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Actividades Online


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Introducción 3

Click into English! 1

Unit 1 4
Unit 2 6
Unit 3 8
Unit 4 10
Unit 5 12
Unit 6 14

Click into English! 2

Unit 1 16
Unit 2 18
Unit 3 20
Unit 4 22
Unit 5 24
Unit 6 26

Click into English! 3

Unit 1 28
Unit 2 30
Unit 3 32
Unit 4 34
Unit 5 36
Unit 6 38

Answer Key 40

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Actividades Online Complementarias: ¿por qué? Como docentes sabemos que no todos nuestros alumnos man-
Este material ha sido pensado para acompañar la serie Click into tienen el mismo ritmo de trabajo y, muchas veces, aquellos que
English! y tiene por objetivo responder al pedido de los docentes terminan rápidamente se convierten en factor de distracción para
usuarios de la serie, quienes han manifestado el deseo de contar aquellos que necesitan más tiempo para comprender y resolver la
con mayor cantidad de ejercitación con el propósito de afianzar aún ejercitación. En esos momentos, las actividades online permiten a
más los contenidos presentados, reforzar algunos de los conceptos los alumnos del primer grupo seguir trabajando y consolidando
y disponer de mayores recursos a la hora de planificar las clases. sus conocimientos a la vez que el docente puede seguir acompa-
ñando a los que tienen mayor dificultad.
Actividades Online Complementarias: ¿qué son? Sin embargo, por su formato y características de diseño, las acti-
Las actividades online constan de 6 bloques de ejercitación, que vidades también pueden ser copiadas en el pizarrón ya sea por el
cubren el contenido de cada una de las seis unidades en los tres docente o por algún alumno. Dichas actividades pueden ser lleva-
niveles de Click into English! Se presentan en contexto y han das a cabo en forma individual, en pequeños grupos o con el total
sido creadas teniendo en cuenta las estructuras gramaticales y as- de alumnos de nuestra clase.
pectos sintácticos y morfológicos más importantes trabajados a lo Muchas de las actividades online pueden ser consideradas “dispa-
largo de Click into English! Cabe destacar que algunos aspectos radoras” para que el docente pueda seguir creando y agregando
gramaticales pueden estar más trabajados que otros en función las suyas propias. Asimismo, cabe la posibilidad de que el alumno
del nivel de complejidad de cada tema. pueda imitar el tipo de ejercitación y realice actividades para sus
Recordemos que la presentación de las actividades en contexto compañeros, por supuesto bajo la supervisión del docente.
ayuda al alumno a pensar en la estructura de la lengua no como
elementos a memorizar sino como herramientas para expresar o Cómo encarar la corrección de las actividades online
transmitir una idea. Si como docentes hacemos énfasis en esto, no- En algunos casos, el docente podrá facilitar las respuestas a los
taremos en el alumno un aprendizaje más sostenido y valioso que alumnos (ver página 40 Click into English! Answer Key) para que
facilitará a su vez el uso de esas estructuras en contextos diferentes. ellos mismos aprendan a monitorear su propio aprendizaje y de-
sarrollen autonomía y responsabilidad. En estos casos, el objetivo
Actividades Online Complementarias: ¿cómo usarlas? y el feedback que se espera no es el de computar la cantidad de erro-
Es importante aclarar que las actividades online no pueden reem- res que cometieron sino ayudarlos a descubrir el motivo de confu-
plazar el trabajo con el libro de texto sino que acompañan y sostie- sión o la falta de atención hacia determinadas formas de la lengua
nen el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje como una herramienta extranjera. Sabemos por experiencia que la repetición de ejercicios
más para el desarrollo exitoso de nuestras clases. no basta para incorporar nuevos conceptos – es necesario que
Como estrategia pedagógica, es válido permitirle al alumno con- el alumno reflexione. Una vez realizado este paso, la ejercitación
sultar el libro de texto al momento de realizar las actividades ya adquirirá otro valor y otro significado tanto para el docente como
que se transforma en una excusa volver al contenido anterior- para el alumno.
mente presentado y, de esa manera, afianzar el conocimiento de Recordemos que darle al alumno la posibilidad de identificar su
la lengua extranjera. error, analizar el origen del mismo y buscar la manera de corregir-
Las actividades diseñadas se pueden usar para consolidar lo apren- lo son instancias de aprendizaje tan valiosas como la explicación
dido en clase, ya sea como ejercitación complementaria dentro de del docente y la realización de las actividades que éste les asigna.
la misma clase o bien asignada como tarea para el hogar, según lo
considere necesario cada docente. Es importante destacar que las Es nuestro anhelo que este nuevo material pueda acompañar aún
consignas correspondientes al primer nivel de Click into English! más al docente en esta tarea de guiar a nuestros alumnos en la
han sido incluidas en español, al igual que en el Workbook, para aventura de aprender, dándoles nuevas oportunidades de explo-
ayudar a los alumnos a que puedan concentrarse en la resolución rar y usar la lengua extranjera.
de los ejercicios y trabajar de manera independiente.

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1 Unit 1
1. Esta es la familia de Jack. Completá las oraciones. 4. En su primer día de clases, Jack conoce nuevos
amigos. Ordená el diálogo.
William Scott Macy & Sylvia Brent
I’m thirteen years old. And you?
Peter Macy & Jill Dent Sandra Macy Bobby Macy
Great! I’m from Florida, USA. Welcome to my
Jack Macy Cathy Macy Aaron Joe Macy country, Dan.
Hi, Jack. I’m Daniel. Call me Dan.
a. Peter is Jack’s . I’m from Ottawa, Canada.
b. William is Jack’s . a Hello. My name is Jack. What’s your name?

c. Sylvia is Jack’s . How old are you, Dan?

d. Jill is Jack’s . I’m fourteen. Where are you from, Dan?

e. Aaron is Jack’s .
f. Cathy is Jack’s . 5. Ahora, practicá el diálogo con un compañero.
g. Sandra is Jack’s .
6. La siguiente información es sobre vos. Si no es
correcta, corregila.
2. Jack te presenta a su familia. Completá con My,
His o Her. a. I’m twenty-three years old.
a. Hello! name is Jack. I’m not twenty-three years old.

b. This is my sister. name is Cathy. b. My teacher is English.

c. This is my uncle Robert. nickname is Bobby.
d. This is my grandpa Will. middle name is Scott.
c. I’m from Salta.
e. Jill is my mother. last name is Dent.
f. This is my brother Aaron. middle name is Joe.
g. family’s last name is Macy. d. 543-5842 is my telephone number.

3. Deletreá e investigá el significado de estas siglas.

e. CSI is my favourite TV programme.
f. Jennifer Lawrence is my friend.

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Unit 1 Click into

7. ¿Te gustaría entrevistar a Messi? Completá la 10. Alex busca cyber-amigos. Leé la información
siguiente entrevista. y completá la ficha.

You: Hello! My name is (a) . Inbox - Mail Alex Demopoulos

(b) ? To:
LM: I’m Lionel Messi.
Hello. My name is Alex Demopoulos. I’m from
You: (c) ? Athens, Greece. I’m thirteen years old. I’m a
student in Athenas Comprehensive School. My
LM: I’m from Rosario. best friend is Andreas. He’s a student, too. I’m not
very tall. My eyes are brown and my hair is black.
You: What is your (d) ? Write to:

LM: Lio. In Argentina people call me Pulga.

You: (e) ? Full name:
LM: I’m (f) years old. Age:
You: (g) son’s name?
LM: His name is Thiago. Friend:
You: (h) ? Physical Description:

LM: He is (i) years old.

You: Thank you very much, Lio! 11. Ordená las siguientes oraciones para formar
un diálogo.

8. Ahora, pensá en tu estrella favorita y escribí una a. father – is – England – your – from
entrevista con ella/él en tu carpeta. Is your father from England ?

b. he – isn’t – no / is – he – German
9. Elegí la opción correcta.

a. This is my friend Nina. She / He is thirteen years old.

c. he – doctor – is – a
b. This is Harry. His / Her last name is Benson.
c. My sister is North American. He / She is from NY.
d. Mario is my friend. Her / His telephone number is d. isn’t – no – he
e. This is my dentist. Her / His name is Marian Dell. e. his – occupation – what’s
f. Claudia is a teacher. She / He is Chilean. ?
g. Jenny is a new student. She / He is very beautiful.
f. architect – he – is – an
h. Martin is a handsome boy. Her / His eyes are black.

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1 Unit 2
1. Encontrá los siguientes números en la sopa de 3. Leé el texto y completá el cuadro con la
letras. información necesaria.

30 13 50 3 46 Barbara Travers is really talented. She is only eleven years
old and she is an excellent pianist.
70 4 21 18 81 Her father is a doctor and her mother is a university
teacher. She has a sister, Maggie.
S E V E N T Y T T E Maggie is eighteen years old and she is a very good

E I G H T E E N I G Name
Member Occupation

N F C R A V Y F N N Family


4. Ahora, escribí sobre Tony Stevens.

2. Leé el siguiente texto y completá el árbol
familiar de Zoe. Name Tony Stevens

Hello, my name is Zoe and my husband’s name is Marcos. Occupation schoolbus driver
We are Julian’s parents. My father’s name is Lucio and my
mother’s name is Carol. I have a brother. His name is Mario Age 34
and I have a sister, too. Her name is Elena. Elena has a
daughter, Naty. She is Julian’s cousin. Member Occupation
mother dentist
father architect

brother singer

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Unit 2 Click into

5. Identificá las banderas, colorealas y escribí 6. ¿Con qué ocupaciones relacionás las siguientes
sobre estas personas. palabras? Uní con flechas.

