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Unit 2

Identity Theft


1. Confirm: Confirmar
Sentence: I going to confirm the travel, because in this moment I have the money.

2. Charges: Cargos
Sentence: He has charges by abortion whit his couple.

3. Departament store: Tienda por departamentos

Sentence: In the department store, you find all you need.

4. Purchases: Compras
Sentences: The purchases in my house is higher than my salary

5. Authorized: Autorizar
Sentence: I am authorizer for my father for go to the party.

6. File a complaint: Poner una queja

Sentence: I went to file a complaint to my mother, because my sister is aggressive
with me.

7. Exposed: Expuesto algún daño

Sentence: The woman in the street is exposed to be assaulted.

8. Paranoid: Paranoico
Sentence: The nervous in someone, can produce in this person.

9. Proof of identification: Prueba de identificación/ cuenta en el banco

Sentence: When one person born, is obligation to do the proof of identification.

10. Deal with: hacer frente a/ lidiar con

Sentence: In all my life I was deal with my studies.

11. Bill: Cuenta/ factura

Sentence: In the home, I do bills for my family, of this way I do a happy family.

12. Credit card: Tarjeta de crédito

Sentence: When I go to shopping, I use the credicard for do buys.

13. Identity theft: Robo de identidad

Sentence: When I went to the mall in a store, I was victim of identity theft.

14. Mailbox: Buzón de correo electronic

Sentence: In my mailbox I have all homework of the university.

15. Protect: Proteger

Sentence: I protect the people that are with me and my family.

16. Receipt: Recibido, recibir

Sentence: In Christmas, I receipt a lot gifts.

17. Shocking: Escandaloso

Sentence: When a person is disagreeing in something, he/she, do a shocking.

18. Shred: Ni una solo prueba

Sentence: The guilty lose the debate, because were shred.

19. Steal: Robo

Sentence: The steal was terrible

20. Victim: Victima

Sentence: I was the victim of a joke

21. Ripped me off!: ¡Alguien me ha estafado!

Sentence: When I saw my savings account, I said: Ripped me off!

22. Cleaned out: Limpiar/ dejar sin plata la cuenta/ robar todo
Sentence: Someone cleaned out my credic card

23. Caught on: Resolver algún problema

Sentence: I went to the court and caught on my problem

24. Track him down: Seguir tras él/ Encontrarlo

Sentence: The police track him down, and arrested him

25. Watch out for: Estar atento/ ser cuidadoso

Sentence: Everybody, have to watch out for in the city, because is very dangerous.
Unit 5

Traditions: tradiciones

The countries have different traditions, depending of their customs.

Attraction: atracción

The major tourist attractions are the nature reserves and national parks.

Controversy: controversia

The tourist cause controversy in Costarican people when they throw garbache.

Degrading: degradante

The flora and fauna is degraded when the people pollute the environment.

Make a living: ganarse la vida

They make a living with the souvenirs that they sell.

Preserve: preserver

In our country we have a lot programs relate with preserve the nature for not destruct or

Wrapped: envuelto

The Christmas gifts are wrapped with specially paper.

Zoo: zoologico

In Costa Rica we have a particular zoo that is very interesting and different, the name is
“Africa mia”, there are animals that come from Africa.

Souvenirs: recuerdos

When tourists coming to Costa Rica they lead some souvenirs to remember our place.

Stretch: estiramiento

The neck of people can achieve a great stretch for the rings.

Get off the beaten path: obtener de los caminos trillados( explorer lugares desconocidos)

Tourist prefer get off the beaten path to know different places that they don’t know before.

Locals: locales
In Guanacaste there is a different locals where sell special things that represent us.

Impact: impacto

The pollution cause an impact in the environment.

Find a compromise: encontrar un compromiso

When the people find a compromise together they share a different point of view, like take
care our nature or environment, this affects everyone, positive or negative.

Way of life: forma de vida

The way of life of the rural people is different to urban people.

