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Understanding Helicoverpa armigera Pest Population Dynamics

related to Chickpea Crop Using Neural Networks

Presentation by
MD.KHIZAR HAYATH(07FE1A0552) 9985407138
GISHNU.KANNA(07FE1A0549) 9581322749

Understanding Helicoverpa armigera Pest Population Dynamics

related to Chickpea Crop Using Neural Networks
Insect pests are a major cause of crop loss globally. Pest management will be effective and efficient if
we can predict the occurrence of peak activities of a given pest. Research efforts are going on to
understand the pest dynamics by applying analytical and other techniques on pest surveillance data
sets. In this study we make an effort to understand pest population dynamics using Neural Networks
by analyzing pest surveillance data set of Helicoverpa armigera or Pod borer on chickpea (Cicer
arietinum L.) crop. The results show that neural network method successfully predicts the pest attack
incidences for one week in advance.

1. Introduction predict population densities using traditional

Insect pests are well known as the major forecasting models.
constraint to crop production. One of the
problems in addressing pest management is In this paper, an effort has been made to
inadequate knowledge about the factors understand the Helicoverpa population
influencing pest population dynamics. To dynamics on the chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
understand pest dynamics, scientists collect crop using data mining [4] techniques such as
pest surveillance data and related agricultural neural networks.
operations regarding crops, farming practices
and other weather parameters. These databases Literature Review:
contain details of pest incidence, climatic, soil, A great deal of work on forecast models has
agricultural practices and serve as repositories been done especially on regression modeling
of information. Correlations between some of and simulation models. The studies conducted
these factors and pest incidence based on by Trivedi et al., (1998) [8] have proposed a
statistical models have been developed. multinomial regression model to predict the
However, a functionally viable model for pest impending attack of Helicoverpa armigera.
forecast is still needed by farmers for efficient However the model seems to be working well
and effective pest management. only when the pest population were moderate
in years like 1992-1994. Whereas when there
Pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera is one of the was an unusual spurt in the pest populations
key pests causing severe yield losses, infesting during 1995 the model outputs were not up to
several crops such as cereals, pulses, cotton, the expectations. Pimbert and Srivastava
vegetables and fruit crops as well as wild hosts (1991) [6] analyzed the Helicoverpa larval
[5]. Ecological and Physiological features like counts, light trap data and related parameters
high fecundity, multi-voltinism, ability to over six years and showed that rainfall deficit
migrate long distances and diapause during year favor Helicoverpa population in Andhra
unfavorable conditions contribute for it's Pradesh, India. Regression analysis techniques
severity in different situations. The climatic were used by Das et al., (2001) [1] to explore
data follows a gradual seasonal pattern that the relationship between rainfall and pest
repeats almost every year. The Helicoverpa abundance in different years and the
armigera incidence, on the other hand, show a cumulative effect of drought on the abundance
certain pattern in terms of population of Helicoverpa. Kruskal-Wallis [2] one way
dynamics. However the peaks can change analysis of variance by ranks was used to
abruptly from one week to the other. In other compare the pest abundance in normal and
words the overlapping generations of the pest rainfall deficient years. In their experiment
lead to unpredictable biological events. This they regressed rainfall versus larval count for a
non-linear and complex nature of Helicoverpa period of 9 years from 1983-1989. Their
population dynamics makes it difficult to results hold good for most of the period
between but fail for 87/88 where there is a the data, which were indicated as nulls in
departure in the usual behavior of the database.
Helicoverpa from the original trend. Zhao o Standard Week: The weeks in a year are
and Shen [9] discussed about building a Monte mapped to integer values by considering
Carlo simulation model based on variance and first week of January as first standard
did not use the deviations. They used the week.
nonlinear least square regression for • Weather
