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Chapter 1


The project increases awareness of human rights and thus changes

reality and improves it, it integrates research, creation of knowledge and
active initiatives to transform people’s life. This way it sets an example
that doesn’t hide in today’s moving society, but one that maintains a
flow with the different constituents of society, teachers, politicians,
media etc.

The importance of Human Rights education cannot be taken as a clear

routine but an honour for all the citizens of the world in totality. The fact
that the Literacy is incomplete without the concepts of Rights one is of
possess as a proud citizen of this world, the smartest of all creatures by

It is undoubtedly clear of the view that “Human Rights Education is

certainly A New Language for a New World”. My learning through
the inception of Human Rights has been a great source of Inspiration to
laminate the implementation of this source of image and knowledge in
real life. I am more convinced with the concepts and have been in
response to the actual implementation of the same through various
opportunities which I have been getting from time to time.
What is public education?

THE MOST COMMONLY held view of public education-the view that

persuades many of us to preserve it-is, without doubt, the least accurate,
in that it tells us very little about the realities of public education. It is
based on a collection of myths which most Americans are quite reluctant
to give up. The first myth is that public education is a great democratic
institution fundamental to America's prosperity and well-being. The
second myth is that public education is necessary as the great equalizer
in our society, bringing together children from different ethnic, social,
racial, and religious groups and molding them into homogenized
"Americans"-which we are all supposed to want to be. Included in that
myth is the notion that public education, because of our separation of
church and state, is ideologically neutral and preaches no religious
doctrine. The third myth is that it provides the best possible education
because we are the best possible country spending the most possible
money. The fourth myth is that the neighborhood school with its cadre
of dedicated teachers and administrators belongs to the community and
is answerable to it through an elected school board. The fifth myth is
that our society cannot survive without it-that is, public education and all
the people who run it.
Why are these myths so hard to discard? Because it requires discarding
an even greater myth that props up the whole edifice: that all men are
created equal and that
Government, as the great equalizer, is the most benevolent dispenser of
human goodness, generosity, and justice on earth. After all, there are
several million benevolent bureaucrats to prove it. But the inequality in
human beings is not only the primary fact of the human condition; it is
the basic justification for a free society in which human beings in their
great diversity can live according to their own values and consciences.
The framers of the Declaration of Independence did not mean "created
equal" in the egalitarian sense it is used today. Egalitarianism leads to
monotonous sameness, in which individuality, free choice, and the
expression of individual values are suppressed for a supposed higher
value of collective sameness. It is one thing to believe that each unique
human being should have the maximum freedom and opportunity to lead
his or her life according to that individual's values. But the current trend
in public education is to eradicate or deny the existence of differences,
particularly sexual, racial, and religious differences, to a point of such
confusion that individual identity becomes more and more difficult for
youngsters to define, let alone achieve. The only way an individual can
achieve a sense of identity today in public education is to rebel against
it. And perhaps this is one of the reasons for the steadily increasing
destruction of school property by American students. But identifying the
mythology that sustains public education does not necessarily define it.
Like any large, complex institution, public education defies simple
definition because it is more than one thing. And as such, it must be
viewed from a number of perspectives before we can understand what it
is and why it creates a myriad of social, intellectual, moral, and financial
problems that seem to defy solution. First, there is its physical existence,
which is visible to all of us across the American landscape. The public
school, especially the American high school, with its spacious lawns and
playing fields, is a quasi-sacred landmark in every American town, as
indelibly part of the community government as the town hall, the fire
station, the police station, the court house, the public library. But the
public school represents something more than merely a government
service or the enforcement of law. It represents a body of intellectual,
moral, and philosophical values based on the concepts that created it and
expressed in the activities that go on within its walls.

The youngster who passes through its classrooms emerges indoctrinated

in a body of secular values as if he had gone to a sort of governmental
parochial school. It may not be a very coherent body of values and it
may conflict with the values of his parents or religion; but that very
incoherence and conflict, combined with a general philosophical
confusion, become the dominant frame of mind of the graduate. Thus the
school building itself seems to have its own spiritual aura, as palpable as
that of any church with its peculiarly spiritual architecture. The
textbook, with its litany of questions and topics for discussion, takes the
place of the prayer book, dispensing moral as well as instructional
information. This is particularly true in the social sciences, where a
secular humanist view of the world is presented virtually as a revealed
religion based on an unquestioned faith in science and materialism.
Thus, the rituals of school life replace the rituals of the church to fill the
youngster's days with a formalism called "-`education." No one is sure
what it all means, for there is in America as much confusion and
vagueness surrounding the word "-`education" as there is surrounding
the word religion.