In the long run: a largo plazo

Now we can’t see the problem of the environment but in the long run we understand what
will happen.

Unit 6

After a while: después de un tiempo

After a while my parents traveling New York for buy clothes, a car and a new

Approached: acercan/aproximarse

Andres approached at the house of his girlfriend Sofia but she was in the house of
her cousing Rebeca.

Asked: preguntó

The teacher asked at Juan the question three but he can not to answer because not
carried the assignment notebook.

Audience: audiencia/public

The audience was present in the media docena show.

Characters: personajes
The characters of the movie was: three woman and two men.

Chases: persigue/persecución

The pólice chased the robbers.

Chilled: escalofrio

I had a chilled for the cold of the night.

Continued: continuó

My father continued walking for the right.

Date: fecha

The date of my birthday is march 8, 1991.

Dialogue: dialogo/conversación

The teacher had a dialogue about the relationships.

Driveway: entrada de coches

The driveway is bad.

Growled: gruñó

The lion growled heavily.

One day: un dia

One day my sister bought a cake for my birthday.

Repeated: repetido

I had many socks repeated this month.

Replied: respondió

Luisa answered all the questions of science.

Scary: miedo

I saw a scary movie in the night.

Social: social

My parents are well in the social sphere.

Strict: estricto

My cousin´s grandparents are very strict.

Suddenly: de repente

Suddenly I felt sad because forgot the money in the house.

There was once: habia una vez

There was once a child running for the green forest.


Peter whispered to remember his great love.

Wore on: llevaba en

Luis wore on the basket of his bike a drum.


Concern: Something that worries. Preocupado.

A really concern of the couples should be the respect and the love.

Occurs: When something happen. Ocurre.

If many problems occur it is better to separate than continue living together

Contract: Take a decision between two people. Contrato

Make a marriage contract is a crazy idea.

Tie the knot: When two people get married.

When the people decide Tie the knot is because they are really sure

Bothers: something that upset or not like. Molestar

If there are something that bothers is better talk about it

Open up: Say always the true or say what the person really think.
When the couple has problems they should open up and try to work out the problem.

Work out: solve something. Resolver.

If the couple has a problems is better that they work out this problem and find a good

Quirks: an offbeat costume or habit. Habitos

One important thing that the person should know about their partner are the quirks of this

Breadwinner: Is like the person who carries money at home for incomes. The
breadwinner should be the person who earn more money

Expectations: Think in something that will happen. Expectativas. At the

beginning of a marriage always the expectations are great.

Check up on: See that one person is doing and say if are good or not. Comprobar

Is really important check up on that the partner are honest

Going out: When two person start with a relationship. Salir

The best part of a relationship is when they start going out

Living together: live with another person in the same building. Unión libre

Living together is a good option to know better the other person

Cheated on: be unfaithful or to deceive someone. Engañar o ser infiel.

Many couples are separed because are cheated on by their partner.

Separated: Stop to living together or finish a relation. Separados.

Today, many people are separated because they has many problems

Get divorced: Finish the marriage. Divorsiarse.

When the parents get divorced, the children are psychologically affected

Be in a relationship: be with one person in a relationship. Estar en una relación.

Be in a relationship involve many responsibilities.

Breaking up with him: finish a relationship with him. Terminar con el.

For each women is difficult decide to breaking up with him boyfriend.

Be single: be free or not be married. Ser soltero.

The most young people prefer be single

Proposed: In this case is when the boyfriend says to girlfriend if she wants get married
with him. Propuesta.

If the Proposed is good the respond will be good.

Unit 9
 Atmosphere: Atmósfera

 The atmosphere is getting worst because of the pollution.


 Challenging: Reto, desafío

 The challenging for the next week it will be very exciting.

 Greenhouse gases: gases de efecto invernadero
 The greenhouse gases causes a terrible consequences for all the way of life in the

 Individuals: Individuos
 All the individuals must be more conscientious.

