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que reforzarán el aprendizaje que debes lograr.

Esperamos que estas Ideas Claves entregadas a modo de síntesis te orienten en el desarrollo del saber, del
hacer y del ser.

Mucho Éxito.-

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UNIDAD DE APRENDIZAJE: Técnicas de lenguaje y desarrollo de vocabulario

Aprendizaje Esperado 1

Intercambiar información personal en

variados contextos profesionales y
coloquiales con terceros, haciendo uso
de los esquemas gramaticales
adecuados y adaptados al grado de
formalidad de la situación particular en
que se encuentra.


 Información personal

 Intereses personales y hobbies

 Presente Simple y Verbo To BE

 Preguntas abiertas y cerradas

 Alfabeto Inglés

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1.1(a) Exchanging personal information in formal

and informal contexts.

When you are interacting with someone for the first

time and you want to know about his/her personal
information, there are several questions that can be
Picture 1Taken from helpful.

I’m sorry, what’s your name? It is Monica Cid.

What’s your last name? It’s Cid.
* What do people call you? People call me Monnie.
* How do you spell your first name? M – O – N – I – C - A
Where are you from? I’m from Boston.
What is Boston like? It’s an old small city, and very cold in

If you take a look at these questions and answers, all of them (except two,
with an asterisk *) are structured with the auxiliary DO (Present Simple).

Let’s remember the verb to BE:

Picture 2
Picture 3
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Structure of the verb To be:

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1.1(b) Saying Hello and Goodbye

There are different ways to say hello or goodbye, depending on the level of
formality. Examples:


Hello - Good morning – Good afternoon – Good evening (They depend on
the time of the day)


Good bye - It was nice meeting you / to meet you – Stay in touch – I hope
to see you soon.

A: Good morning, Mr. Thompson.
B: Good morning, Mrs. Kent. How are you today?
A: I‟m fine, thank you. What about you?
B: I‟m very well, thank you.
A: It was nice meeting you, Mr. Thompson.
B: Likewise, Mrs. Kent. Take care.

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Mr. = man, married or single.
Mrs. = married woman.
Miss = woman, single or
Ms. = woman, married or

Picture 4
Greetings Expressions
Taken from
Hi. How are you?
Hello. I’m fine.
Good morning. I’m OK.
Good afternoon. I’m good.
Good evening. I’m very well.
Pretty good.
Not so
good/well/bad. Picture 5

Just fine. Taken from

Thank you. / Thanks.

Farewells Expressions
Bye. See you tomorrow.
Bye-bye. See you later.
Good bye. Take care.
Good night. Have a nice/good day.
Have a nice/good morning.
Have a nice/good afternoon.
Have a nice/good evening

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Hi – Hey! – What’s up? – How is it going?


Bye – See you – Talk to you later – Catch up with you later – Nice seeing you
– Take care

A: Hey, Ben! How are you doing?
B: Hey, Josh! I’m doing great! And you?
A: I’m great!
B: I’m late, so catch up with you later.
A: Alright! Take care, Ben

A. Write F (formal) or I (informal) next to each situation :
1. Students greeting their teacher. _____
2. A father greeting his son. _____
3. Two classmates greeting before class. _____
4. A secretary greeting her boss. _____
5. You greeting your boy/girlfriend. _____
6. A man greeting his wife. ____

B. Write a response for each expression.


How are you doing?

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It’s nice to meet you.

Thank you.


Have a nice weekend!


1.2 Giving information about personal interest and hobbies.

People have many different interests and hobbies. What’s yours? What is

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your favorite activity? How do you spend

your free time? Look at some examples:

Picture 6

To talk about personal interests Taken

and fromhobbies we usually use PRESENT SIMPLE

and the verb To Be.

7 9
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The Simple Present tense is formed by the Subject + the action or verb + the
complement. If the subject is he / she / it, the verb takes an “s” at the end.

For example:
I really like to collect things.
She likes to read books in her free time.

To make negative sentences and questions we use:

For example

I don’t like soccer. It is really boring.

Do you like tennis? Yes, I do.

Peter doesn’t like to watch TV. He thinks it is a waste of time.

Does Peter like going to the movies? No, He doesn’t.


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Picture 8

Taken from www.

We also use the VERB TO BE:

For Example.

Are you interested in Fashion? Yes , I am. No, I am not.

Is Laura interested in literature? No she, isn’t. Yes, she is.


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A. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb To Be

1.- A: What ______ your name? from?

B: Rebecca B: My mother _____ from Texas
A: Where _____ you from? A: ______ your father from
B : New York Texas too?
A: ______ you single? B: No, He _____. He ______
B: No, I ____ not. I _____ from Alaska
married. A: What _____ they
A: _____ you interested in interested?
fashion? B: Art, languages and
B: Not really. I _____ Literature
interested in Literature. A: _____ they interested in
2.- A: Where _____ your parents travel?
B: No, they ______.

B: Match the questions and the answers

1.- Where is Daniel from? _____ a. Yes, she is.
2.- How old is Ricardo? ______ b. My name’s Sophia.
3.- Is he married? ______ c. He is 24 years old.
4.- Is she interested in Literature?_____ d. They‘re from Colombia.
5.- Are you interested in travel? _____ e. He’s from Australia.
6.- What’s your name? _____ f. I’m interested in pop culture.
7.- Where are they from? ______ g. No, He isn’t.
8.- What are you interested in? _____ h. No, I’m not.

1.3 (a) Asking for information about interests and hobbies.

Look at the chart:


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Picture 9

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1.3 (b) Closed questions demand a yes/no, true/false or right/wrong

For example:

Are you interested in Literature? Yes, I am (yes or no answer)

Open questions leave room for a description or opinion, and are more
useful in eliciting information.
For example:

Who is your favorite writer? My favorite writer is Shakespeare. (Opinion)

Open questions are often called Wh- questions:

WH- questions are the key ones when asking for specific information. These
are the most used ones:


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A. Answer these closed questions, adding the correct information when
1. Is your last name Gutiérrez? ___________________________________________.
2. Are you and your family from Viña? ____________________________________.
3. Is La Serena in the first region? ________________________________________.
4. Are all your friends Chilean? ___________________________________________.
5. Is your English teacher Brazilian? _______________________________________.

B. Matt is a famous actor and is getting interviewed at ‘The Ellen show’.

Circle the alternative that best answers the question.

1. How are you, Matt?

a) I am an actor.
b) I’m great, thanks.
c) It’s nice to meet you.

Picture 10


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2. What city are you from exactly? free time?
a) I like pizza and pasta.
a) I’m Cambridge, Massachusetts. b) I like writing and reading scripts.
b) I’m American. c) Usually in the mornings.
c) I’m from Cambridge,
8. Why are you not filming now?
3. Where do you like going on a) I am very nice.
vacations? b) Because I want to rest.
c) No, thank you.
a) In the winter, to ski.
b) For two months. 9. It was very nice to meet you,
c) I like going to the mountains. Matt.
a) Yeah, right.
4. So when are you taking your b) Thanks, nice to meet you too.
vacations? c) Good morning, Ellen.

a) I think in December.
b) At 10:30.
c) I’m going with my wife.

5. Who do you travel with?

a) Yes, I do.
b) Generally with my wife and
c) We like going to the beach.

6. Are you currently filming any

Picture 11
a) No, I’m not.
b) Yes, it is.
c) Yes, we´re.

7. What do you like to do in your

1.4 The English Alphabet

The English alphabet consists of 26 letters:

A, a B, b C, c D, d E , e F, f G, g
/ei/ /bi/ /si/ /di/ /i/ /ef/ /lli/

H, h I, i J, j K, k L, l M, m N, n
/eich /ai/ /llei /kei/ /el/ /em/ /en/
/ /

O, o P, p Q, q R, r S, s T, t U, u
/ou/ /pi/ /kiu/ /ar/ /es/ /ti/ /iu/

V, v W, w X, x Y, y Z, z
/vi/ /dabli /eks/ /wai/ /zed
u/ /
Practice the sounds by:

A. Saying the alphabet out loud.

B. Spelling your first name and your last name.
C. Spelling other names and last names.
For example:

Spelling names

A: What’s your name?

