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~,t.J'kJrtR: 30 Ktt:(!!: Th,t r.1~ Tool!



Gio: ne r.tll Ihlll,j "); IIl.'Ilructluilli Fh m~ Y en 1" Klre

'1'1 tn· Sc ck Kite

~ll,l.u·(' Krtc

Fhrce-Seick Kite:

Sur Kit!!' Bow Kj[c

Eig],l-Poitlr SUI' KiLl!' Edl,o~r Kill.!

flux iGn.:

\~ rr f{iw

~I :'Ir~ec !Gtc ~\Ir-pt;m(' Ki~' Eutterfi}' K; te V, S. T:aglc Kite E.!""pl-n_'ll Kite Cu'p Kite Dngu, K,'rt;' .ME. SUIl, Kire

I rld'lll Chtd liitc H. [loon Kite

Dird Kir'

It.:.n Kitt: Designs ):'Ull CUJ I!Ulh.l My 1(j1t.! R~j'tt

" ..


11 LJ lj

17 l'J



;5 '27 29

All bo~'l1 1f(' rhrilled if(l l!lakL lhol:,r kires ,md to fly tkm, Here is a b('>ok with cOI"I~rl~tl' ptltPIi arul !lit!.:p-by-'.tol'l~ , lor m:iking ;!O diilcrtnt k.res, Dc.rIgll~ f('J1" bui!dillj:!. l u add tlon .. 1 klt~ !If(! given for lho&t': who. have f'llllHC.rc-d the buildinG or !J1C n.r5t 20. Thi"Tlj' kHoI:!:< to build ;Jl1¢ a~·r

Fdwu; T Hamilton, aUfh"r .,~; MI1f;i(/g ~il KiJ~!i T/J.(II Ph, j :1 r~~lllar eourributor u£ .1l'11c1~ on modd :nr J) l.H 1,...:'1 and gcm~rl1 hllldiC:fil.1tO OJ t 1I:;'Itl" m,l~:J7,ines: >III d i~ a Wo,l I known lee rnrer DO tht::~~ ~ubi~ 'I-t ~>, (Jug},Cl1lL till' eounrrv. He I!. ,I former m;tglZint:. I.d,wr_ He !iCd'I.!J J§ ..I !lymg f_rlfict:t in Ih .... t<l\a.1 /\il" Force lhn~Il,~hQlJl tf;C' \~'ocld \~ ar ;ird 1t1"'IILl~! r f'}111L; (' ... nor ,1 national rr:tJjo hookup, Mr. tlln'ihof1 i~ he lLth~t' LJr~h~JMi/fK. ",fi,Jd AirMJmc.\ Tbat Fr.'" C()i,}ng &j~, CJJ~Pl'-'lJry, Crml ~ III. ~r.ljdd Ai,.najJ MJtlm4i TI'I' &) DlJiltJ~'~, H~!UIi, rd/f frl'r G;r/I, potJiJ1IJr Cf>~/') In l:k.lJ'~1 Iilld Pn_fJ rmtl Pn:!L nis,

Making 30 Kites

ha Fy


Edwin T. Hamilton

iUtUlniJilJlH bJ G .. Rum Taylor

O:IPJIlgbml 1'lJ~'" fly


can be purchased at ilIIf n,tHlDll-tCl1& Cell store,

Sri.fS()rs For gcocraiuse,t scis ors witb long blades should be provided for CI1~clug thecevenezs of kires, If two pail'S

call be obtah'u:d" a. mlall pair with slim, short blades \vill be found u eful for cut= ring curves 0 f small djamercrs,

R!1tf2. As both short and 1 ong dirnen.:RoDS arc used ill kite m.akingl a zigzag

·Iaking 30 Kit s That Fly

It is doubtful \vberlrer anyooe knows tbe true odf.!:in of lite kire. it has been handed down from generation to ~el1erarion umil lli~ name of irs inventor has become little. more man a m tho We do know, however, that no sport nffef5 eo rnueh for so linle, ,~rhen ~'atcbing the kitf:cncituria.u, one wonders whether the d~$igl)ing and buiklingcr nu.: actu~ flyinfl brings the most fu n, I I e bas no

inlit::; except rhost: of h~s CI'WE\ jma~a.ben. New arc completed ; n the: shop and then tested in the field. What a. 'hrill when some pet design soars in~o £he douds with a tug on the sLUing that

is almost hu mao I .

This book conrains complete plans and srep-hY-81ep instructions for makinil twenty type'S of kites. Dcesigns for reo additional kites are ghren in the hack of the hook for those who have already mastered the bui1ding of the first tWEnty. T~i.rt)' k ~tcs y~u can easay and _Quiclt1y build: dllrty kites tofty and thrill )I au 1 Here's fOllT OPllortlJn.i(y to join the thousands who find excitement in the shoo, thrills in 'me open and the pI"icdess sarisfactiQn of mastering the sky t


Kite n"!"1~g lIe~ i res v~ry fe-loY tnol.s.. l\{any build kites w~th nothing- more than II go. d pQ:r;k~1 knife. However, for ~cntl purposes, a. gODd knife. block plane, tty-stJnare~ scissor.s rule, sand .. paper and pencil wiJl meet e?e1Y need.

K tJi/e Any knife of ~odsteel haying a large and a small blade is ideal for notching, cu a:in.g and shap ing kite sricks. See that it is sharp when p W"" chased and th~n lu::ep it: so ..

Blork Pleoe A small block plane win be f,ou nd splrndid for ]J 1 ani ng sticks down to proper size, 'iUch a plane can. be bou.ght at any hardware store,

Try .... Sqfut,.e As true ,oints are necesnry for well-balanced kites. a try .. square ill prove of value 0 the builder lOne

role is tlsuall~ preferred, Such a rule (;3.0 be lour or six feet long and will fold ioto a 6f! 1 cngth. or lhi:s [cason it is quite convenient to haodle.

Sf#tulpu/Jt!r A minimum of MO grades of sandpaper should be provided for kite work. A package of assorted grades tall be had at most five-and-rcn-cent stores for a nickel. J f there HI not such a store in your neighbo rhood, largeT, single shcet~ can be purchased .al any bardwarc. seore, Obtain a sheet of- No. 1 which is rather eoarse, and a sheet 01 o, O~ w hieh is

quite fine.

. \Vhile these tools do nor. rc~ resen .all thatcan be used in kite work. thty win prove suftici~nl for all the designs givCfl in t.his book" OtheT 1l001g cODvenlCl)t '[n own will suggestthemsdvcs as the work proceeds.


. oo'd PracticaJ1y an)'" woo l'tlay be used for kite sticks as long as it is well-

seasoned. and straight. Pine: is widely used, although spruce is preferred by expen kke builders. Such ,eticks arc not di-ffjc~ l to obtain. Ok! boses, such as fro_it crates. will.,. pro. ,~de splenclid~terial, Dowd sl[Jcb~ such as shown :an die illustration "joints' at "D", can be used and in many cases, model airplane snpply or hardware stores carry sticks suitable f0( kite ma.klng. Split bamboo is another wood often used by tht: k.i[e bui]der.t is splendid for small kites and :fur obtaining curved outlines on kit£!s ,of 31j sizu.. I r can be qe kkly and c:nily bent re allY desired shape, Bamboo strip9 can be split from old fishing rods. porch screens, Or :nlg poles. If rhese cannot he found around the bouse I sporttngr hardware Or nenertd aoresean rovide such poles" Remember that any wood that can be. util~z,ed fo~ the particular job rC'}U are domg 18 the nght wood for that Job so lnok around -"your 110m~t y~rd! $dl(~o], or even on rubb]J$h heaps for kite material,

C otterinlS Paper or doth rue used co cover kires. The fQ]'IiI.t:F is preferred fer small 0,1 mcdiurn-sked kites su eh as, are given in this book. For those under two feet in overall len th, common tissue papei may be used to good advantage .. Such paper tall be purchased by' me sheet at roost st~riQncTY StOTeS. For mediumsized kires ru nning {r,om rwo to three feet in length ¥- sliglidy heavier paper is bc~t. J ap3Jle8e tissue, such as Hi used OIl! model


airpJanes. m splendid for kite work.. I is tough," durable and at the sam~ rime guite li!;nt. Ordinary h'"acing paper tile various tYpes of rice paper and even newspaper may bl! used on such. ki u:s .. 1ie:hrwLinhr WTaJjping paper can he usc ' for box kites and others of similar construction. Crepe paver is a favorite with some kite buHders. It has many advanrages.. Such paper results in smooth fi.yiug and can be purehuses] in a 1!l"f'-at variely of brilliant colors. While it weighs mor~ tJ Ian: tissue a11d 1$ not easily pj;l:s,~ its colors lend Lbemse]ves to decoraricn wirheur paint, 81td can the ... efon: be used to great advantage on fibl1Jre und other dec 0 rati veld res,

Siriflg Small ki es may be fiou'U with buttonhole ~,tis.t. carpet thread, or liR:hr twine, For medium-sized kites. ordinary wrapping tl me of good grade, fisJ3iug line, Or har maker's blocking cord can he used. Strin~ j~ also used for "frami ngU or uouu.inll11!l' kites. he same string that is U5~ fC!r fi}ring the kite may be used for fom1mg tts outlaw:.

