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1. Yo he logrado graduarme del colegio a los 17 años.

Tuve que estudiar muy duro en los

ultimos años. Pero tuve problemas en el grado septimo y octavo por que perdi el año.
Aunque luego de superar esos problemas logre graduarme el 19 de noviembre del 2016.

2. he viajado a estados unidos cuando tenia 10 años. Alli tuve que vivir en la casa de mis tios
por tres años. En estados unidos pude conocer muchos lugares increibles y famosos como
disneyland, alla pude divertirme todo el dia con mi papa, mi mama y mi hermano. Ademas
de esto lo que recuerdo mucho es que ese dia conoci a una niña muy hermosa.

3. Yo he logrado comprar un automovil marca chevrolet aveo. Para comprarlo tuve que
trabajar por 5 años en diferentes empleos y diferentes ciudades ya que conseguir empleo
en ese tiempo era dificil, ademas en ese tiempo tuve la oportunidad de conocer a unas
personas que se volvieron muy importantes ya que fueron las que me ayudaron a comprar
el carro. El carro pude comprarlo en precio muy economico y lo compre en el año 2015, las
personas que me acompañaron a comprarlo fueron mis padres los cuales se sintieron muy
orgullosos de mi nuevo logro.

4. Yo he logrado construir la casa de mis sueños. Para poder lograr esta meta tuve que pasar
por muchos obstaculos y uno de ellos fue la capacidad economica, ya que en ese tiempo
que iba a construir la casa no contaba con el dinero suficiente para poder llevar a cabo la
construccion. Pero mis padres me prestaron el dinero que necesitaba para poder llevar a
cabo la construccion. La construccion tardo alrededor de 2 años ya que era una casa muy
grande y la fecha en que se termino de construir fue el 10 de abril de 2014.

1. I have managed to graduate from college at age 17. I had to study very hard in the last years.
But I had trouble in seventh and eighth grade because I missed the year. Although after
overcoming these problems I have been able to graduate on November 19, 1016.

2. I had traveled to the United States when I was 10 years old. There I had to live in my uncles'
house for three years. In the United States I had known many incredible and famous places like
Disneyland, there I could have fun all day with my dad, my mom and my brother. Besides this, I
remember a lot that day I met a very beautiful girl.

3. I have managed to buy a Chevrolet Aveo brand car. To buy it I have had to work for 5 years in
different jobs and different cities since getting a job at that time was difficult, and in that time I
had the opportunity to meet some people who became very important since they were the ones
who helped me. to buy the car. I was able to buy the car at a very affordable price and I bought it
in 2015, the people who accompanied me to buy it were my parents who have been very proud of
my new achievement.

4. I have managed to build the house of my dreams. In order to achieve this goal I have had to go
through many obstacles and one of them was financial capacity, since at that time I was going to
build the house I did not have enough money to carry out the construction. But my parents lent
me the money I needed to carry out the construction. The construction took only about 2 years
since it was a very large house and the date when it was finished was April 10, 2014 and it was
incredible when they said that they had already finished construction.

Todavia no he podido graduarme como medico veterinario

Nunca he viajado en un barco

Nunca he manejado un avion

Todavia no he saltado desde una montaña con un paracaidas

I have not graduated as a veterinary doctor yet

I have never traveled on a boat

Good morning, my name is Nicolas Manuel Sierra Zarate

First, I will talk about Anna and Peter. Peter has changed his look. Before, he had a beard

and very long hair. He has stopped wearing red-framed glasses. Now, wear contact lenses.

He has stopped working at the bookstore. Anna has left her previous home. Now he lives in

a larger house. She has changed jobs.

Now, I'm going to talk about a person I know who has changed. My cousin Camilo has

changed a lot. Now he is taller than me. Before, it was smaller. He became an excellent

medical student. Before, it was very messy and he didn't like studying. He learned to play

the guitar. Before, I didn't know how to play any instrument. He learned to drive a car very

well. Before, I didn't know how to drive and the dad's car crashed. Now he lives in one of

the best neighborhoods in Medellín. Before, he lived in one of the communes of Medellín.

He learned to speak English at an academy. Before, I didn't know anything about this

language. Now he has tattoos on his arms. Before, his parents wouldn't let him have tattoos.

Now she has red hair. Before, he had his hair in its natural color.
That's all thanks and goodbye!

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