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1. What is mobile computing?

Ability to compute remotely while on the move. It is possible to access information from
anywhere and at any time.
2. Differentiate Mobile computing and wireless networking.
Mobile computing denotes accessing information and remote computational services
while on the move, where wireless networking provides the basic communication
infrastructure necessary to make this possible.
3. What are the advantages of mobile computing?
i. Anytime any where access
4. What are the limitations of mobile computing?
i. Low Security
ii. Limited resources
iii.Limited computational power
5. Give some mobile computing applications.
i. Stock Information Collection/Control
ii. Emergency services
iii.For Estate Agents
iv.In courts
v. In companies
vi.Credit Card Verification
6. Give some characteristics of Mobile computing.
i. Ubiquity
ii. Location awareness
v. Personalization
7. List out some properties of MAC Protocols
i. Implements some rules that help to enforce discipline when multiple nodes share
same medium.
ii. It maximizes the utilization of channel
iii. Fair channel allocation
8. State hidden terminal problem.

 Node C transmits data to node B.

 If A “senses” the channel, it will not hear C’s transmission and falsely conclude that A
can begin a transmission to B.
 It results in collision at Node B.
9. State exposed terminal problem
 B wants to send to C and listens to the channel.
 When B hears A’s transmission, B falsely assumes that it cannot send to C.
 It leads to inefficient spectrum usage as well as unnecessary transmission delays
10. Define Ad-hoc networks or MANET.

Ad-hoc networks are infrastructure less, self-configuring networks and is based

on multi-hop wireless communication.
1. Define Mobile IP.
Mobile IP enables an IP node to retain the same IP address and maintain
existing communications while traveling from one link to another
2. Explain why traditional IP cannot be used in mobile network.
When host moves to new location, it may then move to another LAN and so
on. As a result it would need to change its IP address for every new location, it
leads to a huge complexity in maintaining the IP address and proper
communication link. So traditional IP cannot be used.
3. Define Care Of Address.
COA is an address that identifies the mobile node’s current location. The
packets send to Mobile node is delivered to COA. It is associated with the
foreign Agent and it can be viewed as the end of a tunnel from home agent.
Types… (i) Foreign Agent COA (ii) Co-Located COA
4. Explain about Tunneling and Encapsulation.
Tunnel is a virtual pipe that is established between home agent and COA.
Tunneling is the process of sending a packet via a tunnel and it is achieved by
a mechanism called encapsulation. Encapsulation refers to assembling a
packet’s existing header and data in the data part of the new packet.
5. What are the features of Mobile IP
i. Transparency
ii. Compatibility
iv.Efficiency and Scalability
6. What is route optimization.
 All the data packets to the mobile node go through the home agent.
 There will be a heavy traffic between HA and CN causing latency to
 To overcome this problem the following route optimization needs
• Enable direct notification of the corresponding host
• Direct tunneling from the corresponding host to the mobile host.
• Binding cache maintained at the corresponding host
The association of the home address with care-of-address is called binding
7. What is the need for Multiplexing and De-multiplexing?
Data sent by different applications need to be Multiplexed together, before
they sent to network. De-Multiplexing is the process of allocation which
application to which recipient at the receiver end.
8. Define Slow start.
It is a mechanism used in TCP, where transmission is started with a lowest
fixed window size and it is doubled after each successful transmission.

1. What is the need for GSM?
Global System for Mobile communication is a standard to describe the
protocols for digital networks used by mobile devices.
2. What are the services provided by GSM.
i. Bearer services
ii. Teleservices
iii. Supplementary services
3. Compare transparent and Non transparent bearer services.
Transparent bearer services uses the functions of physical layer of
transmission of data leading to constant delay and throughput.
Non transparent bearer services use the second and third layer to
implement error correction and flow control.
4. What are the major sub systems of GSM.
i. Radio Subsystem (RSS)
ii. Networking and switching subsystem(NSS)
iii. Operation Subsystem (OSS)
5. What are the security features associated with GSM?
i. Authentication
ii. Confidentiality
iii. Anonymity
6. Categories of GPRS services.
i. Point –to-point services
- Between two users, can be connection less or
connection oriented
ii. Point – to – Multipoint services
- Data transfer from one user to multiple user
Types… a) PTM Multicast b) PTM Group call
7. Advantages and limitations of GPRS
i. Machine - to – machine data communication
ii. Lower service charges
iii. Compactable with E-Mail
iv. Broad cast services
v. Web browsing
i. Reduced cell capacity
ii. Transit delay
iii. No store
8. What

1. Why routing in MANET a complex task?
i. The nodes in MANET keeps on moving.
ii. Determined routes become outdated soon.
iii. Identity is a large overhead
2. Characteristics of MANET.
i. Lack of fixed infrastructure
ii. Dynamic topologies
iii. Bandwidth constrained, variable capacity links
iv. Energy constrained operation
v. Increased vulnerability
3. Applications of MANETs
i. Communication among portable computers
ii. Environmental monitoring
iii. Military
iv. Emergency applications
4. MANET design issues
i. Network size and node density
ii. Connectivity
iii. Network topology
iv. User traffic
v. Operational environment
vi. Energy constraint

5. Traditional routing protocols is not suitable in MANETs. Justify.

Yes, it is not suitable because of the following reasons..
i. Routes cannot be identified as unique because of continual
topology changes.
ii. Nodes often shutdown due to low energy, So links break up.
iii. Efficiency is lower in MANETs
6. State the things to be considered on an incoming packet in MANET
i. Ensures that the packet moves towards its destination
ii. The path length must be minimized
iii. Delay and packet loss should be minimum.
iv. Data should not be allowed to move around in the network freely.
7. List out the types of communications available.
i. Uncast: The message is sent to a single destination node.
ii. Multicast: The message is sent to a selected subset of the network
iii. Broadcast: The message is sent to all node in the network
iv. Geo cast : The message is sent to all node in the certain
geographical location
8. Compare Proactive and Reactive protocols
Proactive protocols
i. Maintain routes between every host pair at all times
ii. Traditional distributed shortest-path protocols
iii. Based on periodic updates; High routing overhead
iv. Example: DSDV (destination sequenced distance vector)
Reactive protocols
i. Determine route if and when needed
ii. Source initiates route discovery
iii. Example: DSR (dynamic source routing)
9. Features of MANET routing protocols
i. Capable to identify network topology even after the changes
ii. Topology maintenance
iii. Scheduling of packet transmission and channel assignment
10. What is VANET? What are its security issues.
- VANET is a special type of MANET in which moving
automobiles from the nodes of the network.
- Vehicle can communicate with other vehicle that are within a
range of about 100 to 300 meters – Multi- hop communication.
Security issues
Lack of physical boundary
Low power RF transmission
Limited computational capabilities
Limited power supply
1. Special constraints in Mobile OS.
- Limited memory
- Limited screen size
- Miniature keyboard
- Limited processing power
- Limited battery power
- Limited and fluctuating of the wireless medium
2. Special service requirements in Mobile OS
- Support for specific communication protocols
- Support for a variety of input mechanism
- Compliance with open standard
- Extensive library support

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