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Thomas Hobbes

 According to him,the individual must surrender a part of their freedom to the state or sovereign.
 Hobbes calls the sovereign as Leviathan
Robert Nozick
 He argued that the human being is end in itself.
 He argued for a minimalist state.

John Locke
 He says that the state of nature is not a state of war, unlike what Hobbes thinks.
 For him, the aim of government is the preservation of liberty, property, life, and well- being in general.

Immanuel Kant
 He says that the basic freedom or autonomy constitutes his dignity as a person that must be protected by
the state.
Jean Jacques Rousseau
 He was prominent figure coming from the Enlightenment.
 For him, the original state of nature is not chaotic. But social ills and political problems brought about by
such change.
 He writes in A Theory of Justice.
 He wrote The Law of Peoples which has been severly criticized for limiting the matter of justice to the
domestic case.


 He says that global poverty cannot be seen only at the level of the rich country’s duty of assistance.

Democracy and Human Development

According to Amartya Sen the definition of Development “can be seen as a process of expanding the real
freedoms that the people enjoy.” Sen believes that the just and equitable approach development must be based
on human capabilities. Sen argues that political freedom should be procedural.

Democracy- is all about empowering the poor and the marginalized.

The value of democracy emanates form the fact that it enable ordinary people to achieve the kind of life

that is worthy of their dignity as persons.

The vision of human development is only possible under a mature and functioning democracy.

Justice and Liberal Equality

Liberalism- refers to the theory of justice that sets human liberty as a priority while at the same time espousing
distributive schemes in order to help the worst off in society.

The Problem of Social Justice

Gobal Justice -refers to the issues concerning the relationship between states and among people in the world.
Global poverty- is apparent in the lack of descent housing for the poor.
Thomas Nagel explains that the idea of state sovereignty limits the relations between states.
According to Thomas Nagel the duty of any state is limited to its citizens; it does not extend to the global poor.
Nagel’s understanding of global justice is a reduction of the relation between nations into a duty of assistance.
Michael Sandel, argues that people should not be considered as burdens to be unloaded.

Human Person as Oriented Towards their Impending Death

For Heidegger ,death is the ownmost insofar as it individualizes man.

Manuel Dy Jr. is a Filipino Philosopher who writes that by being-in the world the human being realizes that he is a
‘not yet’.

Human Freedom and Morality

Morality is associated with the reality of the Absolute, the meaning of human life and the value of authentic human
The true meaning of our mortal existence can be realized in human freedom.

It is in accepting our morality where we give true value to life.

According to Karl Rahner,if death constitutes the highest act of freedom for man , it is because death involves the
whole man

The Purpose of Human Life

Elie Wiesel wrote the novel Night.
People should become real contributor and stakeholders in laws and public policy.

Examples of the

Cultural Diversity

Africa Philippines

Lip Plate Moriones Festival

Lobola Pahiyas Festival
Wealth is measured by cows Kadayawan Festival
Po at opo
India Bayanihan
Saptapadi (ritual in Hindu weddings) Visita Iglesia
Arranged Marriage System Mano gesture
The Namaste Sinulog Festival
Dowry system Panagbenga Festival

Lotus Feet
Celebrating two birthdays
Chinese New Year
Lantern Festival
Red envelope
feng shui
Dragon boat festival
Drinking hot water


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