simulating insect stochastic population rather o Minimum and Maximum Temperature
than methods in simulation of differential (Tmin and Tmax): The lowest and
equations and estimating parameters of highest temperatures (oc) recorded on
nonlinear equations. This innovation made ICRISAT campus on the date of survey
simulation easy to use for plant protectionists. respectively.
The results of simulation seemed to be the best o Humidity: The relative humidity
till date and are better than regression models. recorded on ICRISAT campus on the date
However they are far from the required of survey.
accuracy which necessitates the exploration of o Rainfall: The amount of rainfall (mm)
new techniques to address the pest problem. recorded on ICRISAT campus on the date
of survey.
Therefore, the present study was initiated to • Pest Incidence
enhance the predictability of Helicoverpa o Larvae/Plant: The mean number of
population using neural networks. In the next Helicoverpa larvae present per plant.
section we explain about the data set. Next, Larval counts are based on 30-50
we explain experimental procedure and randomly picked plants per hectare.
discuss the results. The last section contains o Eggs/Plant: It is an estimate of the
conclusions. number of Helicoverpa eggs present per
2. Data set o Light and Pheromone Trap Catchs:
As a part of investigation to understand Number of Helicoverpa moths caught by
Helicoverpa armigera population dynamics, Light trap and Pheromone traps.
scientists at the International Crops Research • Location
Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) o Zone: ICRISAT farm was divided into
[3], Patancheru, near Hyderabad, India, have various zones. So this attribute indicate the
collected pest surveillance data. ICRISAT zone of the observation.
focuses on improving the productivity and o Location: Location of the observation in a
production of the farming systems of the semi- particular zone.
arid tropical areas of the developing world and o Season: Two main seasons in Indian
conducts research on the following crops: agriculture: Kharif (rainy) and Rabi (post-
sorghum, pearl millet, groundnut, chickpea, rainy).
and pigeonpea. Pest surveillance data collected Area Surveyed: The farm size surveyed in
at ICRISAT for chickpea crop on Helicoverpa hectares.
pest contains a set of daily and weekly o Plant Protection Type: Different types of
recordings about weather and pest incidence at plant protection practices that are
various locations in the farm. We briefly undertaken on farm.
describe these recordings. o Observer: The scout's name who has
collected that particular information.
• Date and Week
o Date: The date of survey for a particular
3. Pest attack prediction
event. There were some missing values in A Neural network [7] is an interconnected set
of input/output units where each connection
has a weight associated with it. During the hidden layers. In the outer layer we have used
learning phase, the network learns by adjusting linear transfer function.
the weights so as to able to predict the call
label of input samples during testing phase. 3.2 Experiments and results
Neural networks posses high tolerance to noisy The pest surveillance data set for the chickpea
data as well as ability to identify patterns on crop was collected over a period of 11 years
which they were not trained. However, a deep (1991-2001) and contains 2372 daily
problem in the use of neural network recordings. In this data set, eight years (1991-
techniques involves regularization, complexity 1998) data was selected for training and three
adjustment, or model selection, that is, years data (1999-2001) for testing. Each tuple
selecting (or adjusting) the complexity of the in the data set is of the form <Tmin, Tmax,
network. Even though the number of inputs Humidity (H), Rainfall (RF), Larvae/plant
and outputs is given by the feature space, the (L)>, where each value represents the weekly
total number of weights or parameters in the mean. After reducing the data set into weekly
network is not known directly. means, the number of tuples comes to 380.
Let us term this as a base data set. For
3.1 Data Preprocessing and neural prediction, we have generated four kinds of
network training data sets from the base data set. Let the
From the chickpea data set, weather notation advance(x), where x = 0, 1,2, and 3,
parameters and larvae/plant information is denote the data set. In the advance(0) data set,
selected and other information was ignored. the L value is a function of corresponding
We have decreased the granularity of the data Tmin, Tmax, H, R values of the same week,
set by taking weekly mean of Tmin, Tmax, i.e., it is same as base data set. In advance(1),
