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Lost in Translation the

Language and Strategy of

Selling vs. Buying for a B2B
John KennedyMarch 22, 2017
All too often, companies define their markets in vague terms that fail to really connect
sellers with motivated buyers. The problem with hurried target market definitions, weak
buyer personas and a “show me the money” attitude is that this has not kept pace with
how buyer behaviour has evolved.

The internet has changed pretty much most things in our life today. And it has also
played a role in turning the buyer-seller relationship completely upside down. Today, the
information that buyers need to make a purchase decision is just a click away. The
power in the buying and selling process has shifted from the seller to the buyer.

But not all businesses have kept pace with this change in power, they still think
that it is “buyer beware” – that as the seller you are driving the conversation with
the objective of a quick sale.

The sales environment as a whole is witnessing a significant shift from the traditional
method of B2B prospecting (outbound) to one that is more buyer-friendly (inbound).

As buyers – before we make a purchase decision, 60% of us rely on Word Of Mouth –

friends – social media, 49% on customer references and recommendations, 47% on
analyst reports, and 44% on media articles (source HubSpot Inbound Sales Report

There is a big challenge to shift this sales mindset from a “me focus” to a “buyer-centric”
one. In today’s market, the buyer has already progressed considerably along the
customer journey by the time they want to interact with the seller – they now control the
conversation before, during and after sales – so welcome to “seller beware”.

A Seller’s “Point Of View”

Whereas some businesses may still be in the habit of viewing their prospects as
numbers in the sales funnel, the newly empowered buyer can see through this,
especially in today’s transparent digital economy. Companies should be looking at how
they can transform their sales process to match the way people buy. By shifting your
focus and impressing upon buyers the desire to offer advice first and foremost it can
help open up the opportunity for constructive dialogue.

Typically B2B buyers do not have available all the details they may need to make a
complex purchase, especially something that falls outside their own area of expertise.
So there will always be a need to have direct sales contact especially for purchases that
are long and complicated such as technology.

Many buyers have already entered the Awareness (just getting to know things) stage of
the buying journey (see below) before they actually engage directly with sales. But if
you cannot add any value to a sales conversation over and above what the buyer can
source from self-research on the Internet, then you will have problems.

Educate, Don’t Sell.

“Selling to people who actually want to hear from you is more effective than interrupting
strangers who don’t. Seth Godin

Helping is the new selling. The most successful salespeople are the ones who aren’t
viewed as salespeople, but who are subject matter experts and add value through
advice and sharing knowledge.
As a seller it is common to worry about rejection, nobody likes to hear a “no or … let me
think about it…”. But pushing a prospect prematurely along a sales process will typically
end in a missed opportunity, as the buyer may not be ready or just not a good fit.

Instead of focusing on your own needs to close a sale, focus instead on the buyer’s
desire to get a problem solved. So talk about the problem. Start conversations around
the buyer’s “pain”. Lead with a message targeted to the buyer’s context, what are their
challenges, what options do they have, what are the consequences if they fail?

Defining your buyer personas is essential to personalising the sales process for today’s
empowered buyer (see below example from HubSpot).

When You Are Selling, Don’t Forget What It’s Like To Buy.

Work hard at trying to fathom through questions, research and listening what buyer’s
perspective is. Just because the tables are turned and you are selling now – don’t forget
your own experiences of making a purchase.

If you cast your mind back to the last time you had a positive buying experience
yourself, I’m sure it was because you felt the sales person really understood you, and
put your needs first – rather than their own. Whether you were buying a pair of shoes,
smartphone or a house, what makes a great sales experience stand out is the feeling
that you really were the “centre of attention”.

If you have ever found yourself in a sales meeting and realised that you’re the one
doing all the talking this is a bad sign because you are pitching rather than listening.
Don’t be thinking about how you can get the prospect to buy from you. Instead think
about the ways in which you can help.

It can be tempting even before the relationship is even started to ask about budget,
level of urgency or the decision making authority. If you have done adequate research
you will know if the prospect fits the right profile and who the relevant stakeholders and
influencers are. So instead try to understand from your contact the typical obstacles or
considerations taken into account in their buying process. At an early stage it is more
effective to ask questions of your prospect to learn what their challenges are and where
they would need help.

Always start with questions that try to develop an understanding of where the business
is at, it’s challenges and goals at a strategic level.

A positive rapport will open up more sales opportunities when you think like a buyer.
This is less about small talk but more about demonstrating an understanding of your
buyer’s situation and providing insights and knowledge to assist the buyer.

A Buyer’s “Point Of View”

I have to admit when I visit my local bike shop I am always interested in the latest bit of
technical kit on display. So I hover, circle and then start to read. Without fail the store
assistant will ask: “Can I help you?” Despite me clearly needing help, 9 times out of 10
my answer is “No, I’m just looking.”

It is a pretty common response from a buyer. And to a great extent it is because of a

question of trust. Will the assistant really have my best interests at heart or are they
looking for a quick sale? I know that on many other occasions in different shops I have
had that negative experience, particularly where you are buying something that is not in
your field of expertise. All I am looking for as a buyer is a solution to a problem.

Typically if I am going to buy something, I set a budget, do my research and know

exactly what I “thought” I wanted – up until this point I am in control. Now being sold to
means someone is trying influence that outcome. And as a buyer from past bad
experiences there is a feeling of doubt, especially when the conversation starts to
discuss products that I did not consider, but now I am beginning to feel like I am being
sold to, the pressure is being applied and I am not sure whether this is the best advice.

But times now have changed and because of the 24/7 digital world we live in, I do now
have a choice and an option to share my opinion and experiences. I can search for
information, actual unbiased results and not feel like I am being taken advantage of.

I can already build up a level of trust on a vendor through my self-research, tapping into
existing users and asking colleagues. This can help a lot in finding what sets apart one
company from another.

With the Internet and the social media revolution there has been pressure applied to
sellers to become more aligned with the buyer. Today buyers do not rely solely on
messages from salespeople or corporate sources to learn about products and services.
This information is readily available online.

With so many touch points now in the sales process the sales cycle is becoming longer
and more complicated. So it is important to find a salesperson who can facilitate a
solution with their knowledge to get you through your own buying challenges:

 Budgets are tighter

 Fear of making a bad decision

 Buyers have more options

 More stakeholders involved so an increased level of complexity

 Reaching a consensus is a challenge

 Customers want to interact differently

Take Away
If you are looking for inspiration on how to open a conversation, use our checklist below
to get you over the first hurdle and starting to engage.

Engaging conversation – checklist.

 Ask permission – it’s ok to show respect by asking permission to ask questions


 Start broad, and then get specific – open-ended questions are a good way to
gather information and keep everybody at ease.

 Direct the conversation around your responses and on your research.

 Keep questions simple and non-threatening.

 Focus on the desired benefits or solutions.

 Maintain a consultative open attitude, and wait for responses before you carry on

 Don’t be in a hurry to get to your next appointment.

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