Richard (36), London a. hospital 1. artist

pianist b. stadium
His name is Richard.
2. writer
He is thirty-six. c. taxi 3. electrician
He is from London. He is British.
d. police car 4. doctor
He is a pianist.
e. microphone 5. football player
a. Sofía (16), Buenos Aires f. novel 6. bus driver
g. electricity 7. police officer
h. paints and brushes 8. taxi driver
i. bus 9. pianist
j. piano 10. singer
b. Robin (23), Toronto
7. Ordená las palabras para formar preguntas
y respondé con información sobre vos.

a. your – is – What – name

c. Mark (15), New York
football player b. from – are – you – Where

c. is – address – your– What

d. Yoko (54), Osaka ?

d. you – old – How – are

e. Roberto (32), Puebla
taxi driver e. your – is – name – What – friend’s

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1 Unit 3
1. Consultá el cuadro y escribí oraciones. 2. Uní cada ciudad con lo que podemos encontrar
en ellas. Escribí oraciones.
Paula Vicky Brian Tommy
a. Rio de Janeiro 1. mariachis
b. Rome 2. old temples
play the guitar P O c. Orlando 3. castles
d. Edinburgh 4. carnival parades
play football O P e. Mexico 5. fun parks
f. Athens 6. ancient ruins
dance P O O
play tennis P a. There are carnival parades in Rio de Janeiro.
swim O P P c.
sing P O O d.
play the piano P O

Paula can play the guitar and sing but she can’t play
football or swim. 3. ¿Conocés bien tu país? Escribí oraciones usando:
there is, there isn’t, there are o there aren’t.

Vicky a. Córdoba / beaches

There aren’t any beaches in Córdoba.

b. Miramar / mountains

c. Puerto Madryn / whales

d. Mar del Plata / casino


e. Misiones / obelisk

f. Santa Fé / waterfalls

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Unit 3 Click into

4. Pensá en tu ciudad y respondé usando las 5. Leé la descripción de la escuela de Bruno

palabras que están en las cajas. y respondé las preguntas.

supermarket bank Hi, my name is Bruno. I’m thirteen years old and I’m
Chilean. I’m from Valparaíso.
I go to Nueva Era School. My school is very big. There are
hospital park forty classrooms and two big playgrounds. There is also
a music room, a library and a theatre for two hundred
restaurant club people.
On the second floor, there is a big gym and a computer
lab with forty computers. The toilets are very clean and
museum school
the canteen is really comfortable. I love my school.

a. How old is Bruno?

a. Where can you see a doctor?
b. What is his nationality?
c. Where is he from?
b. Where can you study? d. What is the name of his school?
e. How many classrooms are there?
c. Where can you play, run and ride your bike? f. Are there four playgrounds?
g. Is there a music room?
h. How many people can go to the theatre?
d. Where can you get money?
i. What is there on the second floor?

e. Where can you see old things? 6. Ahora, describí tu escuela. Usá el texto sobre la
escuela de Bruno como guía.

f. Where can you have lunch?

g. Where can you practise basketball?

h. Where can you buy shampoo and food?

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1 Unit 4
1. Completá con: There is/are o Is/Are there. 2. ¿Some o any?
a. many parks in my town.
a. There’s pizza in the fridge but there
b. a new student in my
isn’t juice to drink.
b. Is there sugar for my coffee?
c. a library in your school?
c. There’s a problem. We haven’t got
d. any beaches in Tucumán?
fizzy drinks for the party!
e. a very beautiful view
from my window. d. There isn’t bread for breakfast.
e. There aren’t students in the classroom
f. a new football coach?
but there are in the gym.
g. any museums near your
f. Are there apples for the fruit salad?
g. I need cold milk for the cake.
h. very good teachers at my
h. There aren’t fruits and I’m hungry!

3. Ordená las palabras y resolvé el crucigrama de las comidas.

Down 1 2
2. ETA
5. CEHSEE 3 9
10 4
8. FSIH 11

Across 5
9. BAERD 6 7 12 8
11. CKAE
13. PZIZA 13
14. ALPEP 15
15. ESGG

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Unit 4 Click into

4. Clasificá los alimentos del crucigrama en estas g. Do you like ?

dos categorías.

Food you can eat Food you can eat h. Do you like ?
for breakfast for lunch or dinner

6. Ahora, completá el siguiente cuadro con tus

respuestas a las preguntas del ejercicio 5 y las
de tu compañero.

You: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
5. Reemplazá los íconos por los deportes que
representan. g.
a. Do you like basketball ? Your friend: Yes, he/she does. /
No, he/she doesn’t.

b. Do you like ? a.
c. Do you like ? c.
d. Do you like ? e.
e. Do you like ?
f. Do you like ?

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1 Unit 5
1. Ordená las siguientes acciones y describí tu 3. Mirá los íconos y describí el clima en las
rutina en un día de semana. siguientes ciudades.

brush my teeth have lunch What’s the weather like in…?

a. Ottawa
get up have breakfast go to bed

play computer games get home take the bus b. London

go to school have dinner do my homework

c. Frankfurt

I get up at 6 o’clock every day.

d. Buenos Aires

e. Helsinki

f. Isla Margarita

g. Villa Gesell
2. Subrayá la opción correcta.

a. Jason don’t speak / doesn’t speak Spanish very

well. 4. Uní los siguientes trimestres con la estación del
año que les corresponde en tu país.
b. My school has / have two playgrounds and a big
a. December 21 to March 20
1. Winter
b. June 21 to September 20 2. Spring
c. Sonia and Denise take / doesn’t take the bus to
school. 3. Autumn
c. March 21 to June 20 4. Summer
d. On Thursdays, Harry goes / go to the club.
d. September 21 to December 20
e. Lia doesn’t watch / watch television in the

f. The students doesn’t like / don’t like long


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Unit 5 Click into

5. Mirá los relojes y respondé. 7. ¿On, in o at? Completá.

What time is it? a. I have English lessons Tuesday.

b. It’s very windy autumn.
c. My brother’s birthday is August.

a. b. c. d. d. I never go to sleep midnight.

e. I go to the club every day the
f. We always have lunch two o’clock.

e. f.
8. Respondé las siguientes preguntas.

a. a. When is Christmas?
b. When is your birthday?
f. c. When is it cold in your country?

d. When do you have Maths lessons?

6. Escribí oraciones sobre la rutina de fin de semana de estas personas en tu carpeta.

Lily Ramon Betty Zoe Carla

get up before 10 pm usually always
go to the supermarket never
do his/her homework for Monday usually never
go out with friends always
go to bed before 2 am never
go dancing usually
play sports at the club never always

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1 Unit 6
1. Leé el artículo y elegí la opción correcta. e. Do these animals have long front legs?
Conseguí una foto para ilustrar el artículo!

f. Are they rodents?

Unusual Animals

3. Completá la ficha informativa sobre los jerbos.

The Gobi jerboa live / lives in the deserts of
China and Mongolia. They are rodents.
They is / are usually light brown with a white
Fact File
The Gobi jerboa have / has a long tail and very Animal: Gobi jerboa
long back legs. They can / are jump very high! Lives in:
They also have really long ears. They is / are
three times the size of their heads!
The Gobi jerboa sleeps / sleep during the day
and is / are active at night. They eats / eat
mostly insects.


Stick a picture. Can:

4. Usá la siguiente ficha y el texto del ejercicio 1

2. Respondé las preguntas sobre el texto acerca de para escribir un artículo sobre los osos polares.
los jerbos.
Fact File
a. Do jerboas have long teeth? Animal: Polar bears
Live in: the Arctic
Eat: fish and seals
Have: white fur, strong claws
b. Do they live in the desert? Can: make holes in the ice, walk long distances

c. Does a jerboa eat plants?

d. Does a jerboa eat at night?


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Unit 6 Click into

5. Formulá preguntas. Luego, consultá tu libro de c. Yaguaretés: cats – Africa – herbivores – black
texto y respondé.

a. Where / vicuñas / live d. Pandas: Africa – small – bamboo – carnivores


e. Bald eagles: herbivore – grass – small mice – rainforest

b. What / the bald eagle / eat

7. Leé y decidí qué animal describen los textos.

c. What / scarlet macaws / have
? It’s a big animal. It’s black and has long arms. It doesn’t have
a tail. It’s very intelligent.
It lives in the forests of Central Africa.
d. Where / the giant panda / live It can climb trees.
It eats fruit and insects.
It’s a .

e. What / gorillas / eat

It’s a small animal. It’s black and white. It has wings but it
can’t fly.
f. the Indian tiger / a herbivore or a carnivore It lives in the South Pole.
It eats fish.
It’s a .

6. Marcá la característica propia de cada animal.

Luego escribí una oración con cada una de las
palabras elegidas.
8. Elegí y describí un animal en tu cuaderno para
a. Red macaws: teeth – shell – beak – neck que tus compañeros adivinen.
Red macaws have a strong beak.

b. Zebras: carnivores – America – herbivores –

long neck

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2 Unit 1
1. Put the words in order to make sentences. e. In the evening, I

a. never / Caroline / at 7.30 am / gets up / at the

weekend f. My favourite day is because
Caroline never gets up at 7.30 am at the weekend.

b. go to bed / usually / I / very late

3. Use the cues to ask and answer.

a. Julian / eat pizza

c. Maggie / in the afternoon / chats on Facebook /
How often does Julian eat pizza? He always
eats pizza.

d. before dinner / does her homework / often / Nina b. Patty / take her dog for a walk

e. on TV / never / We / the news / watch

c. Connor / visit his granny

f. clean their room / never / Laura and Kelly / on


d. our teacher / miss a class

g. go to the cinema / My friend and I / once a month

2. Complete the sentences with true information. 4. Christmas presents! Whose are they? Look at
the list. Ask and answer in your notebook.
a. On weekdays, I get up
Camila – a doll
b. Then, I Bobby – a video game
Mum – a mobile phone
Kevin – a laptop
c. After that, I Katie – a night dress
Dad – a new DVD player

d. In the afternoon, I
Whose is the doll? It’s Camila’s.

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Unit 1 Click into

5. Christmas Traditions. Complete the texts with the verbs in the correct form.

Text A Text B

be leave eat spend decorate kiss give snow

open celebrate light eat bake prepare send

Christmas in Argentina Christmas in the USA

The weather (a) generally hot on
It usually (a) on Christmas Day.
Christmas Day. People (b) cold dishes
At home, people (b) cookies and
like cold chicken or pork with different types of salads.
(c) turkey and other food treats.
Families (c) Christmas Eve (December
Families (d) presents to children and
24th) together and at 12 o’clock on the dot, they
friends. Most American people (e)
(d) the beginning of Christmas Day
greeting cards to those members of the family who are
with music and fireworks! The adults
far away. They (f) their houses with
(e) fireworks and every child in the lights and their trees with ornaments.
family (f) the presents Papá Noel Children (g) candy canes and couples
(Santa Claus) (g) for them. (h) under the mistletoe.