rainfall, humidity and larvae/plant. The advance(2) and advance(3) data sets, the L
reasons for doing this are as follows: Daily value is a function of previous first, second
data was having lots of gaps in it. Because, and third week's Tmin, Tmax, H, and R values
sometimes, it was not possible to collect the respectively. Experiments were conducted on
data on a particular day due to bad weather or advance(x) data set to predict Larvae for x-
absence of scout. Null values (about 2 %) weeks advance.
have been ignored. We have used z-score Table 1. Results
normalization to scale the attribute data to fall Data set Corr Hit Misse Fals
within a small specified range [4]. el- s s e
ation hits
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) was used to Advance( 0.91 27 4 6
convert the time domain periodic data into the 0)
frequency domain. DFT gives the set of Advance( 0.96 27 3 4
complex numbers for the normalized data set. 1)
We have designed separate feed-forward Advance( 0.91 27 2 11
neural networks for real values and imaginary 2)
values. Bayesian Regularization in Advance( 0.75 22 6 11
combination with Levenberg-Marquardt 3)
algorithm (Gauss Newton) [7] is used for
training. The typical performance function Each data set was transformed into complex
used by the feed-forward neural networks is domain through DFT. Two networks are being
the mean sum of squares of network errors. trained: one for predicting the real value,
The neural network architecture is having two another for predicting the imaginary value.
hidden layers. We have used hyperbolic After the prediction, these predicted complex
tangent sigmoid function in both of these values are remapped back to corresponding
values in time domain through inverse DFT.
By starting with different initial values, the
experiment was conducted fifteen times for
each data set. Each neural network to predict
both real and imaginary part of complex value
consists of an input layer (four variables), two
hidden layers and an output layer (one
variable). For the neural network to predict the
real value, first hidden layer consists of twelve
neurons and second hidden layer consists of
six neurons. And, for the neural network to
predict complex value, first hidden layer Figure 2. Advance(1) data set
consists of nine neurons and second hidden
layer consists of six neurons. Figure 1 shows the results for advance(0) data
set. Given the weather parameters of a
Analysis: Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 show the real particular week, this experiment predicts the
and prediction curves for advance(0), larvae/plant value of the same week. Out of
advance(1), advance(2), and advance(3) data 31 peaks, 27 peaks are being predicted and 4
sets respectively. The standard week was peaks are being missed with 6 false hits.
plotted on X-axis and the corresponding mean Figure 2 shows the results for advance(1) data
L-values of fifteen experiments on Y-axis. In set. Given the weather parameters of a
these figures the horizontal thick line indicates particular week, this experiment predicts the
the threshold larvae/plant value for the pest larvae/plant value of the next week. The
emergence which is equal to 1.2. Whenever correlation coefficient is 0.96. Surprisingly, it
the actual value is greater than or equal to 1.2, can be observed that we are getting an
we term it as a real peak. Whenever the improved correlation over advance(0) data set
predicted value is greater than or equal to 1.2, (see Table 1). It means that the weather
we term it as a predicted peak. The parameters of the current week are influencing
performance of neural network is measured by more the larvae of the next week over the
the number of real peaks it predicts. larvae of the current week. This is indeed a
fact as it takes a four to five days for the eggs
Table 1 shows the correlation coefficients of to hatch and convert into larvae. So this result
actual and predicted curves, the number of agrees with the pattern of pest growth. Out of
hits, misses and false hits results 30 peaks, 27 peaks are being predicted and 3
corresponding to Figures 1-4. Here, a hit peaks are being missed with 4 false hits. This
means, the network is able to predict the real result shows that the neural network is able to
peak. A miss means the network is unable to predict the pest attack in one week advance
predict the peak. A false hit means, there is no with high accuracy.
real peak, but there is a predicted peak.

Figure 3. Advance(2) data set.

Figure 1. Advance(0) data set.
quality, as it can avoid unnecessary sprays of
chemical pesticides.

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