Pen e A good grade of paste em be 11S.a1 to fasten PaJ.p-Cf ~uvcrings over kite ira:rnf'B. Care must be takenwhen u.:;;ing anyadhesive of this kind@ see that it is a llo\vcd plOlty of time for dnring before being used.

Glue ~Jrany kite bu ilelen prcf~Ji' 10 O~ nodlingo but liqllid'g1ue: for all a.dhesive



rpos . J t is recommen rI~cl M ir can be

1 -d for ot nJy 3ftaching en ers to frames bu for r info cing lash d joiots (La ell TL re ar~ a. number food liquid ,r)ues rm the marker vhich c It b p -hlli;OO at hardware, stationery, or 6, ·l~.Jnd-l-en .. cent swr s,

j\ilJas ai1s are so edm U'~~ [or

holding: joints and outline strips to fram •

5 th~' have a tendency to reaken the surreundins area through l hich they go, a nai ed Joil'll is not recommended, n some cases however they ate desirable,

in1 brads, carpet and small thumb tacos should be used for nailed ioints, At ~IC" and HD'" in the iUustration "'J 01 ts" ill be seen such consrructien, The use of a thumb tack for holding bamboo oll line

trips ~o a frame ·s shown in rhe iUustrIllion "Bamboo r oints' at u ~, •

Pili it a'lcr colors 0 tempera paints

f1 re recommended for painting desilrDS and figures on tissue, wrap ing, or oth F _pap coverings. s all th kites in 1.1. iii b ekare covered with paper the painting of cloth will not be discussed.

C,oth he only cloth used on the kites

in this book is for rails, , a rious I)rpcs of ~Dd.1 rail are shown in the illustta.tion on age 6 at lieu "D", and CE'\

h S require no particular cloth, i 10st lb Qf this type are made of :rags an.d scraps found around me hou e. They art' sometime dyed bdgh colors to add to tbeir decorative value, 01"" pieces of eonr r a~tmg colo s arc used tQ. make a gay


Decorations Colored crepe pap r makes a spien id CO~ .... ri ,. for festive khf.A'S. Painting ·irh brigh( colors, . re addition of brilliant rreamers, paper fc:steoning and ga}'}y droo dom add d cora·l'e r~due to any. kite. As the builder proceeds aloD2 the path of the kite enthusiast, ideas of hi own for the decor a 'on of cites will suggest themselves.



prepared W1tll ereat care. Plane the tic

until '~h1n), tI'" of 3,'C( i1;C on all

id~ • he excess * 1'1' materia I j hen sa cd with sandpa er, S[f1 rt wi he coo . paper and: hn1 h \; "th {hem: III bring J[ to a. satin 0 lhne~. Each s· k rnu [ rhen be I!i v the ba Ian L ,t

..oc te i r nto(!rao ptacC1 is

point 011 me edge of a knife or rul ~ as shown ill the illestrarion "Balancin

Sticktl on Pa2e 2. If one end drops do the ether; 't must be rghth' sand~,d until its excess weig-ht has been lemor-co. he balance est is th n repeated. When this has been completed~ the ne sary notclles are cut for joints, iE rh se are needed, and 'Ill ends o.f the 6 i,di. slit or nerehed to, ou " eo slFings or tri ps.

JO;~1Y The rnak;ng of d e joint wI ere 1\)110 sucks cross ~:lch other can be dOD by two methods. On Pag~ 3 ndcr 1oints" diese methods 01 construction arc sho. ~ Ar c.LA ~ is se n the 'common crossed .. a"Ull.d lashe joint uch a. joint can he further relmurced bt a.ppiyin glue '0 ill joint. The lashing i en applied, as sh~ r~ and tied with iii on:lillary square knot.. Such 1] joint is quite ~l1'on~ and if tied

vitb strong twine} fish-log line. () \ ire)

"J] serve a 1 general stresses placed n on

it., The la lUng must be pull d eJy tLgbtly and held In pQSi ion 1hll~ he kIlo[ is bdo9t tie . At B' is shot: rn me halved joint. his JS made by norching both joining sticks, as shov u, a d thCtli. gl mg

a.od w_shing them togclhcr~ The notch must h~ on; exact] the 'width of the t:iuc:k t h~t is to fit i:n~~ It ;;! nd j ust hal f its lJi..ick:nL:~'i, Cut both notches for z li:n~ fir, IS rhen :; f'l plied, the two notches fitred inru each other and the joint lightly buuntL as $~nWD. ' be joint shown at J~{)~ Is <t halved joinr nailed to.gc her In-

stead of bring bound. The same t)'"Pc ilS shown at "Dr, with dowels being used for framing sticks. Such a joint is- not recommended except where lime or no stress is placed upon it, \Vhen making cross joints, such as, those shown iIllhe illustration, rest rhem with a try-square to sec rhs r rhe sticks are at right ang}e$ lO each other ~

BtmJh1.g lJ7 ood Outline curves can be madt:' with split bamhoQ or thi11 strips of other woud, The bamboo is preferred because it can be h.a:nd1ed and bent far easier than other woods. Bamboo is be at by hearing, This can he done over a candle, gas burner, around jm electric: 1ight hulb, over the tip of an electric iran, or any ether heating appliance, Can: must be tsken net to burn the wood. The bend must he made 2"tadually and held in position until the wood has cooled. Other woods are bent by soaking in hot water to Iocecn the fibrcs hefore attempting ~o make the bend. .AIl ow the \VOOO to dry' while being held in the desired posirirm .. Bamb['](J malt also, be bent in this mann er , 'but: heat is best for such wood


Outtitle.: litri t-g ;/j uacltmet.. 'S 1 n many kites string is used ro form their fn~ilint.':i, Tbere arc fWO accepted methods 01 attaching sLu:n outline striuS!5 to ht: ends (If Irarne ~tjcb. These are shown im the illmdTation "Outline Strimr Atmchmears". TIu! mo l cerumen III "(hod is &hOWl1 at ." A". it is- made by slitting the end of the stick and passing the siring into the slit, Ir is then tightly \\o'ou.nd around the stick, pas$c.:rl through the slit .again, and in free end permitted W extend to the next srick from tile opposite side. An anchor ~{ring is then wound around the stick jusr in front of the string and O'ller the slit to prevent the string from slipping off d1l::end. This safety string JS ned ! -irh n square knet, as shown. in he illustration, The secon method is shown at U B It,. The p-n n ci p le of this attachment is the sarae as the one at '~AU exccpr that a V·sha.pcd. notch is used in place of the 51](, Cut the erC!ove with your kcifc in the C_l1d of the suck. Allow the string to nass tJ:tfoueb this groo"·e. Held rhe string- rightly a~inst th-e top and bottom of the stick. and wind irs free end around [he stick over the ruin£, that is held against the stick. When the strmg is on the opposite side of the stick hom which it fiesresme, ,Jip your kniic under the wound portion, lfalS~ it. and pasfi the free end under it.. h is end tnUl;;t also pass through the tlvst bend of the string and then out. To start a strinE.


tie a la.rge 1nm abfil1 r .3 g f. om its. ttld. Pus the knot into a wit end, win it around the othe sric j as hOWD here, and then tie its free end to me tree 31' 1~r1: on the knotted end, - D oot fasren }'our !String olJr1jn~ so ti'gi1tl)' lhat me 5riOO wi II bOld or possibly break,

SpJi. ring- and r oining Ba,'f) When using bamboo for outline purposes it may be fastened to th e ends el the sti-cks by two methods, These arc shown in tb e illusrration >uBamboo J oinlE ' ar '. A It and ··B'\ The first one hows a small rhumb tack, while me second in ustrares the' notched and bound method. The 'Splicmg of bemboo ends can be accomplished as shown at "G"" and "D", These should be gl ued or cemented, and then lightly w [ap ped WiUl suing.

CQIfJe.ring Whe{l covering four kite allow [h~ paper m be rant, but Dot 0 gh[ t"flOIWeh tochang~ the form 'Of the Itltt~'s oudine, This should be £o11ow·OO in

ill ki[ts with ~he accprlon 01 tile one given on page 21. Cut your paper abour 1" larger on all sides, so lhat tl I" hem ean he turned over the srriDE or suck fUnning the oudinc, Spread the J1apu smooili OD. a .&1 surface when covering is to be done, The kite fnr.m~ is then placed on the paper wir.h The "spfne", or long vCTtical stick, down, Tum the hern over me outline strings and glue k securely in place. Anow me glue to dry ~hoyougW} . hen fastening a curved portion of (he outline, snip rue Item at ~~' intervals and fold over (he llftps-. 0 not glue the paper (0 the spine or cross eticks.