Public education is also a complex legal structure that not only requires
communities to build and operate schools but also places severe limits
on the freedom of parents to educate their children according to their
own wishes. Every state in the India, except Missouri, has a compulsory
attendance law, requiring parents to send their children to the
government schools or to private schools that meet the requirements set
by law. Private schools and home instruction by parents or tutors are
permitted provided that certain requirements set by school committees
are complied with. In other words, there is no true educational freedom
in the INDIA as there once was. One of the prices we have paid for
public education is the loss of educational freedom. The power of the
educational establishment depends largely, if not entirely, on the
monopoly the law has given it. Obviously, public educators will be the
strongest defenders of the legal structure that supports and maintains
their monopoly. Besides being buildings, cash flow, a powerful
establishment of professionals and a legal structure that maintains and
regulates it all at taxpayer expense, public education is also a process
whereby the American youngster is molded into an INDIAN adult. The
nature of this process has changed over the years as educational theorists
have changed their ideas about education and put them into practice.
Government Interference in Education

Public school education has become a thing so commonplace, that

hardly anyone ever questions it as a trustworthy way to educate children.
We have so long been enslaved to the whims of the government, that we
cannot recognize our own slavery. We are slaves of the state, and this is
partly a result, I believe, of government interference in education.

I have a confession…I was homeschooled. I have never attended a

public school. Most of my education was spent at home, with a brief
stint at a private Christian school during the first months of kindergarten.
Does this disqualify me as an unbiased thinker? That’s for you to decide.
For my part, I write what I sincerely believe, and my thoughts are my
thoughts. I prefer to think the fact of my home school education leaves
me with a lot less baggage than a student of the public school system
might have.

The role of the government

Let’s get down to the root of government. The government has two

1. protect and defend its citizens from foreign enemies

2. administer justice and punish those who break the law
Now how does education fall into those categories? It simply doesn’t.
The number one reason why the government shouldn't educate your
children is that they government has no right or responsibility or
business in educating anyone.

For centuries now, the government has been involved in the education of
our children. Although it has not always been this way, now the
government claims to have the right to make the education of your
children compulsory. In other words, the government forces you to make
sure your children are properly educated. Now, I’m all for smart kids. I
want my future kids to be well-educated. I think it would be for the best
if your kids were well-educated as well. But does the government have
the right to command their education? If they did, that would imply that
they also have the right to define what education is, how it is to be given
out, who it is given to, and who it is taught by. This would also imply
that the government has a right to define what exactly your children are
taught and what your children are not taught. The government does not
have a right to make education compulsory.

Thank God those parents still has the choice of where their kids go to
school. If we choose not to send them to public school, we can opt for
private schools or homeschooling. Unfortunately, we still have to pay
taxes to support the public school that our children are not attending. We
can only hope that we still retain the freedom to educate our own
children in future generations. If the government ever gains a monopoly
on education, I would pray to God to land on the Go-To-Jail space.

A similar situation is happening currently with healthcare. Since when

does the government have the right to control healthcare? We are facing
a crisis in which the future quality of healthcare is becoming doubtful.
This is similar to what is happening with the education of our kids.
Instead of providing the best possible education, the public school
resorts to the lowest common denominator. I would say that many
educators care less about the future success of their students than they do
about having them pass a class, even if they pass on a D average.

Why the government shouldn’t educate your kids

Besides the fact that the government should not be waylaid with
educational responsibilities, there are many other reasons why the
government shouldn't be in control of education. Parents have a God-
given right to educate their own children. If they give up this
responsibility to the government, catastrophe will inevitably follow.

The government can never replace parents as the primary educators of

their children. No one knows your kids like you do! Parents, you love
you kids; you want the best for them. The state does not (contrary to the
lies of politicians) love your children; they view your children as future
tax-payers and voting entities. Thus, the government teaches your
children in a way that will benefit the future government.

The government teaches your kids, not the truth necessarily, but
whatever it wants them to know. Instead of truth and the pursuit thereof
being the central focus of education, public education is now a form of
brainwashing. If the government can lead your children down the broad
path of “liberalism”, they can control their own future. The government
does not take into account the desires of parents, and children are made
to think that their teachers are smarter than their parents.

