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Guia de arquitectura An architectural guide sm naa Rosatio-Sevilla 2003 \gradecinientos {esto mayor agraecimiento a quienes postbiltaren este proyedto: 8 Conseleria de Obra Pobicas y Transportes de la Junta de Andalucia, Facultad de Arquiteclur, Paneamenta y Disefio de fa Universidad {acional de Rosaria, el Colegio de Argultectos de la Provincia de Santa Fe * Distito 2 Rosato 1 Guia de Arquitectura de Rosai a sido posible gacas al estuerzo y ‘leboracién de instituciones, clegas y nig que eneltrminn de varios fos han aportad conocinient, material dccumental,pacencia, tempo odes. Quetemos agradover muy especialmente a Raquel Sugaies y a Darel Ciacci, que aos han fcitado en todo momento esta xdua tara, | MagalenaTores Hidalgo, que nos brnd6 asesoraniento slerpe que fo leozstamos. Nuestro recanocimiento también a todas aquelas personas ue nas ayudavon a concyetar este suetio enhelado: ara, Ramn Gutirez, a, Mariano Baima, fe. Alia Megas, ara Ricardo Miranda, diseiador Damién Vezzei. Las biblioteca def Colegio de Arqutecto Disito 2 Rosario, le lz Fecutad de Arqutectur, Planeamiento y Disefi do fa UNR y de a Bolsa le Comercio de Rosario. personal del Museo de a Ciudad, del Museo ‘isto Provincial Dx Ju Mare y del Archivo dela Escuela de Museologa cha técnica nen aad unta de Andalucia, Consejeris de Obras *ébivas y Transportes Sireccin General de Arqutectura lena ‘conn tea ‘aquel Sugatios deggaena Tomes Hideo Datel Chinen ‘po de anor etna Distina Vaal Len ‘yan Tores Casado macuiada Reina ‘na Martner ‘ati Camacho ‘ncn ath conc ‘seo aquetain wea Gratica. Roberto Turégeno Jabrela Goncler Pita tomas ‘romotex se ‘eandon "ees et wes sectansano Hegarty mas ‘acl SMT Junta de Andalucia Mawel Chaver Gonzalez reste Concepciin Gutiérrez del Castilo nr de Or bles y Knees Luis Manvel Gasca Garido esse de tas Pins arses Jer Milo Torres Diet eral a gery Wand Luis Gorwer Tana ‘bier Gono ra Maria Dolores Gi Pérez fal sei eects Cartos Herder Pez rd de is Caopeatn con Ags Equipo de trabajo ese Roberto De Gregorio vestige y tts ‘nala Brada, Roberto De Gregori, Yviana Mesanich, Garlina Rainero, ‘Sergio Send, Graciela Schmit pata ‘Guido Chovel, Marcela Gieoomett, Leura Glusman, Hugo Gott Prine de as ‘na Caffero Rossi Pros. de isn Pablo Mercado Universidad Nacional de Rosati Facultad de Arquitectua, Planeariento y Disofo ‘Alberto Santanera Dace Xosaria, An Architectural Guide isthe fut of the agreement signed in 2000 by the National University of Rosario and the Department of Dubie Works and Transport ofthe Regional Government of ‘nndalusia, Rosario therefore joins the increasing list of Latin ‘american cities for which an architectural guide has been produced 1s part of the regional government's intemationl aid work 's preparation and publication are the result ofthe work caried out vy a team of professionals at the National University of Rosaro's School of Architecture, The city of Rosario is an excellent example, a paradigin almost, ofthe ristory ofthe Argentine since independence to the present day. ‘ound very late but rapidly developed, this beautiful iver ety has _xperienced vatious stages of evolution, some of them critical, from ‘hich it has always managed to emerge strengthened in its role as a inst-class urban centre thanks to its socio-economic, architectural, ‘altura and human merits, ts heritage comprises not only oustanding, generally well-preserved, xxamples of Modernism, Art Nouveau, Art Deco et, which have tained the ity @ reputation as @ model forthe architecture ofthe late 49C andl early decades ofthe 20¢, but also good examples of the Mfodern Movement and more recent architecture. {is therefore an honour for us tobe abe to capture these merits in his splendid book, and isso doing support che residents of Rosario in heir disemmination, protection and preservation efforts. Concepcién Gutiérrez del Castillo Regional Minister of Public Works and Transport Regional Government of Andalusia { ~-La Guia de Arqutectura de Rosario es una consecuencia de Protocol de ‘Cooperacion, suscrit en et a 2000, entre fa Universidad Nacional de Rosario y fa Conseerfa de Obras Pablicas y Transportes de la Junta de ‘Andalucia, De esta forma Rosario se une ata reacin, cada vex més, amplia, de cvdades de América Latina que disponen de una gula de su -Asqutectura en el maico del Programa de Cooperacn Internacional de Ta Junta de Andalucia, Su elaboraciony edicon es, ademas, t resultado del trabajo desarrollado por un equipo de profesioneles vinulados a la Facultad de ‘Arqitectura de a Univesided Nacional de Rosario. La ciudad de Rosario representa un buen ejemplo, casi dfarnas un paradigms, dela historia de Argentina desde la independencia hasta ahora. Esta bermosisima ciudad fai de fundaciba muy tarda y ‘crecimiento muy rpido, registra una serie de etapas de evoluctén, aiguras eficas, de las que siempre sald reforzada en su papel cama centro urbano de primer nivel por sus valores econémices, sociales, azquitectnicos, cutuales y Numanos, Su pation rexista ejemplos notabies del Modernismo, Noweau, eos... por la general aceptablemente conservados, que permiten aig 2 fa ciudad en un empl vivo dela Aritectura de finales de igo XK Yrimeres décades del X, sin olvidar buenas ejemplos del Novmiento Moderna y dela Arquitectura més actual Por todas estas razones, consiliye para nosctos un honor poder ayudar a dinigar estas valoes apoyando ast una labor de usin, proeocion y ‘conservacén emorendida por su cudedani, cla de ser plasmada en ste hermoso ro. Concepein Gutiérrez del Castilo. Conseera de Obras Pélicasyanspates Junta de Andi tol open an’ architectural guide isto open a door on heritage, in this stance the heritage ofthe city af Rosario, Hence isan old anton ‘filled to bring together ina single publication details ofall the important works which, undertaken duing various periods, have contributed to shape the city and today bear witness to its past. {his guide isthe result of the agreement signed by the Regional Sovernment of Andalusia (Spain) and the School of Architecture, Danning and Design of the University of Rosario (Argentina), with valuable support from the Professional Association of Architects of ‘he Province of Santa Fe (Argentina) The publication would not have been possible but fr the sheer hard sork carried out by the teams at each of the institutions and their -neret in studying and retrieving valuable dorumentation as a neans of identifying, revording and describing the buildings and sites ‘hat form part of the city’s collective menor. The guide provides an opportunity to explore the city and discover, he traces left by successive generations of Rosarinos. It does not shim to be an exhaustive catalogue but merely to provide brief {escriptions about the main characteristics. In time i will ndoubtedly be extended in response to new interventions. Architect Alberto Santanera Dean School of Architecture, Planning and Design National University of Rosario Abvic una gufa de arqitectura, es abrir una puerta al conocimiento det patrimonio; en este caso ede fa cludad de Rosario. Se conoeta ast una viel aspiracin que es la de cub la ausencia de una publicacion que contemple aqualas obras signifcativas que realizadas en diferentes periodos, han ide conformance Ia cludad y hoy dan testimonia de su historia Esta guia es ef resultado del acuerdo suscito por a Junta de Andaluefa (Espafia)y a Facultad de Aruitectua, Planeamiento y Disefio de la Universidad de Rosario (Argentina). Para ello sé ha contado con el ivalorable apoyo del Colegio de Arquitectos dla Provinola de Santa Fe (Argentina). ‘Su materializacon se ha podido Hever @ cabo pot la manifesta \oluntad de trabajo de los miembros de lis equipas bertenecientes estas instituciones, interesads en ef estudio y resaate de fords cdocumentales de valor parimonial para identfiéar,relstar y considera elicos y sitios signifieatvos derivo de lé memoria colectiva, N recorer la guia se descubre la posibilidad de visite a ciudad reconociendo las huellas que plasmaron suoesivés genevaclones de rosarines. Se establece asi un registro que no pretende ser exhaustivo sino dar una informacién sintetizaa sobre sus carecteristicas més relevantes que con el tiempo seguramente sera ampliado en la medida ‘que nuevas intervenciones lo agan neceseri, ‘Arquitecto Alberto Santanera Decano acuta de argutectura,Pkzneamento y Diao UNR Rosario. An Architectural Guide isthe latest in a collection sponsored ry the Regional Government of Andalusia withthe alm of providing = in insight into the architectural heritage of major Latin American ites. ‘he team, largely made up of members ofthe Architectural and ‘ban Heritage Conservation Commitee ofthe Professional Assocation of Architects of the province of Santa Fe, distrit 2 Zosaro, was ofthe opinion that a true appreciation of the city's cultural egaey could be gained from a succinct architectural guide. Zesearch onthe topic and information gathering commenced in 1997. Contac vas subsequently established with the Regional : Sovernmient of Andalusia, leading toa readjustment inthe spproach ofthe work already carried cut and tothe decision to nclude only certain parts of the city, ‘though the work was already underway, it still acked the relevant gal framework. As a resul, i the year 2000, the School of ‘rchitectue, Planning and Design of the National University of Rosario, of which all the team members ate graduates, signed an agreement with the Department of Public Works and Transport of the Xegional Government of Andalusia under the tems of which an xetion plan was drayn up and the content defined for the publication of this material The succesful completion ofthis publishing initiative i the result of ‘high level of intual understanding between the three institutions nvalved. We hope that this guide will provide an insight into the city ‘or people interested in gaining an appreciation ofits most salient sharactersties, and that it will help them fo form their own opinions. La guia de Arouitectura de Rosario se suma ala colecién patrocinada = por la Junta de Andalucta con fa intencin de diulgar el conacmento det patrimonio arquitect6nioo que atesoran las prinsipales ciudades hispancemericenes. Nuestro grupo de tebe, formad en su mayorta por Integrantes e ta Comision de Preservecién del Patrimonio Arqiteténico y Urbano del Colegio ce Acquatectos de a provincia de Santa Fe, distro 2 Rosario, preocupados por valoize fa herenca cultura, viola necesidad de confeccionar una gula de arquitectura que condensara la informacién ropa de a ciudad. En el afio 1997 inciamos las investigaiones para abordar el tema, recoplando un material general. Postriormente se estableié una relacion oom la Junta de: Andalucia, donde se convino un ‘juste en ia ovientacén de la labor desarolada hasta ese momento, dleterminando cue sblo se trabajar sobre algunos sectores uanos. Sibien estaba en marcna el esquema de! trabajo, faltaba cumplimentar el ‘marco legal petinente, por fo cual la Facukad de Arcuitectr, Flaneamiento y Diselio de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, dela cual todos