Kite Tails While there are a number of tailless kites.iu Ihis book. the majority have lcUbi attached. These may be made .in a number of ,.,"ays. In fue illusrra tiGn shownl below 'Seven types are given. At ~~AH are the usual SQuares of paper gathered at the center in the manner of a bow al~mlt a string. The tail at ~~ 13'-' 15 the


m~ excep that rhe paper is folded in pleats, A.t I·C'· is a tail coDsisling of J"3¥. !lqI1 LeS :gathered at thei,r centers along a string. The tillar jl D~' is of knotted m~ while the one at '~RH is braid cd ~g srrips, Ar "F" is one of braided pEtper Sf_ri(ls~ while the hist ::It Hen shows. paper cups being used on a !;:tring. ~Tind will dutcrminc the ] cngth Qf tail UCf;~~ Ii"}'. 13cI!lll ,vi th one abou [ tv:enty {eel long and then experi meat b f uddiug Or removing sections. Use as Little as po~ibtc for sreadyifl~ dt~ct on the kite, as ai r resistance and not weight is the chief Junction of a k f£e mit.

Bridles he :fiyi:lllg SUlnJ! of a kite is attached [0 mt hy means of a bridJe.-'_hese

can be netieed In the illustradcns of the nmsJnxI kites duougho ut the book, n each ~9C.. the points at which the bridle js attached win be given. Eogcthcr with proper lcnttths and d"lc point on the bridJe to witidJ the fiying string is fastened, As me bridle often means die difference between SlllCCessiu 1 tI,~ing and complete. fail ure, greal 100:re must be taken to attach .. nd :ldjuS[ if proprrJy. Sec thft[ the flying string is, attached [0 the bridle emcrly in the center of the kire and co_os]d~!'ably hi~her mean its center point alon g its vertical dimension. A begin:ner in ki e construerion and flying should elfp~riment by attaching the string a various points on the bridle and thus learn peculiarities of bridles and flying smllg artaehmeru points,


Norhing can teach the an of kite :firinlt half a5 well asexperience, V{hHe w hofe books may be wnttcn on the sub[ect, a £e'l. afternoons with your kite in me field ,"iU aid you more than the mastering or a hundred printed pages .. T is true, however. that mere ar,~ certain conditions and methods that evtt)! kite enrhusiast should recoanize and master bofon: :I'[tcmprinE his firsr kite ilighl~

Landa:J1d air lZonditiom~ are the two most +mpGTIMt ~.:"SSCDtialS for s]Jcc(5Sful kitt! ftV1I1E" Ch 005C as la i ge a field. as possjble: £ot flyi[1g your k.ll'e.. Try ~o find:

oDe thar is flat ·0 rh t the air currenre will be regular, At the same time, one should be chosen lHJJ\-·ing- fev.'mrrounding obstacles on 0'1' aruund it,. such ali win:'s1- buiJdJ:n.rr.;, tr s, hills, c. An\' of these mav C2UtiC trauble [0 the k...iti flier.. The seeend important essenda1_.ur conditioills~must not be overlook.ed. OZiC 11~USl have u wind 10 fly a kite. The best possible fivingw~ather is a dear day "",,-jth a steady breeze, it shou Id not be it b Ju~tcI)~ wind, nor one rhru blows one minute only to die away tile next, Kttp in mind d:lt~ tact mal a heavy kite will usually stand a stronger wind. Light kites will 11y best in lieht breezes. H a stronc: wind preWl;ls. it C~ often be offset oy adding more tail to your kiec,

Som(: small kites can be launched b, one penon but the best method is fO have a friend act as "starter" _ Vtritb a Diane surface kite, have the $t<trlc:r holti irsend 80 ~llat it ron.y be easilr released when ready to. launch. Have it held facing into the wind. Un;.vincl the tail and lay it out OD the gTnulld so thut it eannor become angled when me kite TiSC'-s. Slowly a al' from your starter and unwind the Hvjng srring as you no until about Q hundred feet :a.wa}'.

'old the line taut until you fed Ute strength of me 'Ov[nd full on the face 'of the kite. A~ a given !4tnal~ your starter releases iliG kin: and (It the sam rime you run away from him into' lh wind. Unwind the 8yin~ srring as you run. f the kite rises, pJay our lh~ $ldnJ! .C!tS far as possible out keep it taut. f me kite dives, fans, or gets into other aerial rroublc, flay our the strinr;r. and ~l1(}w it pl.mty 0- freedom, After ~t s(ralghttm ont, the surplus 1 i ne may be pulled taut again and rewound on y!!?'u r rri=]o£ stick, When retrieving your kite, slow Iy wind it in until within a few eel of the ground, The !l1:rlng is WeD quickly played out and the kite: allowed ro seule gL"lltly on the ground. Do not pull ~'OUT kj{c across the ground. bur go to nrhcrc ir i~ .:t1Jd,ick it up. Alw :l)'S examine you r kite for da.tnat"TE' before and after each :flight. Fair sailing to you r









" "

'" ""

I / I I






















\ \






\ ,


\ \





\ \

j j tied In place, 'The QuI; stt!~J" shown b the hea V1 clot ed lines. Wrap the string tau but not t1:g-hdy enou h to bend the sri I 01' sfmin them. ~See a2'e: 5 "OUU1ne String Atbclmn:n "),

CrnJmng' kite is now cover

with paper. (&e Page 6 "Corerio{().

lace th frame on the paper . til .

spine down. u rn a L" hem 0"'1:1' e string outlines and J.' Iue it finnl)' itl lace, Allow the glue to c1ry mottlu hI)',

Bridle. This consIStS of two sttings.

Om! is et1lt as long M the eli lance A..c ... D and is attached at po' rs (lA' and "B" The other '5: anaehed at p oin '4C' and ~ ", _t is cut ong' llough to reach the peak of 'the firs string over the jcn Dt of

e two sticks; where the flying string is fastc:nt:rl. (See Pag 7 'Bridles"),

Tail A ch all eighteen-foot tail, of rags or papt:T bows D paint -D. ( age 6 '"Kite T il'J").


F"llm~ Stich TIl! spme stick ~IC-D,·~ is CUI %" }au I 34'" long. 'the CT065 s tc:k t'_B' is cut J4,1~ x ;4" . 24'8 lO1'lg ..

Stmdp-aer bOI h to exact size and ¢ ve each the ha anec test. (See Page 4 'Fram S ·ckst,),

] oint e halved JO.m or. the more

simple crossed-aod..lruilied joint r:nay be

sed to join these two s icks, (See Page 4. ~, oint$' ). Stick H _En crosses sriek I.~C-D" 3:jS" from end t-CT', so [f Ute halvedjoint 1S used the notch must be cut at this point n $ide "C H W rule

th notch in ~Tl.l.-\~BH is CJU1[' • ts exact

center Th . sticks ar then bound and glued to~ether al. rightallgles to 'each other. (See Paee 4 '''Joints').

01ltU"1t Btri'~1! .tlftscnment Slit or notch bo ends of each "ck to old tb outline string. (ee age 5 4 Oud"pc String Attachments")" Scan the string

t end. H l~ and run. It tkl'0ugh .uA"~

I C ~ ~'Bfl and then back [0 "D", here

Sq uare Kite

Prd.f1U Stic~s Cut rwo duplicate sticks "'" x x 34!" l,ong, which wiU make a 2.8" SQuar~ 1cilC. "'rhis size ma.y be increased Dli decreased as :you wish. S:a.n.d ... pap~t" both sticks to exact size and give each me ba1a.rnlL!C test. (See Pag' 4- " rame Sticks").

J ot.,1/ .Elther the crossed-and-lasllcd o~ ihi! ,haJva! joint maY,b, e us, eel ['Or this kite. TJn~ sticks cross each other exaetly in their centers, where Lhey :.tIl! glued and b~bed :3,[ rightangles. (Sc..:E! Page 4 ~'Join rs"),

O~tlin,e String Attar-Innent Slit the four ends of rhe sticks for the strinlt outline, whim ,is shown on the opposite page h}' dotkd Iines, Start the strmg at He'" and pass it: through pOInts jLAfI.uB·~, "0'"' and back to "C". Wrap it around. the end of each stick in the process, (See Page 5 '~Oudine String Atult:,bments-").

(; O1J~i.1l Cut a sq are of covering

paper 30n on each side. Place the · 'te frame in the center 't it~ turn over the 1'1 hem and ftluc j securely in place, Fit and glue the paper around the ends of the sticks anclallow to. dry, (Set! POlge 6 14 Covering").

BriJle Thj, is made of two .56~' IODg' st'ring8; which the length C-A~B. One is auaclu:rl to points o!~ A" and (j D'-', while the other is £a~tc"ed to points l'fB" and '''C .. , They:lIT' hroug:ht (oI:!filier at a po,int halfway bt:twe~n ~o! A"

d' "~B'" . d ,n~l' f I [i ,.1 ~ ~

an : ., a :1. -v I rom tile op OUwn(:

srnng. where the n~'ng string is attached (Se{! Page 1 "Bridles"),

Toii :it neavy tail of rags may be u-sed on the square kite. The paper bow taB can also he used. Both these Me (:lCplained on Page ,6 under "Kite Tails", A single loog tail may be used, as shown in the above illUB(rOOon. h is bes fastened to a single string rute.clu:cd to point "C' and "D" ~ CIS shown by ihc fine dotted lint'S.