Today, children are taught about "diversity" and "tolerance" - terms

which sound positive, but are really intolerant and un-diverse.
Expression of independent thought is looked down upon if it disagrees
with the accepted thought of the day. Minorities such as Christians are
outcast when they openly express their beliefs. Religious expression
is not tolerated.
The material that is taught in public schools is often one-sided and
biased. The biggest issue that comes to mind is the evolution vs.
creationism debate. If a public school is going to teach about evolution,
they ought to teach about intelligent design. Or should they? Who's to
say? My point is that parents should be in charge of what their children
learn. We would like to think that education can be neutral - that
everything goes. But the truth is, worldviews differ and education can
never be neutral.

Many children now first learn about sex in schools, with sex education
being taught to junior high and high schoolers, and even younger
students. Instead of learning of the facts of life from their parents,
children are now taught about sex from teachers who are often more
concerned about "safe sex" than abstinence. Can you trust a government
school to teach your children about how and when to have sex? Can you
trust a government school to teach them about homosexuality and
transgender lifestyles?

It is no secret that public school education has been failing as far as test
results and literacy go. Graduation rates are surprisingly low. The public
school system does not attend to the needs of the individual, letting him
to get lost in the masses that are unable to lift themselves out of
mediocre intelligence.

Public schools are no longer safe for children. Violence, alcohol and
drug abuse, and sexual activity run rampant in public schools across the
nation. Parents can have no oversight over their children if they attend a
government school, and we all know that the government doesn't make a
good babysitter.

Instead of training individuals who can think and make decisions for
themselves, government-run education trains children to conform with
the culture, to get sucked into peer pressure, to forfeit their right of
intellectual freedom. The idolized "socialization" only makes students
blend in with everyone else.

 Why Schooling is required

The point of school is something that seems to go over a lot of people's

heads. Nobody cares what you learn in school. At all. I mean come on.
Who cares if you can remember the quadratic formula or that Au is the
symbol for gold.
What school does for you is give you problems. Doesn't matter what that
problem is. Math problems, English papers, famous historic
events...Whatever. School throws these things at us so that we can look
at what is there and solve it.

It is a matter of what you have learned but also, that you were able to
take a problem that you knew nothing about before and figure it out. It is
the development of the mind and the accessibility of what is out there
that makes school so important.

When I started thinking about why education is so important, I

remembered my school years, the grounding years of anyone's
education. I went down memory lane to remember all my teachers, my
school subjects, the study and the play! I never really hated school. But I
have seen many who hate going to school; I have had some friends who
did not like the idea of studying in classrooms. Many of you must have
unwillingly entered your school gates.... But all of us know this dislike
never lasts long. We soon start loving school and it is when it is time to
leave school that we are in tears.... What is school life all about? It is all
about laying the foundation of our education. It is a place to understand
why education is so important and how important it is! It is an
institution, where we learn to read and write. School transforms kids into
literate individuals. It is where we get our basics cleared and at the point
of leaving school, we are all set to soar high in life, enter the new world
in pursuit of our dreams.

The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain.

Education gives us the knowledge of the world around us. It develops in
us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have
points of view on everything in life. People debate over the subject of
whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say,
education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding
world while knowledge is something very different. They are partly
right. But the conversion of information to knowledge is possible
because of education. Education makes us capable of interpreting rightly
the things perceived. Education is not about lessons and poems in
textbooks. It is about the lessons of life.

The words 'cultivate' and 'civilize' are almost synonymous to the word
'educate'. That says it! Education is important as it teaches us the right
behavior, the good manners thus making us civilized. It teaches us how
to lead our lives. Education is the basis of culture and civilization. It is
instrumental in the development of our values and virtues. Education
cultivates us into mature individuals, individuals capable of planning for
our futures and taking the right decisions. Education arms us with an
insight to look at our lives and learn from every experience. The future
of a nation is safe in the hands of educated individuals. Education is
important for the economic growth of a nation. It fosters principles of
equality and socialism. Education forms a support system for talents to
excel in life. It is the backbone of society.

Education is important because it equips us with all that is needed to

make our dreams come true. Education opens doors of brilliant career
opportunities. It fetches better prospects in career and growth. Every
employer of today requires his prospective employees to be well
educated. He requires expertise. So, education becomes an eligibility
criterion for employment into any sector of the industry. We are
rewarded for exercising the expertise required for the field we venture.
We are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and
how well we can apply them.

Education is essential as it paves the path leading to disillusionment. It

wipes out all the wrong beliefs in our minds. It helps create a clear
picture of everything around us and we no more remain in confusion
about the things we learn. Education brings up questions and also
devises ways to find satisfactory answers to them. Education is about
knowing that everything has a science to it, it is about learning to reason
everything till every question meets its answer. Education can lead us to
enlightenment. It is education that builds in every individual, a
confidence to take decisions, to face life and to accept successes and
failures. It instills a sense of pride about the knowledge one has and
prepares him/her for life

Schools and colleges define the basic framework of education.

