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© Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology,

April 2008, Vol. 34, Special Issue, 74-80.

Social Value of Parents and Children in Joint and

Nuclear Families
Anshubhi Bahadur and Nisha Dhawan
University of Allahabad, Allahabad

The importance of the family in making and molding an individual on the one
hand, and influencing social groups and patterns on the other, has been
recognized by social scientists. The present study focuses on individual level
changes affected by the modifications that are taking place in the family under
rapid on-going socio-cultural changes in contemporary Indian society. A sample
was taken from the Allahabad City. Total 360 participants (240 parents and 120
children) were included in this study. The age of the parents was ranging 35-45
years with mean age of (44.62) and minimum graduation level of education and
children of age group from 15-17 years. The results show the family structure
does not effect on parents and children social value in the family. There is no
significant differences were found between parents and children social value in
joint families. There is significant differences were found between parents and
children social value in nuclear families. By identifying salient factors in the
family structures and its influence on social values, the study hopes to provide
significant implications for human development in changing social contexts.

Keywords: Family Structure, Social Values, Cultural dimensions.

Family is the basic and universal social The new identities and changing value
structure of human society. It fulfils needs and patterns also affect the attitude of the
performs functions, which are indispensable individual members of the family.
for the continuity, integration and change in Family Structure
the social system. The forms and functions
of family have undergone adaptive changes Family structure is conceptualized as
in the technological and economic the configuration of role, power and status,
superstructure of present society. The family and relationships in the family .In India the
may be broadly perceived as a unit of two or structure of family can be seen broadly as of
more persons united by the ties of marriage, three types. The traditional family is the one
blood, adoption or consensual unions. It is living jointly and inclusive of members from
considered the basic unit of the society, to different generations. The extended family
meet the needs of individuals and those of is one, where married sons and brothers live
other societal institutions. It determines the separately, but they continue to have joint
development of individuals, in that; it is a property and share income. The nuclear type
major source of nurturance, emotional of family is the one, in which the group
bonding and socialization. In contemporary consists of a male, his wife and their children.
urban society, families present a peculiar In nuclear families the concept is ‘me my
combination of traditional and modern values. wife and my children’ with no place for others
Anshubhi Bahadur and Nisha Dhawan 75

is alarming. This disappearance of emotional implies changes in a whole system of social

ethos has affected the socio-psychological relationships. Traditional joint family not only
environment of the individuals. A person feels function as an agency of procreation and
alienation. The community has disappeared. socialization of new members for the society,
Modern progress brings individualistic way but also performs duties in other spheres
of thinking; this cause increasing frustration such as occupation, education, leisure and
and low tolerance level among the younger recreation, etc; which have now been taken
generation. These are some common over by specialized agencies. Structural
features seen in contemporary urban society changes involve similar role differtiations in
in India. almost all aspects of social life. Growth in
Family joint ness still continues to be science and technology adds impetus to
major sociological phenomena. Kapadia.K.M process and finally accelerates the
(1966) has defined a joint family as;” they momentum of change. Change cease to be
should dwell in the same house, take their exceptional phenomena, as in the traditional
meals and perform their worship together and societies, it becomes a day-to- day fact of
enjoy property in common”. Common life to live with it is not merely tolerated, it is
residence and joint preparation of food as glorified. Under these circumstances there
well as eating together were the external is often a log between cultural and social
symbols of homogeneity of the family. There structural forms of modernizing in these
is a gradual change in the family structure of societies.
urban India towards a nuclear pattern in Social Values
which, it can be assumed, that the conjugal Values have been defined as the
pair is the critical unit. conception of the desirable Kluckhohn,
Many scholars (Gore, 1968; Gupta, (1951) influencing selective behavior. Social
1978, p.73) have observed that the Indian scientists also agree that values are very
joint family is changing rather than breaking important and serve as guiding principles in
down. Indeed, even where the traditional joint people’s lives. Values are important for
family system has broken into nuclear units, understanding various social-psychological
it has given rise to a modified or new type of phenomena (Schwartz&Bardi, 2001).There is
joint family system. It merely breaks a clear link between values and behavior,
structurally, whereas functionally and and Sinha (1990) observes that operative
sentimentally, individual units continue to form values are close to social norms and that
part of the joint family and all members the desirable ideal and important values one
maintain joint ness in terms of family loyalty. perhaps the ‘cherished’ values and may have
In other words, under the same canopy many universal structure. Values are a motivational
units co-exist (Kapadia, 1966, p.320 construct that represent broad goals which
Modernization implies some typical forms apply across context and time. (Rokeach,
of changes in the social structure of societies. 1973; Schwartz, 1997, Schwartz&Bilsky1987,
These changes in the system of social 1990). They defined human values as
relationships contribute to the growth and desirable goals that varied in importance and
institutionalization of new roles and group served as guiding principle in people’s lives.
structures based on concomitant norms of For example, giving importance to power
modernization. This process cumulatively values implies striving for power at work, at
leads to structural modernization of society. home, with friends, as so forth. People may
These processes offer us an example of what act in accordance with their values even when
is meant by structural changes in society. It they do not consciously think about them.
76 Social Value of Parents and Children

