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Gap filling exercise:

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.


The British government has said that a (1) _______THIRD_____ of the food the world
produces is wasted. It said the high (2) ______LEVEL______ of food waste in the UK is
"unacceptable". Over 7 million tons of food is wasted in the UK every year. A British (3)
____POLITICIAN________, Neil Parish, said: "One-third of food produced for human
consumption is lost or wasted (4) _____GLOBALLY_______." The government said there
were many (5) ___SOLUTIONS_________ to the problem of food waste. First, schools
could raise children's awareness of food waste from a (6) __YOUNG__________ age.
Secondly, supermarkets could sell vegetables that are thrown away because they are the
"wrong" shape. Finally, "sell-by" (7) _______DATES_____, "use-by" dates and "best
before" labels (8) _____NEED_______ to change. Perfectly good food is thrown away
because of these labels.


Ejercicio de llenado de huecos:

Pon estas palabras en los espacios en el párrafo a continuación.









El gobierno británico ha dicho que se desperdicia una (1) ______tercera______ de los alimentos
que produce el mundo. Dijo que el alto (2) _____Nivel_______ del desperdicio de alimentos en el
Reino Unido es "inaceptable". Cada año se desperdician más de 7 millones de toneladas de
alimentos en el Reino Unido. Un británico (3) ___politico_________, Neil Parish, dijo: "Un tercio
de los alimentos producidos para el consumo humano se pierde o desperdicia (4)
_____Globalmente_______". El gobierno dijo que había muchos (5) _Soluciones___________ al
problema del desperdicio de alimentos. Primero, las escuelas podrían aumentar la conciencia de
los niños sobre el desperdicio de alimentos desde una edad de (6) ___Joven_________. En
segundo lugar, los supermercados podrían vender verduras que se tiran porque tienen la forma
"incorrecta". Finalmente, las fechas de vencimiento (7) ____fechas________, las fechas de "uso
antes de" y "mejor antes" (8) ___Necesitan_________ cambian. Perfectamente buena comida se
tira a la basura debido a estas etiquetas.

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.


Neil Parish said the (9) __UNACCEPTABLE__________ that so much food is thrown
away is both socially and environmentally (10) _DISASTER___________. He said:
"Socially, it is a scandal that people are going hungry and using food (11)
___BANKS________ when so much produce is being wasted." He added that:
"Environmentally, it is a (12) ___FACT_________, because energy and resources are
wasted in production, only for the food to end up (13) ___ROTTING_________ in landfills
where it produces (14) ______METHANE______ - a potent climate-changing gas." He
called on supermarkets to help by selling vegetables that have a funny (15)
___TASTE_________. He said: "It’s ridiculous that perfectly good vegetables are wasted
simply because they're a funny shape." He said these vegetables, "don’t cook or (16)
___SHAPE_________ any different".


Pon estas palabras en los espacios en el párrafo a continuación.








Neil Parish dijo que (9) ____Inaceptable________ que tanta comida es desechada es social y
ambientalmente (10) ___Desastre_________. Él dijo: "Socialmente, es un escándalo que las
personas pasen hambre y usen alimentos (11) ___Bancos_________ cuando se desperdician
tantos productos". Agregó que: "Ambientalmente, es un (12) ____Hecho________, porque la
energía y los recursos se desperdician en la producción, solo para que el alimento termine (13)
____Podrido________ en los vertederos donde produce (14) ___Metano_________ - un potente
cambio climático gas." Pidió ayuda a los supermercados vendiendo verduras que tienen un
divertido (15) ____________. Él dijo: "Es ridículo que se desperdicien verduras perfectamente
buenas simplemente porque tienen una forma divertida". Dijo que estas verduras, "no cocine o
(16) ____________ diferente".

UNDERSTANDING QUESTIONS: After reading the text, answer these questions.

1. Which government said the world wastes a lot of food? - The British government.

2. How much food is the UK wasting each year? - More than 7 million is wasted in the UK.

3. What could schools raise among children? - Schools could teach more about food and its

4. What could sell strangely shaped vegetables? - According to the text, something strange could
be sold when it is rotten or poorly packaged.

5. What kind of labels did the article say they need to change? -

6. What did the article say was socially and environmentally unacceptable?

7. Where does the food end rotting?

8. What gas from rotten food does the article say causes climate change? - Methane

9. Why are "perfectly good vegetables" wasted and thrown away? - For having a fun way.

10. What do vegetables with fun shapes do differently? - It is not necessary to cook figures of
vegetables for people to eat it. You can't waste food.

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