Schooling gives us the fundamentals whereas we specialize in fields of
our interest, during the degree courses. But education does not end here.
It is a lifelong process. Self-learning begins at the point that marks the
end of institutional education. The process of self-learning continues...

Child marriage is a violation of human rights and is prohibited by a

number of international conventions and other instruments. Nonetheless,
it is estimated that in the next ten years more than 100 million girls are
likely to be married before the age of 18 [6].

The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain.

Education gives us the knowledge of the world around us. It develops in
us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have
points of view on everything in life. People debate over the subject of
whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say,
education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding
world while knowledge is something very different. They are partly
right. But the conversion of information to knowledge is possible
because of education. Education makes us capable of interpreting rightly
the things perceived.
Education is not about lessons and poems in textbooks. It is about
the lessons of life.

The words 'cultivate' and 'civilize' are almost synonymous to the word
'educate'. That says it! Education is important as it teaches us the right
behavior, the good manners thus making us civilized. It teaches us how
to lead our lives. Education is the basis of culture and civilization. It is
instrumental in the development of our values and virtues. Education
cultivates us into mature individuals, individuals capable of planning for
our futures and taking the right decisions. Education arms us with an
insight to look at our lives and learn from every experience. The future
of a nation is safe in the hands of educated individuals. Education is
important for the economic growth of a nation. It fosters principles of
equality and socialism. Education forms a support system for talents to
excel in life. It is the backbone of society.
Education is important because it equips us with all that is needed to
make our dreams come true. Education opens doors of brilliant career
opportunities. It fetches better prospects in career and growth. Every
employer of today requires his prospective employees to be well
educated. He requires expertise. So, education becomes an eligibility
criterion for employment into any sector of the industry. We are
rewarded for exercising the expertise required for the field we venture.
We are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and
how well we can apply them.
For many people around the world, school means access to education.
There are many other avenues that allow people to become educated, but
schools facilitate this in a much more organized and standardized way.
People who understand how to help children and adults learn best work
at schools. Also, schools provide a comprehensive curriculum rather
than just focusing on one area of development. Finally, schools have
become the basis for culture and civilization throughout history.

Schooling and education help people to understand the world around

them, a world beyond one’s immediate family, area, region, country,
culture, race, and civilization. These different subjects open up
information and knowledge. An important aspect of education is
learning how to learn in order differentiate fact from fiction.

Having information is not enough. Schooling and education provide

practice in taking knowledge and applying critical thinking to it. An
organization dedicated to the advancement of critical thinking defines
the concept this way:-

"Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively

and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing,
and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by,
observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as
a guide to belief and action."

In some ways, the parental answer to “Why is school so important?” that

hints toward the future is accurate as well. Employers want students that
have degrees because these people should have learned several
important job related skills including interpersonal, time management,
and task management skills.

Employees must also understand how to learn new skills. Many jobs that
children of today will apply for in the future haven’t been developed yet.
New careers enter fields as old ones disappear. Schools do not teach
specific career fields because these fields could be obsolete in the future.
By teaching students how to learn, schools better prepare students for
the changing marketplace.

I feel that school's are very important because the children spend more
time in a day in school then they do at home and they spend more time
at school then they do with their parent and or parents. We need teachers
who can teach and who want to be a teacher because a lot of these young
people in the inner city are failing because of the lack of teaching, but i
feel that the parents should do their part as well. It's very important that
the environment in a school be safe so that the children can be
comfortable and learn. I feel that the DC school system is failing
because of the people and i just believe that we need teachers who want
to teach and not just someone who want a job. The school is supposed to
help our children build on their life and prepare them for the future. I
won’t blame everything on the school system or the teacher's because
the parent and or parent's need to do their part to make sure that their
child is successful in life.

What do you think?

 Careers by Subject

Many careers encompass more than one subject, and some careers
transcend all categories such as researcher, teacher and writer.
 Schools provide freedom

Throughout history, education has provided a means for upward

mobility and ends the cycle of poverty. People with limited or no
education are easier to control, but less likely to build a better society.
People with education are harder to control because they can think for
themselves. In a open and democratic society, this freedom fuels
innovation and makes for a stronger nation.