6. How often? Look at the school timetable and ask questions for these answers.

a. How often do you have a break at school ?

Every day.
b. ? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Four times a week. Maths Arts Science Science Music

c. ? Science Arts Arts Maths Geography

Once a week. break

d. ? History Maths History Geography Chemistry

Twice a week. Computer
History PE Geography Maths
e. ?
Three times a week.
f. ?

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2 Unit 2
1. Look at the picture on page 17 in your book and c. ?
correct the information.
d. ?
a. Jack is calling a friend. e. ?
Jack isn’t calling a friend. He is writing a letter. f. ?

b. Meg is drinking some juice. 3. Feelings! How do you feel when you…? Write.

… listen to a good song

c. Ann is talking to Will. … don’t eat for a long time
… work hard
d. Pat is doing her homework. … have a problem
… go out with your friends
… eat food with too much salt
e. Sandra is listening to music.
4. These people are on holidays. Write about what
they do and what they are doing now.
f. Meg and Jim are eating pizza.
a. Robert / doctor / work in a hospital / walk along the
b. Sandy / teacher / teach Maths / swim in the sea
g. Mike is sending a text message. c. Elena / secretary / work in an office / buy souvenirs
d. Walter / architect / design houses / do hang gliding
e. Stuart / bus driver / drive a schoolbus / visit
2. Mum goes to work and leaves a list of museums
instructions for her children. At midday, she
calls to check on them. Ask the questions. a. Robert is a doctor. He works in a hospital every day.
Now, he is walking along the beach.
Mum’s list
• Peter – wash the car
• Ann – make the beds
• Susan – study Maths
• Tom – do the gardening
• Jill and Kate – clean their bedroom
• Jessy – do her homework d.

a. Is Peter washing the car ?
b. ?

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Unit 2 Click into

5. Match. (There is an extra answer!)

a. Where does Gary study?

1. Yes, in an office.
b. What does he do in the morning? 2. Science.

c. What is he studying? 3. At a private university, I think.

4. He gets up very early, has breakfast and goes to study.
d. Does he work?
5. I’m not sure. Pop, I think.
e. What kind of music does he like? 6. Yes, he is.
7. Yes, he does. He practises basketball.
f. Does he practise any sports?

6. Read the interview and answer.

e. Who else is helping?
Reporter: Good morning. This is Laura Leeds from
Lancaster School. Some students are working
on a project, organizing a charity event to help f. What type of food are they collecting?
people in need. Susie and Sean are responsible
for this event. Let’s talk to them.
Hi, Susie! Hi, Sean. Please, tell us. Are all the
students working together on this project? 7. Sophie needs a hand with her birthday party
Susie: Hi, Laura. Yes. Everybody is helping us. Some but her friends can’t help. Why? Write.
students are collecting clothes and some are
visiting the neighbours and asking for food. a. Julie / study for her History test
Reporter: What type of food are you asking for? Julie is studying for her History test.
Sean: Powder milk, dry pasta, tea, sugar and flour.
Susie: Teachers and parents are helping us, too.
Reporter: Well, congratulations! This is a wonderful project. b. Cindy / take her dog to the vet

a. What are the students organising?

c. Gabriel / visit his granny

b. Who are they helping with their event?

d. Pat and Jason / help their mother

c. Are Laura and Susie responsible for the event?

e. Matt / wait for an important call

d. What are the students doing to help?

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2 Unit 3
1. Choose the correct option. a. We use to write big
words on signs.
Sam and Kate invite / are inviting friends to dinner every
b. We use to stick paper
Friday. Now, they are checking / check for food in their
on paper.
c. is a big piece of paper to
Sam: There are any / some tomatoes and make signs.
some / any lettuce. We can make some / any d. We use a to draw
salad. straight lines.
Kate: Good idea! There isn’t any / some chicken
but there are any / some lamb chops. e. We use to cut paper.
Sam: Fine! Is there any / some juice? f. We use to stick signs on
Kate: Yes, there is. But there isn’t some / any cola. the walls.
Sam: It’s OK. Sonia doesn’t like cola.
4. Today is Danny’s birthday. It is a special day
2. Match sentence beginnings with their endings. and he is doing special things. Write about it.

a. In my town, there… 1. are four schools. Every day Today

b. There is a big… 2. a train station. a. have breakfast in the kitchen have breakfast in bed
c. Are there… 3. any expensive restaurants. b. have lunch in the office have a barbecue at home
d. There are a lot… 4. park with lots of trees.
c. talk to his friends on the phone meet his friends
e. There aren’t… 5. of cars in the streets.
f. There isn’t… 6. any new cinemas? d. eat organic food for dinner eat pizza and chocolate cake
e. drink fruit juice drink champagne
f. use headphones to listen to music use loudspeakers to share the music
3. Find ten school items in the wordsearch. Then,
use some of them to complete the sentences.
a. Danny has breakfast in the kitchen every day but
O D Y S E L L O T A P E today, he is having breakfast in bed.
D R B S E X H O T L O M b.
E R X E B O O K S S _ L d.

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Unit 3 Click into

5. What do we need to make a healthy cake? Waitress: Ok. And you?

Check the list of ingredients and complete with: Facu: Is there (d) “asado”?
some, any or a. John: Well... we call it steak.
Facu: So, I want (e) steak and
Light Cake (f) chips, please.
Ingredients: Waitress: Oh, I see. Do you want (g) cola
• brown sugar or juice to drink?
• 3 eggs John: I want (h) cola, please.
• sunflower oil Waitress: I’ll bring it in a minute!
• rice flour
• 1 spoonful of baking powder
8. Choose what you want to eat and drink. Write
a dialogue similar to the one in Exercise 7.
We need (a) eggs and (b) brown
sugar. We don’t need (c) butter but we need Click Restaurant
(d) sunflower oil. We don’t need (e)
wheat flour because the ingredients include (f)
Prawn cocktail $ 2.80
rice flour. Do we need (g) baking powder? Yes, Carrot pudding with salad $ 2.50
just (h) spoonful. We also need (i)
Main Course
baking pan. When the cake is ready, we need (j) Lamb with potatoes $ 5.20
tea to enjoy it! Tomato salad $ 4.80
Chicken and rice $ 4.50
Steak with fried eggs $ 4.60
6. Circle the odd one out.
a. sellotape – poster paper – glue – Maths – scissors
Fruit juice $ 0.90
b. never – usually – some – always – sometimes Cola $ 1.10
c. school – History – Arts – Geography – PE Mineral water $ 0.60

d. go – study – big – have – make

e. cheese – meat – rice – juice – cake 9. Complete with: There is / are.
a. five apples in the basket.
7. Complete the dialogue. Use some, any or a.
b. a car in the garage.
Waitress: Can I help you? c. some coffee in the microwave oven.
John: Oh, yes. Do you have (a)
menu, please? d. some cookies on that plate.
Waitress: Of course. Here you are. e. a new chef in that restaurant.
John: I want (b) salad and (c)
f. some excellent dishes in the menu.
hamburger, please.

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2 Unit 4
1. Draw the chart in your notebook and classify 3. Compare using the cues. Give your opinion!
the adjectives.
a. Maths / English difficult
Argentinian fifty dangerous small Maths is more difficult than English.

big old famous b. Arts / History easy

beautiful book black blue

c. love / money important
hot long short new

six American actor city

d. hamburgers / soup good for your health

building colourful African

e. Robert Pattinson / Josh Hutcherson handsome

number opinion size age colour origin noun

f. gigs / football matches exciting

4. Quizzes! Think and complete. Challenge your

2. Use the chart in Exercise 1 to put these phrases friend.
in order.
Argentina Brazil USA UK
a. T-shirt / a / blue / cheap / small a long river Paraná
a cheap small blue T-shirt a high monument Cristo
b. people / Brazilian / young / attractive / three
a good actor Ricardo
a popular singer Axel
c. actor / a / famous / American / teenage
a typical dish “asado”
a famous footballer Messi

d. beautiful / buildings / new / two

5. Use the information in Exercise 4 to write
sentences in your notebook.
e. a / African / dangerous / lion / old / big
Messi is more famous than Neymar.

22 © Pearson Education S.A. • Click into English! Actividades Online Complementarias • Fotocopiable
Unit 4 Click into

6. Read. Then, write a sentence to compare the 7. Write two sentences to compare the three things
information. in each category.

A: What’s your favourite old film? a. Adventure Sports: bungee jumping / parachuting
B: Titanic. It’s so romantic! / rock climbing
dangerous / safe
A: Yes, I know. It’s a film from the 90’s. I’m for comedies.
I love Ghostbusters, it’s from 1984! Rock climbing is more dangerous than parachuting.

Parachuting is safer than bungee jumping.

a. Ghostbusters is older than Titanic.

b. School Subjects: Maths / Music / Literature

easy / difficult
A: Let’s watch an old film?
B: How about Titanic?
A: It’s too long! More than three hours and there’s far
too much water!
B: Ok. What about The Lord of the Rings?
A: It’s very interesting but it’s almost 3.45 hours long! c. TV Shows: Friends / CSI / Animal World
interesting / funny

A: Do you like Queen? d. Vehicles: train / car / plane fast / expensive

B: Not much, but my sister loves them.
A: They are still very popular. I found on the net that
Bohemian Rapsody is the most important hit of the
band, then comes We are the Champions and finally,
We will rock you!

e. Actors: Leonardo DiCaprio / Jim Carrey / Chris

c. Hemsworth handsome / talented

A: Do Brazilian people like basketball?