somos gratiados, fm en el afo 2000 el rotoclo de Cooperacin entre ia Universtad Nacional de Rosati y la Consjerta de (Obras Pies y Tansporte de a Junta de Andalucia, estbleléndose luego el Programa de Actuaciones y defniéndose su contend, crentado ara la publication del presente materia buen entendimiento entre las es instituciones antriormente mencionadas ha llevado @ buen puerto este prajecto extra, Esperamos que esta gufasiva para mostrar nuestra chudad, para que ‘aquél que se interese pueda apreciar sus rasgos més sobresalientes y formar su propia opinin. “he material has been divided into itineraries according to specific fnaactetistes and is based on the team’s rengaition ofa series of shenomena that serve to differentiate the various sections. Each is resented as an itinerary, ending wit the suggestion for reflection vefore embarking on the following section. The guide algo contains an ntrcicton based on snore genéral aspects related both tothe city’s vast and present This aims to provide a unique literary vehicle for taining an understanding ofthe city. ‘he guide is not exhaustive; indeed, as the product of the team's ‘ombined experience, it i rather fragmentary aud partial, Te final ‘sults unique in that its prt inventory, part itinerary and pally un atte guide ‘The team Dividimos nuesto objeto de estudio en nudos de acuerdo con sus rasgos propios, ya que al aproximar fa mirada reconocimos ciertos fendmenos cuyas paricularidades ls identiioaban claramente uno de tos otros. El record de cade rad se propuso como un tnrato, con la sugerencia de reflesionar sobre su conformaci6n a fal de ceda ‘rayecto antes de continue con el sguente, También se incluyé en el presente trabelo un text introductorio que da cuenta de os espectos mas generale tanto de su pasado como de su presente, con la finalidad de complementar fa lectura de la ciudad a través de una forma singular de hacer Iteatura, Nuestro enfoque no pretend ser totalzador sino més bien fragmentaro, aril, producto de la combinacién de nuestras expeiencas. Lo que dio como resutado una guia que contene aspectos parcales de aquélas, Aefnidas como de tipo imentaio, tnererioy rita, lo cual fa hace un producto pecular, Equipo de trabajo Antodveion 9 TINERARIOS: Neo 4 co Par ar 4. Anes Rbeefo Sut 2 2 Puerto Rosa 3 3 Cento Uinerstaro Rosai (eur) Bi) «Estar fiat oF Parque Espaia Sur 85 BParmede Escala * 96 "Compe Cut! Prgue de fopaie ” 6 Te! de Ferocarl Cental enti, hy seria Presider a 38 9 Fstacon Rosai Coal, antigua stain Terminal de Fenocaral Censal zgentka 59 10 Parues co apa Hote, elas Cobsidades, Stiles y Norte 100 1 tiga Eston Rasa Horie Baro Pn je 12 PesajeCeledonio Escalada 109 13 Certo de Rerovecén bara Re Sealab Ortiz 1 1 Baten Ctinge Mowison Buitrg 04 1 Reina ugntina do Aver 106 16 Pana puedo de dias poinies 106 17 Fad Ot Rosse Cental ww 18 Paque Lenco Me, ato Faraue Bawa tuhveia 108 19 Cerra Termowletiee Sorento B 109 2oPaseo Rtarho ste 110 24 Esaciin de sercio soe lege m 22 Baloo ta Rita n 25 Costa Aa, Paseo de Carinae y ete ua 24Puerte RosaioVeria = 2 indice |, No 2: Pla 25 do eyo 115 25 Plaza 25 de Mayo Me 23 Basics Nes Sora el Rosai, Casa Paroqi! 119 2 Paleo Mericipal a 28 Consejo de ngs of Proc do Sota Fe m 79 Consul Genel de Espaia 123, | 20Nusa0tuncpt do Ate Decerato Firs yO Ever m4 st La Bola de Nie Bs 532i de Cans y Teigaios 26 33 Caja jay Buenas Aes LaReowela Buena Vedita 127 34 Asai esatna de cera Ctrl Argentino | dort aariane pe 35 Cub Gemasiay Esa Rosato, Vestas me 38 Creu de Ors de sat, Danza Asstenelt Sen José 129 37 Casa Conan 0 | 38caseBatizo a 53 Subestacin de Agua y Energia 131 40 Casa de os tates m 11 Testo el Clo BB {2 bain Banco Hitec National us 42 Conjrto San LovereoLopida 125 Nato 3: Parque Racin ala Bana 137 14 Pata Neconal ala Bandera 140 sSMonmento ala Banden 141 5 Pasaje ramet mm {7 Conejo Delbert antigua Patio vasa co 18 Lee Avlaneda Ms 19 frei Began y Bata Saigento Cabal ms Boigu uaa Ms aii Fein Ms 5 Esco Sante Pasco y Ca, 147 53 EtiicieBe i w 5 Caja doa Mutual det personal el Banco Provide Sata Fe 56 Conjunto Canepa ‘5 aio Cooperative de ‘onstuin de Videos 57 EaifcoAinCastogrino 58 Clg de Aquitetos 58 Cub Rosato deFlota {od Patonal Cdoba 60 fico del Jockey Ch 1 Pasae Pam 62 Gal Vitoria Mall 63 Eco Bnco Neen, asa central 4 Axo Bren Wocion 5 Nuevo Banco de Santa Fe, Casa canal Hotel Siioy 67 sta Wil de Preision Sorvisas Socios 68 Tends Fsbets,eiva ‘inda ta Fara 8 Sede del Cub Espafal 10 Eco Dei “La Capt” 14 Palacio Fuentes 1 Gate Rosario. 73 Gate Cicar 14 Eco Tenstnica,atguo arco Santander 5 Ei dl Sato do Sages 1 Eli de eta y Barco de Boston 17 lio Funds Astengo "8 Eco Baro lel, xtigua Barc eels 1 iio Le Unin Greil 0 Edilofaia One ‘1 Asociecién Exptl de Soorsros Mutues 12 Feta de Hunaridoces yes, UR. 48d fail Monserat 86 Edicio de bdustiny Conereoy Ca 5 Edificio do Cam Seguos La Rosato {do $: Cale Son Ls 6 lara Sariento 87 Eocua Nomal a4 {88 lgesia Serta Rosa de Lina 9 ResidencaFacasi 80 Teatro y Oe La Comedia 91 Loyd Ban, argue Berea Londres 52 Aaigia Pade y Conte Le Eurpea 99 Palco Cobnotas 96 Edit Boro we ue M9 0 10 15 13 156 1 158 139 160 160 1st 162 1 164 186 1 168 168 10 m m ™m m4 mm m5 6 m7 8 08 wa 134 15 86 7 138 188 165 180 131 5 Fein Nap ist ‘96 Plaza Sago de Montenegro 192 ‘7 Sata Lavan, agua seco elaFederain gaia 192 feliguo Che Grenex 18 9 Conunto Sata nts 195 coco Unione e Beewlenza 196 108 Sed de Gotiero y ebiitai de ahead acon de Rosato, atiguo Hotel tia 7 ‘Nu 6 Paseo del Siglo 199 102 ta Agila, Corpo, oe Segues 2m 109 Efio de ofelnas,anigue atl Palace 20 404 ta mobiles, Compa de Seguros Generales \ 208 105 Bola de Comers 205 106 Palacio Met 205 107 Elio de ofinas Giron y Ci. ea 108 Mono Fé SA. 208 1108 feign Amaxén Pompeo 209, 110 Plan Piles 209 11 Fito de oonasyanptiisn ela fdlsede Comerio 210 112 Cent Unén Depencientes 211 113 Feo de vendacleotva 212 1 lgesia Magteane 2 118 Bloteca Aetna Or. un ase 20 116 Resdenia particular 24 117 Fifa Beta x 25 118 Gert merc "aseo el Sig Shogo Cater 216 119 Sede del obispo 16 120 Sed el Reta UN, amiga resins Piesco| 217 121 Felden parares” 218 12 Banca isa, ang snes el Bnco Cone retin 219 123 PaaS Marin 20 124 Ei de derartametos 220 126 dt leat de Fla 221 126 btn Pla de hia yibandes "ma 121 ResienciaD. RSiant 223 428 Fontan Jsena Fats, antiga sient sé Fin, ego reside Pas 224 128 Anu eer aa De Lorena 25 490 fect Nomad at 2 JM, Guérer 26 131 Aten Plea anti Pelecio Canass De 432 Fie de reta 27 do 7: Boulevard O10 428 La Comerial de Rosin 134 Coego fasts 135 Casa do ena y na Forso 28 esa Bega Alemania 157 facie de depatamentos on ala 138 esol partcuar 129 Instituto do Cadologia de Rosato 140 Residencia parla 144 Residencia partalar 12 Efi De Bernards 143 Residancapartola 146 Arigna Gin oat 485 Pasa La Uni Gromit ho Rosario 146 Mercato Model Oro 147 Conjunto Café ren Veta 146 Sanatoo Parque ‘49 Exfico Glardon 150 Esfio Mertor 181 Tiburies Federales 152 Conunto de Nesta Sera ela Miseronia 159 Residences partculares 154 Residences patculares 185 Estuela de Ersefanza Mea 1? 4328, adv 186 Escuela Dat Aen 157 Fees do lrcias Eoonticas 156 Ergresa Province be a Energa 159 Aut Cub Argentino 60 Residencies partes 185 Consuado General de sia Nudo 8: Parque Urqiza 162 Parque ia 185 Anteto Niiipal Hubert do tito 184 Compo Astoniico Etucatio 185 Eslacin Gest Sartatesio 166 Coleg sina DoningoF Sarmiento 187 Barro Martin 168 Paz ypasje Sonia Gur 169 Pata Liper 170 Hospital Provincia 174 Avenida Plein 172 Fata de ngerira 179 Plaza Beigoa 174 Casa Gus 178 Vaienda unfair 176 Venda unfaro 177 Venda una 178 Venda vei BSe 25 8 gy a 0 240 2H 2 2 4 2 25 215 oa 248 29 249 250 280 251 282 23 2 255 a7 260 261 261 282 263 263 264 265 256 267 258 259 29 20 20 2 ado 9 Parque ta Inepedncia 27 179 Parque de la ndependenc 10 Museo dela Ciudad 181 Hiptomo ndependenca Jeckey Ck 182 Museo Hist Provinal 1 Jao Mare 1 seo de las Artes 1.8, Castano 14 Cement 6 Salvador 165 Tikunaes Provides 16 vena Peleg 181 Case Giga 188 Barro Pagan eo $0: Abed 189 La Plaza y ss aededares 160 Vila Herts, 391 Bajada Puccio 182 Plaza Santos Dunont 453 Residencia falar 154 eso Sn Ram Marto Neo 14: Fisherton 86 County Gb del Jocey Oud ie seo 196 fia Estacin de Tenes Fbertn, hoy Atta Argentina 157 Plaza y Cala 58 Boule going 189 Rosario Gof ib 200 Utbanizaclin Ades uo 12 alia 201 Parqu Rejonal Sar Cats Syste Begs 202 Parque del Nereado 203 Antiguas marsones| 204 Paseo de brazo seco et Sale 205 Contos habitainaes Biba Indico onomistica 216 an a 290 201 om 2m 23 238 285 286 20 20 21 a Fa) 25 235 0 am 308 an 33 Rosato inboduecion "tater hei ioe eer amu ee ess no ee shi ip incr legos th ae Sopot anya aac a opr nas nse ret yg art tt gran Uaedortsten retin en denne ap 2, pose sex Lae ner ey ‘renee msn = “tottenham Bape a a ‘hei ss at ru ie, ete te pa ‘etka he ee neler sey sey een eet owe hey ato ‘ape sa yi a oe oe atc oD ct cot es coe” " Dain Hoe Seat ae rain de ta Ropibica Argentina, | the pital yin the province of Saas nla gov de Sata Fe, se loca | Feat the heart of the Rep of “a acid de Rosario, a tan sto 300 | Argentina, in the south ofthe Americ mal arte de a capa dl ps. Seub> | enetineat Iti lcted the west bank cae cil est del to Pend en una} ofthe River Paar in ont ofthe ward's elas rehnes més ftles dal mundo, 2 | mt fre region, kaow as the lau se denomin paige pameca | umiépampas. \iscse sre mers | ua tat tin nh Fase ls condones generis de los. | ‘The cate fs gency moderate with lines tempos, donde las cua este | lite seasonal deena, ahah it tions oes ten defi, cbsevér. | is het betes Hover an Mah ase ua trperadacluos parti del_| and euler between une and Jy ies de novembre y hasta mezzo y una} Abundant trughoat he yar, the fade ju aj. Si tien as vos son rains hearin the summer fan in ‘tundartes todo alo, ete ms en e- | the winter, whist Angus the windiest reno que en ivi, sind of mos mg. | month. The average temperate 169, entoso el de gosto. Latempertua pt | with he areage maxim and ni, medio de 16,9, con unamasina yo, | tenperatires 23.4 and 10 respecte melo de 23°C yuna mina de 40°C. |The population, whic is mainly made ‘Cuma con una gobain de ona msde | up of Spnnsh and Talon desea amin de hearts, maa deen | jest oer one milion, wth on lion lect de espns ¢Rafams. Si con | thee hundred inhabits the dranes el éea metnpottra qe con | metropolitan area of Greater Rosario, mel gan Rosai, a pbten auerta a. | “Theol reign i Cutolen, but nmi resco ri habe. oles a abso professed Both the giro mane! se cnfooraconun_| varios religios groups and the imeem con su gatinteeleutwo yun | aiferent ethic races consti peek ence defberante 0 de wecios. Esto | harm. The ofa langage fe Spanish enveo std consi por vestos e- | and thee is way alow rate of ira Desenartes de a plain y se haan |The municipal goverameat comprises a ‘cago de a eboarion cela ocenan- | mayor and an exeutve eam plas 3 2 qunicgles, resident coun made up of repesentaties ofthe population. This Desde punto desta sconimin, aya] ences response fr ding up tina se cesar prle tensa actividad. | vii by las emer queen ala se dosplog. Rose ‘tania ene un importante pel in- | fn the oso ptt of view the usta, aunque en la dea de 