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Pettit_IntlLaw 139

The Domination Complaint [objeción]

La tradición republicana conceptualiza la libertad política como ausencia de dominación:

argumentando que una persona es libre en la medida en que otros no estén en condiciones de
interferir a voluntad y con algún grado de impunidad en sus asuntos / Defiendo los dos aspectos de
la tradición, el histórico y el filosófico

[¿Qué asuntos, públicos y/o privados?]—Fundamentar mi posición

Ideals & Complaints (objeción)

La estimación de una comunidad (o ideal-polity) política gira en última instancia en qué tan bien
sirve a sus ciudadanos, respondiendo a los intereses (¿y valores?) que están dispuestos a seguir -
Algo en cuya ausencia los llevaría a protestar 88

Constraints of Feasibility

en la Constitución, más importante que imponer límites al ejercicio del poder, es marcar pautas u
orientaciones de comportamiento y metas políticas a largo plazo (principios)

the state or polity should be able to do something about relieving or remedying the complaint in
question: the complaint must be politically remediable and remediable in an effective and efficient
manner / that is, the remedy that does not introduce new problems in place of old & the remedy
that involves lower costs overall than any alternative strategy 89

p. ej: it might perpetrate more interference or domination than it prevents

Cuáles problemas son políticamente relevantes: There may be nonpolitical ways of relieving the
complaint that achieve better results for the same or for lower costs

Thre are better ways -certainly more efficient ways- to tackle a supposed problem of (political)
unbielief than to have recourse to the power of the polity
Constraints of Desairability

The Pareto improvement: good for some -the complaining group- bad for none

It should be what I shall describe as a significant complaint

Pettit se las tiene que ver con el concepto de dominación; si es un problema político, y si el
republicanismo (como participación en la construcción y en la implementación) responde a él— id est:
concepto de Estado (Skinner)

such arbitrary interference is accessible and uncostly - it does not materialize just by way of brute
accident but is something for which the agent can be reasonably held responsible

Reduciendo o anulando el rango de opciones / p. ej. Bajo la amenaza de fuerza

Ojo con una relación circular entre dominación e interferencia / El Estado necesariamente debe
interferir para actuar…desarrollo

La interferencia suele darse por grados 94

Weber - the state claims a monopoly of legitimate force in its community and that claim must be
more or less effectively implemented within any well-ordered polity : fines del Estado - Ello sirve
también para evitar la interferencia indebida de agentes particulares

Contra impunidad: costos esperados (institucionalmente, no por propia mano) de la interferencia

indebida - cuál es ésta

Call this the strategy of armament. Another way in which the state might reduce domination is by
disarmament: that is, by removing the extra resources and powers that enable some to dominate
others 94

EDUCATION: the state is able to encourage a civic culture of condemnation for various forms of
arbitrary interference and a culture of coming to the aid of those who suffer such interference 95

How do things stand with the state as an agency for promoting non domination as distinct from non

the interference allowed to the state is subject to a controlling brief that helps to ensure that on
every issue it has to track the common, readily avowable interests of citizens, and only such
interests. I conceive of common interests as those interests whose collective promotion is supported
by considerations that people admit as discursively relevant (avowable) 96

En este asunto del bien común es que el Estado requiere controles institucionales - Pero más que
Características de un Estado constitucional 97

[Credo] I do not say that any institutional design is going to remove domination fully and meet the
challenge with complete success. But there is at least a hope that state domination may be reduced
to a tolerable minimum: a level that is clearly compensated for by the domination that the state
prevents 97

an objection: If the state espouses nondomination as a goal, won't it find itself shackled to a project
that will demand more and more in the way of resources and interference? Hiperregulación:
complejidad de la vida contemporánea

mine: is the republic an insatiable political ideal? 98

As the state promises to be an effective agency in acting against domination, then, it looks likely to
represent the most efficient instrumentality available. The state will be able to achieve only very
little, as the long republican tradition emphasizes, if it cannot rely on a fund of civic virtue and
commitment for ensuring a regime of nondomination: "Just as good morals, if they are to be
maintained, have need of the laws, so the laws, if they are to be observed, have need of good
morals" But without the state as a guiding presence, as indeed Machiavelli takes for granted, there
is no hope of such virtue and commitment –such good morals- achieving anything. 100 / Un fuerte
contenido ético-político

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