How does homework helps

By definition, homework constitutes the out-of-class activities that the

teachers assign to students. These activities are an extension to
schoolwork. Homework can include practice assignments that
emphasize newly acquired skills. It can be in the form of preparation
assignments to make students ready for class activities. Projects that
have to be worked on in parallel with schoolwork also form a part of
homework. This project work may continue throughout the term or the
entire academic year. In these activities students apply their academic
skills to create a piece of work through research.

Homework builds up an initiative in students. They initiate study.

Teachers get the schoolwork done from students whereas students
initiate doing homework. There is a sense of responsibility associated
with completing their homework. Children feel responsible for finishing
homework and accomplished when they do it.

Another benefit of homework is that students develop time management.

They start allotting their time to study and play thus learning to complete
their scheduled tasks in the time they have. Moreover, they learn to do
things on their own. They manage their time and complete their work
independently. Homework encourages self-discipline in students.

Homework helps the children learn with interest. It builds a confidence

in their minds. Teachers give comments on the work they do. Teachers'
positive remarks boost the children to learn. Students learn to follow
instructions and complete their assignments successfully. They have to
explore on topics, refer research material, and read about related topics
in order to do their home assignments.

By doing the homework, children learn to cope up with their school

activities. They get an opportunity to apply their skills and enhance
them. Homework gives students a chance to amend their mistakes and
improve on their weaknesses. Home assignments provide children with a
platform to express and exhibit their skills.

Homework that gradually increases every year enhances academic

achievement. Students score better on class tests. Homework helps in the
development of an attitude to explore and learn. It thus improves their
academic results. Homework definitely gives students the practice of
whatever they learn in school and practice makes them perfect!

Obviously it is the amount of homework that governs its benefits.

Homework should not become a punishment. Studies have brought out
certain rules regarding the amount of homework to be given to students
of particular ages. Homework manifests its benefits only if it is given in
right amounts and taken in the right spirit. It is not good to burden
children with home assignments and expect them to do well in studies.
Homework should be proportionate to their age and mental ability.

The motivation offered by homework should be accompanied by parent

involvement. Some say that homework serves as a link between the
school and home. Parents must strengthen this link by supporting their
children in their home assignments. Parents must take interest in the
homework given to their children. They must help their kids do their
homework and be concerned about their kids' school activities, thereby
promoting education.

I believe in the benefits of homework. But according to me, homework

in the form of projects is more helpful than practice assignments.
Students should be encouraged to act creatively. Project on a topic
outside school curriculum leads students to investigate varied subjects. It
encourages general reading. Studies do not remain monotonous.
Children think research and innovate. This result in an added advantage
of homework that studies do not remain confined to textbooks. Children
understand that education is much more than it seems to be.

 Why schooling is required

The project increases awareness of human rights and thus changes

reality and improves it, it integrates research, creation of knowledge and
active initiatives to transform people’s life.

This way it sets an example of academia that doesn’t hide in an ivory

tower, but one that maintains a dialogue with the different constituents
of society; teachers, politicians, media etc.
The importance of Human Rights education cannot be taken as a clear
routine but an honour for all the citizens of the world in totality.

The fact that the Literacy is incomplete without the concepts of Rights
one is of possess as a proud citizen of this world, the smartest of all
creatures by GOD.

It is undoubtedly clear of the view that “Human Rights Education is

certainly A New Language for a New World”. My learning through
the inception of Human Rights has been a great source of Inspiration to
laminate the implementation of this source of image and knowledge in
real life. I am more convinced with the concepts and have been in
response to the actual implementation of the same through various
opportunities which I have been getting from time to time.
The brief report of the complexity of my learning is narrated through the
following context of reality.

Every woman, man, youth and child has the human right to education,
training and information, and to other fundamental human rights
dependent upon realization of the human right to education.

The human right of all persons to education is explicitly set out in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants, the
Convention on the Rights of the Child and other widely adhered to
international human rights treaties and Declarations powerful tools that
must be put to use in realizing the human right to education for all!
Human Rights education can be defined as education, training and
information aimed at building a universal culture of human rights.

A comprehensive education in human rights not only provides

knowledge about human rights and the mechanisms that protect them,
but also imparts the skills needed to promote, defend and apply human
rights in daily life. Human rights education fosters the attitudes and
behaviours needed to uphold human rights for all members of the

Any sustainable development has multi-layer approach, encompassing

educational, economic, social, political, geopolitical and developmental
dimensions. In order to achieve such goal, it is imperative to create a
society with least differences at any continuum of life-scale. To achieve
this and make our present society, which is going through a drastic
social and political transformation, develop, there is a need to set in the
dimension of Human Rights Education in regular university curriculum
across the nation, which is far too diversified in terms of language,
population and geographical boundaries.