1980, | y's mam stength js intense | te sehavist afectadopactasvarntes | commer] atv. AlthooghFosero soho si mncmesniomtts sai nodes ae bas politi econnizas dl pas, las cules | han geeredo ua eran en ls nds- tras means disminyjend gr eo nero de esatacnientos salads nla civddy ons a dena. En (a aualiad est comenaan un nao | proces de eactuain dea poducény ‘el gra, que haa est insert nro de fed product del Herosary eel aed. i gomen utano fast sitien mo wines de un 2 to uneoa dearokiacin espa, lof ds ee tentraly warn, co expemabioo cons on nore y enrol des pres “desert”, Pa fae 1500, nc legaton bs espns «a taton Sata Fe dea, el2 | rene pare Hired erarecorde yor (gos nies de abotgenes qi rai an mesos esos sin puss permarere cas eras. stat cue proce kescomstdires psa est cer as posi Ge psc ee aes pra Coca edegas), on ut ‘enol dio y somal rei, an hs, easy pars. 1685p tedetirasreyle en oat oT rod al capt Lis Rar de ie, ‘ob fea cee ost Pa rex ol pago de eats als yep 5 dal Cavafo ante, carci oan ‘emia de ago ds Aros. MES | lade se dion ds ries. Lace ‘suet le do Bueos es, se racy oro dl Nec ner, ke perce Sartafe Leesan too tj adiecantn de testa Seo ela Come queen et ita ua isa meg de esa Seo a Resato de os infos venues s ov tori en artes cent, psi fermen fs cet arog det 0 ekg os Arg. u als hat an impart instil sects, this was severely alte daring he 1930s by polite and economic changes in the county, renga shine fhe metal idastes ands such 2 reducing i herb of aces in they and toning ae Bt prodton zd he pt ae cueenly undering 2 new proces of rexctvatlon given dhe cly’s positon vithin the Merasr eto and he ‘enor beeen the wo oceans. seeds of web development Alto Roar 2 not andl by the Spanish clas, yea was vertices based oe colenial fetal ad wkan mel fecuption and conte ope spaces 150, ‘heme of th Spanish udaien of Sona Fede a Vra Cz, his eon of Tid papas nas an of rai fo indigeoas ona reps who migrated ih the dirt seasons and id no eae lis ony and. Tis Sivan was caplite by the conquers Toes new estates fr he Cove Feng) ander en, forma once of pst, wt deed registers and pans. 1a 1589 Captain Las Romo de Fre vas gate pt of be in’ Tad tte onthe west bank of the ver Paani, betwen Aces othe south al Crear to the ath Tis ands Boca as Ares was sce ded inte jsitins. The southe yar, wich ‘as governed bythe town oun) of Buenos ie, was Load hy te Mea steam the sath beoaging to Seni Te A anh and chapel eet Our Lady ofthe Conception as ated in the ie Ler op2rintne statue nf ‘ar Lay ofthe Resary boning the ‘ata Ins was ened io te reonsated dayel, Which sbseaerthy Became th arith of Los Anoys. as : {re tien Posario roduc 3742. ceo “ost ce os ho {In 1742 he hat was ve the mame os" ene decaento pasa cbspode ‘Buen ies en orein oe sta aca sat elu corto. Lapa rprsen ‘eclogite cro nico mabe 658 capil, 2a vera cf, acai da mendaureRosif, uc erent nerte ens as pebiaciones de Sara Fey ‘Butns Aes. Estas tras se hbin ido hla de as igen vedas (el parte porte bs aloes ingenas y shes por fa ininto pen go. apt. ta ena etl ipo, ‘yp utnisro mac un ego der, fu dass en wta eles pant ean can ela 6 cata, caro y 1s posias de ecb eu, dard gs 4 uhisoes gonoainiraias: ee cso, post La predic de ostas eos eo fe fowconata pr estes vin eS a pri de sus heres sets, qiones flere ls entero pr de Aes perertes, nares eu ot Suto, quis 2S vera sii nen | pepe alo (reno Sue) ‘qe ver etre su eos, Ere ells 2 Santiago Herter, do dea pea, e cares, pany sebredes, quer semper iroones potas ome oro de a Cail ale de San TaHermardat. Cunectarte aso y s0- rat, planet a rganzacin el esata bao al poycar on su la, on oe smi tual que ea, lara de es ue fa venfenso a los peromianos, mares regu a¥ecoter dc a area daa pala plz sobre ot ‘amin ral etal calle Buenos Ars, ‘erent a el esl a elses ‘toons (1745 2 1757, Ut peamo arupanerto de ro mis de | 0 pases ere espe, close ins, bjatos nantes de peso una pla pin, et geen ubano-, Se testo como ces el ter y aj tres de shuts potas, can Of aso des Ayn he srl doce fhe ip of Baers Ans his ist te new path The nly adnan th Fist ‘apc eesentain the pl on the lak fee, acon by the nme of Rs, ated bec he ian cents f Sat Fe and Bus Aes he dha raul ben port by nigaton fom Ue noth Aen om adn ds and tract hy the energie pode ‘nk 6h af ea ea’, Spe eri organi was le to kave adie mpi a is papas and wih the pal ad Minstrels af to, vile hat ad hose exhange os. ‘This tnd donated by the row was nly subdde hy the ret -escendant ofthe orignal ower pay of outstanding debts. Part of the and vs parsed by Sur, wh i created eclangalar pot rang perpen oe sve (Sere Tanda Fr sale his weighbours, igang Santiago Montenegro, the coun ofthe in, goods can ivsack and sown fla wel bing the caretaer of the chapel andthe ayer of Wo oy 2 sano ntrduccon ‘ysis enla cated ats. A mia ve anu ego 2, ee sno ati ser deere con gen wots sata, ei peoamart an of str proceso do ura, he Hayley, An ative ond ‘at bsnsn, be isc the onpniaon fhe shan pce by viding i we plot inf severed sales pls fr parse by he relent fhe par Tse pos wee ranged nods senda sae Ines on the oa teresa ae Buenos ies, 745 to 175) with the church opps ‘ver he yas ands rest f politi, ‘cmon ard scl ondon, ths all _goup of no more dan 250 sees, Indi SpanardsCeks a alan, -scummodated in tabu around a prime square the ces of wan development as gradual nse note caren cy As the 19C gained pec, he same and beae a pte of ruschaniise oj tothe mot voracious spect, especialy ase proces of than development got erry ‘pci tp tia lee ‘to ene cana A mileione on the way ep cain y danas sees estat ronunsistena de comunicaoes¥ cot 2 sue andes vcs geogratcos yh ‘a, sineando case y ss mii as peiens gros. Feta cons {in erin etic dela alder a igen cet Resto camo gar ep », pus para cei cabal y abs er 8 bs ocr vrs qa ‘euch en el desieto papoaro, 2 “tho gegen de seruna enti ce imino ente Beers Ares, Serta Fo, Seba Acne, en una toa iad tne el fo Par, extaocinanene ‘i, com nue pen de agua duce, esata’ un bun fat, _ando erro de 181 se desert a ‘enclcal qe nptio espal habia sei dol sighs, sage ere lain de pode eft Buenos Aes ys ‘wins del nr. poblaogosta ds ‘ip del pago de bs Ares se car” _esomrat de auras epsoties dl po 230 de a indepen, tales en ka ‘ean d a Dance en 1812 por ge 2a Manel Belgano en su paso aia ‘rua. Postrel deta Ser Lang dus tacks an interior eastoms offs proved te basis fora syste of communications and conto ver he vst empty spaces betwen the hamlets ad thie maute fala, Ass, the illge of La Virgen del Resi was lly a topping plane, pst for changing ores and fer the acasional lle thst vente nt pagan deseo slock up on spi. The fc tat twas 2 eographical ‘eosrads beeen Buenas Aires, Santa 5, Cirdoba and Ase, ote on (he River Paran in an extemal fee area with an excellent supply of fete tes, augue wel er he Futee In Bay 1810 flowing the dismanting ofthe coll ender tht the Spanish empire had impose fr cents, new edatioaip emerged between Buenos ‘ies and the interior provinces. The village-cu-arse exchange past of Las Arroyes bear the seme of eer important events nthe struggle for independence, such ashe bosting of ‘he Bag in 1812 by Geer Manuel Began en rote to Paraguay, The “pss om pes ays 2 a, ge a oes porice s de ‘asec bom. Cas en este ais ey ae ra fe oa ce ‘eine dears speos yuan ts atts seo Bas aust tS ong eh ne ny pega seer, shrine #7 een csr De a se Pa, ‘ep etal gins cece api gine ne ep, Soro ‘el pinion en reporter eat "gt ef tie he os a a el a hae a fa yf er har a ta weet an oe ne cs, ‘rol ir ei, en ee Ba Int ee ys ey ale a it ra foe ie et see a ne ia sy Das ‘Sacto ee "ago st ere ow en igs on Sih. it ger Sst ges le wh ly a eye ‘ i esate ntodvcién tafe sv aso del goiemo cena se init un pod de guess ces dane Pasa se vi inaluzda en e52 rl de fas dcannetasiny abesecmirto de tops. subsequent delation af Santa Fe as anynomous fm the cet ovement gave rs toa psid of evil ‘wus in-which Resi was wed as meting and supply point fr dhe tops. fn este pad las exis tres a estan “desuada", Lo be segue ree len que ver on So poeareeis pia y eseasa potas. Cuardo en | cevance and postion, When i was 1823|e ve crea etl de “ste y grand he title of astro and Fel via ss aspet semiabare serine | Fahl Town in 1823, pa-usban rere desrdnatn, con lgnas casas de) art-rurl appearance ws somewhat ‘aa racnsyvasos quo so enrenez| chan, witha mitre of several t= tleban caren ras ros calles de | roofed bows, hus and ply paces bro sn demarann de lites, Enters | generating fe poorly demarcated es, alr 6 as ches, & pein | stres. Daring he war, he small town tomendo ofunaienied y cecil | rally acquire deity and slo rete asta 1240. tpanded unl 1040, ‘The vlge i depicted rather bin niltry cronies ofthe ero, no ou 53 ret fis sant ola gad wa portlet rata, go te Jas por consi ingen, las gus cis, es veers cotta Inj, acontendcon Bast, slog, ltombatdo de ila poi mada por ‘sia, como ana epanién econénica reat por buenas coseshes y rem Flax ce gran crv pore de a, ‘gio y ganatefa stan os proc: les pares ela re, on cul Rosaio Tomar defintieent su cin e er camara proved, ‘The eatv peat hat came afer a eid of independence and cil wars campaigns agsins the dans, confi vt Broil Hokades a te kambing ofthe town by the Buenos Aires foes, vs accompanied by an esoie mth reactivated by good barvess and the replcerent of wl Hest for rcding lve, Agee sod livestock retin bea de msn plas of te regan with Rosario taking on the role a rang centre. La fomacin doa cats ‘nue panda que dover asad rostina comer sin dda en 1852, dese ls de tas de Casto. Le vila, de ‘eoimtanecta 3000 habtantes, te ‘Te formation of the city {he new pete nt which the acy of sero entered ccmrened in 1952, alter he bate of Caseres. The town, vit apraimately 3000 indians, vas declared ay on 3 Angst of ie same year by Urquiz, psy in recognition ofthe support ent by the Rosarinos daring tesa gains Rosas, which resulted in is becoming (he provisional ce ofthe Argeatine Confer, The map des ap 1853 by Tite Guin and regarded as the fst cartographic document of Rosario inates regular blacks, cach ‘wth sown nan, bounded on onesie bythe ine of he abrupt il snd on he coer side by the Laguna de Sindee Te, bene a continaasuiba sactue wit expansion any possi to the south The seregraton of Buenas ies from the Confederation i 1954 affected the cy considerably i olla and rary terns, ftom pt gp Pit 25 es Se Haine ‘can na esr ranma erin aaa cra pea Safes haat ‘ts cag eb ron, Cy ec PB mewn eet ‘ota yt aor a gh 5 ap ae "nce, tse at a as sina ten at a a weeteubyesMignatheas ono es “en esi pt ges a pi pi oS heh tind ae "atte a fly eb Cp ar Pt raion ch Teletype pig ws nt pen 5 So der ih eo pet Sr Bh, eri fo pent Song ence tl ethene ta ei, Rosai Introdaesi vas trasfonmed oer telling decades nto one of heros’ mas ingrtant ies oa feverish pac of ‘expansion. This rapid transition cured a res ofthe Fc that Flowing the regulon of navigation along te waters Rosas became ‘onc the mais prs 0 tbe ‘dein de Uquzs, paiement co- ho rexarciiet al ao ee os srt os ain estado en suet ira Rosas, que ea ser deo gris a Confdein egria el pn Tne Guin de 1863, esonca co no oft ceumesta caret de sa, aparcen gta ts arcea es on aus