B: Many people do. But they prefer football. It’s really
very popular.
f. Holiday Places: Mar del Plata / Carlos Paz / Salta
beautiful / hot

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2 Unit 5
1. Complete with: There was / wasn’t o There were / b.
weren’t. gig? ?
very good
When my mum was a teenager our town was very
different. music / loud? ?
a. many parks and squares. perfect
b. many trees in the streets.
c. so many blocks of flats as there are now. restaurant? ?
d. a shopping centre as there is now. really good
e. a fun park where there is a cheap? ?
supermarket now.
f. a beautiful cinema where the new
post office is now. d.
trip? ?
2. Answer. Where were these people yesterday? very long
a. Sam / park
airline service
Sam was at the park yesterday.
good? ?
b. The students / at the school lab

4. Choose the correct option.

c. Nick / at a friend’s house
Hi friends!
I’m having / have / had a great time here in Ibiza.
d. Carmen and Molly / at the shopping centre I am arriving / arrived / arrive last Friday. Carla
and I stay / are staying / stayed at the Ibiza Gold
Hotel. It was / is / were really big and luxurious!
e. Mark / at a rock concert People from Ibiza are / is / was very kind!
Yesterday we went / go / goes to the beach and
we play / played / are playing beach volleyball
and sunbathed all day. The weather is / were / was
3. Write conversations using these cues. incredible! Then, we went / are going / go to a seafood
a. restaurant and eat / ate / are eating very well!
holidays? How were your holidays?
Everything here is / was / were great. We are
wonderful They were wonderful. enjoying / enjoyed / enjoy our holidays a lot.
hotel / luxurious? Was the hotel luxurious? See you soon.
three star No, it was a three-star hotel.

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Unit 5 Click into

5. Re-read the e-mail in Exercise 4. Then, complete 6. Tony and Lily are playing Trivial Pursuit.
with a verb from the box and write a sentence. Complete their answers with a verb in the correct
travel stay have eat
write paint direct
play swim go
compose invent
a. travel by plane P The Sunflowers.
a. Van Gogh
They travelled by plane.
b. Cortázar Rayuela.
b. at a hotel P c. Edison the light bulb.
d. James Cameron Titanic.
e. Picasso The Guernica.
c. a great time P
f. Lennon and McCartney Yesterday.

7. Samuel was on holidays last week. Look at the

d. in a house O chart and write in your notebook.

Usually Last week

e. in the sea P a. get up at 6.30 am get up at 11 am
b. have lunch at the
have lunch with friends
school canteen
f. beach volleyball P
c. do his homework
play computer games at home
in the afternoon
g. tennis O d. help his father in
go out with friends
their shop
e. study for his exams stay in bed listening to music
h. very well P f. have dinner at 9 pm have a pizza at 12 am
g. go to bed at 11 pm go to bed at 3 am

i. to a Chinese restaurant O
a. Samuel usually gets up at 6.30 am but last
week, he got up at 11 am.

j. to a seafood restaurant P

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2 Unit 6
1. Complete with the verbs in the past. c. mother – bought – some – my – food – party
– the – a – for
In 2005, Johnny (a) (be) six years old and
he (b) (live) in Brazil with his family. They
d. to – last – year – travelled – we – stayed – Buenos Aires
(c) (have) a good time. In 2007, they
(d) (travel) to Argentina because his parents
(e) (get) better jobs. They (f) e. visited – museums – Obelisk – the – we – and – or
(live) there for four years. In 2011, they (g)
(move) to England because Johnny (h) f. from – yesterday – I – had – of – stomach ache –
(want) to study in a British school. because – I – ate – lots – chocolate – a

2. Re-read the text in Exercise 1 and ask questions.

4. Correct the information.
a. ?
He was six. a. Christopher Columbus discovered Africa.
b. ? Christopher Columbus didn’t discover Africa.
In Brazil. He discovered America.

c. ?
b. José Hernández wrote El Quijote.
In 2007.
d. ?
Because his parents got better jobs.
e. ? c. César Milstein discovered penicillin.
In 2011.
f. ?
Because Johnny wanted to study in England. d. Alexander Fleming won the Nobel Prize.

3. Put the words in order and write sentences.

There is an extra word in each sentence.
e. Leonardo da Vinci invented the telephone.
a. cousin – my – to – yesterday – house – stayed –
my – came
My cousin came to my house yesterday.
f. José Hernández painted the Mona Lisa.
b. on – friend – my – was – saw – films – two – Saturday

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Unit 6 Click into

5. Superlatives. Ask questions and answer. 7. Last summer, the Petersons went to Spain on
holidays. Use the cues to write about them.
a. Which (difficult) subject?
Which is the most difficult subject? Maths. a. Mrs. Peterson / pack all the suitcases
First, Mrs. Peterson packed all the suitcases.
b. Which (romantic) film?
b. the family / take a plane to Barcelona

c. Which (cold) month in your country?

c. they / leave early in the morning

d. Who (young) member of your family?

d. they / stay in a traditional hotel

e. Which (popular) football team in your country?

e. everyone / go into the sea

6. Match these sentence beginnings with their f. they all / have a great time

a. Paul usually… 8. Complete the article. Write the verbs in the past.
b. Manu Ginóbili is…
c. There were… Liam Hemsworth’s Bio
d. There is…
e. There was… Liam (live) in Australia when he
f. Whose… (be) young. He (work)
g. A puma is…
installing floors and then he (decide) to

smaller than a tiger. start acting. He (act) in some Australian TV

a new History teacher in my class.
In 2009, he (move) to Los Angeles and
Argentina’s most popular basketball player.
(participate) in some films.
a goes to work by bike.
In 2011, he (meet) Miley Cyrus. They
books are these?
(start) a relationship and
a big roast chicken on the table yesterday.
(film) The Last Song. Their relationship (end)
many parks in this city in 1970. in 2013.
Liam (form) part of The Hunger Games
project, a very successful saga.

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3 Unit 1

1. Are these verbs regular or irregular? Classify. 3. Read this scary story and write the verbs in the
past form.
see go happen celebrate
have want live leave A few years ago, a woman and her family (a)
be stop come decide
(move) to a new house in Melbourne, Australia. One night,
get know sleep fall
walk sing study wake she (b) (hear) her baby son crying so she
take write touch arrive (c) (get) out of bed and (d)
(go) to see him. On her way, the baby (e)
Regular Irregular (stop) crying so she went back to bed. A few hours later,
the baby cried again, so she got up and went over to check
again. As she (f) (open) the door to
her son’s room, she (g) (see) a little
boy calming the baby down. When the boy saw her, he
suddenly (h) (disappear). Was it a ghost?
The woman was shocked and later (i) (tell)
2. Complete the crossword puzzle with the past her neighbours about it. They then told her the story they
form of these verbs. all knew: about eighty years ago, a boy died from a terrible
illness and was buried under the exact place where her baby
son’s room was.
1 13

4. The structure of a story: Answer the questions in

2 full form.
a. When did it happen?
8 10 3
5 b. Where did it happen?

Across Down c. Who were the protagonists?

9 1. sing 8. fall
2. go 9. see
3. take 10. leave
4. feel 11. sleep
5. come 12. know d. What happened?
6. be 13. get
7. have

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Unit 1 Click into

5. Write the verbs in the correct form. Pay attention b. This happened fifteen years ago in Scotland
to time expressions. the protagonists weren’t Scottish.
It was a Spanish couple. They didn’t understand
Every year on October 31st, we (a)
English they ignored the sign that
(celebrate) Halloween. My brothers and I (b)
said, ‘Danger! Haunted house’.
(think) of our costumes very carefully. My brother Tim
(c) (win) the Best Costume Contest
c. I live in Old Sycamore, Indiana. The town is very small
every year. We (d) (not go)
very famous thanks to an urban
trick or treating any more but my mother
legend. This legend tells about a mass murder in an
(e) (prepare) candy bags for the
old factory in May, 1986. Two policemen went to
kids who (f) (knock) at our door.
investigate. It was quite dark they lit
Last year, we (g) (have) everything
their torches. One of the policemen saw something in
ready as usual. Two days before Halloween, my best friend
a corner he went closer.
Dan (h) (crash) his mum’s car and
they (i) (take) him to hospital. He
7. Go back to Exercise 6 and complete the chart in
was still there on the 31st but we didn’t worry much. We
your notebook.
(j) (take) everything to the hospital
and celebrated with him. When did it Where did it Who were the
happen? happen? protagonists?
Today is October 29th and we (k)
(get) ready once again. I (l) (paint) b.
my mask right now! c.

6. These are the beginnings of three scary stories. 8. Now, choose the beginning of a story in
Complete with: so, and or but. Exercise 6 and write what happened. Remember
to use capital letters and linkers.
a. It was 1998, Halloween Celebration. It was a cold
Texan night we put on our coats
and went out. María was in her room. She tried to
read a novel in French it was too
difficult she left the book on the bed
came with us.

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3 Unit 2
1. Complete with: was / wasn’t or were / weren’t. b. Yesterday at 5 pm, I along Oxford
Street stopping at every shop looking for a party
a. When I called my friend, she studying
dress to buy.
for her History test.
c. The criminals from the police when
b. I preparing dinner yesterday at 6.
they crashed their car against a tree.
I was having tea with Melissa.
d. I saw Megan at the back of the classroom.
c. The children playing in the garden
She next to Brian.
when it began to rain.
e. It was 1 am and Sue wasn’t in her bedroom.
d. I tried to explain the exercise to my friends but they
She cookies in the kitchen!
listening. They were laughing!
e. When our father came back from work, we
4. Read the detective’s notes and write about the
playing video games. case in your notebook.

Museum pieces: stolen – about 10.30 pm

2. Read and choose the correct option. Suspect 1: Tom Hudson (security guard)
check the Director’s office door – 10 pm
Last week, I decided / was deciding to organise a have coffee with Director’s secretary – 10.15 pm
surprise party for my sister’s birthday. I went / was going Suspect 2: Mike Moreau (security guard)
to the supermarket to buy some food and I came / was walk along the corridors – 10 pm
coming back home when I saw / was seeing my sister wash his face in the restroom – 10.20 pm

walking towards me. I didn’t know / wasn’t knowing Suspect 3: Stewart Lovelace (restorer)
where to hide the bags. My sister asked me, ‘What are all work on an Egyptian mummy – 8.30 pm
leave the museum – 9.50 pm
those birthday hats for?’ I was thinking / thought of a
good answer when I heard / was hearing the voice of Suspect 4: Susanna Crest (Director’s secretary)
put some papers in order in her office – 9.45 pm
my friend Julia saying, ‘Did you get everything for our school leave the museum – 10 pm
project?’ I was very grateful! Julia arrived just on time and
helped / was helping me keep the surprise!
a. Tom Hudson was checking the door to the
3. Complete with a verb from the box in the past
Director’s office at 10 pm.

call escape sit

5. Read the detective’s notes carefully. Who stole
eat walk the museum pieces? Justify your answer.

a. When Jack arrived home, I my friend

Sara to invite her for dinner.

