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January 2011
Volume 19, Issue 4
Editor Jerrie Dooley
Monday, January 24
4:00 p.m. - Social
4:20 p.m.- Meeting
President's Message

Elementary School
Love Is in the Air!
I know, I know – it’s not February yet, so I won’t
Hostesses: write about Valentine’s Day, but have you noticed a
Delores Klussmann* trend in our Beta Zeta programs this year? They’re
Tammy Vitek about LOVE – for our world, our loved ones, ourselves,
Sherry Hanna and even people we do not know!
Joyce Smith
Elena Howard The Delta Kappa
We began with Zumba for our bodies, inside and
Margaret Bierschwale Gamma Society
out, and then we brought new sisters into our fold. We
Donna Itz International promotes
learned about the university in our community striving to
Vondell Jordan train student teachers, many of them second-career professional and
Emily Bierschwale personal growth of
moms. We ate together, sang, and were merry at
Lindy’s home. This month we learn about caregiving for women educators and
Program: excellence in education.
loved ones, and next month we’ll hear how we can
Aging with Grace- make life better for Special Olympians. Following that, P
Leading women
presented by we’ll see how we can preserve the teaching heritage
Patrice Doerrie, HC Senior that we so love, and in April we’ll learn about Green educators impacting
Cares Coordinator Living and keeping our Hill Country’s environment education worldwide.
Purpose 3: To advance the
professional interest and
position of women in We love -- sometimes with happy hearts,
education. sometimes with broken ones, and sometimes because A delightful thank
we have to. Sometimes we’re bored in our love you note was received
Purpose 6: To stimulate the relationships, and sometimes we’re tired. Often we love from the Boys and
personal and professional
out of habit. Sometimes we’re alone. Girls club staff and
growth of members and to
encourage their participation children for our
in appropriate programs of
It’s hard to break away from lonely feelings. But donations this past
when we have had time to re-charge our batteries and year. Excerpts
find the strength and time to focus on others, something appear on page 3 of
Service: Bring items great happens. Our own challenges seem smaller, and the newsletter.
for the Boys and Girls we live for others. Our Beta Zeta sisters care about you Thanks to everyone
Club and are here, even in the hard times, to work with you to who remembers to
Music: “Delta Kappa make this world a better place for everyone! What’s not bring games, toys,
Gamma Song” to love about that? Tammy Vitek, President supplies and teaching
Beta Zeta website: items each month for these children.
Come to the January meeting! Thanks also for
State website: Mon., Jan. 24, 2011, 4:00 Social, 4:30 meeting donations at Fredericksburg Elementary School Thanksgiving to bring
International website: Program: Aging with Grace
www.deltakappagamma. happiness to a needy
org Bring your items for the Boys and Girls Club. family.

Monday’s Program---Aging with Grace

Perhaps no situation presents a greater challenge as well as reward than taking the role of
caregiver to an aging parent, spouse, or other loved one. In addition, we each face changes brought
on by our own aging. At our January meeting, our program will be on “Aging with Grace”.
Our speaker, Patrice Doerrie, is the Senior Cares Coordinator for the Hill Country. She will be
talking about how we personally handle aging and how we can assist our aging loved ones. She will
also be telling us about all the resources that are available here in the hill country to assist our senior
citizens and caregivers.
Patrice is a former Texas public school teacher and a TCU graduate. (Her mother was a Delta
Kappa Gamma girl!) She's worked in non-profit organizations most of her adult life. She also ran two
literacy programs in Dallas before moving to Kerrville.
Don’t miss this informative program on January 24 at FES.

Lucille—Recognized Far and Wide

What a treat to open the San Antonio Express News on Dec.
28th and see Lucille Rochs peeking out from the bottom of page one!
The caption said it all, “No Slowing Down—Former S.A. teacher Lucille
Rochs has been a Fredericksburg community leader in her ‘retirement’
years”. Directed to the Metro section, the reader is treated to pictures
and a wonderful story on the impact our own Lucille has made in both
San Antonio and Fredericksburg.
The article chronicles her past work at Edgewood and
Northeast ISDs, San Antonio College and Sul Ross University as well as
her past and continuing leadership here at our hospital, the Child
Welfare Board, the University Center, City Council, the Needs Council,
Golden Hub, and the list goes on. Lucille has always had a knack for
seeing a need and translating it into a viable solution to meet that
Lucille is shown here at the need. Her giving nature is unparalleled in our community.
November meeting sharing If you missed the article in the SA paper, click here to read it in
her memories of the early
work getting a University
Center established in Hill-Country-civic-leader-923028.php.
Fredericksburg. As Dave Campbell, a local business leader said, “She’s a rock
star around here.” Congratulations, Lucille, on this wonderful tribute
and thank you for all you do!

January February
Carolyn Otto - 2 Tammy Vitek - 3
Cheryl Moore-2 Helen Weiss - 4
Beverly Harrell - 4 Catherine Davis - 17
Donna Itz - 6 Vondell Jordan - 25
Debby Hardin - 6
Jane Nielsen - 19
Glenda Fritz - 28
Winter Edition of Lone
Carolyn Star -News
Kuhlmann 28 Online
Winter Lone Star News Online
Beta Zeta’s Joanne Davis, State Editor/Photographer, has done a fabulous job
on the winter edition of Lone Star News now posted on the Texas State DKG website
at Sixteen color pages
are filled with great news, program ideas, convention info, and much more. Thanks so
much for all your work on the Lone Star News, Joanne.
Click on this link and check out these items:
Scholarships-- deadline is March 1 for member scholarships and grants as well
as aspiring educator scholarships.
Capital Rally—Feb 3. DKG members will visit their state representatives and
senators to discuss current issues.
Conference information and activities at state level of DKG. Read it today!