It is in this regard and in line with the mandate of the commission, which
efforts have been made to bring about Human Rights Education module
at various levels of Education.

As a matter of fact, the human rights activities should convey the

fundamental human rights

Principles like equality and non-discrimination, while affirming their

interdependence, Indivisibility and universality. At the same time,
activities should be practical - relating human rights to learners’ real-life
experience and enabling them to build on human rights principles found
in their own cultural context.

Through such activities, learners are empowered to identify and address

their human rights needs and to seek solutions consistent with human
rights standards. Both what is taught and the way in which it is taught
should reflect human rights values, encourage participation and foster a
learning environment free from want and fear.
Human Rights are inherent and inalienable rights which are due to an
individual by virtue of his/ her being a human being irrespective of one’s
race, religion, nationality, language, sex or any other factor.

As a matter of fact, the principle of equality in rights, recognized in

natural law, was long accepted in many societies, yet discrimination
continues to exist due to ignorance, prejudice and fallacious doctrines
which try to justify inequality.

How are Human Rights reflected in Practice?

With the march of time, it has been sensed that the international
community is increasingly adopting intergovernmental frameworks at
the global level, such as the World Programme for Human Rights
Education, which aims at encouraging the development of sustainable
national strategies and programmes in human rights education.

There has to be a proposed concrete strategy and practical guidance for

implementing human rights education in primary and secondary schools.

 We must understand to the fact that

1. The human right to education is inextricably linked to other
fundamental human rights

2. Rights that are universal, indivisible, interconnected and

interdependent including

3. The human right to equality between men and women and to equal
partnership in the family and society.

4. The human right to work and receive wages that contribute to an

adequate standard of

5. Living the human right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion

and belief.

6. The human right to an adequate standard of living.

7. The human right to participate in shaping decisions and policies

affecting one’s community, at the local, national and international

 Quality education is also important

On and on with initiative to Human Rights information and
education, there is an urgent need of Education for all priority and as
one of the prime aspects of Human Rights in action and in particular.

Not only this talk of Quality education dwells the inception of the
skills required to the pace of Information Technology as an expertise
and requirement as a mandatory asset towards literacy

 Many under trials are too poor to get paid legal services.

Some of the most important characteristics of human rights are they

are founded on respect for the dignity and worth of each person they
are universal, meaning that they apply equally

 Human rights education is quality education

We all have the right to know our rights and this right is enshrined in all
international human rights standards and treaties.

The international community’s repeated commitment to universal

human rights as the prerequisite for world peace, justice and sustainable
development is indisputable.
Yet also indisputable is a patchy record in ensuring that we, the citizens
of the world, are all well educated in the 3R’s – rights, respect and

“Education … is the key to unlocking other human rights”Katerina

Tomasevski, former UN Special Reporter on the Right to Education.

He further adds to the queue that the education is at the heart of human
rights, and human rights education is part of that heart. Human rights
education is integral to every child’s right to quality education.

 Importance of Education to Youths

Education serves as the means to bring about the desired change in

society, to develop a generation of virtuous individuals and thus
contribute to the development of good human beings. The fundamental
purpose of education is to gain knowledge, inculcate the forms of proper
conduct and acquire technical competency. Education serves as the
means to develop oneself physically, mentally and socially. The
importance of education to youths manifests itself in terms of the need to
cultivate the youths of society into mature individuals. Education is
important for the youths, as youth is their growing stage. It is the time to
develop the principles of life, make career decisions and begin the
pursuit of one's goals.

Education to the youths should consist of the training that is an

extension to their fields of interest. The education should help the youths
define their career objectives, decide what they want from life and
enable them to achieve success in their fields of interest. Education to
youths must aim at helping an individual form a skill set and work upon
it to develop expertise in the areas of his/her interest. The education for
youths should consist of courses that can help the youths with their
careers and aims of life.

Education to the youths should open doors for new opportunities in

various fields. It should help the youths find avenues to pursue their
likes. It should enable them venture into new fields and explore new
areas. Education must help the youths realize their goals.