B: I’m Sarah Conner.
A: Is that S-A-R-A-H?
B: Yes, that’s right.
A: How do you spell your last name?
B: It’s C-O-N-N-E-R.
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A. Answer the questions and write the letters. Then say them out loud.

1) How do you spell your first name? _______________________________

2) How do you spell your last name? _______________________________
3) How do you spell your teacher’s name? ___________________________

B. Say the alphabet out loud. Complete the missing letter by saying the
alphabet out loud.

Picture 12

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1.5 Greetings around the world

People greet each other in varied ways in different countries and

cultures. There are many factors that influence greetings, like closeness
and levels of formality. Some of the most common greetings around the
world are:

 A BOW, in countries like China and Sri Lanka.

Picture 13

 A NOD, in countries like Hong Kong and China

Picture 14


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 A HANDSHAKE, in European and American countries.

 A KISS ON THE CHEEK, in countries like Spain and Chile.

Picture 15

 A HUG, when there is a close relation between people and they show

Picture 16

 A PAT ON THE BACK, like in Latin American countries when you want
to be friendly


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Picture 17


Tips for business travelers

Business travelers heading to other countries should definitely be aware that not
everything is the same - whether it's the currency, the time zone, or the culture. In
this article, we explore some specific tips and recommendations for avoiding
cultural problems while on a business trip or while traveling in other countries.


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And last, but not least, one more piece of advice for business travelers
heading off to a new culture: Enjoy yourself! Do your homework, then relax
and connect at the human culture level. If you enjoy doing business with or
visiting other cultures, they are likely to enjoy the same with you.

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Answer the questions according to the text:

1. Is it good to speak at a normal speed when you‟re talking to someone

from a different culture?

2. Why is it important to look at a map before traveling to another country?


3. How would you greet and welcome a Japanese businessman who is

visiting your workplace?

4. What advice would you give to a Saudi company manager coming for
business to Chile?


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Aprendizaje Esperado 2

Interactuar con terceros en forma oral y

escrita en contextos comunicativos
enfocados en actividades y deportes
practicados en tiempo libre, aplicando
distintos esquemas gramaticales y
sociolingüísticos contextualizados en
situación laboral o coloquial en que se


 Actividades físicas y

 Actividades de tiempo libre

 Presente Simple

 Preguntas “Wh-“


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2.1 Sports and free time activities

Not all sports are expressed in the same way in English. Some of them are
described with PLAY, others with DO and others with GO:

Play is used with ball sports or competitive games where we play against
another person:
For example:

How often do you play tennis? – Tennis is ball sport.

I play poker with my friends once a month. – Poker is a competitive game.

We play to win.

I don’t like playing computer games. – Computer games are competitive so

we use play.


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Picture 18

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Do is used with a recreational activity or a non-team sport that does not use
a ball; it is also used for activities that strengthen your body:

For example:

I heard that you do karate. – Karate is a non-team activity.

Mary loves to do gymnastics. – Gymnastics is a non-team activity.


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Picture 18

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Go is used with activities in the gerund (-ing) form:

For example: swimming, surfing, running, hunting, etc.

I’m going fishing on Sunday.

Do you go skiing every winter?

Picture 19

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Picture 20

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A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb: play, go or
1. Every Saturday, she ________________________ tennis with her brother.
2. This winter we want to ________________________ skiing in Austria.
3. Do you ________________________ cards with your friends?
4. Her friends ________________________ basketball and are on a very
good team.
5. On the weekend, he ________________________ fishing when the
weather is nice.
6. Do you want to do ________________________ aerobics with me?
7. I ________________________ cycling a lot but I don’t have a good bike
at the moment.
8. He ________________________ windsurfing in Portugal, last year.

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B. Complete the chart by writing each sport in the correct column.

Picture 21

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2.2 Talking about Free time activities and sports.

To talk about sports and free time activities we usually use Present Simple


Picture 22

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We also use Adverbs of frequency in order to say how often we practice

sports or do some activities:

Picture 23

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For example:

 I NEVER ride my bike; I think I’m going to sell it.

 Helen USUALLY goes to the gym in the morning.

 SOMETIMES we play table tennis at home.


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The question for Adverbs of Frequency is usually DO YOU EVER…?

Do you ever do aerobics at the gym?

No, I never do. / Yes, I often do.
Does Phill ever play soccer on Saturday mornings?
No, he hardly ever does. / Yes, he always does.

Some examples of free time activities:

Sunbathing Playing cards Video games Crosswords

Photography Dancing Travelling Playing chess

Painting Singing Gardening Running

Picture 24
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2.3 Describing sports and free time activities habits.

We can use How often or How many times? to describe different sports
routines or free time activities

Look at the examples:

• How often do you play tennis?

I often / sometimes / never play tennis.

• How many times do you play tennis?

I play tennis once / twice / three times a day / week / year.


A. Read the conversation and do the activities.

Rick: I’m always so busy! I never have any free time. I’m
always at work in the morning and I usually study in
the afternoon. What about you?

Alicia: I don’t work, so I often get up late. I sometimes

study in the morning and I relax in the afternoon and I
relax in the afternoon. I almost always go out in the

Rick: I rarely have time to go out- maybe just once a

month. But I love to go to the movies.

Alicia: Me, too! Do you want to go to the movies this


Picture 25

Taken from

1. Answer the questions according to the text.
a) Who does a lot every day? ________________________
b) Who doesn’t do a lot every day? _______________________
c) What does Rick do in his free time? _________________________________
d) What does Alicia do in her free time? _______________________________

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2. Read the conversation again. Complete this diagram with two of the
words in bold.

0% 100%

Never _______________________ sometimes often usually __________________

3. Write sentences about how often Rick does each of these activities.
Use each frequency adverb

Be late for class 0 times a week (1) ______________________________

Cook at home 6 times a week (2) ______________________________

Chat online 4 times a month (3) ______________________________

Drive to work Every work day (4) ______________________________

Play video games 1 time a year (5) ______________________________

Watch the news 4 times a week (6) ______________________________

2.4 How close are you to sports?

When we talk about sports and people, we can identify three different
ways in which people can feel about sports:


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 A couch potato
This is a word to describe
someone who is sedentary
and spends most of his/her
time watching television,
sitting, reading, playing video
games, and using his/her
computer for much of the day
with little of no vigorous physical exercise. Picture 26

Taken from

 A fitness freak.
This is someone who is so interested
in keeping fit, that sometimes takes it
over the top by over exercising and
eating healthy. When this happens,
people usually consider that they
are crazy about fitness or that their
obsession is not normal.

Picture 27
Taken from

 A sports fan
A sports fan is an enthusiast
for a particular athlete,
team, sport or all of
organized sports as a
whole. He/she usually
attends sporting events or
watches them on
television, and follows news
through newspapers and
Internet websites.
Picture 28
Taken from


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Do you see yourself with any of these? Why? Why not? Give reasons.


Why is Exercise Important?

Have you ever heard the expression "use it or lose it"? It's true! If you don't use
your body, you will surely lose it. Your muscles will become flabby and weak.
Your heart and lungs won't function efficiently. And your joints will be stiff and
easily injured. Inactivity is as much of a health risk as smoking!

Our bodies are supposed to move -they actually crave exercise. Regular
exercise is necessary for physical fitness and good health. It reduces the risk of
heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases. It can
improve your appearance and delay the aging process.

Improves Stamina

When you exercise, your body uses energy to keep going. Aerobic exercise
involves continuous and rhythmic physical motion, such as walking and
bicycling. It improves your stamina by training your body to become more
efficient and use less energy for the same amount of work. As your
conditioning level improves, your heart rate and breathing rate return to
resting levels much sooner from strenuous activity.

