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Course Management

Environment and Society
Lecture 00

Tolentino B. Moya, Ph D
Course Instructor
CSRC 203

Course description
• Envi Sci 1 is an introductory course to
id students
t d t with ith th
the scientific
i tifi
principles and concepts required to
understand the interrelationships of the
natural world (natural universe; material
world, material universe)
– to identify and analyze environmental
problems, both natural and human-
– to evaluate the relative risks associated with
these problems, and
– to examine alternative solutions for resolving
and/or preventing them.


Major objective

To introduce students to the

principles and concepts of
Environmental Science from
y and interdisciplinary
p y
perspective of environmental

Specific objectives
• Understand the nature of environmental
issues and problems
• Use science to understand how the
environment works
• Practice critical thinking—
thinking—”recognize” sound
• Recognize how your lifestyle and actions
affect the environment
• Understand the effects of society on the


Take home points from the course

• Student identifies and evaluates important
environmental issues that face us today.
• Student recognizes how we directly and
indirectly affect the environment.
• Student develops concepts describing a
sustainable society.
• Student
St d t correctlytl interprets
i t t statements
t t t
made about the environment in the media.
• Student develops skills to work effectively
with peers in finding solutions to
environmental problems

Think Global
Sample issues that can change current
conditions on a planetary scale.
These global environmental issues are:
– Extinction - high rates of species extinction and
damage to ecosystems
– Ozone - destruction of the ozone in the upper
atmosphere that protects organisms from the
' ultraviolet
lt i l t (UV) radiation
di ti
– Climate - increase in greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere resulting in climate changes
throughout the planet


Act Local
• Let’s look around us.
• What
Wh t are llocall environmental
i t l iissues th
can affect us, our families and our friends
every day?
• What are the most important things that
each of us do to make an environmental
• Find out about people who:
– save energy through the use of agricultural wastes
– investigate the loss of Philippine forests
– make "magic" carpets: coco nets to control erosion
– inspire UPD students to respect and protect their local

Course management (1/2)

All mobile phones should be switched off or set to silent
mode before entering the lecture hall. You are expected
to behave according to the rules and regulations of the
University of the Philippines Diliman

1) Attend lectures promptly, attendance will be treated

according to university rules. Attendance will be
monitored; (a class seating arrangement will be made?).
2) About five homework/assignment on environmental
issues will be given during the semester. Complete and
submit your homework/assignment when due or lose
point for lateness. No assignment will be accepted after
one week of submission–
submission–no matter the circumstances!
3) Review your notes before class. Up to five unannounced
quizzes will be given during the semester so be
prepared at all times.


Course management (2/2)

5) Participate in class discussions; extra points will be given for

i class
l participation.
i i i
6) Comport yourself with dignity or you will be asked to leave the
class. Acts of irresponsible behavior or disrespect to the
instructor and your classmates will not be condoned.
7) All anticipated absences from lectures, tests or the final exam
should be handled in advance; you may call my office (Faculty
Lounnge,, CSRC Bldg)
8) Unanticipated absences from any test will be dealt with on a
case -by
by--case basis and are likely to involve an additional project
rather than a simple make
make- -up exam.
Honesty: Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated
9) Academic Honesty:
and will be handled according to the rules of the University. I do
encourage you to discuss the lecture material and the
assignment/homework with each other, but I trust that you will
each write up your own answers.
10) A yahoogroups site will be put up for this class.

Grading system
• 100
• 96 1
• 91.5 1.25
• 87 1.5 Final grade will be
• 82.5 1.75 computed based on
• 78 2 cumulative weighted
• 73.5 2.25 point system.
• 69 2.5
• 64.5 2.75 Homework, quizzes
• 60 3 and project will be
• 55.5 4
• <55.5 5 graded appropriately.



• Critical Thinking
g and systems
y (holistic)
( ) view
of environmental issues and problems
• Articulation of environmental principles,
concepts, or methodologies to
environmental issues and problems
• Active p
p in discussions
• Written analysis and synthesis of readings
and class discussions about environmental
issues and problems

• Cunningham, W. P., Cunningham, M. A. and Saigo,
B. W. Environmental Science: Global concern.
2003. 7th edition. McGraw-
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

• Miller, G. T. (various editions).

• Environmental Science
• Living in the Environment.
• Working with the Earth

• Other excellent references available in different

libraries on campus.

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