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Ca'lJerinff CUll1]~ paper to siz~, I';t, the frame on it with the spine i<C-DudoWH, rum over a 1" hem on all outline and glue it firrnlyin place. Allow if to dry thOftJughly.(Sce Page 6 ·~Coveli 11ft 01 ) •

R",i Ii,; The b ridie is of tWO st rin~. extends from point HA" to point flBPJ' and .is 38 n long. Tl.1 e other ezsends lrOO'l point UC~1 to point ID" and is 46" long . They are joined at aJ pOlnr abour 1211 below I'G" and halfwav between "'A·· and "'B'? (SL"C Page 1 -~Hridles"·). me flying strlng at this porn of irucrKcnon..

T aH A tail of knotted lI"a~ or rh u~.tilal~ paper o~ doth hU~1 mil is, used on this lute. r r is attached ar point "0"''' as shflv .. n in the aboVf> illustration, (See Page 6 "I(1(c: TailsH),

PlJUllill-g Paint the raper on ,the oppositc ~id iron, [he Irarnc :rucb witb W8 ter co] ors or tempera paints, Any d~ sired des.ign may be used.

hree ... Stic Kite

Frome Stick, The spine stick Hc-n~~ is eu t ?-'411 x }:1 N x 34'''' long. Stkk" A-B T, is ~n .~N X 23/~ long, while srick IIE-F~' is 7-'1" X %" X 16t' J I',1r;1.g. Sandpa pe I to size andg-Il'"c each one the usual balance test. (Bl.'"C Page t U Frame Sticks"),

10i1111 The (\VO ~tic:k$ ··A-B'· and HE~F" join ~~CJ)H by ·e't11er clH:: crossedand-lashed or halved joint. ~J A-U" crosses .... C-Du 7° from POinI '~CJ-'~ "",'hile '[E~f'~

. 5'f fr ' ~

crosses II i om point." ', GILl[: and

lash these juinta, See tha£ the two CT(JSS &Lin'S arc parallel to 'L:ach other and 13.( righ ~ ~ n gles to uc- D", (See Page 4- .'J . ts")

omts ,

O!l.flint St"· Attackme'ltt Slil or DOlCh the six: ends of the sricks. Sfart the outline string at point '~D" and carry ir through uE''', "'A~'! 'C'" "B", U ,. and back to '·D". where it is tied, This is. shourn by 11 e hca'itl' dotted lines on the opposite plan. (See Pail:;e 5 "Outline

ring AnaehrTIt:ntsn).





-, ,


Star Ki

FrlJttl~ Stick_I; This lint is laid out on

24" diamete eire e. t 3D be made rwice as Jar e by doubliu F C length of the sticks, ell three dupli C:4tL: sticks ~'" x U1 t, X 23'" !{)ng~ Sandpapc::r each to exact

izc ~lld .g·ve the balanc terr. (Set Pilgr: , H -'ram SticIrsJ·).

1ui'Nis The common crossed-and-lashed joint is r commended Or th S':t7y ie. e 'f on end of each of two slicks an (1\1 a d lash em ogethe-r. as sho'-'"'Q at

'C J, Spread their other ends HAl' and ~j -4~. i4~,r apart. Sriek 4 -D" crosses 51Jc . HA-C ' il:llld ~'E-Cil S;.41t from their ·oined Dds "C". See lhatr'B-D' e ends OU[ an 'qLI 1 distance from each of the ricks. G ue and lash them ~ this p si-

. ., B" HC~' HDH

es[ pcmts " , • .

" to :set.! tJ13 t th y a, an equal di

apart, (See ag U]ol.l:1tsH).

OtlJlme St,.;',g AflfJdm enl Slit or noicb the unds of (he ricks at poims ItA'\ ~B'\ h J and III ~,I'. Run a srri tgfrom "A" o '.0101 'lld another frorn j to ~·B", rut.

how. (See a e . ~ Ou inc tring taehrnents" , .

C(Jf)erin~ eta 24/1 diameter circle of the paper vith which you wish [0 cover your k1 tc. Place 'the ame on the paper and CUI to &napc ~Wl th a 't hem al I arou d. 11

U~ eper ever the ou line strings and II e ticks and gh e it u re y in place, ADo, r t dry. (Sec Page 6 ' 0 erin~ ").

B,. "1· Thr e strinJtS are used for tbi bridle. One. is fast ned to point d J, The s cond extends from pOiJut "B' to point

U ", w hile the third g~ from I • (0

It H_ 1 strin 01. ElI be long: mOLL h to joineach oilier a distance of 6u abov

e ace of . re te an in me eenter

over ::;tfClk L - '., shown. (See

7 I Bri es"},

Tail A a er how ail is fu~t ned from a bridle nttaehed to oints A" and H (See Page 6 ~I Kite Tail ~ ).

Pn;'ltilJ~ Pllint!ES. t:ihown irt the inu~

(ratio . th con a . J; (:0]01'.

Page 4- ·'Paintlt).

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6··.spHcioft and Joining Bamboo").

Ouiliuc -~1tr-it11f Att(Jch.nJ.f!1u A single olldine sll'mtr is used to frame tht: kite between puints,jA'1:ll! ~~Dl1 ,<Iud "B",

as SUOWfl by the doued lines. (See P~ge .s ~~Outljne Strlll! Auachrnenu;J)) Stan: tht string at pOlD I'1 .. l\n. Bring it down 00 .l:ID" and then up to "B",

C O'lN!T1r: e Place the frame spine down

h . 1· n

on t e paper, cut to StU:: ea lng a "

bern ill around, and then turn the hem over on the strings and hen stick and glue in place. (St~ 6 '"'Coverlugn).

Rr,tJlf Two string are used fur mls bridle, 01 C is a~ long- as ~A-c-]r' slick

d . cl " J ., '~A" d '-B"

an IS atta u.'uat POInts an:.

Tl h . f d Il D" d"'~"""

1.1C at f JS astlltne - to ~o 1;.,., I

cut long enou-rh to reach rhe apex of the first one. · 'lIt" string for nVlug is arrached 6N helov "C" and .dirtt(ly QJ,.cr sock ~~C_DH. (See Page 7 ~~B:rjdlcs~').

T ail U~[" the same tail ~5 nn rherwosUck kite. (See Page 9),

Bow Kite

Fmme Such This requires two 5tnti ht sticks and a bent one. The spine He D':I' is cor r.i'" x M" x 34!~ lon?:! while the cress sti~k A":B n is. cut J4_11 x Y4 n x 24~' long. 1. he bent stick 'iA-C-Bu is of ~1'1 x }i"~ x 3S'" Iong, OT jt may be Ml from splir bamboo of yg" x ,,(I size. Some eliminate the Gross stick. 1£A-B'l and replace i[ with asrring, bur the srick 19 recommended for beginners. Finish both straight sticks with 'Srt..udpap.ct 'aJl1d give ca-ch the balance ~t. (See Pag:'e 4 "Frame Slide'). Slit points f' A", "D' and h BU on. Lhcsc sricks, Bend sticks ", I\-CH·' Co a 12"' rad~us. (Sr::c:: P:age S "BendlOR' Wond·'). Tie ~ string across its endsuntil dry.

Ioivts Cl11e and Insh uA~B1" across bC-D" 12N from point "C", See that Lhe~ sticks are at ri~h alJgles to each other. GltH: and las! I..hC-L'lJ r v r=d stick H A-C-B" to points "A", «C)'~ and _ l~B'~T

as shown. (See Pa~ 4 uJoirtts" and age


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-, .ight-Point Star



Fm"llf Sticks Plane and sandpaper fOllrBticks eo measure ~n X J4" X 24" long. Civf.! each ant: the balance 'tc&£. (See '. =tEe 4 "Frame StidtK').

jOifJls As fO'Ll1" sticks crOSS each other a]1 at One point. the hal \l'ro joint should be used to join units of lWO sticks each. Stick ··A~EtI crosses ~~OG'i ar Tight a.ng1cs

and should be joined \vith the hal fed joint. Stick ~·B-F~' crosses" H~D" at right angles and is j£Jined \ ichtbe same process, These two units arc ulen joined with the crossed-and-las h ed j oint. Test to see rhat point "B" is halfway between L'A'l and e'e" J and. point UDU is halJwa}f between ueH and "E", ereMake sure dUlt a n~tid{:!5 are joined Ie:~cdy in theircenters, (See P3~ 4 "joints").

Or.ltiine i~tring .AUf1r,1t11'U!Jlts Two outline strinas are used. One extends fmm II ... Il tn bel' to "E" to "G" and back

to [. An. Th e second on e sta rts at H B ' and extends lu "D" 11:0 '~F)' lOj-H~j, and batk

to "B", :;J,S 1S"hl;Jwn on tbe opposite liiL'tterru.

