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894 Co oe Executive Nac) Bepactme d= aa) DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY DIRECTIVE 028 WHEREAS, on March 12, 202, I, Steve sola, Governor of the Sate of Nevada, issued « Declation of, ‘Emergency to facilitate the State's response tothe COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, on Narch 20, 2020, 1 itued Declaration of Emergency Directive 005 requiring al County Discs and Charter Schocls to submit a Request for an Emergency Progam of Distance Edveaton to the ‘Superintendent of Public Instruction, and ensoling exch pupil then enrolled in the County School District ot (Charter School in the Emergency Programs spon approval of esd Programs; and WHEREAS, Decarition of Emergency Directive 005 delegated the authoty to allow county schoo! ditiss snd charter schools to modify existing calendars and granted the authority tothe Sopecintendent of Public Instruction to approve calendars that fal o comply with the provisions of NAC 387.120 ox NAC 387.125;and WHEREAS, on April 30,2020, introduced the Neda Unit Reaigp to Rasy plan that outlined a phased spproach to seopening Nevada businesses and industry and WHEREAS, on May 28,2020, issued Declaration of Emergency Ditecive 021 defining soil distancing a8 guidance promulgated by the United States Center for Dieate Contol and Prevention, ncding without limitation, mainsining at lest sx feet of physical distancing fom other individuals; and WHEREAS, the Nesada Uni Roadmap 1 Recs plas se forth a collaborative partnership berween sate and Jocal governments cat included the formation of te Local Empowerment Advisory Panel *LEAP") to serve sa resource to local governments and local communities, and WHEREAS, he Nevada Deparment of Edvcaon (NDE) leased ts Pash Foret Pat Resp COVID 19.0 Apa 28, 200, xd manounced the creation ofthe Re Opening of Schools Comite Commie) whose member inclsde Sts hah oficial, dstct supednundens and staf, cher school lender schol se) exper and socal and emosional leaning and school counseling expe who creed te Nea Prom fr (hah Efe, end Equal Retr Sd Bung (rameworh) and presented the Framework to the Sate Boul ‘of Bdueston on Jue 4, 2020; and WHEREAS, on June 9, 220, the Re-Opening of School Commitee mented Nomi’ Path Fran A Franek fre Sg, Est ond Eth Ree Se Bulg WHEREAS, on Juce 9, 2020, [issued Declaration of Emergency Dizective 022 roquiing that county school dstscs, charter schools, and private schools, in coarltation withthe State Superintendent fer Publi Instruction, develop plans for reopening schoo building, providing instrction, ad related acts, based oa Nev’ Path Fors A Frameset jor a Saf, Est, and Equal Raton Sebo Bair and any subtequent guidance isaued ‘by the Nevada Depuriment of Education; and WHEREAS, Directive 022 disected the Superintendent of Public Iastruction to presctbe minimum equitements and 2 timeline foreach county school distct and chacter school to develop, receive governing, ‘board spproval for, nd submit othe Department of Education a plan fora Path Forward Program of Distance [Education snd such guidance was promlgsed on June 24,2020; and WHEREAS, on Jone 24,2020, lissued Declation of Emergency Directive (24 sequin individuals to cover their nose and mouth with « mask or face covering when ina public space with cetain exemptions; and WHEREAS, On June 25, 2120, the Amesican Academy of Pediatsce released its COVID.19 Plenag Conran: Guidane or School Renn including the advice and guidance regarding school se entry designed to foster the overall health of chileven, adolescent, staff, and commtniis and ae based on avalable evidence, aed WHEREAS, Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 385B authorizes the Nevada Intetscholitic Activites Assocation, which is composed of al of the school districts of the State for the purposes of eontlling, soperig and unig ol intechobe aie ste and other enna ce he oie ‘cools nd WHEREAS, county school districts, charter schools, and private schools sad the teachers, staf, educators, administrators, and supediateadeats they employ aze essential to the State's commitment to provide services for all students, including for disadvantaged populations, and Nevade Revised Statutes 388,132 delaes thas, "iplupls ae the most vital resource tothe fatare ofthis State"; and WHEREAS, che Chief Medical Offices has reviewed the tisk of taastission in Nevada and determined that schools may reopen subject to the conditions se forth ia this Dtectve and any subsequent dectves that may be ‘issued based on any change ia the lof tansision in Neva nd WHEREAS, socal distincing and behavionl change measures were efectve in reducing individual and community tk for spreading and contacting COVID“19, he deat has not been eliminated and measues that protect sfey, welbeing, and public heal of Nevadans mutt emai in effect and WHEREAS, on july 13, 2020, Nevada's Medical Advisooy Tears issued recommendations seated tothe safe reopening of schools for the 2020-2021 school year including cern tecommendations related to socal sstancig, school capacity, and face coverings; and WHEREAS, cscumstancesreguding COVID-19 are Bud and socal distancing protocols and other health sand safer requirements aze subject to change based onthe advice of public health oficial, including the State’ Chief Medical Officer; and ‘NOW, THEREFORE, by the authosiy vested ia me as Governor bythe Consition and the laws ofthe Sate of Nevada and the United Sates, pursuant tothe Mareh 12, 2020, Emergency Declaration, IIS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECLION 5: SECTION & County school districts, chazter schools, and psivate schools shall monitor local and statewide CCOVID-19 data and community taasmission sates and consul with loca public health official ‘when making decerminatons regarding delves instruction through in-person, distance hybrid learning model County school disticts, charter schools, and private schools may adopt socal distancing protocols with che following minimum allowable distances, in accordance with ‘scomsmendatons by the American Astorntion of Pedaticiins and Nevada's Medical Advisory Team (0) Forpreschoot, elementary and middle school sens, nt lest than 3 fet apart from other pre-school, elementary, or mide school students; @ For high schoat students and diswict and school stff a all levels, including pre-school clemeaary, and middle tehool, not lee than 6 fet apat from all other indvicuals, (0) Regacdless of ae, fral passengers on school bute