Strengthens and Tones

Exercising with weights and other forms of resistance training develops your
muscles, bones and ligaments for increased strength and endurance. Your
posture can be improved, and your muscles become more firm and toned. You
not only feel better, but you look better, too!

Enhances Flexibility

Stretching exercises are also important for good posture. They keep your body
limber so that you can bend, reach and twist. Improving your flexibility
through exercise reduces the chance of injury and improves balance and
coordination. If you have stiff, tense areas, such as the upper back or neck,
performing specific stretches can help "loosen" those muscles, helping you feel
more relaxed.


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Controls Weight

Exercise is also a key to weight control because it burns calories. If you burn off
more calories than you take in, you lose weight. It's as simple as that.
Improves Quality of Life

Once you begin to exercise regularly, you will discover many more reasons why
exercise is so important to improving the quality of your life. Exercise reduces
stress, lifts moods, and helps you sleep better. It can keep you looking and feeling
younger throughout your entire life.

How Often Should I Exercise?

The benefits of any exercise program will diminish if it's disrupted too frequently. A
"stop-start" routine is not only ineffective, but can cause injuries. Being consistent
with exercise, therefore, is probably the most important factor in achieving desired
People often assume that more is better. Wrong! Doing too much too soon or
performing intense exercises on a daily basis will have deleterious effects, such as
muscle/tendon strains, loss of lean tissue, and fitness-level plateaus.


If you are a beginner, start off slower than you think you should. Three days per
week is realistic, safe and effective. If you are experienced, do cardiovascular
(aerobic) exercises such as walking, jogging and bicycling for no more than 200
minutes per week with no more than 60 minutes per session.

Lifting Weights

Weight training should be done no more than three times a week targeting the
same muscle groups. Exercise the same muscle groups on non-consecutive days
because muscles need adequate time to recover and cannot be effectively trained
if they are tired or sore.


Many people forget to stretch or make the excuse that they don't have the time.
Flexibility is important, so make the time! Stretching can be done every day, but
stick to a minimum of three times per week in order to reap the benefits. When the
body is warmed up, such as after a workout session, perform five to 10 stretches
that target the major muscle groups. Hold each stretch for 10-30 seconds.

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Read the text and answer the questions:

1. What happens when you don’t exercise?


2. According to the text, what is a synonym for “stamina”?


3. What can we infer a “stop-start” routine is like?


4. According to the text, why is it so difficult to lose weight?



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Aprendizaje Esperado 3

Intercambiar información sobre

características físicas y psicológicas
propias y de terceros en interacciones
orales y escritas, utilizando adjetivos y
estructuras del presente simple en


 Adjetivos

 Verbo To BE

 Presente Simple

 Preguntas abiertas y

 Orden de adjetivos

 Conjunciones

 Auto y co-evaluación 38

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Describing people’s personality

When we want to describe a person in

terms of personality we use the Verb TO BE
+ adjective

For example:

My best friend is Amy. She has many friends.

She is very sociable.
Picture 29 George always buys presents for his friends.
Taken from
He is very generous.

The question to ask for people’s character is:

He / she is …

I am…


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Some personality adjectives are:

nervous creative nice

boring friendly

serious pesimistic optimistic

talkative shy

generous hardworking

Picture 30

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A. Read about Anna y Katy. They are sisters, but they are very different.
Match the adjectives to the explanations.

1. Anna is very shy. ___ a) She makes everyone laugh with

2. Katy is very funny. ___ her jokes.
3. Anna is very considerate. ___ b) She thinks about other people.
4. Katy is very sociable. ____ c) Her friends can trust her. She
5. Anna is very loyal. ____ never says a bad thing about
d) She loves parties and being with
a lot of friends.
e) She doesn’t like meeting new

B. Read the answers. Write What…like? questions.

1. What are you like? I’m serious but friendly.

2. _________________________ Eva is a very funny girl.
3. _________________________ Matt and I are talkative people.
4. _________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Park are generous.
5. _________________________ I’m very serious and hardworking.
6. _________________________ His brother Sam is a creative guy.

1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________


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3.2 Saying you think something is true or not true

To say something is true or it is not we can use the following expressions:

For example:

Is Peter hardworking? I think so. He is always studying.

Picture 31

Taken from

Look at the following conversation:

I give all my time and

Do you think Peter is money to people.

I believe so he gives a lot of

Money to people

Picture 31
Cartoons taken and adapted from


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A. Circle the correct sentence to complete the conversation.

1. A: Is Mia hardworking?
B: I think so/ I don’t think so. She always works late.

2. A: Does your teacher give a lot of homework?

B: I believe so/ I’m not really sure. It’s the first day of class.

3. Is Melanie talkative?
B: I guess so/ I don’t believe so. She’s shy.

4. A: Are Mr. and Mrs. Traridall generous?

B: I believe so/ I don’t believe so. They sometimes help me.

B. Choose and write some personality adjectives which you think best
describe the character of a good friend and a good student.

A good friend IS
faithful stubborn sensitive shy cheerful
____________________________ extrovert selfish honest modest upset
rude reliable sincere pretty generous
____________________________ flexible brave



A good student IS lazy polite hard-working

sensible nervous honest
_________________________________ curious confident stupid
inventive talkative loyal
intelligent ambitious modest
_________________________________ tense patient



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3.3 Describing people’s appearance.

We use this question to ask for appearance:

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We also use the verb To Be+ adjective

For example: Tina is short and thin.

And the verb HAVE/HAS

For example: He has blonde hair.


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Fat, Plump
Curly, Wavy, Straight
Long, short
Dark, Fair,
Short, Tall
Blonde/blond Green
Red, White, Grey, Brown
Black Medium-built,


Dark, Fair, Oily

Dry, Pale

Rosy, Olive


Beard, Moustache

Bald, Freckles, Acne FACE AGE

Oval face, Old, Young

Rounded face,
Square face, Long Middle-aged, Adult

Picture 32
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Order of adjectives:

Look at the chart:

37 taken and adapted from


She has long, curly brown hair.

Size shape color

Picture 33

Taken and adapted from

She has long straight blonde hair.

She has a long and thin face.
She has hazel eyes.
She is thin.
Picture 34

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A. Do you recognize these famous people? Describe three of them

according to their physical appearance. Use verb to be or have.

Picture 35

Taken and adapted from

1. Amy Winehouse
2. Michael Jackson
3. Barack Obama
Reading Comprehension Nº 3


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Diversity means variety and difference. Diversity is

present in all aspects of our lives. Look around and
notice the variety in shapes, colors, smells, food,
Taken and retrieved from
animals, plants, places and, of course, people. There
is variety in the color of our eyes, hair and skin.
There is variety in height, weight, and the shape of our nose. There’s also variety in the
things we prefer, do, eat, think, etc. Even though you and your family share similar
characteristics, and look very similar, diversity is there, as a reflection of your
Different is not being better or worse. Different means being unique and special.
Diversity makes the world a very interesting place. Imagine a world with people,
animals, and places looking exactly the same. When we value cultural diversity as well as
biodiversity (animals, plants, and their habitats), we open up opportunities for learning,
sharing and understanding.
Unfortunately, some people do not value diversity. They form negative opinions without
knowing all the facts. That’s when prejudice appears. There is prejudice when people say
things like “All teachers in primary school are…”; “All children are”; “Mothers are…”
“Boys are…”; “All black people are…”; “Latin Americans are…”.
Prejudice is bad because it divides people and creates ignorance and violence. Learn to
appreciate what is good about being different. Respect those differences and welcome
diversity in all its forms because it is a reality that makes our world mysterious and

Picture 36

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Read the text and answer the questions:

1. What does diversity mean?

2. Where do you find diversity?
3. What is prejudice?
4. In your opinion, is it good or bad to be different? Explain
5. Discuss what these words mean to you.

Variety: _____________________________________________________________

Shape: ______________________________________________________________

Value: ______________________________________________________________

Ignorance: __________________________________________________________

Share: _______________________________________________________________


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Aprendizaje Esperado 4

Interactuar en situaciones comunicativas

escritas y orales enfocadas a la
descripción de características climáticas,
con el uso de estructuras y vocabulario
básico en inglés adecuados según el
contexto lingüístico y social que enfrenta.