teapctnes cafes roma. ths acts porlenea dela ata ta ra por uni yo partaro ce a Lag ce Sacer pa oo con tas acorn estturartana que slo po do creer aia os. En 1854 Buenos AL es seg a Coreen que | lego conseoeris potas y its ue ine table ena cite, La que fasta ese momento ra wa pe usa, se tansoomaia on as dca cs splat en wa delas cute is inertantes dl pcan unt fe de reciente, Ea velo tansiomatin se ata que reanontase ove nino azn ds tet, Rose inal uate dfs Coniedecrin, con ama ‘ropa psu con de neo entela in create de an pate de a pa ‘ascent ie sso 252 pa i pe Can nv i ss | Sistas ep Si 152i ee ean 3 op ey a 6 sat hiroduceén po hire y a expats de arama. Asi sur a de coe de canis se ‘aoettb como ro de conunacnes reins foaugucin des mensaje ania) @ neat faumeto els emlanes, gefinoe cono flo deren den de un est ‘ra egral otha ys enmaca Conferation,bssing ils om eustoms office thanks to he cena expos fom ‘he hud pampas As sich, elie fom being 2 cussrods ila 2 hb of atonal long te inagration of netlna anspor serv) and Iinteratoal ih nea expt) ‘ammunition, gaining He ole ofa cote of exchange within a growing egal production netirk La chad fw runes roeidaes. Se int uoa engin pln iii | teva can naira de go, fanvasin de pote ycugo to srs: se cansyson los pneros musts, ol re eat, host ecard se ‘ago set Na de pesos ene Buenos Arsnsari; eins est ‘dos pra of aad del econ eet ‘on persons: so comida ‘sara de Bjarne en una cal ‘quark cant cone put; surge river Reno yoo a Ley de os Derechos (recs ce 185 s acer elds {plea La app tent se cote rad mateo pot ia sukdisn en ewer ce 50 po 50 vray ago 6 ‘asenlesd 10, (8661) de ancho, sa ana esp de te yond ete miners fa gonad a coer elo fs ura pred bara fra por les ahaa de as casas reads soe ert om reste eongnsidn a lectin snles, pecoianto el so oun arden de ato, cesar y ema con coms, en su estas vere ras que Hoiantlnens we nara io por pastas cue dlban os pes cn ens tominahs, gonerainen te, con ates de mei urn ‘Techy a ew ned, Anse onpneston wes extn wi he appointet ofa politcal dif and ibe ation of plc a night nshinee sels; he fist dks Were ont, slong withthe fist thee ad he Card hospital a vial psstenger service ten Buenos Asad Rese vas inagurated; raay poet was inte: newspapers were pinta he "neve opraphy of the Bada Grade (Great Descent was tasfeamed ino a steel Enking they he ot te fst Fan energed an lowing th Lae of Dien Wight in 156 cal evepment related. Land acqisiton Confined o develop through the subvsion of ln cs of 1509. yard in urn Sabie at ser lots 1 yd (8.66 m) wide. This pata ‘gaz, with font and er setons ‘een pty wl gradual ed fo te ‘nergene ofan ba wal ened by the fot alignment ofthe fades of nse ht were rhe Sila ‘hans the prdomivan se of etal struct comprising bse, ie ‘al upper section wih eae, and = Insist generated pty by the psi used a dln te varius pan and pay by openings at Inge elated in senor arcs. ‘al tno de Neots Grontena putea 7 1858 cdots erent slo un nite en read barencs, pat de cal amin cae cale pr erase (apne ent toys as Cn errs es tg teoamet et! onc Satz parel Debate eons ‘Sedan Gen gaa ha tba ea prt, Despina tuner tes, eae sen s90 pm snc to tefontatansta ese bs fc bl oe ns cuts emu, io, as ldrreas, dagado y ecfics complemen- fi, Lae el vida ne punt por el gage na fexseman eh ops and un etc pt 0 er, Cohn ene en ln io Sr cuueanes dame posi pure bss pes ee ‘a es aan dotuminaro su mercado elec ouk | letism, sped and diversity were the ‘url Elects, velocidad y erie! | conn dedogcal udercuents of a hae de orocrl amis senean ce i tse eigen | xan j eal erat teat ar i Sere ste eno ee prea {Sie hemo ea ideanlee {pe cei tan pment como ela. T- | dacs and sever scents ad de as iurzas dle 2oa apis “tone | aleratons to the depth and cause of rn oar el eto. A ptr dt comence | the channel The od dks alt cee en espsian ‘reopen waders | Nope (17d Coma (158 ee Desde 1860 fructiceria meteriimente ia | The great economic expansion of the *——mupiczoones en ol progreso de fa ragén, | sill in use, with 2 system of conduits ancxpastn enna des dales | evs aes oh ae ecu un eto agen Canpbet | trogh which what was ped eu nts, as eapecavas co erogeso. | ene rand 1580, with expectations (1854) sce i ibd el xed de | the cargo lis ofthe ships. Te need «ue two la sce rsa pedeen | in tems of ogress padcing bla sin de ura re orate qi ca | fo improvement of te cantiosro sto utes so tatiéo | quanta and qualatv change. The vera pet, E0s prs p8c0s. | dramatic ness inatity was cai, Cesar motel ago | devdoent of pala expe, ‘HHO de pata aa apt | adres byte Deprnent of capa combinto can fa uenca | combined wih infix of immigrants, —«=«‘.EnABDDya abla cca fines f- | Engines in apc based on he rrigatiadio com sure terol un | resled in a cy that wasn keping =< Mas en ia ht: Cenal Ageing, | techn anfornaton af th pat. rojo de cas acre ees ide dt | with he idea of “progres” generated by ete Seinen, Focal @uenos A+ | Following several years of isin “rogeso" genera a tras de dos el | wo things the part and he raway, <> ——_‘Posar (Ses), Cages Five | eras of naling rods, contact rrerios: pero yl fora fey Ferocrt ct Reso. Un o- | was Baal sigue a 190 fete ‘ot 168 he prt area had nt ben eta pesos d 1898, en La Cap- | constuction ofthe ort by the eck Hasta 1865 la oad peo no iat | sustniiyinproved in anyway, 1 ela ue ‘sen entan iamente | company Hest, which ms ao rid andes mes, een ces! exept fe the easton of priate an sar con us eo ete, s- | repair he cxpitation of the {dete 100 vers" fur hilomeres of eek, wach, ral acs, edging ad any A pat co ati ads a 0s | bigs Alou thy as aed cans hen veal. Urge os | tty it ms ot inked the ier aa desagies, ef agua potable, los wanvias, las | as a result of a consolidated front and Ty a | clsacunayatvats ages. Se] the ews of waco and ted ren LL eter els, bles pees, 2 | revere of al tack I Te - trshuntee, Se enon oes : Sie sachs de teeta, Is | Thera scent the exporting Sac alo 808 Creo los | aco te prt Rsi bea expos tas stare sits, | leading exe of a nie tt Se acer shia ein enln | was epunng as rapido ey eel Puta oy Son tor ks | ile exe ming pee posed es bares, ences tech | tg he or. Cone at fe ey ‘weet La calle iden | the modern of te ren yi | seeder elect nstuco | nuns, Ugiza commlsined tae aac sti 188) on nek | the egeer Campel (185) to ap Yen le ara 2 eM cna ra fealty yen he onto Mera (180) 0 ttm. Se am | a atay he ort Tsp te | isd cao ee | ay resis Hom By 160 ena des eat y Se | they ba ve ry es: eta 8) onl cna tga de poe | Agi, Ose antigo 3 2 ‘eco Intedueton Rosafo Intodveséo ous a a rani an dee sor Iatduccton Rosario trodes Dueeos Aies-Rosario (Sundaes), Comptia Five Lean erat Cirdbs-Rosvia A newspaper report publsed in La Capita in 1696 states that wt sf ston, thee are ‘round 100 diy aes ond depertes in Rosa’ Progress ely avd rig the ial dead of he 19C wit a draaage Carsceneu Ores far eoseiGn! | Yat, reoing water, tans, able sions street Tig segs, Sheae as come Aber onde so mlipicaron | and pobli Uae were opened and Tos galoeos,Fserten fcado por Ia | theatres were bul Socal an charity Compa Cea Agen gael perso | hubs were founded s were the Ral sir, Sal (tone Merwe Art| Solty and the Contos Exchange {in aug is “tts et Stato’), So. | Urkan spaces wee designated eno donde el Clb iio tene su ip- | Commercial atiity grew in the steet tem) y baios Refine, Beano, Sn | leading othe part fresent-day San Frc y ue Martin with the mat bank, lege shops ani the new enal markt Cale eo vere mira Sua a yn do 1888 | Cirdobe was character by the public pera achinstan delat elie | bung such asthe aw outs 1886) ene Se desta a gest muna por | a one end and at the oer he Para 25 os pesos cmnseivs (18981910) de | de Mayo wit he mew City Hall. The |uisLanas.Parzuommentepereleoyeto | boundaries of the cy were extended ‘epque de a indepen 1902) su | wih the third sing of boulevards iyo ngo,enperdveno que seconst+ | (Avellaneda and Su andthe typ en ection pode ater pale | integration of villages such Albert Uubenzain hacia oes, (vit he construction of merous smrsios) iskerton (created by the Lepstiitn pes de 51,000hatnaresen | Compata Catal Argentina for ts 1887 391,000 en 1896, Ete ameta io. | senor taf, Saale (hee Manuel ‘comps or cantos fendameraes. | Ari inaugurated the "Saal fra campostin is. Ls eejeros, | ats), Screto (here the Ct Ho (we repeosetann el 22% dole socedad | had its hippodrome) ae the discs of 61858, legsron a 438 en 1900 Last | Reiner, Belgrano San Franglo ines cna qu hbian imprado du» | and Ladeta ra el igo, yal fal el mis fe. ‘onsets paatramenta por cisur+ | In 18832 new figure eerie with lees dirres,exrogeas on geeralynis_| responsi fr raoniog tect: the ‘specicaentiaianas, gn cel que | mayor. The mune generis of Las See te ey 2S rie Be any eet Sy cine : prc Ret er a ‘proveria ef 55% de los inmigranies, si | Lamas aver two conseeutive perlods: 6 3 Rosai tntodeecn tino dae ‘lend fs ospatils con un 258 ales: ‘o de dlrs paises: ingeses, feone 5, albmanes, ios, 25, ee Desde prs cote rts enlopiigenacteaesalaco} dees tos das eckcin uberis yea cop bs sass ents eer, cscs, patsy an, acm exes aslo cise nd este dcr iho ubaracns Sabo false rare, ted nt pbc, ni cin los. No dtr, dctind 1200se macs 4s scores uses act ea be, ees cen res, yin “at de tbr, con aos do abe ya erates any a ye one sen dito de aria més ara, Losinigenisextroes negos tendon aradcae nels, 229 al ots, prto deat bc tao en isco ora eta ca seen. Detioon buscar aanieto 5 perensnese bs oes, acoso one ods ps, con as Enrique Durand e Hiioy ‘aca Be aaTErActos aon heen Pine 18 58, 18 (990-1310 were partial ntl ‘eal fi he censtuion of he Parque de Indeed (902 hs ‘ees achievement, hit became seine age or xpnson othe west. ‘a peptone from 51,000 Inaba in 107 91,000 1095, svn ha seem by adc clanges in the eink compost, Pag who sepresentd 20 f he poplin in 1058, conte fr 489i 1900 he Creo traitons that ha ened throb the 190 ere seal replace by feet casts Inpro Eeope in geeral and | yin pel, ich eon for 5 ofthe mig. This as followed by Spain with 256, the eraning immigrants bing Bish, ech, Gea, Sis, Pl ee. rom he cates tin the prime vilgeto the presea-dy cy, wan cxpensin an eanstacion accompanied ‘he sucessve econo, pla, sc, cata and teil anges. Over te years he city expanded from he un nace af dhe centre f the sath an noth, feom the tv bil? caster boundary tothe west Nevertheless, during he 20C he were ‘0 ary diferent sectors the appr iy ensued wi brs, avd “lover” seton ae bottom of ‘he ils wih be and straw hts 1 sete here and here, a 52 | me onsite fbi. “Te fneign migrants, sagt off the teats a aking Bane ean, fend ste in the “ene”, dose to ‘he pat the hope of ining work in by Losdfieaad |, Seta wee cai era do cay ura suresn de euros ‘ois ala tg el psn itero, Pr cr a patria a ee enter, on ciao y pronsuita,compatan ‘as pect instlacenas dba, io roy cca Psa prota ls suna de tcdos os alge ce inmate ast ‘root ors va sta muy sur bea. Era zn, eens, habia ects, Fas, cosas pain y ots de ‘nas paras qu compra i s+ pci cones mis elgtesy wpe cass do com. Late cr fst ingle una ole de ea fn de antsy vents, bos de las modemasieoies tigers, suas como green d a piers deel fay fie cari que