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A Progressive Master Narrative

The history of this country is the history of ever wider opportunity, of the progressive
expansion of the rights of all Americans to pursue their dream. Democrats have a long
and strong record of promoting opportunity for everyone by fighting discrimination and
injustice. Indeed, whenever average Americans are protected against corporate greed,
against the arrogance of wealth, there is a Democrat doing the heavy lifting.

All the way back to Revolutionary times, there have been arrogant elites who have
worked hard to deny opportunity to their "inferiors", using the power of government to
keep them in their place. Always, progressives have fought the never-ending battle to
advance fairness and open opportunity for all, through free quality public education and
the application of the rule of law to all , corporations and individuals alike.

Americans also have a long history of making communities, of recognizing that we are in
this together, that individual achievement is rooted in the resources that only
communities can create and maintain. We understand that America is stronger and more
secure when her prosperity is widely and fairly shared, when everyone plays by the same

Now, arrogant elites are again threatening to destroy our heritage of inclusion and fair
play, and our community. They want to destroy the ability of our government to protect
the common good against greedy and corrupt interests. In fact , a gang of arrogant pointy
headed cultist , in love with Big Business, have kidnapped our democracy. They have
turned more and more public functions over to the rigged , for profit casino of the
multinational marketplace, with no provision for public accountability. They game our
elections, sneer at out Constitution, give away our public treasures and then tell us it is
for our own good.

The average American is lead to believe that this means more security, a more economic
and efficient government. It doesn't. It has come to mean less security and fewer
fundamental rights. It has come to mean obscenely increased comfort for the super-rich,
and rapidly disappearing opportunity for everybody else. Having made their piles, they
have now pulled up the ladder of opportunity. Living their isolated lives in their gated
communities, they neither know nor care that the rest of America, the mothers and fathers
and children , the other 99%, must pay the bill to maintain our common infrastructure and

It is up to us to rally our countrymen in opposition to this arrogant gang. For they know
no limits, have no respects for our traditions of equity or fairness, have compassion only
for the corporations. In the last analysis, their country is not America, their country is
Wealth and they serve it with every breath they take, every decision they make and
heaven help the rest of us.

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