 Tiempo y clima

 Estaciones del año

 Presente Simple

 Adverbios
 Opiniones


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4.1 Talking about the weather around the world.

We use this question to ask for the weather:

Picture 37

Taken from

It’s partly

It’s snowy

It is cloudy

It’s windy
It is rainy

Picture 38 It is sunny
Taken and adapted from 51

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Picture 39

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For example:

What’s the weather like? Look at the information below and read:

Today in

Today Paris is sunny and warm.


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A. Complete the sentences with the correct information:

1. Put on your sweater. It is very ___ today.

2. It is ___ today. Take the umbrella.

3. Let’s go to the beach. It’s very ___.

4. Look at the window. It is ___ today.

5. It is ___ today. It may rain.

6. It’s ___ today. Let’s make a snowman.

7. The wind is ___. Don’t catch a cold.

8. The weather is ___ today. Take your umbrella.

9. The weather is ___. Let’s go for a walk.

10. It is ___ today. I can hardly see anything.

Picture 40

Taken from

B. What’s the weather like in each city? Look at the information below
and write sentences.

Ottawa 6 C Prague 31 C

Paris 5 C London 12 C

Montreal 8 C Cairo 29 C


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1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________

4.2 Seasons of the year:

The seasons are:

Picture 41

Taken from

I like summer a lot.

We can go to the
beach and we can
do a lot of fun stuff.

Picture 42

Taken from 54

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Write the correct season under the pictures.

Picture 43

Taken from

A. Match the pictures with the correct description. There are two missing.
Write a description.

1. Summers can be hot. 3. “Let it snow, let it….” I

Here I am sweating am ready with my
away! shovel.

2. Some people like this

time of year because of all 4. It is rather windy today. I am
the beautiful colours. afraid I am going to lose my
I…eh…don’t always like it. I umbrella.
have to rake all the leaves.


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Picture 44

Cartoons taken from

1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________

4.3 What’s your favorite season of the year? Using adverbs of intensity.

Look at the chart:

It snows a lot in Moscow.

It is extremely cold in Punta

Picture 45

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A. What’s the weather like in your country in each season? Complete the
chart using adverbs of Intensity.

Summer Autumn Winter Spring






Punta Arenas


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4.4 Giving opinions.

Picture 46

Taken from

Look at the charts:

What do you think?
What are your thoughts?
What’s your opinion?

For example:
Read the dialogue and notice the use of the expressions

Cindy: So Luk, how are things in

Bangkok? Brian: I think fall is a good
Luk: Great.It’s warm and sunny time. The weather is great.
today. And there is a lot to do.
Brian: It’s really cold here in Chicago. Cindy Yeah, we can all go toa
So when are you coming to see us? baseball game then.
Luk: Well, when’s a good time to Luk: that would be great.
Cindy: hmmm… I’m not sure
Luk: Brian? What do you think?


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A. Number the sentences from 1 to 6.

______ A: Well…what’s your favorite season?

______ A: When are you going to New York.
______ A: I think spring is a great time to visit. It’s usually warm and sunny
______ B: I don’t know. What do you think? When is a good time to visit?
______ B: Really? OK. Maybe we’ll go to New York in May.
______ B: My favorite season is spring.

B. What do you think? Answer the questions:

1. When is the best time to visit Valparaiso?



2. What’s your favorite season of the year? Explain.






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4.5 Thinking about the environment.

The seasons are periods of time with different climatic

conditions. They are WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER

and AUTUMN. Each season is about three months long

and they occur only in the northern and

southern hemispheres. When the northern hemisphere

is in Summer, the southern hemisphere is in Winter.

However, not all the planet experiences these

changes. In the tropical areas of the planet,

there are only rainy and dry seasons and the changes

in weather are no so drastic. But in the northern and

southern hemispheres the seasons bring a lot of

changes in nature which, in turn, affects people’s lives.

In Winter the days are cold and windy. The day

becomes shorter and the nights longer and there are

days when snow falls. Some animals, like bears,

hibernate through the Winter only to wake up in Spring.

At this time birds fly away and plants stop growing.

People need thick and warm outfits like jackets, coats,

sweaters, mittens, scarves, and hats to keep warm.

Clothing colors also change as people prefer dark ones.

During Spring there are windy, rainy, and sunny days. There are also

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warm days and cold nights. People usually wear warm clothes (sweaters, trousers, blouses,
shirts) but as the season changes and it becomes warmer, jackets and coats are left in the
closets. There are spring showers on sunny days that usually produce rainbows. Plants begin
growing birds come back and animals that were sleeping wake up and go out.

After Spring comes Summer. In Summer, the days are longer and the nights are shorter. Days
are usually hot and nights are warm. For most people summer time is vacation time. There is a
school break and most people like to go outside to practice outdoor activities like going to the
beach, going swimming, going camping, and going on picnics. People usually wear sport clothes in
light colors.

And then comes Autumn. At the beginning of Autumn the days and nights become cooler but
as time passes days turn cold and shorter. The leaves of the trees start changing colors: First
yellow, then orange, then red, then brown. (These are the Autumn colors for clothing). Finally,
when the wind comes, the leaves of the trees begin to fall. This is why autumn is commonly
known as Fall. Students go back to school and shorts and T-shirts are replaced by pants,
jeans, sweaters and shirts. After Autumn comes Winter and, so a new cycle begins.

Taken and adapted from


 Check these words in the dictionary


Change Dry Hibernate

Longer Leaves Fall

Shorter Dark Outside

Showers Rainbows turn

grow light


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 Complete the chart

Season Winter Spring Summer Fall

days Cold and



Clothes Dark-colored
clothes, coats,
scarves, hats

Weather Windy, rainy,

warm, sunny

other Vacation time


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 Answer the following questions about the text

1. - What are the seasons?

2. - What do animals and birds do in winter time?

3. - What do most people do in Summer time?

4. Why is autumn commonly known as Fall?

5. What do you do in order to help the planet and the environment? Make a list


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Aprendizaje Esperado 5

Intercambiar información en forma oral y

escrita sobre lo que les gustaría o no hacer
en situaciones particulares, haciendo uso
de estructuras condicionales en contexto.


 Actividades de tiempo

 Auxiliar”would”

 Estructuras


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5.1 Indoor activities

Indoor activities are all the activities that you do, play or make inside a
building like:

Picture 47

Taken from

What Indoor activities do you do? Name three

things that you do indoors:
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________

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A. Complete the sentences with a word from each box. Use the present
form of the verbs.

Bake do make play A board game a jigsaw puzzle a video

cookies A crossword a nap
Do make play take chess popcorn

1. I usually ______________________ with my children.

2. Sometimes, we ____________________ with friends.

3. Sometimes, my wife and I ___________________________ on Friday


4. But we always _______________________________ on Sunday mornings.

5. Sunday afternoon, the kids__________________________.

6. And my mom _______________________________ for us.

7. My wife _____________________________________________.

8. And I sometimes ______________________ like this one.


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5.2 Talking about what you would like to do.

We use the auxiliary would to talk about imaginary situations.

For example:

A: Where would you like to go this summer?

B: I’d like to visit Hawaii.

A: And why would you like to go there?

B: Because I love the sun and the beautiful beaches.

A: What else would you like to do there?

B: well, I would ….
The reduction of would:

Would like +infinitive

What would you like to do? Would you like to do a jigsaw

I’d like to play chess
Yes, I would No, I wouldn’t.
Where would he like to play chess?
Would they like to take a nap?
He’d like to play right here.
Yes, they would. No, they wouldn’t.


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A. Look out these pictures and describe the weather. Decide what you
would to do on each day.

1. It’s sunny and hot today. What would you like to do?


2. It’s snowy and cold outside. What would you like to do?



It’s cool and rainy today. What would you like to do?