sutiea Rosai La aati de wana y a onension oe sus cords ales hacia bs sutabins, asic vos incentiosernbios, 0 ‘exon la eeforacn db ae De tos mente una oper inbiein ue tendo gan aetna, on venta a aro po en cies ny cre ies. Un lo sf frmai de bai ‘xhesurt Los inmates psn hacer veal ef sue co qu legao, ee asa ri Es everte quota caveracin aes piodadespemaneci a teks del emg, 1 dane iodo por Mertenegr cont i acto y dest on de Suto at raxtelas par lonaren a goon de las los, exteniéaose el amarcana et haifa pari, crt oar ua operand y vo de ua 2a yond Alto tr feade pogeso enel cece wero yard a lara “unfas”ene ate taxa str a cst dl os ere Pas omar aor atl ue ba dere ose irectn he pts i raed avis. They sought moet acormedaton in ‘he “men” foemet Hacks, These ‘were single two storey bldings with ome let entrance eng asc roms ranged along a nei toxrtyard. Each ou weld Ye oecupied by whole fais, in overrvled a8 promisus contin, whist the precise ofthe aloe, Thuy rom and chen werent tothe bling For the one, the sm ofall de vais ents represented sn exteely suc neue he se ane here ware aha, west boing houses and ote ype of prearnas dings al of whic sare he sme boc wh more gat bases an ofa shops. The aig it, iba ni the moc cone of gine iat Jud eoeged to prevent he fequeat kere yell fever ede in the cy imphmente spy 0 aca the hus and tenet bods. earl afte ran an he extension famines fo the iba, togeber with ther canon neve, ge rs to ‘he argc of new dst rough 2 ery atretive property operat: the Inner sao sya in easy instalments. An rangle of his type of di eset ‘This was he means trough wie he immigrants oa Gate siion of ing ter own houses. is viet hat te foretin of properties survived for 3 ong tie. The i pate inte by Monte ‘nue il an om ie Sern rllstne i the nat, varias pos vere hap in ean ashi with the bos exenng tthe oui 3f ” sao Introduce ‘car 2 media ques sejaban hai os toes do iodo La oti de wens pope ‘unset os quan en su pag ln, gneaert de 8,65 me fete por 51. ford) fa "asa cor, a (date se ema “vasa de pao", 4a ue sis oerstnyen al mento espe al gee, inc front in ott fori cacesstcasciricas el med, Desde haiti csora ‘iv, fa constucin se iba terion hi el onda en una sucestn de biter ‘nes bo lrgo del patio apyata soe wade es medians. Amedia que af rile se inremetba prairies par lalegaéa de tos miembros ce sus pies ras, 92 agegaen nueres pias. La cone y e ato queen a fal do te costo, Tani pormtiuna ape cin ena, senelomentereplend no ‘cbs as conelesuena de lapel hal, que bin a sta mares cam bos (un psi con scale vio ca (ico con call) su uso esac seein suslarinete motfoads. Pa "Rosa, migaariycomaca, estate og aci vaintes, atptingoso ac ‘erences toca, dein oen ‘tac, como tein os dersos des s,conor,vierdalhdal,oetiva 0 cepa, La gan cated de nia consti do elas cases configu una pron resena sistema, Promo. ‘ibe suginenocetaes qe tea log elementos consti guras, wrt as, es, ples, omsmentarones, sole tbs yrestvestas. asa es dt sig Hy hasta $990, ts inagen utero acutectnca se console, mnodficindose sustianente. En este reso, el Fergie auton so ev ‘uae dent dl par expen souk. os onesies wsaten a mao ‘de caldogel pera dl azaconkismo yo mera” prouciendo un ets: io ue conse as frases ‘amo un “ope” indepen de os aspects cl edi, Oo cree see ‘cotlan, na de nspecion anoesa y ‘de devac taaa. Sa dae, a gran produc oseina de esta asec mo compare la de nngin moins, ay consunates sons, to de obras ics, coma nscale, pats y mistcas, Par camila tsi se habia aslo rad el esto de via cd os oro, ue ya beban "scumdado rues, até sea clanbes ead vermis sts as dso, ittiny mses de lo efcs tonaron apenas do ast nis elegant y epra, La casa dea 6 te ge mea vi a tenes", ato a rela de a mars pital de los ue pueden enue hers vatior tes pefreneent ao eo deli Oc, 0 the ty in what was the ret of property operation rather than of foamal was development ply. The Avson of he and ato plots therefore became syns with pages in un expen, The and end the ovigial syuare on the above the river was af the highest vate ter alaallydiniihing the more dane the ples Beane fon his pn ‘The ms pour typeof ing zg hho but oa cv lt ely 6m wile an 0 tee) was th "ase re alow nor seat term woul Be as de pis sn he otyard seed et ‘ly oat te ether pcs but asa ingrtat nes f e Reaing t, rm he a ses {thee 2 sees of oer ons alge i! he coud ado of ‘he party wall xen to the rear of she ens As be aly the hgh te ith fhe rhe anil felis fom te hone cen, re ons erate. The ‘ite ath reel the rear ofthe bing Vere ecerson sao ps, ily by alii ne x Hors wih he sane aoe 2 he ‘oad Sear. Along moans tht ere wee iil (aoa nd shia iking cc Bo este, hint and pt utes were rely dist for Reso a ci of ‘niga nd ommer, iste of dtng permite vais in aeconate with opal oan, iran a ent ada in tems ows hg cine, cai orig ho Te age ant of es of as ype generated Stated nur fom of ‘otshop hat mee o ode the ‘ars lewents se the consaton ders nds, les, plas, urate fates, nd ering ad ig rateias Between the ater end ofthe 19 and 190, the acter appearance ofthe «ily vas consolidated ad satanlally suoled. As yar ofthis procs, he tuchtecllanginge ued was ‘nflueeed by fides European Alves. Buller used, anos in ‘allo fshog, the epee of Aramis a "zeit to produce ‘Beto tha egardd the exterior ons asthe “ipare, independent of al oer pets of he bulKing, TW ‘renin prewar wee appre, on of Fech rig andthe ater af ltlian vii. Ueoabelly, the us of his type of attr in Rosia uve by tat of any ter movement wi urerous example, bth of puble blogs and instiona, pve and neste babs E Rosai ttatacién open ies — Breas Herevas pe ae esa trod Pin sey nese cow ois Los istdones claws presides por | sresigesss rosairas corse. ls ees praia ss secs en Sg ‘aes formas fenceses, ies camo fa hia de ee, lacey ub cel arate te Eur Le Monte (1908, Basa de Cpu del arqutecto. Rail Riera (1929) Tanna bras de gtr ‘sectoral, como el peer ga. ‘aide Titra, oven plz Son Mer ‘in (LB), a Fc ce ana y ol tospits Centenario (1810) Late caret se og ein de et tarps cra pris, Legh sarin ons proses y canst "a anes, Uro de sm cess ar ‘tec de esi gup fi on B.A, icon ec da cast aa ares alana S880, Oo, et eur ‘Gaetan Reza, peel elo Mi ‘ip 1896-1898 det de ks ese tos dees tegen, Furuya ean an i vat de pecs yea ‘less, qbes seen seca (ios de maleiaher sipiecnicanete bos apa cures de ese ger Ete ts tras 9 dtc a Mok Besz, Rasta Petar, Feige Ces, an ‘Seago Ludo Gol, Alsat Wasp 1 Sohaor Paton, aden se ooarn eee fries decals fa coms tun sno ess desta sto Ena y 4 Pasa, de Tio ye Me thee yo Ret Cacia sari Iniaduccn ‘hegisng ofthe 200 the ies che Rosincé hd been teased fling their “acummatin of wea an ado of incstasingy sophie casos, This ws mathe by an ‘resin legate etn taste in he design sition and maki of ‘he bangs. Thee dass, who wee en La iia the "Free style gan ould mansions, different (pes of which can be fond in ptr song, Si roe. The ey isin, presided over by prstigous eset of ‘nt, bul promises ep ifunced ly French eds, such asthe Bola de ewe, he oy Cy the arte Eduard Le Mier (1900), the Cummnodies Exchange by the acitet Aa Rivera, ele. The public kilns ao Tone to rac, suena he Bt we courts oa Plas Son artn (1089), tbe {at rhe Cet! eine e oso tnrduecion anno ORME. ay, : AUN CIPO DEL a ‘a0. eo Hot Pe 2er tunbin es use haler eens © Ssosiiones cuss ala ranera tara" aralesates con a coens fan 9. sta hrien seve doaente en 2 Tec donde esta en 1806 el ‘et sea parr (cules Tn Feral). Qu en ingin oto me- fo como ene esto oe ve tan peur ‘adanerte el mare fancotico, m- eras sias que sipiern usados en rata dota de 20, in 1910 Rosati cortab con 198.000 ha tes yer ia do pte poeo ‘concn, Conidae con ls fests 1a “Cntver dla Rew de Mayo" asicba nesters ooo una coda ro. fea con sans pln eins cann pote do oenaioto ‘cia, Para logar eta tensor, el “terete side Qing init a Rosato al net yutanita nos Joseph An 4 ROSARIO USBFE* Faulty of Meine nd the Cenerrio ‘he other tend norte by Hala toes and architects, was ao vise ‘noth plea private baling. One cf the most cafstandng ares af (his group was Juan B Aral, wh (el facade ofthe eathedel its Ina appenance (1802-87), Abe architec, Gitano Rezare, also sed he same ste fer he Mung alae (1896-1258). An important lnfunc nthe ty was te presence of Tian works and ules, who were response for exqressng er righ calor in aehiectral form. Some of the most outstanding of ese fgues, indude ao Mega, Joan Bose, Franca Perce, Felipe Cend Juan Gaggeo, Ludovio Git, Alexander Mispel and Saeadr Petro, Rosario troduction i eso 10 Gt Ha ata ‘ne Boer, eect de brs y Paseo Pas, cen ea pon que Bea ‘bee. Su projec est dea a arr de un Waa de dagonaesy blesses (ue orenan ol wecmsero uoann, een Chto hac el sr, crn un sistema de pares en bs ireseciones des ae ris, pace aie dun avenin testa, Habla sido rcetdo por su crpatota Chates Ths, quien Beg a als en 1889 yf dec de Pores Pass de aC de Buen Aes + de 1804, Sele atibae ator dlc ‘a dl parqe da lepers deb rojo cel grqe de Ree Ginna, eno se consti Parlors dd se sigue yen de amverdo a bs otdonanzas ue fuwon asprin canis ene kcalee nde dss ctnades Peo epit- ude 205 ereeninires seems deb ‘Sin, Fanity constrain firms wee crete, such nse o Tana and A agua, and sé Mice, and Rafe Candi [Riss common ofa demens or aya in which the lina se as ten mie with the Fen se. This hyiation is sey apparent inthe fit privat cnc ul in £906 (nowadays apie bythe eral La Court “Th marsigeof French ed lian tends §s pets nowhere ar proncuned han in hi ty, where conte to ever it infec unt he 19205, ‘By 1910 the population of Posto bad "se fo 19600 inksbtans an the city vas enoyng gent economie bom. Fe the centenary ceeatons ofthe May even it was ken to be sen 82 ‘mot ly with early placed urban % eat noecn zon Sie nt G0 soe as das qe 9 loner en ee im cao por en, en 1241, en po. ust prada dei “bari Rosa va, con ura aeida cal gue Se po ‘nga hao case en ona de dag "anno lpia 5 Mayo con op -u5 dota dependents. Ee rope ara lectin que vis aprecunitn etialr ‘aldo pr ascents que se !xpresarn a anes co art roweay, ode “oer ctl ye recoil Se pu rconoer eno cola do fa Sau ees oo curso a exe sin foal et neu, del cu sep se2 unde os mayors palirnios nado aes: Sus obs estin cats prt ‘rtomanto on lad cia y parte co fos eet por anni const 1s, Fu apiad go a Forde bu sues comer oe gen amigo, ‘ea sel cue bso, 2 ras do ‘recicién ¢ indualvaion de sus 2s, exresr su eet automo. 1 xt noe ue ptt en Rosato sin $asarero ened ule der’ sus ‘spareniesexepens is cratizaos. rg la areca de ese neta se pute defn en's aaa ds casos >t 62 “acho eran at aw eau pode cnstferse como ingulsora Je us moccasin de a essa cor >ostta def misma i bin mantene la ‘ata itor con pcos vats. ET he tocol ees sigarady we ‘8 ese resperaaenie sera 2n wna a, 20 as mck de maser ves de cabelsordares on las ce sas colds deur pee en os teas ites de ura maruesina, teste ‘areola rao de pats atesanos. 