Schwartz (1992) interprets five found features overall egalitarian outlook rather than a
of values –as beliefs concepts, pertaining to traditional out look. (Rokeach, 1973,
desirable and states or behaviors, guied Schwartz, 1992, Schwartz & Bilsky, 1987,
selection or evaluation of behaviors and 1990, Triandis, 1994).
events and is ordered by relative importance. It has been seen that social values are
Values are embodied in social activities drastically affected by urban influence and
relationships, and institutions. However, the subsequent assimilation of western ideas due
latter are subject to change and adjustment to the effect of modernization. Traditional
while values have a relative permanence and values have declined considerably. Even the
universality. Studies that report relations of teaching of civic virtues of love, co-operation,
values to behavioral intentions in hypothetical obedience, tolerance, discipline and
situation (Feather, 1995; Sagiv & Schwartz, renouncement, which a child used to learn
1995) demonstrate that people want to act at home in a joint family and which enabled
according to their values. Value priorities the child to grow up as a good citizen, has
prevalent in a society are a key element, been taken over by other social institutions.
perhaps the priorities of individuals represent Sagiv and Schwartz (2002) found that values
central goal that relate to all aspects of predict whether counselees exhibit
behavior. Mukerjee (1949): Values are independent verses dependent behavior
believed to be important for social equilibrium throughout a number of career counseling
and maintance of the system. Values play sessions.
crucial role in determining human behavior It may be stated that values and ideals
and social relationships as well as maintain and regulate the visible social
maintaining and regulating social structure structures and interactions on the one hand,
and interactions on the one hand and giving and impact cohesion and stability to them on
them cohesion and stability on the other the other. Despite being subjective and
(Verma, 2004). Values are viewed as invisible they are significant aspects of society
differential preferences, which are derived and underlie all relationships. In any definition
from a range of actual behaviors. with fundamental norms shared by the
(Traindis,1972). Values are relatively stable members of a group, values guide and
motivational characteristics of person that channel the organized activities of the
change little during adulthood (e.g., Feather, members.
1971; Rokeach, 1973; Schwartz, 1997).
Differences in family pattern may bring
about differences in social values and The primary objective of the present
ideologies. Ganguli, (1989): In traditional study was to investigate the relationship of
societies like India, the spiritual values as family structure and social values as they
embodied in its religion and philosophy can relate to family structure in contemporary
claim to be the primary and original source Indian society. Specifically the study attempts
of all derived social values. In the Indian to look at the relationship of social values of
situation, these seem to have been Parents and their Children in joint and
accompanied by social change processes nuclear families.
such as urbanization and industrialization. Method
The nuclear family structure is assumed to Sample
favor sharing of roles rather than a
hierarchical structuring of roles, liberal rather 120 Urban middle class families of which
than conservative attitudes, role diffusion an 60 nuclear and 60 joint families, with at least
Anshubhi Bahadur and Nisha Dhawan 77

one child were taken. The age range of scale responses for each item, ranging from
parents was 35-45 years with mean age of 1.Strongly Disagree 2.Partial Agree, 3. Agree
(44.62) minimum graduation level of 4. Strongly agree. The reliability alpha of
education. The child was a student of class the test is .77. Rating of Social value of
10 or 12 with mean age of (15.70) in the age Parents and children was done using
range 15-17 years. Schwartz Value Survey (1990) respectively.
Tools: Results & Discussion
Schwartz Value Survey (1990) for Means and Standard deviations for the
Children: In order to understand children’s different scores are shown in the table 1.
values a scale consisting of 16 items to Parents and children social value were
measure was the 10 value. Social value examined on all the test variables using t-
consists of individualistic values and ratio. Table 1 indicative of the difference
collectivist values of conformity, universalism, between Parents & Children Social Value in
tradition and benevolence. The basic format joint and nuclear families. Results indicate
of items was adopted from Schwartz (1990) family structure does not affect the social
value survey. This scale consists of 16 items value in the joint and nuclear families. Table
with four response/choices for each item i.e. 2 shows there is no significant differences in
1.Strongly disagree, 2. Partial agree, 3. Social Value of Parents and Children in joint
Agree, 4.Strongly agree .The alpha reliability families. Table 3 indicates there is significant
coefficient of the test is .82. differences were found between Parents and
Schwartz Value Survey for Adult their Children Social Value in nuclear families.
(1990) to measure the value of adults. This Father& Children (t = 2.28, P<0.05), Mother&
scale also consists of 16 items; with 4-point Children (t =2.62, P<0.01).