Picture 48

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5.3 Talking about a place you would like to visit

Picture 49

Taken from

Picture 51
59 Picture 50
Taken from

Picture 52

Taken from

Picture 54

Taken from

Picture 53

Taken from


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A. Think about a place you’d like to visit in your own country or a

different one. Complete the chart.

Place:_____________ Why would you like to What would you like to

go then? go there?
When would you like to

B. Read the following mail and write a new one to friend using the
example as a model.

Picture 55

Taken from


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Use these questions to help you write the mail.

Picture 56

Taken from 71

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5.4 Group work.

Claire loves travelling. She arrived in London a

couple of days ago. She is spending a week with some
friends. They are staying in a hotel in the centre of
the city. She is interested in art, musicals and the
English pubs but she can’t stand noisy places. She
also wants to visit Oxford.

Imagine you are Claire. Write an e-mail from London

telling someone about your trip using the information
above. Use all the verb tenses we have learnt.

Picture 57

Taken from 72

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Aprendizaje Esperado 6

Solicitar y entregar descripcion de casas y

sus habitaciones, interactuando en
variados contextos escritos y orales a
tarves del uso de estructuras de presente
en contexto.


 Casas y

 Presente Simple

 Estructuras con

 Cuantificadores

 solicitudes


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6.1 Parts of the house.

Picture 58

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Furniture and household items




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Picture 59

Rooms of the house taken and adapted from

Other House Related Vocabulary





Front Porch


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Picture 60

Images taken and adapted from


A. Write the parts of the house

cellar living room attic kitchen

bathroom garden garage entrance
dining room bedroom

10. 1.



9. 4.



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8. 7.
Picture 61

6.2 Talking about

Taken and adapted from houses and apartments

We use quantifiers to describe rooms in a house or in an apartment.

Like: There is/ There are and Quantifiers.


There is for singular nouns: There is a TV in the living room. (singular)

There are for plural nouns: There are four chairs in de dining room. (plural)

Picture 62

Taken from

Thanks. There aren’t many

I really like your cupboards, and there isn’t much
kitchen space, but that’s OK. I hardly ever


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Picture 63

Cartoons taken and adapted from


A. Look at the picture and complete with there

is/isn’t or there are/aren’t:

1. ____________ a TV in the living room.

2. ____________ a picture on the wall.

3. ____________ two sofas in the room.

4. ____________ three chairs and a table.

5. ____________ a rug under the sofas.

6. ____________ a stereo set under the window. Picture 64

Taken and adapted from

B. Look at the picture and complete with is/isn’t,

are/aren’t, a/an, some or any:

1. There _____ _____ cooker next to the fridge.

2. There _____ _____ plates in the sink.

3. There _____ _____ glasses on the table.

4. There _____ _____ clock over the fridge.

Picture 65
5. There _____ _____ boxes on the floor.
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6.3 Read and do the exercises

Picture 66

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A. Fill in the table about Peter’s house

Peter’s house

Numbers of floors.

Rooms on the ground


Rooms on the first


B. Match the antonyms.

big ● ● new

love ● ● crampy

old ● ● hate

spacious ● ● unpleasant

back ● ● small

comfortable ● ● front

cozy ● ● uncomfortable

C. Answer the questions about the text

1. Is Peter’s house big or small?


2. How many floors are there?


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3. Does his house have an attic?


4. Where is the living room?


5. Where is his bedroom?


6. Why does he like to be in the attic?


7. Where are the washing and drying machines?


8. Does Peter’s house have a garage?


9. How do you help at home? Name three things that you usually do.




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Aprendizaje Esperado 7

Participar en intercambios dialógicos

orales y escritos contextualizazdos en la
convivencia y obligaciones del hogar
haciendo uso de las estructuras y
vocabulario correspondientes según la


 Uso de modales
para expresar

 Quehaceres del

 Adverbios y
expresiones de

 Frases verbales
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7.1 Requests


Can you turn down the music, please? Sure.

Could you turn down the music, please? No problem

Would you turn down the music, please? I’d be happy to.

To make a request we usually use modal verbs like: CAN, COULD, or

WOULD in order to ask something politely.

Read this dialogue and notice how to use them:

Patricia: Hello?

Tom: Hi, It’s Tom from downstairs. Are you having a party?

Patricia: Uh-Uh Are we being too noisy?

Tom: I’m afraid so. Can you turn down the music, please?

Patricia: Sure! I can do it now.

Tom: Thank you. I have an exam tomorrow and I’m trying to study.

Patricia: I understand.

Tom: Thanks again.


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A. Match the requests and the responses.

1. Can you turn down the TV, a) I’d be happy to. I’m going to
please? _____ work now.

2. Can you move your car b) Sure. Ithink it’s for me.
please? ______

3. Could you answer the c) No problem, sorry about the

phone please?______ noise.

4. Would you open the d) Sure. There isn’t much light here?
curtains please?______

B. Write a request to the following problems.

1. Your neighbor’s cat is at your door. _________________________________

2. Your neighbors’ TV is very noisy. ____________________________________

3. Your neighbor’s car is at your parking space. _______________________



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7.2 Chores

Picture 66

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Other Household chores:

Taken from:


A. Label the pictures with the words from the box.

Picture 67

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7.3 Using Phrasal verbs

A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and preposition, a verb

and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition.

It is important to learn phrasal verbs because they are very

common in English, and because the meaning of a verb often
changes significantly when it is used in a phrasal verb.

Look at the chart and notice how they are used in a sentence.

Picture 68

Taken and adapted from


The living room is a mess. Let’s clean it up

before the party.

Picture 69

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Before you leave, take out the garbage.

Picture 70

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A. Rewrite these sentences.

1. Let’s hang up the dry cleaning _____________________________________

2. How often do you take out the garbage?


3. I clean out my closets once a year. _________________________________

4. Could you put away your clothes away please? ____________________


B. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.

1. Why is your coat on the chair? Can you _________________ in the


2. This table isn’t clean. Can you _____________________ before dinner,


3. Your magazines are all over the floor. Would you ___________________

4. The garbage is full. Could you ______________________ right away



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Reading Comprehension

Reading houses

Look at a house from the outside, and you can guess what type of people live in it.
Well, perhaps this is not always true. Some people can live in unusual houses. Some
people live on boats, in tree houses or in tents.

For example, imagine you are in an old part of an industrial city in the UK. Cities like
London, Manchester, Liverpool or Newcastle. There is a river, or a canal, which was
important for transport in the past, before the railways were built. There are a lot of
enormous buildings near the water.

They were built in the 19th century. They must be industrial places to store things for
import or export.

But…look more closely! There are expensive cars parked outside some of these
buildings. And on the corner of the street there is a French restaurant, with a wine bar
opposite. And just round the corner there is a shop with beautiful furniture. And here
are more shops…Who buys these things?

Answer: the people who now live in these old buildings. Old warehouses like these offer
two things that are difficult to find in modern houses: space, and a view.
Over the past 10 years, more and more architects have converted buildings like this into
apartments, which have big rooms, high ceilings… and often a terrace which looks onto
the water.

So, the old parts of many of Britain’s industrial cities now have a new life. They are not
dead anymore, with empty warehouses and disused factories. You can buy factory space
and make yourself a home in it. And the people who live in them can walk or cycle to

Or…with so much space. They work from home with a computer and a modem!
Buildings don’t always tell us about lifestyles immediately. So, next time you see an old
station, a deserted church or a village school in Britain, look carefully for the clues. You
may get a surprise. Is this true in your town too?

Picture 71

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Read the text an do the exercises

1. Are these sentences true or false, according to the text?

• These buildings were built recently __________

• They are very spacious. _______

• Britain’s city centres do not have people living in them. _________

• Some people in Britain live and work in the same place. ___________

• Some people in Britain live in churches. ___________

Read the text and answer these questions:

• What type of house is being described?


• What are the key features of this type of house?


• Where can you find these homes?



