights struggle based on color. Just as you were born a certain nationality, you were born already
programmed to love the way that you love now. If you are straight then you are not superior. The same is true
in the struggle for racial equality. We are born equal regardless of skin color and regardless of SEXUAL
ORIENTATION! The act of sex does not make you gay, just the same as it does not make you straight. Being
gay is based upon an attraction to the same sex, not the act of sex. The men of Sodom were most likely straight
men that used the act of sex as a barbaric way of dominating over other men.

I hope that this blog is helpful. Don't worry there's more to come. Check back for clarity on Leviticus as well as
Romans! It's time to speak truth. Until next time, stay prayerful and blessed! God loves you, and may His
peace abound in your heart and in your life.

PART 2 Now...we talked about Genesis last time and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. I hope that the short
synopsis was helpful. Before we examine Leviticus and Romans I would first like to put it into perspective.
There are about seven main scriptures that seem to condemn homosexuality. However, there are countless
scriptures that say that God loves YOU! The "whosoever" in the Bible includes YOU!

Leviticus 18:22 - "'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."

Leviticus 20:13 -"'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is
detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Ok...this won't take long! Levitical law was written prior to the New Covenant. Also found on the prohibited
list according to Levitical law are:

Mating different kinds of animals, planting your field with two kinds of seed, wearing clothing woven of two
kinds of material, and cutting the sides of your hair or beard, just to name a few.

(Leviticus 19)

In addition, there is a list of must-dos according to the law which include:

The killing of anyone who disobeys a parent, uses the Lord's name in vain, and commits adultery. Also, there
are strict laws that require that we make animal sacrifice, according to the LAW!

When Jesus died for the sin of man we were made free from the Mosaic Law and were washed clean with the
blood of Jesus.

So you ask...what about Romans? Isn't that found in the New Testament?

In order to get a true understanding of scripture we have to remember that it was originally written in Greek.
The Greek language is a very complex language where words have a very precise meaning. Unlike English the
use of one word in the Greek language actually translates into a definition depending on its usage. Let's do a
short word study on Romans 1:26-27 where it says:

"Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for
unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed
with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due
penalty for their perversion."

The phrase used, "shameful lusts" in the original passage is translated as "vile affections". The Greek word
refers to an altered state of mind used in pagan worship which is brought about by music, drugs, and alcohol.
The passage goes on to talk about natural and unnatural relations. The natural relationship of a heterosexual
woman is with a man; however the natural relationship of a homosexual is not with that of the opposite sex,
but that of the same sex.

Again we must remember the context of the scripture. Paul wrote to the Romans who were still struggling
with pagan ritual. Sex was not shared between two monogamous people but was perverse and used for sexual
ritual. The Greek words used to describe the relationships were not the same as the Greek words used for what
we would call homosexuals today. Truly the passages are not depictive of a healthy homosexual relationship,
but rather describe unholy acts done in the temples as a form of worship.

The enemy would love for you to believe that you are an abomination and detestable to God. However, God
would have you to believe the TRUTH! You are a "whosoever". The Bible says that "whosoever believes will
gain eternal life". Jesus said that "whosoever does the will of God are His brother and sister. You are included
in the "WHOSOEVER". Remember that the next time someone tries to tell you that you are unworthy. You are
no more or less worthy than they are! We are all included in the "whosoever".

PART 3 Let's look at 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 today. It says:

"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the
sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor
the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

At first glance a scripture such as this one automatically rejects the GLBT community. It's a shame that we
have translated the Word of God to literally condemn people and give them no hope of ever inheriting the
kingdom. Let's take a closer look at the scripture…

First of all it puzzles me how homosexuality can be grouped together with sexual immorality, idolatry,
adultery, and prostitution. All of these things are actions that people engage in. Homosexuality is NOT an
action! Just as heterosexuality is not an action. Homosexuals, as well as heterosexuals can engage in sexual
immorality, idolatry, and any of the other actions that were mentioned. As homosexuals we have to stop
believing the lie that we are in sin based on our orientation. It's simply not true! However, brothers and sisters,
that does not mean that we are above sin and are justified in some of the things that we do. Sexual immorality
is a human problem, not simply a gay or straight issue. It boils down to respect. Respect for ourselves, our
partners, and most of all, our God!

Next we have to take a look at the original text and the word that Paul used that is now translated to mean
"homosexuality". The word used was "arsenokoitai". The exact meaning of this word is now lost but it is safe to
say that it was originally used to refer to a male since the prefix "arsen" means man. This excludes lesbians all
together. If it is homosexuality that is the sin, then wouldn't both men and women, (gays and lesbians), be
subject to the same fate? Of course they would. The word was not intended to refer to homosexuality. In fact, if
Paul would have been speaking of homosexual behavior he would have used the word "paiderasste", which
refers to sexual behavior amongst the same sex.

The word arsenokoitai is better translated to describe the men that engaged in sex with the male temple
prostitutes. Again, not necessarily homosexuals. This was meaningless sex with no regard to love. The sin that
is being described here is clearly not the same as a monogamous, homosexual relationship between two people
that are in love.

All in all the message remains the same. GOD LOVES YOU!

Be proud of who God made you to be! I speak words of LIFE into each and every person that's reading this
blog. I don't know who you are, and what you've been through. I don't know what you've been taught, or
what you've been told. I can only share what God has given me. Jesus was sent to free the captives and so
today I say...WALK in YOUR FREEDOM!!! Be set free and know that God has prepared a place at His table for
you, because at God's table ALL are welcome.

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