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Computer virus and antivirus

Definition: A computer virus is a program that may disturb the normal

working of computer system without your knowledge and permission. All
computer viruses are man-made. Virus stands for vital information resources
under seize.
History of computer viruses

1. In 1949 a Matheson John von Neumann design for a self

Reproducing computer virus and he is considered to be
The Theoretical father of computer viruses.
2. In 1970 Bob Thomas develops a virus by using this self-
reproducing program. This virus was display a message
‘I am the creeper catch me if you can”. The name of
these viruses was a creeper.
3. In 1982 a student of 9th class Richard Skrenta developed
a virus name was Elk cloner. He developed this virus for
fun for own class fallow. When any friend of Skrenta use
this virus in the time of 85time this virus was active now
and display a poem on screen.
4. In 1986 two Pakistani brothers Basit Farooq Alvi and
Amjad Farooq Alvi developed a virus that was Brain
virus. This virus infects the boot sector of storage media
formatted with DOS file allocation table (FAT) file
system. This virus may slow down computer speed.
5. In 1983-84 an American scientist was assigned the name
of virus.

Application of computer virus

It must execute itself.

It must replicate itself.
Automatically transfer into removable storage devices.
A virus often immediately sets out to multiply and spread
Duplicate copies of itself across the main data storage
Activate from a trigger
Remain hidden.
Types of computer viruses

There are different computer viruses but most

Dangerous Computer viruses are the following.

1. Boot sector virus:

A boot sector virus is a computer
That infects the boot of disk on Master Boot Record
(MBR) of hard disks. Some boot sector virus infects the
Hard disk instead of MBR.
2. Direct-action virus:
Direct action virus load with the host
Program into computer memory. A direct action virus is
A virus that attacks or starks to work immediately that
Can include nonviolent and less often violent activities
Which target persons, groups, or property deemed
To the direct action participants.
3. computer worms:
Computer worms are similar to the
In that, they replicate function copies of themselves and
can cause the same type of damage. In contrast to viruses
which require the spreading of an infected host file worms
are standalone software and do not require a host program
or human help to propagate.
4. Trojan horse virus:
In computing, a Trojan horse is a program
Downloaded and installed software that appears harmless
Bus is in fact malicious. Unexpected changes to computer
settings and unusual activity even when the computer should
Be idle are strong indications that a Trojan is residing on a
5. Resident virus:
A resident virus is a computer virus that
stores itself within memory allowing it to infect other files
Even when the originally infected program is no longer
6. Overwrite virus:
A type of computer virus that will copy
Its own code over the host computer systems file data which
Destroys the original program. If user install any antivirus
Program that destroys the virus. So user need to again install
The original program.
7. File deleting virus:
A file deleting virus is designed to delete
Critical files which are the part of the operating system or
8. Directory virus:
Director viruses change file paths when
You run programs and software that are infected with
Directory viruses. The virus program also runs in the back
Ground. Further, it may be difficult for you to locate the
Original app or software once infected with directory
9. FAT virus:
Basically this type of virus ruins file allocation
system where the information about files include the location
10. Non-resident virus:
Non-resident viruses replicate through
Modules. When the module is executed it will select one
Or more files to infect.

Antivirus program

Antivirus software is a program that is used to
Detect and remove the computer virus.

History of antivirus

 In 1971 a computer virus creeper was developed than in

The year of 1971 a program was developed to detect and
Remove the creeper program or creeper virus know as
Reaper program. This was the first antivirus program.
Many people considered that companies of antivirus
program developed itself virus.
 In 1987 Bernd Fix developed a virus for Venia Virus.
 After 1987 G data software and ultimate virus killer
(UVK) was developed.

Application of antivirus

 Antivirus detects and removes the virus itself.

 Antivirus removes a damaged file.
 Antivirus secure our computer data from virus.

Types of antivirus
There are different types of computer antivirus are used to
Detect and remove the computer virus. Avast antivirus is
one of
The most popular antivirus available in the market more
220 million people used this virus to save your pc. Different

Types of antivirus are the following.

1 Avast antivirus
2 Norton antivirus
3 MCfee antivirus
4 Eset antivirus
5 RrindMicro antivirus
6 Bitde fender antivirus
7 Webroot antivirus
8 Avira antivirus
9 Kaspersky antivirus
10 F-secure antivirus
11 AVG antivirus
12 Bull guard antivirus
13 G data antivirus
14 Panda security antivirus
15 Norman antivirus
16 E scan antivirus
17 Lava soft antivirus
18 Trust port antivirus
19 Vi Robot antivirus
20 Zone Alarm antivirus
21 F port antivirus
22 Vi pre antivirus

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