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Aprendizaje esperado 8

Intercambiar información sobre problemas

de salud y posibles soluciones en contextos
dialógicos orales y escritos, haciendo uso de
esquemas léxicos y gramaticales
adecuados a cada situación particular.


 Partes del cuerpo

 Modo imperativo

 Problemas de salud

 Adjetivos estados de
animo y de salud

 Expresiones para
desearle bien a alguien

 Habitos saludables


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6.4 Parts of the body

Picture 72

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Picture 73

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8.2 Giving advice

We use Imperatives to give a piece of advice.

Look at the chart:

Picture 74

Taken and adapted from

Imperatives are also used to give instructions.

For example:

Instructions for Yoga movements:

 Stand up

 Hold your stomach in.

 Keep your back and neck straight.

 Relax your movements.

 Don’t hold your breath.

 Breath slowly and deeply


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A. Complete these exercise tips with the correct imperative form.

do drink eat exercise

find stretch
1. ______________ too much the first day.

2. ______________ your body for a few minutes.

3. ______________ a place with a lot of space.

4. ______________ some water.

5. ______________ a big meal before you exercise.

6. ______________ Twice a week.

B. Complete the chart with the correct adverbs.

Adjective Adverb

careful carefully








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8.3 Health problems

Picture 75

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 Use of HAVE and FEEL.

For example:

I have a headache.

She has a terrible cold.


For example:

She feels great


He feels awful


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A. Look at the pictures and write sentences. What do they have? What’s
wrong with them?

1. ______________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

Picture 76

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B. Look at the pictures and say how these people feel.

1. ________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________

Picture 77

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8.4 Asking about healthy habits.

We use How questions to talk about “How” we perform certain things.

How often do you go to the gym? How healthy are your eating habits?

Three or four days a week Somewhat healthy.

How long do you spend at the gym? How many meals do you eat a day?

About an hour Five small meals

How well do you follow your diet? How much sleep do you get?

Not very well Quiet a bit.

1. HOW LONG…? refers to the period of time you spend doing an

How long do you ride your bike on weekends?
For about an hour.

2. HOW OFTEN…? refers to the frequency with which you do an activity.

How often does Lorena do Pilates?
Twice or three times a week, I can’t remember.

3. HOW WELL…? refers to the accuracy with which you do an activity. It

has to do with your ability.
How well do you dance salsa?
Pretty well, I guess. I can dance different styles.
Not very well, that’s why I want to take lessons this winter.

4. HOW GOOD…? refers to you as the “doer” of an activity. Are you

good or bad at it?
How good are you at chess?
Pretty good, I always win when I play with my dad.
OK. I mean, sometimes I win, but sometimes I lose.
Not so good. I can’t get it yet!


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A. Complete this conversation with the correct “HOW” question.

Theresa: Hey, Mark! How is it going! Are you going to the gym?

Mark: Hi, Theresa! Yeah, I’m going to the gym.

Theresa: _________________________________?
Mark: Well, now that I‟m in class I go just three or four times a week.

Theresa: And _________________________________?

Mark: I work out for about two hours. Sometimes longer, it depends on what
I have to do later.

Theresa: Wow! _________________________________? Some friends need more

players for their team, maybe you‟d like to participate!

Mark: Soccer? Terrible! I’m really bad at soccer, that’s why I prefer the

B. Answer the questions using your own information.

1. How well do you speak English?


2. How long do you usually study for tests?


3. How good are you at drawing comics?


4. How often do you go to parties?



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8.5 Managing stress.

Read the paragraph. Think about how you would manage stress.

 How much stress do you feel?

 What makes you stressed?

 How well do you manage stress?

 What do you do?


Read the following situations. Write tips in order to manage stressful


1. A mother with two young children and no time.


2. A young man before his wedding.



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Aprendizaje Esperado 9

Interectuar con otros en contextos

comunicativos centrados en la descripción
de gustos y preferencias personles en el
área de entretenimiento y tiempo libre
aplicando el uso de las estructuras
sociolinguisticas apropiadas.


 Entretención y
tiempo libre.

 Formas verbales
con infinitivo y /o

 Expresiones de
acuerdo o

 Adjetivos


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9.1 Entertainment and TV shows

Entertainment is an area about which we all

have different opinions and preferences.
When talking about entertainment, we are
referring to the TV programs we watch –or not
83 taken from watch-, the music we listen to –or not listen to-
, the movies we see –or not see-, and some other elements like actors,
musicians, bands, etc.

Match the names with the pictures

a cartoon a game show a sitcom

a documentary the news a soap opera

drama a reality show a talk show


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Picture 78

TV shows taken and adapted from


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A. Circle the TV shows in the puzzle. Look in these directions ( )







Picture 79

Y T E A I U W D O C T V Taken and adapted from


B. Answer the following questions.

1. What kind of TV shows do you dislike? -

2. What sitcom do you watch?
3. What time do you watch your favorite TV program?
4. When do you usually watch the news?
5. How often do you watch reality shows?
9.2 Expressing preferences.

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Look at the chart:

Verb + infinitive Verb + infinitive or gerund

I hope to get a big TV. I like to see/ seeing my favorite actors.

I want to see very baseball game. I love to watch/watching game shows

Verb+ gerund I prefer to listen/ listening to the radio.

I enjoy watching football games. I hate to miss/ missing the news.

I dislike watching TV.


A. Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs.

1. Do you enjoy ________ (watch) cartoons on TV?

2. What do you want _________ (watch) on TV this weekend?

3. Do you like __________ (guess) the answers on game shows?

4. What types of TV shows do you dislike________ (watch)?

B. Answers the following questions according to your preferences?

1. Do you enjoy watching documentaries? ______________________

2. Do you want to buy a new TV? _______________________________

3. Do you like watching soap operas? ___________________________

9.3 Agreeing and Disagreeing.


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We use these expressions to agree or disagree with opinions:

Look at the chart:

Picture 80

Taken and adapted from

For example:

A: What’s on TV now? I don’t like this talk show. It is really boring.

B: I agree. They are too boring.

Picture 81

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A. Complete each response with the

expression from the previous page.

Picture 82

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1. A: Most TV sitcoms are funny.

B: _______________________. I never laugh at them.

2. A: Reality shows are great.

B: ________________________. I watch them all the time.

3. Game shows are exciting.

B: ________________________. I think they are boring.

4. It’s good to watch the news.

B: ________________________. I watch them every night.

5. Cartoons are just for children.

B: ________________________. Some of them are for adults.


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9.4 Expressing opinions.

We use some of these adjectives to express an opinion about

different things like TV shows.

For example: “In my opinion, documentaries are really boring.”

Picture 83

Taken from


A. What’s your opinion about these TV shows? Use these adjectives


1. Reality shows: _______________________________________

2. Sitcoms: ___________________________________________

3. Soap operas: _________________________________________

4. Documentaries: _____________________________________

5. The news: _________________________________________

Reading Comprehension

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Reality TV is more than just ‘Big Brother’. Read out about some unusual reality TV
programmes that are popular in the UK.

Reality TV is extremely popular in the UK. At their best, these programmes give us a
good look into the lives of different people in Britain. At their worst, they are a very
cheap way to make programmes and sometimes involve people behaving very badly.
Here’s a selection of some of the UK’s reality TV shows.

Strictly Come Dancing

In the show a celebrity learns to dance with a professional dancer. Every week they have
to learn a different
ballroom dance such as the tango, the waltz or the cha cha cha, and perform it live on
TV on Saturday night.
Four judges, who are all professional dance experts, give the celebrities scores and they
comment on their dances. After that, the public call in and vote for their favourite
couple. The two least favourite then have to dance again and the judges decide who
stays in the competition and who leaves. This is a very popular show with small children,
teenagers and adults of all ages.

A group of young people live in a house for a week and must stay awake. Each day there
are tests to see how well they can function even though they are totally exhausted. They
must leave the house if they fall asleep.
Viewers vote on who stays in the house and text their comments every day.

