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Inicio ► Cursos ► INGLES III - (90121A_761) ► Evaluación ► Tarea 1 - Prueba de reconocimiento

Comenzó en Sábado 15 de febrero de 2020, 9:21 p.m.

Estado Terminado
Completado en Sábado 15 de febrero de 2020, 9:35 p.m.
Tiempo tomado 14 minutos 8 segundos
Puntos 14.00 / 15.00
Grado 23.33 de 25.00 ( 93 %)
Retroalimentación ¡Excelente! Tu actuación en el cuestionario fue increíble. Tu nivel de inglés es genial.

Pregunta 1 Sección de escucha

basada en " Audio 1: Apartamento nuevo ", responda la siguiente pregunta:
1.00 puntos de
¿Qué hizo Meg el fin de semana pasado?

Seleccione uno:
a. Ella cantó el viernes por la noche.

si. Ella se quedó en casa.

C. Ella fue a un bar de karaoke el sábado. ¡¡¡Felicidades!!! Eso es correcto.

re. Estudió para su examen de español.

La respuesta correcta es: fue a un bar de karaoke el sábado.

Pregunta 2 Sección de lectura
Elija la mejor opción de acuerdo con la Lectura 1 " MAPA DE CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL:
0.00 puntos de
Efectos de efecto invernadero ":

¿A qué llamaron los científicos las huellas digitales?

Seleccione uno:
a. Eventos mas frecuentes

b. Climate changes Incorrect! This is not the right answer.

c. Events that become more frequently.
d. Direct manifestation of warming.

The correct answer is: Direct manifestation of warming.

Question 3 Vocabulary Section

Choose the word that fits the following definition:
1.00 points out of
A person who doesn't like to spend money.

Select one:
a. Dummy

b. Funny

c. Cheapskate Congratulations! It means a stingy or ungenerous person.

d. Raffle

The correct answer is: Cheapskate

Question 4 Grammar and Vocabulary Section

1.00 points out of Choose the correct answer according to the picture:

Select one:
a. He went to the hospital last week.

b. He bought clothes at the shopping center yesterday.

c. He worked last month.

d. He arrived from a trip yesterday. Correct !!! This sentence agrees with the picture showing
the correct situation.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: He arrived from a trip yesterday.

Question 5 Grammar Section

Choose the word to complete the following statement:
1.00 points out of
Read the instructions before opening the exam.

Question 6 Grammar and Vocabulary Section

1.00 points out of Choose the INCORRECT question according to the picture:

Select one:
a. Where did you travel? Correct! This statement doesn't have anything to do with the
context shown in the picture.

b. Where did you go yesterday night?

c. What film did you see in the cinema?

d. What did you do yesterday?

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Where did you travel?

Question 7 Grammar and Vocabulary Section

1.00 points out of Choose the INCORRECT sentence according to the picture:

Select one:
a. They took photos.

b. They gave presents.

c. They had a sad moment. This is Correct ! This is the oposite action shown in the picture.
They are really having a good time !!!
d. They ate cake.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: They had a sad moment.

Question 8 Grammar Section

Complete the following sentence using the past tense.
1.00 points out of
Last week my family (not buy) didn’t buy a new table for the dining room.

Question 9 Vocabulary Section

Choose the word that best completes the following definition:
1.00 points out of
The GPS map helps you to know where to go in case you get lost.

Question 10 Vocabulary Section
Correct Read the options and match the right one with the context below:
1.00 points out of This is the kind of person who loves to get many things in a mall, from a book, or matches to a
1.00 refrigerator.

Select one:
a. Buyer That's correct!!!

b. Supermarket
c. Driver

d. Runner

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Buyer

Question 11 Vocabulary Section

Choose the word that fits the following definition:
1.00 points out of
A waterproof piece to protect people from bad weather.

Select one:
a. Raincoat Well done!!! It protects you from the rain.
b. Return

c. Expenses
d. Raffle

The correct answer is: Raincoat

Question 12 Grammar Section

Select the correct word according to each description:
1.00 points out of
1.00 A big animal which produces milk for human consumption.

Select one:
a. Cow Correct! This animal produces milk
b. Dog

c. Horse
d. Elephant

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Cow
Question 13 Vocabulary Section
Correct Read the options and match the right one with the context below:
1.00 points out of These are physical activities in most cases governed by a set of rules or customs and they are often
1.00 engaged to recreation or competitions.

Select one:
a. Sports This is correct!!!

b. Jobs
c. Reports
d. Policies

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Sports

Question 14 Listening Section

Based on "Audio 1 : New Apartment", answer the following question:
1.00 points out of
How many restaurants are there nearby?

Select one:
a. A lot, near here there is an excellent Italian restaurant.
b. A lot and her mother lives near here.

c. A lot and near here there is an excellent Colombian restaurant.

d. A lot and near here there is an excellent Korean restaurant. Congratulations!!! That is

The correct answer is: A lot and near here there is an excellent Korean restaurant.

Question 15 Grammar Section
Match the imperative sentences with the order of the picture:
1.00 points out of

Select one:
a. Sweep the kitchen - Please, don't show the answers - Please hang your clothes - Please don't
grow so fast

b. Don't show the answers - Please don't grow so fast - Sweep the kitchen, please - Please hang
your clothes
c. Don't show the answers - Sweep the kitchen, please - Please, don't grow so fast - Please hang
your clothes. Correct, because they are according with the action in the picture.

d. Please hang your clothes - Please don't grow so fast - Don't show the answers - Sweep the
kitchen, please.

The correct answer is: Don't show the answers - Sweep the kitchen, please - Please, don't grow so fast
- Please hang your clothes.

◄ Unit 1-2 - Task 6 - Final Exam - Evaluation questionnaire

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