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Unit 2 Click into

6. Write using past simple and past continuous. 8. Read these Halloween stories. Then, write
T (True) or F (False). Correct false statements in
a. Sol / sail / fall overboard your notebook.
Sol was sailing when she fell overboard.
On a warm summer night, my friends and I stayed up
b. Timmy / watch TV / fall asleep until about 3.00 am, telling scary stories and anecdotes we
experienced. Nathan told us about a strange encounter he
had with a ghost. He said he was driving back home in the
countryside when he saw a hitchhiker on the road. He was
c. Mary and Lola / walk on the beach / see Muriel too afraid to stop so he went on driving. As he passed the
woman, he looked back in the rearview mirror for a last
glance when to his surprise she was sitting in his back seat.
d. Paula / record an interview / doorbell ring We think he was tired of driving and it was type of an optical
illusion but he insisted it was real.
Another friend, Tony, told us about a young couple who got
married in Newcastle about thirty years ago. It was Halloween
e. Carol / do Pilates / hurt her foot when the young couple got married. Around midnight, they
were riding in a horse-drawn carriage across a bridge at the
same time a car was. The bridge was only one lane wide, so
f. Jimmy / take photos / drop his camera by the time they saw each other it was too late: they crashed
and the hubcap of the car flew off, decapitating the bride. The
police never found her head or the body of the groom. People
say that if you sit on the bridge on Halloween night around
g. Mrs. Lacey / have a bath / fall in the bathtub
midnight, you can see the headless bride standing on some
rocks in the river. However they don’t know if she is looking for
her head or for her lost love.

7. Match questions and answers. a. My friends heard these stories on the radio.
a. Why did Tom fall asleep? b. Nathan told the story about the headless bride.
b. What happened to Josh? c. The hitchhiker was a woman.
c. What was Joe doing at 4? d. Nathan stopped his car for the hitchhiker to get in.
d. Why didn’t you see the accident? e. The hitchhiker talked to Nathan.
e. Did Alice go to see the doctor about her foot?
f. Were the kids swimming in the lake when the rain f. The young couple got married in Newcastle.
started? g. Their wedding was on October 31.
h. The bridge was very wide.
Yes, they were. i. Part of a car decapitated the bride.
Because I was ordering some ice-cream.
a Because the film was very boring. j. If you are on the bridge on Halloween
He was driving his sister to school. night, you can hear the bride crying.
Yes, she did.
He had an accident.

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3 Unit 3
1. Advice: Match problems with possible solutions. g. have knowledge of grammar and spelling

a. I don’t like my hair.

b. My dad can’t cook.
c. Lynn eats only hamburgers and fries.
3. Think and give your own advice to these people.
d. All my friends go dancing but I don’t.
e. Rosie gets too emotional when she watches a sad film.
f. y tired. b. I have
My parents don’t give me enough pocket money. a. I’m ver a strong
g. Sandy’s too shy and finds it difficult to make friends.

You should cut your neighbours’ grass for money.

You should see another hairdresser.
c. I’m always late d. I have pro
blems with m
You should tell her to eat healthier food. for school. y eyes.
He should find some good recipes on the Internet.
She shouldn’t go to the cinema.
You should talk it over with your parents.
e. I don’t f. I have
She should go out more often.
know how problems with
to drive. my laptop.
2. You have a friend who wants to become a
Literature teacher in the future. Give advice.

a. get good marks in Literature g on weight.

g. I’m puttin
You should get good marks in Literature.

b. read a lot of books 4. Complete with: have to / has to or don’t have to /

doesn’t have to.
a. Nick get up early on weekdays.
c. be patient when students don’t understand
b. We go to school on July 9.
c. Mrs. Carlton wear glasses because
d. be clear when you explain she can’t see very well.
d. Laura tidy her bedroom before going
to school. She can do it later.
e. be ready to correct lots of papers
e. The children lay the table before
having lunch.
f. accept different opinions f. You take your History book to school
today, we don’t have History on Monday.

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Unit 3 Click into

5. Classify these statements into the chart. (B)

a. You don’t have to get up early today. There are no
library theatre office
b. Andrea can bake delicious cakes. school bank hotel
c. Can we invite friends to your party?
d. You can play the guitar and sing wonderfully. 7. Write what the signs say in full.
e. You have to bring your own material. We don’t a. You can’t smoke in a restaurant.
provide it.
f. Liza has to study harder to pass her exam. b.
g. Your sister doesn’t have to be 18 to come to our party. c.
h. Can the students use the school gym to practise for
the match? d.
i. Laureen has to hand in the paper on Monday. e.
j. Greg doesn’t have to wear a uniform at school. Kids
can wear what they like.
k. My father is a policeman. He has to wear a uniform. g.
Obligation Ability Permission Not necessary
8. Complete these football rules using can / can’t,
have to / has to or don’t have to / doesn’t have to.

a. The field of play be rectangular and

marked with lines.
b. A match start if a team has less than
seven players.
6. Where can you find these signs? Match each c. The ball be made of leather or other
sign (A) with a place (B). suitable material.
d. A match have more than six
a. No Smoking b. Punctuality is Essential e. The referees give the signal for the
substitute to enter the field.
c. 5–15 School Uniform Obligatory f. Any of the other players change
d. 16–18 School Uniform Optional
places with the goalkeeper.
g. If a player is not wearing the correct equipment, the
e. No Mobile Phones f. No Photographs
referee stop the game. He just asks
the player to leave the field.
g. No Pets Allowed h. No Talking
h. Players leave the field if the referee
shows them a yellow card.

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3 Unit 4
1. Put the words in order. Then, answer. h. Uncle Bobby / help Dad repair the car / Sunday
morning? (O)
The Bruners’ plans

a. the kids / visit Granny and Grandpa /

next weekend? (P)
Are the kids going to visit Granny and Grandpa i. Mariana / chat with her friends / Tuesday
afternoon? (O)
next weekend? Yes, they are.

b. Dad / practise football / Saturday morning? (O)

2. Look at Francesca’s diary and write about her

plans for her holidays.
c. Milagros / take dancing lessons / Saturday
morning? (O) Monday morning: arrive in Trelew
Monday afternoon: unpack clothes after lunch
Tuesday: visit the Paleontological Museum
Wednesday: have tea in a Welsh tea house
Thursday: go to Punta Tombo to see the penguins
d. Benja / play video games / Sunday morning? (O) Friday: see the whales at Peninsula Valdés

a. On Monday morning,
e. Lucía / study Maths / weekend? (P)

b. On Monday afternoon,

f. Dad / cook Mum’s favourite dish /

next Thursday? (P) c. On Tuesday,

d. On Wednesday,
g. Aunt Moni / help Mum paint the garage /
afternoon? (P)
e. On Thursday,

f. On Friday,

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Unit 4 Click into

3. Complete the dialogue with these verbs in the 5. Classify these predictions into the chart in your
future (going to). notebook.
What will our planet be like in the future?
Rob: Hi Tim, (a) you
(come) with us? a. temperature / rise
Tim: I don’t know. Where (b) b. we / have less water
c. people / be more careful
we (go)?
d. we / have less environmental problems
Rob: Cleo (c) (buy) the tickets for the
R5 concert. e. people / not have enough food to eat
f. forests / have more trees
Tim: Great! I (d) (ask) my brother Sean
for the money. I want to go! g. we / fewer endangered animals
Rob: Cool! h. deserts / expand
Tim: How (e) we (get) i. a lot of animals / die
there? j. we / less farmland / food supplies / decrease
Rob: My sister Kate (f) (take) us in
her car? Positive changes Negative changes
Tim: Awesome! (g) she a
(come) too?
Rob: I think so, she loves R5!

4. Write the questions for these answers.

a. What are the boys going to watch ?

They are going to watch a film. 6. Now, write the predictions in full using will.
b. ?
I’m going to travel in April. a. The temperature will rise.
c. ?
Yes, we are going to stay at home. c.
d. ?
No, he isn’t going to go out with me. e.

e. ? f.
She is going to go to Orlando next summer. g.
f. ? h.
They are going to travel by plane. i.
g. ? j.
They are going to spend three days in San Bernardo.

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3 Unit 5
1. Match beginnings and endings of these e. If they don’t come,
conditional sentences.

a. If I have time, … f. If it rains today,

b. We’ll go to the beach…
c. If it’s cold, …
d. He won’t go to the party… g. I will come back tomorrow if
e. If she doesn’t call you, …
f. If you work hard, …
g. If you spend all your salary, …
h. If they don’t invite him, … 3. Write the verbs in the correct form.
i. If we don’t hurry, …
j. If you pay now, …
a. If we (visit) Venice, we

we’ll miss our bus. (see) the canals.

you won’t have money for the rent. b. If the shopping centre (open)
you can call her. early, I (buy) a souvenir.
a I’ll visit my parents this afternoon. c. If she (catch) the 7.30 bus,
you’ll get a discount. she (be) here on time.
if it’s warm tomorrow. d. He (tell) me if he
you’ll pass all your exams.
(know) the answer.
you’ll have to wear warm clothes.
e. Jane (help) you with the
if he doesn’t do his homework.
luggage if you (ask) her.
he won’t go.
f. If we (not have) time this afternoon,
we (meet) tomorrow.
2. Complete these conditional sentences with your
own ideas.
4. Write conditional sentences using these prompts.
a. If they ask for help,
a. If she / study / she / pass the exams

b. They can stay at home if

b. If the sun / shine / we / walk / to town
c. If you drink too much,

c. If he / have / a temperature / he / go / to the health

d. You will have to stay in bed if centre

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Unit 5 Click into

d. If my friends / come / I / be / very happy 7. How much do you know about superstitions?
Match these sentence halves.

a. If you find a four-leaf clover, …

e. If she / earn / a lot of money / she / travel / to Europe
b. If a black cat crosses your path, …
c. If you turn seven times in a clockwise circle, …
d. If you carry garlic with you, …
f. If we / travel / London / we / visit / the museums e. If you blow out all of the candles on your birthday
cake with the first breath, …
f. If your palm itches, …

5. Conditional Chains: Write chained sentences. a it will protect you from vampires and bad spirits.
you will have good luck.
a. study hard – become an architect – build many
houses – make good money – travel round the world your wishes will come true.
If I study hard, I’ll become an architect. If I become you will have bad luck.
an architect, I’ll build many houses. If I build many you will receive money.
houses, I’ll make good money. If I make good…
you will break a bad-luck spell.