Come Dine with Me

Each week four people prepare dinner in their home for the other contestants. Each
competitor then gives the cook a grade out of 10 for the food and entertainment. The
winner gets a £1,000 cash prize. Sometimes the food is terrible and the contestants are
very rude to each other.

World’s Strictest Parents

Badly behaved British teens are sent abroad to live with a super strict family for a week.
The teenagers have to follow the rules of their host family and go to the local school.
After seven days the teenagers return home and their parents tell us if their behavior is
better. There is often a lot of crying and shouting in this show but it can be incredibly
funny too.


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Don't Tell the Bride

The groom (the man who is going to get married) has to arrange the wedding without
the help of his bride (the woman he is going to marry). He has to choose the location,
the dress, the flowers, the cake, the music….everything, in fact! The groom is always
very stressed and worried. Usually the bride is very happy with the wedding but
occasionally there are disasters, for example, the bride’s wedding dress is too big or the
groom forgets to order a cake.

Relocation, Relocation
This show follows people deciding on a new place to live in the UK. They are filmed
during the process of moving town and house. For viewers who are going to buy a
home soon, it’s really interesting to see the prices of flats and houses in different parts
of the country.

Learner Drivers
This show follows people as they learn to drive. People are filmed while they fight with
their driving instructors, test the patience of other motorists and pass or fail their
driving test. Learning to drive is very stressful, as we can see in this programme.

The show follows the daily lives of police officers (informally known as 'coppers') from
different police forces around Britain. We see them in lots of different situations, such as
riot control, city centre night-time policing,and responding to emergencies. Watching
the police in action is absolutely fascinating!

Picture 84

Taken from

Read the text about Reality TV then do these exercises to check your


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1. Check your understanding: true or false

Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ is popular with all age groups. True False

2. ‘Shattered’ is a show about people who sleep a lot. True False

3. ‘Come Dine with Me’ is about eating in restaurants. True False

4. ‘World’s Strictest Parents’ is about teenagers with problem behaviour.

True False

5. ‘Don’t Tell the Bride’ is a programme about weddings. True False

6. ‘Learner Drivers’ is about people learning to drive a car. True False

7.‘Relocation, Relocation’ is a programme about people who want to move

house. True False

8. ‘Coppers’ is a show about how people spend money in the UK. True False

2. Check your understanding: matching

Match the Reality TV programs with the correct sentences and write a – h next to
the number 1 – 8. If you don’t know the information, look for it on the internet.

1…….. Strictly Come Dancing. a. Learning to drive is very stressful as we can see in
this program.

2…….. Shattered. b. Sometimes the food is terrible and the contestants

are very rude to each other.

3…….. Come Dine With Me. c. This is a very popular show with small children,
teenagers and adults of all ages.

4…….. World’s Strictest Parents. d. The groom is always very stressed and worried.

5…….. Don’t Tell the Bride. e. Each day there are tests to see how well they can
function even
though they are totally exhausted.

6…….. Relocation, Relocation. f. Watching the police in action is absolutely


7…….. Learner Drivers. g. For viewers it’s really interesting to see the prices
of flats and
houses in different parts of the country.

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8…….. Coppers. h. There is often a lot of crying and shouting in this

show but it can
be incredibly funny too.

What's your favorite reality TV show?

Would you like to be on a reality TV show one day? Why or why not?

I like… because…

I’d like to be on… because…

I wouldn’t like to be on… because…


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Aprendizaje Esperado 10

Participar activamente en situaciones

comunicativas orales y escritas en las que
solicita y entrega información sobre
actividades y planes a desarrollarse en el
futuro, utilizando las estructuras con -ing
apropiadas según el contexto formal o
informal en el que se encuentren.


 Artefactos
relacionados con el
uso de un televisor.

 Presente continuo
para expresar

 Expresiones de
tiempo futuro

 Planes personales.
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10.1 Television vocabulary

Picture 85

Taken and adapted from

There are some words related to TELEVISION.

Let’s learn some of them:

Record skip fast- forward

reruns commercials Public TV
satellite TV remote control


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A. Match the words and the definitions.

1. I often record my favorite TV a) To play a show at high speed.

show ______

2. I usually fast-forward the boring b) To not watch something

parts of the show _____

3. I always skip the sad parts of the c) To store a show to watch it later.
movies ______

4. I watch reruns of old sitcoms d) Advertisements for products.


5. I never lose the remote control e) A nonprofit TV network


6. Most commercials are funny ____ f) A service that sends TV shows to

homes through a dish.

7. You can learn a lot from public TV g) Repeat showings of a TV show.


8. I think satellite TV is great ____ h) A device used to control a TV from a



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10.2 Describing future plans

Picture 86

Taken and adapted from

We use present continuous form to talk about future


For example:
I’m visiting my mom this weekend so I’m recording
my favorite sitcom episode.
She is staying at home this weekend.


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A. What are you doing this weekend? Write true sentences.

1. (meet) _______________________________________________

2. (play) ________________________________________________

3. (watch) ______________________________________________

4. (go out) ______________________________________________

B. Write questions to the following answers.

1. _______________________________________________________

I’m having a birthday party this weekend.

2. _______________________________________________________

I’m going to go with some friends.

3. ______________________________________________________

After the party ehmm… I don’t know yet…


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10.3 Describing plans

meet a friends for coffee go grocery shopping

watch a movie on TV clean my room

Exercise at the gym watch the news

chat online with friends study for a test


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A. Make a schedule for tomorrow. Use the ideas above or your

own ideas. Write five activities in the daily planner.

Picture 87

Taken and adapted from


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Reading Comprehension

Modern Technology

a. Modern technology is changing the way we live our lives. Clever gadgets make
everyday activities easier and enable people to use their time effectively. But what impact
will this change have in the future and is it really a positive thing? People are busier than
ever before. Technological advances mean that things are often possible with the touch
of a button. A hundred years ago, however, things were very different. Everyday jobs,
like doing the laundry, would take a whole day, and the telephone was a new invention!
Nowadays, almost every household has a washing machine and a dishwasher, and there
are more than 70 million mobile phones in use in the United Kingdom alone.

b. Research shows that around 28% of children in the UK are overweight or obese. Some
people are concerned that this is because young people spend too much time online and
not enough time socialising with their friends and playing outside. In the past, nearly all
children walked to school because their parents didn’t have a car. They didn’t have all the
luxuries that many children have now, so they used their imaginations and played
outdoors in the fresh air.

c. Years ago, when people wanted to stay in touch with their friends and family, they
wrote letters. These days, however, E-mail communication and social networking sites,
such as Facebook, allow instant, free international communication.

d. Online banking and shopping make essential activities possible from the comfort of
our own homes. But what effect will this have on town centres and shops? In some
towns and cities, many shops are now empty, and a lot of people think this is because
more and more people choose to use the Internet for shopping.

e. There are many benefits of using technology but we need to be responsible in the
choices we make. Modern equipment is often very expensive and does not last a long
time. It is important to consider how much we really need these things and the impact
they have on our health, the environment and society.

