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多 发性硬化症的症状差异很大,从一丧人到另一丧人在一段时间内。多发性硬化症的
症状包括肠和/或膀胱功能障碍,认知能力的变化,头晕眼花,情绪问题,疲劳, 行
言语不清,吞咽困难硬化症和震颤。大多数人会经历不是在同一时间只有其 丨的一些


多 发性硬化的最常见的表现是临床分离综合征(独联体)。在独联体国家丨,病人有
攻击脱髓鞘暗示,但不履行多发性硬化症的标准。只有 30 至 70%的人经历独联 体后
小脑(30%)和汽车(26%)的症状。许多罕见的初期症状也有报 道,包括失语,精
往往是短暂的,温和,自我限制。这些迹象和症状往往不提示 一丧人求医,有时只发
有时顺带其他原因进行神经学检查。这种情况被称为亚 临床多发性硬化症。

用 v 几乎任何人都可以承受或神经系统症状包括感觉(感觉迟钝和感觉异常),肌肉
无力,肌肉痉挛,或难以改变移动签署; 协调与平衡(共济失调)的困难,在言语问
疲劳,急性或慢性疼痛,膀胱及肠道 困难。不同程度和情绪抑郁或情绪不稳定的症状,
量表或 EDSS 评分。

多 发性硬化症复发往往不可预测,在没有任何警告,没有明显的煽动因素。一些攻击,
但是,前面常见触发器。复发更频繁地发生在春季和夏季。如普通感冒,流行性 感冒,
肠胃炎或增加感染的 relapse.Stress 风险也可能会触发攻击。妊娠可能影响易感性复
发,在过去三丧月提供保护,例如。在分娩后的最初几丧 月,但复发的危险性增加。
总体而言,怀孕似乎不影响长期残疾。许多潜在的触发经检查,发现不影响 MS 复发
率。没有任何证据表明,流感,乙肝,水痘,破伤 风,结核疫苗接种增加了复发的危
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a nervous system disease that affects your brain and spinal
cord. It damages the myelin sheath, the material that surrounds and protects your
nerve cells. This damage slows down or blocks messages between your brain and
your body, leading to the symptom of multiple sclerosis. They can include;

 Visual disturbances
 Muscle weakness
 Trouble with coordination and balance
 Sensations such as numbness, prickling, or "pins and needles"
 Thinking and memory problems

Today, several therapies are available that can ameliorate the symptoms of multiple
sclerosis and, in some cases, slow disease progression. These treatments include the
beta interferons (Betaseron®, Rebif®, Avonex®), and copolymer 1 (Copaxone®,
also called glatiramer acetate), a mixture of peptide fragments. The NIH supported
the research that led to the development and approval of Avonex® and funded the
basic research that led to the development of Copaxone®. For severe forms of
multiple sclerosis of relapsing remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis,
the FDA approved mitoxantrone (Novantrone®), an immunosuppressant. Most
recently, the FDA approved natalizumab (Tysabri®), an antibody-based therapy that
represents a new class of immunomodulatory agents, for a restricted population of
patients with multiple sclerosis.

No one knows what causes multiple sclerosis. It may be an autoimmune disease,

which happens when your body attacks itself. Multiple sclerosis affects woman more
than men. Most people experience their first symptoms between the ages of 20 and
40; the initial symptom of multiple sclerosis is often blurred or double vision, red-
green color distortion, or even blindness in one eye. Most multiple sclerosis patients
experience muscle weakness in their extremities and difficulty with coordination and
balance. These symptoms may be severe enough to impair walking or even
standing. In the worst cases, multiple sclerosis can produce partial or complete
paralysis. Most people with multiple sclerosis also exhibit paresthesias, transitory
abnormal sensory feelings such as numbness, prickling, or "pins and needles"
sensations. Some may also experience pain. Speech impediments, tremors, and
dizziness are other frequent complaints. Occasionally, people with multiple sclerosis
have hearing loss. Approximately half of all people with multiple sclerosis experience
cognitive impairments such as difficulties with concentration, attention, memory, and
poor judgment, but such symptoms are usually mild and are frequently
overlooked. Depression is another common feature of multiple sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis was first
recognized as a disorder in
the late nineteenth century,
but it wasn't until the
nineteen sixties that
researchers began to
understand some of the
disease processes that
cause symptoms and long-
term disability in multiple
sclerosis. These processes
seemed to involve
inflammation and the loss of
myelin, a protective
covering around nerve
fibers. The first standard
guidelines for the diagnosis
of multiple sclerosis and a
disability rating scale were
also established in the
nineteen sixties, setting the
stage for controlled
research to test new
therapies. In the late sixties,
the first controlled clinical
trials for multiple sclerosis
therapy showed that
treatment with
hormone speeded recovery
from an attack. While this
therapy helped to reduce
inflammation during the acute symptoms of an attack, it did not slow the
progression of multiple sclerosis.

Today, multiple sclerosis is recognized as a chronic, inflammatory, demyelinating

autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The damage to the
myelin covering and to the underlying nerve cell fibers leads to slowed or blocked
transmission of signals, which results in reduced or lost functions. Improved imaging
techniques show that damage to nerve fibers can happen even at very early stages
of the disease.

There are a number of myths about multiple sclerosis that are not based in research.
First, multiple sclerosis is not contagious. Second, contact with heavy metals can
cause damage to the nerves but there is no evidence of heavy metals or mercury
from amalgam in dental fillings being linked with multiple sclerosis. Third, a number
of viruses have been and are under study in relationship with multiple sclerosis.
However, no virus has been found to cause multiple sclerosis.

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