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Ciclo 2017-I

Escuela Profesional de Psicología Humana



académico Docente:
Rubén Campos Ardiles

Ciclo: V Sección: 1,2 ,3

Módulo I
Datos del alumno: Forma de publicación:
Apellidos y nombres:
Publicar su archivo(s) en la opción TRABAJO ACADÉMICO que figura en
Chávez Acencio Lizeth Reina el menú contextual de su curso
Código de matrícula:
Panel de control:
Uded de matrícula:

Fecha de publicación en
campus virtual DUED

Hasta el Domingo 28 de
Mayo 2017
(Hora peruana)
1. Recuerde verificar la
correcta publicación de
su Trabajo Académico
en el Campus Virtual
antes de confirmar al
sistema el envío
definitivo al Docente.

Revisar la
previsualización de su
trabajo para asegurar
archivo correcto.

2. Las fechas de publicación de trabajos académicos a través del campus virtual DUED LEARN están definidas
en la plataforma educativa, de acuerdo al cronograma académico 2017-I por lo que no se aceptarán
trabajos extemporáneos.

3. Las actividades de aprendizaje que se encuentran en los textos que recibe al matricularse, servirán para su
autoaprendizaje mas no para la calificación, por lo que no deberán ser consideradas como trabajos
académicos obligatorios.

Guía del Trabajo Académico:

4. Recuerde: NO DEBE COPIAR DEL INTERNET, el Internet es únicamente una fuente de
consulta. Los trabajos copias de internet serán verificados con el SISTEMA
ANTIPLAGIO UAP y serán calificados con “00” (cero).

5. Estimado alumno:
El presente trabajo académico tiene por finalidad medir los logros alcanzados en el desarrollo del curso.
Para el examen parcial Ud. debe haber logrado desarrollar hasta la tercera pregunta y para el examen
final debe haber desarrollado el trabajo completo.

Criterios de evaluación del trabajo académico:

Este trabajo académico será calificado considerando criterios de evaluación según naturaleza del curso:

Presentación adecuada Considera la evaluación de la redacción, ortografía, y presentación del

1 del trabajo trabajo en este formato.
Considera la revisión de diferentes fuentes bibliográficas y electrónicas
confiables y pertinentes a los temas tratados, citando según la normativa
2 bibliográfica:
Se sugiere ingresar al siguiente enlace de video de orientación:

Situación problemática o Considera el análisis contextualizado de casos o la solución de

3 caso práctico: situaciones problematizadoras de acuerdo a la naturaleza del curso.

Considera la aplicación de juicios valorativos ante situaciones y

4 Otros contenidos escenarios diversos, valorando el componente actitudinal y ético.


Estimado(a) alumno(a):

Reciba usted, la más cordial bienvenida al presente ciclo académico de la Escuela

profesional de Psicología Humana en la Universidad Alas Peruanas.

En la guía de trabajo académico que presentamos a continuación se le plantea

actividades de aprendizaje que deberá desarrollar en los plazos establecidos y
considerando la normativa e indicaciones del Docente Tutor.

1.-Write a paragraph about a dialogue between two tourists from

England expressing yours likes and dislikes in yours about their lifes.

Use expressions like or dislike (adore, love, enjoy, doesn’t like etc.).
Derek: Hello! My name is Derek, I’m from England and you?
Marlin: Hi Derek, I’m from England too, nice to meet you
Derek: owww excellent! Is amazing to find a friend in Cusco, Peru
Marlin: yeah! It’s great, tell me, what are your plans for this weekend?
Derek: I don’t know, I went to Sacsayhuaman's Ruins yesterday, I loved this place
after that I went to have lunch but I didn't like the food
Marlin: oh what a pity! I know a restaurant with delicious food! I adore his adobo if you
eat it you will like too.
Derek: Great! Tell more about you. Do you like ride a bike?
Marlin: oh no! I dislike ride a bike, it’s too hard. What about you? Do you like walk?
Derek: Well, I hate walking, I prefer ride a bike always.
Marlin: ok! I understand you! Tell me, do you like to go swimming with me?
Derek: yes, I adore swimming,
Marlin: jajaja ok! I like swimming but not adore. I adore reading the news and I
enjoy singing
Derek: Really? I enjoy singing too maybe we are going to sing tonight.
Marlin: Maybe, actually I prefer to stay at hotel, I love movies!
Derek: Ok! Don’t worry! I adore movies too.
Marlin: Do you like playing chess?
Derek: Yes, I like playing chess and you?
Marlin: Obviously, I love playing chess, what do you think about play chess
Derek: mmmm… ok! Tomorrow at 5:00 p.m.
Marlin: Perfect! See you tomorrow.
Derek: Bye!