(See Page 5 ~·Ou:d~ne Stdng :A"ttachrnenrs").

Co'Ueri,ng Cut a 24/" square of the eoeering paper, Place the frame on. it and cut its form. following the outline strin_gs~ A]Jow for a J" hem all around, which .is then turned over the string and glued in platt. (See age 6 "Covering")

nriail: he bridle i~ made with twQ

5trings. Oue is. a rachcd at poiars uX'~ilnd ~jOZ". whi1c the Oth~T js £astcced (0 points ~I"-'l' and I~· II. They should be long enough H) rea ch a poi ht 8/~ £1"011'.1 the Sl,j) rface of the kite, ~Iak.c tilt: bridle strings meet over sti'ck'jC-G'~ and slighur above stick HA-E~ , The H)rlllg Slf"lnR is attached at dIis point

T4ii This consists of three woven rag streamers attacht.-d to' points ~"H"' _Ie uG and UF", {See Page 6 "Kite Tails").

P(liI111·n.g Layout the tdangles~ as, shown in the above illustrarie: 1 and .fiJl them in wiLh contrasting colors (See Page 4 ., Pain 11).








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Eddy Kite

F "mne Shell! This 'kite is made with on the paper. Cut the covering paper I"

two sticks of equal lengths. Cut and sand- larger all around. At the same lime, al-

p:a.Pler dltIIl to Ille3$fEC ~'~ X K'" X 25~' low for a slight 1008eDeSS at t1u~ pam

long. (Sec Pag,e 4 "Frame Sow"). shown by sh:uling in the opposite pl3J1,~

Bend the cross stick ·JA_' .'1,:19 shown ill KoU :J' diameter bal s of paper Or cloth

the to p "jew. The distance between me and p I ace dlenl in posi rion under the

point UE" and rhe point ~'O" must be paper during covering. Bring the hem

4~". 'Tie a bow string at each rend. asa'rollnci I:h outliec srrint!s and glue it·

shown by the dotted line. (See age 5 firmly in place. Anow the glue [0' dry.

·"Bendin,,! Wood~). (See Page 6 oU.Cov;ering~~).

Joint Stick'"A-Il' crosses stick 'C .. ~ Bridle his eonsisrs of a single string

4~~~ from point ~'"Cf'~ Locate its exactCtlt as long as the distance r'O-B .. D" It

.l· has one end attached to polnr ~ OHJ where

t:crlh-. tcr .on H<?-D" Nilnri glhuc ~C:[l Dla.~h. n. (0 the rwo stiek.s cress, while its oilier end

t IS spine ie. ore t ~t .',,- IS in- f(

side: the bend of ~j A-E~. (See Page -4 i~ astened jo point ,. ". The ying

"[oinrs"). string is fastened just below point '~O'~ .. (See age 1 .• Dri dles"),

Owli11£ String Atltld"ment Slit points Tail Kites of this ll']Je do not l'cqltlre

~'~AtI, "C". ~'B"" and "D'~ for me outline

. rails,

st [". ng. Sra It the string at 11 D" and. C~Try Painting Such a kite may be pill inted

jt (]UOlJj!]J "A", HC~l1 ~'13n and back to in a number of wavs, The checker-beard

HD"'. (See Page S "Outline Slrjng At.. eHect shown here ~i& quite t'Efen.ive when

tachments"}, done in brightly ,col'1tTastiog colors, (See

C () Plate the Irame spine down Page 4 'Paint"),



struts I'(,~D I on each end, as shown. These are glued and nailed in position ~t the ends of tn .. SP1U$ and ill line with the fint inner rihs, but none are applied to the center, as shown in the: front vie"y~

Gtl~S St.ring [!uy linctll arc Clpplitd :IS shown in the plans, to reinforce the strectur~. Have rhese taut but no[tight enough to pull the frame out of shape,

(1w{!.ring The end bays, which are shown in the sh aded lincs} arc: covered On aJ1 sides. Ioth or wTapping paper' ma.y he used, Glue the material to (be spars. struts and rills. (See Pa~ 6 "Covering").

Tail No tail is needed on ~ box kire, Bridle The bridle is a ill~rlf stri n~ anached to points 4-fX~~ and "Y", as shown in the front view, II should be long enouah to reach 36" from the s.,lfface of (he kite.. The flying line is attached tel the center of the bridle, (sec Page 7 n ridles").

Box Kite

Frame Irick.! CUIf four spars jA-B"~ % ~I ]I; ~ f' X 46nID"g~ Cutreight struts '"GOI! thesame size and 30"" Ion. 'fen short ribs ~".. F~' are then cur "'i x ~,I\' x ]5" long.. Sa.ndpap« al· to eJW'a. size, and then give each one the balance rest, (See Page 4 .~ Frame Sticks").

1 omts Because of the hea.ry construecion of", bo v ae, all joints arc glued and then nailed. (f1e~ Page 4 I'N ails' ).

Auembly Assenilile one side at a rime~ 8 shown in the side view. Lay two spars uA-B" parallel to eacboili~r on the Roorand 15~( apart. Phce a rib ~'E-F'~ between them at the ~ r top and benem, Place two inner ribs 110N in from these end ribs. and then place the fiftJ:'I obin th'r! center of the ~ars, as shown in he plan, GIlle and nail each of these ribs in place, Note (hat they divide the lengths o! U1.C SpMIi into fnu r equal seedons, Allow tb r glue to dry t" orough I~" These two sides are then joined together by four

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" -f

\ I 'w'

the ends of all t1H~ sticks, Start the srr-ing at lOCh and pass it through i·E", HA1O~ HB-",

and "F" and end it at ··D". (Bee Page 5 ~·O'l1tlin.e Strh1g Anachmenrs"),

Cr.rtJ~i'rlg The center bay marked "X" is not covered. Lay the frame On th ~ paper I' or clorh, with (he spines down. Turn over

II hems and glue in place. Do this with rAe center b:l) 3S wdL Cut rwo bands uf lilt: ccvcring Ll II wide and 2211 long, Ghre me ends of these ph:,c(.'S tiJ the upper and lower ba}'S' along sticks .l A·C'~ and .lE_O' • The IOUI'd) Iona Slkk I'I" is then glued along the center lilllt: of UH_'Sl: pieces, ~.::-;: shown, {See Page 6 "Covering").

Bridie The hridle is a single strirt$! long ~no'tgh to reach hom .. , .. , tc "F' ro '~Z". l is fastened to points "Y" and ~~Z'~ on the fourth stick "rl as shown above. The fi}'iD2' srring is anached at pOTl1t nx'~~

'}'(11'1 No rail is llSOO 011 this kite.

War {ite

F~llr1U! SUcks This is often called the

He k' ;. - L. -. 1 .

urryne rte aner Its mvenror. [lS

made with five socks.. Four of ihese arc ;.-4u .J: ,%.'~ x 33J"longr while the fifth is. the same size but only Ll" lung. Sandpaper to sh·.,e and gT'r'e each the b;:tl:ance rest (Sec Page .. lJ F rame Stich").

ImnlS The crossed-and .. las}u.~d joint is used for this kitl:. OJ-vide eaeh of the long sticks into three equal lent::rths and mark each 1 J'" p oint. Lay sticks I~ A-C~' and ("B-D'~ parallel to tach other and 11'1 apart. Lay UE-,H across these sticka £[) that the 1] fr marks on a I three sticks match, as shown in the pi .. 11. Glu~ and lash UE-F'~ in this pusirUOIl, ;ybich will

bri . II" b ] . "AI' ..,J. I'B I

nug ]It' C Ol'"I pomts anti' .

Glue and lash the short stick between points "C" and ~~lJ"" on tile long st.ic.k.s •• A -C' and U H- D' . Allow (0 dry. (Set:

PaC'e 4- "joints"),

Otali'lJ~ BUlUg' • f1ta.dun~nl The 'frame is rmW framed with outline string. Slit

Irame .is: covered. This is shown 0; squares: that represent 2J~ ca.d J. Lay oat and cut a 34't diameter circle of whiJJ: paper. Draw a 320V circle in its cenkr. Ru.le it wirh 1jght 2"# sqo ares and copy th~ fa.ce Oil it free-hand. Paint with bim an pa rts shown in black on the plan. Cut !;WO shoes of 1 igh t cardboard and pal nt mem. on both sides in the same manner,

Cr;venng Tum the paper wrong side up and lay the frame in position on ic Clip from Un! eclgl:' to (he bamboo -all around, ttl rn nver £!lIla. f,!'lue securC:],y. (See Page 6 "Covering").

T (iiI! Two rag bow taiJ5 an: attached to points BF~j and ,( E". The cardboard

shoes are fas[elli:'d at their finds.

B.,.iJle Om~ brielle is Iasrened ar points "I" and U2" along suck ~(F-C' I whi e the ends of the other are anached to points '~)' and • '4.t on stick U !, ... B n ~ At[adt the flying SlcinR' just above "X", (See Page 7 ·~'Brid~es").