8. In your notebook, classify these superstitious

b. get up early – arrive first – get the best seats – be elements into Good luck and Bad luck.
near the band – ask them for an autograph
a rabbit’s foot a horseshoe clothes inside out
a cricket Friday 13th a dog howling
a ladybird

9. Complete with the elements in Exercise 8.
c. find a four-leaf clover – have good luck – win the a. If you carry a with you, you
lottery – buy a car – travel round my country will have good luck.
b. If you hang a on a wall, it will
bring good luck to your house.
c. If by accident you put on your ,
you will have a lucky day.
d. You can consider yourself lucky if you find a
6. Create a conditional chain in your notebook. in your house.
e. People don’t start a journey or get married on a
because they say it’s unlucky.
f. are lucky insects.

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3 Unit 6
1. Complete the crossword puzzle with the past 3. Ask your friend the questions in Exercise 2 and
participle of these verbs. write his / her answers.
Down Across
1. make 7. find b.
2. lose 8. eat 6 c.
3. write 9. ride
4. read 10. see 4 5 d.
5. be e.
6. go
1 3 10 f.
9 h.

8 4. Use the prompts to answer the questions.

A: Why is she happy?
7 B: She / pass her exams
She has passed her exams.

A: Why are you sad?
2. Ask questions about people’s experiences. B: I / lose my new mobile phone

a. meet a celebrity e. act in a play

b. break a bone f. play baseball c.
c. eat raw fish g. travel by helicopter A: Why isn’t he driving his new car?
d. play an instrument h. visit Europe B: He / fail his driving test

a. Have you ever met a celebrity ?

b. ? d.
A: Why is he walking to school?
c. ?
B: He / miss the bus
d. ?
e. ?
f. ? e.
A: Why is he celebrating?
g. ? B: He / win the lottery
h. ?

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Unit 6 Click into

5. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box f. I’ve danced tango.
in the present perfect.

visit read pay break grow

have snow see buy 7. Mum left a list of chores for her sons. Write about
what they’ve done or what they haven’t done.
a. I have read that book many times.
Phil Steve
b. My family Brazil twice. • buy food for the cat O • tidy his bedroom O
• wash the dishes O • order something
c. you another glass?
• buy milk P for dinner P
d. They for our dinner at the expensive • take the dog for a walk P • take out the rubbish O
e. It never like that.
The houses, the cars, everything is white! a. Phil hasn’t bought food for the cat.
f. We him before. He was at Sandra’s b.
party. c.
g. You four cars so far. Do you drive d.
all of them?
h. I a snake as a pet. My sister
was terrified! f.
i. The kids so much in these last g.
two years!

6. Re-write using ever or never in the correct place. 8. Write the verbs in the past simple or present
a. Have you visited a friend in hospital?
a. I (see) him in the street this morning.
b. We (eat) pasta three times this week.
b. I’ve felt sick in a car. c. I (not call) my mum. I’ll do it when I
get back from work.

c. He has come to my house. d. Laly (miss) the train and arrived late
e. Daisy (not buy) the tickets. I hope she
d. Has she travelled to Europe?
does it soon.
f. you (see) the film
e. Have the students talked to the Principal? Sinsajo?
g. I (finish) using the computer an hour ago.

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1 Answer Key
Click into English! 1 telephone number. Unit 2 e. His name is Roberto. He is
e. ‘CSI’ is not / isn’t my favourite thirty-two. He is from Puebla. He
Unit 1 TV programme. 1 is Mexican. He is a taxi driver.
f. Jennifer Lawrence is not / isn’t S E V E N T Y T T E

1 my friend. F F M K H E H Q H I 6
a. father E I G H T E E N I G a. 4
b. grandfather 7 I F F T R F O U R H b. 5
c. grandmother a. (Responde el alumno.) I T H R E E D M T T c. 8
d. mother b. What is your name? I Y E A Y U O I E Y d. 7
e. brother c. Where are you from? T W E N T Y O N E O
e. 10
f. sister d. nickname f. 2
g. aunt e. How old are you? g. 3
f. (Responde el alumno.) h. 1
2 g. What is your 2 i. 6
a. My h. How old is he? Lucio Carol j. 9
b. Her i. (Responde el alumno.)
c. His Mario Elena ZOE Marcos 7
d. His 8. (Responde el alumno.) Naty Julian
a. What is your name?
e. Her b. Where are you from?
f. His 9 3 c. What is your address?
g. My a. She Name: Barbara Travers d. How old are you?
b. His Occupation: pianist e. What is your friend’s name?
3 c. She Age: 11 (Responde el alumno.)
FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation d. His Family member: father, mother,
UFO: Unidentified Flying Object e. Her sister
LOL: laughing out loud f. She Occupation: doctor, teacher, dancer Unit 3
UK: United Kingdom g. She
OMG: Oh, my God! h. His 4 Respuestas tipo: 1
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Tony Stevens is thirty-four years Vicky can dance and swim but she
10 old and he is a schoolbus driver. can’t play the guitar or sing.
4 Full name: Alex Demopoulos His mother is a dentist and his Brian can play football and play
b. Hi, Jack. I’m Daniel. Call me Dan. Age: 13 father is an architect. He has a the piano but he can’t dance or sing.
c. How old are you, Dan? Nationality: Greek brother. He is a very good singer. Tommy can play tennis and swim
d. I’m thirteen years old. And Occupation: student but he can’t dance or play the piano.
you? Friend: Andreas 5
e. I’m fourteen. Where are you Physical description: tall, brown a. Her name is Sofía. She is 2
from, Dan? eyes, black hair sixteen. She is from Buenos b. 6
f. I’m from Ottawa, Canada. Aires. She is Argentinian. She is a c. 5
g. Great! I’m from Florida, USA. 11 student. d. 3
Welcome to my country, Dan. b. No, he isn’t. He is German. b. His name is Robin. He is e. 1
c. Is he a doctor? twenty-three. He is from Toronto. f. 2
5. (Responde el alumno.) d. No, he isn’t. He is Canadian. He is an architect. b. There are ancient ruins in Rome.
e. What’s his occupation? c. His name is Mark. He is fifteen. c. There are fun parks in Orlando.
6. Respuestas tipo: f. He is an architect. He is from New York. He is North d. There are castles in Edinburgh.
b. My teacher is not / isn’t American. He is a football player. e. There are mariachis in Mexico.
English. d. Her name is Yoko. She is fifty- f. There are old temples in Athens.
c. I’m not from Salta. four. She is from Osaka. She is
d. 543-5842 is not / isn’t my Japanese. She is a doctor.

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3 2 Unit 5 Ramon never goes to the

b. There aren’t any mountains a. some, any supermarket and he usually
in Miramar. b. any 1 Respuestas tipo: goes dancing.
c. There are whales in Puerto c. any I have breakfast and then I Betty always gets up before 10
Madryn. d. any brush my teeth. I go to school at am and she never plays sports
d. There is a casino in Mar del e. any, some 7 o’clock. at the club.
Plata. f. any At midday, I take the bus and Zoe usually does her homework
e. There isn’t an obelisk in g. some get home at 1 o’clock. I have for Monday and she never goes
Misiones. h. any lunch and do my homework. In to bed before 2 am.
f. There aren’t any waterfalls in the afternoon, I play computer Carla never does her homework
Santa Fé. 3 games. I have dinner at 9 and for Monday and she always
Down: then I go to bed. plays sports at the club.
4 1. pasta
a. In a hospital. 2. tea 2 7
b. At school. 3. hamburger a. doesn’t speak a. on
c. In the park. 4. chicken b. has b. in
d. In a bank. 5. cheese c. take c. in
e. In a museum. 6. rice d. goes d. at
f. In a restaurant. 7. salad e. doesn’t watch e. in
g. In a club. 8. fish f. don’t like f. at
h. In a supermarket. Across:
9. bread 3 8 (Responde el alumno.)
5 Respuestas tipo: 10. yoghurt a. rainy
a. He is thirteen years old. 11. cake b. cloudy
b. He is Chilean. 12. biscuits c. cold Unit 6
c. He is from Valparaíso. 13. pizza d. sunny
d. Nueva Era School. 14. apple e. snowy 1
e. There are forty classrooms. 15. eggs f. hot lives, are, has, can, are, sleeps,
f. No, there are two. g. windy is, eat
g. Yes, there is. 4 Respuestas tipo:
h. Two hundred people. Food you can eat for breakfast: 4 2 Respuestas tipo:
i. There is a big gym and a tea, cheese, bread, yoghurt, cake, a. 4 a. Yes, they do. They are
computer lab. biscuits, apple, eggs b. 1 rodents.
Food you can eat for lunch c. 3 b. Yes, they do. In China and
6 (Responde el alumno.) or dinner: pasta, hamburger, d. 2 Mongolia.
chicken, cheese, rice, salad, fish, c. No, it mostly eats insects.
bread, pizza, eggs 5 d. Yes, it does.
Unit 4 a. It’s three o’clock. e. No, they don’t. They have
5 b. It’s one o’clock. long back legs.
1 b. football c. It’s half past one. f. Yes, they are rodents.
a. There are c. tennis d. It’s quarter past one.
b. There is d. rock climbing e. It’s quarter to eight. 3 Respuestas tipo:
c. Is there e. running f. It’s half past four. Lives in: the deserts of China
d. Are there f. hockey and Mongolia
e. There is g. baseball 6 Respuestas tipo: Eats: mostly insects (at night)
f. Is there h. swimming Lily usually gets up before Has: a long tail and very long
g. Are there 10 am and she always goes out back legs, long ears
h. There are 6 (Responde el alumno.) with friends. Can: jump very high

