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APµ •u» GÊz öuÀ»õ®

Bv£PÁß •uØ@Ó E»S (v¸USÓÒ : 351)
C¸Ò}[Q Cߣ® £¯US® ©¸Ò}[Q
©õŒÖ Põm] ¯ÁºUS (v¸USÓÒ : 352)
We saw what is ©¸Ò, that is delusion, mentioned in this Kural
and C¸Ò or ignorance, the reason behind delusion.
©¸Ò means moha or aviveka - which means indiscrimination with
respect to, what is eternal and what is non-eternal.
Thus, absence of this discrimination between the eternal and
ephemeral alone is known as delusion or moha, mentioned as ©¸Ò in
this Kural.
We saw C¸Ò as the cause of ©¸Ò or delusion. Generally, the
word C¸Ò means darkness, here it means ignorance.
All of us have experienced darkness. We are unable to know any
object in darkness. We saw that, ignorance does not reveal itself also.
In our experience, in the absence of light, even if we don’t know
the objects, we will be aware of darkness.
But here, we do not know the reality of life and we are not aware of
this ignorance which is the reason for it.
How to get rid of ignorance?
How do we remove darkness?
We remove darkness, by bringing light.
Similarly, only by bringing the light of knowledge, we can remove
the darkness of ignorance.
First, what we have to do is ©¸Ò }UP® - That is, removal of
It is known as nitya-anitya-viveka in Sanskrit - knowing what is
eternal and what is non eternal.
Only the supreme being, God or absolute reality is eternal.
The consciousness of the knower alone, is eternal. Whatever is
known, is non eternal. This is the ultimate teaching.
But, one will not be able to assimilate this, in the beginning. By
constantly following Dharma, one’s mind will gain to maturity to
comprehend the subtle truths.
Not only that, we should not seek the non-eternal objects. After
knowing that, it will not last long, we should not go behind it.
Habit alone is the problem. For example, some people have these
bad habits like smoking, consuming liquor etc., They know that it is
wrong, but still they do it. That alone is known as moha.
People commit mistakes knowingly, because of habit formation.
Eventhough they know it is wrong, they are unable to correct themselves.
One should have a strong will to correct oneself and take serious
efforts for that. Then only, ©¸Ò or delusion will get destroyed.
Removing ignorance also will be helpful in removing delusion.
Only by gaining scriptural knowledge, ignorance will get removed.
Once knowledge is gained, one will have a clear vision about life. That
is mentioned as ©õŒÖ Põm] in this Kural.
Two types of vision - ©õ”Ö Põm] is tainted or distorted vision, with
impurities. the other one is ©õŒÖ Põm] & clear vision with purity.
Vision with impurities means, being with likes and dislikes, jealousy
etc., These are the impurities present in the mind.
We learnt ©ÚzxUPs ©õ]»ß BuÀ and AÊUPõÖ AÁõ öÁSÎ
CßÚõaöŒõÀ |õßS® CÊUPõ C¯ßÓx AÓ® in the chapter AÓß
Thus, a clear vision, in the mind that is free from impurities.
Absence of jealousy, narrow mindedness, sharing with everyone etc.,
are mentioned as ©õŒÖ Põm].
Let us learn more tomorrow by the divine grace of Tiruvalluvar.
C¸Ò}[Q Cߣ® £¯US® ©¸Ò}[Q
©õŒÖ Põm] ¯ÁºUS (v¸USÓÒ : 352)
My prayerful blessings to all.
Let Valluvam live forever.
Let humanity prosper with love.

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