Target Kite

Frame Sttch Cut three dup1:icme sticks Mil X ~ .. ' 1[ 32" long. Sandpaper eaeh to size and give them the balance test. (See Page 4 .~ F rame Sticks").

Jo;nt 'fh~ single center joint is made by om; h;ll"rcd and one CJOSSiI:d-and.-Jashed. join L Layout a 31'~ diameter circle .. Divide it into six equal arcs. Join .iF_C·~ and jlB_E" with a b.aJn:d joint, while rhei r ends rest on the arc. poi nlJ~ Slirn. ··.l\.-: U is then glued and lashed across these sa tlmt itsends are on the remaining arc poinUi. (See page 4 "joints").

Out! iDS Batrr.hoo The ei rele of [he frame is made with }% fI SI~Iit bamboo ..

engtin: nf 17n win St;TV ~ to eutlinc ea-ch of [be smj!le arcs, Obtain Ell x of these and bend them [0 shape. They should th en he sp Iiced and attached to the ends of t te sticks, (6 e Page 6 "Splicing and Bending Bamboo").

Pain Ii n f" The fate and. mff,!et are pai nttcl on tile ccvering paper before the


Ai lane Kite

Fr(Jme Slic ks 1 su,cks arc ~ 0

square. Cur 4X_ylI And • C.DI1 40''' long, Cut ~'K··1: .. rt and "~L-yt' each 3''7:~t 10Dtt. Cur l~E_F" 36" long; 'A-.B" 6" ]ong'p LiG HI' 1611 long: Il-f' 20'" long and the sflort tail stick 2" long, Sandpaper and balanee; {See Page 4- "Frame Sticks"}.

Join is USC: ~he crossed-end-lashed

. ~ U ~ l.,," ,n., . _t_

JOI ru, - ::§i!1,g .n.- r as a cem:er S(~ U\..;

bind hA-B'~ Vz·f from I·X,., Bind ~'C~ 0'1 41' from ~'X"~ Hlna UE.F" 12}4f' from "X", Rtick "~G .. I-l" is bound 11 f~ from "Y" and "I .. :J" -,t from it. All these sri "ks Il1USl be centered 011 !iX-V' and at rifrht nOf,!ies, (0 lL Bind NK_Y'~ and "L-Y" loi·X_Y" at dY'1 and then spread their uppe-r ends 9" on each side of .,. xylf. Bindthese Slicks to l'e_Dr'J 'l_FfY "G-H'" and nT~J"". Bind .ht= tail sLlt.k to

K-Y" and ~'L-Y'" 3X;° horn point ·'V'''. (See Page 4 uJointsn''J.

o lit!iI1" Strlnl! AtlaclmlGtlts Run a string from f;A~' through "X" to HB' ....

Bring its ends to points "I" and ~j2'J' on stick Ie D r~ 4/' on each side of lL x- Y~·.Run strinJ!S from "E' and "F" to points 6~3"' and "4" OIl sticks "JC._yn ;;und HL .. Y"

T" .s. h ·l:"F'~ A . 1 .' .-

J;l'"[IUl iIl:r , . smg e smug IS run

£Tom .lIII.S .. I. \\.h.icll is 1~'J- Frem lOG .. In

to "'L H n to uri to the tail stick. I t then !lOCS Co ''''J'' to 'G' and back (0 ~'S .... , Bend }f~ split bamboo for wing aDd mil Lis and hind to nolrus ~·C"~ "D" ;~ u

P 1 . - . p-"-'!. , :r ,

"F" and ,jG'T. U "t "I" and 'J]". (See

Page 5 "Outline Stri~g Anachmerus").

C {}'V'!rrillZ La y the frame on the pa er wilth "x- Y" tlo,.;vn and glue 1'" hem all around, (SC!f: Page 6 HCo,,~cri ngl ·1.

Plf'(} Fold a pinwheel of lieln pa-

d ~L Hx'n . 1 • j •

per an auaca to . wn.tll a Slnl!n:: pJ!U~

T aii ... J\ a! rag tail at ·~Y··.

Bridlg Ont: string is attached to points ,ij ,a and "] I", The OTher is fustent:rl to .~ '-,

and •• C+~. The flyi ngo srrin is fa;alt=noo [0 them at poinr t'Z",

PairJ1illg Paint' any colors.





F-r(l'me Siie/n Six }4 '1" square stieks . are used for thie kite. Stick C'X_yH is 121"~ Jong. while me two side sticks '~C-D" and HE ... F""' are each 3.51f long, The cross stiCk JtA~nro is cut 36.1~ long. The short :!]tioo liD-V" and I~E- V' are both 16"''' long. Sand to size and Klve the balanee tt:, __ st. (See Page 4 j.' Frame' Sticks").

Jomt: 'The erossed-and-lashed joint is used thfoughout. Srick 4IA_BH crosses I4X_ yu in its eemer and. extends on both sldes of it an equal distance. Glue- and lash this ill place. Sticks '4C_D't~ and ~~E-l;;'''

are glued and Iashed to 'the ends of N ... II\._ B", so rhwt points UC'J and l' F1f are 56"'" apart. Sricks ~'D_y:i~ and '~E-Y~' are glued and lashed to theends of: these sticks at '101 • and I£EJt a:p.d rneet ai poinr I"Y" '\ ·ht.."T~

titey arc bound,

Bl1mb,oo Owf",e Outlines uA-D .. Y" and liB-£- I; are fflIllled with two pieces or ~/~ split barnboe bent '0 shape and



bound in place (Sec Page 6 uSllliciFlK and Bending Bamboo") ..

Oull'im~ StriUI! A tt6cJr.tlJen'l:s Run a striu2 {rom "C" roHXn to "Fill. ( Page 5 "Outline String Auaehments").

P.ailltine Paint the design on the. paper before oovermg the kite. It is shown ou 2~1 squares. Rule light 2"" squares on your paper and draw the bllt .. terfly free .. hand. Paint me shaded p~rf$ orange, the black ones black and leave Ule others whlte~

C o t.lct"ing Lay the frames "rjth suck. '~X~Y'" down on me paper, turn \.l[l a 1"''' hew and glue. (See Page 6 "Covering"}.

/3,.iJle Atmch a suing at "C" and "E' lon.g enough to reach from ,. ~~ to If,( ~, to

"E". The other is t11~ same length and is attached to j ~ F" and II D". The fiying string

is fastened at "X", ( ee Page 1 'Bridles"},

'I'ait Anaeh a brightl~;r d)'w rag ra 11 to a bridle fastened to points I'D'" and IIIE'l,



















r-Lr-_[I-f-T1 l-..rjjjp'" .



. S Eagle Kite

m 10" "- C ~t. • uA Btl

l:r(Jm, o'tt(:IlS . nt UI~ sp'lne ,-.

~u "X. ,,",'''x 3Sn long. Cut th,e cress ,ruck r CDn .w t, X }1fu X .30~1 long. The short

. k' j.,/: U U "I 14J~ 1

'eJ'OSS stlC UI 7141, X ,r~ x., on !f.

Sand each and give them the balance test. (See Page 4 "Frame Stieksn).

Joint~ Use a crossed .. and-hnilicd joint to fas~'rl 'CD" across ., A~Jdu7'" from "mnt ~J:Al~, Sticlr "E_Fn is centered 00 '~A-B,I ''''fronl .IB". 13.oth these :sticks must be centered on '~A-B" a:nd lashed

- ..-

. t righl angles to it. The head ,circle,: is 7' in diaJ1l~cr and is bent from a length. of 1A l' split bamboo. The duplieate lengths IIX_'Y'1 are of ~t" splir bamboo appr-ontllate1y aD}1f' long. Bend and aetach ar .'yu on stick "AKB"', {Sec! Page 4 f JoLntsDJo).

OBIii.1U Strine AnacJ/41JenJ.s R. u n. strings from pll)inlS 2" in from "E" and ( n straight up to HC1I1 anci "D" and then straight to points "X". Cut the bamboo pieces .'X .. ~-t to ,conCCI lcnr;t:h after these

:strings an: a.ttached. Run Q third string horn "E"· 'to '·E" ana end it ar'F'Jl. (See Page s: "Oerline Stri ng Almdmlents U).

Pai'Jlh~'fjg Draw the eagle on paper freehaad, after ruling it with 2" squares, as shown. Leave the head and feet white amd paint the balanc bhu:k or blue.

COflmng ColVer in the usual manner with the spine ·'A-B~' against tbe paper. (See Page 6 "Covering").

Tail Trace the Ietsers ""U". flS'" ~ U A" on liew cardboard and cut mOll out. Paint any desired color. String these en two strings :fMtened to points "E" Q.nd "F' ana hold w~th knots. A pap r bow tail is thtn fastened bY' a loop under the U AU • (See PaRle ,6 4.£Kire Tails I).

BrIdie A twO-8lfmg bridle IS used.

