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TENER, usually translated as "to have" in the sex meaning "to possess” El,ella,usted Tiene own tt isa particulary Nosotros/-as Tenemos | “Sl wb. Tiene micho | | | | dinero. | Vosotros/-as Tenéis But it is not only used to Ellos/-as ustedes Tienen |) ndicate possession, itis also used ina vatiety of idiomatic expressions to indicate emotions or states of being For instant in Spanish we use TENER to talk about age, this is because its not about how ald you are but how many years you have Tiene 25 ~ éCudntos affos tienes? (How old are you?) Ran eo ees era OCLC. tener calor (to be hat) ee cay tenersed (fo be thirsty) tenersuefio (lo be sleepy) eR ema ae ECO) Cea RecN ae Notice that the equivalent of the English auxiliary verb "to have," as in "you have seen," is haber (as in has visto “you have seen’) ieee er uO Tot alae

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