Thoughts from our Young Friends at the Boys and Girls Club
(Excerpts from a Thank You Note to Beta Zeta)

 We want to say ―Thank You‖. We wish you a Merry Christmas. We love our club and teachers
and games and. . .I think we should say thank you three more times. (3 grader)
Thank you, thank you, thank you from the members, staff, and board of the
Boys and Girls Club of Fredericksburg.

Questions and answers:

 Why do we give presents? ―Because Jesus was a present to Mary and Joseph. . .that started it
all.‖ (5 grader)
 Where was the first Christmas? ―I am not sure, but it was far away. There were lots of animals,
a donkey, sheep and a dog. Oh wait, I don’t think there was a dog. I think it was a cat. (really
concentrating) Yeah, it was a cat.‖ (3 grader)
 Why do we celebrate Christmas? ―Because Christ was born. Christ is part of Christmas. See
C-h-r-i-s-t is first, then m-a-s. I’m not sure why they added mas, but it’s about Christ.‖ (4
 If you could ask the donors a question, what would you want to know? ―Where do they live and
can they come play with us?‖ ―Do you like to play outside? Can you run fast?‖ ―Do they wear
glasses? You have to be careful outside not to break your glasses.‖ ―Would they like to come
read to us? We can read to them!‖ ―I hope they have a Merry Christmas and get to eat turkey
and pumpkin pie.‖
From a 2 grader: ―I think we should have a big party for the people who give money to the club
because I think they work so hard for enough money for their kids and us too. I think they are tired and I
think it would make them happy like they make us.‖ And the planning began. .. the kids were so
animated and full of excitement thinking at what would make you happy! ……………..Enjoy your party:
Invitation: ―A big heart, a picture of baby Jesus and a peace sign.‖ Decorations: ―A cake in the middle
of the room. It will be dark when they come and we will yell SURPRISE and throw confetti. They will
love that.‖ Music: ―Fiesta music. . .but slow. Deck the Halls—my mom likes that one and she’s older.‖
Food: ―Pizza, ice cream and tropical punch. Chocolate chip cookies, a chocolate chip cake, apple
juice, water. and chocolate chip cup cakes.‖ Entertainment: ―They are grownups like our parents, right?
Then they want to see things we made and what we learned and that we eat healthy snacks and do our
homework. They like that. It makes them smile.‖ Dress code: ―Very fancy, with flowers and real poufy.
The donors should dress like Princes and Princesses.‖ Party favors: ―We can have a big box and they
can crawl inside and choose a prize that we made. Give them stars they can put on their trees.‖
What a wonderful party!
Beta Zeta closed out 2010 with a November meeting and a December Christmas party.

In November, members learned about the Hill Country University Center and higher education
opportunities in Fredericksburg. Member Jerrie Dooley who is the admissions advisor at Texas Tech at
Fredericksburg presented the program and led the tour of the new building that houses TTU, ACC, and
Concordia. The Beta Zeta scholarship recipient, Noel Ottmers Clark was presented. She graduated
from Texas Tech 2 weeks after the meeting and now holds EC-6 and ESL certification.

In December, Lindy Haley’s beautiful historic home was the setting for the Christmas party.
Members enjoyed tasty treats and lively conversation. Tammy Vitek provided the music on piano for the
sing-along that has become a Beta Zeta holiday tradition.
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Beta Zeta Chapter Minutes
November 22, 2010
Meeting was called to order by President Tammy Vitek and she thanked Jerrie Dooley,
Texas Tech Admissions Advisor and Hill Country University Center for hosting the meeting.
During the business meeting an inspiration was given by Janie Immel. Guests were
introduced and included our Beta Zeta Scholarship recipient, Nicole Ottmers-Clarke, and her
four children. Nicole had 6 days left of student teaching in Harper Elementary and was
scheduled to graduate Dec. 18 from Texas Tech. Thank you to hostesses Karen Loeffler,
Elizabeth Bispo, Helen Usener, Suzanne Wessels, Jo Dodd, Lindy Haley, Rita Travis, and
Linda Runkel.
Minutes were approved as attached to newsletter for October 25, 2010 meeting. Tisha
Clements filed Treasurer’s Report for audit; there is a balance of $1,437.46. Janet Hext read a
thank you note from Linda Runkel. Jo Dodd of Personal Growth and Services Committee
thanked members for contributing to help family for Thanksgiving and donating to Boys and
Girls Club. Communications Chair, Jerrie Dooley, asked members to send articles for
newsletter and is looking for book reviews. Janet Hext reported that 36 members were in
attendance at the new Hill Country University Center. Lucille Rochs distributed pamphlet from
Alpha State with legislator contacts and encouraged us to go to Capital Day with Delta Kappa
Gamma February 3rd. Karen Loeffler reminded us that Lindy Haley would host December 13th
Christmas Party in her historic home at 209 W. Austin Street.
New Business- Catherine Davis is looking for our Charter. (She reported at December
gathering that it had been found.)
A blessing prayer was given by Catherine Davis, and we closed business meeting with
a song led by Lindy Haley.
Jerrie Dooley led a tour of the Hill Country University Center as our program.

Respectfully submitted,

Amy O’Neil, Secretary

Tammy Vitek, President

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