Attach O1IC end of [he long one to HA~' and ita other end to "B", The second string is. fastened to ~~C·~ and "D". Tie the 'flying string JUSt below ~,tI U en thae stringa, (See Page 7 "Bridles"),




\ \

/ /





Fr(H'l~~ Stick_! Ml sticks ~re %." square.

Cu the pine ~ ., ,'1 36'~ 1 ng. .,u re

stick ~C~D' 32" long and UEpF" 20"" long .. The duplicate ticks UG· 'and.' - j re cur 32" Iong, "'I he short one at ~ B ,I is 2"" 'long. Sand each to size and balance. (See

age 4- "Frame 8tick:!l").

Joint; Usc a crossed-and-lash d jomt on all sticks. Bind the center 0 ·jC-D'I'to "A-B ~ 7" fT-Qrn ' A". Center and in 1 ~'EF" to II.( -B" 16~ from I~ A~ .. Bind Hl] I co

the nd of il .B". Cross s ick I "G-I 1" and 111~ J' t on dtr: center or H E- F", $0 that they CroSL 'LCD"" 9"" on each side of jJ " B~' virh thelT end uG-u a.t d "I" level wlt.h hA '. A 3" diarm::tcT circle ~. ~ of batJiboo i attach ed to ihe ri e;ht 81 de of " _H'. r See Page 4 IljOu.ts"').

Owlin'l! 'tri IE .. 41' C1c/tmcntf tart one 'ng a tj '~and carry i through UC~I

"Gnl "A", "I", "DF! all end "it at ' F . Run tw SU' • from be nus of stic "B" up to H~:-F + and fasten them 2'" on


each side of nA·D ', A tri'ng IS tarted 011 tE-F' 6u in from Hi'. Run illtl (he end of H 1- ,1 at "]". across to "I " anc up to • E,1'. 6" in frorn "F". (See P "e I. I tBne String Atta~l'ul1en(s'·).

Prziflting aint the 'cover'no: paper

before applrin£ it Cut it to hape draw light 2~' squares and then draw free-hand the dcph;IDI ] cad, as in e graph plan .. The shaded portions are painted gray, the

hire parts left hite 'and e black is

painted lack. h head e om may be

painted red, (See Page.3·· aint"),

Cov~'ri1l Cover in the usual manner

wi th' ' .. B n down on the aper, ( Page 6 II Cover' OJ! 1) •

I1riJ.k Cut ~YO 5trlUt,'li a 30 g'

"'G-[-~'''. Anaeh them at point H '\ ~ ,

• 'anti ", Attacl1 fh· R. in mnf!

ahe:,,_. IrIZ'~~

T aii paper brn.v ta.ll ss used in two

length.. attached at ~~ M (Be P e 6

•• "te ails"),



Frot'U Sticks Three dowel sticks an: used in mis interesrTllg cup kite. Stick

L-A 1:>:'" .... , Ii' eli' . d 12~ I

. -u ~s 7111 In I arneter an .' · on~.

Stick uCD" is "}4 ill diameter and 11'''' long, ,,\rhi.1~ tlre tbhcl ruck. II E-F' is ~;~ in diameter and .25" loug. Dowel sucks seldom need. sandpapering, but each shoul d be 1V ven the balance rest. ( See Page 4- "Frame Sticks").

Outlifu 8rriwg Attacln/l-l?rJts The outune strings in this: kite ser c two purposes, They hold me st icks together and carry the cup~ which take me place of the usual krlt '(ovt:rtnf,{, The string' j'X-Y't uP: 44" long. The distance: "IX" to "l\·13.Jl i:i S'~i', while stick i'C_Dt, is IIJ'j' below ItA_E",.. Slick rtE- .,. n is 14U hom ~'C.D· and point ""Y" is 11,r below ··.E-r~\ a~ shown ill the plan, llefore appl~'ing 11118 string. ordinary cone-shaped papet d inking' cups must be obtained You \viU reql]. ire ninde-en of them. They .. can be purchased for a fevv- cents, Each

('UP is equipped with a weight. as shown at lIII" in tht: plan. These may be ~plil sinkerR. such as fishermen use, or reqular .B-8 shot. These k-ad wcighcs may he £,'ed with. a knifeand a length of Iiglu thread tied around them. · 'he uthc:.r end of the th read is then fastened through rhe em of the cup, as shown, The cups are threaded on the outline string by tying- n knot m the s>trl11f! just outside the point of the ell p. The luring is then passed rlll'lough a hole in the point of the cup. fhrOl~gh tht:' cup and out, aS$ho.wn at ··GJ"~ , eave [he five cups Of'! J:;tring U·X .. Y'I and fasten il to the sticks, ElS shown. 1\ second .strin r is then started at UX" and oassed th ro U I;h points "A 11, U GU, ill E) I' , 4 y~t. .4 I if"

hD".41r' and back to' "X",

Pi.ritlg Swhzg and B'ridle The UE_Y_

'lilrL uf the outHn!.! ~tril]g serves. ss a bridle The Hving stri go is attached at poin 0., 1'. The tiny lead w~igbts on. each cup serve as rails,


- .. - .... -."'- .. ----~

iIiiiiiiiiiiiii __


and as many body disks as needed on the covering ~per~ Cov~r each kite wilb dIe ~rick ~4X~ Y'*qp. (See Page 6 ~~ovcringll) ..

P'a.i·tltine U3."e white parts whhe. Paint shaded pa rts red and black. ones black,

QutJill,e StrinE ,A,ttfZ.CI,nlt!ntr Sning lhe disks lSI.!' apart, Fasten string 'C'~ and ItEH aIOI1f!- the ends of the sticks I x_yn I as shoy.,'n. Apply string ._ F'

through each disk. to the center of each ux~ Y" stick. "astc:n the Iourth (ltrIng U D" di r;ecti y above U F'I thrQugh the ~op

of each disk. "r rap arou nd tach j olnt and tie, as )~OU apply these strings,

B'riJ~e Continue strins.t HD" and HF'~ to apoim 2SN from t .. he head disk and tic for a bridle. Auadl the flying striIlg 3J th is point,

TaiJ.J Add smal] rae: rails to th e bor .. torn-cerner of erich disk and to thecenrer of the last ~'X-Y"' stick. Add cardboard decorations [0 the head di~ a$ shown,

Dragon Kite

This consists of il head disk. and a series of boOdy disks. Eflch is fiued with a ham .. boo olitriIrger and joined together by four strings, Whi Ie the one shown here has only nine bodydisks, many dragon kites J.av~ as many as thitt}~. y ~IJ may easily inc-rease ihe Iength of your kht." by acld1ng ore body kites.

F~(lmel The head disk U A II 1f1 2'J in diameter" while the body disks '~B~J DC lO'f. All are made with 7ft split bamboo bent in at circle 0 correct diameter. A Vl(lJ~ x ~J"~ X 35'f bamboo stick '4X_Y'~ is ceo-

tered across: each disk 2.t~ below ilS center, as shown by the line UF~~ in the plan.. rhe stick. is bound to the circle at hoth poin~ of iatersectiou, Givt: each stick lhe basnce lest before auaching, (See 4- ~. F rnme Sticks"· .

C (Jveri no- Makt: full-size panertrs of the head and on[; body disk from the graph plan, r his is shown on 2u' squares to aid in the ,cop, work. "race one bead


Mr. Sun

Frame St;£'k~ This frame is made exactly ~ tll~· kite on Page 27, ,except that it has a circle of biIDlb(')o on the .inside. Cut three slicks J'fl x ~~7 X 32;" ],c)ng~ Sandpa-

per and gi\l'£ them fin: balance test. (See Page 4 .I., Frame Sticks").

Joints ~fakc me joint of ljF~cr' ~nd I(B_ E'~ a halved one and lise a ero~-andlashed joint for i' A- D". See that the ends of the sock-s divide a 321' diamdL'"T circle into six: equal ares before gluing and lashlng .. (See Page 4 IIIJoiol:$'I),

Or:It-ii'1l ~ Banzhaf} Fallo,." the instrucoems given on Page 27 undf!r··Ouui ,e Bamboo", A second circle of the same bamboo 1$ applied 4U in from rhe outline !JOl' .md it-l attachc-,u io the same manner.

PlJintirJ.1/ tJtld Decnrotinr CUl a 34'" diameter circle on the covering paper, Draw a second circle within toe flrst 32" in diameter. n his second dl'd~. rule ZJ squarea, )\J ake '9J frce ... hand drawiua of the SbUl'S face on these squares. Pai nt

yeJ]owa.U parts shown in dotted 5hading and all lines in black, Leave wh.ife parts white, Cut out Clrdboard~ or heavy wrapplfi(; paper [dangles. as 'ttl the upper plan. Paint th-ese 3. deep orange.

Coverlnl! Cover in tht; usual manner 'With stick IIA_D1', down on the paper, Glue

the triangles around the kite 1'0 hoth bam .. boo circles, (See Page 6 "Coverings").

BniJ,l~ This consists of ~o stri ng5' as ] Dng as j A .. CE ", Attach one t-o poi nrs UBB and dEI' and 'the other to points r·c" and II F' f. 11 ring them tog,ether i n lh~ center jllist above "A_DH i:l[l,rl attach rhe flying string at this point. (Sec Page "1 "Bridles") .