It is important that the education to youths aims at developing a social

awareness in these adults-to-be. It is important that the training given to
them consists of environmental education. Values like saving animals,
curbing deforestation, controlling pollution should be inculcated in the
youths of today. The education to youths should bring before them the
present-day problems faced by the society. The youths might come up
with innovative solutions to the problems of today. Education should
aim at resolving to foster the good practices into the youth in such a way
as a conscious choice rejecting the bad ones. Education to youths should
bring forth the critical social issues and encourage the youngsters to
resolve them. Education should motivate the youths to come forward to
work for society. It should instill in them a feeling that they belong to
the society and that it is their responsibility to drive it on the righteous

Overpopulation is another important social issue we face today. It is one

of the greatest concerns of mankind. Sex education, effects of excessive
growth of population and the ways of controlling population need to be
taught to the youths of the present times. The education to youths should
give them a sense of social awareness, along with their growing sense of
The fundamental purpose of education is to create good human beings.
Education is vital to the healthy growth and development of one’s
personality. In making the ‘beings’ ‘human’ to produce ‘human beings’,
lies the importance of education to youths.

 Beliefs about the Purpose of Education

Education is believed to be responsible for the cultivation of a

civilized society. Imparting education to the citizens enables the
development of a responsible and thoughtful society. Education helps
in imbibing moral and ethical values in the individuals and their
education, in turn, helps in the creation of a healthy society that bears
a deep understanding of principles and the philosophy of life.

Another purpose of taking education is to bring about progress in

practical fields to enable each educated individual of society to earn a
living. Education aims at making the individuals of society self-
sufficient. Education of the various practical fields produces
productive human resources, who can contribute to the creation of
wealth for a country. While the people earn for their work, they are
also creating something for their organization to make money on.
Every organization is a part of the nation, thus sharing the nation's
responsibility of achieving monetary gains. Educated people can thus
help their nation earn money while earning their daily bread.

The social development brought about by education is apparent in the

abilities of an individual as a part of society. Education helps an
individual to thrive in society, to interact with other social animals
and helps a person attain and maintain a certain degree of social well-
being. During the process of education, one is always a part of a
group, be it school or college. The process of education thus
contributes to one's interpersonal intelligence. The fundamental
purpose of education is to teach a person to read and write. Reading
goes a long way in life, providing the reader with experiences of life
and training him/her to lead a meaningful life.

Education lays the foundation for the fulfillment of a person's dreams

and aspirations. Education helps a person meet his/her career
objectives and achieve an economic growth. Education builds a
resourceful individual out of a raw human being. Education
contributes to the cultivation of a prudent person and earns the person
satisfaction of having met his/her goals. Education results in a sense
of personal fulfillment and paves path for this feeling of fulfillment.
An educated human being, having experienced the positive effects of
education on his/her personality is bound to encourage the idea of
education and effectively, educate his/her children. Hence one
individual thus results in an educated family, taking education a long
way along the future generations. One of the beliefs about the
purposes of education is that education aims at creating good

The true purpose of education is to bring about profoundness to one's

emotions, to broaden one's perspectives and to lead to a healthier
approach of looking at life.

My teacher in high school used to say that education is thinking.

Thinking she said opened the doors to our minds and made us
receptive to the very idea of broadening our horizons and learning
new things. She used to say, 'Question everything and anything, and
you shall learn'. But why is it important to learn new things? Why is it
essential to broaden our horizons? What is the importance of
education? The answer to these questions lies within all of us. We
consider education to be a coveted commodity. A learned person is
always put up on a pedestal. If one notices the scholars of the world
(people who have achieved great knowledge) we see that they make
their presence felt in the way they speak and the opinions they hold. It
is a natural reaction to bestow feelings of awe and respect upon them.
Observe how all the CEOs, government officials and leaders of the
world are all highly educated. It is therefore very easy to deduce that
education leads to success. But that is not all, the importance of
education in today's society runs deeper than success. Learn more
about beliefs about the purpose of the education

Education Opens Our Minds

The importance of education in life cannot be doubted. Education

opens up our minds and makes us broadminded. There is no better
time than the present to understand this. Globalization has
transformed the world into one big village. It is possible for us to
know about the different cultures or events taking place at the other
end of the world today. All these have been made possible due to
education. Education has broadened our minds, so that we are not
confined to our countries and comfort zones anymore. We aren't
trapped in our small worlds, instead we have come out of our shells
and begun to explore and learn new things. Learning about new
things and different cultures not only adds to our literacy bank but
also instills in us humane qualities. For example if we see that a
society in some other part of the world has accepted HIV patients and
begun to work for them, then we might also begin to do the same.
Maybe we had resorted to shunning them earlier but education can
change our thought processes for the better. It therefore helps in
making us more tolerant and accepting.
Education - The Basis of Society

Education forms the basis of any society. It is responsible for the

economic, social, and political growth and development of society in
general. Education imparts knowledge whereby making discoveries
and implementing them for the betterment of the society becomes
possible. The thread of the growth of society depends upon the
quality of education that is being imparted. The better the quality, the
better people can learn and utilize it to make reforms that lead to
research and development.