Table 1 Mean, SD, t-ratio on Children, Father and Mother Social Value and Type of Family
Joint (58) Nuclear (59)
Scales Mean S.D Mean S.D t-Value
Children Social Value 50.67 6.17 52.39 9.61 -1.15
FatherSocialValue 48.97 5.50 48.44 9.20 .37
MotherSocialValue 48.60 5.79 48.63 5.42 -.023

To see the effect of type of family & social family is base of socialization process and
value of parents and children t test was parents are the first teacher’s, it can be said
calculated. Family structure doesn’t affect that the values are transferred through verbal
the social value of Parents and their children. or non-verbal interaction and thus the
Whatever type of family (joint and nuclear) relations is very significant one. Roland
but social values remain same because value (1988), and Garg and Parikh (1993) made
is fundamental concept in early socialization meticulous observations about family
of children. Parents taught good habits and dynamics, family values, and the role of family
give importance for cherished social value relationships in the development of the value
to teach their children’s. Mukerjee (1949) system of the individual .He also noticed that
contend as was expected, the child and mainly the elderly women of the family
parental value are highly correlated. Since, transmit the cultural value system to the
78 Social Value of Parents and Children

young. Parents show high social value in in structural and functional but still children’s
achievement & stimulation and low in power. have more respect to their elders. Thus,
Children show similar value pattern according there is strong emotional involvement with the
to her or his parents. This value system family of origin even after separation.
emphasizes solidarity and cooperation, Children behave according to their parents.
affection and understanding, following the We can say values are believed to be
traditional norms and customs of the family. important for social equilibrium and
Garg and Parikh (1993), the upper middle maintenance of the system. Religious and
class, namely, the educated urban elite social values were, therefore, seen as
(MBAs) are the crossroads as along with detrimental to the stability of the social
familial values such as obedience to parents, structure. In modern society, where boys and
conformity, self denial, and fulfillment of girls are considered to be at par and the fairer
parental expectations, Western values such sex is now expected to play, though
as having a meaningful and creative life sometimes, to a bread earner for families,
space, quest for more knowledge, same values are being taught or transferred
achievement and no complacency are also to the girls as to the boys. Also, girls show a
imbibed. tendency of having similar values as of their
Table 2 Mean, SD and t-ratio on Father and mothers and boys to that of father. This can
Mother and Children Social Value in Joint be attributed to the closeness of these to
Family. each other. Girls are generally said to be
close to mothers and boys take father to be
Gender of ParentsJoint Family (58)
a model in joint family system. The values
Mean S.D t value
inculcated by the socializing agencies have
Father 48.97 5.50 1.57 their source in region and tradition. Both the
Children 50.67 6.17 family and educational institutions may make
efforts to inculcate cherished values in their
Mother 48.60 5.79 1.86
wards as far as possible. Parents behave
Children 50.67 6.17 same socialization patterns to their children.
There is no significant difference Girls became more independent to take
between Parents Social Value & Children decision, and to move outside the home. In
value in Joint Families. In the Joint family present days parents give them same
parents & children social value are the same opportunities and freedom of their children.
because family is the basic cultural unit in Family is viewed as the primary context in
which socialization of the child is which children’s values are developed.
accomplished. The child internalizes the Parents directly or indirectly influence
values, norms and ideals of the cultural group children to behave same manner.
in which he grows and there by becomes a Table 3 Mean, SD and t-ratio on Father and
functioning member of the society. These Mother and Children Social Value in Nuclear
values and norms of the society are largely Family.
internalized on the basis of early parent-child Gender of ParentsNuclear Family (59)
interaction. The basic personality structure Mean SD t-Value
emerges with in the framework of family Father 48.44 9.20 2.28*
relationships. The foundation of the child’s Children 52.39 9.61
capabilities, skills, attitudes and interests is Mother 48.63 5.42 2.62**
laid in the family. In this study the child has Children 52.39 9.61
similar value according their parents. In Indian *p<0.05 **p<0.01
traditional family there have several changes
Anshubhi Bahadur and Nisha Dhawan 79

There are significant differences This finding suggests that value play a
between Parents & Children Social value vital role in development of the human beings.
patterns in nuclear families. In the nuclear All the human functions are governed by the
families parents gave more freedom to their individual & collective values. This study
children and they have no control on them. provides for an understanding of the
Both parents are dual earners couples so changing conditions of Indian family and the
they have no time for their children. Children social and family values that exist in
are alone in their house. Parents not contemporary Indian society. However,
considered what they want to do. They spend further research is needed to study the
more time outside the house. They thought relationships of several changes and
that money can makes all needs of their attitudes that are taking place in society and
children. There is no other family member to its impact on family structure and
look at the children. There is lot of influence development.
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Anshubhi Bahadur, ICSSR Fellow, Department of Psychology, University of
Nisha Dhawan, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Allahabad,

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