 Invisible: Invisible
 Invisible like a ghost can be.
 Pollution: Contaminación
 The whole pollution that damage the environment its basically by all the industries
the human made.

 Significant: Significante
 Yours words are very significant to me.

 Tons: Toneladas
 Tons of garbage are recollected in very town.

 Contribute: Contribuir
 The people must to contribute with the all ways that benefits the nature to benefits

 Emissions: Emisiones
 The car emissions affect the air, also it provokes breath disease.

 Impact: Impacto
 Costa Rica is living a strong environment impact.
 Offset: Contrarrestar

 His winnings offset my losses.

 Footprint: Huella

 Everybody have to reduce the footprint for reach a best conditions in the earth

 Guilty: Culpable
 The indifference people are guilty of the big amount pollution

Unit 9

1) Footprint: “your footprint on the lawn could be little”.

2) Carbon: “Hey, Do you know where the carbon to make the experiment is?”

3) Greenhouse: “the plants are on the table in the greenhouse”.

4) Atmosphere: “all the factories gases can be in the atmosphere”.

5) Atmospheric: “the ozone is atmospheric.”

6) Offset: “You and all people can offset the air pollution, you can plant trees, plants
and this action will help us.”
7) Contribute: “he contributes to “La Teletón” to build a hospital.”

8) Tons: “be human can make tons of garbage each day.”

9) Emissions: “at ULACIT all days there are emissions of gases when the chefs are
10) Coal: “the carbon is a mineral, this is in the rocks and also in our organism”

11) Oil: “this resource is in the ocean”

12) Impact: noun: “I could feel the first impact in my body” or verb “It impacts me and
I feel so bad”
13) Challenge: noun: “All yours challenges, you can make it possible” or verb “We
challenge our destiny and then complain us”

14) Challenging: “This change is challenging” adjective

15) Significant: “…About it…maybe can be a significant situation”

16) Guilty: “The thief is guilty to steal her backpack”

17) Pollute: “Hi, I think that you pollute the environment if you do not recycle ”

18) Pollution: “Pollution is taking our air and water, it´s taking us”

19) Polluted: “Factory emit polluted gases”

20) Produce: “You can produce your own food and see it grown”

21) Produced: “That food was produced by a special machine”

22) Effect: “We have been creators of the causes and effects, in many ways, for
example the smokers.”

23) Change: “I will change…you just talk about my situation and help me”

24) Emit: “Annually, we are emitting, with factories and companies, many toxic gases”

25) Industrial: “…And I said: Oh it´s an industrial place”

26) Energetic: “Charlie drinks energetic juices twice a week”

27) Electric: “…Oh yes, I like a host, I think that electric light is cheaper than before”

28) Building: “On the 5th Avenue there´re many shops, buildings and I want to buy in
each one”
29) Business: “We have a business its name is Can you make a shoe?”

30) Global Warming: “Nowadays, people are perceiving that the Planet is hot or warm
and the poles are melting”

31) Successful: “Elena and Paul were very successful to finish the dance”

32) Reduce: “Asked Damon: Jeremy how do you reduce the pollution?”
33) Increase: verb: “I can do it, however I´ll increase the temperature ” or noun:
“Recently, all we have received an increase”

34) Cause: noun: “The cause is because they stole a Bank” or verb: You can cause a
problem if you say what I´m telling you”


You should not carried away in order to not hurt your child.


My mom set the limits when we were misbehaving.


That woman is so permissive that her children are brads.


The state advocate the law against women rights.


Problem solving is the specialty of this psychologist.


The criminal was arrested yesterday.


That couple went to jail because they abuse of their child.


Spanking is a short term solution for a problem.


Discipline is necessary for the children to be good people in the future.


Children do not consider the consequences of their actions.


His misbehavior at school provoked him to be expelled.


Human rights are violated every day in Africa.

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