3 Medisr caalin, oa de as tender as del ment, pnw en satio 8 ra del amuteto Franca Rass y ni, i on xen Rear ais Jad ede de 1900, se viel con ba rlectida espla que fe posit erin de sos dens Cb Espa, ‘sean Espfla de Secores Mutua, aaa Cabanas, edi Remonda Mon onfiefa ta Eycopea y Banco de slay Ro dels Pata Eats quo 1 ce a costa yrigera dl tata rio, careicen fa iex de esti gu ba elected aspraba, Ts reson keeles and scl pies. eer (o'ahiere Sis tansfonaton, he mayor ‘sr Quite invited he Fen uci and ty lan, Jeep Antonio Howe diet of pie wos anf promexades in ar, rae upan urban development pb This get was hse ona gi of gama sects balers hal vented can expansion towards he sal ith amtrk of pars a he intersections of "in aves. a rom thi poet ‘ha he des ofa coast od reg den preceded by Bowed’ compat haks Thays, bo had avd inthe county in 188 ad in 1891 had an up hepato ear oF pas and yromonades in cy of Bagnos Ais. The design of he arg de Ja tngendncn is tre oh, as inthe pos forthe Page de Reo y ‘Ginna tat vas never inplewated Ale sane tan, the cy coated to ‘gow aecrdance wit he beans ‘sraually induced to change the eatin of vaso acres. The pit ofthese unique eeavaurs eowatd ideas tat were ten up in ter yeas, suchas in 191 by te pial Rosario. prope developer wi a tal avenue extending in eagoal sbi to he nest sd aking the liza 25 de Mayo ith the Baru ds Independencia This auc spar hat tied the Ira ings was mathe by ther trend sch 36 A Nea, Caan Moles and Meoalonali, ie q i ‘The Beauly ai he ungue nature of he Art Nowe je of whik Rests onc ofthe cunts gett repairs easy recognizable inthe ty ie ofthe city. The work inthis style are argly Keatd inthe cenie of hey sme of ter bavig been tonsirated by anonymous bude. his style wasp by the Hrsg burgers who were lrgely tradesmen of imnigant origin seckng io express hee inceasingIndpeneace toe ‘he eierenstin of thet works. Art Noaveau a pat in Roswio ithoat he conceal base commonly ue in Farope Altcugh mest of the architetare of hs praca be dese as faa’, Art Nowa ‘roanenition can b considered tobe ‘he ving Fre behind modes Jn he compositional statue of is Fagade, despite i lav ight influ o he intrr tye Ts hetecogenenas style was suey and expectedly fund ingles, the rwlings of wavy-hoieed mason, a the clared tks of palin the tlaborate eonrk of ranges, el, and ‘ested to ouite workmanship. Galan Moses, nate pop (ocd wf de perc as inode into ear Inosedn >RONECTO. DE=E DIF CIO" AR! 600 RE SES HREEE OPIEDAD OCD JUA-CIEMELLA ALLOCSUUS EGO REE irene uapaane fasta ona ep ae ten in foie cops asa en Roi he Baraat sich tej er uso de aue- Fr aay Sin Foewing his jus, mesos, vies cn poise ere- | anv th cy aoe 90 is ks Inston cnt esstress, nie | withthe Spans community ele hin Coles un especial pgiie. (mpl is sigs in bigs sh te Sih Cb te Sash Despais del Canina y laa y- Asan ensure Conan, he ops de a rine poster mu Canela pals, he Reads Sill espendorconenopcuse Los | Mera ig he a Bp et ins deo ngs, e fete gar and th Bank f Cail ard i Rr TES oper, ego names «pode Pat Tet makings poi tanacon lea aa pio Ye mean fis oman exes the _gyen{191622, 192830) yon una fr | iden of peti fo wt pied ‘pn prop en el bit eal come | Exqiseworkmanship i event all el Patio Darésla Popes ado of em 2s mane in the hoawo, for Usa de & Tre La sess | tes of ths el oma tine gs {at gpteno ee los egatinerts de and slr semble, it he modeiacé de cod 6 ra cams inpotl rk ply ypc. ase mada, posh engretiniios | bins pc Ge estas es mune Flowing te centenary ad theca ‘sas mands. En Rsv, no 1924 and prosperity of he post nr, 1990, seid tliat soil 0 | Hs age of slendou began de ‘ras atc Ban Ei The si of Euoean lan Tialy er Resaino yet presale achived ail power ih he ae esto des ques iin Herin- pls of Hpi gaye (91 ez Lai Juen Noni Nexto, aie 1922, 1900-1930 and on cl ee Het y igh cas sins Casas with tr wn pie ec th Berpaias on conhtos, deernnando Prgestve Demet Frye by ‘sas uma paves como del; sade de Tere | These af fe government de ca for madeatn of hey by he ew mill se aed the wy er pi atigs sine at sting he une deans, Tsoc ameyvas manited ia Ran een 198 ar 190 thagh the finding pagans uf the Baca Ete Roar aria Ballig al a he peso work ari oa by esti fhe aie in emi agua an ean 2x Nanel Nevo. They sia and bt Cueva pean tees | es 200 res ppl it big ete compl, proiig defo ung 80 este Morr 1978/2, of de cal Es faa nie Vanonte y Oserga Las ‘ends se aeren aia ne idea de la essa conpacla€ edie co nove fed eral euopee de casas pare as deals on doses. La tue te ecu repetitive itr eonasta on wa ara varied de rescucones te farnada, con que el un eh ‘ado do rtable desi acl dl sistena gop ier del generat Urry de © ke sepiorbve de 1930, qr deed al yosdrt Viger, augur una ene. Cia ds fuera amads a eosrererc- ‘cameron el esenaio plc ager- ‘ine, romplend la cortiniad dent a, Cocdenleranto, [a ois mundi (21.29 puso fla dean interac. 1a de nates pias eles y el cack rnd gold dwerete la cd. La uispaided no pudo erfelar eos cigreinenos ya dasoupecion se ie tremens en el seo pilin y rade En Rosa se consaran 14000 personas sin rap, sure el nm de con veriles apareceon las ols popula res Segi el eruteco Nene lac ag carta en 1990 oon 408.543 hab tales yl Vara una se bia eten tio hia e oot sobenssendo to dass tts y bards previo. E5025 ‘rota reste era bly ao dea sind corsa, con wna catia go. ead que petit fa Ive ella cn del sul. La gestn uke carers ie ator conpeeria, qucenda el oiaso do desato en manos de las emesaslomebliias. Por esos mo 1s bs planes propuests ene 1944 y 1835 faces, So estat posbie of o napa hahos axgaecneas ‘iad y lar un mayor canto en fa castraciin a tras db reganertaio- es muiipales exes un compro rise on a moda de a cud. Ep, uno rey del desarobo ce a pala agente, habia ecco consent dese fal ela Para uur Mane, eno acne 3 itd dla posun nana Sus ste laces ya mo respond as egies fs sires aides. Eta poe ‘nmr cio de iteeses ene as crqresesconesinais reas ue to fares, de evoaries toes) yt Bhs de Camere eal por desis dies en los mento ns de em Ferg de a proaccion. Ls epedtatvas de apoio dl spec fa brgesia maxi eigen ig (of, crete con ets ress pele is compas de s- (05 comp eats faces, ef iy Rosai tntoduecén Hos sh 2 hs of Pa ne 1204 ad Call gaa icen Vent and Oanpa Th pond a tke eeepc aes ad inves 3 novely de Exegen ioe of sey sen-detcind te. The ste eee srt of he ini oats wit the wie range ofan doled rhe aes, he rest bing ow of ene diversity. She evss oF the syste “helt coup of Genera ba on 6 September 1930, whith overtie President Yrigoyer, marked the beginning of endengy amongst he armed foes (o make cj appearances onthe Angeline pla ng, ering denver At same tine, the gob css of 1929 brought an ed to he infematonal demand fro a materia and severely feted they ‘he Cty Chanel war wale f udetske rw vets an erplayrent Inseased in bok be pula pate ‘cs, wt 14000 pape ie Rosato ‘sidout work. The manera eezent Woks ao incased and sop itchens ‘merged carding tthe dite sl, a 1930 the ty population slo at 4085 inkitans ad the ban ac Bd extended obey all (he Forester nda, Wea a barely consate,he extig strain hat ca was ined om a ena gi hal pemited fee captain of he and {Urban managenest Faced ompetent auto ad te process of develope ‘vain he han of property developers. ‘AL of is ed the fale af the ass popoed Rete 911 2nd 1935. The oly pest hal read wa incrporate isstedaeietarl inferenions and achive alr cond ‘over the casino ads by Inoue anil regulations to onal omit the rerio of theo “Te part of Roar, the nerve entre af the agua exports pay, bad expanded continual sine the end of Word War One and dispatched almost al ofthe national proface, Woes the faites proved oh inaleqate or the demands of ts growig eit, realign delays ceri te crt point of lading the proce oto the ships, onli of terest emerged ven the Forel concessional oF the pt rene the aby (Beh) tnd Ie loc Comedie Exchange The exgetatons eguing apparition 1 pace by the adn ass of migrant descent, fogete with investing prope, te Rosai nodes ‘evel de a moderided do os sot ‘es “als, a beta be omes cons ‘ruts modems po arte ds a ‘eos y la presencia dea rae, ere es, consitiyeon elementos suf pe ie al sao de ese etones wee ‘eremnee cola "Cage geting onsite del ees de conta on ‘nsrunertos pics de pagearain, se cansul a espdaltas, compel, Werner ¥egemann, do ongen sen, quien dts eras canfereels sabre los pincoes otis ubansions de aia, tales mo faa de espaios vers, rans to subuoro yla neces den te fn reganeto de constecones. Ter ig, Se generar encuents ee kes ‘elas a Feder do Fomerto Es po Rosso on ingnions rbot caro, Cos dela Paka eingeions a ‘qles0s caro Ange Cig, cone = at ai eaboren ptesinay sere. eons sobe las groptestas poses oer Feng, ae pleat crea PLAN REGULADOR DE ROSARIO rol of te imuance companies finance Houses, te generalized my ‘hou the der of he educated? secs of ety, he eae for modern constructive foras by arched he presence of he maf, al combined to ‘em Resaro into he “Chicago of Argentine’ Aware ofthe nel for pale poles, consultation was undertake with specs sch as Dr Werner egemam, of German eign, wn gave seve ler on dh i's main wba levelpnen prblens, Tes debates cet on the lak of open paces, he coast coal hat woul fate ommuntins withthe sburs andthe ed for modem constrcon regulations. eetng ao took pla bine the ress ofthe Rosario Federation of ulingPomoton wit wan development engineers suc as Cars dda Pera and enges-aritets such 5 Ange Guid, Poesia ‘acne osarcesosfrvis afc | enlaboraton was enconrage, with on et 0 project es ments de | ‘encanta, ene ons. | les pfs Gi, Dela Pela y fae cafecionann ene 1829 y 1955 nin Reus dnd se sede fon gondes tasfrracnes, ana nando muchos pret ares yp pesos sds, Inaghabon una moder Pach ft, con un dear be Seto 1 scams, fereca y dos inte pues egos nas mie tes de s ars Soy Lea Propane manutd esteeste, cps ua a 0a desinata a ohuren- tba Bar oon we tinal rica de pases sce neal seers un bat iyo eae. hems eyed de un Sec de tangas | ‘utero, on angst ef 26 | (ie el sil dnt = prenan- Dinos eres una porun penta aadluracolty dota Seomsiet are bin apostate cera con oa ave tad eon ys eg apart arts dele ena dees s- Gil conto dee tndica uber, como ten seas costs a asn- ‘anit nse, La dea de 20s ergs tie a escapes com dl des auerds de descmgestn det ‘ea cant de con motos de eet oi soe ami Flan oop ser eae tn, pod comets cas ev es ‘ue tons pr chs ats Cua dole iss como af xd con panes cas, ann omen reentos area de aero elt roa cata, So oneraen proustas dpaetemere dees pe est ene sina. tos temas, como acto alo gauchesco, les siti d a msi folt- ‘ca ergentina le apron yl arago de tango (oma musi eténianerte de oan Ares pero ruy ett en ca vin) y Goa ercuacasterite won, ‘entagustercn at maelo exopen Inge: ‘artefasta oro mens 1920 un nto iia La disci oral sobre se de isco seguir conse sails mo- dhs nos fu idea gor ef tect ‘ng! Gio, en con os exieg po ‘afzs, como Chistophereen, Noe y Gres loin ubicarn sus ideas en a Rosi ce ‘Argue, cman le neces de a Dismieda de “nostra arquaciat y ‘ese do raestas pop ures P- ‘ae adagarn en a edad cli en of estudio de ta equa espa y anecana,penanc que “desde all po- ten srg musts fates ese" satis ahi tanbin a oes pres eracos de as cotetes de “pees neta, avec porte biaquedes git en le verecizain de erg ‘ts ya raniesta en a Expos de Sn Rosato noe ates eeting on posse propels sch the Faengo projet reading ‘aly acest the ity and he pet far combined trae avenue, ‘The profesional Guid, Della Panera