(Facts sourced from )


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A. Read the text again and match paragraphs a – e to the topic sentences

1. Our responsibility when choosing to use modern technology. _____

2. The impact of modern technology on everyday life over the past century. _____

3. How modern technology has changed communication. _____

4. The effect of modern technology on young people. ______

5. Modern technology in relation to shopping and retail.______

B. Answer the following questions based on the text

1. What are the pros and cons of modern technology?




2. What’s your opinion about “socializing”? do you prefer to do it online or

face to face? How much time do you spend on your phone chatting with





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Answer Keys

Aprendizaje esperado 1 3. g

1.1 A. 4. a

1. Formal 5. h

2. Informal 6. b

3. Informal 7. d

4. Formal 8. f

5. Informal 1.3 A

6. Informal 1. yes, it is/No it is not

1.1 B. 2. yes, we are/no we aren’t

1. hi 3. No it is not

2. I’m fine thanks 4. yes, they are/ no they aren’t

3. It’s nice to meet you too 5. No she isn’t

4. Thanks. 1.3 B

5. See you7bye/good bye 1. b

6. You too7 have a nice day too 2. c

7. Thanks 3. c

1.2 A 4. a

1. is/are/are/am/am/are/am/are/a 5. a
6. a
2. are/is/is/isn’t/is/are/are/aren’t
7. b
1.2 B
8. b
1. e
2. c
1.4 A


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1. s-p-e-l-l 1. D /H/ J/K/O/P/Q/T/V/W/X/Z

2. s-p-e-l-l 1.5 Reading Comprehension

3. s-p-e-l-l Answers may vary

(ask your teacher to check your

1.4 B
Aprendizaje esperado 2 Do: gymnastics, karate, yoga,
judo, aerobics, snooker
2.1 A
Go: running, horse riding, skiing,
1. Plays swimming, cycling
2. Go 2.2/2.3 A
3. Play 1.
4. Play a) Rick
5. Goes b) Alicia
6. Do c) He goes to the movies
7. Go d)She goes to the movies too.
8. Goes 2. rarely/ always
2.1 B 3. Answers may vary.
Play: football, basketball, golf, 2.4 Reading Comprehension
volleyball, tennis, table tennis
Answer may vary.
Aprendizaje esperado 3

3.1 A

1. E

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. C


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3.1 B

1. What is she like?

2. What are we like?

3. What are they like?

4. What are you like?

5. What is his brother like?

3.2 A

1. I think so

2. I’m not really sure

3. I don’t believe so

4. I believe so

3.2 B

Answer may vary

3.3 A

1. Amy Winehouse

2. Michael Jackson

3. Barack Obama

Answers may vary

Aprendizaje esperado 4

4.1 A

1. Cold

2. Rainy

3. Hot/sunny

4. Sunny


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5. Cloudy

6. Snowy

7. Windy

8. Rainy

9. Cool

10. Foggy

4.1 B

Answers may vary

4.2 A

Spring/ Summer/autumn/Winter

4.2 B

1. /

2. /

3. 2

4. 4

5. 1

6. 3

4.3 A

Calama. It’s extremely hot in Summer

Valparaiso: It’s very foggy in Winter.

Valdivia: it’s very rainy in Winter

Punta Arenas. It’s very snowy in Winter.

4.3 A


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4.4 B

Answers may vary

4.5 Reading Activity

4.6 Answers may vary

Aprendizaje esperado 5

5.1 A

1. Do a jigsaw puzzle

2. Play a board game

3. Play chess

4. Do a crossword

5. Make popcorns

6. Bake a cake

7. Takes a nap

8. Make a video

5.2 A

Answers may vary

5.3 A

Answers may vary

5.3 B


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Answers may vary

5.4 A

Answers may vary

Aprendizaje esperado 6

6.1 A

1. Attic

2. Bedroom

3. Garage

4. Kitchen

5. Cellar

6. Entarnce

7. Cellar

8. Living room

9. Garden

10. Attic

6.2 A

1. There isn’t

2. There is

3. There are

4. There aren’t

5. There is

6. There is

6.2 B

1. Is a

2. Are some


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3. There aren’t any

4. There is a

5. There aren’t any

6.3 Reading Comprehension

Answers may vary

Aprendizaje Esperado 7

7.1 A

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. D

7.1 B: Answers may vary

7.2 A

1. Pick up the magazines

2. Wipe off the counter

3. Drop off the dry cleaning

4. Put away the dishes

5. Clean up the yard

6. Take out the garbage

7. Clean out the closet

8. Hang up the clothes

7.3 A

1. Let’s hang the dry cleaning up


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2. How often do you take the garbage out?

3. I clean my closets out once a year

4. Could you put your clothes away?

7.3 B

1. Hang it up

2. Clean it out

3. Pick them up

4. Take it out

Aprendizaje esperado 8

8.1 A

1. Nose

2. Mouth

3. Hand

4. Arm

5. Toes

6. Eye

7. Ear

8. Head

9. Hair

10. Foot

11. Knee

12. Finger

8.1 B


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1. Nose

2. Arm

3. Leg

4. Eye

5. Mouth

6. Hair

8.2 A

1. Don’t exercise

2. Stretch

3. Find

4. Drink

5. Eat

6. Exercise

8.2 B

1. Deeply

2. Heavily

3. Noisily

4. Quickly

5. Quietly

6. Slowly

8.3 A

1. She has a headache

2. She has a stomachache

3. He has a sorethroat


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8.3 B

1. he feels tired

2. he feels great

3. he feels worse

8.4 A

1. How often do you go to the gym?

2. How long do you work out?
3. How good are you at playing soccer?

8.4 B

Answers may vary

8.5 A

Answers may vary

Aprendizaje esperado 9

9.1 A


9.1 B

Answers may vary

9.2 A

1. watching

2. To watch

3. Guessing

4. Watching

9.2 B

Answers may vary

9.3 A


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Answers may vary

9.4 Opinions

Answers may vary

Aprendizaje esperado 10


1. c

2. b

3. a

4. g

5. h

6. d

7. e

8. f

10.2 A

Answers may vary

10.2 b

1. what are you doing this weekend

2. Who are you going to go with?

3. What are you doing later?


Answers may vary

Reading Comprehension

Answers may vary


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 Richards, jack y David Bohlke: Four Corners 2, Third Edition. Student’s Book with self study
Audio CD-ROM. Cambridge University Press.


1. Whiteboard, apple for the teacher (Vector). Retrieved March 3rd, 2016 from

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3. Shakespeare (Web photo) Retrieved December 5th, 2014 from

4. Verb to be image (Web photo) Retrieved December 5th, 2014 from http://www.aprendiendo-ingles-

5. Greeting dialogue (Web photo) Retrieved December 5th, 2014 from

6. Farewell dialogue (Web photo) Retrieved December 5th, 2014 from

7. Interests and Hobbies (Web photo) Retrieved December 5th, 2014 from

8. Hobbies and interest infography Retrieved December 5th, 2014 from

9. Too many hobbies (Web photo) Retrieved December 5th, 2014 from

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13. Matt Damon (Web photo) Retrieved December 5th 2014 from

14. Gardener with letters(Web photo) Retrieved December 5th 2014 from

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16. Traditional Thai greeting (Web photo) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from
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18. Kiss on the cheek (Web photo) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from

19. Hugging (Web photo) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from

20. A pat on the back (Web photo) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from

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22. Sports with Go (Web photo) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from

23. Sports with Do (Web photo) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from

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25. Grammar chart Taken and adapted from


26. Adverbs of frequency (Web photo) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from

27. Free time activities (Web photos) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from

28. Couple talking (Web photos) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from

29. Couch potatoe (Web photos) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from

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33. Emoticons (Web photos) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from

34. Grammar chart taken and adapted from

35. Cartoons thinking (Web photos) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from


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36. Look and personality (Web photos) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from

37. Appearance Pirates (Web photos) Retrieved December 7th 2014 from

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53. The earth (Web photos) Retrieved January 28th 2016 from

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55. Children in different seasons of the year Retrieved January 28th 2016 from

56. Sydney (Web photos) Retrieved January 28th 2016 from

57. Paris (Web photos) Retrieved January 28th 2016 from


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58. New York (Web photos) Retrieved January 28th 2016 from

59. Rio de Janeiro (Web photos) Retrieved January 28th 2016 from

60. Japan Web photos) Retrieved January 28th 2016 from

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68. Cartoons Retrieved January 28th 2016 from

69. Living room Retrieved January 28th 2016 from

70. Kitchen Retrieved January 28th 2016 from

71. A yellow house Retrieved January 28th 2016 from

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79. Activities taken and adapted from

80. Grammar chart taken from

81. Health problems Retrieved January 28th 2016 from

82. images taken and adapted from

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84. Entertaiment image taken from

85. TV Shows Retrieved January 28th 2016 from

86. TV and Digital Rise in Q1. Web Picture. Retrieved on March 3rd, 2016, from:

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92. Agenda Retrieved January 28th 2016 from


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