2.-Complete the following sentences:Write "Love , like, don't like,

doesn't like, dislike or hate" in the following blancs.

1. I love eating Pizza on Saturdays. 

2. My sister doesn’t like tidying her room. 

3. She dislikes making dinner on Mondays. 

4. Arthur love playing rugby with his friends. 

5. My aunt hates driving at night. 

6. Your brothers like sleeping in the tent. 

7. Those children don’t like listening to the radio. 

8. These men hates working on Sundays. 

9. My niece adores reading adventure books. 

10. Your father's friends dislike driving their cars when it is raining.


a) What will you eat?

b) Would you like a sandwich?

c) Will you answer the phone?

d) Where will your mother go to celebrate her mother’s day?

e) Would you do me a favor?

f) Would you carry this for me please?

g) Would you mind closing the door?

h) Will you stop talking like that?

i) Will you stop crying please?

j) Would you like something to drink?

4.-write ten sentences using the comparative form.

a) John's hat is bigger than Thomas' hat.

b) Thomas’ nose is wider than John.

c) John is taller than Thomas.

d) Thomas’ ears are smaller than John’s ears.

e) Thomas is lower than John.

f) John’s face is longer than Thomas’ face.

g) Thomas’ face is rounder than John’s face.

h) Thomas’ smile is bigger than John’s smile.

i) John’s smile is smaller than Thomas’ smile.

j) John's eyes are more open than Thomas’ eyes.

5.-write ten sentences using the superlative form.

a) My sofa is the most comfortable in the world.

b) Sofia’ stool is smallest.

c) My uncle’s flowers are the most beautiful.

d) The desk chair is tallest.

e) Jerry is the least worried about the exam.

f) She is the smartest girl in their class.

g) Gustavo is the most handsome in my downtown.

h) I am the shortest person in my family.

i) Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System.

j) Mountain Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

6.-write ten sentences using the future with going to.

a) I’m going to Egypt for my birthday.

b) We are going to have dinner together tomorrow.

c) Mary is going to be a brilliant police woman.

d) Junior is going to be a general manager after finished his career.

e) My mom is going to buy a car the next month.

f) You are going to eat at night with your boyfriend.

g) Tonight is going to be a good night.

h) They are going to dance tomorrow.

i) I’m going to sing for mother’s day at school.

j) He is going to be honored for his excellent grades next week.

7.-Write ten sentences using the future with will.

a) I will finish my career.

b) I promise, I will go to the party.

c) She will help with her brother’s homework.

d) Junior will travel this year.

e) Gustavo will buy an airplane.

f) Vanessa will go to the university.

g) I will find a job.

h) Her father promises, he will arrive early for dinner.

i) Reina and Carlos will be married.

j) I think the weather will be great this winter.

8.-write ten sentences in simple present tense : ( use the

pronouns I,he,she,it,we,you,they) (1 punto)

a) I walk to work every day.

b) He buys in the supermarket every night.

c) They travel to Cusco every year.

d) She arrive from London today.

e) You work hard every month.

f) We sleep at 1:00 a.m. every Christmas day.

g) Bobby run at the beach every Sundays.

h) My puppy eat Ricocan with meat always.

i) My uncle shout too hard every morning.

j) We go camping this Saturday.


 Universidad Alas Peruanas (2016). Inglés IV. Lima, Perú: Autor

 Hashemi, L; Murphy, R (2008). English Grammar in Use supplementary

exercises. Recuperado de:

 OM Personal Multimedia English (1999). APA style: Electronic references.

Recuperado de:





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