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1&2 Answer Key
4 Respuestas tipo: Click into English! 2 f. opens d. Is Tom doing the gardening?
Polar bears live in the Arctic. They g. leaves e. Are Jill and Kate cleaning their
eat fish and seals. They have white room?
fur and very strong claws. They Unit 1 Text B: f. Is Jessy doing her homework?
can make holes in the ice and a. snows
walk long distances (for food). 1 b. bake 3 Respuestas tipo:
b. I usually go to bed very late. c. prepare happy; hungry; tired; sad; happy;
5 c. Maggie always chats on d. give thirsty
a. Where do vicuñas live? Facebook in the afternoon. e. send
b. What does the bald eagle eat? d. Nina often does her homework f. decorate 4
c. What do scarlet macaws have? before dinner. g. eat b. Sandy is a teacher. She teaches
d. Where does the giant panda e. We never watch the news on TV. h. kiss Maths every day. Now, she is
live? f. Laura and Kelly never clean swimming in the sea.
e. What do gorillas eat? their room on weekdays. 6 c. Elena is a secretary. She works
f. Is the Indian tiger a herbivore or g. My friend and I go to the b. How often do you have Maths in an office every day. Now, she is
a carnivore? cinema once a month. at school? buying souvenirs.
Respuestas tipo: c. How often do you have Music d. Walter is an architect. He
a. They live in Perú, Bolivia and 2 (Responde el alumno.) / PE / Computer Science / designs houses every day. Now,
in the North of Argentina. Chemistry? he is doing hang gliding.
b. It eats fish, mice, ducks and 3 d. How often do you have e. Stuart is a bus driver. He drives
snakes. b. How often does Patty take her History / Arts / Geography? a schoolbus every day. Now, he is
c. They have colourful wings and dog for a walk? She sometimes e. How often do you have visiting museums.
a very long beak. takes her dog for a walk. Science?
d. It lives in China. c. How often does Connor visit Respuesta tipo: 5
e. They eat plants and fruits (they his granny? He usually visits his f. How often do you have a. 3
are herbivores). granny. Literature? b. 4
f. It is a carnivore. d. How often does our teacher c. 2
miss a class? She never misses a d. 1
6 Respuestas tipo: class. Unit 2 e. 5
b. herbivores f. 7
Zebras are big herbivores. 4 1 Respuestas tipo:
c. cats b. Whose is the video game? It’s b. Meg isn’t drinking any juice. 6 Respuestas tipo:
Yaguaretés are large cats. Bobby’s. She is eating a sandwich. a. A charity event.
d. bamboo c. Whose is the mobile phone? It’s c. Ann isn’t talking to Will. She is b. People in need.
Pandas eat bamboo. Mum’s. listening to music. c. No, Susie and Sean are
e. small mice d. Whose is the laptop? It’s Kevin’s. d. Pat isn’t doing her homework. responsible for the event.
Bald eagles eat small mice, fish, e. Whose is the night dress? It’s She is playing the guitar. d. They are collecting clothes and
ducks and snakes. Katie’s. e. Sandra isn’t listening to music. asking for food.
f. Whose is the new DVD player? She is talking on the phone. e. Teachers and parents are
7 It’s Dad’s. f. Meg and Jim aren’t eating helping, too.
gorilla; penguin pizza. They are eating a f. Powder milk, dry pasta, tea,
5 sandwich. sugar and flour.
8 (Responde el alumno.) Text A: g. Mike isn’t sending a text
a. is message. He is drinking some
b. eat juice.
c. spend 2
d. celebrate b. Is Ann making the beds?
e. light c. Is Susan studying Maths?

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7 meeting his friends. e. There is USA

b. Cindy is taking her dog to d. He eats organic food for f. There are a long river: Mississippi
the vet. dinner every day, but today he is a high monument: Gateway
c. Gabriel is visiting his granny. eating pizza and chocolate cake. Arch, Missouri
d. Pat and Jason are helping e. He drinks fruit juice every Unit 4 a good actor: Johnny Depp
their mother. day, but today he is drinking a popular singer: Pitbull
e. Matt is waiting for an champagne. 1 a typical dish: peanut butter
important call. f. He uses headphones to listen number: fifty, six sandwich / hot dogs
to music every day, but today he opinion: dangerous, famous, a famous footballer: –
is using loudspeakers to share beautiful, hot, colourful
Unit 3 the music. size: small, big, long, short UK
age: old, new a long river: Thames
1 5 colour: black, blue a high monument: The
invite; checking; some; some; a. some origin: Argentinian, American, London Eye
some; any; some; any; any b. some African a good actor: Daniel Radcliffe
c. any noun: book, city, building, actor a popular singer: Adele
2 d. some a typical dish: fish and chips
a. 1 e. any 2 a famous footballer: David
b. 4 f. some b. three attractive young Beckham
c. 6 g. any Brazilian people
d. 5 h. a c. a famous teenage American 5 (Responde el alumno.)
e. 3 i. a actor
f. 2 j. some d. two beautiful new buildings 6 Respuestas tipo:
e. a dangerous big old African b. ‘The Lord of the Rings’ is
3 6 lion longer than ‘Titanic’.
O D Y S E L L O T A P E a. Maths c. ‘Bohemian Rapsody’ is more
D R B S E X H O T L O M b. some 3 Respuestas tipo: important than ‘We will rock
c. school b. History is easier than Arts. you!’.

d. big c. Love is more important than d. Football is more popular than
P E E P H T K I J I R A e. juice money. basketball in Brazil.
E R X E B O O K S S _ L
d. Soup is better for your health

7 than hamburgers. 7 Respuestas tipo:
I M A R K E R S I R P S a. a e. Josh Hutcherson is more b. Literature is more difficult
b. some handsome than Robert than Maths. Music is easier than
c. a Pattinson. Maths.
a. markers d. any f. Gigs are more exciting than c. ‘Friends’ is funnier than
b. glue e. a football matches. ‘CSI’. ‘Animal World’ is more
c. Poster paper f. some interesting than ‘Friends’.
d. ruler g. any 4 Respuestas tipo: d. A plane is more expensive
e. scissors h. some Brazil than a train. A train is faster
f. sellotape a long river: Amazonas than a car.
8 (Responde el alumno.) a high monument: Cristo e. Chris Hemsworth is more
4 Redentor, Rio de Janeiro handsome than Jim Carrey.
b. He has lunch in the office 9 a good actor: Cauá Reymond Leonardo DiCaprio is more
every day, but today he is a. There are a popular singer: Caetano talented than Chris Hemsworth.
having a barbecue at home. b. There is Veloso f. Salta is hotter than Mar del
c. He talks to his friends on the c. There is a typical dish: “ feijoada” Plata. Mar del Plata is more
phone every day, but today he is d. There are a famous footballer: Neymar beautiful than Carlos Paz.

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2 Answer Key
Unit 5 e. swim; They swam in the sea. g. moved 5
f. play; They played beach h. wanted b. Which is the most romantic
1 volleyball. film?
a. There were g. play; They didn’t play tennis. 2 c. Which is the coldest month in
b. There were h. eat; They ate very well. a. How old was Johnny in 2005? your country?
c. There weren’t i. go; They didn’t go to a Chinese b. Where did he live? d. Which is the youngest member
d. There wasn’t restaurant. c. When did they travel to of your family?
e. There was j. go; They went to a seafood Argentina? e. Which is the most popular
f. There was restaurant. d. Why did they travel to football team in your country?
Argentina? (Responde el alumno.)
2 6 e. When did they move to
b. The students were at the a. painted England? 6
school lab. b. wrote f. Why did they move to b. Argentina’s most popular
c. Mick was at a friend’s house. c. invented England? basketball player.
d. Carmen and Molly were at the d. directed c. many parks in this city in 1970.
shopping centre. e. painted 3 d. a new History teacher in my
e. Mark was at a rock concert. f. composed b. My friend saw two films on class.
Saturday. e. a big roast chicken on the table
3 7 c. My mother bought some food yesterday.
b. b. He usually has lunch at the for the party. f. books are these?
How was the gig? school canteen but last week, he d. We travelled to Buenos Aires g. smaller than a tiger.
It was very good. had lunch with friends. last year.
Was the music (too) loud? c. He usually does his homework e. We visited the Obelisk and 7
No, it wasn’t. It was perfect. in the afternoon but last week, he museums. b. The family took a plane to
played computer games at home. f. Yesterday, I had a stomachache Barcelona.
c. d. He usually helps his father in because I ate lots of chocolate. c. They left early in the morning.
How was the restaurant? their shop but last week, he went d. They stayed in a traditional
It was really good. out with friends. 4 Respuestas tipo: hotel.
Was it cheap? e. He usually studies for his b. José Hernández didn’t write ‘El e. Everyone went into the sea.
No, it wasn’t. It was expensive. exams but last week, he stayed in Quijote’. He wrote ‘Martín Fierro’. f. They all had a great time.
bed listening to music. c. César Milstein didn’t discover
d. f. He usually has dinner at 9 pm penicillin. He discovered 8
How was the trip? but last week, he had a pizza at monoclonal antibodies. / He won lived; was; worked; decided; acted;
It was very long. 12 am. the Nobel Prize in 1984. moved; participated; met; started;
Was the airline service good? g. He usually goes to bed at 11 d. Alexander Fleming didn’t win filmed; ended; formed
No, it wasn’t. It was poor. pm but last week, he went to bed the Nobel Prize. He discovered
at 3 am! penicillin.
4 e. Leonardo da Vinci didn’t invent
’m having; arrived; are staying; is; the telephone. He drew the very
are; went; played; was; went; ate; Unit 6 first parachute.
is; are enjoying f. José Hernández didn’t paint the
1 ‘Mona Lisa’. Leonardo da Vinci
5 Respuestas tipo: a. was painted it.
b. stay; They are staying at a hotel. b. lived
c. have; They are having a great c. had
time. d. travelled
d. stay; They didn’t stay in a e. got
house. f. lived