and Faengp had ran up 2 Phnaig Project been 1929 and 1835 tha envisaged great transformations, amalgamating many ear projects and Inlated pops. They imagined 3 modern tue ty wih aban evelopment based on roads the aay and tw large regional park on the tanks ofthe Sea and Lada streams. They proposed a monumental axis runing castes fink the zea explored 5 was the integration of social Doasng and industrial eites within the ‘urban abi The hashes ofthat eid edt the abandonment of many ret, soc asthe 100. wide aes tu decnget he cen. Inder, he aning Projet ite was never Ipemested lung ereate dear ‘cepts ha were sequen ined in oer inate, Nether was there general consensus a the private et No tes were made to generat lat pecs, de ron being on te contr inte rivalry beeen enormously powerfl indviias,Interedary nstiations ‘sath the Commaditis Exchange, the Jockey Cub andthe Rotary Cb did Powever ty ode up joa props, gto unit the varios sail ations 2s «means of tackling the ches ond generating dered engin, They appointed comme to come up with dfzent soltog to probes, bt unfrturately hey to fel vt tthe general clcamstans and gradually ot thee trengts ‘Te economic rss of the 18305 was sccompaie by radial anges in society and a re-evahation of the athens of national ature, with Confrontation between ops that vere apparel civergent bt in act vere sri ters of strat (ter tapes sch se cl of gael costs, he ystemate study of the masa flor of Argentina aed the carga consolation of the fang (asia fam sty Bern in Baens 3 PE ua a ar Dust mn 4 08 onan esa ntoduerén ite sap an 56 “Aiton vive recs de 1915, donde se sugea que fe edo la emaretacn csi. Proesoces erro Durand no ato Fontes, enla sna de Sanintoy San tafey Amen Pesos ena ampli de fated La Fora, oaraon fa ee reid as fetes castes con bs te jis, pgs, altos y mays de tein fuestonablemeste éicn,presentadas seb sopotes de composi ecateni tit, on ua cabeenia genera desde Taesenca misma del proyecto. Todos quo fan tear des “resto cst’, A tus peserte er a vedeenacn y ens ode arse de ra y Oto Si ‘exo Musto de tes Decorative) en. tela plaza de Mao, en ota dea ie ks at ab ena igesia Cdr, en el amvebi- iti de ar Ce, ene Susi dlp Teri Funts yen line Crt (era th), de peor esto matoca, La co ene Wada populate “necro ria” deseacata a nena de nm ‘ga, pe su presencia eat fren esa qt late ofa so una m- ors, ine arava dato de es (wea de “popuestas novedosss” del eeteiso orl del omer [eign moe a tia ‘cand ce een a, oat Barware ees © hia asec pa, coum Cine gener dees ‘oe cn nanos erg ea atra eu eanin tel not, Cry rec ria del progeso, Se buscaba ura arqutectia ina tca qo cet in Stan an regis, tres ear, cheng y “rote nes pens ores ‘onus pansy eses | | sat Indus Aires but very papa in Ros) and of teary ger desing with ban customs, proved a matonl made wih whe a Balance he European wade tat had prevailed wl at east 1839, One opal ws wheter not contin to se feign mand in ott. Te seat wa dll by he abet Angel Oi, wo og with oer caieages in Bees ates, sch 25 Christopher te and Green, published his ideas in the joa Reist Ae Auuitetr” They ase oh this chaethe eed o seach fr thir ‘own ariteture and io deelop thei ‘on sours, fr ich they proposed research nt th "anal pia, the sty of Spanish and Latin Americ ariectrt in he bebe that hs ald lead to the emergence ofthc wn st Rass aso adhered othe roporls eiving rom the ends of Angin progres, supporting Wight in his search for a vem acetate, hic hat already been nanestedin ‘he 1915 Sat Fensxo Exhitin, vee the adoption of clon omameniaton vas promoted Professional, such as Dora in he Fuentes palace atthe itersttion of Sarmiento and Sota Fs, and Arman and resin the extension ofthe Ls ort sop inuporatel eferenes traditional sources ia thei oe of teatonally Sass ements such 5, es, pss eaves courses aed nals, presented in Academic compostins wit no sparen coberence. All ofthe Wish surround thenseles wih th “prestige of ration” Tis atte canbe otserved inthe refrisaent and Cotesin of te Fim yOaio Ever residence oppesit the Phra de Mayo (nowadays the Maseur of Decorative ‘Ain he Vig gin the cathe, in he uraishings ofthe Cité bar inthe besement ofthe Fuentes ‘pale, ad in the preud-norsh style of hs aw denalised Cds cine, “he tend popularly known a5 "eootona” dst the humigrant inflenes, but given the strength of the Inter in Rosai, proved to Beno mare ‘han a passing fd, just one mare “ove posi” welt he framework of he Sormal sets ofthe pei. Reine comet was he eat net cemble fx th consis of hg ‘ings. on stu bad sendy ‘en used contr ding fw to five storeys. wth be sal rik dig, Fgh consracton wat an aspiration ‘that ame leg, th skyscraper bce syonymous with progres. Actes gan to seach fo & em yea epi vith paid sae by he emerge of car, aerapaes, ships, oan ging sr Rosai tntodecén (emperpusoe an dsoioseinvo que | nes cine and aislepony, cera vastness, tn prrocote | Anon he foal pops, he ssl ass e po Met, exon akads |e x he Mie pace was adopted en un senirs0 de dicen: or mumerous her consis, not cars goomstizads, pein oly in igi aligs bt lo decamertos exoatios pmas " inthe gemebic ears of yo reset indivi ‘nos de estau>- uses and even ete va corte, no sto en eles residents comple hee Sino ventas inchidues y (he at erie eemens and asta. on bas esas com ee features ofthis ew appro ios. popular aan at oes | wre ea Vans ft pe toa er aes vizines ue i | ppally kro Art Deo age lm iondesieaeweaiin def oetreanet | the eva of ered discord te eesti ba zie, om esc | yptan ts, sn th # Cao an be res 2 ato y 8 No Soli) hasta as | (aw dls) lilo nes he combs en “ero cut” deans de | “hare” crs of ans ch andor ip y Neon. sigs | es se of Rede Lara chake so esoven sient eta o> | ewe. Se fees ere etily Col ens lls conwra amogest | eae ins tp with cata da piste conn es eos | ysl nogeey, ass tec he ‘ect ann de ida Pace ore | Tha Wachee ntsc of ‘dia Sn ory Segu Eta) Parga ae pivale veacprén tg 60 opsbepdanats, | eee 0 comer of San Nain and Ble Seg. Thi was howevea Deng La busi stra se a en a ans | sional uly ded aay tan de mans eas tan | ata. Deze dee ois esavrenenal |The Rosario tous great neon Prt 6 esos 30, cafomand el | the constton fn ing ete sewnco devi cuedocon stones | devdbments Teno vee bas, ‘ih be an pte qty of ‘once and anette deed | nd, soa veh 189s “ye Be a aberisent aol a ese in ecpig wi te ies The anata 4 B4no Noveeno |} | cap de pce ts Ope of coxsaion sa ‘es pie ye Ret Free Ato 1988 Ws te 194 rota Propaty Actas pael be wy fr he isn of ings it sng i, the overs aa at, bing uns fo ‘sith eva ed gadaly ‘aa ying atone ot hey eed eed ie vee se hy ve big el hi propia ‘els rics hth ging toa een race tht ind trnfrmed he t's wan devopne of he woos cased outa he me by the varios studios densa the se offerte. The bung of ‘he Augetive Avionbik Cub snated the iterseton of Be. roo and 3 “Fake, whch belongs to 2 series sigue by the engineer Antonio Wisr tomer. rose tx earn? }- 4 ifs bth rea alention to Mowe anstrstiveness and to Fincioraiy, is) | aespose othe se popularity of he car as based cn an nega sign srt a a ‘hat induces th bing. he company oA at corn, compartsndo wna indie cal terion owsnaa y mnie olan tuscoa. gle de ga ‘hasta madi io dl Ley do Cov seamen de gles en 194, Si bin Tee de Peed Hodzons posbité en 1948 2 span do os exes en in hls do viento, os proitios, alro er dosaljar as ins, se wean etna costars or aida (nels io peter lor erro pr ido, proc! eon qu veers poedades apres, nando seta rea de imersin ue tl cae ‘nb el prt urbana dea chats, ‘js bservan las bres reauads por lo estos artuertes en ese estances, aka qe tots ison en io reres Tees. El edo dol Putomdv (hi Argentino, tied en a esauina de tu Ory 3d Febrero, dl sei ce ida po el igzsia Antonin Vier con un leva cio de “construct” ga precipi por la funciona, espe aes recess dl mano ve cdo polo y maniesta un dseha ‘ego que abc des o dio hasta gop de fia y la papel, En feta fenderla se erin algnas bras os exqutecis Auman y Toeschix (ei ndustn y Comer, 193839), erdindex aria y Newton, Toy José belt, Elo Nelsennne, ete. Otros vofasanals latesron nuevas aemat| ‘allo ‘es aes tenders onsen cexesado yore arqitect Gusts ee cf de eta de I esq de Ui y ft Rss, fl ej desu eresr: Sy laste porve nat para st, 1 elo 6b t Comercial do Rasaio (1938-40) const el primero que sui ks plants de @ moder Ere chao de stenoses eens, aa asin aa asia, ts precede vale nes lnoas, ya sinoiad de! uso de rafts con soprtes yrs fa aia fn des estos que cesenbucamn en ues de gene y babe, aso {es al mejcaiano ola ald vida fect gl mando de a née Dero dt “aia, algunos pit sionals purer rar cra importa lesy cos, send a coon, se ab | Pilon sti @ i fora wen, ropes "eno “en mace” peo queen exer fn replenteaban casi naa. Moths, den- ‘to de esa nua sociedad sane, oor ‘una or platens de diosa pea rescia, diiron cotinuar con ia “de smpe’, thiindoce a crteras ya robes yn as ideas de vous En sine, tds avin como conte: ‘aa a una ced rodet dl dover ke cnvera aos ce exnsclac, Rosati Intvederin rpc i oO Sea oD ees, taps et 208 91 logo an cre the company stationery. Ths teeny s alo evien ia several orks by the artes Arman and “Tedechini notin y Comercio ‘ning, 198-39), HernderLareuia nd Newton, Te aad Jost Beet, iio Maison, thers popesd nw alerts to the conservative tenders suchas those expressed by the architec Busi nthe Jetting hose a the coer of Uri and Eat Rs, which Stil reels ‘svi that Ta a dass because ss toe oe so ‘Asybess ofthe mao approach it appar in the Comercial de Rosario ‘nating (1938-40) Te ejection af ‘etentatioe eet, the ahrencef aati, he pty of volanes ad ines, ‘ug ith te sinc te se oF materia, relations regarding you ad habit a were | sora with he gered uty of life made possible by mack ili the emer of "atealsn, several arcitet were able to cay ot jor works whit oes, lbwing ie ‘ame en, embraed oy the visi Farm in a attempt tobe marry, bat in acl tne hay ony les Many i his new asa society, confi hy ne paces ad seep of Ur permanence oped to ‘ontnae wth tel ins, doasing oven cet athe Chan van pre des Tn summary thy all met wi he relon af a ity hat was he pret oF Fity years of consid 8 Rosario niroduecin Come ne Las signs de cabin, La cua de la paca preista A posar det east do fos mrad unde que desenboct en eee io de 124146 y polemerte debit larecestd es paises comprare pout agoperuaroe, le renting sald ea crisis ct 20 saan sus inercasy con una ede psp. En este p> fing se pesertren cerns moments ene desarol de acu. Ur, ne, dane se plntaen es signs del cana (1940) ego soteio ef aetrgann (kt parino penis y @ cores se The sigas af change, The city dur the Fetonist period. Despite te sskng of internation eats and Weld War Tio, and possibly due to tbe need ofthe rchasing eur foragiutual roiuets, Argentina emerged fom the 1930s ins healthy Sinan pstion and ne of grsing prosperity. This esd was mace by several spel of ‘uth development. The fst of thes, ‘hich aca in 1940, sein lace the slg of change and was allowed nly by the lethngy ofthe Perot esi and the, Sally, explo. Tis ane hand in hand with de ban evelopment policy of te fel goverment led by Lai Cndido Gara, With th apoinment of General Juan Domingo Pein a presen in 1983, covane