 Importance of Education for Children

The importance of education as a concept needs to be instilled in

children from an early age. Education does not simply mean bookish
knowledge or learning things by rote but holds a much deeper
meaning. It means opening your minds to learn new things and pursue
different options. Opting for higher education provides one with a
clearer vision and makes one more receptive to change. It makes a
person rational with an ability to think and question. And these are the
basis on which reforms are made.

Education also provides opportunities to interact with people from

different walks of life. It leads to better understanding and an exposure
of how the world lives and thinks. It is our duty to inculcate the
importance of education in children. They should be made aware that
list of degrees that tail an individual's name does not mean that one is
educated. It holds a much wider perspective. Education means to go
beyond the degrees and continue to achieve by acquiring knowledge. In
the real sense education means to evolve from being an individual to a
human being capable of, not merely 'surviving' but living life..

The importance of education goes beyond the concept of being literate.

It goes much deeper, in denoting a way of life and thinking. Education
today has become synonymous (rightly so) with being a well-informed,
thinking person.

 Why Do We Need Education?

Some of the obvious reasons why do we need education are:

 Education broadens your horizon and gives you a better

understanding of the world around you and how things work.
 The world needs education as it is the basis of a civilized
structured society.
 Another reason why we need education is because it reduces
social and economic disparity, allowing progress to be equally
 Advancements in all fields, including science and technology
are made possible through education.
 Studies indicate that educated people have longer life
expectancies. They also tend to exercise more and play more
sports. They also understand the implications of diet and
lifestyle on their health enabling them to make healthy
 On an average, educated people have jobs that are more
meaningful and interesting than those held by uneducated
people. They are usually in a position to make decisions at
work. This results in higher job satisfaction that often also
contributes to better quality of life.
 Educated people are found to have higher self-esteem. Their
lives are more planned and thus have more direction. They have
better problems solving skills and are consequently better
equipped to handle everyday decisions.
 Another trend noticed, is that children of educated parents are
more likely to receive an education and have higher cognitive
development, than children of uneducated parents.
 Educated people are in a better position to contribute more
positively to society and even towards the planet, as they
understand the implications of their choices and actions.

Services extended by the schools of a municipal

school in Bandra (east)

1. Number of girls 544

2. Number of boys 532

3. Number of handicapped 31

4. Students below poverty line 809

5. Students from first generation 125

Chapter 2

Field work
This municipal is established in the year 1980. From that year this
school is continuously providing services to the children of the Bandra
(east). This school has remarkably a good and improved result for past
many years and is consistent with the results. This is witnessed by the
people and also to the residents of the government colony.

The school consist of, 36 teachers from standard 1st to standard 7th. In
this team of 36 teachers there are, 3 male teachers supported by 33
female teachers.
The school has another team of 3 teachers for standard 8th to standard
10th. This team of teachers includes 2 male teachers and 1 female

The school has a well maintained discipline which can be experienced as

we enter the school and is maintained throughout the school. Cleanliness
is also kept to the set standard.

Food provided to the school comes from a society. “Samatha Mahila

Mandal” is the society which provides food to the school a regular
basis. The food provided is of good quality and there are no such issues
that were found that have breached the image of the society.
Syllabus is up-to date and the school is also running with the current
syllabus as per education department of India.
The school has a good strength of students which is a good sign, and
also shows that the people in the school are aware of their
responsibilities and their duties, with this they are also aware that every
child has a right to get Educate which is his birth right.

Government interference with this school has some positive signs has
received a quite a lot of support from the side of government. This
school has no complaints regarding the interference of the government.

Students of standard 3rd are well aware of how to operate and handle
computer which seems like the school authorities are taking some
serious efforts towards the children’s.

Every year about 10% to 20% of the students in each class get an
average percentage of 80% every year, which for me is good results in
their academics.

This was so far about the academics now let’s take a look at some other
activities. H ward (east) has 68 schools altogether of which 50% prizes
are won by the school Bandra (east) school. They have achieved a
various number of prizes in a number of events that they have
participated like:
1. Scouting and Guiding
2. Singing Competition
3. Kushti Competition
4. Children science workshop
5. Dancing
6. Kabaddi
7. Drawing competition
8. Gale India drawing competition
9. Khathak

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