1 "uiJ A short bridle is fastened to points '~F" and u I~. It shou ld he twice .as long as tht: distance behJ\i't.~n these two poilus. In irs exact center. attach a long taiJ of dlc krmrtcd rag q-p£. Dye tvery other one a ark color for added dlect.

n... __


In an C

FrtJ,ne. Stich Cub spine hA-8 ~ :Y-t x :4" x 34'1 iong. Cut tacks "G .. H~1' and "F-D'' ~"xy.j" 24" long. Sticks IE-F" and UCD'~ are *, .. x }f/x.36~"'1ong",

dpaper al1cl-~\Tc.: them the balance test. ( e Page 4 U ramc Sricks").

JointS' Center U D'! o-n H ... Bw a.t end UB' and lue and lash jt to 1 __ B' at

'gln ,an i s, as sl a -n, '""'enter HG- "on "-IA B" 13" from Din ~'B' an: glue..: and lash nat Til:ht angles to '~A-B' . Turn me frame over and clu - and las1':! the ends of C;'Ji .. F' and l~C_D"1~ to points 'F" alJid ~'D' .

ross the sticks on j G-H ~ at point "X", i e - d lash them together and fast-

11 u the same '\Wly [0 CI - B" an 'I

, , at " \'-. end a ~cngtl:i ot ]11 ,./' .x "",., plir hamboo and iaslt:::n its end at ~ I", hich is 9" om po' nr ( 'on stick H -

F It. ttach <taro und (he 0 rher sri w a

'G'\ 'C", ·-llAU, IlIEu~ "f ' and end it ( ~'J CD stick "C- 1 9" from 'point ·X". ( . Page 4 '~Jointst ).


0, dine Btri g ttfJ.r.hmmtJ Run a

string bum point ~G' ~o poin U '. Run

mother st iog from UI-r' to ~ID'J as Ishown. (See Page "5 "O utline A - tachmt:nrts~') . Rule rth covering paper wlth :t' SQuares an dra'W a. copy of t:h

ndian on em ain all parts shown in

dom~d shading a light brown .. TJ1~ b a - arts are pain t d red, .. ~h ilc [he ones show in white are lcf W111[(.:. "eathers shou db painted a \oraricty of colors.

COfJeri1'l. Cover the frame in th su way. (Sec Pag-e 6-Cm?"ermgH).

By 'tiff! ut IWoO S ings the ]eng h f

• ~ ", Attach one at "E" an , ... ~,,.

and the othe "C" an "D~',. a' er

them t(Jgethe 0 3 level with " I"E'" 8.Il! in tach the y lng fiiU'illg at this poi of Page 1 -, B iilles' ).

,'«il A cup tail i used on this kite and is aU3.c1 e to a bridle from 'FI) and 1'0'1. (See gc 6'· "1: e T~iiiJJ).



I ,


• I

~ r ~I






Frtlml1 Siick.s AJl sticks are ;.1i ,£ Bquare. The spine sticks t. E-I-I' and IIF_ 1~' are 30'" Jt.lng', while ili~ cross ~6cks 4J.'A_B" and u D~~' ate 28"; long. The stick l·E-F,j is 12 .... longi while the short one at ~~ G I. is 1 "[on g. Sandpaper an these ttl slZC land balance ulem carefullv.

(Ste- Page 4 "Frame Sticks"'). .

Jf)in'.! Place d -H·' and '~F_rr paral .. ] 1 to tach other and 12fl' apart, Center GIj,I\_B" en them. 1"i> b~]'ow 11:11'" and "I",

Glue and lash i'{ in place. ~lC-D" is centered on the same sticks 7fY above "E" and HpJ', Hind in place. Bind HEF~' at rh lower endsof "~E .. I],' and " .1", as shown. A ?i"~ split bamboo ou 'ine is spliced and bent in a 32'~ diameter cirde" as shown. [I!! ends are curved down 5" hdo\v IE_,'I and g1ued and la·shed ro stick- "0 " , bleb must come in the exact center of the stick "E-F-'. It is then faSi'ened to ends u.E". I'C",U, '~.4"F H,Hr,:rB'J

"D'" and HJ.;U. (Sec Page 4 H J 01 nrs") ~


C(}1HJring Lay Old [he circle: with its elongiit(..-d_ end on the CQvering paper. RulG In the net lines in heavy black lines. Cover the frame in the usual manner,

Tail 0 obtain the proper efi'ert for

out balloon kite, a small berry box is su s· prnded und~r the frame by strin g5. These are arrached at even intervals aloof! ·"C-D+! and brought down to the sides of the box, as shown, Four braided (ails are W.rn attached to rhe corners of rh box. T~t5 should be made wioch the box [0 detcnniae whether it is roo heavy OT not. If it is found rhar the bOK weighs [00 much, me same form m'ay be built up with sucks. (Set: Page 6.1 "'ife ai s").

Bridle. The bridle ,consis.ts of two strings each itS long 3S the distance ~jl-2- 3~ . One is attached ilt B I · find ij 3"! while the other js fastened at 'f2~ gnd 'f4".. TIllY are Ra[hered wgL:rh.r,.. in the ~nc~f:1ncl the flying string attached at wat point, (See Page 1 •. Bridles") .


FTtJ,mp Stich All sticb are }4'1 souare. Spine stick. t~A_B,~1 is 30'" long. sri k ~~C-D" is 4411 long and "Fl-P" is 22)'1 lCiIlg, Sticks ~'E-F'" and "H-GII are 40'" Yong.Sandand balance. (See Page 4 "Frame Sricks").

JO;1~tJ Center l~C_D",J on "A_BJ~ 3~'" bdow IJ; AI' and Klue and bind in place at rirtht angles .. Center II ... F" 0:0 '~A-B"" 4M above l~'" ~1ark plaint HJ" on UA~l)'l 13" from point "B", Bind me end. of IIM·O"" to point ~IiH'. Bind theend at rlE_FU to point ~'FI'. Cross them at (Jo1Qt IIIJ" and bind to uA_ B ", Bind them to' LCD'~, where they ctO$$ this stick, as shown. Bend a lrngUl of U" split bambce and bind it to "'H-F'~ and ·.IA-B~o at points ti in (iBH and

'F". (Sec Page 4 "joincs"), ~

OtJIH11.e Str111fl .t1UaChlf1.tmJ:s S ra r t StrlnWl hom points'~Cl'M and .:~ D'~ and run them paraUcl to ·"E-Ff' and IjG_ i:JJ' down ro these sticks br:low point 'I t. and end them. Run 5uiog5 nom "C" and

~ID'" through "E" ancll~G"1 and end them oni..lG-Du a,t points "I" and ~'2nl wnjm am 9"nJ'l each side- of uA_BH ~ Rup a. SitTing from a point 2"" from HA_B" on neDn up to .~ An an d clown to a point :t' on the other Eideofi'A-B'~OD Q·C-D"". Run a string from b3t:f; which is 6'" from fmint'~l" to p-oint

1:15H J ~ h i ;lYI f . f'IH D li

. I W He 1& "II' ron1 POUlt !, up Jcat~

Ibis on th€: other side of _I A_En, as shawrl by i~ 4-6," . (See. P:a:ge 5 '·Oull]n&:: String Anaehments" ).

Painting raw the full-size bird on

the c-u'V,ering paper. Paint dotted pan.s bluc. Pai nr all black parts in black and leave the white ones white,

C ow,,;»g Cnve r the kite frame mth the spine '·stick dOWI1,

Bt"iJ Ie Cut two strinRs as IORf;t 39 1I1C-D--F". Fasten one at "C' and ''''1 f~ and the other at '·D~· and "H", Tie the :fiy~ ins!. rltrio;! in IDe center gil' helow UA ',

Tail Run a bridle feom '·Ht-J and U ,,.

and "'~ u p«pcr bow tail in irs center.

en Kit





Here aft ren dr:s,jgns fo·r Dew kites rhat anycnt: already romp] linEr those in thiJ I book_c,3Q_c~j]y build All are shown on 2'( squares. Proper Irames can be designed

{or the various shapes. Painting, CQVUingt bridling and fl}~ng can be followed from the instructions given for kit of simild.:l'" shap es th rcu {!'bout the bu~k.

-c rd

Iy tid~ cinr to kee a eonu lere r to rd f J I ihe \ arious "It::S \ nu de IITJ] 11 Ji1d :md -A. By ke 'ping- <;;Ho' h a rC('"IJ~- 1 'OIl \~ n I Jon kU(J'\ dl r:rr&;s (I h nes r iar

~. ~ c I hL: bt~l ned I r m ~ nrcs: [hf' ki nd of dal. on '1.\ hid) lh~\ Ih 1111.: 'If ... lu S'. and • H: ondi rions I rnder \' hidl t Hdlt~ • n made. r v'r , p .. ro-date with 111( kite H Jr][ I

! 11
! I'

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