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Curso:3ro enseñanza media

UNIT 1: My skills and achievements contribute to the society itself

El principal objetivo de esta unidad es que los estudiantes ejerciten su
comprensión lectora y su capacidad de expresión —tanto oral como escrita—
a través de la adquisición de vocabulario, estructuras gramaticales y
modismos propios de la comunicación.
El desarrollo de esta unidad se sitúa en el contexto de las profesiones y
oficios, donde al final se pretende que los alumnos sean capaces de simular
una postulación laboral, mediante la creación de un Curriculum Vitae, una
carta de postulación/aplicación y una entrevista laboral.
 En la actividad de esta semana (semana 4/ week 4) deberán leer un
breve texto y responder las preguntas de comprensión lectora que ahí
 Lee rápidamente el texto y subraya las palabras que no conoces.
 Busca las palabras que subrayaste en el diccionario y anótalas en
tu cuaderno.
 Lee el texto cuidadosamente. Responde el ejercicio de verdadero o
falso (TRUE or FALSE) y las preguntas que ahí aparecen.

Se les recomienda anotar las respuestas en su cuaderno.

Pueden usar un diccionario inglés-español si así lo
Si tienen acceso a internet, se les recomienda el diccionario Wordreference, el
cual cuenta con las versiones inglés-español, español-inglés, definiciones en
inglés, además de la opción de poder escuchar la pronunciación de las

palabras (haciendo click en el símbolo ).

A continuación, tienen el link de acceso de este diccionario:

Al final de la semana, se subirá a la plataforma el solucionario

de la actividad (answer key), para que revisen sus
Learning objectives: - To develop reading comprehension.
- To identify general and specific information from
a written text.

Exercise 1. Read the following text and underline the words you do
not know.

Exercise 2. Look for the underlined words in the dictionary. Write them
in your notebook.

Isabel is a nurse. She is from Chile, but works in

England at the moment. She works at a very big
hospital. She works shifts. Sometimes, she works
from 6 am till 2 pm and sometimes she works night
shift, from 10pm till 6 am.
She lives near to the hospital. Sometimes she
drives to work and sometimes she walks. She
never uses public transport. If she drives, her
journey is six minutes and if she walks, it takes
her twenty five minutes.
She gives patients their medicine and she gives
injections. She checks on their progress. She helps
the doctors. At break times, she usually goes to
the café and has a coffee and a snack. She always
makes notes at the end of her shift.
To relax, she goes to the gym and she watches a
bit of TV. She is interested in politics and history.
She has got a boyfriend and she meets up with
him when she has a day off.
Exercise 3. Answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)

1) false Isabel is a nurse and she works in Italy.

2) false She works at a small hospital
3) true She sometimes works night shift.
4) false She lives a long way from the hospital
5) false She usually gets the bus to work.
6) false If she walks, it takes her nineteen minutes longer than if she drives.
7) true She gives patients their medicine.
8) false At break times, she never goes to the café.
9) true She leaves notes at the end of her shift.
10) true She goes to the gym to relax.
11) false She isn’t interested in politics and history.
12) true She has got a boyfriend.
13) true She meets her boyfriend when he has a day off.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

1) Does Isabel work at the doctor’s surgery? she does work in the doctor's office
2) Does she work the same time every day? she doesn't work at the same time every
3) How long is her shift? his shift lasts eight hours
4) How does she get to work? she goes to work driving or walking
5) How often does she get the bus? she never takes the bus
6) How long does it take her to walk to work? it takes him twenty-five minutes to walk
to work
7) Name three tasks that she performs. She gives patients their medicine and she
gives injections. She checks on their progress. She helps the doctors.
8) What does she do at break times? At break times, she usually goes to the café
and has a coffee and a snack
9) What does she always do when she finishes work? she goes to the gym and
watches some television.
10)What does she do in her spare time? She has a boyfriend and meets him when
he has a day off.
11)What are her interests? She is interested in politics and history
12)does she have anyone in her life at the moment? She has a boyfriend and meets
him when he has a day off.
13)When does she meet her boyfriend? on his days off

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