while on school bases 3 fetapat fom other passengers and 6 feet apar from the driver. County school ditt, charter schools, and private schools may maintain social distancing protocols that ae stricter than the stands inthis Ditective, but cey may not adopt standards ‘hat re less cestctive without aa approved vasance. {County sehool etme, charter school, and private school leaders may request avarance forall school fais or specific buildings among school faclities from the requirements of Section 2 of this Directive or minimum occupancy standards under Directive 021 as extended or ‘moiliied by any subsequent dzecive so long ae (0) The disse or school can demonstate the existing requirements impermissibly restct ‘educational opporunties for sudeats and (2) Commusity ansmission rates ze sufficiently low tha it can be determined that i wil aot endanger stadents or staff Variance requests wil be submited in format pescibed by aad ate subject to review by the Nevada Depactent of Education and approval by the See's Chief Medical Ofer Face covering disectves will apply to county school distict and charter school settings as follows: (0) Al kindergarten through 12° grade students (regardless of whether they would be exempt from a face covesing ordinance based on thes age) and all school staff must weae cloth face coverings while oa school buses, in school buldings, of on school campuses unle approved for an exemption under tis section as follows: 4 School building administators may approve exemptions for students 4. Who are medically faple as documented per an existing Individualized Education Program or health-related 504 Plan; ot ji, Who ean produce documentation from a medical professional that che are ‘exemptin accordance with subsection 3 of section 7 of Directive 024, 1, Schoo! building administrators may approve exemptions for school staff who ex produce documentation from medical professional that they aze exempt in aceosdance wth subsection 3 of section 7 of Diectve C24 @ Patents, vendors, volunteers, visitors, and guests who are unable or unwilling t0 weas doth face coverings under any circumstances or exemptions should not be allowed on school buses in school buildings, or on school campuses, SECTION 5: County school districts, charter school, and private schools shall equi all students aad schoo! SECTION 6: SECTION 7: SECTION 8: ‘aif to follow isolation and quacantne guidelines and instruccons provided by local health officials when a postive COVID-19 eat, presumptive positive case, or contact sith a case of presumptive postive case occurs. ‘County school district and charter school administators, Hcensed educators, and other staff shall continue to provide vital services and instruction to Nevadh'senudent as directed bythe State Superintendent of Public Instruction aad provide such services under the direction of tei supesintendents and charter schoo leaders throughout the State of Emergency and (A) Shall be paid in accordance with local eolletive bargaining agreements; and @ May be reassigned as necessary to support students, inching support with distance Jeaming and the instructional needs of children, food dirtbution, and other emerging seeds; and ©) May perform duties while away fom school buildings and district office sits, inlading ‘rom their homes, County school districts, charter schools, and private schools may eopen school athletic flés and facilities for stadent athletics ining, practices, and conipettion in accordance with ‘guidance promulgsted by the Nevada Interecholartic Activities Association (NLAA) and any tpplcsble conditions st fart by directive regarding athletic evens ‘County schoo! distict superintendents and charter schoo lenders are delegated the authority to ‘implement hybaidlesnig model through which in-person instruction i offered concsseniy with distance educston t accommodate socal ditancing requirements. Dist and chart ‘schoo! leaders may consider the folowing approaches to implemeating hybrid learning: (2) Evaluating stent’ Individualized Education Progam or 504 Plans 1 determine whethee the peovision of services requires in-person instraction or interaction: @ Prioritizing in-person instruction for students bated on English Leamer status; (@) Determining that cerain grade levels or coutses ase better sited to in-person instruction of dstance education, or (4) Consdesing documented student and family medial eiscumstances Districts and charter schools may not determine whether students receive in-peton instruction or distance education bated on perceived acces to technology, athome suppor, ot anyother ‘onsierstions of means or determinations of district or school personnel not based on evidence. SECTION SECTION 10 SECTION 11 SECTION 12: Upon exch school dstict superintendent's or chatter school leader's determination of how to implement «hybrid leaning model, each pupil enrolled inthe County School District or Charter School shall be automascally be enrolled in the hybeid learning model ‘Whenever Nevada Ready! State Pre-K providers are unable seve student at stato required levels while complying with prevaling public heakh guidance and emergency directives, the providers may, without decreases in sate funding, implement modified scheduling o provide prekindergarten instruction ro all seadents cumentyenvolled while ensusig dhe health andl safe bt etadents, staff and communis, ‘The statutory and regulatory requirements rcited to applications for Programs of Distance Education previously suspended by Declaration of Emergency Directive §, Section 3 are hereby ‘insite. Path Forsani Prams of Dist Eaieton ate exempt from al tatstory and regulatory requzementsselated to Programs of Distance Education and may provide distance edueron through papes camespondence. ‘The Superintendent of Public Instruction is further delegated the authority to allow County School Districts and Charter Schools to modify existing calendats and granted the authority 0 approve calendars that fait comply with the provisions of NAC 387.13 ‘This Ditecive may be senewed by « sobrequent Ditecive promulgated pussusnt tothe March 12, 2020 Declaration of Emergency 20 facliate the State's reponse to the COVID-19 pandemic: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hund and caused the Great Seal ofthe Sate of Nevade to be affixed at the State (Capitol in Carson Ci, this 28° day of July in the yeas wo thousand bent. dae & Capabe Secretary of State "7 Deputy Secretasy of Sate

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