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To Manuela Pastoral Lullaby BERCEUSE CAMPESINA (Un canto de cuna campestre) ALEJANDRO GARCIA CATURLA A pastoral song in free recitative style, built fon an ostinato bass. Note how the ostinato shifts from the tonic to the dominant chords. At the very end there is a three-measure ritardando and dim- Un canto de cuna, del campo, escrita on un estilo recitativo Libre, construido sobre un bajo “obstinato Observese como éste se mueve del corde de tonica al de dominante, Al final pro- tnuendo leading to a soft figure based on the unre- | piamente dicho, hay tres compases, relardando ¥ solved dominant 9th chord. This chord disappears | diminuendo, gue llevan @ una suave figura basa~ into space, but one feels quite strongly its implied | da en un acorde de novena de dominance, sin resolution, the F major chord: resolver. Bste acorde se disuelve en elespacto, pero se sionte sufisientemente fuerte su inplictta resotuctin, ef acorde de Fa mayor: Andantino con moto Piano dim. al fine | aD | a Remediog, Cubs, April, 1060

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