pales moved frm Heralisn ‘oinlervestionst stam, The money sess wee wed to purchase large service ompaties and indies. The slate monopole’ fs previ coped hy the national and interttiowl private et. ‘The ewe ‘ies were marked by a severe lurepancy between the pais ofthe local authorities and thos ofthe ented ovement. ‘The issues that halted the it's expansion were in general he rest of the existence of an opressive iran sau adinisatv stated tothe centalzaton plies of the nator favermmest ia Buenos Aes end the provincial capital of Santa Fe. Rosario hal alas been the “deter chee owm ffs” ba nw the egiog ratinal apathy seemed to hae spread (oer inhabitants, making ther le {a in dele ov aates verte, the eon gaverment id promote nasty nd was especialy active nthe fl of protection of wrk rights. The new cries ‘one an industrial be aroud the edges of the cy, mainly in he sat sal och, here the so-called ight Indusies produced previously imported toasumables such 2 sewing machines, rds, washing machine, ges in stip o met working cass demands for convenience consamer prt. ‘The expansion ofthe inca proces of ndsialiaion gave re to ie massive Inigraton of ageelural wakes ated ta the ey by the demand for indus abou. The eu was that a margin group sey bat systematically began to occupy spare ites of land by creating spontaneous, ‘amshace stents, These sell "hantytowns” gradually grew in rojo lapses expnsn de mana ef oitia “tesa” epesertada onsen por is Cn Ca all (295). Cane avert en 1949. fe jun Dingo Psi al pester (aac, el sera eeemon paste Ierato alextaizno diet, Las serfs monetatis ela am pra de gandes empresas de servis © ‘sts. fstado monooleb anos antes ocupados pr le actn prada na tional ear, Los nus feos s+ \useron sigatos por un profi desen- eno ent a digi ea ys nae mints dla palit nacional les cstones de fondo que feo a mate de la Out puede resume en ln extoncia de ura estucafroneray ‘nhiistetia de carectrstias ones eis a a plia cactazata de o- er nacional de Bueros As yd a cp: ‘al princi sartafosina. Rosato slergee Iida sito “jade su roi ese", = vo aera fa esi ofa prea haber cantagato a es Ratan haviénis rier af en su rp inctia No obs- ‘ete, aan el aber peste f- imei fa industa, poegendo espe ets fos derechos ober. Ls mes Cellist fees confrmcon un ‘in distil qe bodes petra (ela ca, peeetenente sro sary rere, dene se isalaronaqueas ins at SALA Aue Mee wintgriarasnncontateviees | esas Rosario ntroducln sane and now form a genie pre! «ty By 1949 the pputon of sao fa sen to more tha hal lion ‘nbabitats ad he city Tis had extend othe very boundries ofthe munity. Te population gradually mgzated ots bomdars, partly doe (othe sig cet of ropes Inte more central areas. New diets were created under the anes of soca basing polices and, inorder to alleite the presario, over- the ai fh Fertne Pte commit ade w of ree fh manip vic {dnl goverment, Tet sep ofthe pet we terme of runes rnc in evel regs tnd umes tins, on of hh ste fo the Oms Tein. able fend se designated fr creation ofthe a par, ners eames, th ing and ater pes ta daly ener ove tte years Noni, teal gs ad pty rae irs ae ran deren The verte of Pons fitted ‘he formation of wana plas, wich ere largely nase int to uinyennia plans and several intr measures. A national housing egartment (Administacion Nacoual de 1a Vivien) anda national mortgage bak ano Higoteario Nacional) were treated in 1945 ind 1947 respectively ‘acd the stuation tht had arisen fom the intemal and extra migation promoted by te goverament. The second PeronstOinguenial Fen (1953/57) set ence action in bath the pblic-and he privat sets. ‘hi cetaing payed to he neato, at tnes even he uno of acetal responses. such, several sls were coasted 1 well shows complexes, boating sco ames fo the ele and hotels, within the framework of an ofc socal wel ply. Te formal remures wed in these eonstucons 61 Poss laden (aslamalas danas que susan ins | wee las on the “Calon” sy ins pitas tls enn mans do | nerporating local mates inthe censer, aos, varopes,hlaors, an | dadngs, pied tied roo, white to saisfeor el consiara de poaaces de. | wall and sil lines These element of cart que deandabe a dese ote, | the populist aspect of Peonist | secre were so used by the 1 dosaoln de aisle nde | mide and uper elses in the suburbs Sinai initia mash do ab | of ees. Inthe ease of Rosai the jes eras ais pr fa fra ce | bron ad Alber sbi were ‘mare eat fal un gupo mages | popued with Californian vis’, ‘cue slarosa par sistemaicamente fue | which were surrounded by garden and ‘coipendo feos vaventes medanie | which ined the novela the senlaninos espolineos y recaios, | private swimming poo Temades “Was mses’, qn se ice: retaan eno ergo Yast consituken |The monuments spec of Frost. elpreserte una vedere piel. | archer is ppurent in pul works loosecuntecrecnerio demagn en | suchas the PovnilLaw Courts 1049 conti meio min de et | (Tne Proviniahs-1948/52) bythe taros ya ciudad se een hacia ws + | aztec Crs Marti and the ries otros cl munis. Lapoblen | Monument tthe Flog {5940156 by he sh desloran bri a eaferia | architects Guid an Busi, The ater one ova axes, a encarecmert | architect promote he ie that olas propia ent zonacénicaMe- | “Argentinian ates shoul adopt a ite planes do vents diners socal | geninly Argentinian style of ‘se tear nies bens, para aliarla | wonametal arte, of he sua de peated yaganero en | dstncly Grek pe, based ther an ‘que ebeltan es intecrutuas spon | the same erga soc or on the ‘es, gleron mesos de ain murat | tradition derived thse otal, ‘an Solaiones posbles prlarecerie tn | having “kame, It ight be posible can dees Seas ferris ele. | “ane day to deseribe ita ypealy monte estas ‘rgetinin Es pressamente et Pan Rosso de agi- | Upto hs point Rosario hd been reencrAbero Mores, et que esrumes- virtually fn asta nf obi bt, ‘Olas tensorcineseconies, pot trot ecm esrmtay | cane ie age Ae same pave | ‘Stn ea Sn om tobe | ‘coin i! sa be ‘Swot ct qa ovens os | “Clee ooo one S's eile nai ain | vara i Ps eta pars | mi apn y thf: | ht xii iy ie tc et pcr one moran | two agtat ay Sancnctiin pranayes | Roni chet bic {Sots mete tanks | (pene Gr toes cnara ota | pe Sta re BS eticn sdb tts palo sme eee! ok Sh prs in ot te | gop te op op Sian dian cotbexde cnn | Schon oe ne ety ssi asm gm see | lin lose he | men Apart es andes os di | grea whan cent. Te inauguration tm aenando 4 vats een. tos | mayor ala implemented an canis pots aintatnosy os | “agpiomament", or modenzton eros ees pints impise | poly ating server nd pie dnacatnddaene desaralubera, | wo He ite hig ra uk lave pecrsmotas np | he ames, rprored anspor, ces aeonal oe plein cote) | pond the tonal Comper an os plas emer en sss | prot, amen ending th Iofes cpus. Se aeeon ant | nko Suh as 2a ise tsa Nil a Venda (A) y | vente so there ihe at el Bao Hpac (147 por" de Rar’ depetng om he fosters stes crores les gaya fhe Page Rca nigcres, trio ines om fete: | Fara, Thc mas hoe orsidcable fa feta © sepeo.| nm noms, xray Pen Quequra (195337 com ob | rates. ‘io se deb oratxant pales tosis ples ce pres, Ea p- |The pli hanges ef 9950 ice cnatera a in pes defied the aire of treat mes vcs de ufos, | Rosana th dpiay el, he a Ca las ospuestas erqutectinicas. Se tonstysen escuela, crjutos de vi viet, sil, ges esc, de acianns, hoes de wom geil, deny {wo det progama ol pura b asistania sci. Los recwsos fei eres ‘aglton a vans del ‘sto cao 0 nara teres venécubs en fs estes, con techs de ios 8 ‘esos, mos tances y nas cobs, FEetos olomertos ela verter pops ea arailectrs provista ue sts. «os tan pot a case rea y aon fe atin de as idee. Los bars resins de Fishatony Mer se pb (on de “haels calforincs dead a cis dnt sug a rove ca lta de natin am aoe vertenie monsvetat se ud ala imagen ce as eras ples, tales is Tiburals Prone (1948/52) dl gute Cas Naval ye Meranenta le Barra (1940/55 de Gud y Bast to, Ei in propa quo “is ars locos agoninosdeveranos adopter wna arstectra morulae, do to atmente Rea, ona de su nisi ‘umn aga o tas ce as raisons ‘ued ela cin yng dearer p- anes dec atin a lo ue es tinea ‘nae rst. ost, que habia io ca ca en un reais de obo, ago de sein te deroch Pen en 1255 esa sus ences de gran coe ur bate, Caveiertmet, Io imuguain 4 Weruentn Nacional a Bander, 20 ej de 1987 sii pala dat a rina, comin on “eur de fs bandos y a marumerto so inagen sbi, Posi traduccion | system of composition and academicist din goe nay to te -cld “elaine ricer AL ‘he Sol of Acie mate avin a ee of al sch atthe ig” were boned | tr fests on er rm and ig hist he Geran Baas tee ws ome bya gp of Beno As res ha en «their masters degresabread and who | eg thing 1956 ee as bet eet in the wos attr trie in thine prose Shing te ey 1968 | searcher ero a oso Intron | 6 oe La plc desta les un veers ‘one aa Nain yn gatemadr ala pro ina de Sante, ambos osaios Pore ‘nea wz I cof do ides preps tos de os esponsebies cof endesio xine prow y comin se ica en se do Ros tne Carbo ‘iso en gpeucnun plea de aggamen todos servis y de as abs pias. Ink aeritade crane, esta arta Roney, me el Yanspare, o> noi el peyeto del Conejo Ato ‘oye ctasresleaines tabs cou Sueio enpentiniato rexeho: ise falcon lo “Cuda de Rosa vin, portend dest eluate de pare Nana ala Bandera. ae rte el age ela cosiucln encarta epecmere perarcetia priada cambio oli del $5 sii tan na mea dein eno perarara dk tra aga rosa, En etcampo _dsifay, a lead "revi def a quite rea replat el atigno tema de camper prec soins Tne acento. En a Eucla ehrutecura se aban el djo de oF ye uso de males corm Vigna fpsaasr abl dete, tomas, ks | is y ta na ests inti pr fa ese demon de fa Baha, todo ln ingulsato por n gro de profesoes ps ws con nests rteracraas qu en leo 1968 conerzron cu bose ca. Eslasieas en se von plasmates | elo tabs des pines pagans farmains en esta neva rodalad en fs tenpraos aes 60 En dnbio potest! os protagonists fueron es “veges” aqutectos qu al pk Dr esta musa tedeciaagsomran sis sues poprindo sles acces con os tempas qe se ruin yt bin ss ales ce tetra, 0 io ks. aqatecios Sogta (cee Rar 1045), Mat, Mont (efi dea am pula de Segos La Sead, de Rip y el Usin Pasteur COUR, Bsn Aosio fests para of do A Aber, 1254) ln Hrnerde aria (ec dea eral, 1950), Ena caste, la ebor de a eres Nagvcl y Bebia ref un posta a serv a eit can persona capac. rp en tacos os us, en seo Yonta rescind cas, yer made 1 elma axes tents indus del rev oa en sus em. enimenios profesor. Oba pris. Se empress, Cana Ci, cart tia elo de esta aa, Gale Ansar, mera a cil abrac es artes ‘us Soe igi, Jntne als, Cava, Fat y Oude €l lto de una cae Bedtonalavaes raza nina sode wag conenial ends tres, a de ends oad fas Fosai ntoduecén ‘ss im Meanie, n he profesional fe he protagonists were on te one and the “old arttes, whe ox becoming aware of his read abandoned tir habitual Alsons to rope slat more i ening wht tes, anon the ker han te diets ofthe Tale de Aguitect, such asthe arcs Borgato Radar cinema, 1845) Maro, olen (he La Seguada Compa de ‘Seguros bling oa Ris and sip, Bela (COTAR yasteation pla, Pent! Aproso (fe blocks ‘Alber, 1954) 2nd Harn Herinder ‘aru Le Mercalli, 1950 nthe construction fd the wok ofthe

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