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dey ba ace modern clother, to werent common, Now ple a, get nal. have changed af weil, cme people work olde aad RoW Wind Of Them work in Factori€l, nowodaut they have b vondc, COUN O EE fe Hi doce toh Sun Hd ged lott Deache thee Changes. ioe dow | uts DEPARTAMENTO DE IDIOMAS AK UNIDADES TECNOLOGICAS DE SANTANDER none FORMATO PARA DILIGENCIAMIENTO DE ACTIVIDAD 1 [LAST NAME: | TELLEZ e Be Ei bi a FIRST NAME: | ALEJANDRA Zs (GROUP: E133 28 (SUBJECT: | ARAN, LISTENING (15 MARKS) Exercise 1 Questions 1-3 (5 points each) ‘ You will see and listen to a video called “Changing Times” and this is about a National Geographic Explorer, Hannah Reyes, who visits some remote areas of the Philippines. You find video jin the folder RESOURCES HOMEWORK from the platform Atena. After watching this, answer the following questions in a maximum of three lines USING YOUR OWN WORDS. 1. Write the most important information that Hannah Reyes says in her introduction about Philippines? The mock important that informal isa country in Gotheast go islands, 400 050.005 peo; 2. Write how people's life used to be in Philippines and how it has changed? know, write about your city. eveda didnt hao to many buldings, oday { Leen Ye throughout the feritory. They} also | ! n ¢ CToret. The veadt hove changed «1 Se oad exchangey Gal build. Reaurants have READING (10 MARKS) trees 2-Questionsi2 Sean) —ss~=<“t*‘*~*d 'ead the text and answer the questions below USING YOUR OWN WORDS. What makes a FAD? Hula hoops. Pet rocks.Tamagotchis.These things used to be very popular. Did you ever own any of these? If you didn't, don't feel too bad. They were all fads. A fad is something that becomes very Popular among a large number of people, but only for a short time. Something can become fad very quickly, but ean stop being popular just as quickly. When it is no longertcool," a fad goes away. da +e Escaneado con CamScanner _DEPARTAMENTO DE IDIOMAS | ~~ FORMATO PARA DILIGENCIAMIENTO DE ACTIVIDAD 1 different color. It was very challenging. It took a few years for the toy to become popular, but then suddenly, in 1982, it seemed everyone had one. Consumers bought over a hundred million of the toys. There were 50 books available that year offering solutions. Then, just as suddenly as the craze started, it ended. By 1983, people were not interested in the Rubik's Cube anymore, perhaps because so many people already had one in their home. In 2012, a South Korean musician named Psy released a song called "Gangnam StylefThe | music video shows Psy pretending to horse-ride while he is dancing. In six months, it became the first YouTube video ever to reach a billion views. Six months after that, it went ‘on to reach two billion views. The song and video started a worldwide dance craze, similar to the"Macarena” dance fad from the 1990s. "Gangnam Style” had a huge influence on | world popular culture. U.S. President Barack Obama and UX. Prime Minister David ‘Cameron even tried out the dance. Although"Gangnam Style“faded in popularity, the*Korean Wave"of culture remains popular all over the world. 1. According to the reading, why do you think Fads start and end so quickly? i Ahenx Mab a Sach when tte no lon 2. Write a short paragraph about your favorite Fad. if you don’t have one. Describe one you remember. My favre {6d wat a U1_was fon 4o watch A. Complete each sentence with use to or used to. to 1. What did you . eat for breakfast? 2. Michael didn’t ..VWSC.1©..... like salad, but now he loves it. a1 ‘eat meat, but now I'm a vegetarian. B. Complete each sentence with the word that creates a correct negative question. Use capitalization. 4. Your colleague says he's going on vacation next week. You think he went on vacation just last week. You ask, * you on vacation last week?" 5. Yougo win you brother to @ move You ink the mow sory bad As youlesve, you $09," 1006 L nnn tat movie terble?” { Yoursive rhe ay area fom your orale as oa week, your mother asks,“ /ou written a thank-you note yet” C. Choose the correct reply to each conversation. 7. Aren't you on a diet? No, but hanks. ((b)! used tobe. Not anymore. ¢. | couldn lve without vegetables, 8. Would you lke some coffee? A) Id better pass, b. Why don't we sit down? —_. | couldn't stop myself, Escaneado con CamScanner UNIDADES TECNOLOGICAS DE — § DEPARTAMENTO DE IDIOM AY FORMATO PARA DILIGENCIAMIENTO oi ACTIVIDAD 1 2. Dont you eat cake? ce emtiean. v,Plasshipyouset. (6)! daitcare for wees pare 0 avetons 1045 point each) Use the verb plus the gerund or infinitive to correctly complete each sentence. Avi0.6. nu the work among all the group members. 410, We agreed... (divi ‘soda with sugar i it 41. If youre on a diet, you should avoid 412, When I'm sad, I don't feel ike. 13. Lonjoy «5. Jessen TV after dinner. 14, Ifyou quit youll reduce your risk of cancer. 18, We need is room a different color. (paint ) WRITING PRODUCTION (10 MARKS) TOPIC: MY MOVIE PREFERENCES Escaneado con CamScanner

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