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Click into English! 3 Respuesta tipo: Unit 2 6

d. A mother heard her baby b. Timmy was watching TV
Unit 1 crying, she got up in the middle 1 when he fell asleep.
of the night to go and see and a. was c. Mary and Lola were walking
1 found a little boy calming her b. wasn’t on the beach when they saw
Regular verbs: walk, want, baby down. The boy saw the c. were Muriel.
stop, happen, live, study, touch, woman and disappeared. d. weren’t d. Paula was recording an
celebrate, decide, arrive e. were interview when the doorbell
Irregular verbs: see, have, be, 5 rang.
get, take, go, know, sing, write, a. celebrate 2 e. Carol was doing Pilates when
come, sleep, leave, fall, wake b. think decided; went; was coming; she hurt her foot.
c. wins saw; didn’t know; was thinking; f. Jimmy was taking photos
2 d. don’t go heard; helped when he dropped his camera.
Across: e. prepares g. Mrs. Lacey was having a
1. sang f. knock 3 bath when she fell in the bathtub.
2. went g. had a. was calling
3. took h. crashed b. was walking 7
4. felt i. took c. were escaping b. He had an accident.
5. came j. took d. was sitting c. He was driving his sister to
6. was k. are getting e. was eating school.
7. had l. am painting d. Because I was ordering some
4 ice-cream.
Down: 6 b. Tom was having coffee with the e. Yes, she did.
8. fell a. so; but; so; and Director’s secretary at 10.15 pm. f. Yes, they were.
9. saw b. but; so c. Mike Moreau was walking
10. left c. but; so; and along the corridor at 10 pm. 8
11. slept d. Mike was washing his face in a. F
12. knew 7 the restroom at 10.20 pm. b. F
13. got When did it happen? e. Stewart Lovelace was working c. T
a. In 1998. on an Egyptian mummy at d. F
3 b. Fifteen years ago. 8.30 pm. e. F
a. moved c. In May, 1986. f. Stewart was leaving the f. T
b. heard museum at 9.50 pm. g. T
c. got Where did it happen? g. Susanna Crest was putting h. F
d. went a. In Texas. some papers in order in her i. T
e. stopped b. In Scotland. office at 9.45 pm. j. F
f. opened c. In Old Sycamore, Indiana. h. Susanna was leaving the
g. saw museum at 10 pm. Respuestas tipo:
h. disappeared Who were the protagonists? a. My friends told these stories
i. told a. María, the narrator and 5 Respuesta tipo: they experienced.
some friends. Susanna Crest stole the museum b. Tony told the story about the
4 b. A Spanish couple. pieces. She said she left the headless bride.
a. It happened a few years ago. c. Two policemen. museum at 10 pm but she was d. Nathan was afraid so he went
b. It happened in Melbourne, having coffee with Tom Hudson on driving.
Australia. 8 (Responde el alumno.) at 10.15 pm. e. The hitchhiker didn’t talk to
c. The protagonists were a Nathan.
mother, her baby and a little boy h. The bridge was only one lane
(a ghost?). wide.

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3 Answer Key
j. If you are on the bridge on d. doesn’t have to Unit 4 4
Halloween night, you can see the e. have to b. When are you going to travel?
bride on some rocks in the river. f. don’t have to 1 c. Are you going to stay at home?
b. Is Dad going to practise d. Is (Matt) going to go out with
5 football on Saturday morning? you?
Unit 3 Obligation: e.; f.; i.; k. No, he isn’t. e. Where is (Sarah) going to go
Ability: b.; d. c. Is Milagros going to take next summer?
1 Permission: c.; h. dancing lessons on Saturday f. How are (the Roberts’) going
a. You should see another Not necessary: g.; j. morning? No, she isn’t. to travel?
hairdresser. d. Is Benja going to play video games g. How long are (the kids) going
b. He should find some good 6 Respuestas tipo: on Sunday morning? No, he isn’t. to stay in San Bernardo?
recipes on the Internet. library: h e. Is Lucía going to study Maths
c. You should tell her to eat school: c; d at the weekend? Yes, she is. 5
healthier food. restaurant: a; g f. Is Dad going to cook Mum’s Positive changes:
d. You should talk it over with theatre: e; f favourite dish next Thursday? c.; d.; f.; g.
your parents. bank: e Yes, he is. Negative changes:
e. She shouldn’t go to the cinema. office: b g. Is Aunt Moni going to help b.; e.; h.; i.; j.
f. You should cut your hotel: g Mum paint the garage in the
neighbours’ grass for money. afternoon? Yes, she is. 6
g. She should go out more often. 7 Respuestas tipo: h. Is Uncle Bobby going to help b. We will have less water.
b. You have to be punctual in an Dad repair the car on Sunday c. People will be more careful.
2 office. morning? No, he isn’t. d. We will have less
b. You should read a lot of books. c. You have to wear a school i. Is Mariana going to chat environmental problems.
c. You should be patient when uniform if you are 5–15 years old. with her friends on Tuesday e. People won’t have enough food
students don’t understand. d. You don’t have to wear a afternoon? No, she isn’t. to eat.
d. You should be clear when you school uniform if you are 16–18 f. Forests will have more trees.
explain. years old. 2 g. We will have fewer endangered
e. You should be ready to correct e. You can’t use a mobile phone in a. Francesca is going to arrive in animals.
lots of papers. a theatre or in a bank. Trelew. h. Deserts will expand.
f. You should accept different f. You can’t take photographs in b. she is going to unpack her i. A lot of animals will die.
opinions. a theatre. clothes after lunch. j. We will have less farmland so
g. You should have knowledge of g. You can’t bring pets into a c. she is going to visit the the food supplies will decrease.
grammar and spelling. restaurant or a hotel. Paleontological Museum.
h. You can’t talk in a library. d. she is going to have tea in a
3 Respuestas tipo: Welsh tea house. Unit 5
a. You should go on holidays. 8 e. she is going to go to Punta
b. You should see a doctor. a. has to Tombo to see the penguins. 1
c. You should get up earlier. b. can’t f. she is going to see the whales at b. if it’s warm tomorrow.
d. You should see an optician. c. has to Península Valdés. c. you’ll have to wear warm
e. You should ask someone to d. can’t clothes.
teach you. e. have to 3 d. if he doesn’t do his homework.
f. You should consult a technician. f. can a. are, going to come e. you can call her.
g. You should stop eating sweets. g. doesn’t have to b. are, going to go f. you’ll pass all your exams.
h. don’t have to c. is going to buy g. you won’t have money for the
4 d. am going to ask rent.
a. has to e. are, going to get h. he won’t go.
b. don’t have to f. is going to take i. we’ll miss our bus.
c. has to g. Is, going to come j. you’ll get a discount.

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2 6 (Responde el alumno.) 2 e. Steve hasn’t tidied his

Respuestas tipo: b. Have you ever broken a bone? bedroom.
a. they’ll finish sooner. 7 c. Have you ever eaten raw fish? f. Steve has ordered something
b. they don’t like the film. b. you will have bad luck. d. Have you ever played an for dinner.
c. you won’t be able to drive. c. you will break a bad-luck instrument? g. Steve hasn’t taken out the
d. your temperature gets to 39. spell. e. Have you ever acted in a play? rubbish.
e. we’ll go alone. d. it will protect you from f. Have you ever played
f. the match will be cancelled. vampires and bad spirits. baseball? 8
g. we don’t finish our work e. your wishes will come true. g. Have you ever travelled by a. saw
today. f. you will receive money. helicopter? b. have eaten
h. Have you ever visited Europe? c. haven’t called
3 8 d. missed
a. visit; will see Good luck: 3 (Responde el alumno.) e. hasn’t bought
b. opens; will buy a rabbit’s foot, a horseshoe, f. Have, seen
c. catches; will be clothes inside out, a cricket, a 4 g. finished
d. will tell; knows ladybird b. I have lost my new mobile
e. will help; ask phone.
f. don’t have; will meet Bad luck: c. He has failed his driving test.
Friday 13th, a dog howling d. He has missed the bus.
4 e. He has won the lottery.
a. If she studies, she will pass the 9
exams. a. rabbit’s foot 5
b. If the sun shines, we will walk b. horseshoe b. has visited
to town. c. clothes inside out c. Have; broken
c. If he has a temperature, he will d. cricket d. have paid
go to the health centre. e. Friday 13th e. has; snowed
d. If my friends come, I will be f. Ladybirds f. have seen
very happy. g. have bought
e. If she earns a lot of money, h. have had
she will travel to Europe. Unit 6 i. have grown
f. If we travel to London, we will
visit the museums. 1 6
Down: a. Have you ever visited a friend
5 1. made in hospital?
b. If I get up early, I will arrive 2. lost b. I’ve never felt sick in a car.
first. If I arrive first, I will get the 3. written c. He has never come to my
best seats. If I get the best seats, 4. read house.
I will be near the band. If I am 5. been d. Has she ever travelled to
near the band, I will ask them for 6. gone Europe?
an autograph. e. Have the students ever talked
Across: to the Principal?
c. If I find a four-leaf clover, I will 7. found f. I’ve never danced tango.
have good luck. If I have good 8. eaten
luck, I will win the lottery. If I win 9. ridden 7
the lottery, I will buy a car. If I 10. seen b. Phil hasn’t washed the dishes.
buy a car, I will travel round my c. Phil has bought milk.
country. d. Phil has taken the dog for a

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Datos de catalogación bibliográfica:

Casuscelli, Lina
Click: actividades online complementarias click into english! 1, 2, 3 / Lina Casuscelli y María José Gandini ;
adaptado por Paula Czajka. - 1a ed. - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Pearson Education, 2015.

ISBN 978-987-615-394-2

1. Material Auxiliar para la Enseñanza. I. Gandini, María José II. Czajka, Paula, adapt. III. Título
CDD 371.33

Fecha de catalogación: 19/12/2014

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Av. Belgrano 615 piso 11° Gerente General: Claudio De Simony
(C1092AAG) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Directora Editorial: Alina Baruj

© Pearson Education S.A. 2009 Edición: Paula Czajka

© Pearson Education S.A. 2015 Contenido: Adriana Basile
Diseño de interior: bonacorsi diseño
Tinta Fresca ® Tinta Fresca ediciones S.A. Ilustraciones: Gwydion Vibart

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